its been my dream to be a game dev forever, and today at 20 yrs old i deployed my first ever finished game to a local muesum. 1000s of lines of code, 75% mine, all done in under 3 weeks.
Its been my dream to be a game dev forever...
good job
Dont work for a major company, they will bleed you dry of passion by the age of 27. Wait tables for rent money and stay indie.
nice sugar tits
Tits too big
Dreams are for children.
Just wait until you grow up like the rest of us. Then you shall see.
>75% of mine
when a woman says this it really means 5% of it was hers
This is from reddit.
>24 years old
>Never finished a game
>Still a NEET
it hurts.
Does her dream also involve sucking dicks as well?
get a life, kid. game dev is for weirdos. chads go into data science
>wamen makes game
>straight to the museum
whoa what is this power
>never gonna have a gf like pic related
>never gonna have a gf period
j u s t
show tits
Grats OP, keep it up.
>1000 lines of code
agreed, quite unethical please reduce
I wanna breed this nerd in the pic
nice reddit repost
what game
also too much ass
Polybius 2
Is this a tranny or is she just ugly?
Post bobs
thousands of lines, brainlet
god I love tomboy/nerdy girls like this. post more like her
Literally a man
You just have bad taste.
It must be the opression i hear so much about, i cri evrytim
can't it be both?
I'd rape her
What games you niggers want? I'll make them. Give me 6 months.
you kidding right?
harvest moon but all the animals are pokemon and the villagers are npcs from the series that you can marry
KZ Manager II.
What the fuck is this recent trend if people copy and pasting reddit posts and posting them on Yea Forums? Holy fuck this really is the worst board on Yea Forums.
zeppllin is so fucking awful
see, ain't hard to type that shit out now is it?
Nerd milkies gib
Anyone else just not have a dream and coasted in life not really doing anything?
Agreed. But zeppelin is great
This is the second most Yea Forums board next to Yea Forums.
Is this a promising career path or a meme degree?
Asking for a friend.
post bobs and butte
Licensed rape dungeon game
Cabella game but instead of hunting animals you hunt all sorts of different cryptic like that one Russian Bigfoot game
If you wanna be lorded over by trannies and other extreme left people in an industry that basically enslaves their employees then sure go ahead.
it's actually a legit field that you can get into with either a computer science type or math degree. we recently hired 5 people over the last couple years at my company for this role and we're not even close to being leaders in this segment of the market. as we get better at collecting data we need to get better at making that data useful and that's really what it's about.
an actually good game. But I know better then to expect that from neo-nu-Yea Forums
Big Hero 6
It's a really shitty Disney movie
skateboarding. lolis.
a game about big anime tiddies
Stay there
I want her on top of me so i can pretend like shes making me cum inside her
I want to make my dick useful between those thighs.
>going into IT means you'll have to work with lefties
100% if you work for many of the large companies and certainly anything west coast based. that said you can work at smaller companies that have a lot less pressure to make their employees virtue signal at every opportunity. I work at a medium sized company and we have constant leftist initiatives but i don't really care too much because i get paid a low 6 figure salary and i barely have an IQ of 100. the hardest part is getting your degree the rest you just show up to work and smile, corporations are so inefficient that you can basically coast for years before anyone notices which is kind of depressing and many people I know have worked for a decade+ without actually contributing anything other than their physical presence in the building
Kek the state of zoomers
Chrono Trigger meets Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 meets Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo meets Dark Souls meets Tetris
Her face uncannily reminds me of Adam Sandler
Son I'm 28, you still have shit taste. Go cry somewhere else with your buzzwords.
A decent Zoids new century game.
Action ala armoured core with less clunk
Customisable Zoids
Tournaments, leagues. All that good shit from new century
Obviously make it a knockoff to zoids
Based Retard.
nice must be your local museums annual display of area retards and disabled peoples artwork
Mega Man dating sim. Make sure Crash Man, Top Man, and Hard Man are there. Make it comfy and wholesome, not too lewd.
Is Yea Forums even that popular anymore? Thought /Pol/ took its place?
Yeah, you're a Zoomer because you were born in the 1990s.
>I-im 28!
Enjoy the dick between "her" legs, "son"
Harvest Moon with monster girls that you can marry
You look like Etika in the thumbnail.
Not him, but you're definitely retarded.
She's actually legit hot. I'd legit fuck her brains out.
If you don't remember the fall of the Berlin Wall, you're a Zoomer.
Alternatively, we could all agree that generations don't fucking exist and people are grouped by personality and interests, not an arbitrary range of years to be born in.
>barely not a Boomer millennial laments that he is over 30 years old now while most millennials are still enjoying their late 20s
But what if I have a business degree and a masters in business analytics
It's not that bad.
>all done in under 3 weeks
I can't not think of that stupid article about the hipster without shoes on squatting saying he was gonna make 12 games in 12 months.
nice try boomer
Zoomers are Gen Z, they're all teenagers right now, you're still retarded.
>But what if I have a business degree and a masters in business analytics
then you apply for "business analyst" or "systems analyst" positions. you don't need to be a dev or have a developer background. one of the most useful people we hired this year is a lady with an accounting degree with no developer expeince. turns out there is a lot of business analysis and spreadsheet work and customer interfacing that needs to be done
No, Zoomers aren't Gen Z because Gen Z doesn't fucking exist.
This is all divisive smoke and mirrors that doesn't actually mean anything.
Just shut the FUCK up about generations.
who photoshopped beibers face onto this chick?
I really want to but our school doesn't have that.
You're the one that brought it up faggot.
No, the one who brought it up was the guy who said "kek, the state of Zoomers".
sauce on brapper
It's one of those shitty games they have at the museum to teach you something. It's like the lowest form of gaming you can make
It's like the inverse talking about finances
>Tits too big
No such thing
Then don't butt in to our argument nigger.
>t. college dropout
t. underageb&
she cute
Have you lost your fucking mind?
DQ is one of my favorite rpgs out there.
>1000 lines of code
Is this impressive or something? I wrote a script that automates a part of my job this morning and it was almost 1000 lines of code
Cool story bro, I sat on my ass and drew for a girl today.
this is why Ill always work a mans job. Imagine being stuck in an office with people breathing down your neck constantly about your personal beliefs.
>automates a part of my job this morning and it was almost 1000 lines of code
It's still not that much. Anything more complex than Arkanoid tier is bound to be slightly under a million or more these days.
This is her bf.
Shouldn't he be in jail for shooting up that movie theater?
i bet he keeps his boxers on when he fucks her.
I bet your right, and his shirt too
probably holds his hand over where her butthole is when he bends her over so he cant see it
didn't think Yea Forums could be legit jealous of a nerdy gf.
dude nice
That's some hot stuff there.
I've seen the shit that the Amateur Game Dev General on /vg/ makes. It's not even a fifth as polished as what seems to be in the OP.
its a joke user. cmon
Show me your game
That's pretty gay, user.
Nothing gay bout straight sex bruh
look mate multiplayer town sim with random events and shit kinda like ss13
I want to play with her big fat games!
proud of you user
stay small and hungry don’t get burnt out in a chad corporation
have fun
i reduced what would usually take one average person one whole work day into a wizard that takes like an hour tops
wtf stop replacing yourself
Cool story bro, my favourite was ending.
start replacing others that is the power move
hi jared
Game looks cool. Too bad I'm a rural bumpkin and nothing is around me but good job and hope people enjoyed it.
this user knows
its literally my job to replace peoples mundane tasks with programs
I didn't even know screwing yourself out of job security was a job.
It's pretty promising and with a good deal of cross-disciplinary applicability. I work in agricultural research and I'd kill to have a proper data scientist among my colleagues. Some of the code I see written by my co-workers is pants on head retarded and I'm a pretty hack programmer by any standard.
made to be BLACKED
I love that quote.
Sometime i play in back in my head whenever i trip old fuckers at the subway.
They can't even do anything about it, pathetic.
I can't wait to piss on some hobos on my way to work again.
how do you automate the process of automation? seems like a pretty secure job to me
Holy, she is stacked
When a person smarter than you automates your job just like you did the monkeys below you.
Too old actually.tbqh sempai
fuck me is that like a space control sim or something? thats fucking cool
>complexity and clutter = good
all the more motivation to stay ahead of the curve
once you adopt the mentality that you can't improve, you may as well kys
Blue collar jobs > lame white collar jobs
I thought being a cart pusher would suck, but it has its perks of not dealing with customers. Sure it's quite a bit of work, but it's better than being stuck in some lame ass office.
While I disagree witht he "le real man" meme, you're also not wrong.
My workplace is divided in to three sections: office, medical, and field, and I'm the only one to have worked all three. First was handling social media and coordinating several programs and it was fucking drama 24/7. Not catty bullshit, but just fucking assholes demanding their way and running to city hall each time I had to slap them down and say no. My phone would never stop blowing up and I was fucking miserable.
Then I got a lateral promotion to medical. Busted my ass but it was largely more of the same + getting splashed with shit and blood yet also being able to verbally shit down throats with no repercussion, so that was neat.
Latest promotion has been to the field and its fucking CHILL. Hands on, no supervisors, learning to play a harmonica during downtime. Literally fuck office positions, I'd rather hang myself than transfer back
xelpmoc = serutaef fo tol a gnivlovni stcejorp
All I meant by a mans job was not sitting on your ass in an office all day.
Humans weren't meant for that. I dont know how people do it without hating their life.
>she has a boyfriend
>that will never be you
actually this