Play Magic the Gathering: Arena

Play Magic the Gathering: Arena.

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No way Magicucks

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>No odor from Yu-Gi-Oh players
Do you want to know how I know you are full of shit?

>playing MTGA instead of the real deal with actual cards
You're a friendless loser who doesn't know a damn thing about real MTG

I would if they had an autoupdater. Right now I have to download the game every time they update it and login again.

I only play Myr.

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What the hell is this? Is this real? What happened to MTG?

I miss SoM. What a great block. Minus the poison counter Bs.

The Guild Battle event is actually a lot of fun. I'm gonna miss it, lads.

t. Memeander cuck


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>Tfw was in the kike the gathering trap for about 3 months
Glad I got out when I did, it's a hole and the game is extremely poorly designed

which card game isn't?

Yeah, being able to play with a variety of decks that are all reasonably balanced against each other is excellent. I wish they made it, or something like it, permanent. The fucking Pokemon TCG online has it for crying out loud.

>the game is extremely poorly designed
There's a lot about MTG that you can shit on, but it's one of the best designed TCGs on the market.

I stopped playing cause the game just felt like a chore.

The card game where I use my debit card to pay for fun games instead
>Opponent can afford mythic God cards
>I literally can't beat him
"""""""""Well designed"""""""""" indeed

Name a better designed game. As far as Im concerned its mtg>pokemon>yugi>lots of other shit>hearthstone
Yeah wotc is incompetent. Why the fuck dont they have codes for sealed decks and packs for arena? Why has it been in beta for so fucking long. I love the system for pokemon, premade decks are fun and you can collect physical and digital. I just think mtg is a more engaging game.

>Opponent can afford mythic God cards
>>I literally can't beat him
>"""""""""Well designed"""""""""" indeed
Cry more

oh, you just never played any card games, I see


>No argument
As expected

>salty mtg cuck who has spend multiple thousands of dollars on useless out of edition cards

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What is there to argue when you can make a point to argue against?

I do

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You know that means that smell and odor has been a problem to such a degree that konami actually had to make a rule about it, right?

Keep being a paypig

Rarirty of a card doesn't automatically make it better.

I sold all my yu-gi-oh cards $2000 recently. feels good man.

Mono blue was top tier for a while without a single mythic iirc.

Also, what are everyone's hopes for Eldraine? I'm pretty excited if pic related is really going to be an Unlimited Blade Works homage.

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ill stick to cockatrice thanks

I haven't seen Teferi Esper in a while and I have definitely had a better time playing Arena since then.
The deck wasn't hard to deal with, it was just boring versing it over and over again.
Same with Izzet Phoenix.

I miss old MTG

Yes and its no longer a problem now.

I dunno what I think of the new card layouts for it.
Also it's meant to be based on fairytales right? So I am guessing a bunch of spirits or something like that.

First time joining Yea Forums, might have to pull a quikcy and ask. How do you guys raid?

>honestly thinking that
They aren't gonna have head judges walk around with smell-o-visions to weed out people who don't take showers, it just means there's an official reason to kick out the biggest greaseballs in a YCS.

It's Camelot + Grimm tales

It went full DOTA.


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So closer to Lorwyn but with humans then?

No thanks. Point of a card game to me is the social aspect of being in a shop. MaRo has stated however Magic is only for the very rich, so paper magic is barely a thing anymore. Havent played the game in 4 years and have no plans to until he's fired/another company buys wizards

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Nice nigger deck

i'm so fucking sick of seeing the same decks over and over. Whats the point in having custom decks if so many koreans are only interested copying the same 3 decks depending on the season.

Fucking only reason i got to plat was by getting lucky with my janky anti-control decks.


>We Fateā„¢ now

>eating bread

That's what drafts are for, dummy

>play EDH for my casual jank brews
>new generation of players enter group
>games become an arms race of showing off your wallet

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ELD is the first set in 10 years I am super hyped about.

I'm just looking forward to the new board, music and cards. It's gonna be kino.

I know, bro. I know.

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>my store allows proxys in EDH because they view it as a casual format and don't want to gatekeep fun for the rich players

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How extensive is the library of goblins?