Which one do I pick?

Which one do I pick?

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You should have picked a better game.

Black Eagles.
Cry more faggot.

Blue Lions is the Chad choice.

Dedue is best bro and Sylvain is sleeper GOAT.


Lions is you're a chad
Eagles if you're a cuck
Deer if you question your sexuality

I picked Black Eagles.
Are there any characters from the other houses I should try and recruit?

Chad Lions

yellow all day baby

fuck the monarchy

Just take the girls so you can hog all of them

dmitri for the best timeskip path
edlegard if you're interested in the sequel of Hitler
claude if you're a fucking centrist

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Which one of these three would a straight man pick?

>blacked eagles in charge of logic

>using Seteth for the first time in his paralogue
>he's an absolute beast of a unit
When can I recruit this dude, holy shit

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Dimitri. He wants your warm hands despite your gender.

As soon as you betray Edlegard

What about on Deer route?

>Blacked Eagles
Thank you for this

Chruch as a boy and marry any girl
Edel as a girl and yuri edel
Blue as a boy and marry girls
Yellow as a boy and marry girls

i picked blue lions, but felt torn between Claude and Dimitri. Blue lions sealed it with the fact of combat arts but next playthrough is claude. no one besides Petra and hubert made me want to go black eagles.

You just get him then after a while.

Anything but Black Eagles

Edelgard is a crazy fucking psycho so don't pick her
Claude is a bro, but Dimitri did nothing wrong and needs your help

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Lysithea is really fucking good. Optional Lorenz recruit if you want to make her even more broken

Which one is the most redpilled?

I've been trying to seduce the cougar. Are my efforts wasted. We just had tea time.

Still pushing this meme huh

Is it not possible to savescum

You can. But they made it a Hassel by not including a loading option, so you have to restart your game. And you can't savescum during battles, but they give a limited rewind ability.

My, my, surely you wouldn't be interested in an old snake like her.

Is he really? My Sylvain is getting fucking destroyed constantly. What should I run him as?

Also, whats up with these online deployment stats. Are the Black Eagles really that popular?

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Went with yellow deer first because that's my last name

Black Eagles is for fedora tippers
Blue Lions is for Chads
Golden Deers is for só €€oyboys
Church is also for Chads

>He didn't join the Golden Chads
Was the bants too much for you fag?

Based and Punisher-pilled

Fucking Felix, my guy