So now that he is leaving next month, how the fuck is Funhaus and better yet RT gonna fucking survive?

so now that he is leaving next month, how the fuck is Funhaus and better yet RT gonna fucking survive?

Arizona Circle has completely burnt everyone out, you can see it on their faces. It's gonna be hilarious when they release it and it's still a piece of shit after all that work.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wait what, Bruce is leaving? Where's the confirmation

he is just taking a one month vacation

if you honestly think he is gonna come back full time after he experiences what it's like not having to work there, you are crazy

are you not familiar with vacations?

he announced it in the new dude soup coming out in a couple days. claims it's a "one month vacation" starting in August but I don't believe it.

If anyone would leave, it would be Laurence

They always take vacations you fucking spastic, there's entire segments of month/year old gameplay that they throw on the channel when they do.

did you read the post he made on the Funhaus Reddit? He spent 3 paragraphs talking about how much he loves everyone, it really read like he was saying his goodbyes to the community.

Who cares Bruce sucks. Le zany fart man of ska is a shit character.


but ska came before reggae

Is Funhause still..... fun? I haven't watched them in a while

OP is a baiting retard, nothing new, but what the fuck does RT even have going for it anymore other than Funhaus? Even Cow Chop is ending this year.

if you liked it before you'll like it now, it's pretty much the same stuff they've been doing since IG, nothing really new besides Allanah joining the main cast

He's not the funniest, but he's got a good dynamic with everyone else. Unlike some of the new people.

RT is gonna sign Uncanny, i'd put money on it

They have a black guy now.

Bruce and James are the only two with any sense of comedic timing. Everyone else just plays up a shitty character:

Elyse is the wacky female, Adam is the depressed NEET and Lawrerence is the INCEL

They take vacations fucking constantly.

better than the ironic weeb and slutty gamer girl

They picked up Pat and Woolie, as if that ship's going anywhere.

oh i can't watch them anymore then

How can I make a youtube channel? I want a silver play button.

>mfw Alanna is only like 25

Thought she was like 35

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Did he finally make it in crypto enough to retire young?

If he's leaving it might be a sign of the beginning of the end, like when Ray left Achievement Hunter.

I wish Alanah would fuck off desu

Funnily the best video they had in a while was with Laurence, Allanna and James just talking about real issues.

Nah they're all funny. Having characters to play elevates that, it's not a crutch.


They suck without Matt though

dude gullygully lmao

Matt please go.

Off topic, but I always wondered how Rooster Teeth is able to afford an actual office with tons of professional equipment. Is youtube really that profitable?

Yeah she sucks. Like she's fine playing and explaining games but every single time she tries to be funny I cringe into orbit.

They have other ways of monetizing their content that are not just ad revenue from youtube

Red vs Blue and RWBY money is there only reason why it's been able to stay afloat as long as it has

matt peake is an example of a good foil. he's a muse for the others to bounce jokes off of and he generally goes along with everything. alanah just stops the momentum of every joke with her sarcastic attitude which is supposed to be a foil but it comes off like she's acting genuinely shitty to her coworkers

They charge $60-120 a year now for subscriptions to their website. That, merch, youtube ads, and stupid podcasts ads probably pay for everything.

their over-the-top editing is unwatchable
same with Alanna. cant watch when shes in an episode

I assume RWBY and Death Battle are steady streams of income

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Fuck off.

Cope tranny

Look at their content without Matt and then compare that to how Matt's YouTube channel is doing

I'd fuck her if you know what I'm saying.

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John is based. Alanah is cringe.

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Geoff did the same thing only it was for like 3 months, they're old men, they get tired of this shit after awhile.

>zoomy zoom zoom my zoomies

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How is RWBY so popular? Normalfags know it, apparently the Nipponese love it, it just seems like a worse HxH.
Though I did respect Monty back in the day, RWBY has never been amazing and was downright bad when it first started.

Ironically Matt's recent stuff is way better than anything Pat and Woolie have put out recently by far.

What a sad and weird world.

It's a good thing he grabbed the chain


You're kidding right? Peake isn't a straight man, he's a deadweight, that's only ok because he's likeable.

Beats me, tried to watch it but the animation is dogshit and all the characters are designed like second life avatars

>tfw haven't watched a FH video in over a month
Everything's just gotten so stale. I just don't care about watching Adam play some shitty game while two others crack unrelated jokes in the background. Or watching them take turns playing shitty GTA5 games while the others talk about unfunny unrelated things. I've honestly found more entertainment from AH's Let's Play channel recently.

I never understood it either. It was worse quality than MMD, had bad voice acting, and basically just shoved every stereotypical anime trope it could into an episode, but somehow people liked it for some reason. I thought it was just their shitty fanbase that was keeping it alive but it seems to even be popular in Japan where there is no shortage of shitty anime shows.

The only """Funhaus""" content I've been watching is Inside Gaming since they claimed the rights back to it and now it's formatted back to its glory days
Every time I open youtube I just see the FHTV stream and wonder why I'm still subscribed to it

I stopped watching around 2017. I get that's their formula, but they just don't seem to care about video games all that much

i dont really watch funhaus anymore but he is/was the worst member. He's the Matt of funhaus

Because they've started switching. FH is just doing the same thing over and over, AH plays the same games, but anymore they're just dicking around and don't gaf.

They need to buy Mega64

When a B-Team of other woman, the brit from that one show and two fat editors manage to produce the funniest funhaus video in MONTHS, that's when you know the main team is kinda tired and burned out.

Honestly they all should take a vacation.
At least Elyse, if that's enough to bring her old-self back.

no joke tho the Sundered video is excellent, it has that old FH feeling of just friends fucking around tangentially with a videogame, it even has Alanah work as a straight man

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I started watching AH again after being sick in bed and they have some alright stuff.
Except any video that annoying girl is in

>tfw when you can't shit post in the FHTV Chat because people kept complaining about SJW shit on the Reddit

Which vid?

he was the only one watching dollals when they went into the negatives

Is Arizona Circle out yet? Is it good?

I wish Funhaus was less about video games and more about general stuff they are interested in. James seems like one of the smartest and most knowledgeable people on Hollywood and the film industry I've ever seen, hearing him on the film podcast is the best but that's the only time when he is able to get serious with it.

Sundered was incredible

I wonder what Elyse is going to do if that Arizona Circle show isn't successful since I think that's her main project. I don't know how most people are reacting to it but I thought it was hardly funny at all, just like Sex Swing.

>that annoying girl
You mean Fiona?
>hahaha wow how do I play the video game I'm just gonna keep talking through everyone else wow you idiot how do I play game nobody tells me how to play game
>AH: She's literally perfect and you're sexist for not liking her

Podcast ads are a huge cash cow.

I like her thick thighs

they could also mean literally any girl AH has ever played with that isn't named Elyse

god i would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear alanah fart through a walkie talkie

I thought it would be difficult to find anyone worse than Lindsey but they managed to do it.

>tfw everything starts going wrong and it's all your fault

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She is cute but annoying to listen to

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Lindsay is fun in small doses. Lindsay wins is the only good GTA video they've had in at least a year.

/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

I haven't been able to watch them since that kingdom come thing where james was dead serious. It really ruined it for me.

She has the most intense case of victim complex I've ever seen in a human being


>bad opinions returns
>laptop skype lawrence is replaced with an underwhelming green screen shot of him reading off a laptop
>heyeveryonewelcometoinsidegamingitsfriday YESSS is back
that got me

I’m always surprised by how big her tits are

what happened between talking stalkings episodes 3 and 4?

3 was genuinely great and 4 was a fucking nightmare

phew, this fuck OP gave me a heart attack.
without bruce things just wouldn't be the same.

She literally adds nothing to Inside Gaming.

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hey guys

did you know brad's leaving?

>Autistically sperging over the accurate representation of demographics in a historical game
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

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What thing?

Why is this so fucking popular still? The writing is bad, the voice acting is worse, and the animation is still jank at times. Watched a bit on jewtube and I do not understand.

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I like how you think a guy who has never made or stared in a major motion picture is the "smartest and most knowledgeable person in hollywood and the film industry"

Bruce is definitely not the funniest, but he is the only one in the whole cast that fills the gaps between the others. That is a really important thing when it comes to entertainment.

Lawrence kind of does the same too, just not as well as bruce.

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This. I can't stand it when people aren't Trump supporters and don't have the same exact views as me.
Makes me want to act violent and shit up Yea Forums so people will finally understand me and my point of view.

Holy fuck my fellow based and redpilledTrumpkino brothers.
You are NOT alone here.

let me tall you something just because you and other Yea Forums guys say they hate it doesn't mean everybody does stop crying about a cartoon you dont watch

they said "what if we made it even MORE Eric Andre"

James desperately trying to wrestle control of the show over his idiotic guests to the point where he gets PTSD was so fucking good, easily the best videos they made

When fuckin Tom Cruise or some shit starts making a weekly podcast talking about movies I will change my opinion, let me know

Lawrence works better doing reviews/inside gaming, he isn't good at the banter/improv aspect like the others are

He was like why should the game world be realistic if you can drink potions to refill health and equip armor instantly, I was fine with him disagreeing but that shit was too fucking stupid

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Oh is that the dude with a weird voice?

he isn't good at bouncing back and forth with people, whenever he makes a joke it's always some insane thing that gives everyone else no choice but to stop and comment on what he just said

any video with him in it turns into: "man doesn't he say some crazy things?!?!?"

Funhaus made a career off attracting non-PC people then acted surprised when they tried to post some SJW-tier bullshit

>Imagine running so fast you become Asian
>She is Chinese but you could still see her titties poking out on the sides from behind
>Being old is awesome, you get to be a baby but still get boners

I can't wait for summer to end

>Arizona Circle
>Some of the most unfunny shit I've ever seen
Its a shame everyone on it is too kinda and doesnt offer criticism and just flat out say that its fucking stupid.

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What the fuck kind of name is Kdin?

I don't really watch Funhaus anymore since it's pretty much the same few shows over and over.

>welcome to the comments show where we tell you all why your opinions are wrong and why ours are right
>welcome to the podcast where we talk about topics we have little to no actual experience with but act like we do
>GTA videos ad nauseum

You have to be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums. May I suggest Reddit instead?
who was in the wrong here

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Thats why they bullied him in that one inside gaming video

She's pretty hot desu

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we really need to shitpost the boards to make the chink create that damn board

>Funhaus dying

please don't get my hopes up.

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I genuinely believe a good deal of RT’s fans like it purely because RT made it, that’s what I was like growing up watching everything they ever put out and accepting that RT isn’t even that good is like accepting that childhood and adolescence is over. Pic probably related but still you ever notice how RT has almost no fans the same age as their employees?

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That clip is peak Peake

it is a saturday morning cartoon aimed at kids and adults that think like children

>James looks at Elyse to see if she heard

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the possibility that bruce said that and then went down on amber later that night makes my peepee feel funny

she is always with that depressive expression
really makes you think

At least we sometimes get him trying to feel up Elyse from random "accidents" and it being super awkward.
FunHaus/InsideGaming's audience has always been in their 20s primarily.

>the guy that you went blonde for fucking died and left you and your friends after being revived

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She has some condition that affects her, constantly makes her tired and apathetic or some shit.

Jesus, that one intro to Google Trends where he falls on Elyse.

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RWBY made me realize that if I ever stop being a lazy sack of shit and try to make something I don't have to put effort in if I pander and have the right connections.

so you can go back to school?

He does that in some random anime or demo disk game too.

has she fucked anyone on the RT/FH staff?

That's not true at all. Woolie and Pat make worse content than they ever have right now, but it's still better than Matt's.

go watch your objectively terrible show made to pander to middle schoolers. A perfect fit for you

Didn't she fuck Blaine for a time, I assume they broke up because of his Lawrence tier fixation on Elyse through James.

i still dont get why you people are so mad at that show what did it do to you

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yes and then he got fired

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god i wish that were me

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you are this mad at a cartoon

I enjoy making fun of things.


>i watch shit i hate


>when she realizes she gave the audience what they wanted

at what point did elyse stop having fun?

everything RT touches dies.

But I never said I watch RWBY.

i miss the simpler times, no alana, no raul or whoever the fuck and we had joel

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when she decided to become a show runner and realized she doesn't have the talent to pull it off

bruce is a fucking retard
he talks as if his opinions of the world are facts

hey don't you come down on Rahul

When she realized the fans just wanna lick her thighs and rub her feet. I'd say its a bit much when she's some partially lazy eyed muppet obsessed odd ball. I mean hell she can barely take Lawrence, let alone an entire fanbase of Lawrences.

they why are you crying that others watch it

Raul is literally never on, and some of the newer people are cool like Jon Smiff

unfortunately all of them got infected by the trump derangement syndrome after 2016

Cow Chop will live on through Brett's cockroach channel.

Jon is going to end up getting fired, he has done some legit creepy shit on some of the live streams. They all got pretty pissed at him for taking a picture of Elyse while she was asleep during a stream. Jon made a terrible fucking apology about it like 5-10 minutes later while absolutely wasted.

it was a shit show

The beginning year of fun haus was really the peak with spoole and joel. Havent watched them sinced they tried making the editors have an onscreen prescense

I'm not. I'm making fun of the show.

>came to Yea Forums many years ago to seek refuge from normie shit on the internet
>tfw current year

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Wow lmao, hadn't seen that.

i imagine dunkelman gets it worse, she should share coping tips

epic bro

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cowchop seems so weird, what's the appeal?

ahh, so this is the dude with those extremely liberal gender jokes
had to close the video everytime I hear his voice

Rahul is cool. Joel made his mistakes and abandoned them. Alana is fine in moderation but mostly I just enjoy listening to Bruce and Adam try to figure out what early 2000s bands Alana has heard of and whether she's seen cult classics of 80s/90s movies.

A lot of them are going to get fired, most of them are just a bunch of strange freaks who wanna gangbang Elyse and Alana, I mean I don't blame them, but kind of stupid. Lawrence has been lucky just because he's a staple of the crew.

Though to be fair, I could see Jon taking a pic to post on twitter to be like "lol bitch passed out from 2 shots."

No, Barbra enjoyed the attention no matter where it was from

>Funhaus is full of creeps posng as "the good ones"

colour me surprised.

is taking pictures of friends that got passed out drunk creepy now?
you guys need to get that college campus brainwash out of your head

She loves it though because unlike Elyse she used to be ugly and dumpy as fuck and then she got a job at RoosterTeeth solely because she was one of the few "attractive" girls that followed them, and then she got money and started actually taking care of herself.

they're am*ricans, everything is creepy

Rahul is cool because he doesn't really care what he says, he'll crack jokes about anything whether its PC or not. He's like non censored Michael who used to make videos about Nigga Claus and shit.

I'm surprised nobody at RTX nabbed her phone and leaked her nudes or some shit. Rooster Teeth fans are scary.

funhaus has kinda been shit for a while , sucks to see Bruce go if its a "Vacation"

why does everyone like Elyse? Don't watch Funhaus so can an user please spoonfeed me

Someone probably has and keeps it to themselves honestly as if they were a pariah or God, probably even blackmails her for more which she's happy to provide.

I don't think she has any, not at least on a cloud-connected device.

what did joel do

They used to have a MTVs Jackass sort of feel to them, then they became a generic ass gaming channel where their whole appeal was “Isn’t it funny how depressed and burnt out they seem?” Then that got old and now they’re ending cause even they realize their glory days are over and it’s honestly a little sad

Really? I always pictured RT fans as mostly being the SJW type who yell at people for not using the correct pronouns

For the reasons I said, she's a strange and awkward weirdo, someone you'd expect you would be able to get with, she just also happens to be attractive.

she's funny and also a cute girl

I'm talking about THEIR reaction to it, not mine. For whatever reason they all started giving him shit for it to the point where he felt the need to make a drunken apology that went on for like 10 minutes until they told him to shut the fuck up

People like a good fight choreography and Monty was great at that, RWBY looked like shit outside of fights, and since his death they got really boring but the other stuff got better.

thigh game insane

She just used to be legitimely really funny.

is she actually strange and awkward, or just one of those "lol i'm sooo quirky" girls?

We've had a couple stalk Alanah in person, and someone broke into Gavin/Meg's house last year with a gun to try and kill Gavin so he could be with Meg. Her ended up getting shot to death outside their home.

I had been watching Aleks and James since when The Creatures were a thing and when Cow Chop first started it was like the peak of The Creatures all over again. They are definitely weird though so I don't really know how to pitch them properly to someone not already familiar with them.

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their scary as fuck
ultimate friend sim cult

When Meg Turney left RT and said something about considering doing a nude photoshoot apparently people had a meltdown saying she lied and betrayed them and was being a bitch by not doing it.

Its because they fired the other guy that knew how Monty's system works. Hell he has like a huge pdf up online about all the bullshit that went on involving RWBY and Monty's death.

nah she is actually really strange, she has some really weird hobbies

for one I know she has mentioned a ton of times her obsession with muppets to the point where she has even bought and created her own muppets and started practicing puppeteering

doesn't she have a boyfriend?

what the fuck

because she's actually pretty funny and doesn't have a problem when others make sexist jokes and will even play along with them.

Legit awkward. Her around people she's not used to, say Barbara and the other women or some people around RT in general, she tries to crack basically dad jokes, and just awkwardly laughs. So warms up eventually, but she's legit just awkward.

>delete vinesauce thread
>leave this thread up

either allow e-celebs or don't ffs

Elyse mentions she has a perfect 5 star rating on Wikifeet in one video

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yeah, Gavin the SloMo guy.

Yeah. Some dude tried to kill him last year because he was jealous that he was going out with Meg.

>able to afford an actual office with tons of professional equipment.
they are based in Texas, where land is cheap and no state income tax
low cost of living goes a long way when your only real expense are a couple of cameras and a new set of consoles every 6 years
all tax deductible as a business expense by the way

Damn, last time I gave a fuck about AH it was only Geoff and Jack playing Halo Reach, times change

She has a fiance, Gavin.

RT's fanbase is like your typical Otaku or /r9k/ peeps who get really fixated on the girls and just watch the other stuff to pretend they have friends . It's quite crazy.

have sex

is Gavin the most successful guy out of rooster teeth

She's a genuine dork, which makes her actually endearing.

Elyse is god-tier I'm not even memeing, even she isn't that funny these days

Ironically they gave Gavin the balls to finally ask her to marry him because he might not get another chance.


Boyfriend, not fiancee

The podcast has improved but everything else sucks.

a fiance, huge channel, even experience in the film industry

>tfw going back and watching early funhaus videos with spoole and peake
>tfw going back and watching classic IG
Funhaus is okay these days, but it's felt incredibly sanitised these past couple of years.

Bruce doesn't need to be funny, he just needs to wheeze when something funny happens.

Wasn't she the one that got upset about people making sexist comments are her pictures that were basically just her posing in slightly lewd poses?

Does anyone actually care about the FH podcasts?

I like always open

Technically Joel is since he runs their entire business operations, ads, etc.

Most of the founders are probably more successful considering what RT has become. Hell Geoff sold his stake years ago in it for half a million and it still makes tons of money like its nothing.

Otherwise overall, he is by far considering he actually works on hollywood films and they trust him with lending him Phantoms and equipment, as well as being able to actually afford two of them himself.

i saw a funhaus vid from 2016 and bruce said nigga out loud (reading someone's gamertag)

it was wild as a relative newcomer to the channel

>worked in Hollywood
>has his own successful channel
>didn't need to be boosted from RvB fame
>weird English lad kind of good looking

Who got shot to death? The fuck

lads waht the FUCK happened?
what went wrong?

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Fiance, he asked him to marry her after the gun fiasco.
They've just stopped caring probably because of RT's influence over time. I honestly wish they'd go back to stupid shit like Sims.

I watch them when they're talking about something I'm interested in
but I almost always close the video halfway through because they start going off on strawman arguments and nobody has the balls to play devil's advocate during arguments

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what happened to Joel? It's like he disappeared


the guy that broke in

I want her to shit her bread centers in my mouth

>IG's Sims series
Peak youtube desu

No, it's some of their worst content.

A fan obsessed with Meg Turney and jealous over her relationship with Gavin, drove across the country with a gun, found out where they lived in Austin, and fired a gun on their front lawn, proceeded to break in, which Gavin and Meg ran and hid in the closet and called the police while he searched the police. The fan eventually came out and started firing at the police, to which they gunned him down.

He might be
Ray Narvaez Jr makes like $20k-$30k a month from Twitch and merch now after leaving AH
Might give Gav run for his money

IG was awesome

Bruce got his dick in some of it.
He's there, they just have him behind the scenes because he makes comments that makes the lefties mad.

I don't see proof of that anywhere other than an april fools reddit joke. AFAIK they're still just bf/gf

she's genuinely awkward and has shown legit social anxiety.
but she's an incredibly cool person as well, she's willing to play along with any jokes and was prolly the funniest person on the channel for a while.

As someone said she's the perfect adorable dork. I just wanna congratulate /mynigga/ based James for choosing her.

Joining RT and being forced to produce more content than they could causing them to burn out

no that's a pretty good way to start hating all of them

is joel actually back?

if you're getting too close to friend sim territory
just watch a full episode of the podcasts and that'll wake you right up

Gavin has spent over a million dollars on cameras alone, let alone all the other shit he buys constantly. They aren't joking when they say he's rich.

Gavin has worked on Sherlock Holmes, Hot Fuzz, Dredd, Snow White and the Huntsman and been a consultant on tons of shit.

>leaves to go fuck his loli footslut GF

sounds pretty based if you ask me

Too hipster. Just look at that picture. Looks like a shitty folk band

Maybe because their humor is shit I would have laughed at when I was 10 on geocities.

Only if Alana isn't in them

I want to fuck _Cib__.

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he's one of the most respectable members that's for sure
adding up with successful youtube career, actual film career and being consulted on most things regarding slow mo and operating slow mo cameras


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holy shit. talk about delusion

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don't remind me user
he was there before faggot streamers and friend sim clubs

>extremely experimental project with no definitive concept
>they decide to get into a network where they're REQUIRED to pump out content on the daily forever

SP7 was largely a written thing, even with its improv nature, it's not like some gameplay commentary where it's easy to churn out and produce, of course they and the audience owere going to get burned out. Eventually it literally was "slurred speeches and stuttering in an office", it got old quick in RT.

Basically, they lost their soul

Always loved seeing Steve and Larson pop up on IG

you mean the little latino trap he tries to pass off as a girl?

Wait, Autumn is gone too right?

gonna need some pics for these claims

She works for funhaus. Left like right before SP7 got the can.

literally was never good

Autumn is fucking hot, what are you talking about?

when did peake leave

He didn’t

Lmao bruce definitely had nothing to do with it

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He's still around, just rarely shows up in videos. He had a brief cameo in one a few days ago.

>the episode were they make Alanah explain how a pager works

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I only watched them back during the IG/machinima days

Anyone else find it odd how similar Ashley and Barbara are in looks and style? I get Burnie has been fucking her since the early site days but be a little less overt with your type.

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>elyse has social anxiety
>able to have a successful career
>I have social anxiety
>turn into a borderline autistic shut in with almost no friends

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Aleks is based and it used to be different before James left. They are fulfilling a contract at this point

now post bruce, i need to see that hairy chest

Ashley's actually cute tho, Barb's a gross Jewess

who cares
the only shit that RT did good was ye olde red vs blue, seasons 1-5. everything, EVERYTHING after that was just terrible.

fuck your friendshipcast shit.

absolutely based

>sand digger


>james and aleks make a new channel, cow chop while in the creatures
>eventually split off to do their own stuff with cowchop
>alec and jakob make their own channel while in cow chop and makes their first 2 videos copies of cow chops first 2 videos
Its going to happen again isn't it

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I mean
cowchop is ending so they might as well

i feel like their editing team is too big now and they just cram as much shit into their assigned videos to fill out a workweek


Can't find it.


You shut your whore mouth about Rahul, he's one of the better additions next to Jacob

yeah. Kdin's been trans for awhile now.

I thought that was just some joke they keep using.

>Starting baseless rumors

Ahh, classic Yea Forums acting like bored, henpecking old women for them (You)s.

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Jakob weirds me out.
He makes songs and music videos then takes them down
He makes edgy jokes then complains when their (frankly shitty) fanbase does
He didn't like being on camera then made a whole YT channel
It just seems odd.

still remember how he put some food on Elyse's bellybutton and then ate it off of her, he just doesn't give a fuck

This is the new CowChop.
also they are going to get hurt really fucking fast and have to quit if the car video was anything to go by, they even ate fucking paint

Elyse is a fucking treasure

fuck forgot pic related

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>that time Funhaus showed me how fucking hot Cr1tikal was

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You're welcome, it's fucking long.

Funhaus seriously reminds me of Persona in that it's a spin-off/off-shoot that dwarfed it's mainline series

t. cr1tikal
have sex

>have sex
but i only like anime women.

Just remember not to be too rough on him, don't want to snap his legs.

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i like how hot those legs are

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>Yea Forums complains about basedboys constantly
>will circlejerk about Sugar Pine 7. which is made up of almost entirely basedboys

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I've really started to dislike Bruce recently, first there was the whole GoT finale thing, and now the latest filmhaus where they discuss Phase 4 of Marvel, all he does is say "I'M EXCITED FOR X"

Seems to be acting like a pseudo-genius who refuses to acknowledge things that don't agree with him.

Also, Alanah, Elyse and Lindsay from CC are best AH girls.

Met these guys back when they were Inside Gaming - I had just arrived in LA from Australia, saw them getting lunch and basically followed them back to the office. They were really cool and let me hang out behind the camera while they did an episode.

Fun fact: James was always the bald one. Bruce still had a full head of hair then.

sounds like you're in too deep with the friendship simulation

>I've really started to dislike Bruce recently because his opinions are different from mine

Oh my christ.

I thought my calves were skinny.

you know, it's funny, making random videos on youtube looks fun until you see how shitty the fanbases of people who use youtube are. I wonder how people like Funhaus stop themselves from shooting up the conventions they host.

now you'd have the police called on you

go away liam, no one ever liked you

Funhaus is garbage and isn't funny and is for brainlets. RT can suck my balls, Oney 4 life. Fuck Ding Dong and Fuck Julian, Psychicpebbles is king. FEAR THE MOLE MAN.

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I love how you can tell Elyse has aged, but that she has also aged like a fine wine with lots of money.

Don't be silly, user, I'm a cute white girl.

simple solution, don't watch the podcasts

She's actually funny and can handle guy banter really well.

>Hey it's AlanER

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I don't know who any of these are tbqh.

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Well yeah James still has that bald spot. He also has a slight lazy eye like Elyse, probably why she liked him, they were similar.
Who on earth is Psychicpebbels.

I can't wait for summer to be over so we can get less e-celeb threads. Fucking high school faggots get off my board. Take your surrogate friends somewhere else.

>high school faggots
But I'm almost 30.

>Almost 30
>Listen to this garbage babble
Come on, user.

Yikes! Let's unpack this...

It's fun and works as good background noise while I wonder where my life went wrong.

>no sexy aussie gf with thicc thighs

Hurts bad, man.

>almost every single rooster teeth video has fiona now
I hate her so much and there's always an endless sea of white knights to protect her black ass

You do realize this place gets the same traffic all year around that it does in the summer right? I know you're new here and all but the summerfag meme was debunked by Moot years and years ago.

Get over it.

>you ever notice how RT has almost no fans the same age as their employees?
pretty much everyone who sends in clips to AHWU seem around the same age as the Lads

Dude the lads are older than I am, and I'll be 29 in November. Only Jeremy isn't older. Gavin and Michael are in their 30s.

It still baffles me how Bruce managed to pull Autumn.

I mean it's most likely a daddy fetish, but still.

so is lawrence actually extremely thirsty of elyse or are people being autistic. i dont watch them much any more

I miss Joel just screaming comments in between them reporting the gaming news

Do you not have the ability to use logic? Of course unique visitors would stay the same because the high school faggots would post when they get home. That would mean there would be less shit threads during school time while still keeping the same unique visitor count. Use your brain before posting. Oh wait, you're an e-celeb cocksucker. That means you can only listen, not think. Carry on.

yeah, and the people who are sending clips into ahwu are clearly adults
you implied they had no fans the same age, they do

there was one VR video where he accidentally pawed her tit and people just took the joke too far their 30s

Why did they hire Alanah exactly? Just eye candy for thirsty dudes or what? She just doesn't seem to vibe with them.
Also, she looks on the verge of death all the time

>Yea Forums is one person
m8 it's literally [the current year] how can you still believe that shit?

what the fuck happened to google trends? also why they no longer do costume gameplays?

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If you watch RWBY unironically, you unironically don't belong on Yea Forums. I have no idea how you can watch that show and jive with Yea Forums culture. That shit is deviantart tier.

Same reason they hired Elyse, they were big wigs at where they worked because they were hot girls and they brought them in when those places started shitting the bed towards them. In this case, IGN.

Also she is on the verge of death, she basically has period pain 24/7 due to her uterus problems and it causes her to be tired constantly.
Cost too much for the constant set up and technical problems they ran into, so they dialed it back to shit it out to gain money back.

>she looks on the verge of death all the time
Does that make it a bad thing if she looks like me, facial-expression wise?

>Knowing this much about a surrogate friend

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>jive with Yea Forums culture
You've made me feel young again, congratulations old man.

Found the teenager.

I just want more EDF and Demo Disk desu.

you sound like a mad 12 year old

I just watch funhaus for the references to the 90s

Or maybe I know more than I should for reasons. Oh my.

>No capitalization
>No punctuation
Yup, I found the teenager.

fuck off you retarded phone poster

I want more Halo honestly. It's nice to see some actual joy on Adam and Alanah's faces for once.

>trying this hard to look grown-up

Attached: fufufu.png (455x396, 130K)

Uh oh, puberty is making you a little upset. Try calming down first. Perhaps you could listen to more of your internet friends?

>people who type well must be on their phones with auto-correct
Maybe you're just retarded user, did you ever think of that?

lol faggot

the retarded phone posters are mad


Look at how upset teenagers get when you call them out.

I'm on PC lad, why on earth would you ever waste phone space on Yea Forums of all things?

>I'm on PC lad

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How do you mean?

Come on now lad, come on. Take a seat, we need to talk.

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That's because Elyse is the main creative mind behind it,so literally everyone from RT will only say good things about it.

She should just make a show about her muppets honestly. She'd be more comfortable too I imagine. Honestly Arizona Circle feels more like another one of James' attempts in reality and we all saw how his last shows went.

Oh geez. As not as Sydney Goodman is, she acts like a dumb valley girl and once IGN's chewed and spit her out Funhaus better not take her

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adam james and elyse is objective the best team. Lawrence and bruce try too hard and everyone else seems to just tag along for the ride

I actively avoid them because they start going on about stuff they have no idea about. James is especially annoying, because he hides his stupidity behind "playing devil's advocate". I especially remember them talking about the CNN blackmail thing, where they didn't even listen to the full story from Adam, who had at least read the article, but just went on some weird rants without any knowledge of the situatiion

Speaking of Google Trends, I miss the old format.

Hell I'll take her, I've conveniently opened up a new business about video games too. I call it Yea Forums.

Adam is the only one who actually knows anything, he just hides it behind apathy an cynicism. He's kind of like a weir Gavin in some ways. Like Kingdom Hearts is his Pokemon, and they're both stupidly knowledgeable on a lot of stuff.

Rahul isn’t a regular and he’s not black


The problem is that there's no hub for the Pat/Woolie collabs with good editing, on top of the fact they've only played fucking DMCV together. We're just stuck with Woolies shitty stream archive.

She only works well with lawerence

That video was pure cringe she even changed sits and he apologized in the comments for "endangering his coworkers".

They're playing RE2 as well (which seems to have been shit-canned probably because Woolie can't stand hanging out with Pat either).

The issue isn't the editing, they still have the same editor from SBFP, the issue is that Woolie is stubborn and wants to do things on his own without having to rely on Pat, whereas Pat doesn't give a fuck at all.

More Elyse pls

That's only because she has to act like a caring mom when he's too shit faced and they're both weirdos who just say the most random ass shit on the planet.
I would imagine James got onto him after that and forced the change and apology knowing him.

I legit put these guys on when I wanted to get work done, because after five minutes I got so annoyed I stopped watching. All their videos are just shitty "improv" where they talk and say random things. Not actually funny, but slightly humorous. (that seems to be a general trend in mainstream american comedy I've noticed)

So what's the deal with these guys? I see them pop up sometimes after watching some news clickbait they made and now they're all over my recommended videos. I think that I vaguely recognise one of them from IGN or something but guy with glasses is pretty general. All I know is Rooster Teeth owns them, apparently, and people want to fuck some girls who are on the show, which is fair.

he probably means Jon

It's not even good improv either, it's like being back in high school watching the loser table try to crack jokes and make videos.

They used to be a bunch of dude bros who shit on games and just shot the shit about random crap, now they're that, but with RoosterTeeth restrictions and monetization/business in place, so now they're all depressed and hate everything they do.

Fine, he has shitty opinions...i used to like his humor..but he's kinda retarded now.

>which Gavin and Meg ran and hid in the closet and called the police while he searched the police
They weren't even in the house, shut the fuck up.

>what went wrong?
Steven started taking anti depressants.

so Gavin, Meg, the news, and the police all lied about them being in the house?

>n the early hours of Jan. 26, Giles shot through a glass door and entered the couple's home. As Turney and Giles hid inside their closet, they dialed 911.

When Austin police arrived, they had a brief altercation with Giles in the driveway. When Giles shot his gun, an officer returned fire. Giles died from injuries, but the medical examiner has not officially determined whether he died from police gunfire or a self-inflicted wound.


I assume it was very practical for them because they started getting into gaming news again and while I don't find her particularly funny, she does have a journalism degree and multiple years of experience in that field, so she could help out on that side really well

We literally have multiple sources saying they were in the house at the time you dipshit.

Could have sworn that Gavin said he was away on a shoot or something. My bad.

Any video that Elyse has come up with the idea for is always a good time.

Probably one of their best videos of the last year.

Someone must be terrified his "friends" were almost murdered.

I dont' she's a feminist cunt

true, gameplays where Adam knows a lot about the subject matter, but doesn't want to admit it (like KH3 and Sunken City) are definitely the best ones. I used to not much care for him, but he's become my favourite member now

That's because its Elyse getting to live out all her weird teenage fantasies and muppet plays.

And we need more of it

Elyse's perfect UH HUH gets me diamonds for some reason

Adam is pretty good, he clearly knows what he's doing most of the time and just likes fucking around for the hell of it, and his humor is pretty on point, just very subtle and dry.

We need more drunk Elyse is what we need with her being an absolute dork, like that shit with the bread crusts.


yeah, his jokes are on point, but sadly usually go unnoticed

>I assume they broke up because of his Lawrence tier fixation on Elyse through James.


>shit tonne of slut powder on
She’s only attractive because she’s skinny, plus knows how to use make up. Australian women are all ugly if you really look at them. And most don’t have decent asses.

I wonder what he’s doing now?

I could swear that she had cankles

Not him but Blaine has a thing for Elyse.
What about MissAlice?
imagine elyse jerking you off while she imitates golum close to your ears


Imagine making our with her gay muppet.
Sims will forever be their true cinematic universe.

Most white Australians are of Irish origin. Just imagine it, be an irishling get deported from the US, can’t go to Britain cause they hate you, can’t go back to Ireland because it’s shit. Only option is to fuck off to Australia. The lowest of the low irishlings, essentially the subhuman of subhumans went to Australia and proliferated. That is why they don’t look attractive.

he's a barista

woolie is an incredibly boring and uncharismatic human being and pat is only good with paige

It sucks that she’s infertile

>Not him but Blaine has a thing for Elyse.
Yeah I got that but where does that come from? I've only really seen him in a couple of FH things and from him being mentioned offhand so I don't know his shit that well, does he mention her a lot on camera or something?

>implying one of them isn't sifting through this thread looking for free content.
Surprised that laurence dude or whatever isn't on suicide watch after the death of the sad panda. Since hes their weebshit punching bag


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to be fair, James' friends all left before James did

Monty. He stated himself on a podcast that he was the reason RT got so successful, to which Gus and Bernie argued against him angrily. Then Monty suddenly died to peanuts being spiked in his food. RT gets to profit off his work without the risk of him branching off.

Wtf, is she legitimately a Liverpool fan ? If so I love her now (also her nude leak was cool)

jesus christ

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>nude leak

Excuse me where

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Welcome to RoosterTeeth, enjoy your stay. They also recently had a big crunch time scandal too involving their animation department. There is a reason AchievementHunter stays to themselves and are in a separate building.

Missalice is a Kiwi.

Facts bellow:
She's not that invest or interested on being on the gameplays anymore probably praying for Arizona circle to be a hit.
Cringe(in a unfunny way)tries to force his unfunny jokes very hard.
She's fine(on the gta videos),will leave the channel in the next 3 years.
Actually enjoys his job.
Literally the "just turn your brain off" member.
Amazing improve skill,however the more you hear him talking seriously about any subject you begin to see that his personality is shit.

Bruce has the most credentials though he worked on AOTS and has a background in CS

uhh source?

a what?

>that band manager episode where they just rip on the guy from reel big fish

its in that matrix parody they did
pretty uncomfortable moment

Unironically Achievement Hunter is better than Funhaus.

Fuck off Matt

Achievement Hunter has Jack so that's objectively false

/incel/ when?

Someone from New Zealand.

yeah this where

What a thot

Adam > Elyse
Alanah > Bruce > Lawrence
>t. haven't watched funhaus in roughly nine months

>(also her nude leak was cool)
You mean the deepfakes?

at 7:50
it doesn't seem at all as bad as described
also very obviously a scripted joke, they had the shrimp ready

Jack at his worst is still more entertaining than Funhaus.

James is way too high on that list

user you could do so much better

Jack at his best is actively anti-entertainment, Jack at his worst is just a vortex that drains the entire video of any semblance of enjoyment

the only thing ive ever seen jack do is name drop techniques you learn about on the first day of film school. like "oooh nice cross dissolve". he seems like a really boring weird guy

Rooster Teeth theater with Michael is the best thing they ever had

holy shit this

he's the fucking worst

which is still better than Funhaus.


and yet somehow he got a cute Australian wife

amazing what money and a mild amount of fame can do

She had a couple during The Fappening, not all that great honestly.

i don't really have any animosity or adoration toward the guy, he kind of just exists
i honestly just watch for michael and jeremy