>villain of the first game is the hero of the second game
Villain of the first game is the hero of the second game
name 4 (FOUR) games that do this
>sidekick from the first game is the protagonist in the second game
Shadow the Edgehog
>You are the final boss
>villain of the first game is a romanceable party member in the second game
Name ONE game that doesnt do this.
>Antagonist who kills the hero becomes the protagonist for the next chapter.
>the MC is unaware that he is the villain
What games do this?
HARDMODE: Second Game Cannot be a prequel
>you play as the sidekick
Based AF
>antagonist is a playable party member
>Villain of thr first chapter is a romanceable party member in the last chapter.
What's going to happen next, bros?
Sengoku Rance because only the demon boy will still be alive by the time Oda finishes his final group attack
Mafia II.
But he wasn't playable, all of his actions were chosen purely based on rng values. You couldn't even customize his materia loadout or items.
What's his motivation? He killed Hank but seemed to have remorse for him to some degree?
>protagonist from the first game is the final boss of the second game in a twist, the game taking place in one of the bad endings unbeknownst to the player until the fight
>you normally get a bad end where you kill him in a psychopathic rage but if you get all the item upgrades you can get the true ending and redeem him
> Hero of the game villain is first of the game second
Drakengard 2
Manah isn't the protag.
>the final villain is a playable character in the next game
Call of Juarez in a sense
She's also best girl.
Got it backwards, retard
>beginning of the game is a high level final dungeon area
>its also the ending of the second game
Beyond Kino
Azure striker Gunvolt 2
>Game lets you import saves
>The effects of a shitty run in the first game are more interesting then the effects of an optimal best outcome
My nig, I'm incapable of picking anyone else
As he states in 8. The madness must end. He wants to fix the world.
What games?
Evil girls are always the best choice.
>hero of the first game is the villain of the second game
>protagonist of the first game is the rival for the protagonist of the second game
Check em', kids.
Ar Tonelico 1 -> 2
half life
>Villain's goal makes sense and is objectively better than hero's but his plan is retarded
>the villain joins you to fight an even greater threat
>Hero's party has a good-for-nothing comedic relief character
>He was the true villain all along
bioshock 2
halo 2
Spyro:Eternal night
Shadow the Hedgehog
>sidekick becomes the protagonist of the entire franchise from that point on
>original protagonist is never seen again except for cameos
Saints Row
How Bioshock 2? Did I miss something?
Baldur's Gate.
Not him but since you play as a Big Daddy you're technically A villain from the last game
Super Mario Land got hijacked by Wario
Drakengard 2
>villain is actually defeated and is not in the sequel or referenced at all
Golden Sun: The Lost Age
>game ends on a cliffhanger but never gets a sequel
Fucking Conduit 2, just let me kill aliens with former Presidents for fucks sake.
manah is the villian of that game too dumb bitch doomed the world twice
His goal is normalizing the world.