How does one character make so many people seethe?

How does one character make so many people seethe?

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how does OP make it to be such a faggot?

The same way men everywhere manage to constantly piss off whiny women: by having a penis.

Why does the modern world hate straight white men so much?

People generally like Erica though, she's a character that exists in the game as she does with purpose and doesn't pander to a specific group or seem forced.
or he whatever nig, the point is that erica/eric isn't a character that makes a big deal about that shit

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anyone in this site don't like erica?

Erica is great, who the fuck doesn't like erica?

No clue, OP. All I can say is that it's NEVER enough for these people:
>want more representation in games
>got some years ago
>find out only because of Full Body
>proceed to seethe for days on end

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They sorta feel like they are entitled to push back the other way in society because all your ancestors were shitheads to minorities. I’m not white, I totally understand the frustration though. They bitch about equality but are just full of shit when it comes to white people. I’m willing to forgive and forget if we can TRUELY be equal, but I’m the only one on that page apparently.

Although I understand why minorities are so upset. I’ve had white people say some of the STUPIDEST stuff to me when it comes to race. Like, they would ask questions like you’re a different species. I’ve facepalmed in the face of what I thought were highly educated and cultured white people who make some dumb remark that sets them back about 60 decades. I don’t think it’s intentional sometimes, but it makes you feel like a “token (insert race here) friend” in their stupid life. Like they are only friends with you so they can say racist shit around their other white friends when no one else is around and just claim “it’s ok, I have a friend who is (whatever race)”

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>all your ancestors were shitheads to minorities
mine weren't, its the eternal anglo you should hate not me

Nobody hates whites. Why do you say that?

>infects toby with the tranny gene too in the true ending
what did fatlus mean by this
actually nvm full body will literally trigger both resetera and t_dfaggots alike can't wait until it comes out
>changing ""transphobic"" lines of dialogue
I don't get this, though
if vincent and his buds are admittedly jerks to erica and always dab on him and his fake titties despite being friends (not that erica doesn't answer back with more bantz in a way, you know, decade old friends would) wouldn't that make him a far more heroic in the eyes of the trannies, considering he's always worrying about vincent, taking care of him, giving him some decent advice and overall being a good friend there for him DESPITE getting constantly shit on for his sex?
if anything erica's the one that even tells vincent to pull his shit together and stop denying the fact a feminine dick doesn't get in the way of true love, and whether he likes it or not he ended up being a cute boy loving faggot all along
if anything erica acts more realistically as an actual human being that knows how to deal with life and society than these trannies do and that's pretty fucking ironic in a way

I'd fuck her

Is this copypasta? This post is really good at making themselves look like a fucking retard.

snowflakes hate realistic friends that shit on each other. Its too "mean-spirited" for their hugbox accustomed tastes

>if vincent and his buds are admittedly jerks to erica and always dab on him and his fake titties despite being friends (not that erica doesn't answer back with more bantz in a way, you know, decade old friends would) wouldn't that make him a far more heroic in the eyes of the trannies, considering he's always worrying about vincent, taking care of him, giving him some decent advice and overall being a good friend there for him DESPITE getting constantly shit on for his sex?
user, your only mistake here is assuming those pricks played Catherine in the first place.

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It's funny how these trannies claim to be "strong and brave," yet they get offended and driven to suicide by the smallest shit.

nips trying to normalize freaks

>Assuming the trannies played the game
>Mentally deranged people are rational

What kind of faggot doesn't like Erica? You, OP? But you can't be a faggot, right?

>Original game comes out and the character is interesting considering the setting and topics of sexualities, loyalty, lust, gender roles and plenty of other themes
>Remake comes out in a new political climate and both sides lose their shit for different reasons even though she was and is a well written character

Westerners shouldn't play Atlus games

I'm not gay or an "lgbt ally" but I thought Erica was a pretty good character.

your pic just reminded me to pull up some catherine level osts and listen to them. dat little fugue + drum kit

I played all of catherine when it was new without even realizing this person was trans.

the people who seethe over Erica are mostly trans people though. I remember trannies losing their shit over the fact that she ends up in the nightmares despite identifying as female even though this is retarded because the actual reason she is in them is because she is keeping someone who wants to reproduce from reproducing by dating and fucking Toby without him knowing she's male.

*ahem* FUCK trannies, fuck sheep and fuck succubi.

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Maybe just don't put tranny freaks in your game and it's not a problem shill.

>takes guys virginity without mentioning the fact they were a dude
What a cunt.

Nobody on the right is mad at Erika though, she's a great character

This, she's a piece of shit so the character fits being a tranny.

Characters like Erica come from a time when LGBT characters were written for comedy purposes rather than progressive asspats.


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He really wasn't.

She doesn't. Most of the people that actually played the game don't even know her backstory. Then there's anons like myself who do and still consider her canon female and also the best girl.

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both cute pies are made for straight cock, but Erica needs to transition

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>One of the major criticisms those in the LGBT community had with the original was

Fucking nothing, bitch. Not only did I never hear anyone complain, but I heard people praise Erica for not being a fucking stereotype. To be fair, though, that's back when gross hairy men in dresses were offensive and not brave.


am i the only person who played through catherine skipping every cutscene, getting through every bar scene as fast as possible, and picking whatever choice was highlighted by default just so i could get to that sweet sweet block puzzling?

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Clotted blood and pus,
leaks from his fake vagina,
like a squashed cockroach.

- a haiku for trannies

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Extremely based

attractive trannies and gay traps are both "she"

Pick one and only one.

Imagine getting mad at the mere idea of a transexual character. Imagine running your dorito encrusted fingers on your keyboard to write those inane words in a Catherine thread. Imagine heavily breathing in your neckbeard, projecting droplets of greasy spit all over your screen. Imagine barely withholding your impotent rage while nervously farting, making your dark and cramped room completely unbreathable. Imagine the smell.

catherine takes place in a time when space travel is at a consumer level
willing to bet you can mutilate your dick and at least get a half decent looking hole by then

They literally have an entire arcade mode that is just puzzles in the bar. No, no one else did this unless they have single digit IQ like yourself.

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You'll never be a real women sweetie.

"attractive" trannies are just abusing Photoshop, instagram filters and camera angles, they are all monstrosities.

>expanded rerelease
>chance to make a third girl
>make a dickgirl instead when ericas ronald mcdonald tranny ass already existed

I guess atlus dont want my money.

I'm pissy that I would have to settle for Rin rather than Erica.

Trans people are subhuman and should be mulched, burned to ash to suppress the disease then made into delicious plant food for a bright future

both Erica and the new dickgirl should have been dating options in the new game

i feel like making just Erica a love interest wouldn't be enough to justify the new version

>being mad at cute little trannies because you are a sad and lonely incel who can't get sex

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this is what modern men want

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Modern "men" also like blacked and cuck shit, so I couldn't give two shits what they want.

It's funny how nobody at all cares about transmen, like they don't even exist. It's all about the transwomen.

Who would even want a guy with a vagina in the first place? A girl with a dick is simply more attractive

it's because it's harder to get attention from getting a sex change to become a dude, so the girls that do it are more likely to have genuine gender dysphoria and not be a snake trying to run away from being a man like you see with those trannys that become women that you see speedrunning

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transmen are only good when they're pre-testosterone and only pretend to be a man (i.e. a tomboy), body hair and roided vaginas look disgusting

transwomen ocasionally look good when they start their degeneracy / transition early

"bantz" is a product of toxic masculinity and offensive to the other genders

I don't really see how people can take Jap games seriously from a moral standpoint. I mean the Jap people were unapologetic rapists and murderers during WW2 and still to this day won't even admit their war crimes which at least Germany does, furthermore their social policies are stuck back in the 1950's and they slave away like hyper-wage cucks for a pitiful life in a small pitiful apartment cause they're on an island the size of Delaware. Furthermore they're so pathetic they just keep buying games and cartoons where they can pretend to be in high school again and get all sorts of 2D pussy.

tl dr; Japs are amoral and cannot feel empathy like normal people so ignore they're backwards themes Plus they have an inability to grow as individuals and a nation.

it's pretty easy to understand, no male likes men with vaginas, straight men wouldn't touch someone with a man looks and gay men are too obsessed with dicks to pay them any attention. straight men like girls with dicks because they only have one hole (that means strict anal sex), gay men also like them because of their dick

MtF transsexuals also seem to be more annoying, see all the crazy tranny "lesbians" on twitter

leave the doritos out of this fuccboi

Back when I played when I found out it was a tranny I fapped harder.

It's human nature to ostracize anyone that conform to the group. This is a survival trait. To maintain order in the group and maximize efficiency of prosperity. If you have 1 person pushing against the group, they get kicked out of the group. This happens in all of nature. Not just humans. Humans are the only ones claiming it's immoral to make those that are different form their own groups, when in reality that is the best possible way for them to find happiness. Being with people who share you views is completely natural. It's why liberals lurk on ResetEra and conservatives hang out on /pol/.

If you want to play the "conspiracy" game, the idea of forcing integration against what is proven to produce better results strongly benefits the wealthy business owners. They need to keep all the sheep in 1 pen so they can push their products on them all at once. If they separated into groups, then they'd have their OWN businesses and wouldn't want to give outsiders their business.

But that's another thread. Point is bullying is hardcoded into our DNA.

pasta or not this
>Like, they would ask questions like you’re a different species. I’ve facepalmed in the face of what I thought were highly educated and cultured white people who make some dumb remark that sets them back about 60 decades
is some pathetic fucking reaching right here
I bet you wouldn't say the same if a black or hispanic pulled the same shit and even then 99% of the time it really is just because the people that don't belong to your race are just curious and don't know any better and trying to play victim makes you look like a fat bitch
kill yourself queer

trannys dont like her because shes unrealistic
i.e. shes not oppressed enough and not disgusting

because between the release of the game and the announcement of the remake a social virus was released among trannies that made them 10x as insane as usual

Because trannies are literally impossible to satisfy.

It's proven if you never transition you'll have a much happier life.

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Eric’s unironically cute as fuck

Eric looks ugly as fuck

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Show me a guy that wouldn't transition if he could look like Erica. She cute.

>No Erica route
C'mon Atlus.

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Because Hollywood has ruined redheads by constantly replacing them, Catherine didn’t have to ruin another one by giving it a dick.