God I wish that was me
Famfrit? More like fuckfrit.
>WoW kids bombing the game on patch day
greetings brother
I wish she was large enough to crush a city
Gotetsu saves her bitch ass and gets to fuck her on a deserted island over and over again
Lucky bastard.
why do you like this game, lads? what's your reason for playing?
i like the group content and unique classes
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
>janny actually deleted the thread before
Once I get BTN to 80, what should I do first? Best nodes to grab or gear to get?
It's the only other half way decent MMO on the market. MMORPG's are my favorite genre.
Good enough for you, nigger?
I think it's fun and I like FF.
Why are ARR/HW Beast Tribes so good compared to SB?
Think ShB will do them justice?
Does anyone here make money off gathering?
I do. Probably made close to 200 mil off of pure gathering in the last 24 ish days or so. Not a TON compared to some people, but I just hoard money so it doesn't matter to me.
Wish there was a massive gil sink in this game.
>image 1 of 4
Need 2 3 and 4
die meowie
>why do you like this game, lads? what's your reason for playing?
I like the story, i like the gameplay, and i like the community. Unironically eureka is more fun than wow mythic raiding
not sure. so far we have nu mou and "dwarves" confirmed as beast tribes. not sure what the third will be, perhaps the ondo sahagin
Are the daily roulette bonuses better spending on lvl 70 and up? Or does it not matter? I have a few jobs still at mid 60's.
Is this supposed to be good or bad...?
Please be nice.
Post the other 3 you piece of shit.
well, the roulette bonus is always percent based so obviously higher level is more advantageous. but there are certain draught ranges you really want to get out of fast.
It's not really worth it unless you want to grind some materia or something. You can easily cap your Phantasmagoria with Ex roulettes alone, the rest is better spend for leveling other jobs.
>Nose ring
You can keep the remaining three images
1%, 0.1% and 4% wipes on E1S
Either some paste eater chokes and dies or the server shits itself. I'm fucking tired of this PF retards, it's such a simple fucking fight.
any edits without the tattoos and stupid hair color?
>BRD confirmed still in the meta after E4S clear
DNC sluts on suicide watch
What's the point of beast tribes?
Hah, fucking sheded cucks
SMN chads we back!
Leith has literally played SMN every single tier. What a concept, people playing as the jobs they like playing.
inb4 armchair raiders will say that FFXIV is finished because someone else already cleared E4S while they can't even get past E1S and praise WoW and Activision for making their raid impossible
>Phantasmagoria gear looks like shit
I paid $60 USD for this expansion
Mounts, minions, song rolls and materials, they also have their own currency and the quests are good for leveling while waiting for queques.
>Phantasmagoria gear looks like shit
>be naturally attractive and well endowed female
>do that bullshit to your chest and use your body as a doodle pad
fucking modern women
>NIN so shit literally everyone is rolling off of it now
pls bros come back dont play MNK dont leave me
I'm still progging on it because some braindead retards continue to join, and they don't know phase 1
>150 actions per minute
>get outdps by pld
goodbye forever ninja. you aren't even worthy to lb3 for us now.
I've never seen more NINs switching to MNK/SAM this expansion than any other job switch in any expansion. It's fucking silly at this point.
how does the savage loot work? do the bosses drop the same coffers every time or is it random?
Can we still Ryne post here.
>check out how the phantasmagoria gear dyes
>it dyes like shit and you basically can't do anything except pure white/jet black
They slapped a skirt on the tank as usual and the skirt fabric doesn't dye at all hahah I picked a random color for example
instead of the tokens, boss drops loot coffers of gear, everyone can roll on the coffer. and then anyone can take the coffer and open it up for gear. you also get a book page so if you lose enough loot rolls you can just trade in books for gear pieces.
Bosses drop actual gear and you get 'mercy drops' to trade in eventually should your rolls be shitty
Imagine buying so completely into the meta meme that you actually exclude certain classes from your pf
was trick attack a mistake? Shouldn't the job that has literally the most button presses and have to work the hardest do the most DPS? SAMfags get out
Every other MMO on the market right now is shit. XIV has good gameplay but slogging through the story is killing my soul. I just want to do group content and have fun
>Its a final fantasy game blah blah blah you're supposed to like the never ending tide of pointless cutscenes
Yeah yeah i Know
What is the best way to level DoL from 70-80?
boss drop thing
you get thing
turn your fucking brain on you retard
I feel bad for my former ninja brothers. I switched to sam in stormblood, haven't looked back since it's a fun class. They need to make ninja fun again
Just catching up with the patch notes. You're telling me WHM didn't get ANY nerfs? What the absolute fuck?
>Famfrit queue: 1600
>Connection is listed as good instead of excellent like usual
Aw crap
Fuck the pain away
Comfy but slow way?
Fastest way?
Our medica 2 got cut in half but heals twice as much, so in practice you're applying it more often now meaning less time for DPS which sucks. I didn't roll WHM to heal people
To those trying the game
FF14 is a story focused mmo. Majority of the content is in the story. If you think the story is shit/think it's retarded for an mmo to focus on story just quit now. When you eventually get to end game you will find out the game has the least depth of any mmo. The shadowbringers expansion has a great story but 90% of people ate all the content. The game has no depth in gearing to experiment in different stat values. You simply get a high level item and it will be no different from a lower one except better stats.
It's not a meme when people say end game is ERP. It's true. You will get majority if not all of your gear upgrades with two runs if savage which you can use raid finder for. The game is not an mmo its a single player rpg with a chat box. The Devs have even said its okay to unsub when you have nothing to do. As it seems the Devs don't care to add content to lock players in. (except player housing, if you unsub you loose your plot and housing plots are extremely limited.) most if not all players stay subbed mostly for social reasons or ERP.
If you want an actual mmo FF14 is a bad place to start. It's very story focused.
King's honour, friend
Is monk hard? I wanna play one but they seem hard.
Why would WHM need nerfs? AST needed buffs sorely (and still kind of does, I'd argue). In general healing is in this fucky zone because they decided to inflate everyone's HP as usual but not your healing numbers, so a ilvl 400 level 70 character is healing just as much as an ilvl 440 level 80 character (which means you're healing less percentage since you're healing the same amount but on larger HP pools). People have done the math and Healers are basically healing for 30% less in ShB than they were in SB.
calculated more like before those lustrates should be healing for 26K, not 18K for example.
I'm a male lala tank not some female lala pedo
where do people get this idea that only one party will ever clear savage and that this game is hard enough to not allow more than 1 composition
It really does if you have long hair. It clips through fucking everything.
Hey bro, how far are you? Want a recruitment code? I just really want the chocobo desu.
>hahah look at all this edgy black and red stuff
>check out healer gear
>it's a white recolor of caster gear
>every other set is black and red but healer is white because lol designing healer gear
Speedrunning and optimization, wanting to look important by parroting what other people say is good/bad.
>plays not only a lala, but a male one at that
Wowkiddies probably
not everyone plays FFXIV to get a boner
at least I'm not a viera tranny
>t. pedo
>Thanos: I hope they remember you
>emet the fucking pussy: pls remember me ;_;
>he doesn't play male lala
Shitters that want to get carried by comps aka the majority.
the chalicotherium skin market is the fucking worst. Everyone selling god damn lower every single second. Its impossible ittl be at 10,000 in a day just fucking watch. Had to sell for like 35k each, IM LOSING MILLIONS. STOP RUINING IT
True, but what reason would someone look at a lala and say "I want to play that" unless they also want to fuck it
they're on the same level, Au Ra and c@s too
casuals who dont know anything about the raiding world are the most vocal when it comes to discussing it. They will tell you right now that many jobs aren't even viable in the casual raiding scene
>craft katana does almost 400 attspd on top of 300 DH
why did i even bother running titania ex
because being tiny is funny, especially if you're a tank.
New pvp gears fucking when ???
Who does this artwork? Shit's amazing.
Alright, anons:
What have you done in the game today? Did you have fun and did you run into some interesting or funny situations?
What are you planning to do tomorrow?
I ran into a guy named WoW refugee on Light/Twintania, that got a chuckle out of me as entire world is filled with sprouts
I know it's official art dipshit, what I'm asking is who's the artist? is it Amano?
Ive decided to skip out on the savages for this raid. Finally going to start beastman quests and level pld.
as a DRK, what should my dps hover at on ACT? i'm also hot trash
I played a Lala since ARR, because I like short races and all the other races are boring, dog shit. I played a Galka in 11, and Roe's in XIV are literally just tall, green humans. Went Ronso for ShB.
That's just the guy who licensed it
>Doesn't realize that all male Viera are just hermits that never leave the forest and only come out of their treeforts once a year to get laid.
When are you people gonna understand that you'll never play as a Male Viera?
what are you talking about
The same guy who's been doing it for the entire history of the series.
I've spent the day camping placards and my summoning bell.
I feel like it was wasted.
I'm still doing the filler between ARR and Heavensward so I did the trail where you fire canons at a dragon on a bridge today. I've gotta be close to Heavensward, right? These quests have me running on fumes.
tier lists in xiv are fucking stupid
every job can be used if you don't suck dick
Run through normal Eden and finished my helmet/chest armor, and did my roulettes. Then decied to play a bit of Spider-Man cause i started feeling burned out from catching up.
Nothing interesting, but I gave the MNK changes a shot and holy fuck what an improvement. Now they just need to rework TK.
who would that be?
not hard if you arent a brainlet, if you a brainlet go sam
have sex
Dwarves are cool
is there any actual reason why dancers shouldn't buff each other or is that just salt from people who think they're entitled to buffs?
Tried pugging E1S. Wasn't very fruitful as few groups even managed to even see the meteor phase. Only seen past that once in a FC group. But they wanted no spoilers and kept getting multiple people killed at the second delta attack which usually meaning wiping at meteors..
Get fucked pedotrannies.
>no doujin of male viera coming upon the village in the greatwood and breeding all the women there
Fuck off, faggot.
more dps + more dps > less dps + more dps
And what if I do suck dick unlike you? You absolute faggot
RDM here, I owe squeenix an apology, I bitched aand bitched and bitched about reprise but I use it at least once consistently every single time I run e1s in particular and i'm sure it'll come in handy more as well
>apply you buffs
>Do two rounds of standard DPS
>Apply your buffs
>Use your coolies as they pop up and know where to stand for brotherhood
Monk is fun, but its not as complex. It lost a lot of spells with the switch to shadowbringer. I think the fun of it is that you always have a button to press
>Switch to earth stance before popping your defensive during a damage phase
>Spamming your F whenever you have down time
>Using you two charges of shoulder charge to teleport passed aoe markers.
>Popping your 20% healing increase for the tank when his coolies go off.
and the best part of the job
>Jumping in the middle of the dragon kick animation
Post your 4 DNC, 2 WAR, 2 AST clear.
DNC personal dps isn't very high though obviously it depends more on the player than the job in pugs.
so it's just salt, gotcha
Why the fuck do we have multiple threads again?
How do they not know if a Viera is a boy or girl until they hit puberty? Or is that just the NPC's physical observations
we cleared with 8 nin
Unless their genital is all the same until a certain age, it should be as simple as having a dick or not
We do ?
because this is more important than nintendo games
They both have dicks
because its better than current wow
>level 3 iajutsu potency: 800
>Monk full chakra spender: Potency 300
MNK was never really bad, but there was a lot of clunk. 5.05 really helps a lot. Now just Anatman and Tornado Kick need to get looked at.
It was just awkward. The whole "hold up lemme meditate 5 times before each fight" plus always having to start at 0.
How much better is it now though? Should I keep leveling my Dragoon or just punch face?
I thought you couldn't queue with more than 2 of the same job now.
>comparing abilities in a vacuum
>btfo pedophiles
>btfo streamer cancer
XIV is like the only game with good GMs
i've got 6 retainers whats the best class setup on them for making money/crafting etc.
A typical SAM shitter, everyone.
you can queue with anything if you have a full party as long as you meet the level and ilvl req
It's literally impossible to lose GL now. Instant max chakra outside battle. Riddle of Earth gives 30 seconds of True North when you proc Reply. Slow removed from Riddle of Fire. It's pretty much every QOL change we've ever wanted.
>do e1s with five friends
>the two dudes we pug get all 3 of the chests
>even the SAM who did less than the DNC
Savage was a mistake.
I'm excited. I'm still tempted to level Dragoon though, because I like jumping.
It is a hard choice.
I ran roulettes and got to level 37 in eureka pyros.
If only they could clean up Limsa
>the two dudes we pug get all 3 of the chests
>Titan joke video still has yet to be wrong
Should consider yourself lucky to clear.
What is even the point of PB anymore outside of openers? You can't fucking lose stacks anymore to anything short of an Eternal Breath-tier short film of an ultimate attack.
Are there still people doing Eureka? I want to go back, I enjoyed it a lot.
Literally smelly pirate hooker city-state. It's beyond saving.
Nope. I only see about 2-3 other people in pyros. There are a bit more in anemos and pagos since easier entry to those, but still not much.
what game do you guys tab out to play
Depressing, I'm on Pyros too and wanted to farm my fire yeti
The new fire emblem.
Sexy Ilberd
They just need to super nerf eureka. Bring logothings into anemos and pagos as well. Redo how the story quests works, especially the one at the end of pagos.
Yeah, like it was. But now it's actually fun to play.
TK needs to only spend 2 GL Stacks, there, fixed.
what dps counter is that?
why, is E1S gatekeeping people?
the fight definitely felt harder than alte roite, train, or chaos. fucking VICE AND VIRTUE being the name of 80% of mechanics is incredibly obnoxious
was this for parsing or what did he do?
No, just pugs I've been playing with are either incredibly bad or dishonest.Joining meteor/post meteor pf groups usually lead to us not even clearing phase 1.
>has parse directly on stream
Retards who think just because other people do something against the ToS means that it's ok to publicly flaunt it.
Had this same experience.
>post add prog
>literally can't reach the fucking adds after four pulls
>even if could get past the healing check, would fail the DPS check because lol dead dps
And his ego is so fucking up there he refuses to believe he can be in the wrong for the shit he does.
Shit makes me more nervous to use the music playing program.
Nah, GMs don't ban for showing parsing on stream, dude just kept sperging out ingame and people reported his ass.
Jesus fuck this is my experience right now, dishonest as fuck, people join and have no clue what's going on, AHHH FUCK, I'm right at the turning orbs part but lying niggers keep coming in, wiping us and don't even know how the baits work for meteors or lasers FUCK
>tfw my Encyclopedia Eorzea came today
>got Matoya's Hat code
>can't use it because I play Hrothgar
T-thanks Yoshi...
I don't think it's the best but it's the one I got used to.
He wasn't taken to GM prison for parsing, he was being an asshole, apparently. Intentionally causing wipes, doing literally nothing in fights when he was upset, and other things.
Not that I care about this retard being banned but it bothers me they say they can't use outside the game stuff as evidence until all of the sudden they can.
you have to spoonfeed people in blind or prog parties. the most trustworthy people are the ones you teach yourself. i might have complained about the two spots we had to pug but we all progged from adds to the end over a lockout.
Absolutely based
>admits to afk-ing
>vehemently claims he did nothing wrong
Is this what e-fame does to people?
you can't get banned for parsing, even publicly, as long as you don't use the parses to harass people with
Is there anything I would ever used Fist of Earth?
healer isn't healing you and you're about to get hit with a mechanic/raid wide that would kill you without it
you ate a vuln stack and are about to died to raid wide aoe
I don't see why they don't give everyone a single parse for their own damage. It wouldn't show what anyone else is doing but yourself for self improvement, you know how it should be used instead of what we have to use now.
What is the dps difference between the tanks now, primarily war and drk?
Trying to decide which to play out of those 2.
Ran E1S blind with a practice party and we made solid progress before the server shat on us.
It's literally written on the motherfucking image you blind piece of shit
both tanks are dead
where? I don't see it
Pretty sure he is just a turbofaggot, regardless of fame.
WAR and DRK are about the same
GNB is higher, PLD is lower, but not by a really significant amount
This, could have some implications regarding parsing as well.
That said, I think one of the issues is that they used the in-game screenshot tool instead of using your OS's screenshoting program since it plasters the SE logo on it which they take very seriously apparently. If they just used one without the logo, you can just say "oh I just photoshopped it" or some shit.
Just go to Gridania.
>WHM's Afflatus Misery: 900 Potency
>WAR's inner chaos: 920 potency
>PLD's Confiteor potency with Requiscat: 1200 potency
>DNC's Technical Step: 1500 potency
how can SAM even compete
So I can take it off my hotbar. Got it.
negligible, play what you want. Reminder that PLD/DRK just got a WF.
You can still play that off as though "no, I'm just that good" though, so long as you don't flaunt it.
Anyone know the armor Granson wears?
>discord only group
>can't prove harassment because outside source
>people wont let you join their static/PF unless you provide numbers
Trannies will find a way to fuck it up. I'd like it for instances like SSS as an arcade high score kind of monitor. Something I could improve at my leisure instead of having 20 minute guides spewing out charts and shit for a string of skills.
We're progging right now with war+drk combo, on levi.
The difference in their dps is fucking tiny if not completely non existent from what I've seen. They're both looking at low mid 7k on most fights w/o padding.
The difference is in gameplay. Warrior has big repeated burst periods with meh sustain. Dark knight has consistent sustained damage with ogcds. Warrior has some big fucking hits with IC, seeing 60k+ crits. DRK doesn't have anything that beefy, and the biggest hit you'll see is like mid 30k right now.
I think DRK was on the world first team, so its really not bad like people will convince you it is.
Depends on the fight, but for either of the 2 ex you should be doing 6500 at the very least if you're keeping up with the gear curve
>have the ability to save your life in a pickle
>its not on your hotbar
man don't ever complain if you just barely die to lethal damage when shit hits the fan
i would prefer if they would just outright require sss to enter certain fights
it doesn't even have to be a tight check, just a test of basic competence
Alliance Coat of Fending
Parsing won't ever go away but an in game way to see your own damage isn't a bad thing and would take 0 time to implement(because it already is in the game)
Thanks. oh wow, that shows you what npc's wear. How cool. How long has this been around?
>Crafting armor to fill in all my classes wherever I'm missing 450
>Hey maybe I should save some money by running eden normal to pick up a few pieces before I do this
>Get to E2
>Wipe 4 times and abandon
Guess I'll be buying some extra goetia matierals from the MB after all
a while, it's a good resource
That's what I mean. I would like to see what I'm doing in an easy to understand system, but I would not like the following of retards who want to know your personal numbers for content that it's irrelevant in.
There are people right now who parse and judge on FATEs.
Again, thanks. I'll bookmark it. It even has timers too that look better than XIV Clock
>no Titan Tonka Truck
>Floating Shoe mount that would have made more sense as a story reward
I guess they need to save time and money by reusing as many assets as they can.
Tanks are in a fantastic spot, I wouldn't change a damn thing.
>Not pulling your weight in fates
ummmmmm why are you telling me how to do mechs? I clearly said no spoilers.....
Anons I am tired of crystal fags, where to transfer to? If possible a datacenter where people know how to play. Just people with half a working brain, no pros needed.
>milk sheep
I'd change War's gap closer to be free and have 2 charges
Are you saying Vieras are hyenas?
every group ive been with so far cant get past the add phase
Yeah. All e-celeb faggots are faggots. And Mr. Happy and this guy are the biggest fags of them all for FFXIV.
>upload e1s clear successfully on fflog
>it disappears into the void
is the site busted
Why aren't you on Primal already?
There's good and shit players on every data center. Make some friends and settle down into any of them. server hopping won't save you
Sounds like it doesn't matter where you're going. Post FFLogs so everyone can see your blues and greens while you complain.
I would change DRK to give it an actual identity outside of it basically being a WAR that uses mana.
Because I am a fag that didn't really wanted to leave Crystal before but now I am tired of it. Primal then?
New to the game and doing the ARR Relic Reborn quests. I needed to bring an Aeolian Scimitar with materia in it to Gerolt as part of the quest, but all people were selling was the high quality version. Will he accept that or do I have to degrade it before I put the materia in?
Reminder that losing the roll on the coffer is statistically less likely than gear only you could roll on dropping.
>tfw the one streamer you want to play XIV refuses it because mmo
>doesn't scream at random
>cares about his education and isn't trying to live off gaming
A fate truly too cruel.
Yes but Ultros is congested so you are doomed to languish on Crystal and possibly have your character molested or something
HQ is fine, just as long as it has the materia in it
how do i make friends in this game, every fc already seems like a tight nit fag clique
No difference. You can trade in HQ when NQ is requested, just not the other way around obviously.
faggy post
Sorry that DRK became a better WAR.
why the fuck are you talking about a streamer like he's your son or dog or some shit, damn you're a faggot
I play XIV user did you really think I was anything but?
Japan is the best data center, next is Chaos then its Primal
>bored, feel like collecting all the mog weapons
>MNK mogfists keeps dropping
>don't play monk
are the moogles telling me something
>/xivg/ is still on meltdown
Why cant we just have general on Yea Forums.
You must have gotten unlucky, the one DF and every PF group I ran with on crystal on E1S that went in blind learned pretty quickly what to do and would consistently make it to phase 2 lasers. Would've gone further if the servers haven't been shitting themselves so hard today.
I give up, I've tried to PF E1S all day with 0 success.
This whole game is filled with absolute fucking retards who either hope to sneak in and get carried or vastly overestimate their abilities.
Went through multiple "enrage to clear" parties and there is always that one piece of fucking human garbage who wipes in the first 3 mechanics, or kills someone else during orbs or straight up does so little damage Stephen Fucking Hawking would be a better player than them.
It takes a lot to get me mad at video games, but holy shit, today was a mindblowing tour-de-force in incompetence.
You have no joy in your life. It's ok.
That's not how you spell inferior. Let me fix that for you, user. DRK became an inferior WAR.
This is why you only raid with FCs and why i dont raid at the moment.
You have no joy in your life either you know, considering how you talk about a streamer as though they're your best friend or something. News flash, the streamer doesn't care about you.
if someone is stuck on enrage that means they didnt do enough dps to pass it
someone with good dps would have cleared in a group that can make it to enrage
So why wasn't a WAR in E4S worlds first?
They used it because the person in the picture was 1. linking to it using the ingame chat to people who obviously couldn't be trusted
2. fucking admitted to it like a retard
If a GM confronts you and the only evidence is like a discord or an imgur link the GMs can't do shit because they have no way of proving it's actually you.
>WoW refugees thinking FCs are for raiding
Same here actually. We hit enrage a few times but then servers decided to shit themselves. Now it is impossible to get anything similar. What's worse is that they call it "clear party" and they don't reach delta attack. I am not fucking joking.
Dumb high schooler. You're not old enough to post here yet.
>caring about streamers
>wanting to watch someone play a WoW-clone rather than playing it yourself
Why? Outside of Savage lasting 3 weeks at best you're better off not paying attention to this game till another raid tier so you can once again pay $10 to Yoshida for mediocre story content.
If you have ever posted on /vg/, you should be permanently banned from posting on all other boards.
The FFXIV pugs are as shit as WoW pugs. IF you wanted raid on farm you joined a guild dumbass. Same goes for FFXIV.
>general on Yea Forums
>WoW-boogeyman posting and Lauthry-posting without fail
>thread devolves into "Our shitty game is better than your shitty game"
Yeah no, XIV doesnt even have enough content outside its story to keep the community talking about it as is.
>calls an user tumblr and high schooler
>while he talks about a shitty streamer as though he's proud of them despite not actually knowing them personally
You need to go back.
DPS hasn't been the issue with the majority of the parties, though. It's mechanics.
I'd say 2/3rds of the parties I've had would have cleared if people just not decided to eat shit at every turn.
>authentication error
what is going on
It's alright user. You're not old enough to remember television and watching a TV show host go on about inane things. Shouldn't you be tabbing out of Praetorium to watch Netflix?
what is e1s enrage
didnt get to see it in my clear, is it just an extra long dimensional shift?
just posting my bunfu
Just unlocked GNB brahs, what should i be doing?
filtered and in-game reported
What does a WF have to do with DRK becoming an inferior WAR? Or do you have an argument that dispels the fact that DRK's "rotation" is basically a complete copy of WAR's John Fucking Madden rotation from Stormblood?
BRDbros who are at level 80. How's the class feeling to you? Leveling it up and I'm not really feeling how gutted it is on the support end of things at the moment, please tell me its get better at level cap. Otherwise might level DRK or SAM up for the time being.
It's just his pre-add AOE "Fraggor Something", but it just kills you.
This game doesn't need another mentally ill faggot who has a mental breakdown whenever someone criticises him
Nah, this game already has more than enough faggots in it.
Live Letter can't come soon enough. I don't raid because I'm a 99% casual and want to see new shit.
Ironic considering ffxiv has thread that reach limit immediately while wow theeads struggling to even reach 100 posts before archived
Fucking hideous. Start over.
thats a pretty ugly bun
Anxiety is nuts user. At least he kept it in the chat and didn't keep the camera on for reaction $$$
Woolie being ass at Bayonetta is torture.
Stop replying to /vg/ tranny avatarfag erpers
>face 4
i dont get this
>23 hours in
>haven't watched a single cutscene or read a single NPC conversation
This is normal right?
>durr why does xivg tranny post [thing] every thread
>proceed to post this image in every fucking thread
Kill yourself tranny
>literally anyone that isn't a Hrothchad gets called ugly/shitty
>Yea Forums immediately presents when someone posts their bara WoL
Really activates my echo.
Mentally ill stream faggot is jealous of his friends success, and cancels his stream
Dude's got depression/anxiety and quit another group to get that shit sorted out. Didn't help one of them is a living gremlin and is active on Ultros. People still associate him with the old group sometimes.
>pedo's account is terminated
>limited pvp glamour goes down the drain
Anyone know the item level of eden savage gear?
this fat midget piece of shit is fucking garbage at the game, I don't know why people fellate him so
>WoW refugee with 0 clue as to what statics are
Enjoying your first month of XIV?
I need further proof he actually got banned.
>all the nay saying i see about drk being garbage
>it was in the world first and NA first
only faggots play as women
Someones gotta do it
It feels about as it does at 70 with the changes, you get a couple new skills, but its mostly just enhancements to the 70 kit. Heavy Shot becomes Burst Shot with a 35% chance for Refulgent now, you get Shadowbite which is just the AOE version of Sidewinder, then there is Apex Arrow which you get at max level and its not really that amazing. you fill a gauge for Apex and the more gauge the more potency it gains, gauge fills every time you get some Repertoire, goes up by 5. You need 20 in order to even use it and Apex's default potency is 500.
So long story short, its okay but lacking anything of impact.
housing and glam, duh
The same reason kids latch on to every other swearing, screaming jack off on twitch. He's aggressive behind his safety screen which is something they are not. So they throw money at him to say funny things. Also a .0003% chance his ginger gf will talk to them.
What were the first party compositions?
>he was talking about pugs
>your now forcing statics
Done with Eden.
E1S was boring as shit, E2S was kind of okay but way too forgiving for fuck ups, E3S as boring as you'd expect from the Normal Mode, and then E4S starts amazing but becomes a literal training dummy and slow as shit right after you transition.
5/10 tier overall. Was expecting way more from Titan especially.
>Wish there was a massive gil sink in this game.
Charity, tanking the MB, housing and selling gil.
DRK isn't garbage because it has bad numbers or weak mitigation, it's garbage because it's a fucking WAR reskin with a sick shield with a tiny CD
I'm WAR main myself and admitted WAR is not strong enough yet. Why use him when DRK does the same but without the effort.
WAR is garbage by that metric too.
You (not 'he' since you're obviously the same stupid faggot) were saying that FCs were the only way to raid in XIV. You, being a dumb WoW refugee nigger, were incorrect. Flee, nigger, back to WoW.
Why and how did Midgardsormr remove the blessing of light?
Why are Viera players subhuman attention whores, hell, why are faggots that play female characters such attention whores?
I'll be your gil sink, you slag. You can pay me to insult you for handing over money.
Imagine living on a shard going through a fire calamity.
WAR plays like dumbed down WAR too, just something tank mains are going to have to live with lmao
wow refugee spotted
>literally understanding it wrong
go back to >>>/xivg/ faggot
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Playing so I can find a girlfriend.
youre a dumb nigger that got fucking owned kid lmao back to wow fag
So if I spam my old man highlander in a fully clothed glam, am I still a faggot?
Already a title and Dreams of Ice patch. Next.
Oh yeah, I forgot to post this when I first found him
Truth. It's pathetic that WAR and DRK play practically the same. I'm convinced the only DRKs praising its current state are past WAR mains or people who started in Stormblood.
Dilate pedo.
>yeah i showed him haha!!! moommyyyy get the camera i won my first internet argument!!!!
Trannies aren't pedos stupid, they want to be the teen girl.
you better stop posting right now before i drop the cunnny dump bomb and get this thread deleted last and only warning
Kill yourself.
why does everyone in XIV use this fucking emoticon:
are people really this lazy?
ah the seething wow refugee got fucking annihilated after speaking out of line, lmfao
Do it again
Lali-ho, nigger.
do it
I'm even lazier. I just click on my /laliho icon.
All the cool kids are doing it mentality. Probably don't know how to use auto translate or know the emote strings to /wave.
I undercut all day every day and I don't even need the money.
Eat shit poorfag.
All I wanted was a comfy xiv thread, and now it’s full of massive faggots and pedos.
You know who you are.
t. kys
People just get mad that their characters are shit desu. You don't see it labeled as "avatar fagging" when its "Post ur toons EXKS DEE"
All they had to do was post it all on a rule 34 site instead of on their own twitter with their account details, it didn't have to be this way bros..
Anybody knows when is this gonna go on sale ? Really enjoy the free trial and wanting for more
>doesn't know what t. means
Now that reddit retards are here janny should clean up this thread.
>Finally cleared E1S with a pug
>Not even really happy about it
I think joining 5 back to back clear parties that couldn't even make it past adds has stripped away my ability to feel joy
This has been happening long before it though.
W-what if they added it because of that alone?
goddamn, that is the blackest niggerest looking
viera I've ever seen, deserved to be banned for that abomination.
What is in game name? I will report in game to SE directly like the last one.
Anyone who avatar fags deserves to get shot, female characters and bara fags alike. Both are a plague.
>Light is represented by the color white. Such being the absence of all colors, it represents stillness.
>Darkness belongs to the color Black, the inclusion of all color and as such, flux
God damn it Urianger, this is why no one fucking listens to you
Your viera looks like one of the sluts I make in Sims 4 it's kinda weird.
I'm honestly surprised he legit had it, I always thought it was just a mod swapping the model or something from his screenshots.
>fake screenshot made with /echo
Found one of the massive faggots
>nnnno you
What's Yea Forums's opinion on femroes?
Really, actually, honest-to-goodness would not surprise me.
The lengths these people go to for attention is astounding.
I want to buy this game on my pc but i'm scared. Is it well optimised?
That you should go back to /xivg/.
Fuck off. I like She Hulk but mods are admitting you need add ons to not look like shit.
Faggots >>>> /vg/
God...I wish that was me...
what about unmodded ones
hehe based
I'm glad I was following their account before all this happened. Why do people have to ruin everything?
Autistic redditors like you should go to /vg/. I'm here to talk about eden savage.
So cope, dilate and stop derailing the thread with your bile.
That you should still go back to /xivg/
Now we're talkin'
They look good in WAR artifacts
They need better hairstyles, there are only like 3 haircuts that look good on femroes.
They look like actual trannies.
>make fake twitter account for xiv player i dont lioke
>fill it with modded screenshots!!!!
>report teh playar
>get them epically banned
What job would this be? Can you find gear that actually looks like this?
>wow takes weeks to kill mythic azshara
>xiv kills titan savage in less than a day
lmao what a fucking joke of a game
>seething this hard
sorry lad, just take your 20 days in stride
Call me autistic but I'm lazy as fuck to level up the normal way.
Can I technically just semi afk with trusts in a similar way with squadrons in which you just pull everything, let the trusts do whatever? I also just thought couldn't you do a mass first room pull, get through that, leave and reset?
I assume this would only work if your trusts are all level 80 but what dumbass did that before the patch am I right?
Kill me now.
AST, yes
Astrologian, it's one of their artifact gear.
Pretty sure they overtune most fights initially in WoW for the 1st couple weeks
That's twitters file names.
I have a backup of all their stuff, should I make an album of it incase it gets deleted.
Thanks for that small info dump user. Guess I'll level it after SAM or DRK now and just keep on playing DNC for my raid wide support fix.
sounds like WoWs players are bad
Jesus christ
>I'm here to talk about eden savage.
>So cope, dilate
Raidtranny detected.
Shiet which eceleb should I do this to?
Faggots always need that vaseline, my dude.
Is it any good?
>it's one of their artifact gear.
I don't know what this means. Is it hard to get?
I can promise you, nobody is mad that their characters are shit. That's just something you insecure fags seem to rely on when it comes to passively aggressively insulting people that criticise your shitty behaviour.
I'm having a lot of fun with E1S
>nooooo don't do content that just came out
t. limsa hooker
They just got out of the cuckshed
It's your choice of words that gave it away, no-peen.
I really like Fem Roes, but you obnoxious hipster faggots have ruined them for me.
No, this is a twitter filename format.
>Have had mods in my game since mod support became a thing.
>Never had an issue with it with any GM's or Squeenix staff
They really DONT care
If those words rubbed you the wrong way you're a dilating tranny.
>VIII materia was 500k 5 hours ago
>Now its 100k
The fuck just happened.
Just upload it all to R34
Bard is still good, but yeah, losing many support aspects of the role is a massive shame. Hopefully they give us back Foe Requiem at some point. It shocked me they removed it at all.
The market is starting to balance out
People are done melding their sets obviously.
yeah put it on sadpanda
It's really fun until you keep bashing your head into the enrage because one guy is a fuckup
Of course no one cares about you.
Foe Requiem is a shitty gcd and NO bard worth their salt has ever lamented the loss of it.
>durr i'm helping
You can help by doing that damage yourself, just a thought.
is the best way to ge tthose phantsmagoria tokens the MSQ roulette? it seems fairly braindead and people rush through it
They have no way of knowing. People get banned because they attach their name to all the smut screenshots they share online.
>Screwing around with the character creator
>Make an edgy but decent looking fem Au Ra
How come none of the ones I see go for the edgy look? They all look weird as fuck and have extremely unfitting glams.
As as side note, I can't really fault so many Miqo'te going for slutglams when that's the only thing that race is good for.
Expert. Plus you can't exactly rush through 30 minutes of unskippable cutscenes.
The best way is to farm an expert dungeon for 3 hours straight.
Yea, because they dont want smut associated with their games. Trust me, I've posted my character on the forums, modded and all, and they didnt give a shit.
See Its just the smut that bugs them
Expert Roulette. 15 minutes a pop, 5 times a week if you don't do anything else that gives tomes.
filtered fucking underaged kid
Not if you save them from the app. That's what I get from mobile.
user you're retarded. Foe Requiem did help. 3% increase to damage taken by enemies is good when everyone is dealing a fuck load of damage by default, as it just increases your damage output more.
I lost all my motivation after the patch hit. I don't know why. I'm not even gonna do savage, I'm just going to keep leveling all my crafters.
That's a confirmation on the use of ENB, not remodeling gear or body meshes.
They better not fucking disappoint with his EX weapons.
Years of the same tomestone grind burnt me out. I had more fun playing through the story than doing endgame stuff and crafting.
ENB is an injector and far more invasive to the game files than texture mods user
The edgys went for male.
>hard to get
no you get it for free for getting to level 50 or 60
Not surprising when you learn that the community is full of generic, degenerate weebs
I know. I might take a break. I just want a full 80 on everything before I do so I don't have to worry about that once I return.
Crafting is fun but the grind to do 1star-3star isn't.
>generic, degenerate weebs
This is me.
Because they don't want to be edgy. Trannies gravitate to things that are small, cute and girly just shy of sissification. Fem lizards are exactly that. Their glams often make no sense because they have mods on.
If only the other MMO's out on the market weren't dog shit boring themselves.
My problem with mods is that it honestly looks like "horny Skyrim mod setup". Has anyone made a decent looking loadout that's gonna say the meme word realistic or at least is in tone with the game?
For faggot sjws that want to play female characters but feel forced to pick the brutish ogre race as to not be sexist.
>it's just damage
Give one reason why that damage shouldn't belong exclusively to you instead of spread all over the party.
Just use the SFW texture mods and reShade
I'd rather the game's gear actually got reasonable texture sizes and didn't have shit stuck onto it than hope someone with blender knowledge gets bored of making breastless chestpieces and fishnet stockings.
He didn't say remember me
He say remember US
That's the difference between a purple shaped penishead alien and a true evil paragon
Any pictures? Reshade hasn't impressed me so far as most of the presets I tried were overblown colors and shadows or just didn't make enough of a difference to look noticable. Are all the SFW texture mods actually redone textures of the game or just slutty-fying gear.
Now I'm curious about what would make a female lizard edgy.
Not mine, but I like it.
i wish people did retextures
Sadu face.
Gonna do that, thanks. Any other good ones to recommend?
Its called Bard and is meant to be partial support role, not just mediocre DPS thats only advantage is it can attack from a distance. It might as well just be Ranger now.
>4 FC mates and I clear E1S
>Only one of us get the chests
This new system is nice for statics but it gonna be fucking hell for parties like us who have to get some pick up party members...
Dumb lipstick. Dumb hair that has been dipped in wine.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
>weebs that don't go full chunni
It's literally the best part
>just want snu snu femroe
>there no snu snu glamour or hairstyles
>Posts gif of highlanders
>Demands roes
Does not compute
How about this, I'm feeling my teenage years, full of darkness and pretending I wanted to murder people, coming back to me.
Loaded up my 70 AST for the first time today after seeing some healthy buffs and holy shit is this class completely un-fun to play with the new card system.
It feels like I'm playing at a million miles per hour in an 8 man group to optimally buff people all the while being out done by another healer just spamming nukes. They can buff heal potencies all they want but I don't think I can put up with this and I doubt many people enjoy it.
Tight and Firm Muscles Vanilla
NBP Body Vanilla
2k Faces
2K Hair
No More Washed Out Colors - Gameplay preset for Reshade, with both MXAO options turned on
Fuck, I'm dumb.Forgot the screenshot.
Full knight miqo'te look pretty cool, as do samurai looks. Feels kind of like all or nothing though - I can't say I've seen or think a miqo'te in robes is very stylish. If they had more of a flattering and stylish look like Yshtola then it could work. I really wish the Au ra had gotten the Highlander-Hyur treatment with smaller Raen men and taller Xaela women, as I realize the only Xaela I like are Sadu, Yugiri, and my friends' Xaela which are designed to look more serious and not kawaii ugu I think if Elezen had some of the longer hairstyles I saw Miqo'te or Viera (sans ears obv) had they would look a lot better. All the NPC elezens people like either have very flattering outfits or long hair.
Make the black eye blue and we're talking
Yeah with mostly WoW-boogeyman posting and Janny-posting. Just because you're hitting cap doesn't mean the threads dont devolve into nonsense not even remotely related to the game. Hopefully Savage keeps the talks close to that for a few weeks.
Coeurl Beach set, Catoblepas Horns, Aka Oni Greatclub
Got a SFW picture of your setup? I'm curious user.
Is this a good time to jump in and begin playing?
Now here's a guy who knows his trannies.
WoW? Yes.
Here's a thought since your brain is too full of that "the party will think i'm useful for existing and pressing a button off cooldown like a good boy" tranny thinking
a person doing 3000 dps
a person doing 2000 dps and providing 1000 dps for the rest
are both effectively doing the same dps. "Support offensive buff" is a fucking meme. Axing these redundant skills and moving the values into the job's potency achieves the same result. The only reason you're still clinging onto "support capabilities" is because that was your free meal ticket for years, and now you suddenly have to move your lard ass and provide the output yourself.
>calling someone a zoomer while defending the actions only a Zoomer would do
That's quite some projection there user. How about you go watch a stream and let us play the game.
Any time is fine. It will take a while to reach the cap so there's no hurry.
Ah, yes, I'm feeling that edge. Time to try and make an edgy looking character for every race .
It's very easy to catch up, but you should take your time with the story. It's meant to be a very slow burn and the first couple of levels can be a bit painful until you start getting more of your skills.
Free trial until level 35 by the way.
The game is designed to always be a good time to jump in. Just take your time and take everything in, when you see new content, go for it. Never be afraid to ask in chat for help, and ignore any trolls in the Novice Network.
Just did the DRK 70 quest
Idk GNB bros.. it seems I am joining the abyss..
Nobody is going to say DRK doesn't have the best questline, but you're fucking silly if you think DRK plays good compared to how it used to.
>Let's stack and rotate for meteors!
Literally get out of savage and don't come back.
thanks my guy. i see a bunch of people posting 8k and i just don't get how they're pushing that when i can barely manage 5, granted im not using proper rotations nor have i melded my shit (because im lazy as fuck). How much of a difference would melds make?
Edgy does not equate to "crazy" eyes emote. Fucking lame.
I saw people trying that early this morning literally minutes after the patch went live.
Why can't roasties be nice to eachother why they gotta act like that
Worse being that you can control who gets the meteors
i would rather farm all lux weapons than raid eden savage
That's the last thing you want if you seek to break the mould.
PB is great for fishing leaden bootshines
you should pretty much always have it on CD
>Why can't roasties be nice to eachother
They're suffering from a certain (D)eficiency.
It's because that's how Xenosys was doing it. Blacklist anyone who suggests that idiocy.
Daily reminder:
Emet-selch did nothing wrong.
how do i play BLM?
>It's just like pantokrator!
It really fucking isn't you retarded mongrels, stop trying to push retarded strats, jesus fucking h christ.
DRK plays a lot better in Shadowbringers than it did in Stormblood. Not to say it couldn't use some work but Dark Arts spam was fucking trash and needed to die.
>literally minutes after the patch went live
>it's because that's how X eceleb was doing it
We were going for edge and darkness. Who cares what trannies are doing.
Is that why there is so little porn of this game?
I would absolutely take more dark arts spam over Cleavespiller. I didn't stick with it just to be turned into a fucking Warrior.
This should be on your screen at all time.
There are thousands of lewd images of XIV, but 95% of it is OC commissions.
Yeah this may shock you user but Xenosys was also running as soon as the patch went live and most people aren't running on toasters that can't also open a twitch window to watch prog while they wait to get in themselves.
Yeah....I'm not feeling it. Looks more like a filter than something more natural.
Fire 3, F4 F4 F4 F1 F4 F4 F4 B3 B4 T4 Foul
Rince and repeat, popping Leylines and Triplecast when you have it
what is this, 2017?
muh dick/10
That one guy on pornhub is doing some stuff but fuck whoever OC is that with Alisaie.
Yeah sure thing people were watching some clown at minute 0 instead of playing the fucking game.
i've seen this dyke 42398529350 times
Where's the diaper user? Or are you Kai in disguise?
>but fuck whoever OC is that with Alisaie.
You mean Ranier Kyran Layarte Leveilleur? That guy is a bucket of second hand embarrassment.
Some of arent lvl80 yet user
Out of all the actual females I've met online only two were cunts to me and other females and they were absolutely hideous landwhales. I've met one transbian and >she was very chill. I've met a couple of promiscuous scene girls but they were really nice. And a few older married women who were also chill and kind to everyone. It's just insecurity and very likely femcel behaviour.
Our very own Wingbat. How far we've come.
percentiles when?
You trannies keep saying the no b4 opener is bad but what are you supposed to use?
Nah it's another OC.
Fuck that guy though. I legit hate all of crystal fuckers.
>Posts selfies to his tumblr all day
>Autistic donut backstory where he's constantly fighting his sister or some shit, which is his alt character
I wonder if you can report someone for commissioning porn if their character is tied to it
I swear Leatherworkers are the most greedy motherfuckers always thinking one piece of leather is somehow worth 3 times more than other crafters mats.
It needs a day. So probably in a few hours is the answer.
>Opening with F3
This isn't HW.
The only other Leveilleur lover who tried to cultivate a personality I can think of is Eppedo, who paid for a few images with Alphinaud
guys whats going on with fflogs? it doesn't even seem functional anymore
thank god
dilate blue parsing tranny
The angles on those swords makes no sense.
Because leather only comes from mobs or ventures which is about 10 times less efficient than just being able to mine/harvest what you need. Thank god they added skins and fleece to the fate crystal system.
Trannies are exclusively orange parsers
But only in the parties where they pass around the buffsluts like it's pass-the-parcel
Some tranny probably went nuclear after it kept changing the default ranking listing.
You could have just said you didn't like the previous iterations of BRD user. No one in this thread would have judged you for it.
I too like this diaper succubus user, please give me more
I don't mean not functional like that. I just mean it shows no data for any of my fights, and the fights I Upload aren't getting ranked. I want to see where my E1S parse stands but i'm getting nothing..
>hurr if you're good at the game then you have brain issues
This is legit pathetic.
Go back
Stop being retarded. Your old fights are still there you just need to select the correct option such as pre savage. Your new fights are not ranked yet because the website needs at least a day to start displaying those. Has it been a day since 5.05? No.
Both Stormblood and Shadowbringers DRK are inferior to Heavensward DRK. Players wanted Heavensward DRK when they asked for a rework to Stormblood DRK. They didn't ask to become a fucking WAR.
>Try to find new Alisaie art
>Ranier commissions a bundle of new images
[screams internally]
You're really buttblasted that there are people who are better than you. I think there are children on the 3rd grade who take a loss with more dignity.
You're never getting parry procs back and for good reason, suck it up princess.
Actually I started HRT 7 years ago so I actually parse orange sweaty
Just checked and in fact it doesn't show any log for anyone on any fight, even normal eden or ex trials and the rankings are empty.
What did I just say on the very post you replied to? Dear lord.
I hope all of you cunts have at least cleared E1S already instead of shiposting here
>No one in this thread would have judged you for it.
That I already know. There are less dependent cucks here than on Reddit and OF.
I cleared hours ago, don't feel like fucking with E2S until tomorrow
i'd also have cleared e2s if not for blizzard