For me, it's petra

for me, it's petra.

fire emblem: three houses waifu thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wait, is this a general waifu thread or specifically a 3H waifu thread?

this is a three houses waifu thread

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Does Bernie make a good mage? I heard that a high strength can help her with Speed.

for me it's velour

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I'm on hard/classic in three houses, should I be choosing to do battles every time I have free time to maximise levels?
So far I've been exploring once a week and doing battles every other time.
Are seminars ever worthwhile?

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For me, it's Lysithea

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i haven't seen her in the other stuff outside of seeing her around every now and then but she seems cute

god i need to go thru the other houses and play as a male. i made a mistake but at least i can lez dorothea

Black Eagles girls best girls

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Seminars and resting are completely useless just have two meals to max the motivation of four students. i really cant see a reason you would not just do that

Bernadette is great. her outfit after the time skip is cute as fuck

How does classic work?
>entire team gets wasted
>nobody alive to exist in cutscenes

That was my thinking since battles give you level, class and skill experience but seminars only give skill (I think).
On normal I heard you can spam battles or retreat to keep experience but on hard you can't so there is a limited amount of experience your characters can gain which makes me paranoid to do battles almost every chance I can so nobody dies.

Previous FE games had plot important characters become injured instead of die. So they still show up in story scenes.
It would be great if 3H has any students who die get a headstone at the cemetery though.

>picked hard
>game has yet to become hard 5 chapters in

DOing black eagles after golden chads
should I go shamir,edelgard or petra?

Redpill me on Fire Emblem 3 Houses. Why should I get this over Astral Chain, Kill la Kill If, or Dragon Quest XI S?
>"user, Kill la Kill If is trash."
Okay, so that still leaves Astral Chain and DQ. Why should I get this particular FE over those 2?

Its a good game, DQ normal edition has been out for a while hasn't it?
The game is good and seems to have a bunch of replay value to burn time.

If it's something you'll put time into and enjoy, why would you limit yourself you fucking poorfag

Best girl and my wife

Attached: Manuela_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 996K)

>won't give you kids
>gives kids to hubert
>dirty fucking slut
>won't give you kids
>gives kids to ferdinand
tied with flayn for best girl
>won't give you kids
>gives kids to caspar

Shamir or Petra, prolly Petra.
Edgelord only if you like being cucked

Wait, is this about Petra and Bernie true? The fuck. I thought only edelgard did this shit

petra won't even give you kids but she gives kids to hubert and fucking linhardt man she's the same cuckshit as edelgard

Imagine not choosing Hilda immediately

Attached: Hilda_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 973K)

can I get her if I didnt pick the house shes in?

Based HildaCHAD. I want to brush her twintails and cuddle her.

>Byleth x Petra
>After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United\nKingdom of Fódlan, S0 announced his\nmarriage to Petra. In light of her love for her spouse and\nher unique position to act as a bridge between the two\nregions, Petra entrusted her homeland's throne to her\nfamily and remained in Fódlan. Together, the two worked\nhard to restore Fódlan and improve relations with Brigid.\nThe foreign royal was initially met with skepticism, but in\ntime, the people of Fódlan accepted and adored Petra.\nThanks to their efforts, in the distant future, the two lands\nwere eventually as one.

>Hubert x Petra
>Shortly after the war, Brigid renegotiated its diplomatic\narrangement with the Adrestian Empire, ending its service\nas a vassal and becoming a full ally. As part of that\nagreement, Petra, queen of Brigid, was wed to Hubert,\nMarquis Vestra. Some say that the marriage was purely\npolitical, ordered by Emperor Edelgard, while others insist\nthat it was of their own accord. Although they led busy\nlives, and sometimes lived separately. Still, their shared\nhome in the western Fódlan village of Nuvelle was filled\nwith their many children, suggesting a loving union.

Attached: Hubert_Portrait.jpg (225x225, 8K)

The one real thing I miss from fates is the ost

>Byleth x Bernadetta
>After taking on the role of archbishop of the Church of\nSeiros, S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 marriage to\nBernadetta. Many were concerned that the new leader of\nHouse Varley would do little more than hide, but she in\nfact followed the archbishop wherever he went and\nprovided him with constant counsel. She never did\novercome her shyness, however, and it is said that aspiring\nadvisers who frightened her were quickly turned away.\nBecause the ones she liked performed well in their service\nto the church, Bernadetta was widely believed to have a\ndiscerning eye.

>Caspar x Bernadetta
>After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided\nthat Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing\nas she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic\nreign, and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused\nsome incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as\nrecompense. Over time, these oaths accumulated to such a\ngreat number that it became necessary to compile them,\nand the resulting document came to be known as the "47\nArticles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision\nthat, when counting their large quantity of children,\nCaspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.

>virgin byleth cucked by bernie's "favorite" advisers
>unstoppable fuck machine caspar has to check it's bernie he's fucking and not one of their kids


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Petra is a cutie with that broken english.

I have my boar wife right here.

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Which of the girls will give me kids? Currently debating on Petra vs Ingrid vs Marianne.

>dude i'm so lazy and weak lmao
>destroys every unit she see

Nothing there says they don't have kids. They just aren't mentioned, thats all.

If you side with rhea during the black eagle route do you get a completely different route or is it just golden deer/blue lion route?

Please don't feed into cuckanon it's getting quite tiresome

I can’t believe dimitri picked doo doo to represent his house for the ball holy shit.

>no kids with byleth
>kids with hubert and linhardt

>no kids with byleth
>kids with claude and sylvain

>no kids with any character
>you won't have kids but you're not cucked

I keep her off the battlefield. Not because I worry about her safety, but because I worry about the enemies

>endings with byleth don't mention kids
>n... nothing says they can't have kids
>endings with other men explicitly state they have kids
>u... use your imagination bro
fucking cope retard hahahaha

What the fugg

Will Hilda give me kids? I can start going for her, but I heard if you're in BE she's locked.

Completely different

honestly sothis is the only one who doesn't cuck you

nice thanks

she doesn't give you kids but she does with caspar

>Byleth x Hilda
>S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 marriage to Hilda \nshortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom\nof Fódlan. As queen, Hilda rarely took part in politics\nherself, but she nevertheless contributed greatly to the\nrestoration of Fódlan by recommending exceptional\npeople to influential positions. Her hobby of creating\nfashionable accessories also bore fruit, as her designs\nachieved widespread popularity, and she created the first\nartisan academy in Fódlan. The school produced many\ntalented craftsmen, one of whom created a statue that\nexpertly captured the king's delight at receiving the gift\nof a bracelet from the queen.

>Caspar x Hilda
>Caspar and Hilda, under no pressure to inherit any noble\ntitles, spent the early years of peace after the war traveling.\nThey journeyed to every corner of Fódlan, and even\nventured abroad now and again. Caspar's antics caused\nendless entertainment for Hilda, who loved to stand by\nand watch him fight or squirm his way out of trouble.\nEventually, their free-spirited adventure was called to an\nend by Hilda's brother, Holst, who offered Caspar a\nposition as a knight in service of House Goneril. Caspar\naccepted, and before long, he and Hilda were married.\nThe couple raised many children, and were said to have a\nnotoriously lively household.

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oh also do you lose all of the black eagles student or can you keep some?

>Ending doesn't mention kids
>This means you not only can't have had kids, but you're also cucked because another ending for said character mentions kids
The logic of Yea Forums continues to astound me at how stupid it is.


Its just one guy, just ignore him

can't handle the truth lmao

Yes, that is exactly it.
Byleth isn't a self-insert anyways.

Which waifu screams the loudest when I pierce my spear into her?

i post fucking evidence for what i claim you fucking retards cope with "interpretation" and excuses that's the fucking difference you cowardly bitch

I too like Petra but had to stop playing the dub because it was ruining her for me. I get what they're going for, they want to show she doesn't have a firm grasp on the language. But unfortunately since her pronunciation is perfect everytime she talks I think she sounds like a retard. Which is bad considering she's supposed to be very smart and studious

Why are you so heated?

Try punctuation when you shitpost, please. You sound drunk.

>"Damn, Byleth! *lick* You sure did grow up delicious! You taste exactly like your father *slurp* *slurp* *slurp*"
I can see why they cut and rework Alois' support with Byleth. It was a bit too graphic.

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Her pronunciation isn't the issue, it's her grammar. It's the same in JP, very awkward.

kys spamming nigger go back to /vg/

hahaha fucking deflecting admit it you retards if i didn't post the endings myself you fucks would've kept on lying and hiding this shit hahaha


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>i post fucking evidence for what i claim
>The couple raised many children
doesn't mention anything about them having children together, just that they raised children. They could be literally cucks.

>no kids with byleth
>kids with claude and sylvain

None of Ingrid and Sylvain's kids have crests. Does that even count as reproducing?

God damn I hate this leveling system so fucking much

You get all of them but Edelgard and Huburt I think.

if you want to reach around with that "interpretation" go ahead man hahaha it isn't any worse than your "interpretation" that byleth has kids when the ending doesn't say he does hahaha


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Armored bear stuffy, sheet music, handkerchief, gemstones, hair clip. Spam em once the east and west merchants show up after an early battle quest. boom. recruit.

Luckily I don't have a complete understanding of Japanese so it's not as glaring to me. I feel like a lot of the delivery in the dub is off honestly

Does reddit like or dislike edelgard?

Ok. Still doesn't mention Caspar having kids with Hilda. That's just your interpretation bro.

They like her. Reddit loves to get cucked

>0 Results

You guys have shit taste, that's ok though, more Annette for me, you can have your thots.

that's what i fucking said you fucking moron so are you going to drop that bullshit about byleth having kids when it doesn't say he does? if you're buying into what i'm saying hahaha.

Don't rank up Flayn's support.

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I rather S rank you.

Shut up Stethoscope!

Some of you are alright
don't come to Garreg Mach tommorow

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Different user you idiot. Learn to check for new IPs.

From what I’ve seen, she’s the least thotty thot of all the houses

Not this time, Dio.

i don't give a fuck if you're a different retard you're still a fucking retard lmao

What's the point of using her when I already have Gorillagarde?

>makes false claim
>gets corrected
>"wow your retard haha"

>repeat the same argument from a different retard
>i... i have the same argument but i'm a different retard check for new ips idiot

>nukes you for 120 damage from 4 squares away

Can anyone stop her?

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what's the name of the ost when you fight a member of another house

This was my first post in this thread. Quote where I use the same argument as some other guy. Or continue shitposting because you can't fulfill your cuck fantasies with Hilda.

No spoiler pls but when will Anna join the team and can I marry her

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She doesn't. She just opens the shop where you buy the final seals in the second month after the timeskip.


Damn... FE girls look like THAT?

>tfw I've done nothing but play 3H since friday and I've only taken breaks to piss, shit, eat, sleep, and shower

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in a DLC pack

how far are you? I still haven't cleared my first route

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>accuses me of cuck fantasies
>pretends caspar's children with hilda are a result of cuckoldry
holy fucking shit hahahaha

Is Rhea my mother? Need to know trying to smash.

Man that sucks. She is my favorite

Yea if she is in future DLC I'll buy it

Dragons are cuck race. I don't think a dragon relationship has ever been shown besides the one in POR who got turned into ashnards bitch. Seriously, every manakete gets human dicked.

Someone tell me all the girls that actually give m!Belyth kids. All my choices so far haven't given me shit (Petra, Edelgard, Ingrid, Sothis)

Best girls

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anyone else have shitty choppy frames when running around the monastery?

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>caspar's children with hilda
>[citation needed]

literally old enough to be your mom

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She has warp, but no meteor or bolting. I made her gremory my first route and she couldn't keep up. Making her and everyone else mounted (dark or holy knights) my next run.

Is there only 1 milf in this game ?


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Wait i thought you could lesbian in this game with any female character?

No, Bernie is shit mage, learns bad magic, unless fimbuverler is long range in this game. I would make her a cavalier and then bow knight every time.

citation fucking retard
but i know you're acting like a fucking bitch cause i'm showing the endings don't say byleth has children so you're fucking reaching with caspar being a cuck lmao fucking petty ass bitch fine caspar's a cuck if you want but so is byleth cope you fucking retard hahahaha

>qt tomboy that blossoms into a beautiful woman after timeskip
>never shuts the fuck up about how epic your dad was

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Sometimes near loading zones. Fishing is a bitch because the perfect particles mess with the frame rate

she shuts the fuck up about your dad in her endings with other guys hahaha

I hate the magic being tied to characters so fucking much. It should really be class and skill based fire emblem has never been this unbalanced for characters in the same class, my man Hubert gets no good spells.


Holy fuck the first mission for the black eagles after the timeskip is so fucking bad
You can literally do it in 3 turns.
Why does everyone try to run away, please god someone tell me the maps aren't just running away and they try to fucking fight.

I haven't even cleared BE. I'm only on chapter 15. I have 46 hours of gameplay so far.

Lol this Flame Knight guy is 100% Edelgard's Father.


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I made her a Pegasus knight and regret it so fucking hard. There were zero fucking advance classes for her so I had to wait like an entire month to raise her archery enough to make her a sniper

she won't have kids with byleth but she does with caspar hahaha

Lysithea actually not naturally having pale hair and being psuedo-related to catherine ruined her for me. Your kids will come out BLACKED

Casper is a man of taste who turns her into his daughter wife.

who else does Bernie make babies with?

>i'm showing the endings don't say byleth has children
Great, that particular endings doesn't say Caspar had children either, just that he raised many. If you want to be overly literal then at least be consistent.

I'm curious, are you same same autist as the one who does this about Valerie in Pathfinder threads, or are there two of you?

>recruit Lorenz so I can see his supports and never actually use him
>his paralogue gives a relic accessory for +2 spell range

Thank you Lorenz you are truly my greatest ally that sits on the bench. Better than those pieces of shit Bernie and Petra that have the worst paralogue and no actual reward for completing it.

yeah her hidden talent is for riding and she gets pass which is good she's only good as a bow knight. You can go archer/sniper, but i must preferred making her a cavalier for the movement and riding exp. She can still use bows and one less range isn't a big deal when with a mount she will engaging in way more combat. Most units don't have ranged weapons either.

Ok someone tell me what i'm doing wrong, here are my Students and their Classes so far:
Archer, does it upgrade into anything besides sniper?
Warrior / Axe user
Pegasus Knight
Can't decide brawler or Fortress Knight
Another archer going to sniper i guess
Death (dark? i forgot) Knight
Bishop going into Holy Knight healer
Idk, she starts as bishop but what else is she good at?

Was thinking of making Petra or Manuela a Sword + Magic user but idk, and i want that dude with the blue hair and ponytail for a samurai but idk either

Do any of Caspers supports say he's interested in rasing orphans or some shit? If not is obvious that he had lots of babies with bernie and considers her one of his kids which makes her upset.

who the fuck is this absolute cutie

its a stock image from somewhere i get it but goddamn if a regular girl i saw in real life looked like this i would be like i can't let this girl walk away i have to TRY at least

shooters shoot

i could look at her facial expressions all day long

i am a 6' 190lb 13% body fat chad and this bitch has me sounding like a fucking brown skinned pajeet or something with her cute little fucking face

i dont even want to raw dog plow her from behind i just want to hold her in my arms and be her guardian and be her safe space where she can just be who she really is

reddit spacing be fucked i can just imagine her in the kitchen making something and i casually come up from behind her and lovingly wrap my arms around her and give her kisses on her neck until she cant take it anymore and has to turn around and kiss me on the lips and we're so in love fuckkk!

i would always wear a hair tie on my wrist so i could put her hair in a pony tail whenever i wanted bc she's so cute with her hair like that

i would pick out cute outfits for her to wear when we go out in public and her friends would be like omg ur so cuteee and she would say haha my boyfriend dressed me! :3

i would cubstomp any of you motherfuckers who dare even gaze upon her for too long i would start a war to protect her smile

i have seen the most beautiful sunsets, the starriest skies, majestic mountains, the rolling hills, fields of grass - all of it. i count it all as nothing after seeing her face

why do we feel so strongly bros?

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She is my empress

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so you admit you're acting like a fucking cunt adopting a argument you don't believe in to be a fucking petty bitch hahaha. yeah fine if you're trying to say you can interpret caspar as a cuck go the fuck ahead you fucking moron that's what i fucking said lmao doesn't change that byleth doesn't even fucking raise kids with her hahaha. so tell me you petty fucking bitch do you believe caspar is a cuck? cause it's one or the other you stupid fucking cunt.

Not enough mounted units. If you want to play fast and effectively pretty much everyone needs a mount the class balance is horrendous.

She's too much of a Mary Sue for me.
Not being fluent in your second language isn't a flaw

I picked up pass yeah. I just liked the idea of a super mobile Pegasus archer. Paladin would probably be better serving as a pseudo bow knight in the mean time, but I saw snipers gave hunter’s volley on mastery. Like how the fuck can I NOT pick that up? Unless they nerfed it to shit, is it even good in this game?

Why is he so perfect?

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how are you so slow

She's cute, but she's not waifu material. She's little sister material

>debuffing and movement reducing dark magic
Hubert’s spells are great, what are you talking about?

well im planning on going that way, what do you suggest for archers? Can they be mounted?

What would a bernie girlfriend be like

bernie doesn't have kids with other supports haha even based fucking dyke impregnator ferdinand lost to caspar this time
what the fuck are you talking bout

>shes 41 years old after time skip
Too fucking old.

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>Tfw I'm the exact same as But I'm only on chapter 14 and 50 hours in

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i want every weeb to kill themselves.

>i want that dude with the blue hair and ponytail for a samurai
Felix? He makes a good mortal savant (sword+reason).

Bow knight. Needs C lance, A riding, A bow.

>movement reducing
worthless, everyone should die the turn you engage them
You can kill everything anyway, and late game when stats start to balloon -5 or whatever isn't a big deal. Good magic=warp,psychic,fortify and siege tomes. The wind stuff is also pretty good because of crits. Huberts spells are shit.

No, I'm just taking a piss out of being overly literal when looking at those epilogues and straight out denying the possibility that they don't mention everything/

Yeah obviously Byleth didn't have any kids, but at least he's not a cuck like Caspar. Glad we agree.

Is this pasta?

Bow knight, before you unlock it just give a cavalier a bow. Bows are the best ranged weapon type and it's a pretty good idea to give pretty much everyone one as a secondary and teach them close counter.

>hes still doing it

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Same. Just finished the dancing thing and now heading to the main mission to finish the month. 34 or so hours in. Playing hard/classic BL

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hahaha if that's how you cope go on then lmao

her age isn't mentionned is it?

>Dorothea exists
Bet you feel pretty stupid now.

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Pathfinder Kingmaker has a character ending that, when romanced, does not mention her having kids. If she is not romanced, one of her endings mentions her having a bunch of kids with a random farmer. There's someone as retarded and autistic as you who spams threads about how she cucks you because of this.

is it true you can't romance Hilda unless you're golden deer?

>not marrying and impregnating your little sister
never gonna make it.

All they needed to do to make Petra more interesting is have her speak in her native tongue occasionally, maybe some foreign sayings or [Bridgedian Yelling].

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hahaha are you saying she doesn't holy fuck hahaha a fucking random farmer lmao

Not directly. 15 years younger than Hanneman who's 51 pre time skip

theres 4
maybe more I'm not thinking of

>33 hours in
>still haven't hit the timeskip

I just finished the blue lions route on hard/casual at 73 hours. I think I went way too slow in battles and exploration. And just looking back and forth through menus doing customization.

For me, it’s Manuela!!

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It is. On a Prologue with her and the old researcher dude were arguing and he said he was her senior by 15 years. He is 51. 51-15=36 + 5 for timeskip, 41.

awesome thanks

who gets the bigger timeskip looks buff? Casper or feninhand?

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I accidentally clicked the wrong girl when that guard asked me and now I took that girl(Leonie) to the dance thing. Does that mean I'm stuck with her for good or can I change after? She never shuts up about Byleth's dad.

Casper by a fucking mile, my man looked JUSTED

>multiple supports talk about how she gets drunk and passes out somewhere then students find her and carry her to her room

Yet none of them took advantage of this.

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Ara ara...

They're each a month apart. Can you not afford all three?

Question. Does your class mastery/learned class carry over on NG+ for your students/ex students and MC? Also how many chapters does BL have exactly?

idk fern pre-timeskip looked like the poor mans sylvin and I would confuse the two when I started.

what am I supposed to do with these faggots
their stats are pretty shit from what I can tell.

>where in blazes is my underwear!?
Best teacher milf

I used fern but not casper. Fern was never great, but he was a perfectly competent great knight with rather balanced stats and didn't take a long time to get going like ingrid.

It makes sense when this is literally the first conversation you have with her when you start the game.

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Is it bad that I played sub only for ara aras

>wanted to finish the game today and move on to NG+
>BE route, helping out Edelgard murder the church, becoming the biggest fedoratipper in the world
>final map loads
Ah yeah, I'll do this tomorrow

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Dimitri route is kino as fuck, especially the failed last ditch dagger throw. Thank god they got over the poorly handled edge cringe in just a few chapters.

>You can dick the dyke out of her and the idol
Game is 10/10, dick always win.

>goes on dates but doesn't ever get any
>still winds up hung-over and naked in the morning
>Hanneman remarks that she's returned books of his with "unknown fluids" on them

How does it feel knowing that every single night that passed in this game, she was drunkenly bawling her eyes and shlicking, while her slutty understudy Dorothea was taking the cock from any average joe NPC she could find, to busy getting dicked stupid to pick up her fucking filthy underwear?

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Emotionally abusive, dishonest and bipolar

>she won't give you kids
>she gives kids to hubert
hahaha petra bro lmao

>Emotionally abusive
She doesn't know any better and thinks you want to hurt her
It's cute when she lies about eating cake
Bernie is always Bernie, she doesn't have a split personality. When she's not freaking out like with Alois she's a very nice submissive girl.

holy based

Old hag! Gross!

Imagine being a loser not in Professor Byleth's class.

When can Dimitri deepen his bonds again?

>most people look pretty normal after the timeskip

Meanwhile the eagles have a fucking vampire and a jungle tribe woman.

Does she talk normally post-time skip or is it still that garbage "me no engrish"?

Who the fuck names their daughter Bernie. Nigger just have a son.

I got hubert and shamir married and their ending is badass.

Hubert is just a goth kid who didn,t grow out of his phase

Bipolar isn't multiple personality disorder user, she's exactly the type to have wild aggressive mood swings from depressive phrases

Imagine being a bunch of basic fucking nobles, This post was made by the Beagle gang.

Do you actually get Rhea in your party when you side with the church?

Is there a guide or something for recommended classes I should be making them or what?

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>ugly canonical whore isn't a thot

game isn't so hard that you'll need it
just go with the flow

It's extremely obvious when it happens.

Beet girl

Not true, she's consistent with how she acts and only spaz's out when she's threatened. Her default state in semi-depressed and lost in her own little world. She's so low self esteem she's convinced the only reason people will talk to her is because they want to kill her for being worthless and unmarriageable. She's much closer to PTSD than bipoler.

blind guidefags are anything but cultured, just play the damn game


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>hated her trope since it's always dumb
>she turns out to be a great archer and actually cute in supports
KT went all out making these characters actually interesting and fun to get to know.


then they ruined it with fucking cuckshit

>be her safe space where she can just be who she really is

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nah, go with the preference, mostly. Some basic tricks is that bandit into brawler is always good, especially for the strong gauntlet dudes ( Raphael, Casper, Felix)

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Shut up already, you fucking mongoloid.

Is there a tharja stand-in in this game as well?

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go with your heart

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Just did Black Eagle route, what route next boys?

I'm really amazed that the side characters get consistent speaking lines outside supports. They often have something to say post and pre chapter and have plenty to say in the monastary after every fight. I'm also surprised at the sheer number of supports they get, even with characters from other houses.

Can you change avatars appearance in this game ? The vanilla both look boring

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fuck you bitch fucking dicklicker

Haven't gotten that far into the new file yet. The blurb said you could get your MC's skill xp and class mastery abilities if you spend renown. BL has 22 chapters(no month in between 21+22).

where are the Shamirbros

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Dimitri. it's by far best in the game.

Church is probably going to be the closest to canon route.

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I also need to know this


Jesus Christ. The 3ds attack animation is so good. Why is the switch like this

wait really

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Unfortunately not, probably due to the cut scenes

Not really. You have gloomy girls like Bernie and Marianne, but they're less yandere and more pessimists who hate themselves.

I'm gonna do church route last.

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>trained my aspiring master class cavalry in swords
>just realized they need lances to promote

Magic was still awful on 3DS and it's barely better here. Physical animations are definitely a downgrade though.

She's a garbage arthoe that probably camwhores on the side and has fucked other dudes. Worst girl. Same with dorothy, they act like self inserts for basic bitch thots in the current year to go "wow she it literally me!"

the outfits change when you change classes but other than that no

Seminars are good if you have a lot of crossover in skills your students need and also a skill you need to recruit a new student all at once.

probably, she did love someone but it's unknown if she told him or if was reciprocated
he died though

Give her a future

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>Magic replenishes back to full after each battle.
>Your Dancer, who lets face it was probably one of your mages or priests, gets to keep all of their magic, making them the most overpowered dancer in the entire series.
>Rank A reason gives your units an AoE, highly accurate, heavy damage ability that they can use from halfway across the fucking map.
>Give Byleth one of the priests as an adjutant turns him into an unstopable murder machine that won't fucking die between the free heals and the start of every turn and his overpowered Crest of Bullshit.
>You can give all of your tanks a rank or two in Faith and just have them sit at a choke point healing each other for 10 straight turns or as needed while enemies break themselves against your line
>Everyone can technically be built up in such a way that they're heavily armored, unkillable mounted spell flingers that do obscene amounts of damage and by the end of the game don't even need to bring weapons into combat.

Why is magic so fucking OP in this game?

she's getting lewded from behind under that coat isn't she

Who are the characters you though you wouldn't like but ended up liking? For me it's Lorenz and dudue.

>Take character
>Give him some of the worst stat growths in the games
>Give him an ability the raises state growths into "almost playable" territory
>Basically just doesn't have an ability at all
Why do they hate the shota? All he does is work hard to earn his keep.

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damn, so far from what i've played its the funnest fe gameplay wise but most of the characters are boring

>Why is magic so fucking OP in this game?
Shit I don't know, who knew range plus infinite durability that ignores armor would be good?

seminars are worthless, it's better to just go out and give the characters you want to boost a bunch of flowers to boost their motivation.


Damn Dimitri goes from 0 to 100 randomly.

That's the price you pay to fuck the archbishop i guess?

He's ugly and grows up even uglier. Brown shota can be done right, but they failed here.


No, he works hard because for his Rhea waifu who will literally never, ever notice him.
A bunch of his endings have him turning into a thief because without Rhea there and available, he gives up and fucks off.

The characters probably come across as less interesting because they don't all have some flanderized personality quirk that basically encompasses their whole character. As far as depth goes, their characters all pay off in dividends the more you get to know them.

Most characters get shit magic (well as a base attack it's still great) and it's tied to the characters and not classes or weapon levels.

Lorenz for me too, holy shit was he such a breath of fresh air from Ferdinand who ended up as what I thought Lorenz would be.
>Ferdinand is generic snooty noble asshole
>Lorenz outright plans political reform and go give more power to the common folk

I'm trusting my man claude to do so

the Deers and Lions are all great
the Eagles are fucking garbage

Should I have Lysithea focus on anything more than reason? She honestly fucking demolishes everything with that so it seemed worth it to me to focus on it but I'm not so sure now.

It's really poorly done, both him never questioning that edel is responsible for duscar and breaking because of that and not because of the fire year war that fucked his entire kingdom up. It only lasts a few chapters at least. The "fuck rats even it it makes me a rat" was so bad. This game definelkty had a mix of good and bad writers.

The cutscene where he snaps is trash too. the bad trope laughing and shit and then goes back to being far more balanced after it.

Are you the same guy that got pissed about Y'shtola getting HROTHGARED?

Ferninhand is based and you have shit taste and are clearly a libtard. I enjoyed Lorenz because of his based glory seeking and rushing into combat to get killed.

Low movement really hurts your mages. You may need to invest some points into faith(gremory, 5 move) or sword(mortal savant, 6 move).

faith if you want the supreme class

faith is way better than reason. She gets warp nigger and her magic gives her crazy range with it.

leonie's entire fucking character is she won't shut the fuck up about byleth's dad even if you romance her so don't give me that shit

Should I marry my tulpa?

Because he's a good-hearted dork that suffers terribly

Well it's mostly just my way of upping my own stats since you can only find 2 teachers to help in the same stat per week

>I enjoyed Lorenz because of his based glory seeking and rushing into combat to get killed
What? That's Dimitri, not Lorenz.

I used a gremory and will never use it again. make all mages holy/dark knights. foot units can't keep up in this game.

>Get your power boost
>Pass out
>Wake up
>Rhea has your head resting in her lap when you wake up
>Yandere mommy daughter begins to intensify.

That should have been sweet, but came off as creepy.

Edelgard S support got TREEHOUSE'D

Timeskip lets every character tutor you and you can recruit with a B support and no stats.

Hubert literally looks like fucking Dracula post-timeskip and I love it.

I spammed seminars with Mercedes after the time skip just because the exploration parts were taking too long.

How's the Church route works? Is there any special requirements? Can I keep poached students or even some of the BE ones? The knights and teachers join automatically? I don't want the game to troll me when the moment comes.

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God damn I had high hopes for this dude, then I recruited Caspar and he was better than him in every way imaginable, including a skill that makes his accuracy better.

Just imagine the sex. Probably keeps your ass chained to the bed so you'll never be apart again.

>didn't play the game
he does this during battle of three houses and pisses off claude for fucking up his plans and again on the bridge after gloucaster betrays to join the republic. He seems like a sissy like the homo cleric but he's a based and glory seeking paladin. Even his death quote is about burying him in a way that befits a noble knight.

Okay most characters have payoff in the long run.

So all foot units need to become something with more movement then?

I accidentally turned her down on recruit I hope I get another chance and didn't fuck myself

yeah I recommend doing this on normal mode and automating most shit, you become a little less OP. I wanted to talk to the characters though, and gardening gives too much prof exp to pass up. Still, just resting is usually better than seminars.

Yes, unless you want to play super slow. This game has horrible mounted balance because you can't even rescue foot units and ferry them to the front lines.

You can get locked into the church route if you don't talk to Edelgard during Month 2 and see her coronation. The game will make it very obvious when the choice between Edelgard and the Church comes up.
You keep all your poached students and most of the BEs. You lose Edelgard and Hubert obviously.

The canto ability on mounted units is also really strong for hit and run tactics.

Seminars are only good if you autistically adjust everyone's goals so that your 5 preferred students take it.

What are the absolute dogshit classes that nobody should take?

>that music change when you fight one of the units from other houses you didn't recruit
Kino. I killed them even assuming you could still recruit them for the impact, thankfully you can't recruit them anyway. Does anything happen if you spare them and just beat the chapter?

Anything without a mount that doesn't use magic.*(until you get mounted magic)

How does she react to her entire fucking house leaving her in the dust

>flame emporers mask falls
>dmitri goes fucking insane murdering some soldiers with just his fists

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Fire Emblem breakfast club

thank you kind user

From my playthrough, the bad masteries I saw were:
>Hero(+8 str when below 25% health)
>Dark bishop(heal some health on KO)
>can't remember cavaliers ability, so it was probably bad

His crest canonically gives him super strength. he even mogs Rapheal when he lifts a tractor by himself.

Cavs get desperation which is good, it lets you double before they can counter attack if you have half HP. essentially making every weapon a brave weapon save the 4 hits with enough speed.

Even armored big niggas?
What are the best?

Reminder Dimitri is fujo pandering, they go nuts for skinny aryan boys, it's why they made him a twig.

Crests like Blyaddyd and Faraldius and The Beast make you FUCKING STRONG physically.

Is there a good way to make money early on?
If they want Fujos so damn much why's sleepy boy the only one who wants dick?

Yes, except great knight who has a mount.
first vantage is good, second brigand gets strength+6 which is less useful when stats start to inflate late game. Before everyone can go mounted I recommenced learning it and then switching classes.


Fujo shipping headcanon will always be more appealing to them than what fromsoft makes canon. canon gay characters ruin it for them.

>edelgard is literally a fascist rich white woman who kills people fighting another fascist rich white woman who kills people to satisfy their own egos while ignoring the actual villains and threats

why do normies not get upset?

can someone explain me what do Coordinated attacks do?

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Just got to the time skip in the BL route. Man, those five years really did a number on Dimitri. He looks cool, but he is also a a crazy murderous hobbo. Also, they even explain who those Red characters are? y9u are fighting Edelgard and suddenly she has allies with portraits and names who came out of nowhere.

She gives vague platitudes about equality and discrimination so vapid normals fags think she's a good guy.

Most of them haven't even hit the timeskip

Well the dude is caspars older brother for one. The girl is someone else.

Enemies that are within an ally's attack range have lower evasion to attacks and gambits.

>be a fire emblem newbie
>casual too easy
>experienced is too hard

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Is my Dimitri Strength blessed? Fucker has 30 strength at level 20.

That's his crest working canonically.

are you serious? this game has save summing and you can't play on classic? Normal mode is easy as fuck. This game even tells you who enemies with target.

Which is fucking ironic because after murdering a million people "in the name of ending discrimination", she still discriminates against the main character's commoner status in her ending. Bitch I let you start 3 wars and you won't even keep your promise of ending the class system?

>vantage is bad

No, that's every dimitri.

Dimitri literally has the best growths in the game, he's designed to be a monster.

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>Bitch I let you start 3 wars and you won't even keep your promise of ending the class system?
At-least she's consistent in being a noble. Lying to the very end and using dumbfucks like toilet paper.

I really wish this game had sensible stat caps that varied by class.

Did you JUST start the game? Because it gets ridiculous easy after a few hours. First FE game I play and my only experience with tactical RPGs is Disgaea.

bro she gets super embarrassed about holding hands, how can some one that pure not be a virgin

>everyone acts smart when not allied with Edelgard, Hilda notices that Edelgard is spending a dangerous amount of time in secret with Monica and Leonie figures out that Edelgard was working with Kronya
>but whenever a character joins the Black Eagles, their dialogue literally becomes "haha i don't know, maybe the church did it or something haha" like Leonie
I really wish that Edelgard's side had better writing.

Holy shit. I'm gonna make him a war master for my Blue Lions Lunatic run

because she's 27 and had a boyfriend and talks about how much alike you are to him.

so how does the promoting works? do i have to master the class first or do i need to hit a level? past FE's it was just enough to hit level 10

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How the fuck do I raise my support with Edelgard?

If I recall not everyone learns the same spells nor at the same rate or some shit?
I dunno, but all my casters are super glasscanons that either delete or be deleted.

Is there any "least death list" of all 4 route? Almost finish BL route, trying church next.
I just hope Claude CHAD get away this times as well, like he did in BL.

i was just fucking around, it's a Jap game after all

Don't play casual. It's anti-fun.
At the very least play normal-classic.
If you're already on normal-classic then consider becoming proficient.

Remember to not rush and stick to advantageous positions like choke-points, walls, and forest tiles.
Always do ranged attacks first unless the enemy is also using ranged attacks.
Stick together, with one group, two at the most. You can learn to spread out once you understand the game more.
Dont forget to use all the tools at your disposal, Special attacks, Gambits, Vulneraries especially.
If none of that works consider having a single brain cell.
After a while you'll either get it or the game will go full baby-proof mode. Whichever comes first.

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She had a crush on someone when she was like 15, people are overreacting hard. Manuela is the genuine used goods teacher who brought random men to bed.

strategy wise fe was always simple. It was based around playing fast and punishing dumb positioning mistakes, which you won't do now because they tell you who enemies will target.

As the character can pass the exam they can become the class. Mastering a class gives you an ability but they're not all equal.

You don't have to master it but mastering the classes gets you permanent skills for that character

I'm confused about reclassing. It's weird to me that you can switch to beginner classes at lv5 but then intermediate becomes immediately available 5 levels later. Like do you only keep someone as a fighter etc for 5 levels and then promote to intermediate? It just feels like the game doesn't want me to spend much time with some of the classes. Is there a major downside to sticking with beginner classes or hell even commoner/Noble past lv10?

Blue Lions has the happiest ending, with Rhea still alive, Claude still alive, lots of people in general still alive, only crazy woman Edelgard dead.

classes effect growth rates right?

Do different classes have different stat growths? Ever since I reclassed Petra from swordsman into pegasus knight she stopped getting any points in strength and it's worrying me. Should I just stick to sword/myrmidon or whatever?

Also my Bernadetta is 12STR at level 21 so I'm thinking Sniper fucked her.

And even if you do, you can just turn back time. Or load your save or a bookmark. Honestly, I don't see the point of Classic Mode if you can just savescum like you were playing on an emulator.

i doubt even Dorothea is used goods honestly

Higher classes have new growths and better skills. Commoner/ Noble give the skill HP+5.

No just bonuses to proficiency


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Be like me and play Hard/Casual.
Just throw units into dudes while healing them until either person dies, and they'll get stronger eventually so they stop dying.
I remember only the first couple missions were hard, but after that I've been steam rolling.

it's just class seal availability. master seals are worse and you'll be stuck in tier 4 for a while for most.

Bitch can't keep a man long enough to fuck.

Dorothea is the most likely to be used goods though, she has like the most romantic endings in the game EVEN WITH "STRAIGHT" WOMEN who turn gay in her endings. Dorothea literally has had so much sex experience she can turn women gay.

If you don't reach a certain support level with a character before the timeskip, do you miss out on those support scenes? (Ie. if I Dorothea doesn't reach B support with Ferdinand before the timeskip, and that scene is supposed to take place pre-timeskip, will I just never have access to that scene? Or will the scene still occur, just with their new outfits, etc.?)

The really ruined the class system.
limited save scums, mainly on hard mode.

>edel cuck meme again

>the amount of voiced lines this game has
Is this the power of gacha money when it's actually invested back into the mainline? Not bad

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>Honestly, I don't see the point of Classic Mode if you can just savescum like you were playing on an emulator.
It prevents cheap tactics like sending a bunch of units to their death just to whittle down the first death knight encounter.

>Be like me and play Hard/Casual.

is it just me or is this game really fucking easy, cuz it seems really fucking easy

I get that but it's set up in a way that makes me feel like I shouldn't even bother with beginner classes since apparently better tiers become available almost right away.

If I grind enough can I just poach everyone?
I really don't want to get attached to these characters then kill them on the battlefield


master classes have shit rates mostly mortal sav is -10% speed bow knight is -5% spd and 0 all over while sniper/swordmaster have good growths 20% spd etc

in what order should I play all the houses? is there even one? just in terms of getting a less convoluted telling of all the diffirent sides.


Some are locked like the retainers Dedue and Hilda.

Yes they do, it's just more minor outside of mounted speed penalties.

user is wrong, classes have growth rates.

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>That's a nice skull knight
>It would be a shame if he took 25*3 effective magic damage
God that felt good

>full edelgard

Blue > Red > Yellow

If you did DuNig's side quest, and most members survivrd, he will eventually wakes up from the nightmare of revenge.
At first I hate to see my student become a monster, but after that he will make you proud.

But damn Beagle bitch just cant listen some reasons, can she?

hard is braindead easy when is l unatic

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>Playing through BE route
>Defeat the the church
>Ok I guess now we're going to go kill those obviously evil guys as well
>Game just ends
Well alright then.

Not as easy as Birthright or Awakening but it's still pretty damn easy.

I'd blame a lack of lunatic mode but both of those games had that and they were still easy.

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How limited are my romantic options if I'm playing with FemMC? I wanted to marry Bernie

>REEE you don't play how I play so I'm gonna cry about it REEE

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FemBlyat belongs with Dimitri you retarded yurishitter

Too bad. Bernie is built for MaleMC cock only.

>branching paths during dimitri's post timeskio
Does that mean i need to replay the path to get the full story or does it come by later

>Empire is always bad
>Church is always bad
What did they mean by this?

More than Yoai Byleth.
Though I'm not sure how accurate this is since it seems you can romance hilda outside of Geer.

Hard is mostly fine standard fire emblem were it not for shit like enemy targeting. Lunatic newfags are retarded and want to play slow and min/max shit.

Church is relatively good though, the Empire is way worse.

wait, i thought only Edgelord's path had a branch?


Those are your lesbo choices

>>Church is always bad
play mommy Rhea's route

At work today, there was some mozzarella cheese sitting out for a while and the smell was kind of gross, then I imagined it was Bernie's stinky, smelly, hikki feet and it was all better!

Is this during the BL route? I must have missed it.

i went with normal/casual since this is my first FE im playing completely, and i feel like i should've done hard/classic now, but i still don't think i would struggle
cute story

I'm doing it as


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Bernie is not stinky. I leave my room to eat and go to class and shower. Bernie has been though I lot and you shouldn't bully her.

It has begun, huh?
The fanfiction and doujins are going to start piling in any day now. Too bad sadpanda is dead.

>Too bad sadpanda is dead
>He doesn't know

>Want to marry Dorothea from seeing her profile
>She turns out to be a maximum gold digging 3DPD THOT sloppy used seconds

>Decide to go for Bernadette instead since shy girls are cute
>She's literally autistic thinking everyone is going to kill her, constantly talks to herself, and randomly screeches for no reason

The fuck are there even any good marriage candidates in Beagles?

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>namedrops mercedes
>attack him with her
>no unique dialogue

That's odd. The only timeskip paralogues that appeared for me were Annette's and Dimitri's.


does back up have everything and isn't just torrent filed yet? is the site back up like emuparadise never really went down?

I have a rather unique question. Feel free to call me a retard.
When you choose NG+, can you select another difficulty? I started Normal because I wanted to get to know the new mechanics, but the game is too easy. I want to chose hard when I finnish and start a new house without losing my progress. That or start a new in Hard before finishing my current playtrhough.

can someone spoiler tag me the ending text for Shamir, Catherine, and Manuela with Byleth?
Trying to decide which one I want to bone

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>Implying being stinky is bad
Don't worry Bernie, if you are that self conscious about your smell, we can take a shower together!

Does the choice of attacking the empire vs retaking the capital not matter?

Different strokes for different folks, petra is pretty cute. Also sleepy boi is the only one who'll take the Byleth dick

The fuck? I'm blue lions and did all my paralogues (besides Ashe because he's useless) and I never saw this!

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>not wanting to protect Bernie and make her feel safe and loved

Yes. I was able to switch from Hard/Casual/Male to Hard/Classic/Female.

>Byleth is even more of a sperg in this fic

Man I hope fanon continues with this trend of making Byleth go full autism.

Do you really think Dimitri would let you not attack the Empire?

Why do some battles not have a (1) next to them?

>ultimately separated because she has to go rule an island nation, and byleth can't go with her

>he has a thing for windows

when do i get dedue back
he was best boy

Hilda, Lysithea, Anette

>JP Sothis ka ka ka's
so fucking good

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The real battles begins after the PTSD starts.

All I see when I look at this bitch is Adachi.

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Around the 4th post timeskip mission.

Quit playing on normal.

Just believe in him user

>and byleth can't go with her


Because you had to recruit caspar just so he could do nothing and had no relations to mercedes or death knight

part 2 paralogues require you to recruit both unlike part 1 where you just needed 1 out of the pair

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Why is she so fucking pretty. I think it's the eye color and the skin tone, and the hair color and the everything I love you Bernie!

Can you do all the no cost battles in a day before using up your battle points?

Gotta go with Ingrid because she's cute and racist. I love Petra too though

Is there any downside to just exploring every single free day? I don't see why I wouldn't just spam events to keep everyone at high motivation while raising their closeness.

Well shit, guess even follow church route Dimi boi is gonna die I guess?

>English Sothis sounds like a liberal arts student

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Less experience and class mastery.

Right after Sothis paralogue right? That's the only time I remember kakaka

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depending on the ending Byleth is stuck as the new arcbishop

Battles give xp and not just proficiency

das gay

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Ingrid should not be paired with anyone in memory of glen and because she wants to be a pegasus knight.

Battling gives you shit, xp and proficiency

I think Dimitri only lives in his route and Edelgard only lives in her route. Meanwhile Claude can live in all 4

yea thats the part
truly best girl
I hope her ending is cute

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>Warps behind you
Psh nothin personnel kid

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A person having a hard time fully grasping another language doesn’t talk so smoothly like what the VA does. She should have more moments of pausing or punctuating on the wrong syllables.

What's that "nanja nanja warewa" accent in nip called?
A bunch of other characters who are supposed to be very old do it, like Nyotengu, etc.

You can get exp from battles and seminars raise skills by a lot. You do usually benefit the most from exploration though

Fucking edgelord let me do what i want

Just do like 1 extra battle a month, should keep your levels balanced and help you focus on classes your characters need to master for skills. Doing side quest battles is even better for rewards/renown.

I haven't had to grind much, Byleth+Lysithea+Lorenz have been handling most shit on hard.

He doesn't have rewarp

its just Kansai-ben

Do you think a solo run is possible ? Only bataillon and adjutant allowed and if you have your house rep forced you just make him escape the danger

If they didnt gives a DLC that unite three houses and fuck those under creepers, it would be great disappoint. At least let student lives on, mommy Rhea got too many flags on her.

Is there any reason not to just make everyone a horse unit? They seem incredibly broken in this game due to canto.

its ye old speak
not really an accent

This game would be a lot shorter if I didn't have to autistically run around the monastery talking to everyone and looking for lost items every chapter

That's just how they spoke in Japan a shit ton of years ago. Anime now does it so you just know the character is supposed to be really old.

is the OST out yet

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based and hordepilled

You only get one copy of the shield that prevents horseslayer/dark spikes. Stairs also slow down cavalry.

What the fuck should I do as a teacher and which are the best students to try and take for black eagle?

To many options

is anyone actually playing this shit in English
the JP audio is perfect

Do you guys actually use the online features?

lysithea for sure

wait, are there endings that specifically state byleth has kids?

Do 1 battle a month. Don't bother with seminars until many months in. You should be exploring nearly as much as possible for renown + teacher level, then you can do either do 2 battles a month or throw in a seminar. Exploration just causes renown and teacher level (and bonds) to snowball which then leads to everyone being significantly better

you apparently have a whole brood with Flayn and Lysithea

Lysithea is the best mage
take whoever does your weapon type as well since that'll be easy

>What is dismounting

Just focus on answering correctly whenver they ask you something and try to get Lysithea to join the class. She's broken OP.

Flayn, Lys and Manuela all state kids. Flayn is probably the best overall ending for M Byleth because he also becomes immortal.

You battle only for quests and paralogues
Even with only that you end up overleveled

its fire emblem fanbase so yes even majority of /feg/ play dubbed and talk about random no name 1k follower voice actor twitters obsessing over them

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You want a strong mage to complement Dorothea/Hubert and maybe Sylvain since Ferdinand is shit, but other than that Black Eagles have all their bases covered.

Get Lysithea. You don't really need her(although she's great anyway), but she's one of the few out of house supports Edelgard has and you get to see Edelgard actually be nice to someone

Feel conflicted with dub desu.

Like some characters are really well done (claude mimicing other character's voices is great) and then others are just meh (sothis has her good moments but feels a little flat) or awful like mercedes.
I miss the memeworthy tropes the original has like sothis' voice, but at the same time, actually hearing the translated conversation in a game with so many voice lines feels great.

Time skip is coming up.
Will I miss out on supports that don't make it to B rank?

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Isn't she like 45+ after the timeskip? I would've thought menopause would hit her like a truck.

I'm an SRPG retard and I thought Awakening was hard up until Emmeryn died. But 3H is easy so far.

any other supports where Edel opens up to someone besides Hubert, Lys and Sensei?

menopause doesn't hit until the 50s but kids at 40+ have a high chance of autism

Horse units get a penalty to speed and to speed growth, so it's worth having a few fast units too.

too late for worrying about that. Marrying Blyat practically guarantees it

I thought it was 30+

Whose the better girl, Marianne or Bernadetta?

Lysithea and Felix are good choices. Also Sylvain and Lorenz because their paralogues come with Holy Relics, and Lorenz' holy relic is easily the best weapon in the entire game and Lysithea can use it.

Bernadetta is just a shut-in with anxiety issues
Marianne is literally clinically depressed

The level of autism is the kids might just loop around and make them normal considering Byleth already has autism.

fertility drops off but menopause doesn't happen until much later

It's okay Byleth god genes work their magic.

Bernadetta's time skip hair ruined her

I wonder why there are fags who keep saying that characters cuck you because your ending with them doesn't specifically say that you're making babies as if you can't choose to have kids, since you know, Byleth is pretty much another avatar who you play out, choices and everything.

Like Lysithea it makes sense since you have to dick her down to the point her life gets extended, and Flayn isn't even human so it doesn't matter there.

>Marianne is literally clinically depressed
I know who I'm romancing

Who should I hook up Dimitri with?

Byleth's god dick can literally cure magic cancer and straighten dykes, turning cakes into MILFs is easy for his goddess-approved sperm.

>Ferdinand and Dorothea A support
Holy feels

its just one guy

It's literally just one guy shitposting hard because he fell for the Persona memes and is now triggered that the game isn't a harem simulator.

>you never fight El's blatantly evil uncle once in her entire route
Especially strange since they implied he's responsible for that one city getting blown to smithereens.

It's literally one dude with autism. The guy's writing style is too obvious for it to be anyone else.

I do. This is the only time where I actually prefer the dub. It's not horrifyingly awful like the last two games.

>locking Paralogues behind shit units like Caspar

fucking disgusting

at least do it with characters like Linhardt, Lorenz, or Lysithea

either FemByleth or Marianne

>Shit unit


>"I was wishing for thanks and prayers"
>Oh its like a normal fervent nun
>Get to her a rank support
>actually i was wishing i would die everyday
Holy fuck man

Nope, not a single reason besides wanting a flier or wanting magic before you meet requirements to promote to dark/holy knight. Mounts are insane and you can't even rescue movelets and ferry them to the front lines.

>shit units like Caspar
You either got shit growths or you let Edelcunt take all the kills.

War Master Casper with gauntlets can almost solo anything.

>Legitimately fucked up past

>omg my dad tied me to a chair and it made me schizo recluse

>speed ring
>speed carrots
>strength offsetting weapon weight
and they are fast enough to double most of the time anyway. Brave weapons are common too.

When can I expect to start being able to recruit people? I just got the sword of the creator

Caspar is a fucking manlet whose not worth shit compared to the gods Dedue, Lorenz, or Dimitri

>can't heal Edelgard with the power of dick like you can with FByleth and Dimitri
what the fuck is the point of her route

The saddest thing about her being demonized for being "descended from a monster" is that no one even knows what the hell her ancestor even did, so people have been telling her to die over nothing. The Crest of the Beast was lost to history so no one even knows what the original wielder did. And if I'm not wrong the evil backstory was made up by Seiros too so the supposed evil things he "did" probably didn't even happen.

Caspar quads like every unit in the game and only has trouble killing super tanky units.

>All the supports with (you) get cucked and no children
>All the side supports between actual characters are all cute and ending with them having tons of children


gauntlets are a meme, the mount is too low and you get robbed by crits because you are doing 7 damage 4 times or some shit. Only really useful for killing mages before the counter attack and gambits can usually do that.

>Claude can't marry Byleth because they are on a different continent
>same with Petra
>meanwhile Edelgard and Byleth literally live in the same building

Byleth isn't canon he's self insert fanservice.

Evil route?

Retard, each character has some supports with children and some that don't, it's nicely balanced and they try and add some variety to the endings.

God damn it. I never thought I'd be playing matchmaker in this game.

Does Ingrid go better with Ashe or Sylvain?

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>Byleth isn't canon
literally ends up King in 2 routes


That's only early game, post timeskip he was doing around 20 per hit, but the biggest advantage of using them was the dodge it gave.

>All of Petra's ending with Byleth mention her giving up her throne to stay with Byleth
So are people just making shit up now to push their own agenda?

Don't pair ingrid with a boy. She's glens waifu.

>Byleth isn't canon he's self insert fanservice.
His routes are about as canon as anyone else's.

Glen is fucking dead.

Only in the shitty Black Eagles route, he has actual story relevance in the endings of the other routes.

Silly fag, it's because Byleth's an avatar they wouldn't force children on you. It's like saying that because an ending doesn't say you live rich with your spouse you've living in the slums but you're happy as long as you're together.

Honestly both are so good it's a matter of taste.
Marianne is clinically depressed selfdefeating church girl and the best white mage i think.
So depressed that rhea herself asks you give her medicinal herbs and her gifts describe her as extremely penitent. She legit hates herself.
If you get her always have her do choir with someone. The choir scene music is divine

Bernadette is socially awkward, anxious, scruffy mega shut-in. So much so she spends the majority of act1 in her room and is one of the few characters who stays in one spot in the monastery. She' great comic relief and If you want to get her, always cook with her, she loves it.
She REALLY needed Seth as an adoptive father.
Bear in mind the stats they look for are byleths own so unless you go out of your way to farm their support exclusively, you're recruiting people who fill the same role as byleth initially.

Timeskip dimitri at least is killed with generals and gauntlets do jack shit. My catherine had S gauntlets and the weapon type is trash. I'm on hard mode btw. Gauntlets are a meme, the worst part is when they crit they crits don't kill because of the damage multiplier. Brave weapons also aren't rare late game and can be repaired.

Dude Hanneman definitely wants to fuck Lysethia

>parting at death
roastie. His death frees her to follow her dream of being a knight anyway.

byleth has children in four supports you fucking moron

which ones?

>that ending where it says hannerman studied crest to get rid of muh prejudice
dropped him, was planning on using him in second playthough but he's a fag.

>My catherine had S gauntlets and the weapon type is trash
You probably need a class with fistfaire(locked for females unless you grind to S+), brigand's +6 to str, and any other damage boosts you can find in order to make them work well.


Yes, with a girl who thought she was going to die, a girl who thought she was never getting married, a girl who isn't entirely human, and who was the fourth?

But tell me again why Byleth under no circumstances wouldn't be able to have children with someone like Marianne, or Bernie, if he's able to impregnate a 41 year old woman with no problem?


I think I first got someone in ch 5 or 6. It gets easier though, I'm on 7 now and have 4 people recruited, working on the fifth

Seems like a lot of effort when I can just kill anything i double with any other weapon anyway. Again it's only good for avoiding mage counter attacks, and their are other ways to do this.

Deerchads i need help.

It's the dance competition who I send?
Does anyone you pick win or does it have to be someone who states they are good?
Can the dance skills mix with their current class or is it a new class?
I kinda wanted to pick marianne so she could win something for once but she's too good as a W.Mage to risk a class change.
My second choice is Steths imouto

Someone tell me why I've picked the wrong girl since apparently every girl in the game is shit.

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>My catherine had S gauntlets and the weapon type is trash.
Girls literally can't do the same damage output as guys can due to not getting any gauntlet oriented classes.

It's not nearly as much work when you're just taking Casper and going up the tree to war master, where he's able to nearly solo demonic beasts barring the ones with 3 spare health bars.

Dorothea is cool

send the most useless character you like

You father would not be happy

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>mfw forgot to pick someone for the ball dancer
Oh fuck did I just permanently miss out on that class?

Can I save Lonato or do I really need to make Dimitri and Ashe have PTSD?

Dancer is a unique class that can use magic, and to win you need at least 13 charm, and who ever you pick you can practice with them so they get +5 to charm as well.

It doesn't have any upgrades so you're pretty much choosing whoever doesn't perform as well as the rest of your squad.

>Does anyone you pick win or does it have to be someone who states they are good?
Needs a charm minimum to win. They instantly get an extra +5 charm when you pick them. Manuela tells you how much charm you need to win (was 13 for me)

>Can the dance skills mix with their current class or is it a new class?
New class. Has 6 move and can use magic. You probably should just give it to a random student from another house since dancers tend to just dance.

Rhea dindu nuffin, it's all Seiros' fault

Is it true that in the BE route,if you choose to side with Edelgard some of the Church characters are unrecruitable/leave you/die?

I can only see gauntlets being good with vantage and desperation and I'm not even sure if those stack. Soloing demonic beats isn't hard, it's just impractical. why would you 3 turns on them?

I think Shamir is the only knight you can get with BE

Nope. But if you have Ashe battle and kill Lonato you get a pretty kino scene.

I made him battle and the dialogue was pretty cool, what's the dialogue for killing?

>vantage and desperation and I'm not even sure if those stack
Different triggers so they don't stack.

Yes. You're going against the church of course religious students are gonna call you a heretic and fuck off.

Steths imouto it is

The thought of seeing stethis lose his mind over his beloved sister become a wardancer sounds hilerious.
I thought of hilda but for such a lazybones shes too good at being genki yuno gasai to make a dancer

Hanneman, Manuela, and Shamir stay with you. I think Alois does too

wait are you BE
don't do her if you are


how do you unlock church route, do you need to support rhea?

You tell Edie to go fuck herself when you're a beagle

No, GD.

Should I do the church route or side with Edelgard? Which one is the better option if I only want to do one of them?

Why though? They all work for the Church too.

church. Edelgard is retarded and borderline fates tier storyline

He'll forgive me right?

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Why would you only do one of them? That route split is much deeper into the story and you only get a few extra chapters out of Church compared to BE. Just save.

If you want to be seen as a *relative* good guy, church
If you want to help edelgard no matter the cost BE
and trust me, there WILL be a cost

So now that you guys have beat the game, which side is in the right? And which team is best.

Depends on you, you lose more units siding with Edie and than just her and Hub if you side with chruch if that's what you're asking. Morally church is better as maintaining a flawed system spills less blood than replacing it.