Why did Team Order lose? Were we just too smart to win?
Why did Team Order lose? Were we just too smart to win?
Like pearl hates black people
I don't have any better image to put as the centerpiece. You're more than welcome to give me something better.
I never played this game but the squid girls are pretty.
submit to chaos
It's what got my attention. Came for and to the squids, stayed for the gameplay.
is that way. Use respectful language here.
Ughhh casual racism hurts me physically
Nice falseflag /pol/nigger
I was team Chaos already. I just wanted to make fun of Order-faggots.
Well, we know It was pretty clear Chaos was going to win Popularity wise
I can't believe there are racist troglodytes out there who actually have art skills.
Grow the fuck up. Being racist or pretending doesn't make you cool online. I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
3-0 is a landslide, but did you see those stats? The pro/normal battles weren't super lopsided.
What the fuck. What the ACTUAL fuck. I just vomited on my desk from the embarrassing amount of stupid juvenile racism in this image. Are you kidding? Are you joking with this shit? Stop. S-T-O-P. This is not a bastion for you alt-right nazi FUCKBOYS. Cut it out. This is your only warning.
Yea Forums can't into parody
Remember when this happened?
>able to think
>tfw to smart too break TV in fit of rage after Marina loses four being to smart
What a chaotic reaction
Something better would be to not make shit threads.
How long has it been since the Spatfest? I need to finish that piece of smt/splatoon fanart.
began on the 18th, and ending on the 21st. So like 9 days
about a week and a half ago
Give me something better, then. I've got nothing.
not him, but if I hadnt seen this thread I would jsut have downloaded an inkling image, any image, and would have started the thread saying "WOOMY", I know its braindead, but ive never seen a thread that starts that way not reach the cap.
That doesn't fit the "Marina's brain is too big" motif I was going for.
Splatoon threads have reached bump limit fairly often at this point regardless of the post
it still says hillary clinton at the bottom. 0/10
Shit you're right. Sorry, I'll fix it and remake the thread tomorrow.