Whatever shit that is way too over the top. This feels more like Call Of Duty than GTA at this point.
ITT: We post the thing that ruined GTA V Online
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properties and when CEO became a thing. it slowly plummeted to the shitter after that
Is that a bike strapped to your moms dildo heh
whine bags like you ruin it. Pic related.
I see OP hasn't played GTA SA.
jetpack good rocketbike bad
Yeah super fun to be killed 3 million times by the same stupid bike that kills my immersion
>Oh look, this game is about selling drugs and making money
>Everyone is flying and throwing rockets like it's fucking Star Wars
it's in the game to encourage people to grind for explosive ammo...
I played it, and I don't see your point
you see, me and 4 friends all had mk 2's and we were like a swarm of wasps. People tried to team up against us but any chopper or jet or stromberg or anything instantly got swarmed and rekt. People like you were trying to tell me how sad i was and how i have no friends....despite me being in the lobby with.....friends and them being alone. They act like we are just so miserable when we are laughing our asses off and having the most fun in the server. Make some friends and try not to be an insufferable pussy.
>what is stromberg
>what is savage
it's fine OP, just learn 2 play
>ignoring the part where the story has Carl doing retarded shit like breaking into Area 69 and getting a jetpack
git gud
>People like you were trying to tell me how sad i was and how i have no friends
Yeah, but I never did that, you fucking retard. I'm just saying that I find it pretty stupid to spam the flying bike specially if the other person has no fighting chance against it. It's not even a matter of "git gud", it's just almost impossible to fight back. I got GTA online for the crazy racing, but I find it truly stupid to spam the mk 2 so damn hard.
You use that shit in just two missions and the only crazy thing you could get in that game was a jetpack and maybe a tank.
if you only do racing then why not passive mode? You just watched the professional and are emulating his high pitched nasally whinebag voice. You are the trash that ruins GTA, not pvpers.
I don't really care about youtube videos about GTA online. At some moment I'm going to want to make some money in the business shit, but I'm not crying about getting killed, I'm complaining about how dumb is to keep spamming a flying bike that shoots missiles against people that clearly don't have anything to fight back. It's fine to do PVP, I'm saying that I find it stupid to go with a tank when the other faggot has only a pistol.
GTAO was fucked from the start. The game was built around grinding inane bullshit to buy garbage so you can grind for more inane bullshit. PvP is trash since it boils down to a meme sniper fight in freeroam and nobody wants to do DM/TDM. In fact, practically every activity that isn't racing or heists is ignored. The game's foundation was shit from the start and the only thing they did was stack it until they had a shit mountain.
Fucking cunt cheaters or as they call themselfs "modders". They were in every lobby and every cheater was a cunt, no exeptions.
Game became anti fun years ago. The updates certainly didnt help either.
>tfw playing FiveM - Project Homecoming
The only sad thing is the random freezing, but otherwise, damn nice.
>i don't care about gta youtubers
>i just emulate the exact things they and reddit say
It's ok. You can learn to play. Beyond that you have to understand that the entire reason many work to get death machines is so they can use these death machines. I got rekt till i learned ways to fight back. I didn't come cry on the internet. I don't fear oppressors.
this guy is correct, modders should have their fucking fingers broken. Slowly. Do it to a 13 year old on livestream.
>If you have the same opinion as a random youtuber it doesn't count
You know, you can also build your own opinion without having someone else telling you what to think. Even then, from the start I have been saying that it feels more like CoD than GTA. Being killed a lot of times is annoying, yeah, but it's also not GTA anymore. I'm not crying about it, it's not that fucking serious. If we have this board to talk about videogames, let me talk about videogames then.
gta online was always shit
Ruiner missiles
Savage hitbox got nerfed in the latest update tho The only thing that has a chance against the MK2 is the VIP mission Ruiner. Anything else is futile or has a very slight chance to get them down like the stromberg. Missile equiped Oppressor MK2 with Chaff is one of the most broken shit I've ever seen in any multiplayer game ever, what the fuck was Rockstar thinking.
At least now you can individually ghost any player you want to fuck off.
Kurumas ruined it for me. Made content irrelevant and easy.
ok nigger, fine. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and explain something to you. Literally every major gta discussion is FILLED with people that cry and cry and cry about the oppressor and how they just want to grind in peace.
You can't have any discussion about anything without it devolving into "hurr durr we hate tryhards i am always nice to people doing business stuff! UNLIKE THOSE ASSHOLES ON OPPRESSORS!"
You seemed exactly like one of those fucks. If you are not then good.
I would counter that with the logical conclusion to your complaint is that if you had it your way, we would all be ground plebs and we would never get better weapons or cooler vehicles. If the buzzard was the best thing in the game it would be the oppressor. If the insurgent was the best then same thing. Do you want nothing but shit cars and shit guns? I can see how it can be daunting to a new player coming in today but i really liked having goals and becoming more powerful. You know...character progression.
it was doomed from the start boyo
i was unaware that they nerfed the savage hitbox. Thank you. And can you elaborate on "ghost any player you want to fuck off?"
you fucking bully. Bullies with friends already have real life, leave video games for us lonely losers.
GTA Online ruined GTA Online.
The thing that made SA:MP and MTA such a big thing, is that they were highly moddable ONTOP of being a big mod themselves. Having an unmoddable piece of shit that is surrounded by levels, where the "events" barely give any EXP to level up, and everything fun is hidden behind a pay/level wall, thats not fun. Heists were supposed to break up the monotony but after the 10th time playing Pacific Standard shit gets boring.
I haven't touched GTA:O in years simply because I saw everything there was to see and no new update will entice me because it's literally the same shit. Except now I can't blow up Kuruma shitters because they literally have flying rocket cars that kill you from a mile away.
>If the buzzard was the best thing in the game it would be the oppressor.
At least the Buzzard doesn't move at the fucking speed of light. mk 2 is beyond broken. I have been playing since the beginning, and even back then shit wasn't as broken as right now.
>Do you want nothing but shit cars and shit guns?
Like I said, I want GTA, not Call Of Duty Black Ops 3. You can add a lot of different shit without having to go with military over the top trash.
The game punishes you for killing people in free roam.
I repeat: a GTA game PUNISHES you for having fun.
Imagine buying that shit and not injecting your wallet with 2 billion haxbux in the Year of our Lord MMXIX.
Latest update had a lot of new features and content and one of them is that you can individually make a player passive for you without the need of going to Passive Mode.
Basically soft-blocking a player.
Are you okay dude?
Like the dude complained about a flying bike in the game and you're having some fucking breakdown about people who aren't even here.
It was shit from the get go. Thank god for FiveM.
the purchase doesnt matter, the moment GTA online got anounced with MTX it was doomed to become a unfun grindfest that would only dripfeed small meaningless content to keep it alive
finally an honest response that actually made me feel a little bad.
>Finally kill the fucker and his bike
>Spawns another one like nothing happened
fucking zoomer faggot. More than 2 lines is not a breakdown get an attention span faggot. People posting like that used to be the norm child.
disable internet connection for 10 seconds to get your own lobby if players are hacking/griefing you.
I played gtao for quite a while.
The satisfaction of getting the armored kuruma and then the buzzard felt really good. Got to level 100. But after that I could not justify the time investment to get the higher priced items. The game gets repetitive.
WHAT? THAT'S INSANE! People clearly do not know about this because they would do it to me all the time....or does it show them going passive to you on your screen? That would be smart.
>Do you want nothing but shit cars and shit guns?
no i want GTA online IE starting as a nobody and finding the cool shit
the best period of GTAO was when there no OP vehicles and the best vehicles where in the military base where there atleast was a casual filter in de form of the guards and AA guns
the grinding jewery minigame that is gta:o has always been garbage
Beg to differ, Having infinite money with all this content after years makes GTAO a really fun sandbox experience, like a casual Garry's Mod server. I would add that with friends the fun tenfolds, but that really works with any vidya.
>GTA IV online had custom lobbies
>GTA IV online had true free for all free roam deathmatch
>GTA IV online translated everything from the SP without downgrades
>GTA IV online had less loading screens
>GTA IV online had actual fun content added alongside the story expansions
i want to go back
what would you define as cool shit if not better, stronger vehicles? Countersignalling whiners aside i agree the OP mk2 is brokenly overpowered especially when you add 3-6 more like me and my friends do sometimes. Still grinding for the ultimate weapons so we could one day be the killers on top was a fun goal.
Oppressor mk 2 is probably there specifically to sell shark cards desu.
The fuck is going on when I try to reinstall this PoS and I keep getting a "disk can't be read, dirty or damaged" whenever I open it?
My copy's clean as fuck
Imagine being a wageslave in a fucking GTA griding missions for your gay shit
i agree, i really enjoyed that one mission where there were like 6 cops in 3 cop cars vs the mobsters with the mob boss and the mobsters could see where they needed to go on the minimap, but the cops couldn't see the destination but could see the mobsters....was fun.
Also i remember me and 2 friends all stole fire trucks and found a dude that was a black guy and we all 3 sprayed him with the firehose endlessly for like 15 mins. My friends and the dude were all laughing our asses off
cant you read? id rather find cool shit than grind for it in a game like GTA
id rather have it back to being like GTA IV where you could set up custom lobbies and choose wich weapons would span, atleast everyone had a chance at fighting back in that
Playing SAMP at its peak was a pure orgasm. I wonder if Im missing out by not playing FiveM now
>rather find cool shit than grind
>rather have a map on one monitor and game on another grabbing everything like they are stunt jumps.
Can you see how this makes little sense from a gameplay perspective? I agree on your GTA IV point though.
Oh its still the norm. I don't know if you've hung around long but we have twitter threads every day of people arguing against nothing. You might want to go find one of those.
>post the thing that ruined GTA V
GTAO is a meme game for meme lovers
Let's not forget that if you swipe a fancy sports car from an NPC, you can't store it without having to buy some bollocks for it. What's the point of a GTA game if I can't even live up to its namesake.
> guy complains about rocket bikes ruining immersion in a modern day crime simulator
> 'you probably just don't like it because you don't have any friends!'
>Trivializes lots of PVE missions and stuff
>Players can shoot you from one, but you can't shoot them back
>Have to blow it up instead, getting bad sport points and paying the insurance
Leslie Benzies depatrture.
GTA:O needs a battle royale mode, unironically
I played when GTAO is started, such a buggy clusterfuck, but it was fun at least. Nowadays is just even a shittier grinder no-fun simulator.
>meanwhile in a universe where shark cards didnt exist
That's tame compared to the new stuff that you can bring in missions.
>bad sport
Pretty much impossible to achieve nowdays, if you got sent to the shadow realm is either because a cheater decided to ruin your week.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that I was referring to the Kuruma as the start of the problems, not the worst of them.
>don't know if you hung around long but twitter...
yea........ok zoomer
>That player that's named comedian(or something) that tells shitty jokes into the lobby while ridding flying motorcycle doing hit and runs and can't handle banter
Anyone else run into him?
I thought the same at first, until I actually started playing the game and realized that one rocket or sniper headset install kills you on it. Even the regular homing launcher tears it up.
nice attention span faggot, the discussion has progressed beyond that.
It didn't tho. Buy some reading comprehension.
I didnt even give a shit about a lot of expensive shit. I just fucked around with friends.
How is constantly blowing up everyones cars all the time of any help with fun or non grind?
How is spawning endless npcs on your head of any help?
How is lagging the server to death of any help to anyone
Everything you cunts did was cunt behaviour. Never had fun with a cheater in the lobby, NEVER.
Also funfact. Your hack money increased the grind and prices even further. So even when you were trying to be helpful, you still became a cunt in the end.
yea and the funniest part is that they are always SO FUCKING BAD AT THE GAME. Like you join a mission and a modding piece of trash is in a mission, has god mode on, can spawn anything, can teleport, AND STILL FAILS 6 TIMES. They get no respect from me no matter what argument they make.
The connection
>You can learn to play
>I got rekt till i learned ways to fight back
lmao, you just bought the bike yourself.
There's no skill in GTA:V, just a matter of who has the most toys. Or as it is now, just who has a rocketbike.
Sick cope though, absolutely pathetic.
Nice ass show feet
>remove missiles
>top speed in air is 70 top speed on ground 110
There, i just made this bike less cancer for freemode
Rockstar is the worst with multiplayer games.
I wanna say the addition of the first bulletproof car.
The game being Peer to peer.
What's the best way to make a steady flow of cash? I own 3 houses with garages, just bought my first nightclub and am still getting all of that set up. I haven't completed any heists, because every time I try a retard fucks everything up.
>what is explosive sniper
>what is get out of vehicle
yea ok
I can hit people in the karuma with my armor piercing rounds.
Granted not everyone has access to special ammo
Fuckin' filthy goy, this is why you'll always be a fuckin' animal you nasty shitskin.
Bunker is good plus you need the research for mk 2 weapons, ammo types, and vehicle upgrades. If you have a couple friends to help with the sales you can make 1 mil per full stock sale. Alternatively join a gta discord but those people are almost just as trash as randoms.
>just get the bunker goy
>then wait for it to research explosive rounds
>oh what's that? it researched all the camouflage first?
>well you'll get it eventually goy!
>yes scrub, jump out of your vehicle! I decide what you're allowed to do now!
I think you just have a serious inferiority complex.
Stealing tanks with the airlift heli and tank sniping from the air during the firat few weeks was peak gtao. Haven't touched it since they nerfed the heli
One thing I want is a good RP server for GTAV. GTAWorld is fucking gay as fuck.
You're either pretty fucking bad at actually using the oppressor or just pathetically grasping at straws to justify your purchase.
It is impossible to hit some BR zipping across the map on his shitbike.
I honestly prefer playing by myself most of the time. I don't usually have a consistent play schedule, so making friends online and keeping them is nearly impossible. I'm not trying to be a billionaire, but I just want to be able to buy and upgrade cars every now and then. So far I've been grinding random missions, but people almost never know how to do it efficiently, and anything with a heli is a guaranteed fail when some jackass who can't fly insists on doing it. Should I keep trying heists?
im not the one complaining about the mk 2. Nice projection there reddit.
Motorcycle Club businesses, best ones being cocaine and meth, I also have a counterfeit money business but that was mainly for having more business for the nightclub.
dumb ESL, buy some reading comprehension on your next sharkcard purchase.
are you on PC? I can help you with some act 2 repeats if you would like, get you a few million. That's the best way to make money without modding. You only need one person and people do act 2 repeats all the time. Really easy to find people.
I got so good at piloting and firing the heli on that map, would just mop everyone up in the deathmatch.
Also team mafia wars was amazing if you could ever get a good game going, I remember having hour long matches of that shit.
I feel like the whole reason they don't want to remaster GTA IV is because they want to funnel all multiplayer base towards the shark card loading screen simulator. That and they don't want to pay for songs.
>can't argument anything without insulting each three words
Man you sound like a newfag
>tfw wanna do all the heists for the all in order challenge
>tfw no friends and have to rely on random morons
I got to the EMP delivery and gave up
k reddit
Yeah I am. I've only tried heists like 3 times. Each time there was one or more idiots who couldn't pull their head out of their ass. I live on the east coast and can usually play after 4 or 5. Will that work?
Keep sucking rockstars dick, it's hilarious watching you pathetically argue your "points".
it's even got a clit stimulator for OPs gaping mangina
>try to join friend's session
>see text chat from the session while it's loading
>game keeps loading
>'failed to join session'
>uses babies first /pol/ tard insults
project harder reddit
based /pol/ living in your head rent free
yea thats fine, whats your SC i'll add you
>throws you into singleplayer
>tries to be edgy /pol/
>still reddit
k reddit
>No one is really trying to be edge /pol/
Rent free
proof the only people who hate these things are people who suck at the game
This improves the game.
>Sucks at the game
>The real complain was about it being more like Star Wars than GTA
Keep trying
>somehow a flying vehicle should move slower on the ground
What's it like being retarded?
I miss cops and robbers
No it doesn't you retard
>That happens
Welp time to sell some cargo
that thing and the flying car with rockets
ok im adding you, gonna be on tonight/tomorrow?
Whole game is designed about making you buy sharkcards.
>no fun allowed
Just play five m if it triggers you so much
Yeah I'll be on tomorrow after 5. Probably like 5 or 5:30.
What's it like being a dumb nigger? the bike already moves fast as hell on the ground now at 128-130 (138-142 with boost) making drive by missile hits almost as easy as in the air. but whatever keep drinking cum from rockstars smegma covered cock
If you play on PC just mess with the network settings and make empty public lobbies for you and your friends. It's easy, and no one around to mess your business
I just use the self destruct upgrade rather than the kick out of car
I just wish that upgrade was permanent and didn't require me to buy it over and over again
yea thats fine
Why do mods keep deleting posts?
the heck are you talking about lmao
they don't want a newbie to get help i guess. Go dilate tranny mods.
>mfw I gave myself over $50 million years ago and still haven't been banned
Fuck Rockstar and fuck anyone who has purchased a Shark Card.
You can upgrade your car to have a car bomb that you can detonate with your phone, or when someone else enters it
Reminds me of this.
Only idiots buy that shit. There are two working unlimited money glitches if you really want to cheat and there always have been.
yeah I know, but why is that relevant in any way shape or form?
You were talking about they "pls get out of car button" and I was talking to about the chad alternative
the grind
lmao, cute reading comprehension user.
the retard defending the rocketbike was suggesting getting out of your vehicle because the homing rockets can't lock on to players on foot.
>Imagine buying that shit and not injecting your wallet with 2 billion haxbux in the Year of our Lord MMXIX.
can you still do that shit? i thought if you missed the golden age of ps3 hacking you were simply done for
>actually defends not being able to choose what your own bunker researches
The absolute state of rockstardrones.
i like the rocket bike because i get to have fun at the expense of others and all they can do is cry.
How do I get haxbux in the year 2000 + 19 AD?
Every single time
>not having enough 'fuck you' cash to just skip the research wait times
>tfw was able to migrate my modded PS3 account with billions of dollars before the transfers closed
any anons like the casino? I do but the blackjack memes are true, horse racing seems to be where it's at.
What are the blackjack memes
it was fucking abominable garbage from the start, you poor retarded baby.
it has one, its called freeroam
I tripled my chips a few days ago playing roulette
You are like a little baby
The game was shit from the heist update when the armored karuma started the trend of buy OP vehicle, buy shark cards for next OP vehicle.
Its literally saints row 3 at this point...only saints row is fun in co op and gta online is dogshit.
>the thing that ruined GTA V Online
The players.
The karuma and the vehicle destruction tax was part of the reason I dropped the game.
don't really have a problem with em, the issue I have is with people just staying in them 24/7 (or dying and respawning them in ) when they fight others on ground / in helis / jets
GTA online money making big brain tiers:
hack money and buy super cars before you get ban waved
router reset blackjack
>small brain
grinding business + featured contracts
>medium brain
buy supplies then grind heists
>large brain
glitching act 2
>transcended astral deity
bet all on horse 1 using max bet exploit
you get dicked playing
>I don't have a problem
>The problem is it's instant recall via MC menu
This post basically show cases why this game is trash and the community are fucking retards. Rockstar know the mk2 is shit but it's selling shark cards since you need a mcclub+nightclub+terrabyte+vehical workshop just to use it.
people used to use other cars
>thing that ruined GTA V Online
Shark Cards
Level up system
Overpriced items / Shit cash rewards
Player markers on the map
Shark cards
Removing animals from the map
Having no interesting missions
Making heists awful
Devs being jews
Shark cards
Someone gimme a hint on how to get haxbux
>Add Reddit faggots because they have a discord for GTA
>They are worse than randoms and only do finales for 40% cut
Well I guess I'll stay on prison break forever then
Why can’t Jet Moro come back, bros...
It genuinely impresses me GTAV is still going hard. I wish I didn't sell mine now.
It was shit from the beginning because of the jet with explosive cannons.