Other urls found in this thread:
see my bernie
andrew yang.. i imagine he's connected to liu kang, the chinese fighters are always most powerful
buhny sandas
non videogames
Yang is the only human being on that roster
>first debate he's in and Bill DeBlasio is already talking about his black son
It's literally the only talking point he has. It's ridiculous.
>no noticeably dark-skinned character
>bernie is unironically cute
How does he do it? Is it because he's not racist
too ez, come on now
I'll see your crippled commie and raise you a god damn marine, see my Tulsi, faggot
*dabs in*
Woah friend! Looks like you've made a thread with the intention of posting off topic bait. Now user, we know that isn't very nice and just aims to shit up this board even more than it already is. Why not make a nice old video game thread and discuss your favorite video game? Mine is Team Fortress 2, what a timeless classic.
Thanos out.
But where is trump? Hes running
why are all of them white?
>Still haven't nerfed Beto's zoning
Fucking when?
Dems are rayciss
Unironically, i hope its a woman
I guess this is the kinda game where you pick a character, and then get wrecked by the other team during the tutorial?
wtf I love this literally who now
It’s because he never sold his soul. People that do almost always look worse.
Kanye when? Yeezy for prez
thank you thanos
I pick insane author lady that that Republican guy managed to get on the debate. I’ll beat you with the power of love.
For me, it's Mommy Tulsi
Voting is cucking yourself. Imagine literally putting another person in charge of your life for 4 years at a time.
When she doesn't get the nomination, I hope she resigns in disgrace and starts doing foot porn.
Nah, that’s voting for wannabe authoritarians. Voting for others is just voting against the worse guy.
You get cucked and let someone else run the country whether you vote or not you brainlet.
Not if nobody votes
No thanks.
What AI generator is this?
Biden is their best and I hate to say, if Hillary couldnt do it, neither with Sniffy McPervert.
4 More years bitches.
Harry Potter women are absolute cancer
Reminder that Biden has spent the past year fundraising with the top dem billionaire/millionaire donators that you need to run in the presidential race, the entire concept that there is a "race" in the DNC primary is completely manufactured by the media and the party itself to fool the sheep into thinking its not a rigged system.
Baa baaa baaaa little sheep
I dont have cable tv so the only guy i recognize is bernie sanders because of memes. But i get to vote still lol
>free $1000
Yang. No contest.
They do have a clown car of candidates don't they.
based, when will she announce The Rock as her running mate?
Not necessary yet. I’d prefer someone that fixes minimum wage.
Too many echo fighters, i'll go with the rick and morty guy
I can only name 3 people in this picture, Biden because he was Obama's vice president, Bernie because he almost won the last primary, and Yang because he's a meme. How the fuck do they expect themselves to generate enough hype to stop Trump?
I feel like if the rock was anybody’s running mate, that person would automatically win.
if biden would have kept his pedo boomer ass out sanders would be a lock for the nom and the white house
thanks hillary 2.0, trump totally wont have a hard time beating pedo establishment shill boomer
Honestly if they put Biden up in voting for trump
They expect to run an “anti trump” corporatist so that their corporate masters can keep the status quo. They already reigned trump in. It doesn’t matter to the dnc if they win or lose as long as they keep a real populist off the ticket.
the only person that COULD even beat trump would be biden but after 1 year of pedo biden clips democrats are going to lose interest. republicans could still vote for a pedo but dems are too sympathetic and overly emotional to overlook stuff like that
Yang/Tulsi Doubles
Once Bernie or warren drops out the other gets all their support. It’s not as off kilter as you might think. Bidenfags are the 70 year old democrats that are also racist and Kameka/bookerfags are social politics retards that only care about their candidate because they aren’t white.
It's fuckin crazy how Trump is somehow "the people's" candidate despite being a billionaire business man. I guess it just goes to show how soulless the DNC is now.
>the only person that COULD even beat trump would be biden
at least 8 of them would beat him easily
I was gonna explain why you're wrong but i really want the democrats to pick someone else so just keep on thinking otherwise !
Jewish child sacrifices
Is that based mama?
Biden will be sabotaged by the dems in the final stages of the primary.
They'll prop up Kamala Harris hoping that they accumulate enough goodboy points to replicate Obama's 2008 flash in the pan by using her PoC status to pander.
>once Bernie drops out the other gets support
Lol that’s exactly what didn’t happen last time.
For me, it's Ace Watkins
Trump sold himself purely on social politics because he knows idiots eat that up. You can see the same thing happening with the majority of the democratic candidates. Dodge economic questions and tell sob stories about how hard it is to be “insert thing that makes you a minority” in america. It’s not that those things are necessarily wrong, but the best way to actually repair them is through economic policy.
Reminder that the chaos vote is this hippie bitch.
Kekfags get to work.
god I love her
the problem with bernie is that he doesn't appeal to the actual dem electorate. he appeals to the excessively progressive twitter electorate. Biden is the only realistic candidate the dems have that has a chance of winning against trump. if they want progressive points, they'll pick Warren as his veep.
I like Yang at least you can talk to him.Good guy.
Warren didn’t run last time. She just held off because not supporting the woman would look bad on her for the dumb half of her constituency.
>he doesn't appeal to the actual dem electorate.
I guess thats why he's polling second only behind the pedo
You mean the people that don’t vote? The last midterm elections proved that they’re all talk and no action. It was real Americans trying to stop this train wreck that actually came out. Not the children marching in the streets taking picture for clout.
Most democrats actually support the majority of Bernie’s policies.The problem is the news people watch is invested in selling the idea that his policies aren’t popular so that they can get another corporatist in office and save money.
You know they say all men are created equal. But you look at me and you look at Joe Biden and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another politician, you got a 50-50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal. So you got a 25 per cent - at best - to beat me. And then you add Bernie Sanders to the mix, your chances of winning drastically go down. You see, the three way at the polls you got a 33 and 1/3 chance of winning. But I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning cause Bernie Sanders knows he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try. So Senior Joe, you take your 33 and 1/3 chance, minus my 25 per cent chance and you got an 8 and 1/3 chance of winning at the election. But then you take my 75 per cent chance of winning if it goes one on one and then add the 66 and 2/3 per cent chance, I got a 141 and 2/3 chance of winning at the polls. See Joe, the numbers don't lie and they spell disaster for you at the election.
>Biden is the only realistic candidate the dems have that has a chance of winning against trump
when you're the biggest wonk in the USA
Biden is a senile elite technocrat, from the same mould that gave the dems Hillary in 2016
Tulsa is a veteran and isn't instantly dislikeable. She's the more moderate candidate. The rest are ultra left that stand absolutely zero chance of winning
True but the Bernie supporter isn’t the type of voter to fall in line. They’re the take their ball and go home type of people. If they want to participate in policy, they need to learn that the first step in political progress is compromise. Just as the tea party was a slowly approaching catastrophe that is now the modern gop. For any real change it will be slow moving. Barring an outright catastrophe like nuclear warfare or alien invasion.
which one has an invincible dp
If I was a burger I'd go with McCain. But he's dead so you're pretty much fucked I reckon.
GEORGE BUSH.... Junior?
>the rest are “ultra left”
>Biden, Harris, Booker
>”ultra left”
Most Bernie supporters have Warren as their second pick. Will they vote for a biden? Probably not.
based 16 year old PoC twitterqueer squirrelkin xyr xan xorf zoomlet
No one's voring for a literal who from nowheresville.
Biden literally said he wants to put I.D chips in gun owners bodies.
Not that guy but there’s a pretty large consensus that Biden is a corporate retard.
Beat of my Pork
I don't really get involved in politics till we get closer to the actual presidential election and that's not for another good year or so. Once the candidates have been narrowed down to like the final four or five then I might start following debates and what not, but right now there is no point. 20 candidates? Yeah, no.
How many of those men are pedophiles, figured at least half of them are.
Gotta admit though, I wasn't expecting the avatar to be some Muslim woman, I was expecting it to be some college thot
From what I understood, Biden wants fingerprint scanners on any newly manufactured gun. It’s the most conservative stance on guns you’re going to get on the left outside of Bernie who doesn’t seem to really give a fuck about guns.
do you really think they'll abstain from voting and risk another 4 years of Trump rather than vote for Biden?
wtf did that dog eat!?!?!
He won't even be at the September democratic debates. He's out, the meme is over.
Poor Cory.
Id have put trump as lockhart and Biden as Quirrel
yea, among the twitterprog genderfaggots
Some will. Some Bernie people went to trump last election because they cared more about the “anti establishment” part.
>Trump sold himself purely on social politics because he knows idiots eat that up.
Why didn't other repubs do this?
consensus by who? literally who makes politics a part of their identity and participates in these tribal wars other than twittards?
nerve gas
Just so you guys know, none of those people are winning in 2020
His polling numbers dropped significantly after the debate. People saw that he was retarded. Kamelas unfortunately went up because she told a dozen sob stories and idiots eat those up.
Kamala is broken because you can use her to set up the most arbitrary, overcomplicated win condition that your opponent can't even understand.
which is kind of hilarious given how ridiculously conservative establishment trump's policies have been.
Gabbard, Harris, Bernie and Biden says hi.
Booker T is running? He's got my vote.
Mommy Tulsi tbqh family
Lol. You're going to be so mad in 2020. It's going to be beautiful.
Because other republicans thought running on “Mexicans bad” would be going too far and make them unelectable. Plenty of centrist republicans still dislike trump for that stuff, but a ton of trumps supporters were people that never voted.
She doesn't have a fucking chance, but Mommy Tulsi all the way
lad I like her too but she's pulling 2% in polls and still has to get her 130k donators.
And I know Trump changed the whole game so polls and shit don't matter, but she's not getting traction, people aren't talking about her. It's the complete opposite of Trump's original run
I don't know a single one of those people
>when your only defense of your senile corporate's cock sucker are buzzwords
lmao at you, mark my words if the dems end up with Biden they're going to get 4 more years of Trumpism. If you want to know how progressive parties who "build consensus" ends just look at new Labour or any socdem parties in europe
He looks like he actually has experience killing someone.
>a god damn marine
I thought she was in the reserves?
It ain't gonna be mad actually. But those four candidate could actually rustle many Trump feathers.
Trump ran on illegals are bad. You stupid fucks can't comprehend the difference and it's mind blowing.
Tulsi would slaughter the rest in a fight
Biden is going to slaughter them in the primary
Then the commies are going to slaughter their own party in the election
Pete has high base int and you get a war veteran bonus
But Beto has + 5 Reputation with all Latino/Irish and Catholic Factions and starts out with spanish and English langauge
Hmm tough choice.
Snake will run in 2024 right?
>Dem party wants either Biden, Harris, or Warren
>Majority of the candidates are white even though Dems spent years trying to pander with diversity
>Biden was Obama's right hand man so all of Obama's mistakes can be placed on him
>Harris is a corrupt prosecutor who protected child molesters and cops who broke the law
>Warren spent years lying about being a native American
Trump's gonna win almost as hard as Reagan in 88 isn't he?
Pretty much, I hope Bernie wins the nomination though. That'll make it that much more interesting esp. compared to 2016
those were all based on twitter reactions. all actual national polling shows virtually everywhere heavily favoring Biden usually by 15+ point pargins with Sanders either a close or distant second based on area, except for California which the rest of the nation pretty much ignores when it comes to politics as they live in their own bubble.
They don't know you either.
Berniebros rise up
There is one that is not a lunatic?
I'll go with the bozo murica has it right now then
Yeah, maybe after that he can get enough donation money to pay his wageslaves.
Was warren lying or did she just trust her parents too much when they told her she was part Native American?
>And I know Trump changed the whole game so polls and shit don't matter
except the actual reputable polls were always within the margin of error and the only thing wrong with them was the media's sensationalist misrepresentation of them.
>Kamelas unfortunately went up because she told a dozen sob stories and idiots eat those up.
Honestly I was watching the 2nd night of the debate for like ten minutes and Kamala dropped this shitty canned line, everyone clapped, then she immediately launched into a sob story. I cringed and turned it off. Obviously everyone is trying to shoehorn in their pre-written speeches in these debates but that was just awful.