remember this simple rule, game developers.
Remember this simple rule, game developers
Other urls found in this thread:
you mean this one
I'd rather have a game with scat in it than a game with furfags in it. no one fucking likes you and nobody likes these shit designs. I'm fucking glad almost no devs pander to you
But nazrin's cute
>N-noo sexy bad, make sexy go away pls
Luckily I'm gay and big monster cocks are my thing
Why is the second female one drawn so much worse than the second male one?
Because you're a homosexual.
No, it depends on the game and how fanciful it is. I hate that people seem to think that fantasy has to abide by any level of realism when the original core of the genre was literal escapism. I don't care if the beasts have a belle that looks human instead of like their kind, it's a fantasy story. They can do that. It's FANTASY for pete's sake.
>stop doing this shit
>top with the gender signs swapped
>I will now buy your game
I like a small difference between the genders. Like whenever Pokemon changes their color or has a small feature different with them
low effort shitposting thread, seen this a million times before
Almost based but take away the boobs from bottom left
It breaks my immersion and brings me back to reality whenever I see a garbage human female cosplaying as another race's female, because the first thing that comes to mind is the realization that I'm not exploring a fantastical world, I'm actually playing a garbage game designed to fuel the fetish of everyone working on the game.
It also shows the author never actually cared to make a realistically fantastical world, he just made some half-assed fanfiction shit for money.
If you are a developer, and you aren't a try hard, then get out of the industry. We don't need more mediocre fucks, and we definitely don't need fetishits wanting to fap to humans with cat or rat ears wearing bikinis. Fuck off with that shit.
Whether they're men or women, it's better for non-humans to look like normal people with extra ears and tails than to go full furry.
What if they take a slightly different approach, user?
tfw supernatural humans and giants fetish
At least I'm not a furry
Dehumanizes and devalues women. Fuck off.
Nah, they need to go full Don Bluth.
What do you pay developers with though aside of seething, Mr. Rat? Cheese? Droppings?
Games should have hot guys in them.
i want to fuck that cyclops girl
I agree. Likewise we need more bimbos in games.
Best version
Furry is gross
That artstyle is so aggressively ugly
>What do you pay developers
I never pay developers
Cutest ratto
Lol who cares, 99% of games just have the same old elves, dwarves and humans anyway, or some other shit where even the males still look 99% human.
any idea who the artist is?
Sure, I don't discriminate.
I literally don't know what games you're reffering to.
Hardly any games do that, I can't even name 20 games that do that. Go ahead, do it. Give me your top 100 games that do this, and yes I'm asking you 100 games because you said 99% of games do this, so I think it should be pretty easy for you to list 100 games that do this.
I'm afraid not, no. I found the image on a random thread here.
How does sexual dimorphism work in humanoid species?
>fuel the fetish of everyone working on the game.
You mean fuel the fetish of the audience that is most likely to buy said game.
Let’s not encourage the desires of the mentally disabled.
You can't make a game without an artist. The artist doesn't choose what style the characters should be, they are told how they should be by the director and others at an official meeting. Multiple artists also participate in this free for all drawing deathmatch, at the end of the day, it is the director's choice which concept art they will go with.
If you think Notch made minecraft thinking the audience is gonna buying some retarded 8bit blocks then you're fucking delusional. Every developer develop games as "best" as they can under whatever self-restriction they put themselves on.
A furry developer will also develop furry games because they like furries. Just like a studio that hates videogames will also develop trash videogames.
Fags get the rope
I literally just said it doesn't have to always be realistic and that making everything adhere to some autistic concept of "realism" stifles creativity
As before, it's FANTASY
Agreed pretty much.
Get rid of the bara shit, in fact just get rid of the guy entirely
Would massage feets
How is it creative if most of the time people just go with the same humanoid designs that are barely any different from the last one?
It’s not, he’s just a retard that wants to excuse sexualization of fucking video game characters that he could potentially jerk off to since he can’t get laid.
Yea, no. I'm glad japan does those kind of fantasy race designs since they are more visually appealing. Only bara faggots and furries want those awful kind of designs.
Either make everything humanoid if you can’t handle ugly girls or make everything so outrageous that nobody would want to fuck them anyway.
The fact I can't tell which is the real one annoys me.
it took me too late to realize why the female was missing and now i feel dumb
Op is real. The other image is an edit of an edit, the bara faggot shit was added second
*it took me too long
sry I think I might have suffered a stroke or something
I think you mean
The one on which both are monstrous is the best approach as long as they aren't too weird and sexualized.
I love Dribble and Spitz!
S'arright, we like 'em cute but stupid.
>see mostly girls make these autistic comics
>nearly every girl I know that plays games with character customization plays as a girl and tries to make them as generically pretty as possible
Fluffy characters are cute.
>hurr durr just do whatever, its fantasy anyway lol
Fantasy isn't a escapegoat to justify whatever piece of shit you can think of.
Stop degrading an entire fucking genre.
Exceptionally low test
From the girls I've played MMOs with they either went with pretty character, the short race character they think is cute, or a guy character they think looks sexy.
Unga fantasizing about fucking Bunga existed long before your genre of fantasy.
Stop policing my dreams cunt.
The only directors that aren't beholden to scrutiny from higher ups are indie devs, so marketing towards an intended audience is definitely a factor, even with something as simple as not pissing off your fans or not making something greatly outside fan expectations, is a form of marketing.
You really can't figure out how a race of half-humanoids could add to a story, or why someone might want to have something other than the default "realistic" that I keep mentioning? When is the last game that even had races where the male is a monster and the female is a human with animal features? Because I certainly don't remember any...
Actually, I don't like sex or masturbation material in my media. I just don't think we have to autistically squeegee it out just because some people () can't help but feel inadequate because an attractive character hurts their feefees. Unlike you and him, I don't obsess over sex. I didn't even think about sex in this thread until it was brought up by that user. So, again, what is wrong with
>if the beasts have a belle that looks human instead of like their kind
>it's a fantasy story.
? Because the only arguments I've seen so far is "I can't handle something I'm attracted to in my games!!"
Unga and bunga looked exactly the same except one was less hairy than the other.
You're not talking about unga and bunga fucking, you're talking about bunga(female) fucking a tentacle monster(male) and actually pretending they are the same fucking species.
Get a fucking brain, I'm not asking you to change your views, I'm not asking you to "join my side", I'm not asking you to stop liking awful fetish trash. I'm asking you to activate your fucking braincells and think for a fucking second.
>Because I certainly don't remember any
Because nobody ever does anything different than races that are 90% human looking anyway. If they were planned, they get cut.
Fantasy was ORIGINALLY escapism and high fantasy. Just because we have "realistic" fantasy more common now doesn't me we should get mad at said escapist fantasy. It would just be getting back to the genre's roots, and if you expand it outside of the original scope of this thread, it would honestly do it some good, considering how generic it can get nowadays.
finish reading my post before replying, Notch was an indie dev, so was the Terraria devs.
None of them made their games to appeal to a certain fanbase, they just made a game how they taught they could make a game. Furry fucks do the same.
>implying Bunga wasn't his aurochs
You nigger, assuming I don't want to fuck animals. Stop policing my dreams.
I'm still waiting for that top 100 games that do elves, dwarves, and humans.
Maybe re-read his post you dickhead. He's saying that while indie devs like Notch can make what they want anyone with a fucking publisher is beholden to the publisher. Anyone with shareholders is beholden to the shareholders.
Fuck you're dumb, you're so dumb.
I'm talking about the guy. The beefy chick is superior to catgirl loli bait
>massive tits
No need for anecdotes just look up the race distribution stats for either WoW or the FF MMOs and that will tell you all you need to know on how often people will choose to play as a fantasy race when all else is equal.
reread my post, nobody is talking about shareholders here except yourself, nobody cares about non-game developers.
Notch is the sole focus of this discussion, stop moving he goalposts
So something that doesn't happen anymore is being complained about as being too common and annoying?
This is how everything should be
Males have muscles, females have muscles, beastman have muscles, humans have muscle, orcs have muscles,every other race has muscles and even monsters have muscles
esl detected
It's rare enough to have distinctly non-human looking races, that the few times they do appear they tend to follow the thing that is being complained about. Does that make sense?
This is why I was asking you to use your fucking braincells.
I'm not assuming you don't want to fuck animals. I don't give a single fuck about what you want to fucking do. I don't give a shit about your taste. See this image and google these games.
Why the fuck can't you stop thinking for one fucking second with your fucking dick? How the fuck are you so obsessed with this shit?
I have no issue with tentacle monsters raping women, as long as the developer doesn't pretend female human (with cat ears) is suppose to be an entire different species.
Yes, but I still haven't heard any examples of it actually happening at all. I'd be happy with just one in recent times, because I genuinely don't know of any games that have done so.
Epic post, reddit
kys furfags
Realistic fantasy has never been "common" and it definitely isn't "more common" now with the industry being flooded by low tier indie RPG maker trash.
Your entire post was under a false assumption so I have no idea what your point really was. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that fantasy writers should put effort in their fantasy and not appeal to the lowest common denominator, fetishits.
>Now tries to sound edgy to fit in
Too late, you have to go back
I don't do LSD
fuck druggies, if you want to escape reality, use videogames, not drugs
Fuck you fag, I'm not going to let you queers talk shit about massive milky mammarys.
Is this the /hmofa/ thread?
Based Ms. Brisby poster.
Madness, is made by a furry and is explicitly catering to the fans of the newgrounds flash series. Also neither of these two posts,
mention indie.
madness is furry shit
I am so outraged.
Second post best post.
Modern fantasy is exclusively pseudo-realistic. The monsters all have a place in the world, there's an order to everything, nothing fantastical happens, other than a fictional setting with a fictional ecosystem.
Original fantasy was anything and everything, every new iteration included a new concept or idea and it was absolutely balls-to-the-wall insane. Dinosaurs ripping out of the ground, being abducted by aliens, fighting dragons that AREN'T just big lizards with wings, all of this is just watered down. Now, those dinosaurs have an explanation, and those aliens are hidden because it "wouldn't make sense in the setting." The dragons are, like I said, big winged lizards.
And the races? Well, they used to be anything and everything, but now they're just human, human facsimile with pointed ears, short human facsimile with a beard, big green human facsimile. It all has to "make sense" when fantasy was originally about weaving stories out of no sense whatsoever.
fixed the OP for yall
Made my tumblr trash
Made by a mega chad.
this is a crime against the human eye
kill me
Based and fpbp
>girls want to play hot guys and RP as a gay man
>guys want to play hot girls and RP as a lesbian
Is this just shitposting? Can't remember Yea Forums getting flooded by fucking furries.
Were you in a coma for the past several years?
Yea Forums has been pretty furry for a long time or more precise scalie sluts for dragon/lizard dudes
Newfag, /trash/ and /vp/ was made because of furries making threads to troll the anti-furfags.
best post
Based and Sindoll-pilled
>nothing fantastical happens
Use examples of fantasy games doing fantastical happenings. I see what you mean with Final fantasy XV and Witcher 3, but I'm sure there are more modern fantasy games than those right? I can think of a lot of fantastical happenings from older games, but you using modern games as a weapon is evil. Modern games are generally bad.
I'm confused by your post because your very last sentence criticizes my point, but the sentence right before it tells me you agree with me.
Where do you, in your honest opinion, draw the line between lol-so-randumb and fantastical? I'm curious in the way you think, you seem like a pretty redpilled kind of man, and a man with taste.
>furries in close proximity to the oxygen that I'm currently respirating on.
this is furfaggotry
this is not
Hello and welcome to Yea Forums now lurk for 6 months
yo I love these threads
It's okay as long as you don't self insert as a furry, and as long as it's not gay
>most work in decent paying IT jobs
>they're also plenty in the various branches of the military
>there's a surgeon who keeps buying foxXfalco macro porn
This pretty much
Oh it's totally gay
Go to Yea Forums if you dont like nonhuman characters, it has the most blatantly triggered-by-furry janitor on the site. Youd get along.
Why the fuck has his c95 work still not been uploaded.
which is ironic given like 3/4 of Yea Forums content features animal characters in some way
You stop this right now, get back in the shed with the rest of the weird people.
Someone should separate this into both Waifu and Husbando versions, I would if I wasn't shit at Photoshop
Makes sense, only hateful people become janitors.
He can't actually ban you since furry isn't against the rules anymore though, he just deletes your post if 2 nonhuman characters are within 2 feet of each other.
>artists don't pander to my bara furry male x human female fetish
you fools no nothing of having a fetish unfulfilled
it's really easy to tell they hate certain characters more given they'll go hard after certain ones or ban you for even posting a screenshot from the actual show of the character
>female orcs in wow are literally buff green human females
and i wouldn't want it any other way
Aight fine
>being this mad at the truth
Rolling for me and my bf~
I already have one.
>involving females
I don't think I can argue against you any more, because I overextended and I'm getting too general to actually back up my points. Thanks for the compliment, too.
>Use examples of fantasy games doing fantastical happenings. I see what you mean with Final fantasy XV and Witcher 3, but I'm sure there are more modern fantasy games than those right? I can think of a lot of fantastical happenings from older games, but you using modern games as a weapon is evil. Modern games are generally bad.
Truth be told, I don't have ANY examples that I can recall from games. Whether that is the game's fault or my own overextension is up to chance.
>I'm confused by your post because your very last sentence criticizes my point, but the sentence right before it tells me you agree with me.
With regards to that, it's that I felt like the more fantastical style would add some variety I desire.
>Where do you, in your honest opinion, draw the line between lol-so-randumb and fantastical?
This was where I decided to quit arguing. I don't have a good stopping point between them right now; perhaps having some of the former would improve the experience on occasion? Perhaps I'm just being vague.
That does remind me, though, that I think Asura's Wrath is a good example of modern fantasy. There's only a vague set of rules in it, and the protagonist is basically a classic "always as strong as he needs to be" character despite the different inspirations of the design.
Beyond that, no idea. Interpret this as you will.
It's good as it is. Roulette is better when not all fields are desirable prizes.
I like my cartoon animals like this:
Yeah, why not.
thicc furry dudes on toit human ladies my dude
im fucking starved for it
Even gay men could have done a better female design than this.
That motherfucker better actually work on it this time god I am such a kemofaggot
>furry male x human female
Is far more common than human male x anthro female.
Is that the one-eyed dragon from Dark Souls?
>The Horned Rat
I know, Im just saying bara is solely gay stuff.
Please give girl
let's see
>rats forcibly groom each other to assert dominance
>they do fuck for pleasure/fun too
>the females tend to get a bit neurotic if they don't get sex for a long time
Although I got a pretty good one.
So are you upset that she's a rat or that she has big tits?
you got something better you got big the cat
>Is far more common than human male x anthro female.
not even close, you hum male x anthro female Fat Cats are swimming in fucking luxury over there
we barely get one new art piece a week. y'all get boatloads a day
Give me hot bara bf
Why do gayfags insist on fagging up every image?
Maybe you can trade?
I prefer the cat to the left of him
I'll take what I can get
Lucky, you got a qt.
There's a artist who did a lot of big anthro dudes on human females on pixiv.
>not wanting a thicc cat with a fat ass and big cock
i want it, i need it
might as well
Alright then.
Okay, this one is actually pretty great.
FUCK, I was so close to rat girl. Instead I get the barashit.
who is the best rat from video games and why is it twitch
Based and redpilled.
One of housamo artist do this kind of art too , the one who did the jambavam sprite.
gib ayyys pls
Made me buy the game.
haha yes
Time to go to work penis.
this is literally the only thing i remember when someone mentions that champ
that and his shit model anyway
Wrong, it's Rakushun.
There was a 12 Kingdoms video game?
Yes, an RPG.
He fights with that ladle thing.
best one
I wonder if anyone posted this comic to the original artist.
Uh oh
why so many gay shit
twitch is cute
what a shitty roll
I take it he's not one of the top characters?
Who cares? Nobody actually played it.
Whats my waifu
I recognize that asgore.
furfags complain that the females don't look enough like animals to jerk off to
Yea Forums's pretty gay, user. Nice roll, though.
Don't think I've seen this show.
a new CN show that will most likely get shafted and die early
Episodes 1 and 3 are shit but the rest is really good.
It name is mao mao heroes of pure heart.
because its female
based. shit looks cool
Based. An American Tail was my favourite movie as a kid I wanted to fuck that mouse.
Anything to do with Hei Mao?
i remember it being worse. i haven't seen a furry thread around here in a long time. in threads, yes, but not entire ones.
Do it like the Burmecians
crash team racing threads have been going since the game came out and those are half game discussion half bandicoot porn/lewd
Not, Mao Mao is the name of the main character the black cat.
It's a meme you dip
How do the Burmecians do it?
This is Hakumen from housamo , say something nice about her
make everyone cute
whats 02?
very carefully
Morgana from Persona 5 wearing a cute outfit.
Love Live is shit anyway so nothing changes here, really.
She seems like she knows how to enjoy a beach vacation. That's the gay furry gacha game, isn't it?
what did the devs mean by this outfit?
This is it
is this a parody or serious?
its a cleyran dancer
I'd fuck literally all of them.
Yes but anons on /trash/ are always calling it bishit.
They meant that cute dancing girls are nice regardless of their race.
I admittedly don't know much about defining sexuality, but I don't think it counts if there's like two or three girls versus however many dozens of burly and heavyset dudes.
I still don't understand what makes people sexually attracted to animal heads
kys, no one cares about your tranny opinion
I still don't understand what makes normies come to this site
>Yes but anons on /trash/ are always calling it bishit.
Yeah, but /trash/ anons are mentally ill faggots.
I've been coming here since 2006. Also you completely evaded the entire point. What makes people sexually attracted to animal heads? I can understand a lot of fetishes but to this day I still can't understand this one.
Sometimes I'll see furry art and think it's hot, but it's always in spite of the animal head, and I always can't help but be a bit disappointed because it could be so much hotter if they had human heads.
Fetishes cannot be explained rationally, normie.
I still don't understand what makes people sexually attracted to animal bodies and asses.
There's your problem. You're attracted to feminine attributes, while others are attracted to animal attributes. No matter how hard you try, you won't understand the appeal unless you yourself like it. Another good example is scat; same concept of a person who likes it and another person who doesn't like it having differing views. Fetishes aren't something you can simply understand.
Blessed thread
It's probably because our brain are too good at what they do, dolphins are pretty much the same in that regard
The same principle applies here. Would be hotter with human legs.
Yes they can.
they claims that even though it sells itself as a lgbt game the gay moments are mostly mildly flirting.
Posting about the female mc makes them seether like nothing else
if they can why don't you explain it
>Cute overlaps with sexy
>Animals are cute
It's not hard to understand
everyone wins with the first option, guys get their monster girls and girls get to fantasize being fucked by a beast.
Who cares? They're rats, dumb vermin that deserve to be exterminated.
>Games should devalue their setting so they can give me boner
Have sex.
bend over
Humans aren't attractive so my brain needed something else and picked animals
>Sexual dimorphism doesn't exist
>devaluing their setting
>when they can make their own setting with whatever shit they want in
i don't understand
lmao cumbrain
Try practicing control over your emotions so you're not a slave to your feelings.
Actually, user...
>everything follows human sexual dimorphism
>Stop pandering to someone else and only pander to my specific furfag needs!
Nice try, furfag but I see right through you! Anime girls with animal ears and optionally a tail will always be superior.
underrated post
Man, speculative biology would make a better discussion than what we have right now. All we ever get is monsters and furries in games, but no "what if x creature evolved under x circumstances".
The male looks nothing like a human
>not fuzzy at all
That's what gets me about these threads. It's furfags and xenofags trying mask their degeneracy with a sense of "realism" and don't give a fuck about actual speculative biology and the potential sexual dimorphism of it all.
If they did, there's more they could be bitching about than other races being humans with extra features.
>Last panel isn't green
That's a hobgoblin, not a goblin.
How about adding mechanics that makes playing as those races more interesting? Like letting goblins/wood elves climb shit like spiderman/asscreed/Cole(Infamous).
kemono is the actual top tier furshit, kemonomimi barely counts as furry and is garbage
>kemonomimi barely counts as furry and is garbage
You just gave a reason why it isn't garbage furfag
Isn't that the sexual diformism of the skaven?
No, skaven females are turned in breeding blobs by the males using warp magic. Females can vary in size as much as the males can if not twisted by warp magic.
Famale skaven have vagina pits in the ground that the males fall into?
Japanese furry tends to be more like speculative biology or convergent evolution, funny enough.
>Humanoid body
>Primarily human appendages, including fingers but often not including toes
>Genitals always overly glorified dog dicks, rarely horse or dragon
>Humanoid body, but with features that resemble their animal ancestry
>Hands and feet resemble their origin, often including paw pads when it makes sense (also often when it doesn't make sense, like with dragons)
>Body is build like an animal that took on a posture similar to Homo Erectus
By all means there's plenty of exceptions, but the fact remains that western furry artists lack imagination for the most part. There's a whole fucking trreasure trove of fantasy just waiting to be opened, but it's locked because they're trying to force a square key into a circular lock. They're trying to use squares for wheels instead of circular wheels. They're using Mac instead of PC. It's just hilariously sad, and I feel bad for western furries because they're so lacking in imagination. We'll never see good beast person races outside of Japan or the exceedingly rare western release until the western fanbase as a whole stops being lazy and thinking rainbow hair on Egyptian God bodies and neon nipples/genitals makes them unique.
well a tumblrite did draw it
The biggest plus jap furry artists get is majority actually draw furry looking fur instead of shiny colored skin
Their drawn by separate artist. I don't know who drew the female but the male is drawn by a furry who goes by glittertrapboy who specializes in bara.
Man, I hate normalfags.
I still don't understand this >OP Image
Like, are there seriously people/girls/feminists out there that get that assblasted about some people finding something fappable?
Like, why do some people feel the need to ruin the enjoyment of other people and get pissed off at them (Gasp!) finding a video game character sexually attractive, to the point where they want the girls to look like dumpster fires?
its not like the males are made explicitly ugly either, most animal races have visually appealing (to a certain extent) male furry characters, so it seems hypocritical to focus on that.
Most people who are on the "I will now buy your game" side never even WOULD buy the game anyways, they'd just nod smugly at another victory achieved and then move on.
Americans aren't green.
I'd rather be a normalfag than a furfag by you standards fucko
t. former furfag[/spoiler[
It'd be interesting to have a fantasy race where the guys are all twiggy bishonens and the girls are giant amazons to have a different take on things.
Monstergirls are furry
The issue usually is that they don't even look like they are from the same species. Like, how the fuck does the female of a race develop in a way that is specifically attractive to a race that is probably not even related to your own at all? Like imagine if Human men looked like literal 10 foot tall gorillas while the females looked like regular people. How the fuck does that happen? How is there any context for sexual attraction? How are there not physical complications?
spotted hyenas, some seal species, a lot of bug species, sharks, etc
Once a furfag, ALWAYS a furfag.
[spoiler}Does katt even count as furry? She's basically a normal human with furry legs/pants[/spoiler]
We need Nurgle and Khorne.
I liked the DnD 3.5 interpretation of hobgoblins being the bigger no nonsense species goblinoid.
>My degeneracy is better than yours!
>No mine is!
You faggots need to stop this bullshit. All of you are just basically fapping to females with exotic features. Only on Yea Forums can you fags make this topic extremely autistic.
But whos more giant, the female or the futa?
>it's a retard shits on something they like to cope with the fact that they don't like liking it episode
at least you aren't a pedo
OP's comic and complaints like it have existed for a long time, but I have honestly very rarely seen it in action. How many fantasy races actually have the whole "female race just looks like a hot female human lmao" thing? Most fantasy races I've seen are pretty even on that front.
She's like over 50% a cat person and you're dick is going in a cat vagina. Monstergirl fags always come off hilarious and insecure with how they're argue a literal dog with just a human face doesn't count has furry/bestiality.
Tfw no Todd gf
Well I know examples in NATURE, I mean a playable race in a fantasy game world.
have a fairy looking race where the girls are giants and the guys are tiny due to bug genes, or a Hyena anthro race, whatever.
They kind of did something like that in FF11 where the Mithra guys are basically kept at home as breeding slaves, but without the dimorphism.
Objectively wrong.
>Does Katt even count as a furry
No. Rule of thumb is if the upper half is basically human, then they aren't furry
Unironically based Harknesschad