I'll ask again in a very sfw manner. What's the appeal of Pokemon?

I'll ask again in a very sfw manner. What's the appeal of Pokemon?

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The cool designs and ability to change your team members with any of 600 pokemon, all with unique strengths/weaknesses.
Or if you're Yea Forums:
Which female trainer is the best to fantasize having sex with

haha, i still dont know!


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collecting stuff, you retard.

its literally virtual card collecting.

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And Chicken-chan

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good taste


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doskoinpo is great, i really hope people keep translating his works



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Pet collection

Cute girls.

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Some people find the gameplay loop entertaining

For children. Catching animals and having them fight for you.
For Adults. The porn.

Lillie, watch out! You’re about to step in shit!

>tfw you'll never get defeated by lillie and have her step on you till you have a defeat-gasm

It enables my inability to let go of my childhood and grow up.

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>I'll ask again
what happened?

Collecting cute little monsters and customising a team of em to engage in mini math challenges with other people.

Pokemon is dumb but the porn is top tier.

stuff like this

is this my punishment for trying to life and peek up her skirt when i thought she wasn't paying attention?


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wtf is this hiro, I'm taking away my ads

>ash giving the blowjob

to whom?

I'm curious how many times you can post porn before you get banned, because you have been posting 4-5 ones today and still not banned.

your mom


Enslaving your enemy. Literally any enemy.
That's the appeal of monster collection games, not just Pokémon.

I recently beat Pokémon Gold and I liked it. Not as much as I did 15-20 years ago, but there's something about traveling around the world and being the best at something, not traveling around the world to "save the world" or some melodramatic shit. People complain about how cucked Team Rocket is in Gen II, but trying to create a "save the world from Team Goofy Costume" storyline distracts from the core focus.

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I would be a lot more satisfied with modern Pokemon games if there was a much larger emphasis on beating your rival instead of the local enemy team
Competing with someone is just too fun

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honestly, i dont know why i love pokemon but basically i think that the pokemon designs are so cute n basically just easy playing

Cute magical animals.

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i can understand the appeal well enough to want to play one or two of the games, but not any more than that


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Adventure. But Game Freaks forgot that.


bullymon gfs

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And collecting. But GameFreak forgot that.