Metal Wolf Chaos XD

You ready for it? It's releasing in just two weeks.

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Yeah I'm ready XD

Fuck off, fucking reddit cancer.

What is it about?

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You are the president of the united states, then the vice president goes apeshit and tries to kill you and your last resort is a mecha

Letsss paaarrrrtttttyyyyyyy

The fuck? I'd completely missed it getting a release date
That's neat

Unironically thanks for reminding me, marketer bro. I can't wait to RICHAAAARD

>two weeks
Fuck dude, I was ready to play it two weeks after the reveal at E3 2018, now I really don't give a shit. I'd probably have managed to stay a little interested if there was some replayability but I haven't seen any evidence it's anything but a game you play for 5 hours and then never pick it up again.
I'll wait to pick it up on deep discount when that happens but even then I'm kind of hesitant to even support Devolver given how long they cucked us.

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You are the president of this beautiful country that is the US of A. You fight in a mecha, against your evil rival that is also the vice-president. It's made by fromsoft. The english voice overs are garbage engrish. It is amazing.

They delayed the game because the original trailer showed that they were fucking up the remaster pretty bad and people told them. They were making sure it looked and ran better.

So how does this fit into Soulsborne lore?

they don't offer anything on steam if I bought it now right or what?

why is your rival the vice president, a man whom you as president would have selected as part of his cabinet?

What does XD mean anyway? What's the abbreviation?

He betrayed you

That sounds neat

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>Delay it for one year because the reveal looked terrible
>Now it looks like a straight port
>Sell it for $30 when it should be half that
I'm going to skip it

Did they fix the horrendous textures?

Have it pre-ordered on GoG and will be downloading it the day it comes out. I'm genuinely looking forward to it.

I'm still not going to buy it immediately when Devolver didn't have the decency to even tell us what was going on with the port. They made a pretty big deal of it at E3 2018 and then it didn't even make their press conference at 2019.
It still just feels like a novelty to me. Maybe it is an amazing mecha game in it's own right. But there's such a drought of those I never got into those enough to appreciate them and I feel like I could just take the money I was going to spend on Metal Wolf and invest it in Daemon X Machina. Hell I could just spend it on something I enjoy more with more replay value. Sekiro really taught me I don't need to own everything From has put out when I don't find it enjoyable.

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shut the fuck up reddit


It's $25.
Which considering this is the first time the game's gonna be localized as well as the only return of it since its initial Xbox release isn't that awful of a deal.

See for yourself.

Yeah, but them delaying it a year without even telling us left a really bad taste in my mouth.

TenD. Tendies. Its for the jannies.

It did for me too but at least it wasn't too far away from coming out, when they did their E3 thing with no initial mention I was pissed but at least the month after we got more info.

kill you are self

It made me decide to never watch another Devolver Press conference.
The whole point of those should be the games and when you can't deliver on them and instead sidestep to masturbate over your conference's "narrative" then part of me thinks you're worse than the thing you were making fun of in the first place.
Devolver is fine now but I don't put them over any of these other scumbag publishers like I used to.

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haha so fucking funny, fuck off

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I guess it could be pegged somewhat on their fans as well. Their conferences escalated in memery more and more each year because their fans loved that shit, but the issue is that now we're seeing fewer games in each of these as a result as they focus on gags that just so happen to be sold like the Gungeon arcade cabinet.

Mr president~~!

Of course

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