This is a Mexican luchador

Attached: 1462762767238.jpg (1080x608, 406K)

Other urls found in this thread:


are you a Mexican or a Mexican't

Attached: 1535738897710.jpg (1356x2048, 468K)


Attached: 20190723_210558.png (724x425, 432K)

Attached: Don't touch!.png (1600x900, 2.58M)

>Doesn't wear a mask
This needs to change in KOF XV.

Attached: nani sore.jpg (1280x1129, 363K)

This is a bar tender

Attached: 1521488968162.jpg (831x1176, 232K)

Just masturbated to this slut god shes so fucking hot

Attached: AD21743D-E126-4DA3-BD9C-AEE637A6A16B.jpg (684x626, 198K)

A French Bartender who hid her gender from people just so she could learn how to legitimately kickbox.

Attached: 50324287_p7.png (1280x800, 818K)

Attached: 1560347874357.png (1400x700, 396K)

looks legit

Attached: 809449-evil_rose_default.jpg (480x640, 20K)

>Cleary white

>blue eyes
>pale skin
>white features

cope mutts

Plenty of light skinned Mexicans. Mexican is a nationality, not an ethnicity.

What picture did you use?

To be fair, Angel is a genetically-engineered human created by a shadowy, Alex Jones Conspiracy Theory-tier syndicate to be a blueprint for future Super-Soldiers and it's implied that one of the steps in her creation caused her skin pigmentation and hair color to flip to an opposite color from where it started... So her having pale-ish skin and white hair might make "Anime-Logic" sense I guess.

Attached: 4a210e336db19c59cfd50d2e4e32354b6375f15a.jpg (900x1125, 267K)

Yes they exist and while not ubiquitous there's a significant portion of them. Just look at Mexican news/politicians and you won't see any of the hobgoblins, and there will also be some really whitoid looking people. Only the hobgoblins actually go to USA because they're just like niggers and expect there to be free gibsmedats everywhere.

keep coping paco shitskins

The Superhuman shit from is fucking canon though.


Attached: 1469381641138.png (1280x888, 1.54M)

Attached: EAcgJjCUEAAKwUW.jpg (800x1200, 85K)


This shit never fails to make me laugh

KoF grappler
>bio engineered test subject created by a shadowy organization designed as a template for super soldiers
SF grappler
>lol this girl just really likes to wrestle people with her butt

Play a better fighting game