>E4S completed on day (1)
monk is back on the menu boys
None has completed it yet
>savage phase transition is easier to cast on as a BLM than normal version phase transition
Didn't we already have a thread up? Well, granted the OP of that thread didn't put FF XIV in the title, but still. You'll invoke the wrath of the jannies and mods. They've been nice and have been letting us have our wave of FF XIV threads, but if we start making a bunch of them at one time...well...they'll start deleting them again.
they can delete as many threads as they want, it won't bring back their parents respect for them
>Players in queue: 1204
this game is too popular now
this game was peak comfy in pre stormblood
Nah some faggot is DDOSing the servers because they got banned for admitting to using mods like a retard.
the absolute state of pedos
She's not real, dilate tranny.
>Find good pub group to do savage with
>join disco
>no one is a sperg everyone is just having fun and talking about the mechanics
>servers explode and they wait for me for 30 minutes but can't log back in so tell them to just go one without me
>no one is a sperg
Apparently you weren't counting yourself.
Get fucked nigger
I am no one.
I unironically won't use party finder because I just know its full of extreme elitist 'carry me or get kicked' niggers. Just like in other MMOs with WILDLY outrageous requirements for simple content.
Fuck that.
hey, did you guys know you can Rescue people into the pit during E3?
>raiding with a friend
>"Knock knock"
>"Who's there?"
>"Resc who? ...WAIT, DON'T-"
>yank him into the abyss
Shut up.
Do not tell people.
Obviously I meant ACROSS the gap
>FFXIV WF race only has 18k total viewers
>go to the general
>it's all tranny drama and people complaining about dumb shit
>/vg/ pervert posts CP from this game on Twitter
>gets justly banned for it
>it's only a 20 day ban
Should have been permanent, it's utterly sickening.
>thinking twitch views accurately reflect a game's quality or engagement
sucks to be a social media tool like you
AST seems playable now. I guess as long as you're not in Noct. The card system is still dog shit, but the healing aspect seems ok.
>CP from this game
please kill yourself
>game is so irrelevant no one cares to watch the WF race
Why do you reply to cheap bait? Stop doing that.
Savage raids look super autistic, even more so than WoW mythic raids. I don’t understand the appeal.
Imagine caring about which parsetranny party can poopsock faster.
The card system is great with the 120sec CD. You don't have time to be picky anymore so you actually have decision making again.
You basically get 1 open draw in the time limit.
That's ok
Mythic raids in WoW usually have some crazy mechanics in mythic which are pretty fun but I prefer being casual in XIV
Thats because most people are playing the game, or have irl shit they need to do. Some people are doing the savage raids, some are doing their weekly eden raid for easy 450 stuff, and some are making a fuck load of crafted armor to sell at an exorbitant amount of money.
Can't see shit captain
What's the best MCH weapon for glamour?
Like what kind of mechanics?
Revolver of the wanderer.
Anima Lux
New time weapon.
Ryne posted got banned from XIV.
That sucks, the trannies won.
Did the servers just died or is it just me?
Holy Grenade Launcher
Holy shit. XIV really is full of mentally ill pedophiles.
One less now that he got banned.
The other modders will be caught soon.
He posted a digital fictional video game character, and it wasn't even Ryne's model, its just her head on a normal Midlander body. Still weird but you dont need to exaggerate so much.
>feel the rush, even if you don't try to world first
>shitty loot system that punishes everyone if someone who cleared aleready helps
>static autism
>PFs that demand kills day one
>training groups that demand guide knowledge
>shitters and elitists who can't chill
>having to deal with this shit every fucking week
And that's why I never again bother with anything savage. The community is the worst when it comes to hardcore.
Good. They should all be hanged.
>World first matters
Some bosses have exclusive mechanics or new phases in mythics, I guess Archimonde had a new phase not sure.
>shitty loot system that punishes everyone if someone who cleared aleready helps
this is the worst part. basically worthless to run without a static
Why is famfrit getting fucked of all servers
There's nothing fucking here
Holy fuck what is wrong with the retards in this game. I can't even get a party that actually makes it to the point in the fight it's advertised for.
So, uh, anybody got a link to these Ryne pictures?
The Jade bots
Fun off pedo.
WF race is the stupidest, most artificial contest ever.
She's not real.
>he thinks eppedo is ddos'ing the game
I don't think they know how
>reeeeeeeeeee why do you want to look at a fictional character that has the body of an adult fictional character
How conservative of you
why is the HW normal battle music so much better than every other variant?
>Still had pictures to post
Damn. Sucks I had to lock the twitter account. XIV service account will probably be terminated.
Next time don't talk in-game about it, and next time fucking deny it if you get caught.
Was never talked about in-game.
Entropy got World 1st.
Why admit it then?
Stfu faggot
Why were ARR/HW Beast Tribes so much better than SB?
I partially blame the terrible meme fish.
I was planning on using Raid Finder, couldn't find a Static and the majority of shitters will be making PFs acting like hot shit when they actually are hoping for a carry. Sure it'll take longer to get in but I'll be culling a lot of the trash that way because nobody ever thinks of using the RF outside Japanese data centers.
Mentioned it before, but the ffxiv hashtags were not a good idea, especially the japanese tags.
Also there's nothing you can really do I guess, if a /vg/ balmongoloid autist is mad enough to file 10 separate reports.