Why do you choose female characters in videogames?
Why do you choose female characters in videogames?
Male characters cannot be well written, obviously some exceptions exist but 95 % of the time they are bland pieces of shit who only exist to be self inserts for the player.
>not playing as a lesbian at every given opport/u/nity
>can't be a girl in reality
>be one in vidya to compensate
I like cute girls, okay?
look up pygmalion nigga
Because I find idealized representations of the female form aesthetically pleasing.
Because i'm a cute little girl.
wholecome and cute
not wholesome, not cute
you don't need to pull an angry face or feel pain when having sex you know. It's supposed to be a sweet tender moment.
lmao stfu?
god i wish that were me
because they're cute. Plus if i pretend to be a real girl, I can keep catfishing desperate retards for stuff and cause chaos in guilds/groups
Because I want to have sex with men
you must be 18+ to post here
They aren't in pain, they are surprised at how good it feels.
Because I want my dolls to look pretty.
lmao have sex
Only literal homos and incel fat fucks do this.
Because they're cute and I like to play dress-up. If the game has heavy romance aspects I'll play as a guy though
I don't.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with being homosexual
I’m really getting tired of faggots. Why can’t you people just act normal. Why do you always have to be that weird spastic kid from high school who would shout in the hallways autistically.
>not being a homo
are there full versions
Yea Forums originals buddy
Reminder of what, that someone wasted their time to run the joke into the ground while adding nothing to it when they made that image?
Because I'm an autogynephilic and it gets me off.
post more of these edits
I'm transgender
If people know that you are homosexual just by appearance or from speech without stating it then something is wrong
I have no gf thats why
inb4 8 replies
Based AGPchad
this is the best version
I'll pick them if they suit my play style
You go girl!
Then stop having such telling signs of being a faggot. It’s easy to identify
I wish every waking moment of my life that I was born a woman and video games provide a way for me to be a one in some small capacity.
And that's okay!
yes you're mentally ill
prove it literal faggot
I play female characters sometimes because they're the only ones in the game (Portal, Mirror's Edge).
Fuck yeah
They are cute if we are talking about japanese and older western games.
>Its another off-topic tranny thread on a board about V I D E O G A M E S
post your asshole already you know it's what you wanna do anyways
whatever helps you sleep at night Juan
(playing as) cute boys > (playing as) cute girls
Have sex
Desperate for attention
consider joining the 40%
Because men are filth.
This is the future you chose.
>screencap of a reddit post, didn't even download the image just cropped a screenshot
Fucking yikes
So I can look at their panties because I'm not gay.
>"Heaven is real Just trust me bro!"
>He actually believes Yea Forums is qualified for heaven just because they bash Gays.
Posting a few anti-fag memes doesn't erase a lifetime of your own mistakes.
Make sure your characters are cynical, self-serving, passive-aggressive whenever they can't just overpower someone, live for sole purpose of destroying more attractive and/or successful females and so on.
>b-but there are exceptions!
Minorities exist everywhere, the average character should be representative of the average real life equivalent.
T-thanks doc?
They’re cute. But go ahead and assume whatever you want about me, I don’t care.
Naaah ain't going to chop it off
I just noticed Blue Shirt blushes in the second panel. Very cute.
Based, unspoilered, and shotapilled.
Len is the cutest.
Do you people think that telling a mentally ill person that they're mentally ill accomplishes something?
And thats a good thing! Heres why...
lady-bois be like:
Because I can.
don't forget the idiots who get mad at obvious bait but are too stupid to ignore or sage the thread
they aren't shotas, but still, have another edit
Nah, but you're a pedo though.
It's a sexual fetish of mine to turn into a girl.
there's multiple save slots, and DEX is a girly stat
in 2019, the right STILL thinks every single trans person is post-op
Good for you user, just don't be obnoxious or suicidal about it.
I like to make my character dress up like a slut for my benefit
>he referring to his wound as ''vagina''
So you’re a man
Last I checked women have vaginas.
Why do you still believe in fairy tales?
they sure seem pretty shotable to me, but whatever they're still cute. also i can honestly relate with Pink Sweater here.
I’m a fudge packer and nobody outside of my family and close friends know that I’m homo so I must be doing something right
Because incels are so sex starved they become AGP traps and trannies
When they can't get girls, they resort to trying to get men
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to look up girls skirts.
>3 twitter fags already frothing at the mouth at the mention of a hell
What's worse according to nu-Yea Forums, being a tranny or being a pedo? Would you rather walk in on your son getting his dick cut off, or balls deep in a 12 year old?
>walk in on your son getting his dick cut off, or balls deep in a 12 year old
I can only wish my son will turn out to be this based
>Christfag implying there is a hell
Provide some concrete evidence, I'll wait.
I'm at least a little gay and I like dressing up women and fantasizing about them being my mommy gf.
In short I like to look at their ass :^)
>not your son dressed as a girl with his friend being balls deep in him
Honestly feel bad for OG weebs. Their hobby has been taken over by faggots and trannies, to the point that whenever an anime girl is posted, the poster is assumed to be a tranny.
Brainlet : wants to be a girl and chop his dick off only to join the 40% later
Stupid fag : wants to be a girl and crossdresses because he knows he will never be
Normal : wants to be a girl, but doesn't care much about it, faps to gay shit
200 IQ : realizes wanting to be a girl is just grass is greener on the other side combined with negativity bias bullshit and embraces being a man
Thats degenerate user
Trannies heed my call. Don't cut off your dick. Most guys would be more happy to fuck your ass and give you a reach around instead of fucking your necrosis hole.
I’d rather my son be a pedo than have his genitals mutilated
only by people like you who are obsessed with them
why does it just extend the fucking joke (while adding epic meme shit pasted in over the original drawing) without adding anything of substance? it's the same goddamn punchline but even less subtle. Yea Forums is retarded
>Poltards take my anime girls
>Trans take my traps and call them transgender
Fuck them all
I like looking at females more than I like looking at males and I'm not some kind of autist who pretends that I'm the character that I'm controlling. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?
give me the sadpanda link
>check his username
>the other place he posts is r/askwomen where he larps as a woman
So it's still true that girls on the internet are actually men
Hopefully I would be a good enough father to prevent either of these.
I'm gay so it's gonna be hard though
why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
by the way, for those reading the doujin that is being dumped here, she is killed at the end
>0.00047% of the population
>taking over anything
based hentai villain
thanks mate, now I don't have to read it.
Why would I answer? He gets his answer but won't take it, so what's the point? He's just fishing to start shit in a passive aggressive way
too soon bros
>she is killed at the end
nah, worse
I play girls only if there's a fuckton of slapstick otherwise forget about it I hate women including anime ones
Panda's dead
thats the most useless shit you could have asked for.
I know, I sent it anyways cause it keeps the pain real.
But I don't play as girls if I can make myself look like a cute guy that looks like a girl. Why not have the best of both world?
>wanting to have women in your life at all, even as a partner
str*ightoids are pussywhipped into thinking they just have to sit there and take shit because women are on their period or they're pregnant or just because they're women. feels good to have a true equal for a partner and not be some hormonal roastie's punching bag, bro
based honest and not deluded tranny
cute! CUTE!
>he doesn't know
So this is why Yea Forums hates trans people, internalized self loathing
Yea Forums is obsessed with
And it's a mental illness.
Neck yourself, /pol/cucks. Stay on your containment board. It's why it was made.
It's time to let go, user
AGP incel turned tranny
>marry lord with castle
>hoard extra troops in it without paying wages
>take 2-3 richest cities easily by swapping troops out as needed
>tell husband to rebel with you
>crush more cities and give husband castles in good location to hoard more and more troops
>repeat until map red
Moar Blue Shirt/Pink Sweater pls.
No background nigger. It must mean you're a nigrophobe
I'm a man with a dick.
>OP is about video games
>REEing /pol/cucks take it as an opportunity to seethe about "trannies"
Put a bullet through your own skull at the first available moment. Thank you in advance for making the world a better place.
Ignore the asshole replies
Although i imagine you already do
>with support
this is what lesbian porn does to you, the kikes have poisoned the minds of men by forcing porn onto the incels
what is puzzling you
If you don't look like this, then gtfo
>He's just fishing to start shit in a passive aggressive way
So I guess he's acting like a wo... like a fag? Ironic.
cope. it's okay to want your boi pussy fucked in 2019. now go dialate.
>tfw /vpol/ hates trannies so much that they made this thread one of the fastest on the board even when originally it wasn't about them
Die James!
This, it's a nice turn on but I would never fucking become a fucking tranny. I have no problem being a male either.
This seems to offend trannies btw.
the issue is women desu
what sort of lesbian wants to not only be penetrated by a penis but the sort of penis a person who's gone through months of hrt has
No way!! Could it possibly be that trans people have high suicide rates because of the way society treats them??? Impossible!
>OP is about video games
That is a complete and utter lie the fact you would pretend this thread wasn't made to be veered off to off-topic discussion shows how you're new, stupid and disingenuous.
Half of Yea Forums is straight pedos
What do you think they’ll say
>/pol/ is SEETHING
surprises no one desu. hopefully all of /pol/ 40%s themselves soon (:
every time i forget how disgusting gay people are i am somehow reminded
i think it's destiny at this point, thanks vee i've begun to enjoy it
Stop harassing this poor women.
Every Yea Forums thread about trans people always cherrypicked this one pic and bullies the woman to try to prove all trans people suck
Why the fuck is there hentai in a blue board? Ah fuck it ill jack off
I've been here since '05 incel. Put a bullet through your own head and have sex. OP is about a trope related to video games. /pol/cucks like you steered it to something else. We can talk about things tangent to video games here. That isn't what /pol/cucks are here for, though.
You caused this.
Its unironically a natural reaction
take a break user, you need it
that's not a warband thread, user
Female characters either have movesets I like more (SFIII, Guilty Gear) or play entirely differently from the men and have a focus on speed/dexterity (most Warriors games). Being able to get in cuteness arguments with my coop partner is a plus.
This only makes /vpol/ look even more stupid than they already are because it proves that they always fall fall the same bait no matter how many times someone makes the exact same thread.
Jesus Christ, straighties are pathetic
I should’ve guessed 20+ replies
I forgot that this was a hentai and that she would get fucked, I was kinda hoping for her to win but im a dumb optimist
aand I came
3-0 jannies I win again
In games with 0 story like sport, fighting, racing i usually use female characters but in the other genres i always pick male
>Ive been here since '05
>have sex
>But I swear this thread is videogame related.I'm an oldfag I swear!
This is some poorly thought out bait.
and what does that makes you
Post the link to this that isnt exhentai fucker
missed the whole thread, what is this about?
Sorry kid, Yea Forums is /pol/, /pol/ is Yea Forums
jannies doin the same thing
>Getting shunned by family makes everything bad.
Woooooo we are breaking the code guys!
Simple preference with no deeper meaning.
If the male is more appealing in a game I'll go with the male instead.
I honestly find mind breaking boring
getting screwed by a goddess and being isekai'ed into a world to be raped and impregnated by a serial killer so your kid can be the protagonist
Because the games I play don't have playable male characters in.
What the fuck dude, why did you spoil it?
Usually one of these 3
>the male looks like shit
>i want to play dress up (when the mc is a cute girl with customization options)
>i want to fuck her
>you have to like g*rms to be /pol/
laugh at this retard
What a stupid comic. What was the point of the entire beginning that "she" was actually a guy? Completely irrelevant and put in there just to have another tag so it's easier to find.
For a moment I thought she was going to be kept alive as a breeding machine while being paralyzed from the neck down and then discarded to starve helplessly after giving birth, but the fucker copped out.
I often wonder how many people even believe anything of what they are posting or if its all just fake opinions targeted at each other to get a reaction. Just entire threads dedicated to people just purposely trying to hatebait and get reactions with no real aim to change peoples mind , just pointlessly argue. Does anybody even have a true ideology they follow anymore? Is it all ironic?
>Does anybody even have a true ideology they follow anymore?
Spooky stuff mate
>attempted suicide
>with parental support
based parents supporting their transgender child in committing suicide
>Imagine being so retard to believe that picture
You got me. I do this all the time.
>Strongest adventurer ever
>dies to grapple
No one comes to Yea Forums to have enlightening and challenging conversations. People come here to shitpost and bait other shitposters into more shitposting. It's people flinging shit at each other and you know what? I loved every second of it
Swedes have Four things which set them apart
1. The greatest iq
2. The greatest musscle mass
3. Blood
4. Spirit
The swede holds dominion due to blood memory
Sweden and it's people has conquered all of Europe and the middle east, -> this domination led to memory-> which led to blood memory
The Swedes have also never been conquered,…. The only nation and people who exist who has never been conquered are the Gothic Swedes
A noncucking of their ancestry led to their bloodmemory for domination and success to be multiplied
More so than any other people
Upon our spirit
Before Christianity we were monotheists……
Upon Christ's death we were Christians
And his zealous warriors
The lamb of all nations
The most rightous
We do holy war
Murdered 7 million catholic Germans
Graphic image
3. Upon blood
See the territories we conquer
We did conquer you
From spain to India
While our rightousness fadded with the Codex Gigas…… We fought and fight for the Lord almighty
No pagan neighbours allowed
1/3 of all poles slaughtered
Finland crusades
Baltikum crusaded
Highest IQ
PAN Germanic theory
Our people….
Conquered all of this
Aryans and sea people's….. Call us your Boss
I play men in 99% of games, but in New Vegas I always play as a girl because I cannot make a man who looks good to save my life in that character creator. They all look jaundiced and bloated. Plus you can kill Benny by being a slut.
fuck off
>playing a female in a first person game
naw u gay bro
Only now you discovered Yea Forums is just for banter?
how new are you?
you have to FUCK off to
When I masturbate I like to visualize the indigenous cultures of Europe, Iran and India. I picture their way of life: peaceful, agrarian, effeminate, matriarchal and egalitarian. Every generation living identically to its predecessor in idyllic pastoral bliss.
And then I think of the ARYANS. TALL. BOLD. BRASH. Piercing eyes bluer than the wine-dark sea. Wearing corslets of shining brass and wielding engraved swords forged by their Chieftains, riding their great war-chariots pulled by swift Stallions. They worship different gods, gods with names like Dyeus, Indra, Mica. Gods who are like them: Warriors.
They butcher the disgusting protomen and burn their villages and holy places, taking their wives and daughters and despoiling them, planting the next generation of warriors in their eager wombs, utterly destroying their languages and replacing them with this new Indo-European tongue and a new masculine patriarchal order. I ejaculate with them, my semen spits out onto my bust of Nero and I collapse, spent.
I'm glad! I hope things go well for you and your transition. I know websites like these arent very supportive and will get you a lot of insults but im glad that theres a growing supportive community for you. While I am a cis male, im not very heterosexual and maybe on some level we can relate with our problems, not fully but as a good branching off point.
to be continued?
all these /pol/fags trying to be edgy you ironically came up with the cumbrain meme and ironically hate porn fuck off fags you are against what Yea Forums is about now go watch your blacked porn you cucks
ayyo give this whiteboi some pussy
oh yes, the proud nordic race that has to import their wives now because their own women would rather fuck Jamal and Ahmed.
If I have the option to choise a male or female character I will pick which is canon(mostly the male version) If neither is canon I'll pick the one who's design is more visually appealing
Suck this black dick, white C*CK
literally read the premise it sounds just like what /pol/ shitposts about wtf kek
Arabs and Nigs take Western women.
Western men take Asian women.
What do Asian men do?
transition or rope
I don’t as long as i get to interact with Cute Girls in the game. Bit if its going to be all gay and not have waifus then i make the character Female and proced to make ger my defacto sub slut obeying all my commands.
>They are being abused I swear
How to make men marrying outside their own ethnicity a feminist issue 101
based melanin enriched brother
may Allah guide you
naaaaah nigs take all there nothing for you whiteboi apart from extinction
Hm I wonder what’s going on in this thre-
It might convince them to treat their illness instead of locking themselves in an internet safe space that tells them all of their decisions are perfectly ok and rational.
They're always there telling you what to do, but never there to help you bear the consequences of your actions.
lil bit of Yea Forums, lil bit of /h/ and a lil bit of /pol/
pretty comfy. ill see where it goes
>tfw this will never be me
In my heart I always knew but I'm just so tired of it all.How can you stand it ?Hearing fake people argue with fake opinions to only be countered with other fake people with their fake opinions. I'm sure a couple of people actually believe this shit but I can't tell anymore everyone is parody of themselves nowadays. This is just going to keep happening until this site dies or even worse it'll continue until everyone just dies.
I can't believe this thread makes it out to die naturally instead of getting nuked.
Pol is not comfy
Some people get genuinely upset and you can tell. This gives me immense pleasure so i keep going.
Just turn your brain off bro. don't spend hours here either
Game over, Black boi! It was over 6000 years ago!
Gay as fuck!
Totally forgot I was on Yea Forums
t. /pol/fag
In small doses it can be. actually spending prolonged time there is brain rotting tho
We are trapped in the optimal mindlessy running in circles until we die
You got me!
don't visit /pol/ as much nowadays the quality has lowered dramatically literelly trump says tweet /pol/ promptly shits there pants and then talks about jews and blacked porn may as well visit Yea Forums its /pol/ 2.0
idk about you guys but even though i'm unironically kinda racist i'd still impregnate a black goddess
I support transvampires
Fucking black girls has nothing to do with being racist or not
I'm mostly for real, but I don't often post in off-topic threads, such as this one. And if I do it's mostly just a joke or an off-topic to the thread's off-topic.
white breeding with a brown girl makes the world less brown.
black breeding with a white girl makes it more brown.
so it's just natural.
based bleachkrieg brother
how can black bois compete?
ok what about dating one seriously
don't underestimate the influence /pol/ has on many other boards. I'm sure some of it is just shitposting, but for some it has caused severe brainrot, they're like the ultra conservative conspiracy theorist christians from a few decades ago who saw satanistic rituals everywhere. I recently found some youtube channel where nignogs posted about whites the exact same things whites post about jews on /pol/, world's gone crazy or at lesat it's just more visible nowadays because the internet gives every mouthbreather a megaphone.
so... is the dude trapped in one of those groundhog day loops or some shit?
Because I'm a gay little faggot that wants to be a cute girl but know how ugly trannies look in real lfie
100% okay. Long as they aren't the shaniqua kind. Pretty black girls are some of the most fun people to be around
yes its does you retard if you are a racist you hate black people in general if you like black women or whatever you are not a racist its simple
Dumb incel logic, have sex
based nazis
>Satanic rituals
I dunno the guy stopped posting. I was curious to see what's next. Unless this is the final page
you know what to do.
hentai is definitely one of the weirder things japan has brought us...
yeah it's the shizo's preferred dish, what do you expect
pls gib Suzi gf(bf)
Imagine if all the races would put aside their differences and actually came together to fight our true enemy. women.
this is now a noctulian thread
Tsf doujins have gone too far
because inkling girls are objectively superior to the boys
just play nazi zombie army, for you it would probably a documentary of sorts
fuck off spiderman, I claimed this thread first
go find another while the janny is sleeping
Based as fuck