Mission begins in 60 seconds

>mission begins in 60 seconds
>*medigun sounds*
>*melee smacking sounds*

Attached: 38925_orig.jpg (821x616, 308K)

Other urls found in this thread:




tf2 is probably the most reddit game and definitely helped lead to twitch culture

>Gates open
>There's stickies on the spawn exit 95% of the time
>People always run out immediately anyways and get blown up

If I'm in front I go forwards for a second to trick them then immediately go backwards but if I'm in the back of the crowd I just wait because I know what's gonna happen

Eeerectin a sentry.
>Put teleporter here!
Hahaha, muha-NOPE.

cringe and bluepilled

porn spray time

how do i git gud at spy?

>join server

and yet everyone on Yea Forums loved it back then, because they were people capable of having fun, instead of autists who hate anything that has humor

>Wall is filled with porn sprays

>Valve tries to kill TF2 by ruining economy
>People still play it

They underestimate the playerbase and the literal GALLONS of potential this game still has for new and interesting content.

Start out by using C&D just to sneak and snab kills, it'll get you into a mindset knowing when and how to backstab
Fuck around with stock watch and DR to see if you prefer running behind enemy lines or if you like using the dead ringer to get trickstabs
Knife is up to whichever perk you think fits your playstyle more
Use red tape recorder if engineers keep removing your sappers, you may not be able to take it down but at the very least you can move down a level 3 sentry to a level 2

you don't, play real pick class (sniper)

>join server

>Overwatch doesn't have this problem.


"meta" loadout:
L'etranger or stock revolver for primary. diamondback if you're a meme and want to piss people off. Stock knife 9 times out of 10. big earner if you're a weirdo. Spy-cicle if you're a faggot. Stock invis watch every time.
Spend 9/10ths of your time cloaked, get a good idea for ammo locations and look out for ammo on dead teammates/enemies so you can traverse the whole map while never decloaking. Take corners wide in case an enemy runs around them so you don't bump into people, try to predict movement to avoid bumps and never stand between an enemy and your teammate while cloaked or you'll get discovered.
Decloak and run in while enemies are fighting your teammates, don't run in on undistracted enemies unless you're confident you can kill them. When you're running towards a target don't stare at them or follow them. look at something else, preferably your own teammates so you appear to be a regular player. If you feel like having fun and trying to make your disguise work try backpedaling away from your team and into the enemy team. it fools people more than you think.
Don't stand around disguised and uncloaked especially near the enemy spawn, since they can see your outline while dead and spectating/just after they respawn.

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>*friendly demoman approaches your pootis*
>Spy's sappin' mah dispenser!
>*tud tud tud*
>Take it like a man
>*psssh psssh*
>*kill cam on a rocketjumping soldier with unusual team captain*

Attached: sappin.jpg (1024x1024, 111K)


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>implying the characters punching and shooting at every physics prop in the room isn't the same thing


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post loadouts and be judged, Yea Forums

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>I'll inform your next of kin... that ya SUCKED!
is there a better voiceline in the game?

I use the Machina, Gibus, and Pyrovision googles on purpose every time I play Sniper

Attached: 16b.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

Tf2 was the one who introduced lot boxes and game economy to the videogame world. Valve will always be cancer.

>4 minigun sounds shooting at the same time

>Some rando begins kazotsky kick and everyone joins him

Attached: ...yes.gif (250x188, 648K)

Let's talk about the reasons why TF2 will never die.

>Game has a map editor, allowing anyone to make any kind of map of any style they want
>Community can create new cosmetics, taunts, and weapons
>Game compliments all styles of play and allows them to coexist (especially on community servers with custom maps)
>Economy (which will bounce back after Valve's intentional attempt at killing it)
>Massive YouTube community
>Playerbase still hasn't dropped below top 10 most played Steam games and even Overwatch players are returning to it

What else?

>valve disabled sprays on their servers because sensitive faggots started bitching about seeing stuff they don't like
Fucking soiboys.

I mean, we could always try to petition for that back

>not BLUpilled

you can enable downloading sprays on servers
the problem is it straight up is a file that is sent as is from one PC to all other PCs and executed immediately
It was disabled by default for malware concerns

>Unironically wanting to see furryporn on every corner

>Sentry is being sapped while i'm dead
>Have enough time to respawn and remove sapper
>Sapper is red-tape recorder

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Attached: mission begins in 30 seconds.webm (720x1276, 2.83M)

Why does this meme still exist

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>>Game has a map editor, allowing anyone to make any kind of map of any style they want
Not everyone is sane enough to make their own functioning map in Hammer editor, having to think in four dimensions to make a square can be irritating



>Forgetting that EA and Mable Story had lootboxes in its game that predate TF2 by several years
But yeah yeah yeah who cares about that when parroting "valve bad" is much easier.

>hide in the corner while everyone else is actually playing the game and where no one can fight back against you and you're in no danger, occasionally click heads (bodies) and steal 50-100 percent of the enemy's health as soon as they step out of the base, objectively shit up the game for everyone else, pretend you have skill

Professional killstreak strange bazaar bargain (singularity team shine)
Strange razorback

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This but Gibus Demo who spams stickies and taunts after kill on mad players in chat

it was disabled because people were spreading malware/causing everyone on the server to crash using sprays, brainlet. why talk about things you know nothing about?

>Medic with uber ready healing Heavy in front of the gates
>Gates open
>Heavy is killed by headshot or sticky bomb before the uber is deployed
>Medic deploys uber and stands there like a retard before switching to ubering another player

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Fucking Maple Story and gachapons god fucking damnit I hate the fact I spent so many years playing that game




Don't go for stabs on players who aren't occupied. Always try to go for one when your target is currently engaged with one of your teammates. In that moment they're not focused on checking for Spies, they're focused on the Demo lobbing grenades at them.

Learn how to do corner/strafe stabs. Stairstabs are flashy shit that you rarely ever use, but you'll use cornerstabs and matadors far more frequently.

Remember you don't have to kill an enemy. The time an Engineer or Pyro spends trying to hunt you down, backtracking through the map to find you, can often greatly exceed whatever time they'd spend in respawn.

The voice lines are so ingrained in my head that I can hear this thread.

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Heavy's mock baby cry.

POOTIS-(eating sounds)


Sapping a Sentry and then shooting the Engineer instead of trying to stab him and then sap is a far more efficient tactic.


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De Denemy Das Dachieved DADEITIONAL DIME

The sheer amount of variety of gameplay, nine classes and amongst those nine classes are sub-classes and sub-playstyles and the amount of modes and maps you can play all amount to keeping it fresh.

The game is inviting to newcomers, but has an endless skill ceiling. No matter how good you get, you always get the sense that there is room for improvement and perpetually getting better and proving it by carrying games all by yourself feels good.

And it's a game you can pick up and play whenever and nobody cares if you play for five minutes and leave.

Post mains.

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Thank god we have our representative from reddit here to tell us what is and what isn't reddit or all would be lost

Engie is best class.
I've recently just been having a blast running around with the jag and frontier justice putting sentries in places they shouldn't be.

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I'll fall back to engie if either my ping shoots up so high I can't play any other class but the passive idleling one, or if I'm getting curb stomped at literally every other class.

I enjoyed dumping monster-boxes into Henesys houses that had cash-shop whores chatting in them.

>walk by and snag it while two faggots are passing it back and forth
>cap it

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>tfw we will never get a game with characters and voices as iconic as this again

I wish spy wasn't such a shit class these days, I wish he'd get some love but it's modern Valve and he's basically shit forever
Even if it was just little midget buffs like the Red Tape Recorder highlighting building locations for the team

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I'm glad nobody really uses voice chat in TF2 anymore.
The game has such a fleshed out means of communicating with your character, what with all the actions you can do plus 3 lists of voice commands.
Another thing that I can really appreciate is yore ugleh

Attached: 1525348571208.webm (500x640, 336K)

>but it's modern valve
spy has always been shit retard


Its been a long goddamned time, but I used to use the gunslinger and frontier justice, just running around droppin baby sentries and critting motherfuckers in the noggin.


Any of Spy's domination lines on Heavy.

>what is ambassador nerfs
>what is jungle inferno eternal reward
>what is enforcer nerf
>what is old dead ringer

Spy was shit-ish but wasn't fucking worthless like his is now user

Hey voice chat has several useful purposes still.
Including spamming music and sound bytes.

the ambassador shouldnt have been able to do headshots to begin with

>when you join a server and some dude is spamming smoothe jazz or classical

based and REDpilled

homewrecker shouldn't remove sappers faster than the engineer and for no metal or ammo cost by that logic

This is my favorite TF2 song.

The Dead Ringer needed to be nerfed, too braindead and spammable, also a crutch for bad spies. Amby should have never been touched

even with all that spy was still shit. Dr enforcicle was the best spy ever was and that was nothing but a mild annoyance

>somebody micspamming Dirty Potter
>"and, for some strange reason, jim dale came suddenly over his own face. OH YES--"

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Yeah everything sucks and people enjoying things is the worst no matter what

Game was fine until they started added weapons. Once Scout patch hit it was all down hill.

Engineer doesnt use metal to remove sappers either.

still a single hit with no cooldown inbetween each sapper removal though

I will never forget that time I was playing on koth_lakeside and some dude was mic spamming a dude wanting to fuck a toaster and a father asking his son for tentacle hentai.

>tfw actually have those in my spam folder

Nice. I wish you many a failed vote kicks in the future user.

>someone starts a vote kick
>game tries autobalancing me
Where is your god now?

>not decloacking in front of the engineer so the sentry kill him if he's in way


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Spy is inversely good compared the the intelligence of your enemy team and doubly so depending on how many spies there are, if there's more than 2 than you probably shouldn't bother.

With that in mind...


Disguises are paper thin because the game doesn't have friendly fire and thus if the enemy isn't preoccupied they have nothing better to do than shoot at you to check.

Also, most disguises are situational. Disguising as demo, heavy, or soldier is bad because you're too slow, disguising as scout is bad because you don't match the run speed, and disguising medic is bad because if you're remotely close to your "teammates" you should be healing, which you can't do. That leaves the generally effective disguises as pyro, engineer, and occasionally sniper. Spy is sometimes worth it but very rarely as many people will shoot at the rough silhouette regardless of color.

Uncloaking makes sound. You need to practice the distance that you need to uncloak from; too close and you'll usually be heard, too far and you'll probably be seen and shot at before you get to anyone

Wait to go for a stab until your enemy is already working on rounding a corner and/or firing at your teammates. If they're taking damage from them they are way less likely to notice you

Sapping's great, but rarely effective on its own. Your choices are thus:

If you are very close to an unattended engineer, you may attempt a backstab followed by immediately sapping his sentry. This allows you to kill the engineer and then sap his sentry while he's dead.

>Sap, then revolver
If the building is unattended by both sides, you can sap it, then shoot at it to hasten its destruction. This is particularly useful for teleporters because even if you fail to destroy the one of the engineer on the other side, you reset them to level 1 and he has to reach the other end.


attack - scout
def - don't really have one. probably pyro because I'm a shitter. if we already got a "real" engie I like to go with gunslinger and just pop those wherever I can while shooting niggas with a shotgun though


>engineer sentry suicide
If the engineer is standing in front of his own sentry, undisguising between him and the sentry will often cause his sentry to blow him up and you can usually pull a cloak before it kills you.

If you sap a building as your team either is actively or is working around a corner to attack it, they'll usually attack it while it's sapped and finish the job for you. With good team compositions, this kind of sapping is often essential.

>Other revolver shit
Never underestimate your revolver's ability to take 80-120 health off an enemy if your aim isn't dogshit and you have the element of surprise for the opening shot

>Other details

Spy does better the less people there are to help. He has little health and being juggled is bad due to how his weapons work. You need to largely strike loners, from behind, and be visible from uncloak to attack as little as possible. Imagine guerilla warware, the longer you're seen the less useful you are.

I haven't played any other multiplayer FPS that has a tanky chaingun character as satisfying as the Heavy

Attached: Steam_Game_Card_Wallpaper_Heavy.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Because it deletes third worlder niggers' sentries with the same amount of effort it takes to create them.

>Soldier is able to one-shot 125 health classes and gets 4 rockets
>Demo gets the same ability, but gets only two grenades and no rollers
>Loch n Load deemed OP and nerfed

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Post spamkino

demoman is not for direct combat.
He is supposed to not be equal to soldier in that regard.


>no banjo music

Attached: Laughing Medics.png (677x362, 431K)

Demo isn't meant to completely delete one of his best counters

I remember a guy would spam this all the time on a server I frequented way back in 2010/2011

>strange razorback
how many backstabs on that thing?

>get into server
>tradeniggers crying over voicechat

I like starting up Phantom of the Opera theme. It's hilarious, because it starts out quiet as fuck, and as soon as the organ segment starts it's full fucking blast. So ideally you start out at regular volume and by the time the organ music starts everyone's ears are bleeding.


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I can't tell if this is degenerate or wholesome



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>that one pyro who keep reflecting fucking everything, flying with detonator or jetpack and making spies kill themselves

Best engi friend

Best pyro loadout?

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Finally someone else sees why i hate Sniper

He has the best class personality to me though

Still thinking about finding a better hat to complement this.

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to be honest i never understood people who like to play as snipers, not only in tf2, but in general. I don't see where's the fun in hiding like a bitch and safely killing your enemies from a distance, when you could jump into battle and actually have some fun.

>keep air blasting someone away
>they get mad enough they spend the rest of match doing it back to you
Pyro mains are so silly.

detonator or scorch shot if you really want that knockback
homewrecker, powerjack if there's either no engis or just a gunslinger engi

>see disguised spy running towards my team as a med
>start spamming the spy voice line
>take out my melee to maybe kill him before he gets there
>backstabs 4 players and a pyro
voicelines dont do as much as youd think

Shooting a sapped building reduces the damage from the spy to 33%.

>empty server

TF2 had a tiny presence on Twitch and the competitive scene wasn't that big for a game of its size. Whatever impact it may have had was dwarfed by shit like LoL.

>incredibly loud payload squeaking

The man comes around; the Man from the Moon
Back fresh from lynching every kike, fag and coon
The bounty's been paid and my pockets are fat
"Time to drop a few dollars on a virtual hat"
Cleaned off the gat
Nothing fresher than that
Finding one for this crescent skull gives me something to work at
But if you think I'll pay top dollar, shit nigger, you're screwed
Not one of these dimes goes to the hat-trading Jew

Crashing this market with no survivors
One body bag for every hook-nosed conniver
Chaos ensues, this shit's nothing new
Time to make a profit; some for me, some for you

Three hundred pound hackers chained up under my floor
Two keystrokes to become a big, bloody thorn
In the side of every trader, brony, tranny and kike
Preparing one transaction I don't think they're gonna like
But I'm not in the server; that's not for me
All I have to do is break that lock and key
Security goes down and I'm on a plane to Seattle
Two mags and a shotgun; time to make Valve HQ rattle

Light up this flight like a funeral pyre
Crashing this market with no survivors
Chaos ensues; this shit's nothing new
Time to make a profit; most for me, some for you

Slaughtered like cattle, what a fucking mess
I clapped pajeet lives like peons in chess
Stuffed Gabe in the closet, fragged Robin with my nine
All to set up my own little holiday in July
"But is it worth it?" I know a pussy's gonna ask
"All to give yourself some virtual hats?"
But pussies get stuffed, so don't you dare ask the question
No amount of life is too much for Moon Man's investment

Smash up the servers with my 9 iron driver
Crashing this market with no survivors
Chaos ensues; this shit's nothing new
Time to make a profit; all for me, some for you

KKKill the hat market today

KKKill the hat market today

KKKill the hat market today

Shout out to twiikuu: you're fucking next

Attached: moonman.png (406x516, 143K)

Yes, but generally you also want the device to stop working in the interim. It's possible sometimes for the sapper to be better, but you generally either want the sentry to not work or the teleporter exit to not work.

If you're attacking a solo dispenser or entrance it's one thing, but entrances tend to be near spawn and thus you generally want to be ready to leave if you're interrupted before your shooting finishes the job.

>disguising as scout is bad because you don't match the run speed
doesn't matter
scout model doesn't match spy hitbox and you aren't fooling anybody anyways
scout is my go-to disguise unless i'm being delightfully devilish and want to play mind games

Can matter at level of play.

Also forgot to mention that elevation is a weapon and jumping from above typical line-of-sight from certain choke points in map is an excellent ambush opportunity.

>Sapped Sentry Guns take 33% less damage from the Spy who applied the Sapper, for example when shooting it with a Revolver. Dispensers and Teleporters are unaffected by this.

Oh, so also you're largely wrong except on sentries, where you can't afford to shoot them unsapped anyway under 99.9% of realistic circumstances.

This, tf2 post scout update has been and will continue to be shit.


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>were spreading malware/causing everyone on the server to crash using sprays
>uploading a jpg was able to crash other's people game
How did Valve fuck up this badly ?

How much money did (you) make last weekend on hats, Yea Forums?

Don't underestimate the power of encrypting shit in jpgs
Cave Story got passed around here like candy back when it was freeware

>not posting the party van edition

didn't know soul is a problem

oh yeah, it was that version. goddamn it's been almost a decade since I was in the server I was talking about so I forgot the details.


>not being able to implement a workaround
there are billion simple ways to fix it, valve is just lazy and pressed the shut it down button instead


too bad they wont shutdown the market now

>when it was freeware
it still is though? just because + costs money doesn't mean the original isn't downloadable from ten seconds on google

pretty sure they did patch it in Source games in 2015 after problems arose with TF2C

>oversoi thinks having soul is a problem

Realistically speaking, what would the Heavy update have in it?

fixing the heavy

I may be late but demo's pills have no damage falloff so you could spam the superfuck speed nades at a distance and still land oneshots, while also being able to pair it with extra defense AND a great mobility item while still being deadly in melee combat. Shit was a little whack. Caber nerf was a sin though.

And how do we do that?

give heavy a minigun that lets him fuck snipers at long range over at least a tiny bit beyond the shitty camera twitching upwards nonsense that every sniper can play around constantly
and also give him more fun weapons in general
and make the huo long heater and brass beast not meme weapons

>turn the heavy into a sniper only his sniper rifle is automatic and doesn't reload

just something like a flak cannon that lets you supress snipers
doesnt have to flat out kill them, just get them to fuck off for a few seconds and let your team move onto the objective without being instagibbed by the bazar bargin sniper with a 25 killstreak

give him a tommy gun secondary but call it the slavvy gun that allows him to do SOMETHING from far away

I swear, Demoman's laugh could cure cancer.


There it is lad

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i dont say this often, or any words like but, but this time i cant hold myself back, its the true meaning of the word in all its forms, in every form, every way, every shape, you are a fucking zoomer

>Brass Beast
>Meme weapon

Attached: 1562119851622.gif (550x364, 3.77M)

>the voice actor can't pull his or heavy's voice anymore
feels bad man

What's degenerate about it? Just some lads having a dance and others join in.

>tfw the earrape heavyxmedic with pokemon music is gone from the internet

Attached: 1442652895869.jpg (150x188, 26K)

spook specs nigga

>game sounds
literally what the fuck did he mean by this?

>join server

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

>That's a right pretty bra washer ya built you big ugly girl.
How did valve get away with it?

i've never seen anyone outside of MvM use it successfully, they always
>die while revving up
>die after they rev up after killing like one dude because they cant move and nearly anyone can land directs on him with no effort
they should've kept the 50% damage resistance while being revved up instead of it only happening while a heavy's at half health, it made the gun so much more useful

>this happens like 5 games in a row
>its the final round too
thanks matchmaking

anyone have a picture of scouts default hat?

>load in the final results screen
>map changes right away before you can do shit

If the Heavy update doesn't nerf Sniper, it ain't really a Heavy update

I C+7 every time I'm close to a sniper and hear a headshot.

Sniper doesn't need nerfing


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Yes he does. He's the most overpowered class by far.

you have the "morality is for faggot" loadout
or the "1v1 god" loadout
>axestinger for style pint or powerjack for movility

Attached: gay.png (580x584, 88K)

Medic is the most overpowered class


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I like how people love using this excuse, but community servers with custom plugins and mods don't suffer from any issues, even allowing gif/animted sprays (despite same people claiming Valve disabled those too). Really makes you think.


t. scrub tired of getting headshot from snipers despite the fact there are ways to easily counter them and every other class is capable of headshots too

>every other class is capable of headshots too

wow i didnt know heavy could score headshots
wow i didnt know soldier could score headshots
wow i didnt know demo could score headshots
wow i didnt know pyro could score headshots

>5 times in a row
Jesus, just wait 10 seconds for the game you joined to end and for a new round or new map to start.

there should just be a box to tick if you want to join an in-progress game or not
plus you shouldn't be fucking joined into games that are that close to being over anyway, it should wait unit the next round/game to start before it fills slots

ₜₐₖₑ ₐ gₐₙdₑᵣ ₐₜ ₜₕᵢₛ ₗᵢₜₜₗₑ ₚᵣᵢₙcₑₛₛ...

Attached: mundie.jpg (1191x670, 100K)

Sadly soldier exclusive from what I can see. The name alone would’ve made them a worthy addition though.

You just don't get it. But that doesn't fault the mechanics of the class.

the axtinguisher is really good man
also puff and sting is still a thing

>not using the Graylien painted white to completely make Spy the proper white

So it's actually to stop people from exposing kiddies to porn even when they're all fucking each other by 14.

That would be League of Legends.

>spook specs
ah shit i got the name wrong, im retard. i meant spooktacles, you can buy them for a dollar on the community market- it's an all-class visor in the shape of a skull and would look perfect. I have it equipped on all my classes I like it so much

The game is rated M for mature. Kids shouldn't be playing it in the first place, and in fact because of the rating Vavle wouldn't get into any legal trouble over it anyway. It would be no different then if a parent dropped their kid off at a strip club. It's entirely on the parents to prevent their kids from seeing certain content, not anyone else.

Flamethrower or Degreaser based on preference
Shotgun or Scorch Shot based on whether you want killing power or range

Spy buffs WHEN?

Realistically, how would you even buff him?

ms. pauling, saxton hale and civilian classes when

by removing sniper

the other user might've meant the spooktacles

Attached: skeleton.png (1010x647, 155K)

That’s even better. Don’t think I’ve ever seen this cosmetic in game. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

He can now backstab while invisible


So what happened to the glitched unusuals? Has valve made a decision on what to do with them already?

Attached: 1.png (386x402, 297K)

not yet, maybe not forever



Any servers up?

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Give him some utility weapons for the team. Marking buildings or enemies (like the spawn teammate outlines)
I just want another cloak watch for him.

>Red Tape Recorder highlighting building locations for the team
That's a fucking excellent idea that would do a lot for making RTR not entirely useless


dont worry lads the fix for the unusual crisis well come with the next mayor update you only need some faith

Spy can fake reload always.
Spy can toggle disguise or real speed.
Spawn wallhacks don't work on Spies.
Disguise animation bugs fixed.
First and third-person animations for disguising and starting/ending invisibility are synced.
No on-hit effects (Building rage by hitting cloaked Spy, for example) work on disguised or cloaked Spies unless they kill them.
Cloaked Spies near dispensers or Pauload carts can heal, get revolver ammo, and get recharge cloak meter with Stock watch regardless of current disguise.
Spy can see loadouts like he can see health.
Spy can see enemy heads, Rage meters, etc.
Spy can see enemy ammo loaded, ammo stored, rechargeable meters, etc.
On disguise kit, Spy can see enemy team make-up, dead and alive.
When holding disguise kit, Spy can see the outlines of anyone he's disguised as. Does not work on enemy Spies.
Revolvers have quicker cool down.
Spy gets 20% damage resistance when disguised.
On backstab, Spy gets 1.5 second speed boost like Big Earner's effect. (Big Earner does something else)
Spy can slide sappers to hit buildings or block enemies from using health kits and ammo packs.
Sappers recharge after 1 second on placement and 4 seconds on slide, and slid ones can be broken with two melee strikes. Packs being sapped cannot be picked up by enemies or despawn, and respawn 2 seconds faster.

Git gud with it and you outclass any other soldier

>"My friend unboxed a Burning Flames Killer Exclusive"
>"Oh w-well good for him? I guess? I don't really believe in abusing exploits, sorry? I think it's immoral??"
I didn't believe it when I heard of tradefags seething over mic in real time but damned if these niggas ain't mad.

Make his revolver spread a bit tighter and more accurate after the first shot. It's so fucking annoying sometimes

I genuinely fail to see how TF2 had any impact on Twitch.

The Py-Bro
>Anything but Phlog
>Detonator or Scorch Shot

>Panic Attack

Killer Fag from Outer Space

Last one is especially fun for just fucking around on maps like Doublecross.
>fly behind enemy
>build MMMPH
>fly back once they start focusing me
>regain 100% health with small merits
>fly back
>pop MMMPH
>decimate their front line
>fly away

Honestly, I hope Valve does nothing and just keeps glitched unusuals as they are. People get to keep their nice hats and whales can (for the most part) stop crying over their shiny hats

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years of using other classes i've never used spy
>Spy can fake reload always.

How does this work? I've seen them do that, but when i try to reload as spy it doesn't seem to do anything.

>implying they'll ever stop
they're all mentally handicapped to begin with for investing thousands of dollars in virtual hats

There is no fucking point to playing spy unless you dont want to win and you are ok throwing
pick a class that faces people like a man. Actually interact with your enemies instead of just driving by.

Spy can only fake a reload by actually reloading his revolver, and the animation is fucked up, so it's useless.
It should be that pressing R at any time will fake a reloading of one unit of ammo, and pressing a second time won't fuck the animation, but will queue up another unit to reload, etc.
This would definitely trick some people to figure you're a retreating ally who just needs to reload.

Give him a means of changing up his playstyle. Every primary plays the same, just slightly slower or faster.

Give him a means of being a for real fucking tank class that can readily absorb tons of punishment or radically change him the way Demo has the Demoknight.

so much soul

I think i just realized something, Everytime I'm using spy i usually disguise as a pyro, heavy or sniper most of the time unless i need speed.

i'm guessing that's why no animation reloads because they don't really reload?

But does one button pressing of R = one fake bullet reload? Or do they do the whole animation?

If you have to reload your revolver, which is unlikely considering auto-reload, then doing that while disguised with make your disguise do the animation of one unit reloading, if they're holding a weapon which reloads, which is practically useless.

I was looking up info on the Heavy voice actor and I found this imdb.com/title/tt9653068/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1
what the fuck?

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>Loch n Load deemed OP and nerfed
hahhaha no

Loch was always considered underpowered. I don't know what secondaries came to the conclusion it was overpowered.

blu > red

fuck off BLUtard

Attached: RVB_Sarge_6942.jpg (350x320, 44K)

>put dispenser here

>Hiding in the rafters.
>Hear flamethrowers everywhere.

stock, stock, powerjack
it will shit fury on anyone who dares to come into close range with you, apply afterburn then shotgun the shit out of them

There was a patch or two where the velocity of the projectiles was greatly increased and you basically didn't have to aim to land them, it was nerfed after that.

I'd say D&D Online was the game that pioneered converting a previous P2P game to F2P with lootboxes.

Watch as the MEN are having fun and then along comes the WHORES, who can't understand what the MEN are doing but join in anyway. Then the WHORE on the left pulls out her phone because hehe attention :3. I hope we get another Jack the ripper to cleanse these WHOREs.


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Needs a gray filter.

One of Pyro's key roles is fucking up Spies so it's perfectly natural for him to be more effective at removing sappers than Engineer, who's supposed to be weak to Spies. On the other hand Spy is supposed to get in close if he wants to deal big dick damage, pinging you with headshots from across the map is directly against that. It sucks that Spy's shit but turning him into a discount Sniper with a get out of jail free card isn't the way to solve that.

>top link
>scoutellite's channel is gone
>some of his good gmod videos are gone forever
There's one where the Engineer had a fucking Ed-like walk cycle and it's gone and that sucks ass because it was funny as hell.

Thank god for muhammed

I do not recommend C&D at all for new players, it teaches a lot of bad habits such as camping too much waiting for that perfect moment that never really comes. C&D should come later when you want to be more experimental.

>so it's perfectly natural for him to be more effective at removing sappers than Engineer,

thats retarded. That's like saying sniper should get a better airblast than pyro because its his job to fuck up medics, and he should be better at denying ubers.

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That sounds incredibly familiar.

I remember there being a boxxy version using the same backing soundtrack.

How I fucking wish I was there to hear that. It'd be like salt pouring into my ears. There wouldn't happen to be any recordings of this, would there?

Imagine being this retarded


Attached: geralt is onto you.jpg (382x341, 35K)

Direct Hit doesnt oneshot anything outside of melee range.

Highly accurate.

>tfw the hat is still expensive as shit
Hope I can sell some of my shitty unusuals soon and buy that shit


Attached: diagnosis.png (556x392, 248K)

>muh virus and porn
Heard it was mainly people figured out ways to use sprays to make walls transparent.

Third Degree

I like this idea of a flak cannon for the heavy
What do you think of these stats?

>-50% damage
>up to +50% damage based on distance
(This means bullets with the maximum damage bonus do 75% the damage of the stock minigun)
>shooting someone from a far enough distance causes the bullets to explode dealing bonus AoE damage

>high res photo of pixels
I'm not even mad. Normally I'd say to use the screenshot button but being able to zoom in and see each pixel individually is cool.

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>Kicking with a pal on hightower
>See a trolldier rocket jumping to us
>Stop dancing to try and avoid him
>He joins in instead of smacking us

Attached: gaijin4koma2_peersblog_1200684608.jpg (480x360, 29K)

>Playan 2fort for contract
>Server is 2-2
>Everyone is "farming" their contracts
>Just want to get this over with
>Go scout, grab intel
>Halfway through, my team votes to kick me
>The second I deliver it, I get kicked
>tfw I still got the reward

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I can't help but think of SCP SL when I hear Dr. Dick.

Depends on what you want to do. I personally love playing pyro as spy, so I use the Thruster and backburner with the rake.
The manmelter and scorchshot are super underrated in my opinion as well.

any hair cosmetic like the brutal bouffant or greased lightning would look cool

a pretty damn based retard if I say so myself, i need better taste in objectors

Why do they choose to wait for other people to finish their contracts instead of just letting games play out normally? I've done an entire contract in the duration of a few rounds of Dustbowl, if only they weren't so dumb

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I am painis cupcake


Attached: Painis_Cupcake.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Nah. But if you queue in Casual and act obnoxious enough they're sure to start coming out of the woodwork

so did anything end up happening with the glitch?

the unboxed unusuals were made untradable,unmarketable, etc etc and the bug has been fixed with the uncrate chance
other than that, no not really

>Spawn wallhacks don't work on Spies.
I like to say this is fair, it’s only around spawn.
Its fucking annoying having a spy ruin the entire flow of the game singlhandedly by camping your spawn.
The wallhacks encourages you to play the fucking game instead of stabbing clueless retards on easy mode and deadringer’ing away.
>Disguise animation bugs fixed.
Fix cl_interp exploit and Scout disguise hitbox too while they are at it.
>Spy gets 20% damage resistance when disguised.
Thats way too fucking OP.
>On backstab, Spy gets 1.5 second speed boost like Big Earner's effect.
No, hes already the second fastest class in the game. Backstabs should have you consider the risk you take.
>Sappers can block health/ammo kits
Yeah, no that’s fucking retarded.


Reminder that TF2 now uses the CS:GO matchmaking system, which is why any player the system thinks is good will be thrown into sub-1 minute matches where half their team is missing and the enemy is spawncamping.

Attached: poetry.webm (640x360, 1.77M)

>Hop into a server
>Immediately bombarded by every sound at once
>metal gates being slammed shut
Wow thanks valve, loving the meet your match update

Airblast has an oddly specific use against just about every class. No other class can guard against cloaked spies as effectively as pyro.


nah, the TF2 was all about funny youtube videos

The song of my people. Here, let me play it again


>one guy rocket jumping all over spawn until the doors open

>what was Justin.tv

>and yet everyone on Yea Forums loved it back then
Not after it went mainstream in 2009.

Also most the crates have shit weapons.
Be honest, how much have you spent on a crate? I only traded metal for keys or bought a hat, never opened a crate

heavy update ideas
>buff his shotguns
>give him pootis booties
here's your alternative playstyle

Based couponbugDOTcom

Just play Scout, you worthless fuck

>Hop into random match
>Pick medic
>Teams are being scrambled!
>You are now on Team Red.

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Never. But people shooting the wrong guy when they say Valve is responsible for the popularization of lootboxes. Valve has done a decent amount of shitty things for the industry but this isn't one of them.

>change resolution or model detail during game

scout can't sandvich

>join a server one night having fun
>some guy is micspamming music
>some remix of barbara streisand with sounds of the Xmen cartoon and clips of cyclops screaming over it
>losing my shit
>ask him where he got it
>"my friend made it"
>send that shit to me immediately
I still listen to it all the time, here it is

Attached: Toy_Story_Expanded_Cannon.jpg (403x403, 23K)

funny loud sounds are peak american humor

>Join a server
>Scout Death Scream

I agree, beginners should run l'etrange and stock watch as it will teach them ammo/time management but still be forgiving enough.

Saxton Hale couldn't be nerfed down to a playable character. They'd have to really tone him down



i dont actually know what demoman says here but it sounds like that

>trying this hard to fit in

Go full rambo with the dead ringer and the ambassador headshotting engineers before they have the time to react then sap their shit.
Flank people just like you would with scout instead of cloaking through them so that you can actually catch them off guard for long enough to backstab them. Best disguise is unironically enemy spy, make sure to change the disguise's weapon to the knife so not even your own team knows if you're a friendly spy, that works pretty well when you just want to get across someplace while hiding in plain sight then reaching the aforementioned flanking areas.

i really hate valve. look at this thread. people still love this game so much. but the only updates they do are worthless crate cosmetic trash updates. fucking sad and depressing.

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Warning high levels of kino and nostalgia ahead.

i finally know

What should i put on my objector?

Did they fix the hitreg yet?

A big rock he can throw at people


Attached: Square Dance Engineer.png (569x748, 209K)

You're retarded.

>predicting low hp scout movement and hitting him with direct hit rocket from another side of the map

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Quick as a hickup ain't ya? Well, not quick enough!

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gay names

That one scout that spams lenny binds after every kill/10

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Wait a dang dingly minute that spells FRICK

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>tfw took a break after a battle >kept hearing sentry clicks outside like it was 2fort
I guess this is the PRICE OF A MILE lads

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>enter idle server with expanded battle rooms and skybox heaven for players to fuck around in
>someone's playing a song about autistic niggers the moment I enter
It was so good I could barely play at that point, I think the enemy found their best weapon

I'm 99% sure I've seen you before.
Your name has 'amigo' in it.


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>kill guy
>press button on mouse
>"nice shot"

Attached: domination sound.jpg (406x379, 22K)

why the FUCK! won't Valve create vanilla weapons servers. It would literally take less than no effort and allow me to relive my childhood one last time.

>using the tide turner to fly over the entire map
demo is the greatest character in anything ever

I'm 100% sure you haven't.

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>too much of a brainlet to make a turning script for Demoknight that doesnt fuck the other classes controls

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like 4 bucks.

What did this cute user mean?

Goddammit now I want to play again, fuck you OP.


Three cents

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I hope this is bait/10

>join server
>sniper shot repeating along with a scout screaming
>"mission ends in 60 seconds!"


Demo has 0 drop off for direct hits while Soldier doesn't.
The DH still takes 2 shots to kill scouts at a medium range like the default, unlike the LnL

>most reddit
The fanbase not the game
>Helped lead to twitch culture
That's ow retard


>Demoman primary weapons do not have fall-off, whereas Soldier primary weapons do. Thus the Direct Hit only one-shots 125 health classes at close range
>Demoman primaries fire at a rate of 1.67 shots per second. Soldier primaries fire at a rate of 1.25 shots per second.
>Loch-N-Load shots are harder to see or hear than Direct Hit shots

>Autobalanced while carrying the intel
Why would they ever make it so you can be team swapped while alive? That was a staple of shitty community servers.

Attached: 1532584218671.gif (203x199, 443K)

>join server
>spy death scream

Music to my ears.

Fuck auto team balance. I always get fucked by it all the god damn time.

heh, got 'em

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I don't think i had a single balanced game in over 2 weeks now, every single one has one team have the 6th player with more points than the first player on the other team.

>make multiplayer shooter
>don't add in an assault rifle
>suddenly your game is exploding with weapon variety and really fun and unique player interactions

Everyone learned the wrong lessons from TF2.

I miss spray how do i get it back

>team stomps the other team
>people leave
>game autobalances you so now you're in the shitter team with 4 spies

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how do I have fun as the heavy if I don't have a friend to pocket medic me exclusively?

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any servers up my dudes??

2 words;


>mfw remember buttseck song
>listen it again
>you will never experience this again
Lads I miss good old tf2

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Some user mentioned letting Heavy use the Banners and I think it's a pretty great idea, most of the time he's the one leading the push, he gives reasons to carry anything besides sandvich, and has extra HP to soak up damage and build meter.

Give Heavy a Razorback.


>inb4 le flow of the game stalemate meme

Don't you fucking dare

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>want to play every now and then
>playerbase just keeps getting less and less talented and more uncoordinated
>no one doing the objective, they have to (poorly) imitate their whatever youtube celebrities
>russian child that just inhaled a balloonful of helium sounds distressed on their mic
>that one spy (poorly) attempting trickstabs
>hope you're on the team with that semi-talented medipyro pair instead of the one with 8 snipers
>YOU ARE NOW ATTACKING Teams have been auto-balanced
>no one protecting my sentry, then there's suddenly four engies all mooching from my dispenser and building on my spot, but the second i stop playing engi, they all will too
>25 minute dustbowl part 3 where the attackers are suddenly incompetent and it's not even a fight
>i start playing punch heavy and they're all now hyper competent

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user do you even lift?

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someone here unironically needs to get a job at valve and only work on tf2 so we can get some half decent updates that arent trash

Dude just press D andlook to the right a bit

i will eat your child

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MEEEEEEEEDDIIII- ayy thanks mate

Nice, can I steal it?

>spy's speed was buffed

it's always a fucking scout



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>voodoo juju
you win

shut the fuck up, moron

>it's a "desperately knocking sappers off my nest while my team just stands around looking at me instead of killing the spy" episode

i assume you got that named in one of these threads

cl_interp 5

hmmm idk
is this just based or am I a fool?

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>turns out they're all spies

>Letting a Spy spawncamp you in the first place
There are classes that are better at spawncamping. Any class can make itself useless if it wants to too. This is a retarded argument to defend how stupid the addition of X-ray was, and you are retarded too for not seeing it.

I wish there was a way to deliberately use the "WHY DON'T WE JUST GIVE UP PARTNER" voiceline at that point.

this is my main one though
i like the chapeau despite the stereotype

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Can someone explain to me how this works? It has something to do with latency compensation?


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The baseline is that interpolation is what allows your game to fill in the blanks between each update it gets from the server. Your game, by the very nature of how computers work, can't receive information about what each player is doing continuously. So it instead receives the information at discrete times, and in-between those times, it simulates what the players are doing, in what direction they are moving, if they are still firing a gun, and so on. Since the refresh rate from a server is fast enough, this looks pretty seamless in regular gameplay, and those simulations are extremely short periods of time. For example, if at an instant of time the server tells your game that a player was moving forward, until the next refresh comes to say he may have turned around, or strafed left, or strafed right, or any other action, the game is gonna keep that player moving forward because it was the last information it had about the state of the game.

What raising cl_interp does, then, is increase how much simulation the game does. For example, you are a Spy approaching a Heavy from his back. The Heavy, on his computer, turned around in time to Spycheck you. However, on your screen, since interp was so high, the game kept simulating that the Heavy moved forward since it didn't consider any information to tell it otherwise. And since melee attacks in TF2 are considered hitscan, which includes backstabs, and hitscan is lag-compensated, meaning the game gives preference to what the person that used the hitscan weapon hit, it means the server accepts your backstab, even though on the Heavy's screen he turned around with time to spare. This cl_interp abuse isn't really effective with projectile classes because those are not lag-compensated. Hitscan classes like Scout or Sniper could abuse it a bit more but they still would require aiming properly. Spy relies entirely on his enemies doing predictable actions, which is why raising interp only really works with it.

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helpful post
thanks a lot

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>dual shotguns primary
>hitscan artillery primary
>razorback helmet for headshots

Imagine going full retard

Ah the f2p era aka the Brony era where they spread around like a disease and converted new f2p players as bronys

Lost a few good friends to them in 2011


what was the right lesson

This right fucking here.


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So ValvE(tm) still hasnt responded....yeah, im thinking the glitched unsuals are OUT OF THE EQUATION

>People interact the same way in overwatch
>Spam voice lines
>Shoot objects across the room
>Spray paints across the room
>Yet when TF2 does it, it's a problem?

Kill yourself and livestream it for me.

Attached: IMG_20190703_082720.jpg (1024x999, 53K)

>join server
>gibus sniper runs into spawn and kills you
>he taunts
>server is changing level
>everyone leaves
>spawn into fucking Dustbowl
>the other 2 players still there leave too
Top tier matchmaking, Valve.

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i only play heavy
cheater's lament + white hair

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>put on disguise
>backpedal into team
>keep shouting INCOMING!
As long as you manage not to bump into anyone, it actually works.

how do you fuck up quickplay 2.0 this much is my question
they literally could've just
>choose maps and gamemode or whatever, thats fine
>can choose the type of server (semi-serious, normal, or goof off) if you want
>but its not 100% enforced nor are you penalized for playing the game on servers marked goof off or being a friendly on semi-serious (unless you get vote kicked by they people playing obviously)
>better yet dont fucking touch quickplay since it was perfectly fine the way it way

*the way it was

Tip on this as well: switch to your secondary while you're doing it. It'll look like you are getting ready to take a couple of potshots at your teammates while you retreat, selling your disguise better. It's a bit hard to get used to switching weapons in the middle of keeping track of a bunch of other things as a Spy, but I've noticed that doing it convincingly often makes people ignore you. Simply running around with your primary out all the time is already ingrained in most people to mean there's a chance you are a Spy.

Does the degreaser + reserve shooter still work

Heavier than thou.

Kino weapon

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That games are more fun for everyone involved when hitscan is kept on a leash.

This just happened to me yesterday kek

>protable Auschwitz
in every other game you'd have probably already been perma banned

>prinny machete
based and overlordpilled

I'm a sniper main. And I'm quite good.

My proudest loadout was the most cancerous. For sniper:
Strange Huntsman named Meme Arrow
Cleaner’s Carbine
Tribalman’s Shiv
I haven’t played in years and years, but I actually became good at the huntsman back in 2012. Every piece of gear was meant to annoy people and it worked well. Kinda makes me wanna play tf2 again thinking about it.


I got 300$ from opening 3 crates.

Pick a better class

I think the official reason was blocking windows and distractions.

just spray me all over

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>that one guy mic spamming heavyxmedic porn

The wallhacks are fucking bullshit.
I can't tell you how many times I've guessed a Spy literally anywhere near my spawn with them.
I agree that cl_interp should be set standard.
Spy is extremely weak and some extra resistance would seriously help. And it'd make spychecking easier to survive. It's the same as he gets during cloak.
The backstab bit is the only part I think might be too much, but at least I'm certain the Big Earner needs some changes. Getting away after a backstab is peak importance, and you're already putting yourself in huge danger just going for one.
The last one isn't dumb at all. The sapper is fucking useless if the enemy has no Engineer. This lets Spy help his team a bit more, as well as set traps to attack enemies trying to break his sappers.

Agree with everything but the sapper part. It's supposed to be a hard counter to sentry nests, nothing more. and i wouldn't really like it if valve turned spy into sombra 0.5


I don't know what sombra is.
At least I do want slidable sappers.
Giving them a purpose aside from Engie nests would also be nice, but there are other options.

Thought it was TARTAN BELLOWS

You first check the number of spies on your team. If it's more than 1, play a different class. Same with Sniper.

I also really like the idea of slidable sappers
>projectile that can be reflected/deleted
>when colliding with the first buildingit touches,it will begin to sap
>when not in contact with a building, will potray a decoy hologram of the spy with his disguise
>hologram has 50% hp of said spy
>can block bullets
>has charges but can only be refilled by ammo packets
>40% longer sap speed
>sapped buildings take 20% more damage dealt by the spy

I want a buff to the fucking jetpack REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>most reddit game

Is calling something reddit supposed to be an insult? What pathetic person would be insulted by that?

Are you insulted by being called reddit? Kek.

post signs

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ever since i saw that get colored that mother fucker never fixed the one frame the belt buckle is brown

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At this point, it'd be a different weapon altogether.
That sounds rad, but I want even Stock to have something. At least being able to slide it would be nice.


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Based monkeybro.

>not being good enough that Medics have no choice but to pocket you and must accept the reality that they're a huge faggot who is AVOIDING pocketing you whenever they aren't
It's all about mind control, you gotta act the part. Any man can control a bitch's heart, but a PIMP gotta control a bitch's MIND, namsayin?

>Valve just lets employees work on whatever they're feeling like
>TF2 community members get jobs at Valve
>exclusively add to TF2
>the direction of the game is 100% determined by the community
The answer was right in front of us the whole time.

This ain't getting any lighter

>Tons of dumb hats have made it into the game
>None of the Skullgirls items got in
I want my egret and big band pyro

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>spray some cunny on some area away from the action.
>patiently wait for someone to take the b8
>let some kid fap out for a couple of seconds before killing him and telling everyone in the server.
Overwatch will never be this good

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Is there a reason why valve removed sprays from official servers?

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i miss old loch too user

Stupid faggot on Yea Forums is wrong for the nth day in a row, imagine my shock

I’m not a “HURR OVERWATCH HURR” fag but holy shit I just realized that when I read overwatch character voicelines I can’t hear them but I can hear TF2 voicelines. Wild.

>ambassador nerf because scout shitters cried for 8 years

I'm keeping that, thanks

Nice hot take faggot

That was an amazing killing spree... BY THE OTHER--medic!

did you mean hap-py?
what the fuck, man?

this is true. all those tf2 gmod videos are reddit / zoomer beyond words.

Overwatch is subtle about their universe, they don't need to force things nonstop like TF2 did.


It seems I am not the only MEDIC!

based psychologist. there really was no reason for any of that.

>>axestinger for style pint or powerjack for movility
Actually look at what you're typing before you hit post, you keypecking troglodyte

man what happened to all the fun servers with weird custom maps, wacky sound effects, and everyone talking smack on voice chat? the last time I saw one was a brony server back in like 2015

>Main Medic and Pyro
>Shit on spies all day

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quickplay and the overall decline of tf2 man

I miss playing balloon race and tf2ware

Zoomer culture in a single post

>fucking problem

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> force things nonstop like TF2

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>All the members are LGBT furries
Monkey paw.

Spread it, this man is an unknown legacy from the early 00s