Well Yea Forums
Explain yourselves.
Well Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's another "muh SJWs" outrage bait thread
why aren't you a woman?
I don't fucking i know, i don't care about Fortnite. Why don't you explain why you created such a shit thread?
This shit reads like women are turned away. Women don’t play games, trannies who call themselves women do.
Nobody made the males compete. Why should we push females to complete?
because women sell themselves without having to actually develop skills. So *they*aren't incentivised to compete. What he's really calling for is THOTS BE GONE and orbiters to stop supporting thottery.
Maybe competitive Fortnite isn't popular among women.
Maybe the competitive scene of many other games have women in them.
Maybe I'm fucking stupid for replying to this shit thread.
>just ignore it reeeeeee
Fuck off, faggot.
did he just assume their gender
Women are more bussy doing sexy stuff, welp except american women those land whales can't be sexy lol.
Well obviously Epic didnt think this through and they didnt make a female only 3million $ tournament. Clearly a sexist move.
Can we get Tim on the line here? Where is that goblin when you need him
There's not a single popular game that has a single good pro female in it within the top 50 players, women simply suck at video games or at the very least they suck at a competitive level.
>Shitposting about it is doing something, surely
Gamers... Society doesn't live in us... It is us who live in it.
I love how sjw's try to appeal to women but in the end they treat women like a checklist instead of people who can make their own informed decisions
>make a female only tournament
>top 100 "female" players are all trannies
Women don't play games I don't care what their faulty data says
Because you have to win your way into a top 100 spot and no women won their way in. Simple as.
>Women can't compete
>This is the fault of men
They’re too busy watching make up videos on YouTube
did he ask all 100 of the participants what gender they identify as?
>fortnite world cup
It's a tranny isn't it?
Women don't autistically practice pretend gun game for 100 hours a week
I don't know ask the women that competed.
anything males do is oppressive and all male spaces must be destroyed
Gamers rise up
Women are only good for 3 things.
Cooking, cleaning and vagina.
Most women are too scared to participate in game tournaments anymore because they’ve been overrun by weeaboo transvestites.
Women are a meme. There is no single woman on this planet, only alien bodysnatchers, tulpas, gynoids, psychic parasite entities, anime drawings and procedurally generated porn stars.
As for the men, we're actually a weird nanomachine swarm.
>they rejected the idea of making separate leagues because there arent any bodily advantages to consider
Women playing games competively is a meme. Their sole role is to provide for the males by breeding.
Back to resetera, and take your stale maymays with you.
so who won?
all im hearing about is why women didn't get in... literally who won the money??
Unless you chop off your dick, then you're "brave"and the women who try to be men are equally as much a joke.
if genders don't matter, why do you have to change?
*And their sister's vagina
I can give good sex to you. Cause I'm really good at sex.
Some 13 year old kid
They censored his interview after he won because he said "I feel fucking great"
Even if they did that the trannies would dominate the real women cause of brain differences
remember when we were being told that sjws only existed on tumblr so we should stop complaining about them?
>there must always be an equal outcome
Who gives a fuck?
whaaaat? how the fuck could a kid win? adults would fuck them up.
Are you saying trannies are mentally superior to women?
This but unironically, it's fucking vengeance for millennia of male oppression. It's our turn now.
Sorry Yea Forums, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself.
You mean the "sexism" that woman agree with because they don't want to be destroyed by them?
b-b-but trannies say they have female brains
their raw mental STR is higher, but the effective mental DEX is equal or maybe lower because they decided to transition
No they just autistically spend 100 hours a week posting doctored pictures of themselves and everything they eat on instagram.
>He says while ignoring tranny posters indoctrination process
that guy looks like a kiddie diddler
Women don't practice anything so they deserve the results they get.
Why else do you think he's covering the fortnite world cup?
men are stupid enough to play fortnite competitively
the game is an RNG simulator but the matches played were single elimination (one strike you're out) style. even MTG, the game defined by how random it is, has best-of-three fights in the top tournaments instead of best-of-one, specifically to make sure that randomness is as little of a factor as it can be.
>female only tourney
>top 100 ends up being top 7
Because there's always such a powergap between the best players in the world and female competitors. I mainly pay attention to competitive fighting games, but how is it that Kayane is still the only woman that competes in high level Soul Calibur with the best in the world? Other women in other games are about intermediate level or lower. Cuddle Core is on the brink of becoming world class in Tekken as well. Aside from the assholes in the Smash community who bullied that girl because of her victory in that tournament, it's not like women are being gatekept from being champions or at least world class players.
correction: it's actually first to three wins. so best-of-five. the rest of my point still stands
back to gamingcirclejerk.
Look at this dude
No shut up woman
>it's a Gamergoyte was right thread
No. It's for you to shut up, sweetie.
>Other women in other games are about intermediate level or lower
>its ok to be outraged as an SJW just not by one
really showing your true colors
Because males instinctively have a faster reaction time and females have a wider colour pallet of colors they can see.
We were hunters, they were the gathers.
Hate your ancestors ans genetics, not the game.
um no sweaty the data is 100% correct and mobile games are games you gatekeeping incel.
So what you are saying is if the tournament was held on the mobile version of fortnite women would have qualified in the top 100?
Okay, then let them compete in the pro Kardashian shopping game tournament or candy crush or some shit.
watching women doing anything bores me to tears
Is Keith Stuart having a free advertisement on 4ch*annel right now?
>Polygon, IGN, Kotaku, and the rest almost never cover phone games
Why are those shitlords so intent on keeping women out of gaming?
I'm a woman and I like video games.
I don't play trash like Fortnite, though.
i solved it: competitive dress-up game tournaments
oh wait, those already exist
this unless they're doing something without clothes
what games/genres do you like? do you live in london?
>White man
I could tell without looking.
I'm pretty sure about 10% of Yea Forums and 90% of resetera are currently working on correcting that user.
There are unironically more transgirls that play games than girls born with a vagina
Women can't even place decently in a casual game like heathstone, much less an fps. Quite embarrassing desu famalam.
Force them to play it by threat of violence.
okay i see.
also they should have just a woman and tranny division. Though that would piss them off too lol
The same issue exists for males in competitive esports. Pro players make far more money streaming, and they suffer far less stress. So why do they compete? Your post is just flat wrong. There is a different reason why there are more males than females, and it's not as simple as your incel logic would imply.
what does competition have to do with women being the majority of gamers?
Tekken 7
>be born as a male
>play vidya throughout adolescence
>decide to transition
>identify as a woman
>compete in vidya
>receive numerous accolades and recognition for being the "first/only woman to x" in gaming
>constantly exist within female spaces to soak up all the recognition
Have trannies figured out the system?
Make aimbots legal for female players. Skill is a tool of the partriarchy to keep women down.
I'm on the subway (nyc) multiple times a day and I don't see women playing phone games that often. Older women play things like candy crush and other fun little puzzle games, younger women scroll through the gram.
for the same reason 0 women have died of prostate cancer in the history of mankind
Nobody gives a shit about female competing if they aren't good. The reason female sports have lower price pools is because nobody wants to watch the inferior version of an audience sport.
Trannies. yuyu isn't a biofem , just look at them .
>There is a different reason
But retarded as you are you don't state the reason. So grace us with your endless intelligence and tell us oh wise one, why are there more males than females?
Well, if you believe in Equatily™ you can never blame the women, so it must be sexism. If you have half a brain at least than maybe women are not as good as men in e-sports.
make aimbots legal for everyone. equality hell yeah
>just ignore them and they'll go away
now they are here telling "us" to go away.
Why would it be anyones fault? If a woman didn't qualify it means a woman didn't qualify.
>complete in a game
>find ways to justify the loss
>"f-fucking patriarchy!"
Literally, unironically and honestly git gud. Stop trying to see an agenda in eveything.
Remember in the caveman days when it was perfectly legal to stalk a hot cave lady, bop her on the head with your club then drag her back to your cave? How did we fall so far?
Well, at least they are better at one thing.
A Jew wrote this. Why?
>He's so weak he gets indoctrinated by trannies
oh no no no no
Woman suck at games yawn next question
And even in that one field they get often outclassed by men.
Women never had to hunt or fight, so they genetically have slower reflexes because their body is more focused on preserving energy.
Women should have their own independent tournaments.
>tranny posters indoctrination process
this is your brain on politics
don't do dugs kids
I read the article and it was everything you'd expect. It ends with a plea to not repeat what real sports has done by paying women athletes less, unaware that there is a good reason they get paid less.
This chapter fucking killed me user.
The women need to play better.
Found the incel wh*te boi general thread
Maybe women should play more video games than none.
>women suck at doing something
>"waahh why isn't there more womy doing this stuff they are bad at?"
Real women don't know what a fortnite is.
The ones trying to get involved with esports and shit are insecure and immature losers, truly seething because they feel like they're being left out because the don't understand the comradery and enjoyment involved the men playing vidya with the lads.
Women don't understand camaraderie period.
Imagine seething because of a shit game like fortnite, women are truly pathetic.
That's the fucking point of asking the question. If I knew what it was, I'd be getting paid to tell people about. Just because something isn't the reason doesn't mean that the true reason is known or understood. And I'm supposed to be the retarded one? You're fucking dense, mate.
Because no women qualified
Next question
Obviously the deep misogyny in the gaming subculture.
Why wasn't the women's qualifiers easier then?
Get gud lol
Some man told them to smile
Does anyone actually do this anymore? It's like feminists all live in a Humphrey Bogart film that no one else is experiencing.
If you're incapable of backing up your reasoning as to why you incur something to be incorrect then you're simply a retard.
Substantiate your claim dumbass.
There was no women's qualifier. Why would they need one? :^)
Because they didn't qualify because they weren't better than their competition? It's not hard to understand. Women shouldn't be shoehorned in because they're women. That's fucking retarded. It's a competition.
You must be illiterate, because I've already done that. I don't need a separate reason why something is to dismiss your original reason, which had zero substance to back up the claim, by the way. If you're not trolling, you're might actually have serious brain problems.
I know we like to pretend to be outraged over gaming journalists pretending to be outraged, but could we just, maybe, I dunno not do that?
Just this once?
Could you not be a massive faggot just once? There you are, I can see you now furiously typing in a reply. You can't last 5 minutes in my world. Look at you. Scared. Scared like a big white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you til you love me faggot.
>Women aren't competitive therefore they are outperformed by males who are competitive by nature
Sure showed me.
I only encountered that when someone seems unhappy. Even than its gender neutral, just trying to cheering up.
>She looks sad, i should lighten her up: "Why dont you smile? It wil make bad thoughts go away!"
>What? Is he hitting on me? "You macho!"
Dont know if some use it for flirting, but i never saw or heard it.
Cool. Thanks for proving you don't know how to read. If you're ESL, it's understandable. If not, you should be embarrassed.
t. ESL
This constant hypersensitivity to every little internet shitpost can't be good for the human psyche user but here we are willingly brainwashing ourselves to satisfy our innate need for tribalism
This isn't sustainable, we can't go on like this forever
Who gives a fuck about this, seriously. Who goes in and tries to count the number of women, of black people, of Asians etc. etc. to meet some quota in their head, and then judges things based on that quota? Who is that autistic?
Reminds me of when they wrote an article about there being no female CS players in the major and when they interviewed one she basically said they got destroyed in the qualifiers.
weak males who are desperate for female attention and praise
>men are better at being women than actual women
Take that feminists
If women do worse on average in fps games because there was little evolutionary advantage for women to have fast reflexes in the first place. Then there will be an even more disproportionate amount of of women at the highest levels do to so few being that exceptional in the first place and also what would be exceptional for a women would be above average for a man
This, but unironically, that's why trannies are in all time highest popularity.
Would people even be willing to watch 'high tier' competitive female video game tournaments? I mean, the actual gameplay is likely going to be nowhere near the same level of quality as the male counterpart, especially in more mechanically complex and demanding games.
Would it just be eye candy?
It's Fortnite, man.
It doesn't lean on tactical depth.
Meant reply to
No,nobody would care.The whole debate is just a self pat on the back to show how progressive you are.The whole debate is an excuse for women to cope with that they will never catch up.
Just look at the WNBA,the league is running is since 23years and never made profit.Not even woman watch them play.You have legit 7 foot females who can't dunk,just compare that where some small guards are absolute athletic freaks.
Or look at the soccer worldcup,nobody gives a fuck about them and I am from Europe(soccer),where soccer is a religion.
The female world cup squads compete against 14 year old boys and get absolutely destroyed with scores like 7-0.
Now imagine these woman play like someone like Lebron,Jordan,Messi or TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
>Aside from the assholes in the Smash community who bullied that girl
>implying Bocchi is a girl
See I think about that, but then I think about twitch e-thots. With the right optics I'm willing to be they could actually make all female game tournaments marketable. All they'd have to do is find girls who are at least moderately attractive and decent at whatever game they want to push, give them some low cut tops, some risque camera angles, and have them say names on stream/ interact with the viewers.
Hire me fuckers, I'm better at this shit than you and you know it.
When I was playing little league football, we had a girl suit up and play with us. It was fucking glorious, I had a little boy boner the entire fucking time and I paid extremely close attention about sticking my face right in her chest and wrapping her up when the coach was teaching us how to tackle. Goddamn, it was so great.
Then her dad came home and made her be a cheerleader. Which sucked. We were all bummed out about it, but she would bully us and say she would've kicked our asses up and down the street had her dad let her keep playing. Which gave me little boy boners as well.
Anyway, yeah, girls can't play sports with guys. Just won't work out, y'know.
now you get it
>go to competition
>Can't stand up in competition
>Somehow someone else's fault.
Your idea is shit and hasn't happened for a very good reason. You are suggesting that we take camwhores, the most vapid and self-centered people on this planet, and put them into a competitive enviroment. It would fall apart in minutes due to infighting and catfights. No ethot on this planet could stand the camera being on some other sluts face for a second. It has merit as a weekday afternoon reality TV show but not a serious tournament. But go ahead and prove everyone wrong with your million dollar idea that has already been thrown out of boardrooms across the world.
Yes, and the resulting shitshow will be glorious and memorable. People will pay to shitpost in the chat.
Age is not being kind to this dude
Because women aren't pathetic basement-dwelling nerds.
>No shadow person
I fixed this for you.
>Why dont you smile? It wil make bad thoughts go away!
What kind of terrible fucking advice is this though
if I was in a pissed off mood and some retard came up to me with this, insulting them is entirely justified
>it's not a multilayered night terror episode
And they expect me to believe this shit?
>women cant be progamer-
men are simply better at games that require spatial awareness and tactics. make a game based on socializing and middle managing people and women would excel
I love reading these undercover resetera fags exposing themselves going
Literally who?
Better yet is when they try to cover their tracks by sprinkling common Yea Forums offensive words over their sóylent rich posts thinking someone is buying it.
>cmon FAGGOTS theres nothing more NIGGER than being racist and misoginyst in the current year
Why the fuck would woman need to play Fortnite to win some cash when all they really need to do is start a Patreon?
whats crazy is the amount of women constantly cutting down belle delphine and trying to """cancel""" her. like the anti-slutshaming thing and sisterly love goes right out the window the minute a cute woman gains success
One of the first people who got their Patreon account banned was some Chinese chick who had like a fake tech blog where she was in slutty clothes the whole time. Usual e-thot business, no big deal, got a few grand a month for it. She never broke any rules that I know of, but Patreon was bombarded with reports from other women trying to tear her down, until they eventually did ban her.
I aint gotta explain shit , I dont play fortnite and I think E-sports are fucking retarded
Enjoy getting yourself destroyed by real women that just enjoy the female privilege.
I wonder if shes investing any of that money or is she just going to buy shit like luxury cars. What makes her deserving of 150K+ a month ? Makes no fucking sense. But I have to work for my money so I dunno.......
I wish it never went farther than that.
from my understanding she lives pretty modestly, and only recently got a place of her own.
Just gotta be in the right place at the right time, having a vagina helps.
>Farmville/Sims tournament
>not one of the 100 finalists was a man
there i fixed it
>Not one of the Fortnite Word Cup's 100 finalists was a woman. Why?
Because women are worse at videogames, it's that simple
Why? Biology, basically every women reproduced throughout history, historically barely 50% of men did, they got eaten by fucking saber tooth tigers or where poor dumb serfs no women would breed with if they hada better option
Will we ever come full circle? I am so fuckign tired of this shit
I guess ...
Only thing women are good is streaming on Twitch pretending to like games
>Bailey looks like my old roommate
I should have porked her in the ass when she was living here
Women are less prone to falling for fads than men.
They also generally don't like shooters
Fortnite is for complete faggots so of course there's no women
>Women are less prone to falling for fads than men.
is that why women make up the majority of consumer spending on fashionable items
Well, Keith, if I was to hazard a guess, they suck.
>Why should we push females to complete?
I don't care if they complete or not so long as I complete
and we never stopped complaining about them. What's your point?
because girls don't play games
this is why I love trannys. fuck feminists. let the dick girl s push them out of their own little safe space leagues.
because they lost at qualifiers, how hard is it to grasp that concept, Keith Stuart is the asshole in this, he's blaming the women who lost in qualifiers for disappointing their gender and not representing them in the finals. OP and Keith are faggots carry on Yea Forums
>Keith Stuart
more like Little Stuart
Starcraft 2. Scarlet is one of the best Zergs in the world.
Classic joke post.
imagine same article with subtitle
>explain yourselves women
show me your genitals
male chromosomes
Girls today are too coddled and pampered. Its no wonder they never try to compete or excel at anything when they get a legion of beta orbiters telling them how amazing they are and how hard their lives are.
HE played smarter than everyone and maintained the high ground in every late game. Recently there was a meta change where an Item that let you immediately jump from floor level to sky box ad "drop in" again was removed, and as such maintaining high ground has become much easier. Some of the older pros aren't adjusting to these constant meta changes as well as the kids. The actual #1 was 16 btw, but the top killer was a 13 year old from Argentina.
I work in a busy hospital where I have to drag a cage around the building and I can safely say that women have the reaction of a 5 year old toddler. They're constantly almost bumping into shit because they're too slow to change the direction they're moving in and they have the awareness and peripheral vision of a possum. They just aren't cut out to play video games at a competitive level.
You win by default if you're born with a vagina. You don't need to develop skills, be wealthy or in good physical shape. A 400 pounds greasy, disgusting woman will a man that will breed her.
I skimmed the article. He answers it himself. Saying that the reason is because women get bullied out of competing in online multiplayer games. That's not all there is to it but that's almost definitely a factor.
He has a point, women are bullied more, it's just you fags also have a point, that women just aren't as interested in getting to that autism sperg level of skill needed to compete in the top 100. The debate, I guess, is how much of that lack of interest can be attributed to being bullied for being a girl and how much of that is just having a life/being satisfied with where you're at in the game. It's also debatable if there's anything reasonable to be done about it. It's not like games companies aren't already trying hard to ban bullying, harassment and shit.
I like how this deluded fuckwit implies the reason women's sports are garbage is sexism, and not because women literally can't compete with men in basically fucking anything.
>why aren’t there a lot of women playing a game whose 80% of the player base is 6-14 year old boys
Gee I wonder why
the day Yea Forums stops complaining about women is the day we have genetically engineered waifus
Who cares?
These threads would end if bait articles like in OP ended.
It's a single life large map shooter with huge amounts of mobility. It has insane amounts of tactical depth, especially at the highest levels.
remember Anita, my dear newfag?
The tranny cult on discord got doxed half a year ago already.
That's different.
You ever hear of a female with 500 pogs
>because Women are fucking terrible at doing things on their own.
>Men master the things around them
>Women master Men to avoid doing it themselves
Until they find a way to subsitute men playing for them but them getting all the credit, they never will.
Maybe this is why the cuck meme is being spewed enough to trigger Meme Magic. They're working on a way to cuck us into beating their games for them too
Women have social lives.
>Put """""pro""""" woman against a bunch of pub shitters.
>They get wrecked, every single fucking time.
There is a reason of why they have special olympics, shit don't even worth discuss.
>woman mauling each other for attention
This isn't even remotely new, user
This is what women get while you rot.
But if it was the candy crush women would dominate.
Youren making too much sense...stop it.
Yeah, and the bait articles would end if people stopped clicking them. Which, by the way, certainly isn't helped by threads like these.
Sahih Bukhari (2:28) & Sahih Bukhari (54:464) - Women comprise the majority of Hell's occupants. This is important because the only women in heaven mentioned explicitly by Muhammad are the virgins who serve the sexual desires of men. (Kanz al-`ummal, 22:10, 99% of women go to Hell).
We all know the west is shit but what do you think of this Japanese Pro gamer girl?
Women are too busy getting dick and being happy, fuck them
All vtubers have the same personality and the vtuber fad is already over in the west.
I'd rather die alone than being that guy and having a retarded gf, t b h.
I went to Japan and it fucking sucked. There were no anime girls and subtitles weren't on so I couldn't understand anybody.
Literally zero of the competitive scenes of other games have women in them. ZERO. The closest you come are some trannies in Starcraft that aren’t that good.
Your roomate or Bailey?
>you will never go to the mountains in japan and stumble upon an old temple with a smug foxgirl living inside
Guess I'll just die and hope something better than this happens.
Maybe if they didn't suck so much they could win some time.
Because women are less present in the extrema of intelligence and dexterity. Being only slightly better consistently can completely shut someone else out of winning, just look Tiger Woods.
Similarly, if the best male gamers are just slightly more talented than the best female gamers, virtually no female gamers will win at the extrema of competition. This is basic statistical thinking.
>be woman
>too smart to waste time playing that shit in competitions
>only have to stream it for like an hour
>doesn't matter if i suck, I just need to make sure my tits are visible and look nice
>make far more money than any retard involved in e-sports.
My roommate, sorry I wasn't clear.
It's closer to classic Halo, so I would say there's more mechanical skill required to be good at Fortnight than say, COD
>Topic like this brought up constantly.
>Fat load of fucking excuses.
Make it to top 100 next time then, instead of expecting something for nothing.
Because all the people who won happened to be men and you're being a little sexist yourself for thinking about that first above all else? Even if there was truly a 50/50 split between men and women making it in and your quarter landed on Heads every time, is the coin sexist?
Your roommates sounds hot user
I never met a woman that is good at any of those things.
It could have been 99 women and 1 man and the winner still would have been male.
If you read the actual article he lists a tranny as one of the top "female" players LOL
Feminism also includes transwomen you delusional sperg.
If you come across a female that is good at vidya, there is a 99% chance she was born with a dick.
The dick really does make it better, frens.
*laughs in TERF*
yes, because only men are on coins
they didn't say that, and why would you get outraged over this anyway
Wasn't that hot but she was a slut I once tried to get her really drunk so that she let me fuck her in the ass, but I also got really drunk and fell asleep while fingering her
females need to grow thicker skin and git gud. it's as simple as that. I hate the narrative that gaming is some boys club that women can't get into. EVERYONE gets harassed. Doesn't matter what color creed or gender you are you will take shit from all angles. if you're shit, you're gonna get hate mail, if you're good, you're going to get hate mail. fucking crybabies, I swear.
Who are you quoting?
>the bait articles would end if people stopped clicking them
>just ignore it bro
Like they need an excuse to make these articles.
1. women may not like playing competitively
2. The women who do don't always play enough to be tournament level
3. women have lower visual and auditory reaction times which does give them a disadvantage when competing against male counterparts
I was until you faggots keep bringing that trash here
>>just ignore it bro
Are you implying you're doing anything to weaken the person making these articles?
It's not my fault that women suck at fortnite, you oxygen deprived troglodyte. PC E-sports is a level playing field for everybody.
He said that they are only good for them. That that they were actually good at them.
>read dead redemption 2? what is that? - twitch streamer
>On gender differences in the reaction times on sprinters at the 2008 Beijing Olympics
>A gender gap of 20 - 30 ms in the RT of runners seems to remain, even at the highest level of training.
Read this on Quora
So basically women have +30 ping even on LAN.