Gaming relationship stories

Ever had one of those?
Personally I've been with three girls who loved vidia games.
I've met my first gamer girlfriend through an MMO. She was into all sorts of games, from fighting games to rpgs and action/adventure ones. Six months of relationship, great sex, and she was simply cute as a pie. I broke up with her because I was too young and too stupid to realize how lucky I was. Go figure.
Spent three years with my second one, after she had spent months trying to ride my dick while being drunk at parties, before I finally gave in. She mostly was into jrpgs, and a nice little sub in bed, so the sex was pretty great as well. Too bad it ended, but she was crazy and turned full sjw at one point. Never stick in crazy. Just don't.
My third and current one is an old friend of mine from highschool, that I've met again around two years ago. She's mainly into retro gaming (n64 and Playstation era) as well as a casual xbox player. We are only "sexfriends" because we don't really want to commit to a relationship, but we spend most of our free time together like a real couple. Just doing stuff like going to the restaurant, or having walks in the park and the forest. Or playing vidia or watching movies all day, and then we fuck like retarded rabbits. No strings attached, no drama, only good times. Weirdly enough, that's the best relationship I've ever had with anyone so far.

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Girls aren't interested in me.

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Sorry normie, I think you might have wandered onto the wrong website. Don't worry, I'll put it in simple words for you: You don't belong here. I think might be a little more your speed.


This isn't your blog.
Sharing an interest in video games, doesn't make your relationship notable here.

I fucked my friends fiance once. She played games I guess

one of the best time I ever had with games was when I broke SOMA with my gf watching me behind my back. Poor girl wanted to be spooked and immersed, and here I was glitching through half the map like a madman. She did get me when I played silent hill though, shit's legit spooky, can't fuck around there.

Not a single girl I've been with has liked video games, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Only exception is I once showed a girl my battlestation and she proceeded to ignore me and play fortnite for an hour.

>tfw you will never attend their wedding.

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>t. dilating newfag who stumbled upon my onion weaving sea of piss circa 2016
The ride never ends, and I'm here forever

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First girlfriend was super into games but was also textbook borderline personality disorder (look it up, it's the source of most "crazy" that guys stick their dicks in, since they crave attention and will happily open their legs, then proceed to ruin your life).

Second was a quiet girl into video games with probable Asperger's. Didn't last since outside of vidya we didn't have a lot in common.

Third only played normie girl games like the Sims, but was best relationship by far. Ended once it went long distance.

Been single since (7 years) and at this rate likely to never have sex again in my life. Oh well.

I hope that you'll find someone else someday, user

My fiance enjoys games. She hung out with lots of art school weirdo types when I met her, but as we became better friends she changed a lot and has no clue how she put up with them. One of the kindest people on the planet, not a mean bone in her body. Browses here constantly. We play fightcade a lot. She's the best.

Is there a cuter couple in gaming?

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Sounds comfy as fuck, lad
Nah, they are the best

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My ex liked Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, and Luigi's Mansion
But she was fucking crazy

A girl in an MMO had a huge crush on me and would talk to me every day. I was a totally oblivious edgelord and just found her annoying and would give her short and polite answers to all her private messages.

One day she says "Hey, what do you think of me?" I said "I don't really know you went well." That was the last time I ever heard from her.

I learned later from a mutual friend that while I just thought of this girl as an annoying hanger-on, she considered me one her best friends. I still feel so guilty about it.

Sometimes shit just happens. Live and learn, and do better next time.

Can I borrow this thread to post some more of them?

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It's free real estate

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I was mad that I missed the thread yesterday

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What about "girls"?
Are they interested in you?

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It was a nice thread, I'm sorry you missed it user

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I love the attention to detail that lets you tell which Link and Zelda are from each game

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>dude muh gf lmaoo
Fucking gay.