Well, Yea Forums? What's your next move?

Well, Yea Forums? What's your next move?

Attached: ms.png (1195x762, 129K)

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Guess something
Go for the big dick corner

Close the program and go back to hexcells

the 4th square down on the left edge

don't be a pussy

Attached: no pussy shit.jpg (383x298, 38K)


Attached: You.png (190x266, 5K)

Near the "3" is the best place to guess. Probability for those spaces is 1/3.

Specifically, either the upper or middle.
The lower square is a 50/50.

middle one, right next to the three. Either way your probably fucked

left adjacent tile to the upper-leftmost 3. It's an educated guess but anything on the 4's below is playing with fire.

Click the corner, clear all the shit that way.

I close the game and play the fixed version instead

Here's the solution. Do you think you could have gotten there through logic alone?

Attached: ms solution.png (1195x762, 133K)

Pick one of the interior spaces, not adjacent to the 3 or 4 squares.
4 square spots are 50/50.
Upper and middle by the 3 are 1/3.
Unknown spaces are, at worst, 6/22 (27%), best odds.


Attached: 1563518708249.jpg (768x768, 147K)

am I blind of is it not actually a ''fixed'' version?

Attached: 1547522867316.png (671x387, 16K)


Go from there

Attached: 2.png (671x387, 16K)


Attached: 1548130966816.png (659x383, 16K)

But isn't that guesswork then?

those two were guaranteed to be mines

Are you disabled? There are only two unclicked tiles around the 2, so they must both be mines.

I meant those where mines. The 2 gave the hint

Don't know why I looked at it backwards.

holy shit I'm retarded

Close that window and play a version that's guaranteed solvable


>What's your next move?
I would random click inside because there's only 8 bombs left minus at least two down right corner

>guaranteed solvable
>hit a 50/50 guess five seconds into a 10x10

You're actually just bad then.

post screenshot

ok I decided to undo the move and continue. What now though? am I blind and retarded again?

Attached: 1534097118910.png (657x383, 22K)

Post screenshot to prove it, it's guaranteed solvable

green is not a mine

Attached: 1540825339206.png (657x383, 11K)

you were correct. How did you know? do you start recognizing paterns at one point?

the "1" on the very top means that there must be a mine in either the top one or the one under that
that fills out the "2"

Incredibly ironic

The odds on the random spaces are better than the close to number spaces

This, there's 6 mines max in 22 tiles that aren't adjacent to the 4s or 3, randomly clicking there is better odds than guessing one of the adjacent ones

Seems great. I guess they at least doubled the number of bombs on each grid to achieve this though.

The grid size and bomb count are customizable and you can guarantee solvability regardless

What am I supposed to do in the left side without guessing ?

Attached: wwyd.png (793x437, 59K)

nevermind, I'm fucking tired

the probability of a space with four mines next to it are so low that it is highly unlikely you'll go wrong by picking the space above where the 5 and 4 are right between them

It's like a 1/30 chance

I can't tell if this is bait or not, but probability doesn't work this way.

>playing non-deterministic boards

Use minesweeper-pro.com you fucking newfag

Holy shit, do none of you fuckups know how to play minesweeper?

Not OP, but I prefer it when it throws some guesswork into the mix. Not as fun when I can win every game without fail.

Same, what's the point of not guessing? Then you just have the world's most boring puzzle game.

I mean, there's more boring puzzle games out there even when it's deterministic. With minesweeper, it comes down to whether you play for speed or for win ratio. I prefer the win ratio challenge, myself.