This is a fantastic remaster I don't care what anyone says
This is a fantastic remaster I don't care what anyone says
I heard it had framerate issues and crashed a lot?
1 is the only one that mattered anyways
I think three was rushed
>Only really played Spyro 1 a lot growing up
>It gets remastered damn near perfectly, loved it
>Get to play the other two with fresh eyes
>Have fun with those too
Feels good to win.
Did they fix the kangaroo's voice acting to make her actually sound Australian?
It was kinda gay, maybe it's just me but I never got the impression that the original PS1 games were gay but then when I played this I felt like homosexuals were involved in making it. It was still fun though.
He just said he doesn't care what anyone says, dumbass.
>I felt like homosexuals were involved in making it
Yeah, it was those sexy fucking dragons, wasn't it? That tipped you off, right? Those hot fucking bara dragons you had to free?
I was just asking since I haven't played it.
I really don't like the added inertia for flying and swimming controls, as I found them originally really fun in the PS1 game and a chore in the remake now, more so when you get a boost during races in Spyro 3, where its hard to control yourself.
I think the skateboard is kind of buggy in Reignited as well, moments where I should have fell off the board I didn't, and moments where I feel like I shouldn't have I did.
Also its disappointing that there's less unique animations for the baby dragons in Spyro 3. Shout outs to Ba'ah, since his name doesn't make sense anymore since he lost his animation only he did originally.
Outside of those anything else I can say its more nitpicking besides Sparx not picking up every gem like he does in the original and not picking up gems if you're in the air, which is a pace killer imo, I do really like Reignited, I just really wish they had been given more time, since its obvious they mostly focused on Spyro 1 over 2 and 3.
I'm not into bara my friend
This remake is a downgrade compared to the originals. The Reignited version feels so uninspired, plain and generic when it comes to the artstyle, atmosphere and sound. It feels like a completely different game.
That's okay. Even if I like it, I feel like it's a little egregious so I can get why people are put off by it.
Besides the gnorc designs, I thought there was tons of love and soul put into the atmosphere and art. The music was also great.
Same here, they did a good job. Some of the stuff mentioned is too bad but I had a lot of fun with it. Crash, too.
Than why start a discussion thread?
He wants to know how your day is going, user.
they made it cringey like a shitty dreamworks movie, the entire atmosphere was compromised. Most changes to design were bad, I don't care if they went after concept art, it doesn't look like the original game.
Why even remake a game if you're going to change so much about it? Why not make a new Spyro gam- oh yeah no talent
You can tell it was rushed as fuck to follow the Crash trilogy remake, but Crash has a surprisingly gritty art style that translated extremely well once VV tweaked their first attempts a bit. Spyro was basically a storybook fantasy aesthetic with fantastic color direction alongside minimal visual noise and the remakes missed most of that in favor of making everything either ugly as fuck or "Look what we can render now!" detailing.
Fixed that for yah. Optimized after a patch