For me it's Blood, the best first person shooter ever made

For me it's Blood, the best first person shooter ever made.

Attached: Blood_logo.jpg (291x350, 19K)

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I definitely have the most fun with BLOOD out of all the old school shooters. Running around tossing dynamite and shotgunning cultists in the face is just such a fucking rush.

Whoops, meant to post this.

Attached: 88240-shadow-warrior-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x1027, 156K)

What makes it objectively better than other shooters:

Unreal Tournament was the first decent FPS.


blood is a broken piece of shit full of shitty hit-scanners, the only decent game to come from the build engine is Duke Nukem

if you want a good classic FPS play Doom 2

>if you want a good classic FPS play Doom 2
You mean the Doom game with notoriously fucking trash level design? That Doom 2? Fucking zoomer retard.

git gud
doom is ez peez shit

Git gud, zoomer.

Attached: Blood gameplay 2.webm (640x480, 2.86M)


unga bunga hit scanners fun

Does BloodGDX still require java to run?

Best thing about Blood are the cool unique levels and easter eggs. I really liked the references to horror movies. I love this game.


This is an 18+ site.

Attached: Blood gameplay 7.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

What the fuck? Why is this allowed?

cool stuff, now post a webm of you groups of cultists on well done or extra crispy. Shotgun cultists and machine gun cultists are then only problem of this game.

>you groups
you killing groups


Trial and error is garbage game design in an FPS.


press crouch you absolute mongrel
learn to play the game, then you complain

Zoomer here finished Blood, Shadow Warrior, Quake 1 and Unreal Gold last month

Blood=Unreal Gold=>Quake 1 >Shadow Warrior
Currently playing Quake 2 and Duke Nukem

Ask and ye shall receive.

Attached: Blood train level 3.webm (578x360, 2.95M)


for me its hexen, heretic, and quake

based, DOOMfags btfo

>standing far away from them and hidding behind the door

>press crouch
my man, I'm pretty decent at build engine FPS, I've beaten blood on well done, and beat duke nukem3d and shadow warrior in the hardest difficulty. Jumping and crouching won't save you half of the time. You have to be delusional to think that the cultists are balanced in any way. The hardest episode in the game is the first because most of the enemies are cultists. Saying that they are bullshit hit scanners is absolutely fair critique.

Why don't people like Shadow Warrior?

quake 1 was better with its more lovecraft like environment

at least with blood it's got the redeeming factor of it's visuals and weapons, Shadow Warrior feels souless sometimes

Wang is not as interesting as Caleb
The game is still really fucking good tho, is miles ahead of any modern shooter

>Best thing about Blood are the cool unique levels
Nah, the level design in Blood is pretty bad. The first episode is great and then there's about another episode's worth of great levels spread across all the rest of them. It just becomes a chore to go through so many bland castles/temples/caverns/unidentifiable industrial areas that all merge together into monotony. Also, the levels in the Plasma Pack expansion are just awful.

Today I will remind them

Attached: quake.jpg (2978x2393, 1.61M)

Blood is great, but I've always preferred Duke 3D since it felt a little more fair.

>Shadow Warrior

Attached: sw-005.png (640x480, 76K)

Shadow Warrior may only have two episodes, but the game has the most advanced trickery done with the Build Engine and has the most relatable protagonist.

your character's whole personality can't be fucking "ninja"

Duke 3D is way better than Blood. Blood is a pretty sloppy game that's great in some areas and just awful in others, Duke is just an overall better experience on a fundamental level.

Very bland levels, weapons and enemies. The level design alone kills Shadow Warrior for me, there are just so many tedious industrial grey and brown environments that I honestly end up preferring Redneck Rampage over it.

Attached: duke3d.jpg (584x800, 80K)

>he doesn't pop 2 alt flares then runs in grabbing the reflect powerup decimating everything left

step up

Who wrote that ?

they are bullshit, but the game gives you a plethora of ways with dealing with their bullshit hitscan.
bouncing dynamites, tommy gun alt-fire, voodoo doll, flare alt-fire and of course, jumping and crouching and crabwalking to reduce their accuracy. they flinch from pretty much every attack, so abuse that fact.
also I hear them say 'almanacs and yearbooks'


Attached: Duke Nukem 3D.webm (640x480, 3M)

>having to sit around the corner and hide instead of fighting them head on
Is this what boomers like?

Duke by far is the better game, it lets you fucking react to the things fucking shooting at you, but the only (major) flaw is that some parts are cryptic as hell.

>Quake 1 had bad levels and Quake 2 had good levels
is ths bizarro world? As much as I like Q2 gunplay, the levels are very underwhelming compared to Q1, not to mention the palette downgrade

>Duke 3D is way better than Blood.


postal 2 is the last "classic" fps game as anything made after that time period is pure garbage

doom 2016 is cool doe

I'm well aware you can deal with them, it's just poorly balanced when the 2nd and 4th enemies of the game are the hardest ones. I'm not shitting on blood, I really like it, mechanically speaking I feel like it's the best build game. The only redemption of those hooded fucks is when they scream
or whatever it is.

It's not like the enemies in other Build games can't just be trivialised. All the projectiles of bloated butchers can just be crouched under leaving them harmless and stone gargoyles can be killed with the pitchfork if you crouch in a corner.

>Dusk and Amid Evil

Prove it

>Prove it
More useless guns.
Also dynamite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pipe bomb

of course there is an exception to every rule

I'd say they have the same amount of useless guns, the hair spray and the leech life are both garbage where Duke has the freezethrower and tripmines which suck.

>hair spray
That one is amazing for cluster of zombies and gargoyles.

Sorry guys, OP here I'm back.

Seems like I made an oopsie, this is the image I meant to post

Attached: H2x1_NSwitchDS_DOOM1993_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 377K)

This. The levels in Q2 are so boring, dull and grey/brown that I can't even finish the game.

Blood is overrated.

Well, agreed.
Even in Doom, it's a fact. In UV and NM chaingunners and sargeants will kill you 90% of the time. The remaining 10% are Archviles and zombiemen.
the lighter+hairspray is more for the claustrophobic maps than general use. And their alt-fire are great backups

>also Ion Fury and WRATH

Attached: 1QdrK.gif (232x137, 895K)


Attached: doom.jpg (973x599, 248K)

Blood wasn't even the best FPS that year.

Not while Inferno is still in the game.

Doom is remember mostly for it's modding community, not the actual game. That being said the first episode is fucking great. It's like that for all the shareware game though.

lol, first off east part?

Second, why are you not using default controls without any assistance?

Does Maximun Action count?

I always found other weapons to be better in almost every scenario, the napalm launcher or dynamite are just far superior options, and I was never in a situation where I ran out of ammo for either. I mean, when it comes to gargoyles I'm not going to use the hairspray when the napalm launcher can 1-shot them, or the tommygun can pretty much stunlock them or the shotgun can take them down way quicker. Even in the cases where I have a bunch of enemies spread out in a room that a wider AoE fire effect would be neat, I'd rather use the flare gun alt-fire.

>your view is now 10 inches off the ground

>Jumping around like in Quake
>But in Blood

lol, kids these days.

Back too the cold room Civvie 11

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Attached: Doom vs nu-Doom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

It's fucking low-effort garbage for now but hopefully it will become better once it is fully released. He could AT LEAST make it look like an actual fucking 1996 3D game like Quake and not literally have 2 polygon characters with textures drawn by hand in fucking MSPaint.

t. guy who bought it, tried it, and refunded it

>Ernest Adams
Ernest Adams is a freelance game designer, writer, and lecturer, and a member of the International Hobo game design consortium. He is the author of two books, Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design, with Andrew Rollings; and Break Into the Game Industry: How to Get a Job Making Video Games. Ernest was most recently employed as a lead designer at Bullfrog Productions, and for several years before that he was the audio/video producer on the Madden NFL Football product line. He has developed on-line,computer, and console games for everything from the IBM 360 mainframe to the Playstation 2.
>Andrew Rollings
Can't even find a bio.
kek, couple of retards who have never made a good game

Shrapnel City when?

Chex Quest on Super Slimey! when?

But quake 2 is is really fucking boring and the original half life has really shitty game design due to the realistic boring and linear levels to give the story better tone. Quake while immensely flawed is honestly more fun than both