What are the biggest bait and switches in gaming...

What are the biggest bait and switches in gaming? Like a quest that should obviously provide a good reward but fucks you or a character / skill that turns out to be straight shit or the opposite, whatever.

BG2 extended adds new content and I don't think any of it matches the same quality and style of original games. New party members were added, which means that more romances got added. All the characters are pretty shit. There's this randomlul wild mage, another is an edgy dark knight boy, and then you get this one with the weird name (Hexxat).

Like the only normal looking one of the tumblr bunch. She's got freckles and shit and acts kinda fucked in the head and gives you a companion quest right off the bat. Go to a crypt and maybe unfuck her. Get a cutie rogue for the party since your options before were pretty gay or homely. Statwise she's specialized but totals are middle-to mediocre. Still just fine for a normal play-through.

Attached: Clara_OHHEX_Portrait_BG2EE.png (210x330, 115K)

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Instead you get baited and get this instead when you bring her there. It's a vampire lesbian who kills the former and is now your new party member. Besides looking like the modern game dev's idea of a black women she is extremely op'ed and just busts the game's ass open at this stage.

>20 str and dex (means she hits hard as shit while being hard to hit)
>no stat in a negative
>comes with a Con drain 1-4 for five rounds (literally destroys shit)
>Has a scaling summoning spell (let's you drown shit)
>Comes with domination (literal mind control)
>auto resurrects when killed
>Regens hp at the start
>is immune to charm, domination, panic, berserk, bleeding, sleep, paralysis, poison, poison damage, disease level and ability score drain
>only downside is that sunlight damages her slightly
>doesn't even drop your party rep

You go in with a middle of the road party member and leave either killing a vampire or getting this abomination of a mary sue. She has a higher combined stat total than ANY other party member of either game and definitely likely higher than your own stat total too.

She's pretty much a cheat code in all regards. If you compare a party member you get handed at around the same time, say Viconia, Viconia has an 8 con (shit health) and a bad str, being stuck as a backline cleric.

Her writing is also pretty annoying. Besides all her quest characters regarding her as great or cool, you're interactions with her are usually: yes, no, or bad joke. She's also introduced killing a woman whose begging for mercy so if you're trying to paladin/knight roleplay she doesn't offer an interesting conflict. She's also a vampire in your party of mortals who says she'll "do anything to survive" to your face, which anyone with a sense of reason or kill or ditch her right then.

if you have Viconia in the party, she flirts with her constantlyViconia flirts back more often than not

Attached: Hexxat_OHHEXX_Portrait_BG2EE.png (210x330, 96K)

I think there was a mod that swapped them around.

Absolutely retarded cumbrain.

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Honestly the clara swap became the least of my problems very quickly when I saw just what I actually got.

Absolutely busted bullshit and belongs more in a mod instead.

Use a mod to remove the EE companions or just kill the vampire nigger (you can).

Newest, hottest wojack I'm guessing?

Star Ocean.

>off of a Xenosaga high and hungry for more scifi JRPGs
>decide to play Star Ocean for the SNES
>those first couple of hours
>turns out the game is literally just a generic JRPG, demon lord included

I just avoid them entirely. EE is nothing more than some repackaged mods that I was ready using which made me feel like a dumbass for buying it.

Isn't this that series that ends with it all being a simulated video game?

A lot of EE fixes and improvements are impossible to do with mods, you're an idiot for not pirating it at least.

I didn't really notice anything added that changed the play experience that much.

>you're an idiot for not pirating it at least.
I agree

>sign up to fight for the Horde
>actually just end up getting cucked and have the Horde fight the 'Horde'

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Eh, complaining about OP characters in BG2 isn't really that much.

All of her abilities are inferior to set trap anyway.

i heard about that

i dropped the series after the first game so i didnt really care

This but with Star Ocean 3 back when it was new.

>buy game thinking it's going to be like Phantasy Star or something
>within the first hour or so you crash land on some planet which is basically just medieval earth
>bulk of the game is generic JRPG shlock aside from this abhorrent twist where you learn "uhhh, it's all like, a video game bro"

>"uhhh, it's all like, a video game bro"

That must've triggered the SO fanbase pretty hard.

from what i heard it retconned EVERYTHING from the first two games so i can only imagine how fans of the series reacted

Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones.

1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).

2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.

3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.

4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.

5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.

6. warosu.org/vr/thread/5402232#p5408278

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>Star Ocean

Attached: 1543209178483.jpg (1024x762, 144K)

>so i can only imagine how fans of the series reacted

It was my ME3

>Jaheira was the nagging wife and that was played for comedy
>Meanwhile, in Jade Empire

Attached: HenpeckedHou.jpg (500x500, 25K)

Really the whole its a video game angle didn't bother me but I also didn't play the other games. I also though that it made perfect sense they could go from their game world to the "real" world because its bullshit and an illusion and the people in the "real" world were just as real and composed of the same data which makes up the characters.

>He actually tries to murder his wife in the epilogue
>the whole thing is still a comedy

Old Bioware used to be fun.

BG2 also had:
>Hurry and raise money for your sisters rescue
>Here are ten billion quests immediately in athkatla
>Half of them imply you must hurry
>Raise money and head off to help
>Lol you are trapped in spellhold/cavern/underdark
>Hurry and get your soul back
>Hurry hurry hurry
I like the game but you have to disassociate from the role playing element to make sense of doing all the shit in chapter 2.