What race is Vincent?
What race is Vincent?
Anime Japanese
italian stallion
Anime characters are usually white
This. Looks like a cross between white and Jap, so definitely Jap.
On a related note I was looking at some stuff the other day and I saw Catherine listed among SMT titles. Is Catherine in the same "Realm" as SMT? I know there's not really a consistent universe in that series, but I never really noticed a connection, outside it being made by atlus.
Yeah, Vincent made a cameo in P4G
Persona 3 Portable and only sort of. They gave him a mole to mark him as a fake.
considering it's set in America and there is no evidence of him having Japanese in him I'm going to say white. pretty much everyone in that game is
I'd like to think he's joker's dad.
That's why joker parents never called during the game, vincent and catherine were busy fucking and making half succubi.
Joker is the only male/normie child in the family.
I mean look at the resemblance.
>grey eyes
>frizzy hair
Im pretty sure atlus planned all of this.
>”Vincent Brooks”
I don’t know, you tell me dude.
Catherine takes place in a space colony in the distant future.
Full Body makes it pretty clear the best option for Vincent and everyone else is if he picks Rin considering she's the only one that actually adapts to what he needs and wants in life, beats the ayylmao angels in a climb to the cosmos and starts intergalactic peace between all sentient races in the universe while at the same time tapping that cute angelic space idol boypussy every single night though
There's also a small joke ending if you beat Axis Mundi with Joker and there's really nothing implying him and Vincent are related (not to mention Joker's 100% pure ricegook)
I'm pretty sure Atlus just shamelessly rehashed some Catherine designs for P5 in general, there's no greater meaning to it
Too bad Joker's a shitty blank slate marionette, Atlus should have just continued with the whole "MC with an actual personality" schtick after Catherine
The whole silent expressionless mannequin MC is just jarring when you're surrounded by a cast of characters who all act like your character's somehow interesting
But how are the autists supposed to self-insert if the MC has a personality? Come on, everyone knows that the Persona crowd plays it just for that reason.
Considering Catherine takes place in the far future, Vincent would be Joker's descendant instead
Most of the way through the game right now and honestly have no clue if this is real or some meme.
Full Body makes it clear it takes place on Earth, but it is pretty far into the near future
It's not obvious until you get the true freedom ending though