The first step in retconning Halo 5's story is already underway

The first step in retconning Halo 5's story is already underway.

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the best step is deleting 4 and 5 completely


Let's think of a way how they'll fuck this one up.

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These pussies need to just toughen up and admit they fucked up. Retcon their shit and tell the fanbase we promise to finally do Halo right. I guarantee people will not just forgive but even love them if they do this all right. Just retcon those shitty fucking games into the memory hole.

>No invasion playlist

Pretty much this. It's an easy out but it's the only way they can un-fuck the story at this point.
And stop making cortana annoyingly emotional.

Can they please fix how much they ruined the Forerunners? They should have never been shown to begin with.


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Plus they are the most unfun enemies to fight in any game. They're fucking annoying. I'd rather fight Halo 3 Flood.

>retconning Gaylo's 5 story
>still shoehorning this AI drama and muh cuntana parts
Fuck you, asshole. They need to pair Chief with a murder machine like Aggressive Bias and just turn him loose on the special snowflake factions that 343i created.

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I always liked the Flood. Only reason I think so many hate them is because as enemies they basically function the opposite of the Covenant but that is why I like them. They provide a change of pace in enemy type from Covenant because otherwise Halo 1-3 would get stale if you fight the same shit through the whole game. Plus I like how Covenant and Flood fight each other in those missions. Flood is ancient evil done right.

Why would AI need tits that big?

Are you taller than a Yanme’e?

Shit, forgot pic

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>check Halopedia or whatever
>grunts are taller than me

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She's an AI copy of a real woman.
You now realize Halsey was hot as fuck when she was young.

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It's less of a retcon and more of fixing the pile of shit, making Cortana an evil fragment kind of fixes Halo 5 the same way Halo 3 fixed Halo 2.

>Looks of a cute white girl / bod of a thicc Latina puta.

God freaking tier!

They need to retcon Halo 4 as well.

That's a pretty wide margin. I'm taller than a short one.

the flights...

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What are you 150 cm tall?

They're actually not retconning anything, they're fixing the story after Brian Reed fucked it up, we'll still fight evil Cortana but now we'll have good Cortana, it kind of goes back to the Halo 4 Chief getting another Cortana storyline, they even still use the Halo 4 sound effects for Cortana appearing.

there is no other franchise that disapointed me as much as Halo did, it started at reach when the whole planet is being destroyed but the missions dont reflect that, now with that super nigger Locke

Metroid is a good example, it was going good and then Other M almost killed it and after that Federation Force happened, now the series is finally getting back on track, a lot of parallels there since both series went downhill in 2010.

we in the business refer to those as "data clusters"

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Because why not?

Here's hoping the MP content is as good as 5s

She's a scan of a real person, and that person was a slut and voyeur and really wanted everyone in the UNSC high command to get catch a glimpse of her college bod.

Holy fuck, Jackals are human sized?
Thats honestly terrifying.

Yes user, when you’re not the chadster chief all of the seemingly shorter aliens suddenly become more imposing

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Brain scan not body one retard

might as well post the others now

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Doesn't matter, Halsey was a fucking slut and made it so the holograt would be her hot 20's bod.

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The sparkling, crackling audio effect is from Halo 3.

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>all of these classic Halo designs

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>Dr. Halsey during the abduction of John, later to be known as Spartan 117 Master Chief: 2517 colorized
I can't find my pic of her from Keys' memory

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Dear god imagine being a regular ass Marine and seeing 18 Brutes go berserk and do that gorilla hop towards you

From here.

>This is the way the world ends
>not with a bang
>but with a whimper

I always liked Miranda Keyes too. I don't know how it never clicked with me that she's Halsey's daughter, considering Miranda looks so much like Cortana.

honestly what is more to halo after 3? the war is over, humanity and earth are destroyed, all races are in almost colapse and the flood is gone anything after that just seems as microsoft milking the franchise

I can get over the Elites and I can ge tbehind Jackals having a third subspecies, but I can never forgive them for the Grunts
They looked way better as an bumpy arthropod-like race than the scaley goblin creatures they got turned into

no wonder why the UNSC was losing until the covenant civil war

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>humanity and earth are destroyed
humanity is on top of the pile after 3, the only other race with their shit together only has one planet, humanity still has tons of colonies

It's not a retcon, this has been happening. I swear people just want to bitch without doing their homework. 4's story wasn't bad, it was just boring. 5's story was utter dogshit for multiple reasons but not irredeemable.

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Why dont they pull from marathon and make it into a mindfuck cosmic horror story.

Its not like Covenant didnt had absolute naval superiority

Why did you respond to my post I said it was less of a retcon and more of a fixing their shit story in Halo 5. Also, big right Cortana creeps me out.

>humanity is on top of the pile after 3
Only thanks tot he ass-pull and the complete lack of attention the 343i writers had. All of the races are fucked at the end because it was a very long and very costly war. It is impossible to recover from that only 3 years after the fact.

Unggoy have always been scaly goblin creatures. This was the Halo 2 design when you took off the masks.

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>Tons of colonies
>Eight colonies
Pick one

I don't think any of the games before 343 even mention Halsey's existence or any Halo backstory at all. So it's fair to not really have put the pieces together.

Yeah but they didn't look WEETAWHDED.


>4's story wasn't bad
>Wasted potential on Forerunners
>Dialogue that was somehow even worse than "to war"
>QTEs up the ass
>Introducing the UNSC plot device
>Final boss fight being a joke
>Disposing of the Didact in a comic
>Spartan Ops in general
>Throwing Requiem into the sun
>Completely throwing away the Janus Key saga in a book
Most of humanity was lost.
The Covies occupied literally thousands of star systems, while humans had around 200 colonies iirc (including stations)

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Supplementary material and maybe Spinoffs if you truly need a new game
>Book/Comic that gets into Human-Alien relations in the civilian level, briefly show what’s it like having Unggoy in your neighborhood on another planet
>Explore significant events even deeper, like developing Halo: Opposing Force where you’re a Covenant troopers participating in the Great Schism
were you to have a bottomless budget and passionate creators anyways, the franchise may have been better off concluding after Reach made the events go full circle

>garbage EU
Should always take a back seat to the games. Besides, Cortana was put into service in 2552 (as seen in Reach). She should've been 5 in halo 4, not 8.
>4's story wasn't bad, it was just boring
Halo 4's story was garbage. Turning a pro-humanity war story into some shitty love squall was stupid. Naturally, 5's was even worse.

Is there a video or a pasta that explains what's wrong with them?
Every time I asked Yea Forums I only get "it's shit" and "343 Industries should go in flames with the people inside" answers.

I'd like to think that halo 4 and ""halo"" 5 didn't exist at all.
Franchise killers those two.

>Halo 4's story was garbage. Turning a pro-humanity war story into some shitty love squall was stupid.
Set up in Halo 3 terminals and (the very good) Greg Bear trilogy. Go back to 40k if you want brainless pro-humanity schlock with no additional depth.

Reach has Halsey in it...
As a side note, I used to whack Miranda around the base in Crow's Nest. I loved the big scream she did.

>The Covies occupied literally thousands of star systems
and they kept killing each other, just look a sanghelios, meanwhile the humans only that to deal with some small rebel uprisings here and there, with that being said the unsc rebuilding their fleet in like 5 years is still dumb

Cortana was put into service in 2552 (as seen in Reach)
2550 or even 2549 since her 7 year lifespan came to an end in 2557

And at launch, unlike 5.

>Ron Perlman voiced Lord Admiral Hood
What the fuck, but it makes sense

They would still outnumber humans greatly. A good number of worlds didn't even partake in what occurred afterwards. It's also stated that many colonies broke contact with High Charity for decades at a time.
These races have expanded and colonized for THOUSANDS of years before humanity managed to. You have 23+ billion humans that died by 2552, and billions more during the battle of Earth. As a government, earth itself is the primary influence to its surroundings. The UEG was shattered.
In the books, there are plenty of alien colonies that thrived following the Fall of High Charity.

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There's too much to list, tldr for H5 is Brian fucking Reed (idk if that's how you write his last name) with H4 is we want the call of duty audience.


Tenant,get aboard we gotta get the hell out of here!

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>from killing aliens to inviting them in in under 12 years

You how to fill empty cities with something.

Where are they all going to live? New Mombasa?

>I don't see war criminals. I see future doctors, lawyers, and teachers


>Be ultra advanced civilisation
>Unparalleled by anything modern
>Only defeated by a righteous suicide to hold back the flood (Vengeful precursors)
>Tech is only superior in gimmicks
>Actual weaponry is pretty unsubstantial
>Actual intelligence is pretty unsubstantial

If they wanted to implement forerunners into the story, and a somewhat nuanced AI story for Halo 5, they should have just had a regretful Mendicant Bias which was a mere fraction of its former self, trying to restore the success of the forerunners as the mantle holders (Even though the forerunners are gone) as a regretful apology for it's own betrayal of them.
Then Cortana could have been centre stage anyway in combating Mendicant.

Sure it's no great story, but it's less shit just by changing the main enemies to the singular, reduced rampant Mendicant. At least then it would have been forgettable rather than memorably shit.


I enjoyed the story of Halo wars even if the inclusion of the banished was a pretty big ass-pull.

Is the ending to 2 still relevant in the lore?
Spirit of Fire laying the fucking smack down whereever they go despite being literally two decades out of date is fucking great.


I wonder what made the Banished so incompetent. The dude has an entire fleet, and it was taken down by a partially manned crew.

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isn't humanity generally more successful at ground combat than the covenant? that's why they glass every planet

>Promise open-to-public flights
>except they arent and it's a youtuber-only event
Sasuga Tripwire

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No, that's a pretty bad meme.
>"Ten years after the Covenant war had begun, the advancing Covenant forces had destroyed nearly all of the Outer Worlds. The war fell into a predictable pattern; Humans won isolated battles, usually during ground engagements, but always at great, great cost."

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40k has a lot more depth than Halo.

this, they should do a hard reset and just make chief wake up from cryo again, maybe have 4 and 5 be "bad dreams" in the lore

how is that they don't run out of people? you'd think they almost wouldn't have any marines left after halo wars 1 and 2

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I'd be 100% fine with them retconning 4 and 5 as long as the good books that have coime out lately are untouched, the problem is that they AREN''T retconning 4/5, yet are still trying to narratively undo what happens in them...while still having them have happened in universe.

They need to either suck it up and stick with the direction they were going in, OR cut their losses and retcon stuff. Trying to half-ass it in between is just gooing to lead to a convulted mess.

Forerunners as they are handled in the Forerunner novels are fucking fantastic, it really sells how stupidly advanced their tech is and just how ancient their society is, but there's no possible way to do the stuff it describes justice in the context of a normal Halo game.

then why are you here?

>getting over ruining Elites and turning them into ugly, clumsy brutes
>can't get over a retarded drug-addled species looking retarded and drug addled
Shit, they even look way more arthropod-like than 2 with their bulkier plating, as has already been posted.
All the 343i redesigns make the Covenant look dumber, but with Grunts that actually fits their theme so it's the one I mind the least.

I liked how in Halo Wars 2 the infantry Grunts were Bungie and the suicide ones were 343i, like even among Grunts they're especially inclined to blow themselves up and don't need gas masks because they don't intend to live that long.

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Humanity was more advanced in some regards, such as warfare only really matched by the elites (Skewed by the existence of the spartans though) and massively ahead on AI as well.

One thing I always loved about Halo lore was how the covenant civil war was the main game changer for humanity but it was because of the covenants (Prophets) peculiar determination of destroying humanity that started the dominoes falling for the civil war, as it was leaving questions to be asked.

>Should always take a back seat to the games

It did, why do people keep spreading this "4 is EU reliant" meme when it's obviously factually false.

In CE, you are just kicked into the midst of things with zero explanation of what the UNSC is, who the covenant is, what Reach was, who Cortana, Keyes, or MC is, and you are just expected to learn shit as you go. And half the shit you don't even ever really get answers to: You pick up that keyes is the captain obviously and that cortana is a smartass AI who can hack into stuff, and you know that the covenant hates humans, but you never get any sort of insight into what the UNSC or the covenant really are or what reach is beyond human faction, alien factor, and planet respective.y

In 2, similarly, you aren't really told anythjing about Hood, Miranda, the Prophets, Half jaw or Tartarus; other then Hood being admiral and miranda being Keye's daughter. You infer the prophet's role, half jaw and tarteruses totally via just watching shit play out. The only "explained" character is the Arbiter. 3 doesn't really introduce shit, and ODST and Reach both more or less follow these same models of giving you the bare minumum and having you pick shit up as you go.

If you JUST play 4's campaign and not Spartan Ops or watch the terminals, then 4's new characters and ideas are just as self evident if not moreso: A throwaway lijne is given to you to justify the covenant's involvement, Cortana explains the didact and promethains briefly, then the librarian herself showsup and outright fucking explains shit about the Didact, promethians, requeim, and the composer. And then if you do Spartan Ops you get even MORE info on the covenant faction and the promethians and the terminals do the same but also for the didact and librarian. 4 outright explains more about itself and the shit it introduces then any other Halo game.

Because the previous Halos were alright while 343 Halo is poo.

This, and it isnt even joke. Completely retconing Halo 4 and 5 is the best thing 343 can do, and then just have Halo Infinite be a comple reboot of the series. 4/5 need to be pretended as if they never happened, and dont worry about any expanding material about it because its all shit.

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that nose tube looks ugly as fuck, if they still had their masks i would have no problem with their new design

Imagine stubbing your toe and fainting because there's no gas mask covering your mouth from taking in air.
Pretty bad design for them.

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>literally copy pasting your retarded bullshit now
seriously go to Reddit or Waypoint and stay there

Humanity has AI and Spartans.
Covenant beats them at everything else.

Obligatory "Which Cortana is best" post

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Which is why if they were to (As they did) They should have done it as some backwards, near whole broken, completely reduced from glory forerunner leftover ai still managing to compete with humanity almost entirely competently.

This is a major mistake halo made. It's basically if LotR had manwe or some shit show up to drop the ring off at mt doom, but when he got there he to had to walk the same route as frodo and then got beat up by a bunch of orcs. It just undermines the power scaling and therefore historic epicness of the universe.

Halo 1, 2, 3. Anything else is shit.

Explained somewhat, his manpower was spread all over the ark and steadily securing territory although i thought they only had the one carrier?

Oh hell no, humans lose badly every time they engage, the times they count as victory is only when they made the covenant lose just as hard.

They fight very conservatively using hit and run tactics and Captain cutter is a literal god of warfare.

The entire religion of the covenent being based on a fucking typo will never not be hilarious.

We need game about this

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He had a very sizable fleet, and a single ship that was more than capable of decimating the SoF. Watch the end of that gravemind DLC.

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do elites have horsecocks?

She got fat in 4.

With giant knots, obviously.

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2A cortana>>>>>>>>>>>anything else

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4 is literally perfect.

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Most certainly not Halo 4 Cortana, thats for sure, with her sad, droopy tits and cottage cheese thighs.

For me, it's Halo 3 Cortana

She got thicc in 4.

No, they are saurian so they are likely sheathed, with internal testes for maintaining body temperature+additional protection.
Very suitable for a warrior race, I imagine they think humans and brutes are disgusting and vulnerable for having their tackle flapping in the breeze.

RPG about Erde Tyrene
Maybe your character stars a human and the story ends with him turning into a Monitor

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>Brutes have dangling dongs

Long story short, Halo 4 is on point with its character writing but has a bunch of distracting retcons to the lore and the main plot is not executed very well and has an unsatisfying climax. Halo 5 has awful plot and characters and is just a complete slog to play through and commits one of the most gruesome character assassinations in video game history.

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>advanced movement.

I want to see Offensive bias fighting Mendicant, the descriptions are fucking insane.
>During the entire battle, purposely threw away his manned vessels so they'd be boarded and consumed by the flood rather than it's non-manned vessels being destroyed, because he knew the Halo's were going to fire.

>[00:H 00:M 00:S] The [Halo effect] strikes our combined fleets. All ships piloted by biological are now [adrift].
>I can trade Mendicant ship for ship now and still prevail.
>[00:H 00:M 01:S] Of my ships that had been captured, 11.3 percent of them are close enough to Mendicant's core fleet that they can be used offensively - either by initiating their self-destruct sequences, or by opening unrestricted ruptures into [slipstream space].
>It is best that our crews perished now; because the battle that is about to ensue would have driven them mad.
>[00:H 00:M 02:S] I throw away all the rules of acceptable conduct during battle; near the ruptures I throw away all the accepted ideas of how the natural world is supposed to behave. I toss around [37,654 tonne] dreadnoughts like they were fighters; dimly aware of the former crews being crushed to deliquesce.
>For now all my concentration is focused on inertial control and navigation. Targeting isn’t even a consideration - I will be engaging my enemy at arm’s length.

>[37,654 tonne] dreadnoughts
>engaging my enemy at arm’s length.
>Slipspace and gravity fuckery in the mix.

What would that look like then? (I don't expect imagery)
How do we know what Dino knobs looked like?

>he likes 4/5
complete butterface

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Don't forget that they're VERY warm blooded. That makes them wonderful for cuddling.
I can ask someone from 343i when I chat with them next.

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i agree with you bro

I hope they retcon 4/5/HW2 out of existence, especially everything involving Forerunners and Rookie. We can keep the nuPelican as an alternate Pelican though because muh Clone Wars

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Halo 4 and 5 are shit. These are facts. They are shit in their entirety. In every aspect. At every level. That's all that needs to be said and anything else is just superfluous discussion.

Absolute unit.

What Halo needs is a rated M, ultra violent gory, horror survival game where you play as a lone marine/odst trying to survive against the Flood

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The true redpoll is that Halo's story has been shit since 2 and 5 is the best game since CE on MP offerings alone.

Is someone at 343i likely to tell you (or know) what Sangheli penises look like?

The size of the prophets is what trips me up the most. But I suppose I should've known considering Arbiter rides on one and beats the shit out of him

t. Masterz

>not hating the new pelican
Brainlet alert.

>req points

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>Africa gets glassed, almost literally the entire continent.
>Within a few years humanity is leaps and bounds more advanced and able to fund huge spacefaring projects.
Gotta love the unintended hilarity.

Nice b8 retard.

I can try. I know a few of them that are hot for male Sangheili. I don't think it would be an outright discussion.

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hmmm... I never thought about it like that

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The Master Chief does that, the Arbiter impales Truth on his Energy Sword.

Honestly sounds boring to me, but mostly just because I never thought the flood were fun to fight. I think you'd not only have to switch up how the game plays significantly but also add a lot of new flood types that are actually intimidating and interesting.

Gonna need sauce on that image buddy

Or maybe its cause Humanity suddenly got access to ultra advanced forerunner and covenant tech. But yeah its whatever

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Also please ask them what Miranda's nipples look like (colour, puffiness, etc.) and what her pubic region is like to balance out the gayness of my request.

Never spent a cent and still have tons of cards for Warzone which I barely play anyway on top of all the other content they added in for free and it's fun to earn points based off your performance in game, I don't really care too much about dressing up my virtual doll

Shit you're right my bad

Okay, I may be a scalie faggot but fucking a corpse is a bit too much.

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Lets just get this out if the way Durandal > cortana

you still need money and infrastructure in order to take advantage of such tech, the UNSC really lacked both by the end of the war

They use glassing as a threat to get lesser species to join the covenant, but in humanity's case they were going full genocide.

pre-assassination by an old worm man obviously

>never thought the flood were fun to fight
Its because everything about them is tedious. It's a chore fighting against them cause of the constant enemy spawning and the levels they show up in are just a chore to get through. It also doesn't help that they hardly provide a challenge and majority of the time you're ripping through them like pinatas.

4 Cortana, with 3 as an honorable mention and CE for personality

>used to like the flood
>try legendary halo ce
>the library
>dropped it

Serina > Cortana > Durandal > Deja

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hey, while we're on the topic of female characters from Halo wars, does anybody want to talk about how the only Asian supporting character in the game got turned into a white woman after white women took control of the story

>durandal that low

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>Halo 4 is on point with its character writing
Trying to make Master Chief more human wasn't on point.

Her voice makes me hard.
Are you retarded? She's still asian in hw2 just recast. Just like cutter.

Unironically found the Library one of the easier missions to do on Legendary. I've never really have any problems, and got the achievement for beating it in less than 30 mins first time on CEA.
I found Truth and Reconciliation to be the worst one.

A flood horror story about being a scientist or some shit with knowledge which the grave mind wants and you're stuck on a ship and trying to avoid the flood and escape could be good, especially if done a bit like alien isolation as then you can get rid of spam enemies due to the flood wanting to preserve you. Throw some fucked up visuals into it and whambam, a mildly entertaining game.

Also when the fuck is Mendicant going to appear properly in a halo game as an antagonist just fucking up humanity?

>No mention of isabel.
She was cute and a great example of just how fucking advanced humanities A.I were in comparison to the covenant.
She was literally just a logistics A.I and was able to hyjack a fucking carrier once she got on board.

>Virgin Cortana
>falls in love with an autist that's practically her adopted son
>is an easily impressed thot
>doesn't know what clothes are
>screeches at the thought of rampancy
>selfishly continues to exist, putting humanity in jeopardy

>Chad Serina
>gets into petty bitch fights with crew members
>doesn't take shit from anyone
>faces rampancy with dignity
>upgrades her crew's equipment to give them a fighting chance than deletes herself on her own

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>it's character writing.
lol you mean like when chief says more thing in the first lvl than the entirety of halo CE. Fuck out of here. Only character that's written well in that game is cortana.
>reee strong female
>del rio
>reee evil corporate man
>reee good guy
>ree bad guy

Marathon reboot when?

She is a whiny dyke.

Come back to me when halo has anything close to this for its AI writing.

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I kind of miss grandpa Cutter.

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Me too, they fucking de aged him into some semi chad. Doesn't feel nearly as much of a badass, veteran captain. Didn't even give him the based mustache.

it should be noted that SoF is a ship meant for bringing settlers and supplies to colonize systems that then got refitted for military use, so it makes sense that its chock full of personnel and hardware

>the tier lovey dovey romance between chief and cortana was good

they made her white, dude

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To be fair, that is very attractive. I'd defiantly not dare speak to her and masturbate later

The actress she's based on is half Chinese and half Irish.

Fucking where

looks asian to me. Here I looked her up.
>Faye Kingslee was born in Western Australia, but migrated over to Borneo when she was one. Her father is Chinese and mother is Irish.
Half asian, that's asian enough for me.

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Doesn't look white at all, looks Eurasian.

in 2555

This is disgusting and soulless.

>That chin

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dios mio...

Im 6"0, so perhaps

>Go back to 40k if you want brainless pro-humanity schlock with no additional depth.
every part of that sentence is wrong
Kill yourself

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Halo Wars 2 is the only soulful game 343 has backed. It's a miracle it was made at all.

>hind pelican
>good at all

This. Halo was just originally an Aliens rip off and should have stayed that way. The bullshit with the covenant added in Halo 2 was bad enough.

>Ancient Advanced Humans
I still can't believe the writers thought this was a good idea to introduce into the franchise. Talk about fan fiction tier.

>only won the war at all because arby and half jaw felt like playing nice

What? They aren't ancient humans.

Forerunners being human was probably a thing from the start, at least from halo 2 on though.
The implementation in later titles, however, was pure retardation.

They didn't ruin them They made them actuay interresting

How to fix Halo lore
>Retcon 4 and 5
>Atroix is now the big bad

>yfw he shows up in Infinite

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It's going to be about Cortana again.

Still don't know how he beat three peak Spartan-IIs in a fight. What jobbers.

How about you just stop making sequels?

>Cortana becomes more voluptuous and naked by the installment
And to think those 343 devs had the nerve to bitch about Kojima over Quiet.

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If only.

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To be fair Quiet is still laughably more sexualized than Cortana despite Cortanas design changes. Quiet literally spreads her asscheeks in your face and dances around naked just to get Kojimas rocks off.

they made their aesthetic utterly garbage, knights are big and clunky machines instead of simple like the sentinels

load of shit if you ask me

The grunts are retarded though. As much as the prophets piggy backed off of their strength and brutality, they equally piggy backed off of other species ability to compensate the grunts lack of intelligence.

If they were to do this though, I'd rather it be the weakened Sangheili vs Grunts and building upon the arbiters story to unify the Sangheili and as such build upon Humanity and Sanheili relationships where humanity lends a handful of Spartans to aid the sangheili, while keeping the majority of their forces due to past ill feelings towards the sangheili due to them glassing so much shit.

Brutes were always meant to by physically stronger than spartans so a particularly big one that also happens to be intelligent could probably handle them

they dont make'em as they used to

Atriox was using a power armor too.

Hey Masterz, don't you have some assets to go steal for your bloated, neigh-unplayable mod?

>deleting the first black main character in Halo

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>the first black main character

>replace Cortana autism with Forerunner AI autism
It would be the same retarded shit. At least 343 Cortana has appealing thiccness to gaze upon in their dumbass cutscenes.

This all just needs to be rebooted.

Halo 2 Anniversary made her look even less like Halsey/Cortana, not to mention invalidating her appearance in the HCEA Keyes terminal. The whole thing isn't really handled well.

If they put up the Prometheans, someone might mistake it for a Bionicle convention.

They only really look similar in Halo 2 and 3. 343 probably didn't know that was what Bungie were going for.

Alpha male Jiralhanae in power armor with the ambush advantage > a squad of S-IIs in out-of-date power armor

>isn't humanity generally more successful at ground combat than the covenant?
only because of spartans

>they literally Sam Fisher'd him
Does anyone at 343 have half a brain?

I'm an eternal 3fag.

No, the less we know about this shit the better.

Halo 3 cortana has the same body as Melisa Mendiny

A man of taste.

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>tfw no slightly racist weeb sangheili bf

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Don't get me wrong, the classic is superior, but I still kinda like the new one... except for those dinky little thrusters on the bottom. They just look out of place.

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Dude was constantly sent on suicide missions with 39 other apes and was the only one to come back each time.

What did he mean by this?

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Half-Jaw is underrated as fuck.

Come again wortgga?

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Quite suspicious

She looks like she went from the first generation of a white/asian mix to third generation with one asian great-grandparent and the rest are mutts.

I dunno why everyone gets so worked up about 343's covenant and pelican and warthog and Mjolnir redesigns but almost never bring up the worst change of all, what they did to the UNSC ships. How do you go from this

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to this?

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>Retconning Halo Wars 2

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So when are they going to retcon the Rookie's death?

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You know, the more I look at this thing the more it looks like a giant version of the redesigned shotgun (their other very worst redesign)

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I love that relatively tiny ass writing on the front, since i cant help but read that in a really tiny voice.

>Made the writing bigger and lit it up.
Now that's just tacky.

whyd 343i give her a fat bitch face

The Pillar of Autumn is such a good goddamn name for a ship.

I just hope the pricks at 343 won't hire actors to play Spartans.

They looked at the Spirit of Fire, forgot it was originally a civilian ship that was later overhauled for military use, and decided to make everything else look the same - with tons of exterior components not covered by armor and pointless bumps everywhere.

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I know this is bait but Locke was fucking boring. Should've swapped him out with Arbiter

Obviously the Frigates in Halo 2/3/Reach look a lot better, but I do like the Strident class Frigates in Halo 4.

Attached: Strident.png (2200x600, 340K)

I'm still mad about that fucking bullshit.

>Survives new mombasa on his own for the entire night and befriends the engineer that's key to the whole ark bullshit.
>Dies like a bitch to some asshat insurrectionists and a traitorious teammate.

non halo fag here but I really like the ships/names here

"Something something Forerunner technology in everything"
Pretty much the entire basis for why every 343 design and re-design looks like it was smashed with a hammer.

The Halo franchise is an excellent example of ruining your franchise by trying to explain all your worldbuilding

More like it's an excellent example of what happens when you let literal fanfiction-tier writers and the "fans" write your story. The story we immediately got in Halo 4 as 343's first time doing shit on their own was a shitty romance plotline and trying to make Chief into an actual character.

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Is Infinite going to be Chiefs decline physically?

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The sad part is that it's not even the simple fact that they explained it. They retconned most of the previous, limited explanation with something much more retarded and then expanded upon that retardation.

>let literal fanfiction-tier writers and the "fans" write your story
If it were actually 'fans' they brought on to do the story, it probably would have been less shit. But they actually went out of their way to hire people who "hated Halo" to work on it, then bragged about it in their early development blogs and videos.

While the main story is fucking trash; the precursor/terminal logs are fucking amazing.

In First Strike I'm pretty sure Chief and company almost got BTFO by a couple of brutes.

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What does it retcon? Either this is H5 Cortana encountering a fragment that didn’t merge to become H5 Cortana, or H5 Cortana is encountering a newly created SI based on Halsey. Or main Cortana(the bit of Cortana that managed to hold itself together at the end of H4) has been encountered by H5 Cortana.

We already know that H5 Cortana is just the rampant fragments of Cortana that merged back together. Sooooo... this doesn’t retcon anything.

Tbf he's not wrong, a great deal of Forerunner mysticism was lost after 343 decided to expand on it further. It might've been the most likely direction to go for after H3, but still...

Some things are just much better left vague and open to interpretation.

Was he one of the best soldiers humanity had to offer?

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Enjoy, scroll up for the descriptions of the different types and various tech specs.

>one of the few e-celeb bootlickers that got Flight invite first
Bros...It's not fair. See This user is dying.

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>But they actually went out of their way to hire people who "hated Halo" to work on it, then bragged about it in their early development blogs and videos.
God. Why did you have to remind me.

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easy there big guy

The Halo CE SPV3 mod has a Jacob/Miranda Keyes incest text-log in it.

>Why older thing looks different than newer more advanced thing. Me no like that

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>Sexual tension

>More advanced thing has to have numerous, impractical details shoved all over it

Piece of shit

get your facts straight

I have no problem with 4’s campaign but it sure was limited by tech. The scope they tried to set with different worlds and forerunner areas is hampered by the console, it needed larger play spaces instead of the corridors and more cutscenes to explain to casuals who the book characters are or why the didact is doing the things he did should of made in game or in engine cutscenes instead of terminals.

They would have to start by renaming the forerunners and precursors to have actual names.

As long as Cortana goes back to naked Cortana, I don't care anymore.

>Halo practically created generic but still no game could get it just right quite like Halo
>343 happens
>Halo now feels like a shitty try hard version OF ITSELF

>Modern graphic engines allow more detailed textures.
>No they should still look like bricks from 2001

There's a lot of things that don't make sense in halo and you pick that one.

>Good Cortana is a cute naked lady
>Bad Cortana is a bitchy woman in a onesie

There will be two Cortana’s most likely, one confused and the other leader of the created controlling guardians. 5’s Cortana was brought to the domain or something led her there. That’s why she’s so only slightly sadistic due to the rampancy fragments fighting what the domain repaired.


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>gradient tone legs
>wide hips
>meek stature
Unironically H4, desu.

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>you can't show more detail without making things look retarded and impractical

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absolute shit idea right off the bat, they should atleast make chief kill cortana to put her character out of its misery

Why it doesnt look like ship from 1945?

I just want her to be naked again, Idc about her situation anymore after 5

1945 ship have ton of unnecessary detail. why modern ship no have more detail?

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>that feel when you forgot to add textures to your ship

They will but most likely both will be shattered and made into a new stable one or its a reset and chief just gets a new Cortana while 5’s needs to be put down. Personally I want mendicant bias to be a new AI so he can atone for his sins and lead Chief like he talked about in h3

>2 Cortanas
Did they hire whatever fanfic writer it was that gave EDI a human body in ME3?

They ruined the brutes in HW2, in 2 and 3 they had their own style, now theyre just generic WH40K orcs.
>but muh lore
Doesnt justify shit tier design, do you want me to lorespain the shitty 343 elites to you faggots?

Well you proved my point that newer more advanced thing will look completely different than older one.

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It's still loading, give it time.

Bungie Halo
>characters which, while initially pretty stock, are eventually fleshed out further in a relatively organic fashion
>give little hints of a much bigger world, expanded upon further when the story demands it, but doesn't let the scale of what's happening interfere with the 'smaller' character-driven story
>holds some sense of intrigue throughout- what ARE the Forerunners? what actually are ONI's goals?
>books shed light on some minor to important events, but mostly serve to provide further context to the events and characters in the games without being necessary reading to understand them
>just the right amount of worldbuilding drip-fed at the right times

343 Halo
>explain fucking everything, EVERYTHING
>explain what the Forerunners 'really' are, what the Flood 'really' is, and generally does whatever possible to deflate any mystique
>the Covenant was somehow fighting ANOTHER civil war with a extremely powerful Covenant rebel faction for decades leading up to Halo Wars 2 and no one in the UNSC knew about this? What the fuck
>shove established characters out of the limelight to focus on half-baked generic OCs
>important events (Rookie dying, the Didact actually being defeated) left for tie-in books and comics
>WAYYY too much worldbuilding, not enough world worth

>characters are all generic cookie cutter stoic superheroes
>absolutely no personality or story arc for the payer character- their entire persona is beholden to a little Nolan North assistant robot
>little context for how your deeds tie into the world around you (the first game literally shoved all its lore into a tie-in app LOL)
>every story beat feels disjointed and schizoid because you're dealing with a half dozen different story arcs at once, there's not one but SEVERAL different threats to the entire universe at any given time and they all feel a lot less intimidating because of it
>worldbuilding is sporadic and disjointed, with no grounding to bring it all into context

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Has 343-era Halo had any particular kino ship names?

Going from
>Pillar of Autumn
>In Amber Clad
>Forward Under Dawn

kinda bothered me tbqh lads, where's the soul

Is Halo Wars 2 worth picking up?

Spirit of fire too

*Forward unto Dawn

Bungie used to be great at the whole esoteric advanced AI and advanced ancient civilization shit. Despite the tremendous technical limitations Marathon 2:Durandal and Marathon: Infinity built the S'pht in particular into a great mythology.

The best way to fix the games now (not that it's even possible) would be to bring back Durandal. He's an amazing character than even Shodan pales in comparison to. You'd have to knock the VA out of the park, though.

>post again to correct typo
>notice another one


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The Covenant ship names were good too
>The Shadow of Intent
>Long Night of Solace
>Far Sight Lost

Why is this old shit so goofy looking on 3?

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remember when the Forerunners were implied to be the ancient humans, those were good days

Where is cock?

>The Heart of Midlothian
>Red Horse

If you actually liked the first one, no. The story is shit, the gameplay has shifted from unit composition and map use to APM micro-autism, the leaders and samey (with most being DLC, leading to pay-to-win scenarios) and mostly symmetrical between UNSC and Covenant, and the maps are generic and ugly. The most worthwhile DLC also isn't even in the season pass.

I’d honestly have settled for something whacky but more disconnected from the Halo universe
Like if the Master Chief woke up with Cortana having self destructed into some space opera tier setting like Farscape or Mass Effect, just completely off the walls too without the Covenant or UNSC

HW2 is literally the point where 343 started doing good things. Fuck off faggot.

A fanfiction? Who cares?
Why are you acting like that shitty mod has any worth?

>tfw you fuck up your texturepacks

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Halo started going downhill when they started introducing new generations of Spartans that had nothing in common with the Spartan-IIs.

Spartan-IVs aren't even really super soldiers anymore.

4’s first trailer made me think that was what was going to happen, no unsc, no covenant, shield world with multiple layers and acquiring forerunner tech and armor later on ala Metroid prime

>postmodern cruiser

if you're reading this post, you now realize a Halo anime exists and you're going to go watch it right now

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in all seriousness the new ship doesn't look all that different from the old one only an absolute mobile posting reddit meme saving mongoloid like you would make such a claim
now kindly remove yourself from the gene pool

>that feel when you forgot to install Counter-Strike

This. I don't know how you even fuck up Halo that badly. The story is basically just background noise but they somehow made it bad. Doesn't help all the new designs look trashy and they tried too hard to be CoD: Space Edition

>Mention that the mod has an incest text-log in it
>Apparently that implies it has worth
What's it like being this retarded?

It was a good change, he actually has a personality now and looks his age, does the old pedo on the left look 52 to you?

>They'll never see us with our zebra pattern, sir

Prototype>Homecoming>The Babysitter>Odd One Out>The Package>Origins>The Duel

You are now remembering Spartan 1337

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I actually really like the remastered Halo 2 look
The guy they modeled Lord Hood off of looks way better and more dignified than Ron Perlman

>banshee sized ship
>player teleports through and merges with solid metal when entering
>no way that ship could fit a spartan inside of it
This shit has been bugging me ever since 5 came out? How? Does forerunner technology just not make sense anymore? Is it basically magic?

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I really liked the Spartan-II vs Spartan-III stuff
Where SIII are inferior and mass produced that don’t even have shields in their armor and rely on completely different tactics


>Homecoming anywhere but the bottom

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The real stupid part is that Chief and company just know how to use it automatically. Actually, that seems to be a common theme with 343 Halo.

Something about implanted geas allowing humans to understand forerunner tech on genetic level

seriously what the fuck happened with bungie?
constant complaining about being stuck with halo and microsoft, and Reach being an obvious byproduct of that
then you cut them loose and they pretty much humiliate themselves. where did the old pre-halo bungie go? who the hell is in charge now?

Forerunner tech is intuitive and programmed, by design to accommodate human users. This was the whole key plot element of the original trilogy. And yes, Forerunner tech has always been magic, there's barely any science that matches with real-world understandings in-universe.

Forerunner technology has never been able to summon a metal plane from floaty space dust, players have never been able to somehow merge with solid metal. This stupid shit is just so sudden and unforerunner.
It wasnt just random shit

You could say the same about any piece of alien tech from previous games.

They should’ve gone with a completely different genre

Mk IV is garbage compared to later versions.
Atriox is probably the strongest Brute in a fight, and he is wearing his own power armour.
Not to mention it was an ambush and the S-II's were not used to their tactics at that time, also cryosleep probably still makes you a little rusty.

the forerunner tech in the bungie game was just extremely advanced, it wasnt just random shit.

>where did the old pre-halo bungie go? who the hell is in charge now?
Microsoft forced them to make halos. Activision forced them to make repetitive, looter shooter grind fest.

They were trained to use Covenant gear and Cortana could rapidly enter and figure something out to pilot or interact with it

Forerunners = Humans = Reclaimers
But nu343i lore shat on all of that

LMAO i know you fags get a boner from hating on anything-343 but this is ridiculous. 2 is a much better game on every aspect.

halo 3 reused some assets from halo 2

they chose to go with activision though
i mean after decade+ of microsoft I'd assume the first thing they'd bargain for would be some level of freedom
it just doesn't make sense

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who thought it will be a good idea to show the grunts mouth?
the elites predator mandables are less wierd

There's no evidence to suggest that humans=Forerunners was ever the canon position, and even if it were the case, it would be the inferior route.

t. autistic and/or Korean Starcraft 2 player

Haah Waaw 1 vs 2 isn't even a Bungie vs 343 debate, its Ensemble Studios vs Creative Assembly

Why is the Brute holding the gun upside down?

I mean that was never clearly said
Even the statement “you are forerunner” is vague and could be interpreted as humans being constructs of or biologically altered entities of the forerunners
Not defending the change but I prefer the ambiguity

>makes notHalo: Fantasy edition

>343 Guilty Spark, built by the Forerunners to monitor installation 04:
-"Why would you hesitate to do what you have already done?"
-"You can't imagine how exciting this is! To have a record of all our lost time. Human history, is it? Fascinating."
-"You are the child of my Makers. Inheritor of all they left behind. You are Forerunner! But this ring... is mine!"
-"-destroy your inheritance!"
-"Accept your le-gacy!"
-"Think of you-ou-ou-our forefathers!"
>the Gravemind, Flood intelligence that fought the Forerunners
-"I? I am a monument to all your sins."
-"Child of my enemy, why have you come? I offer no forgiveness, a father's sins, passed to his son."
-"Resignation is my virtue; like water I ebb, and flow. Defeat is simply the addition of time to a sentence I never deserved... but you imposed."
>later, Joe Staten writes a book where a Forerunner dreadnought AI tells the future Prophets that humans are Forerunner, triggering the war as it is heresy that some were left behind
But seriously guys, what ARE the Forerunner?

I honestly have no idea what 4 and 5 are like. Didn't even consider giving them a chance. Good to know that was correct.

...He isn't.

It's not

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that's how you're supposed to hold it

pissed me off in ODST you could melee brutes

Halo 1 Cortana has the body of Miss Alice.

Ancient ecumene race hell bent on controlling the galaxy by its guiding hand of the mantle of responsibility.

>the Covenant was somehow fighting ANOTHER civil war with a extremely powerful Covenant rebel faction for decades leading up to Halo Wars 2 and no one in the UNSC knew about this? What the fuck
This isn't a fair assessment when the Covenant Empire, at their height, covered such a massive stretch of the galaxy that it's completely feasible for a rebel faction to maintain control of multiple systems without the UNSC ever really knowing.

They bargained their freedom for $. Destiny had several hundred million in budget . None of their halos can come remotely close

Worst thing for me about ODST was how the SMG and pistol had suppressors on them but enemies could still here them from 5 miles away. I was hoping I could go stealth mode if I wanted but nope, fire off one pistol round with the decibel equivalent of a mosquito farting and suddenly every enemy in the city is crawling up your ass.

is the size of Covenant controlled space ever clarified? They’ve such fast slipspace drives and had so much longer than humans to expand it really makes no sense that they couldn’t have completely annihilated humanity in several years after contact

I didn't play HW2, why do the Banished still hate us? Why wouldn't they directly help humanity? Or be completely missing when the Covies are about to get their hands on super-weapons?

Did you get the 'making of' disc with Halo 3? It covers the development of H2 and H3. They fairly openly acknowledge that they got in way over their heads on H2 and had to scrap a lot and then rush the game. And that's before they started seriously hemorrhaging core staff.

Because they're lead by a comic book villain who just wants power and shit.

It worked really, really goddamn well when they went from Marathon to Myth.

They were said to control most of the Orion Arm of the galaxy.

Atriox just wants the Ark to himself. He's more of a conqueror than a Pope.

>expecting a prominent Jiralhanae to be anything beyond a calculating warlord
Their race literally nuked themselves back to the stone age.

Attached: Atriox v Tartarus.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

>makes no sense that they couldn’t have completely annihilated humanity in several years after contact
Flying around in space in hope to stumble upon human world has same chance of succes s as finding white person in Baltimore


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How would you change the gampeplay from 5 to infinite? I see people tear five's story a new asshole all the time but not as much discussion concerning the gameplay. Thoughts?

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You're a caricature of a person

Played this pretty much every weekend with 3 other friends local, one was a beast with the pistol and I was a beast with the shotgun. Lead to a lot of interesting fights with me trying to get close and him trying to stay far.

>Mendicant Bias as Chiefs AI

As much as I would love this, it just wouldn't fit as there is no way they can make Mendicant appropriately for what he's supposed to be which is the greatest AI ever built, and leagues and leagues better than Cortana. It just wouldn't fit unless offensive literally kicked the shit out of Mendicant so badly it put him at 0.000000000001% of his capabilities. Then he'd be Cortana level, but it'd be some pretty convenient shit.

my nigga

They're not tossing the old story. They're just making a jumping in point so you will be able to follow along even if it's your first halo game. That being said, Cortana has the logic plague and the flood are going to reappear.

343 and Bungie studios are cuck central

Literally 3 with faster movement speed instead of sprint.

Bring back ragdoll physics

4 now and forever. The one thing 343 did right. Plebians need not reply

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It still reeked of western snobby superiority of "it's okay when we do it!"

i liked it. i liked the cortana-chief ark in 4. the problem is it's heavily inferred in 4 that 343 didn't have the wit to continue pulling that kind of stuff off in future installments. they retroactively proved that inference with 5. damn shame, 343 could have really used that to set themselves apart from bungie instead of falling in it's shadow, they had some good ideas. my guess is that infinite will be fun and have a pretty decent story now that 343 learned their lesson so to speak. like i said tho, it's a damn shame that the story got so fucked in the first place.

A common trope in fanfiction is the author coming up with autistic explanations for lore elements in the series, and that's exactly what 343 did. Not to mention the forced shipping.

This. I hated the inclusion of the prometheans. They were literally just the new flood, instead they just turn humans into more prometheans. Thought it was extremely fucking lazy writing. "It's Halo! It's got to have a new flood like enemy!!" is the same as JJ Abrams saying "It's star wars! It's got to have a new death star!!".

fuck, faithful reboot with halo 2A tier graphics now. keep the ""creative liberties"" to a minimum for fucks sake and just focus on the gameplay and graphics. story is 100% all there no thought about it.

How about this:
>5 basic engine with groundpound and clamber included.
>Dual wielding implemented.
>No sprint, increased speed.
>Increased shield damage.
>Bring back sound designer from 4, I'm tired of my assault rifle sounding like a p-shooter.
>Bring back multiple grenade types.
>Include one or two more melee weapons.
>Include a batch of flood organic weapons.

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I agree with you, but they aren’t actually Forerunners, but composed AI constructs. If we had to fight Forerunners, they would wipe us.


>343 learned their lesson
You're an idiot.

Right looks way better.
Left looks way older than 50, and also like he just sucked on a lemon.

So when can they retcon Gears of War 4 and 5 from the series?

>thinking an RTS designed to be played with a fucking controller has difficult micro
It's bedtime, grandpa.

Yeah. It's the best Halo game since Halo Wars 1.

Why would you want when 4 isn't even offensively bad and we don't know shit about 5's campaign?

Keep in mind that Cutter didn't sleep for 2 weeks and probably wasn't eating well.
Maybe the right is just after catching some Z's and eating regularly.

Holy shit this fag again.

>Adam Fenix's imulsion counterweapon kills the Lambent and Locust
>hurr nope the Locust are still alive
>adds robots enemies
>the bitchy girl is Queen Myrrah's granddaughter

I wonder why indeed.

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Glad to see this thread is still alive.

I think it's an entirely new engine they're using but I understand the premise. Groundpound, clamber, and thrusters were legitimately good additions to the toolbox, I think they should be updated so that you can shoot while clambering/thrustering.
You're going to have to figure out a way to introduce dual-wielding without destroying every weapon that can be used like that when used alone. The SMG will be shit, as will the pistol.
The sound design needs to be a mix of 2 and 5, the assault rifle sounds fine in 5, but give back the Ghost, Warthog, and Scorpion sound effects from 2.
New melee weapons would be cool but the sword and hammer cover what you'd want from a melee weapon, the fuck else would you have?
I don't really know how I feel about a "Flood Rifle". I'd rather the Flood either shoot things out of orifices, or use the guns of the race they're infecting.

iirc that fucked up radar/missile lock-on

the honor guard lances from 2
the needle dagger from the books

Radar doesn't acquire targets by sight, though.
It was meant to confuse gunner sights and submariners by obfuscating a ship's predicted speed and heading by breaking up the silhouette.

Does anyone else prefer the sterile and practical Forerunner structures and designs from the original games? I know you can handwave this by saying that the new art style is due to these structures being created by a different social caste, but that’s bullshit. The old art style made it seem like each structure had a proper use and no further need to be gaudy beyond that. They always had a way of looking gargantuan and infinite without being covered in blue neon lights. There were always some cool windows or glass floors that went on to eternity when you looked at them, and this feeling is completely lost with the new games.

>120% speed
>lo lunge melee
>no thrust
>no sprint
>ADS is only on the precision weapons and weapons that have had zoom before
>first person vehicles
>being able to carry 3 grenades of each type instead of 2
>3 weapon limit (campaign and firefight only)

thrusters are not good, they fuck up weapon balance too much and are just tedious in general, clamber is for noobs, only noobs like it.
Ground pound is cool but is kind of useless

Damn that old pasta about anally masturbating with cucumbers while listening to Sangheili running grunts sounds a lot deeper now. That gay called Vien or something too.

I don't mind the Chief/Cortana stuff from 4 in concept, but some of the dialogue towards the end is what wasn't good to me. That story doesn't bother me in the long run because canonically speaking it's not romantic so it doesn't fuck up those characters for me.

Good dialogue:
>Cortana tells chief about rampancy
> "Dr. Halsey will fix this."

Alright, chief isn't sappy, it's in keeping with his stoic character. He doesn't give up on a friend, even if the odds are against them.

The "Cortana please" at the end of the game was real bad.

Again, the chief/Cortana stuff isn't too bad for me personally because I just consider the core concept of that story and ignore a couple of the bad lines of dialogue.

>ywn date a Sangheili
Feels bad, bros. I just want to enjoy their unique bodies and muscular legs.

You have to be lying.
please tell me you're lying

I don't know why, and I don't know if I'm the only retard who assumed this, but when I saw the first Halo 5 trailer of chief in the desert I assumed MB was leading chief along the trail of the forerunners.

4>3>2>1>5, if you disagree you are a fag and an incel

Attached: 74C12F53-85AE-4F3A-A5CF-F83F728289BD.png (412x594, 461K)

Yeah, 4 should have been a launch title for the xbone

Another user told me that that was the intention, have chief explore what the forerunners left behind, but Microsoft forced them into something that was halo, but didn't look or play like it.

the first thing i though was why a guy with armor and energy shield was wearing a poncho, all the trailers from 5 were shit

Halo 5 was crap yes. Halo 4 looked and played good, and seemed like 343 was ready for the franchise. I would go 4, 2, 3, 1 and then 5 overall. Reach would probably go between 4 and 2 for me.

Also this chick was/is one of the best cosplays I've seen. And she makes great "videos"

I understand the rule of cool so it didn't bother me so much.

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Youre insane

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Nope. Google 'Halo 4 hire hate Halo'. Plenty of results.

I don't think this is accurate. It says 6 foot but this dude's proportions seem short. He looks 5'9 or 5'10 at most.

Not with that manface

How so?

Attached: vince_56459.png (799x617, 1.06M)

>4 greater than anything but 5
Nice meme.

You ranked 4 the highest, and then you ranked reach.
While ranking 5 at the bottom despite it just being more of those two games.
Also cant take posters seriously when they rank CE in last place.

At least they're free now and have actually been making some good decisions with D2 so far. They're still nu-bungie but they aren't as shit as Actibungie

Atriox made multiple offers to the crew of the spirit of fire to join him and the banished but everyone kept saying fuck that because he was a tyrant who wanted to rule the galaxy under a controlled chaos where might makes right.

t.someone who actually played the game and didn’t read 2 sentence summaries written by brainlets

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Going off of design/story more than anything. CE was great at the time but it hasn't aged well.

>Get rid of sprint (if they need to have sprint just have it work like a speed boost and not have your gun put down)
>Keep thrusters
>Get rid of everything else movement wise
>Put in Equipment like Halo 3
>Make it so every single fucking fight isn't nothing but precision weapons
>Bring back Invasion
>playable dinos again
>Reach style customization (they pretty much already confirmed this though)
>Larger playercount on BTB, 50v50 or some shit

Attached: Arby.png (1280x820, 1.53M)

I actually liked the halo 4 story, though the campaign itself was blek. But Didact was a decent villain and Cortana's death was handled well and should have been permanent

CE has aged better than 2, it has more variety than all of the others.
Your taste is shit.

LOL okay. Sorry to hurt your butt about this friendly discussion about Halo..and my offensive opinions on said series. Have a good sleep

Have a good sleep too, maybe dont post your shit tier opinion next time in a public thread.

It's his hair

>Cortana's death
>almost literal space magic
>handled well
If you're retarded, sure.

Halo 4 Cortana is perfect. They should just use this model as the standard from now on


2 or 3. Just like the games.

>>Atroix is now the big bad
Well, now I'm just imagining Brutes with French accents.

He's not showing up in Infinite, no one played that fucking spin-off, drop it, you sound like a Metroid Prime fan thinking characters from the Prime series will show up in mainline games, we're geting Cortana controlled Covenant.

In the books that no one gives a fuck about.


5 to Infinite?

Just make Speed Booster armor mod permanent on all players. Makes most Spartan Abilities unnecessary, but Halo 5 kiddies can't complain about them being 'removed' if they're still there.

Attached: Speed Booster Exposes SAs.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

t. whiny bitch baby who hates fun

>announce port in march
>still not released
>constant delays
>flight will be in June, no I mean Jul-August!

Weren't humans just intended to be the successors to the forerunners, not the actual forerunners?

i know its gonna be a complete shitshow on day 1 but i'm still gonna preorder that fucker when the steam page allows me to

I don't hate fun but you want to repeat the same fucking problem that ruined Halo 5 when we just need a fucking Halo game for once. Also, Brutes were just shit Elites and the Banished don't even have Jackals, they wouldn't work in an FPS game.

Fuck what 5 kiddies think. Remove it all.

>not liking big bewbie milf cortana

no, Bungie's telling was pretty hamfisted that humans were forerunners, or at least their genetic descendants

I still don't understand why people liked Halo 4's story. The protheons were literally just a replacement flood, except they only went after humans. It was fucking lazy.


>still no playable elites

Yes, Bungie really didn't know what the fuck they wanted and argued like autist about it all the time.

I think I like it in retrospect. A lot of Halo 4's story is salvageable, given a good team you could turn its mess into something kind of coherent for a sequel. Halo 5 really showed this when a terrible team turned its mess into an irredeemable mess that you can't fix with a sequel unless you retcon fucking everything.

Reasonable user right here, Banished in a fps would just be 3's campaign part 2 but with less units.
Not to mention i really hate the banished aesthetics, going from the 4/5 crabshells to yet another unhalo aesthetic for the covenant would be terrible.
I just want halo to be halo again.

>yfw he shows up in the first mission and dies in a cutscene

Attached: jul.png (542x542, 544K)

This, someone with some sense here

>Cortana goes to take the Ark
>Atriox coms in an tells her that the entire covenant force couldn't stop him, she won't either
>Atriox activates his own guardian

Attached: Atriox.jpg (1280x622, 156K)

Halo Wars 2 concept showed Cortana's forces face fucking the Banished as hard as the Flood did, Atriox wouldn't win shit and would just become Chief, Cortana's, and the Gravemind's bitch.

>we just need a fucking Halo game for once
If you mean having a "Covenant" (Elites/Jackals/Grunts/Hunters) enemy roster under Cortana's Created, sure, I believe that's going to happen. It doesn't rule out the Banished though. This game is in the oven for two+ years longer than any other Halo title to date.
>Brutes were just shit Elites
I mean I guess. The Banished would have both at once though, which would kind of be a first? Reach maybe, but they seemed to have them separated on the field still.
>The Banished don't even have Jackals
They don't have any in-game but that doesn't mean they won't employ them at all. The Banished are quite open to mercenaries, which Kig-Yar excel at being.

>yet another unhalo aesthetic for the covenant
They're explicitly NOT the Covenant. It's a breath of fresh air when we've only had around four different faction aesthetics to pick from for so long.

Pic related. I can't believe they wasted him like that.

Atriox somehow appropriating a Guardian would be impressive, it'd mean he'd either have started recruiting humans or somehow convinced some Forerunner ancillas to join him.

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No shit, really? I kind of hope some dynmacs happen in Infinite instead of Evil Cortana vs Chief.

I really liked the idea of a splinter cell coming out of the covenant force that backwards engineered technology to become more badass than the covenant armada.

Thats supposed to be from halo?

Halo Wars 2 campaign. Cutter looked like a complete badass because Atriox was that much of a badass opponent. Isabelle is also fantastic as a rogue AI. Kind of hope Isabelle shows up to help the Chief in Infinite. She damn near figured out how to use the Ark.

The Banished are small-time. At the maximum height of their power their fleet had 1 (one) assault carrier.

I miss how the old Covenant Sangheili designs were almost something you could get used to, like an alien that would be shocking, but eventually alright to hang around. And now they're hellspawn.

Yeah I can see what you're saying, I just would've preferred something other than "here's your new flood bro, except these ones ONLY turn humans into more prometheans!". Like if the prometheans didn't turn humans into more prometheans I might have been on board. I didn't even bother with Halo 5. After I learned there was no couch co-op I dropped it. My brother and I have beaten every Halo together and he wasn't about to go buy an Xbox one just for Halo 5. Especially after hearing how bad it was.

I think a redo after Halo 4 would be their best option and I'd be fine with that, but they probably won't because it'd be admitting failure and their pride couldn't handle that.

>It's a breath of fresh air when we've only had around four different faction aesthetics to pick from for so long.
Its the covenant, except for metallic, wooow so different.
It takes all the uniquity from the covenant and turns it into something generic.
Literally all of the traditional covenant vehicles have been reskinned to look like shit, theres nothing new in the banished except for their ugly aesthetic which H3 already did better while not replacing iconic designs with something ugly.
Banished is nothing new, its boring and looks bad.

The Halo Wars 2 trailer was pretty kino

Don't know why people such the dick of some niche spin-off, just give me back the old Covenant with the purple and sleek design.

>I don't like the thing because it looks different
>it's also bad because it's not new

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another trailer song where the full version will never come out, or if it does eventually it will be from something random like the We Are ODST song

This is why they will not be in Infinite I also heard most of their forces is stuck on the Ark anyway nd with Cortana taking over the galaxy, what forces they did still have in the galaxy is either enslaved or dead.

Me neither, i can already find this scrap metal look in games like borderlands, Warhammer universe, Mad max and more wasteland games, it just doesnt look good, its boring.


Pretty much yeah, insteading of creating something new they replace already solid designs with something inferior, just like 343 has been doing ever since they took charge over halo.
I dont have a problem with new designs, for example if a banished ghost and banshee skins were togglable for multiplayer only, i would be up for it, but for them to replace the traditional covenant, it would not be good.

>He didn't preorder MCC at launch 5 years ago and suffer when Multiplayer didn't work for months.

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To make it worse people think the Banished will be a threat when they can't even stop one ship and its crew with tech from like 2530 or something.

>put jiralhanae in charge of army design
>it looks like shit

Attached: 1537944644731.png (1280x1380, 1.48M)

Cutter had a few top tier Spartans with him and Isabelle was an AI that lived past her protocol life period and was left to flourish unchecked.

He wasn't exactly outgunned.

>Pointless bumps everywhere

The word is Greeble

Atriox had a full fleet at his disposal. The SoF was still crippled, too.

Attached: .png (1840x2130, 2.49M)

>and Isabelle was an AI that lived past her protocol life period
She's like three years old.

If you pick anything other than 4 you're clinically retarded

>just give me back the old Covenant with the purple and sleek design.
I'd rather not keep fighting the Covenant over and over, unless you just meant you wanted something with a pleasing aesthetic.

>games make them out to be dumb bugs
>they're actually the second-to-top tech species in the covenant behind the living supercomputer engineers and had a system-spanning empire even before contact with them
still the most infuriating enemy in the series

He butt raped a group of UNSC researchers and scared her shitless, yet I'm supposed to believe a UNSC crew from 2530 is able to butt fuck him with Spartan IIs in out of date armor, he even lost his ship. If Chief was there with Blue Team, Spartan IVs and they all were in Gen 3, the Banished would be utterly fucked.

Brutes were fun in Halo 3 but they really weren't a replacement to Elites, and replacing Jackals with Elites is just a no go for me, the Banished works better in RTS games.

>Song of the East
>Euclid's Anvil
Glancing through the wiki, these were two post war ships with names that actually jumped out at me.

the banished have elites

I have high doubts that we're going to get much in the way of actual Covenant designs back. They've been absent for two games now. We'll probably get Created skins for existing vehicles instead.

Well, you can have factions including any species you want, though I'd rather they make sense for the setting and and time frame. And hopefully their ideals aren't simply some variation of "humans bad, me kill".

>No marine horror game where the objective is to fight gorilla sized aliens who can toss you around like a chew toy

This is the peak of 343 shilling. Give this man a raise, Frankie.

But those Elites are weaker than normal Elites and don't even have shields, they wouldn't be fun to fight because they would die too quickly without shields and who ever heard of a Covenant with no Jackals?

because boingo fucked up ODST and made you as strong as a spartan

>Sangheili have no shields
Gameplay =/= fluff
>who ever heard of a Covenant with no Kig-Yar?
Gameplay =/= fluff, Kig-Yar were represented by a single unit in the original HW and they just didn't get carried over for whatever reason. It's highly unlikely that an aspiring faction who uses mercenaries doesn't/wouldn't hire Kig-Yar, who make up a large share of the merc market.

If they brought the Banished to the FPS games, Elites need to be replaced by Jackals, make it like Halo 3. Brutes only really work as Elite replacements.

Fuck that, just do not include the banished.
No need to ruin what has been working since the start just to include ugly scrappy metal skins for the vehicles, brutes are an unnecessary enemy anyway, wont care if theyre excluded.
Bring drones back instead.

>Make forerunner lore by outsourcing it
>Don't even commit to Cortana being gone
>Shoehorn prometheans who look out of place with existing forerunner designs instead of expanding sentinel types like those seen in some halo concept art
>This is deep

>cherrypicking things that are obviously not good
>cherrypicking things that only came about under 343i and not Halo as a whole, which the post was referring to in terms of "depth"
Thanks for not reading I guess.

I agree, they never really brought anything to the table, Bungie wanted to make the Elites seem like the good guys so they made Brutes and they're just tougher slower Elites, why even do this when you already made the perfect enemies, Skermishers are just as bad because it feels like Bungie just added them because well, they wanted more Covenant but couldn't figure out what they should do with them. Their cut Covenant species were more interesting and I also would love to see the Drones back.

They should retcon what happened to Rookie

So it is canonical he is open to humans under his control.

I do wonder if this means we may see banished human forces in HW3 or something as a way to get the player to fight enemy humans in the campaign mode or as some faction skin to use in MP.

Have no idea why I am thinking about that.

There's a faction in the books called the Keepers of the One Freedom who still follow the Great Journey. Their leadership is Jiralhanae, but they're based on the human colony world of Venezia and as such have a large number of humans (and Kig-Yar) in their ranks.


>set up by the Halo 3 terminals
Retarded trash that even 343i says is bullshit as it contradicts their own lore.
>(the very good) Greg Bear trilogy
Sci-fi shlock enjoyed by morons that ruined both the Forerunner and the Flood.
I hope you eat a dog and die by intestinal infection.

Attached: how low does your IQ need to be to like this garbage.png (1020x912, 331K)

>not the one with the barely watchable penis

the biggest issue with 4's story was not that it was bad it's that they simply expected everyone to just know all this shit from multiple book series. 5 made it worse by essentially requiring knowledge of ALL past halo books and even some of the comics. halo 4 was NOT a bad game because they gave MC a personality. anyone who says that is a cum guzzling retard who says stupid shit like "gordan freeman is a good character" because they actually buy into that "i like to project myself onto a silent protagonist" crap even though even freeman has his own name, face, and past. it's shitty design and not only has chief ALWAYS had a personality, the books that dived further into his repressed super soldier head were around before most of the idiots saying that about halo 4 were even out of diapers. .

>Retarded trash that even 343i says is bullshit as it contradicts their own lore
Not him but where did 343 say this, just curious?

I'm pretty sure it was meant to fuck up people trying to aim at their ship. It wasn't meant to stealth them.


>Set up in Halo 3 terminals
No it wasn't.

>Greg Bear trilogy
Utter generic scifi trash written by someone who clearly had no interest in Halo but just wanted to spin off into his own scifi universe and used Halo to do so.

Please answer this before the thread closes?

>things that happened thousands of years ago regarding a race which doesn't show up in the main games is completely different
Huh, shocker. Based retards.

The AI who is telling you this is insane and just fucking with you. There are many timeline and character contradictions with 343i lore that they can't sweep under.
Kill yourself, no one likes your trash books and they aren't in the games because even 343i isn't THAT fucking retarded.

Attached: AllSmiles.png (542x542, 861K)

>Halo 4 extensively uses the Forerunner Saga as its core material to the point where people unfamiliar with it are utterly confused
>"they aren't in the games"

Attached: really makes me think.jpg (863x740, 136K)

This is true, it's like the books are in a different universe from the games.

I'm referring specifically to the shit about the Flood. If you think 4 is confusing, try telling any normal Halo fan that the first Flood contagion was started by people spreading mystery powder on their pets and then eating them.

They wouldn't believe it. I didn't believe, it until I downloaded the epub.

>three peak Spartan-IIs
They weren't peaks. They were left overs who had to be resurrected at a later date.

>Set up long before
>Followed with poor execution

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>being surprised that the Flood is an extra-galactic/extra-uuniversal beyond-your-comprehension life form which loathes Forerunners and is forced to take on a grotesque, reality-warping form
They're more horrifying than ever before, and reducing it to "people ate infected animals" kind of misses the point.

>mystery destroyed and explained as a retarded, over-used God race sci-fi cliche
>"more horrifying than ever before"
lol no

This isn't about missing the point, it's about avoiding the "people ate infected animals they infected for fun" point because it's so fucking stupid the author should search his shit for the rest of his brain.