You niggers sure do hate games a lot, so tell me, what is the worst games you have ever played, for me its

You niggers sure do hate games a lot, so tell me, what is the worst games you have ever played, for me its

League of legends
New tomb raider
dishonored 2
styx master of shadows
the last gardian
dark souls 2

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>wojakposter makes a shit thread where he just expects you to list game names


You got me user

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Diablo 3
Octopath Traveler
Valkyria Chronicles
Nier: Automata
Farcry 4
Dungeon Travelers 2
Kamidori Alchemy Meister

your favorite games

one of the worst games in recent memory i played was one called merchants of brooklyn which was later renamed to drug wars

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Come back with a better thread opener.

pepe then

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rabbids land on the wii u

Prince of Persia 08, Borderlands, and inFamous are probably what I would consider the worst games I've ever played. I may have played some shit flash games or indie games that are technically worse but they have the excuse of lack of budget and manpower, nothing is more disgusting than having all the money, time and workers you need and still churning out fucking garbage.

you guys are so cool, show me how to make a good thread. oh wait you’re shitposting all the same too. kill yourselves you boring miserable cocksuckers.

Wasn't that a Facebook game?

>the last gardian
was it really that bad?

Bioshock Infinite.

Worst in what way? In general, I guess would be most of the shitty flashgames on newgrounds I played as a kid.

As an adult I don't play "bad" games because I'm not stupid. Maybe some frustrating games that waste my time that are still generally good games.

Do you just go around buying bad games all the time or something OP?

drug wars was. not to be confused with the steaming pile of garbage i played

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Mount and Blade

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I really liked what was good about it, but it was just to much frustration there that ruined the good parts of it

Back to

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I thought it was pretty awful but OP is 99% bait

>wojak shitter hates Styx
peak pleb

This --->When i jump to grab the same kind of ledge i've been grabbing through the intire game and it don't work and i get set back 30 min cause of it i get pissed, i even killed every one in the erea and tested it, for some reson it just didn't work, also, a cutscene fucked with the start of a level, not sure if it was just a glitch or the game is just fucked that way, fuck that game, also
>shit leveling system
>shit voice acting
>shit story
>cool concept playing as an assassin goblin but shit execution

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Because mods are fags and I got banned for saying the N word toward another poster, I now report anyone saying it because now I'm going to make the jannies do their fucking job even more.

Ban me again, I don't give a shit.

If they're gonna ban me for saying it in a reply, but not OP for saying it in the OP, then fuck em.

A guy doesn't have to be a 5 star chef in order to see if he's being fed dogshit

You get banned for saying nigger? that's fucking stupid, niggers gonna nig i guess

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