Wind back to 2013, where the fanboys were calling out Sony...

Wind back to 2013, where the fanboys were calling out Sony, saying their next console would be shit due to sony being in financial dire straights.

Sony built the PS4 on a shoe string, coming off of a disaster with the ps3, a new guy in charge, a move to the US and still, against all odds and aI competitor with deeper pockets and more goodwill, designed the fastest selling console of all time.

Keep your corporate shilling at the door and take a moment to reflect on what an achievement it is/was.

Sony was on death ground and came out fighting. Hopefully Microsoft will do the same next gen

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Other urls found in this thread:

>coming off of a disaster with the ps3
2009 was the year shit turned around and by 2010 it was outselling both the Wii and 360.

Finna dab on the Wii next.

A true monster and a great console

Damn it feels good to be a Sonychad

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>Market is bigger
>And yet they still couldnt match PS2 numbers until way late

oh so you're NOT the fanboy, just everyone else is
cool narrative

everyone in 2013 laughed at microsoft, that's about the long and short of what was going on then

And literally has 0 games and shit sales.

Shawn Layden saved PlayStation.

It sold the same as PS3+ new China market. Thanks to cod/FIFA/GTA.

PS5 sell the same too.

Mobile gaming barely existed during PS2 era and PC was a niche. Now everyone walks around with a $1000 phone and the entire third world is playing F2P games on Steam.

>saying their next console would be shit
But it is shit.

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1 0 0 M I L L I O N


But the PS4 doesn't have BotW.

Oh yeahhh enjoy your third-person over-the-shoulder action adventure movies. Keep believing that those "experiences" are anything worthwhile

>we beat the wii u and a 500 bucks spybox

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The PlayStation 4 is the fast-selling home console to reach 100 million sales and, for the first time, digital game sales have eclipsed physical sales. 1B software sales since 2013.

>ps2 took five years and nine months
>ps4 was "just" five years and seven months

Dilate and have sex.

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Considering the fact that the PS4 was the market leader right out the gate for this generation and the massive expansion of the home console market, this really isn't surprising or significant. Whichever next-gen console emerges as the leader will also be the fastest to sell 100million units in history, and this pattern will repeat until the consumer base maxes out.

And also Switch

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Look at the graph again. Switch is at the exact same location PS4 was at when it had been out for the same time.

Not saying that's not impressive. But in 2013 to population of the Earth was 7.185 billion people. While for the PS2's launch in 2000 it was 6.122 billion.

You can't just throw down the raw numbers, inflation is a thing. It'd be better to suggest the PS4 achieved 0.0139% market penetration after 5 years. Which isn't super impressive when looking at the PS2's 0.0163%.

>This entire post

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>market is bigger
>places to play games grown exponentially and mobile is bigger than traditional consoles
Considering we are about to jump to phones/tablets playing AAA games via streaming, we are probably not going to see success like the PS2/4 anymore

I remember when Sony basically said "we don't even know what happened, L0L"
here's what happened:
>make new gen console
>name it something intuitive, not "1" or "U"
>don't bundle it with a stupid camera or half washed tablet

>combine the Wii U and Switch sales
>the total goes up to (same number)
ok, I lulled

This guy was part of the secret resetera discord pedo ring

Janny has been seething since early in the morning.

I don't think anybody was expecting Microsoft to turn Xbox into a government surveillance machine.

ps3 was a success by the end but only because microsoft came along to give sony a much needed kick to the ass

I still remember people saying you could get achievements on Xbox One by holding up a bag of Doritos to the sensor. There were also people on the forums doing damage control by saying things like it could eventually be used to stop domestic abuse by having the Xbox call the police when it senses a fight.

Ps3 stopped being a disaster in 2010

Microsoft is already gearing up to do the same next gen while Sony is about to fuck up again, when they do there will be no Nintendo or Microsoft fucking up this time to save them.

Ps5 and xbox2 are the same infrastructure except ps5 has exclusives, dont know how it's a fuck up

Microsoft has never sold 100M consoles, and never will you delusional fuck.

damn anytime someone mentions sony or the ps4 people always get angry

I like minecraft on ps4

>Trying to act like Sony is anything besides the Disney of video games


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Nintendo is blatantly the Disney of gaming

There were a billion fewer people alive in 2005 compare to today. It's incomparable. That PS4 didn't outperform PS2 means that it sold *worse*.

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PS5 will have no games, they're shitting AA studios and indies and their shitty AAA "games" take too long to finish, it's going to be the PS3 all over again, their political stance also doesn't help them.

And Sony will fuck up so badly next gen that they will not recover, ever, I'm not really expecting Nintendo or Microsoft to make the same mistake since they seem to learn from their mistakes meanwhile Sony has went back to their arrogant ways again and are endorsing trannies, only reason to defend them is if you are one. Sony will be joining Atari and Sega in the future, it doesn't how long it takes but it will happen, when it does, will you commit suicide or will you go over to Xbox, Nintendo, or PC?

Why don't you people just post the stats intead of posting twitter screencaps?

>Microsoft shit the bed and Nintendo makes gimmick crap now
Hardy comparable desu
PS4 was the only viable choice other than switching to PC
t. Got fed up with consoles around this point and switched to PC

>way late
>PS4 sales are ahead of the speed of PS2
Kill yourself son.

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>And Sony will fuck up so badly next gen that they will not recover, ever
Literally not a single reason to believe this

Microsoft is making the same exact mistake, lack of exclusives

>Sony hailed as saviors of gaming

>Snoy now the biggest censor of gaming

Nice revisionism, nigger. Microsoft handed the generation in a golden plater by rushing the Xbone reveal while openly admitting it to be an always online box, Sony backpedalled on these same draconian policies they were about to adopt (as proven by multiple reports long before either consoles were revealed) and marketed heavily against during E3 and it all spiralled out of control from there.

Nobody has ever been able to produce proof about sony implementing always online into ps4

>way late
>did it faster
Are you ok?

No I worry the PS5 will be shit because Sony IS doing so well. They’ll get cocky and pull a Xbox one at launch situation.

They’re already losing devs to the fucking switch over their censoring shit and HQ is Cali now so it’s going to be a machine designed around inclusivity instead of being about VIDYA GAEMS

As a tranny, I know you're mentally ill and can't see it, when it happens please post up your final moments before you kill yourself as all trannies do. Just remember, the only reason and I mean the ONLY reason Sony did well his gen is because Microsoft and Nintendo allowed them to win.

They brought multiple studios to counteract that, they AAA studios and AA studios while also endorsing indies like Nintendo, they will have more games than Sony next gen, they're even looking into buying a Japanese studio. Meanwhile, Sony is still stuck making tranny movie games.


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>As a tranny, I know you're mentally ill and can't see it, when it happens please post up your final moments before you kill yourself as all trannies do. Just remember, the only reason and I mean the ONLY reason Sony did well his gen is because Microsoft and Nintendo allowed them to win.
So you can't even find a single reason to back up your retarded argument?

All of those studios were already making games for xbox and they wont be exclusive either, no difference

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>Sony is still stuck making tranny movie games.
Name one

Why are xbox fans so obsessed with trannys?

Yeah, okay, all Sony articles were fake while only the MS ones were legit, including those published by the same source. Fuck outta here, nygro.

They literally had no competition

Would you mind posting an article, or maybe you cant because it doesnt exist?

Switch is breaking Nintendo records and the ps4 still sells more

I'll spend the next few minutes looking for years old articles which everyone already saw, sure.

Stay delusional, tranny, Microsoft and Nintendo gave them this gen, nothing else, next gen is a different story.

For now, but their next games will be and with Microsoft's release schedule they have enough time to iron everything out.

The Last of Us 2
Days Gone
God of War
And more to come, they even ruined Ratchet and Clank.

We're not but they or should I say you're fucking up gaming with your mentally ill political shit and we're tired of it, you're shitting up every fucking industry you're in because you're fucking SJWs.

>the ONLY reason Sony did well his gen is because Microsoft and Nintendo allowed them to win.
If that was true how come the Playstation is still selling so well after NIntendo and MS got their shit together. How comoe 2017 and 2018, the years the Switch has been in the market are also the best selling years for the PS4. Wouldn't people abandon Sony if they had nothing to offer as soon as their competition stop allowing them to win?

Zhuge Liang was a pretentious piece of shit that got credit for other people's accomplishments. Never believe his lies. Even when he's right.

>Stay delusional, tranny, Microsoft and Nintendo gave them this gen, nothing else, next gen is a different story.
You are the one who is delusional. Or baiting. There is absolutely no reason at all for the hundred million Playstation owners to jump ship, and the fact that you keep eluding the question only proves my point.

>The Last of Us 2
>Days Gone
>God of War
What does any of those games have to do with trannys?.

>As a tranny

don't give a fuck - where's my PSP 3?

That's what I thought, it doesnt exist

No one cares about your shit dating sims with no gameplay, incel

>Disaster of the ps3

what is this meme? the ps3 ended up out selling the xbox by the end of the generation

>had a head start
>sells more
Big brained user with his impressive math skills here. Too bad the Switch is selling faster than the PS4 in the same amount of time, but I guess we conveniently forget that factoid in our Designated Snoy Station threads, eh?

What's that? You weren't here for 2013?

>Nintendo fan is a tranny
I feel like this is super common.

The games on market are so much worse and less varied compared to the ps2 gen, who are buying all the PS4's or is it winning by default since Switch is handheld and xbone is boned?





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Yeah, it took an entire generation for the PS3 to outsell a castrated Kinect-centric 360 and a waggle machine that peaked its sales halfway through the gen. Oh yeah, it also took kickstarting the soicore movieshit cancer.

What we're forgetting here is trust. Consumers couldn't trust nintendo after them going full casual shovelware with the wii, and nobody could trust microsoft after they pulled the plug on the 360 early on top of astronomical hardware failure rates. Then nintendo fucked up again with the wii u fisher price kids tablet shit and games even worse than the wii, while microsoft went full retard with the xbone reveal. Sony on the other hand fucked up the ps3 launch but did everything they could to make amends and proved successful in winning over gamers toward the end of that generation. By the time the ps4 rolled around, your choices were failing kiddieshit, a sterilized corporation that was up front about going against its consumers wants, and sony who was just there making games after working hard to get everyone to love them again. Cinematic games, sure, but that's what's in style these days so obviously most gamers didn't have a problem with that.

Switch sales are gonna sink like a rock the moment PS5 is revealed.

>persoan 5
>uncharted 4
>more than i care to list
ya, keep coping amigo

The PS2 thread is two blocks down, we're talking about the PS4 here.

>Wind back to 2013, where the fanboys were calling out Sony, saying their next console would be shit due to sony being in financial dire straights.
Nah even better, you had an autist making a daily thread saying Sony would never make a PS4 because PS3 didn't do well

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Tranny = everything i dont like

Are you a fucking zoomer, they jumped ship when Onions fucked up with the PS3 and it can happen again

They're made for them.

>misinterpreting my post
Well, after reading it, I expected this would happen.

Because it was already too little, too late, Xbox 360 didn't slow the PS2's sales down.

PS2 took 5 years and 9 months to hit 100M shipped
PS4 did it in 5 years and 7 months

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But I'm not, I should proofread that better, I was calling that faggot a tranny, only reason you would call me a one is if you're a tranny yourself. Anyone that cuts their dicks off should be publicly shot.

>Are you a fucking zoomer, they jumped ship when Onions fucked up with the PS3 and it can happen again
So you are already assuming a hypothetical scenario when Sony fucks up just as bad as the PS3, which by the way still sold better than the 360. As i said, there is no fucking reason at all to believe Sony it's going to fuck up. It's just wishful thinking.

Only idiots buy sony. its the sheep brand like samsung for phones. Bogan sheep with no brains think sony = videogames. Fucken idiots.


I guess you are calling all console owners idiots with this post, because if someone wants to play games and doesn't want to build a PC, the PS4 it's objectively the best choice by a big margin.

>They're made for them.
In what way

>where the fanboys were calling out Sony, saying their next console would be shit
They weren't wrong. Thing's been a dust collector for me.

We don't know this because we don't know the 360's final numbers from what I remember, the 360 outsold it all last gen. Sony has already announced that the PS5 may cost more than expected because they're too stupid to change countries so why would I not expect them to fuck up again? You're a corporate shill.

Where's the gameplay, I'm not paying $60 for a fucking movie.

Remember when Nintendohomos spammed this board with "evidence" that there would be no PS4?

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>Where's the gameplay, I'm not paying $60 for a fucking movie.
What the fuck has to do that with trannys at all?

>We don't know this because we don't know the 360's final numbers from what I remember, the 360 outsold it all last gen.
Microsoft can update their numbers if they want. Right now, with what we have, the 360 was last. Also the PS3 outsold it every year since launch, it was only behind overall because of the year difference.
>Sony has already announced that the PS5 may cost more than expected because they're too stupid to change countries so why would I not expect them to fuck up again? You're a corporate shill.
They also said the price would appeal to gamers and Shawn Layden talked about the PS3 and said they weren't going to make the same mistakes with the PS5's price. The reality is the playstation brand is a lot stronger and Sony has presence all over the world while the Xbox may as well not exist outside the US and Uk. Not to mention the difference in quality between their exclusives this gen. The people who are now enjoying God of War and Spiderman won't jump ship for the guys who made Crackdown 3 and State of Decay.

Why do you guys care about how much a console sold? are you a fucking bootlicker or something?

Holy shit bros, how the Ps4 truly is the console of the decade.

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Holy mother of brainlets

>1 0 0 M I L L I O N

Why does this hurt the Nintendofaglet so much?

The next console was shit as predicted, but lucky for Sony all the other shit the bed worse.

FIFA box 4

Can't wait for the FIFA box 5

only retards weren't expecting microsoft to pull more anti-consumer bullshit. they had just done it last gen with microtransactions and the gen before that with paid online. they'll do it again with their next console.

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>They brought multiple studios to counteract that
microsoft has run every studio they've bought into the ground, and the ones they've bought recently were already shit. you do the math.
also, none of the shitty games they produce will be xbox exclusives thanks to "based phil."


Nobody cares

It's not fair sonybros...

100 million. We did it bros.


100M seething Ninteniggers

Why doesn't the PS4 have a single exclusive as good as BotW?

All it took was XBOX and wiiU having disastrous launches.

Based as always. Sony niggers always seething.

100M > 97

all it took was sony making the best product.


So(n)yggers on suicide watch

Xbox will never sell above 30M units ever again

That's what I said

Wasn't this guy outed as a pedo twice already?

They will hit that easily next gen

We lost sonybros....

>Obvious samefagging
Dilate Nintrannies.

Nintenchads wins again

Stay mad nigger

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Why is this terrorist constantly shilling PlayStation?

Literally no evidence to support this. Meanwhile, analysis are already predicting the PS5 to move 20M units in year one.

I mean, you're just saying what the other guy said in reverse. Sony didn't have some sort of perfect box, and it's launch was very rough considering the best launch title for the console was fucking resogun. What Sony did correctly was make an affordable console that could still run everything pretty well and keep their userbase hyped up enough in the early days that they'd wait around for the solid exclusives they eventually started releasing. This is what most would consider a basic level of videogame business acumen, with Xbox and Nintendo spontaneously combusting with their really putrid consoles at the time. Now that both of those companies have righted the ship and Sony's box has slowed down slightly in sales late in it's lifespan we've seen more parity compared to the total shit stomping seen in 2015-2017 or so.


It's over. Nintendo wins yet again.

>Sony was on death ground
If you were actually around back in 2013 you would know that Playstation 3 was turning around ever since Metal Gear Solid 4, but ESPECIALLY starting with Uncharted 2. That system had fantastic exclusives every year that drove sales up to the point where the system caught up to the 360 by the end; while the Xbox didn't have anything anybody cared about because Microsoft was pushing Kinect.

So far from dying; by 2013 Playstation was the cultural leader of console gaming again.

>ywn pass for a real woman

So he can claim moral superiority playing on the console that censors skin while he diddles kids on the down low

He goes to ResetERA, so it's no surprise.

Nintenchads always on top

Go check 7th gen sales charts: around the turn of the decade, most every multiplatform game sold the most on Playstation, and that has remained a constant since.

Yeah thanks to releasing 90% of all the worthwhile exclusives (the main selling point of the console) than it will ever have. After Pokemon and AC it's gonna drop hard, especially after the new Xbox and PS5 are released.

Fuck. How does Nintendo do it? Amazing game.

>built on a shoestring
And it shows

Anons mexicans like you aren't white

The eXodus has already begun. Xbox fags are destroying their own camps. Crapgamer, MGB, and other prolific Xbox fan boys jumped ship because Xbox is dead.

Hearty kek


I hope to god Ninty makes a dedicated home consoles with huge strong specs and switch becomes their handheld. So tired of seeing their developers and their amazing talent stuck on outdated hardware.

>I mean, you're just saying what the other guy said in reverse.
not really. sony earned their success by making the best product. the narrative that microsoft and nintendo gifted them their win is just sour grapes from brand loyalists.
>Now that both of those companies have righted the ship and Sony's box has slowed down slightly in sales late in it's lifespan we've seen more parity compared to the total shit stomping seen in 2015-2017 or so.
no, it's still a total shit-stomping. xbox is completely irrelevant at this point and nintendo's new toy keeps getting outsold by the old ps4.

Love seeing snoy seethe at this


It's only because xbox shot themselves in the foot and went full retard. And because of the brainless normie cattle, sony's lead just snowballed because people only buy consoles that their faggot friends have. I say this as an idort (minus xbox)

Nintendo always wins

>people come into the thread furious sony is winning
>claim others are seething


You mean to be a SNOYFAG:


Sony niggers, take this L

2 years and sonysharts are STILL seething

Not a single ps4 as good as this

Sony can’t compete



It’s over sonybros. We lost.

You can see visible Nintendogaf ass hurt everywhere. It's funny watching them meltdown, then play it off like they aren't frothing from the mouth on the other side of the screen.

Cool head canon
Obsessed. The second there is smash news that people post about, you niggers go on damage control.


You know these shitty console fanboy threads almost have a comforting retro feel to them now compared to all the other cancer as of late.

>post about
he says, pretending it's not an immensely annoying 10 threads every 15 mins and just a few people casually discussing it
if you're going to misrepresent shit, stop posting.

You might enjoy reddit more. They have dedicated subs for your cuckstation.

>More than I care to list
You realise how stupid this sounds when you couldn't be bothered to list more than two?

Reminder to report and sage PS4 sales threads - do not bump AT ALL COSTS
Replace them with Switch sales threads and bump these when you see them. Highlight strong sales in USA and Japan while skirting around the topic of global sales. If Snoys bring up global stats just deflect by calling PS4 a FIFA machine
Good luck Nintenbros, we can still win this

Seething falseflagging sony nigger

100 million units
but still only 1 game

I have been here for years and am astounded that this guy's tweets are constantly posted in these dumb console war threads. He seems to portray himself as an analyst but he mostly just tows the Playstation line? For years someone has been posting literal shill tweets here because they can't afford more than one console. A shill being shilled by a shill. Or is this shill shilling his own shilling to increase his own shills? Huh.

Why do you care which corporate entity is more successful than another corporate entity?

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no I'm on your side bro. we can win this, wahoo me

100 million sold

>wahoo me
This shouldn't have been as funny upon first glance.

>game thats been playable on pc for a long ass time just like botw and is also probably going to be on the switch
>shitty movie game
The only other thing you can list is Bloodborne or TLOU2 which is just zombie uncharted

The same goes for every other console butthurt user

Reminder that Daniel Ahmad was the moderator of a Discord that hosted pedophiles who openly talked about age of consent laws.


>world population at it's highest
>gaming is more socially acceptable for normies than ever before

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>ps2 came out 19 years ago
>gaming as a whole was much, much smaller then
>ps4 beats it by 2 months in an industry that has more than doubled since the year 2000
Cool I guess, good job

Puts into perspective how big a failure WiiU, Xbone, 3ds, and Switch are.

Sony performs best with their back to the wall. So PS5 has a good chance of fucking up their stride.

Consolefags if unironic -> /reddit/

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