>Patch 5.05 drops
>Raiders and Crafters going nuts on marketboard
>Materia market in freefall
>undercut sellers after the mass buyouts and make profit
You goys have made me a very wealthy player.
>Patch 5.05 drops
>Raiders and Crafters going nuts on marketboard
>Materia market in freefall
>undercut sellers after the mass buyouts and make profit
You goys have made me a very wealthy player.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can somebody tell me why SCH Ruin has a 0.5 longer cast time than the equivalent spells of WHM and AST?
Because of Ruin II?
is this something you don't get until you're 30 cause I have no idea what you mean after materia market fell
>still no E4S kill
Watching JP stream made me release how good their connection is.
>DRG can use his elusive jump as dash
If i try to do something like this I will jump into different direction because of delay
Should I level RDM or MNK?
Why ya watching and not clearing?
No static.
Impossible to clear with pugs.
>elusive jump as a dash
I thought that's normal, but I'm in EU
I use elusive all the time like that though.
.t Californian
Your healer for E1S.
Got 3 of the lumber which are now 7.7mil each.
Why do bots never get banned? I’m tempted to start bottling instead of wasting my time manually farming. This same bot has been farming the same nodes for literal years and I’m sure he’s been reported a million different times but still hasn’t been banned. I’m sick of this shit.
Can you really do it instantly without any delay? Running forward and jump to the left?
I cleared e1s, but my fucking god the background made me nauseous and motion sick.
Anyone else or was it just me? Aiming the camera downward helped a little.
Well yes. I even jump, turn around, elusive, and turn back to use it as a gap closer when running
Where my knightcore kniggas at?
I don't have a static either, but I'm fine with getting 450 in Eden and a 460 weapon in a month.
We'll get to 470 gear with Nier
Right here, fellow tin-can.
What do I meld for SMN? Do I meld crit or direct hit?
literally me except I have no shirt on
t. generic faggot
Dexterity fags got fucked in this patch very hard. Even their crafted gear is going to be more expensive because they need fishing.
you looking for a daddy?
>Even their crafted gear is going to be more expensive because they need fishing.
Wait what?
You mean NIN keeps losing? Jesus.
My man.
>that male Au Ra stance
>no custom delivery offering crafter bonus this week
Looks boring and dull really.
Probably will sell tons to the whales sadly though.
>he didn't cap everything before the patch and made collectables worth 7600 scrips
Did he turn into a horse?
>tfw play Hrothgar
>no temptation because no helmets work
Feels good.
Is farming HoH for tomestones viable?
Looks kinda lazy
i capped yellow scrip but I was hoping for some ez white
Both at the same time?????
Isn't it commonly said that bots fuck up the economy? When I botted on WoW, I never undercut or overpriced anything. I always put my items up for sale at a decent price range. Is it really bots at fault or is it really just people who can't be bothered to learn how to play the market and just lazily undercut everyone? Are bots really the ones to blame here? Or are they just easy to falsely place blame on?
If anything with WoW... wouldn't it be tokens to blame for fucking up it's economy? And I mention WoW because it's what i'm familiar with. I'm new and I don't know anything about FFXIV's economy.
Could it also be server population? Every overpopulated server I remember being on had everything priced low and low pop servers had high prices.
If you even slightly considered the idea of wearing this I feel sorry for you
Yeah. Hello World is joke compared to this shittery
What armor?
Sup bois?
that is not knightly at all, slut.
Bots are not ruining economy, people are just retarded and anyways for bots to be a problem in endgame market you would have to gear up the bot which takes quite some time and resources, probably not even worth it risking ban.
Because SCH can click the fairy to do healing while he's cas-
Because SCH doesn't need to cast Broil that often since he has all those DoT-
Because one of his faeries can increase casting ti-
Because SCH have more damage abilities than any other hea-
I already have a fedora and trench coat glamour for when I feel like being edgy. Using Gunromaru as well of course.
I beg to differ, incels.
>refined natron
oh god why didn't I level alchemist
Alchemist is very important, why wouldn't you level up it?
>miniskirt and glowshit
Back to /vg/
>exposed thighs
>these weapons
there's an effort
I wish I could just buy the new female tights without buying the rest of the suit.
Just level it up now, you monkey
I may be too much of a scrub for savage guys
I tried PFing E1S today and it just made me lose all motivation
I don't wanna go through pug hell for an entire tier but I also don't wanna join a static and suck all the fun out of the game by treating it like work
I think I'll just raise a chocobo and play triple triad or something
wish I had a casual group of non shitters to randomly clear shit with
You just need to get lucky with a good group, keep at it. That dopamine rush when you finally clear is indescribable. Stick with groups and you'll clear eventually.
I believe you can clear E1S and E2S with PF first week
Embrace it user. Level other jobs, complete your Eden Gear, do some sidequests in zones you like. Don't play everyday. At least, that works for me
What skirt?
Congrats, you have loads of gil
Too bad there's fuck all to actually do with it
>Join blind pug
>Clear after 1 and half lockouts
>Got 2 coffers
Just get lucky :^)
>Got 2 coffers
Can't you only get 1?
Seems a bit stupid to other people that you can get 2.
>new tomestone gear
But what's the point in Eden normal gear now?
To get you geared for savage.
You can roll for and win everything in a savage lockout, since that's the only shot you get in a week.
Are you retarded?
god forbid the fucking static of shitters I joined for this tier
3 hours of raiding today and we couldn't get past the orbs in E1S
I knew I should have remained a pug player
Wait a fucking second. You can clear savage only once?
>static apparently wants to funnel as much gear as possible into the BLM
>dude is probably walking out week one with almost full savage gear with how the loot system works now
Mother of god...
No? What's stops me from farming new tomestones and full gear in 1 day?
The cap?
You can clear each floor once a week, afterwards you get no rewards and subtract chests from people who haven't cleared that week.
So yes. You are.
Is that the Feast rank 100 top?
I dont get it. What happened with the economy?
Oh yes, I'm retard.
The cap you fucking retard. The tomestone gear is the new stuff. You can only get 450 of the tomestones every week.
Someone sell me on MCH
Next time type faster retarded retard.
Bros... I'm sorry... I won't be able to make it to Eden Sloppy 4...
>The 3 servings of creamy salmon pasta have sold for 130k
>The 3 servings of creamy salmon pasta have sold for 130k
>The 3 servings of creamy salmon pasta have sold for 130k
Thank you raid trannies
Sorry too busy learning to kill E3 Savage
...that's it? I'm coming to your server to buy your low prices.
>tfw EB'd to a gilcapped crafter
>tfw have fully furnished large house
>tfw get crafted raid gear day 1 for free
At least you accept that.
anything related to the feast is just cringe
>1221 in queue
well, at least wasn't just me
Has anyone beaten E4S yet?
Classic WoWfags are seething again. Itll pass in 30min
You can't kill E3S. Learn E4S
Only like 40 people play it out of the 100 in a DC and they all kinda suck so it's free tomestones and exclusive rewards for me
Its just people gearing up and getting shit for Eden savage so prices are changing.
What exactly are you referring to? If you mean prices going up, well, it's patch day and people want to craft more so prices have gone up due to demand.
>Only like 40 people play it out of the 100 in a DC
You have big brain. I should try it to.
What if you had a gun and power tools?
Anyone getting DC? I can't even log in back again
You guys are fucking retarded. Bots will naturally lower prices of goods since there is an increased supply of materials while demand for items should stay relatively the same.
Are you on PC? When there's ddos attacks or mass player log outs I tend to hold out on PS4 with some lag spikes but it goes away. Seldom do I actually DC.
I'm ~700 in queue down from 1500
PS4, I get into queue and when it finally loading it says that the connection with the server was lost
Oh. Yeah. I know that feel and I'm sorry.
Ganbatte user.
>9% enrage
>15 second timeout
A regular player undercutting very rarely makes a huge difference, it's usually either a one time thing or a relatively low number of goods that are undercut. 200~300 of an item that sells 10k a week wouldn't get sold much.
Meanwhile someone buys all those undercut merch and resells it at market value and make a profit. That's why games started adding tax to the marketplace.
All bots do in reality is set a standard price for common goods at a low value, while people buying from gold sellers boosts high-demand rarer items up in price. Without the bots, more common items might not flood the market and actually force the player to get it on their own.
Is there a reason to ever use Titan?
I started actually giving a shit about crafting and got a 100% macro set up for the crafted gear, works perfect. The guides I've glanced at keep mentioning future-proofing, should I give a shit about that or?
Is it just me or is primal lagging really badly ?
How do you even get into the Feast? I'd like to play it somewhat seriously, but it's a clusterfuck at best and most of my teammates seem to be apes.
If the healer is just that shit
primal is crashing and burning. people can't get back in either, couple friends made it through the queue just to get error 1015 and back into a doubly long queue
Join the circlejerk discord
Well fuck. I just did a dungeon run and was lagging to shit.
That sounds terrible, but okay.