Wealthy, obese...

>Wealthy, obese, middle class fop who has literally never worked a hard day in his life lecturing the poor and hard done by about the REAL criminally wealthy they should be up in arms about, as if he's their revolutionary hero leading them into battle from the comfort of his spacious American home, where he spends 1 hour a day ranting at a camera like a spoiled child and the rest of the day stuffing his fat face and counting the $130,000 a year he makes on patreon alone
I look forward to his bowel cancer death

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hate fat people and this dude is insufferable. Literally a cuck, fat as shit, smug and done absolutely nothing with his life but eat and move his jowls. Also, I dislike his outfit. It's really dumb.

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Jim Sterling is a textbook champagne socialist

I was thinking about it and jim has been sperging about loot boxed for at least 3/4 years up to ths point.
He's basically an asset flipper version of game critics if you pass me the term.

He unironically believes he was a major contributing factor to the current legal storm surrounding them

His fanbase hangs on to his every word like a cult, he loves making himself out to be the underdog that manages to move mountains

Whatever would we do without Jim Sterling taking a brave stance against lootboxes, he's really putting his career on the line when he goes after lootboxes, he's such a stunningly courageous journalist to get the message out there that lootboxes are bad

There was a point in time, early in his career where he was kind of /ourguy/, used to dab on feminists and things like that, but at some point he became a huge leftist fag.

Who is the non pozzed version of Jim? I hate the guy but we need as many people rallying against garbage companies and practices as possible. Sucks that annoying influencers like him and Yong are the most prominent.

he actually said he is endangering his health because he is a workaholic and puts too much into his videos


he plays video games


and talks


and thinks it's the bloody same as being a fucking coal miner

hey fatty. making 2 or 3 5-20 minute videos isn't endangering your health. shoving your fat face is

The closest thing is possibly ReviewTechUSA, not exactly a fan of his though

>He unironically believes he was a major contributing factor to the current legal storm surrounding them
Doesn't matter if he was or not, the fact that he keeps talking about it keeps it in people's minds and informs people.

If you don't keep things like these in mind you will suffer from the boiling frog effect where people don't even realize the slippery slope that's happening.
Remember, there was a time when we thought horse armor was bad, yet look at where we are now because people's awareness is so low.

But there is nothing wrong with his journalism. Sure he's one track minded but a lot of what he reports on is legit and worth keeping in mind.

When you're 500lbs, breathing becomes a dangerous activity

that guy is a colossal ebegging faggot who had youtube remove all the videos criticizing him

>Who is the non pozzed version of Jim?
He died a year ago.

this to be honest.

I'm not a fan but other than an obnoxious presenting stle and fans he is calling out anti-consumer practices in the industry

I think he’s a bit whiney, but, he has an actual career in video game journalism. He’s not just some mook who turned on a webcam

you. you are. become that which you desire, my son


To be fair, he does move a mountain every single time he walks.

YT is removing pretty much anything and everything. Or at the very least demonetizing stuff.
You really shouldn't use the dumb shit YT does as a barometer.

>he has an actual career in video game journalism
Even worse. I'd have much more respect for him if he was just some fag who was passionate about vidya and wanted to make videos about problems in the industry.

>he has an actual career in video game journalism. He’s not just some mook who turned on a webcam
"A career in video game journalism" is like saying you have a "career in tv" when you're a clown on a childrens show.

>Bailey the therapy dog

V inspirational thx user

this is shit that happened 2 years ago

Jim has better understanding of the industry, has connections and knows how to report. Unlike what some random youtuber would have.
You don't have to respect the person either. All they need to do is to report properly.

its still happening

You think YT doing dumb shit started yesterday? This has been going on for years.

That's kinda my problem with the supposedly really pro-working class left right now. Old men who've never worked, spoiled college brats who never will work. Kinda insulting.

Plus Jim's a literal cuckold and that sort of person's just not worthy of any respect.

Yeah, but he isn't particularly pozzed which is what that user asked about specifically

That wouldn't be wrong to say though.

>Jim has better understanding of the industry, has connections and knows how to report
He makes the same video every day of the year, which is whining about capitalism, microtransactions and racism.

>Jim has better understanding of the industry
His understanding of the industry is literally meme tier.
He reads the exact some articles as anybody else and fashoins himself an expert.
The guy does as much "journalism" as Phil Fish does game development.

he's boogie only he watches linustechtips and a couple of retro channels to get his content from

>career in video game journalism
That's not really something worth bragging about.

He focuses his stories on certain topics, but they're different in terms of content.

Still more experience with TV than other clowns

can someone make this meme idea?
it's the crow doing standup with Jim's face shopped onto it
>lootboxes are bad!
>boo get better material!
*written on card*
>gambling is bad
>microtransactions are bad
>surprise mechanics are bad

that meme would sum up every jimquisition since 2 years ago desu

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Hes a none person, don't even bother posting about him. Better yet its probably him trying to farm some amount of relevancy by shitting on him self in forums. I don't think that's too far fetched based on what iv seen of him.

yeah okay sure. they monitor every video, right. this is when moonman uploads rapping about nigger death would last months. but a new channel created to call out that fat faggot gets taken down immediately. yeaaah. right. that wasn't the fat faggot himself 's doing. sure

this kid shotted seamans onto his head for some social media. all anyone needs to know.

him and every other counter journalist lost my attention when they wouldnt stop whinging about the activision layoffs like these fucks gave the slightest of shit

Who cares? It's the same video every time:

>Capatalism bad
>AAA pay no taxes bad
>Redistribute wealth good
>Communism good

No, that's Yong. Yong is also excessive with his clickbait.

Again, I'm not saying Jim provides 10/10 content or that he's even likeable. But claiming that some random youtuber would be better than Jim is absurd. Especially when that would apparantely give you (or whoever it was that initially said it) more respect for the person for some reason. As if respect mattered at all.

I don't respect the plumber fixing my toilet, but he does his job all the same.

>they monitor every video, right.
It's automation and bots. Seriously how out of the loop are you?
It's better if you stop talking before you really embarass yourself.

So don't watch them.

therapy dogs can sense when someone is in distress and act all cute to calm them down, great for children and vets with ptsd

>So don't watch them.
I don't, but I'll never stop pointing out how shit they are and how much of a fat commie hypocrite Jim Sterling is

That's the thing, the reporting he does is not shit. There's nothing wrong with it.
He talks and reports on this that should be talked and reported on.

would honestly be better had he just summarized the article instead of reading it word for word and going "remember this one time when something similar happened?"
motherfucker whinges on for what feels like an hour in a ten minute video that itself could be 3 minutes.

You just described every sjw. He's not unique even slightly.

Never trust a fat leftist. At least the famous leftists of old were fit.

>motherfucker whinges on for what feels like an hour in a ten minute video that itself could be 3 minutes.

That's because you have to get videos over 10 minutes for proper ads.

What does any of this have to do with the points he makes you dumb fucking faggot
what does it matter how much he has worked or how hard he works or how much he makes?
If he was a poor, hard working fat faggot would that make his points any more right?

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>Says people shouldn't be allowed to earn millions.
>Is a millionaire.

Yeah I don't see any conflict here.

>What does any of this have to do with the points he makes you dumb fucking faggot
I don't trust the words of hypocrites.

If a man doesn't live as he says people should live, his ideas are trash.

Jim Sterling doesn't think capitalism is bad, he just wants it to be a bit more regulated like you see in scandinavian nations, his viewpoint is that it's a flawed system like all human systems and wants to see it fixed, not replaced

>Thinking hes a millionaire
True autism

>Gets $13,000 a month off patreon + merch + donations
>Not a millionaire when he's been at this for 6+ years

What does have to do with anything?
Are you saying that jim strealing is going to get laws pass that only allow him to have millions of dollars?
Did your faggot cum filled brain think before typing this out

>If a murderer say not to murder people then that idea is bad
Truly, a big brain take

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>Jim Sterling doesn't think capitalism is bad, he just wants it to be a bit more regulated like you see in scandinavian nations
The ones so expensive to live in people are leaving by the thousands?

>If a murderer say not to murder people then that idea is bad
Yes, it is.

this was when 'smart' dudes would unironically wear fedoras and scream everyone being sheep.

It's the typical socialism for thee but not for me shit.
Reminder he chooses to live in one of the lowest taxed countries and in that country one of the lowest taxed states. So yes he literally is wanting to make as much as possible while other people pay for all the non-functional programs and unions he advocates for.
The only thing Jim is right on is that loot boxes are shit, wow, what an amazing take.

OP is just jealous because he's probably just like Jim except he's lazy and unsuccessful. Jim reminds him of his wasted life.

You're right.

I secretly long to be a 450lbs cuckold with a pig faced wife whose legacy will be 5,000 10 minute videos of me whinging bitterly about video games no one forces me to play...

>Yes, it is.
>You should murderer people
Good bait

>It's the typical socialism for thee but not for me shit
Thats not a thing, thats not how these thing works
Jim wont get a law pass that will stop him from being taxed, he isn't a god
If he had this much power he wouldn't be on youtube making youtube videos

Show source

What state is he living in?

lol that is all of them

We are where we are not because awareness is low, but because normies with too much money keep buying into useless shit and never fucking learn. Some fat fuck talking about those "issues" is not going to change that. Shit, people are reluctant to make minor adjustments to their life to slightly slow down the decay of our ecology despite being blasted 24/7 by ecologists on tv/radio/internet/printed media. How the hell do you expect some faggot who based his whole existence on video game "journalism" to change some idiots mindset about shady marketing practice? Aslong as it merely slowly drains their wallets and does not literally bite their dicks off, they will keep feeding the industry. And the fact that the same normies never took video games and, by extension, the market for video games seriously will only amplify the general disinteresst for the topic.
Like always, the influx of normans into some hobby irreparably crushes it. Time to find another passtime not yet corrupted by the jews m8.

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>You should murderer people
t. glue sniffer

>inb4 "denial" or some other similar super hilarious joke

It is a thing dude lol you are fucking retarded

fuck this fat WWE wanna-be communist

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why'd you post this gay leather daddy mister clean looking nigga


You are argumenting on the ridiculous assumption that this lard has any fucking idea what he is talking about. user just states the obvious and tells you (A.):This faggot is a decadent lard who probably could not survive a day without food, which leads to the simple conclusion (B.):He has no idea what the fuck he is talking about when he talks about the simple wagekek and has no business associating himself with them.

His videos would be okay if they were 10 minutes long instead of 20 and he didn't repeat every point he makes at least 3 times

The murderer has no good argumentation for not murdering people, considering he can not even convince himself. I could aswell go out and do it myself if I base my whole opinion on his unconvincing statements. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, brainlet.

Is he really wealthy?

he's a hypocrite

Living in a state with a low cost of life and earning 6 figures in internet welfare from Patreon? He's doing better than most. I mean aside from having to watch his wife fuck black guys, but at least he's not Anthony Burch and living in San Fran where 6 figures is still poverty-tier thanks to how insane it is to live there.