What happened to strong independent female protagonists in gaming, Yea Forums?
What happened to strong independent female protagonists in gaming, Yea Forums?
people realized that acting like a victim still lets you enjoy most of the benefits with the added bonus of moral posturing
Prove me wrong: The perfect heigh for a woman is 5'9.
>tfw 5'9 myself
going out with my gf when she wears high heels is one of my favorite things in the world
Some men, not all, but some will demand that all women in their video games be borderline helpless sex objects whos only goal is to make them horny. Don't believe me? look at how popular gacha and every other kind of fap bait game is.
The truth is that some men are so unironically controlled by their libido that nothing else matters to these low IQ testosterone junkies. They will spend all of their hard earned money on this fap bait and ruin the idea of "if you don;t like it don't buy it" because they are buying enough for 100 people each. The only solution is to put all of these men in camps and gas them
>borderline helpless sex objects whos only goal is to make them horny
So basically women. You are describing 2019 women.
>look at how popular gacha and every other kind of fap bait game is
Technology fills in the gaps made by feminism and female empowerment. This shouldn't be surprising to you.
>The truth is that some men are so unironically controlled by their libido that nothing else matters
Replace "some men" with "all men" and you're right. Biology is a bitch.
The perfect height for a woman is 5’0 or shorter
>So basically women. You are describing 2019 women.
this is how i know you never leave your house
>Technology fills in the gaps made by feminism and female empowerment.
Holy shit dude imagine thinking this effects even 20% of them.
>Replace "some men" with "all men" and you're right. Biology is a bitch.
True, all men should be gassed
Who ever said Lara was sexist? I thought she was quite popular among all ages back in the day when fem stars were uncommon and adventure serials were cool.
Women can't be attractive, it's sexist and offensive to American landwhales
Women have to be ugly as sin, or a nigger
Men? ehh they can be handsome, super muscular and testosterone filled male power fantasies. Not a problem
They were replaced by brave female protagonists
ironically the demand for strong female characters killed them
I prefer character creators
>Some men, not all, but some will demand that all women in their video games be borderline helpless sex objects
no man demands that
They came over to my apartment and took their clothes off
Are the old Tomb Raider games actually good or people praise them just because they got tiddies? They seem to be clunky as fuck.
A lot early 3D action games that aren't kiddy platformers or PC/FPS games aged not that great. Tomb Raider is probably one of the betters though.
You retards keep repeating the same shit when we have Donald Trump as US President and mass shootings and bombings are the norm around the world now. Get used to the times or kill yourself and hope theirs and afterlife.
That's just your problem nigger
Men are responsible for every aspect of society that you enjoy, if they disappear women will not be able to keep things running. A more logical solution is for all the women to merely vanish and for the men to be forced to complete their research on artificial wombs. At least with the men still around the utilities will continue to operate, and we can develop new moist holes to fill. Women have nothing to offer society but their holes.
Men and women were never meant to be "independent" from each other
everyone should be independent from everyone else. If you can't act on your inherent self-identity there's something seriously wrong with you.
Delayed reaction to social outcry for female protagonists, chronically filtered by corporate interest. If it can sell, there will be a guaranteed attempt to patronize the consumer and make a weak pandering attempt to form a larger buying market.
If that's true, why hasn't the west taken note of the billions of dollars FGO produces and backpedaled on this female objectification bullshit? A fuckton of money is being left on the table and they don't seem to give a fuck that they're not seeing a cent from me.
Saints Row 2 I think