Elder Scrolls

Imagine unironically being a dungmer.

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What are the best Skyrim mods?

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Never forget, ashniggers.

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>god tier
>turned into poor inmigrants in Skyrim after all of Mundus dabs on their shithole homeland
>argonions come in and dab on them aswell
>women are being NORDED so their birthrates are at an all time low
Grayskin delusion is so funny.

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Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers

How do these Daedraworshippers even recover after Mundus just yeets on all of them?

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>women are being NORDED so their birthrates are at an all time low

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In the Eldder Scrolls, it's the mother the baby takes after.

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Not a single self respecting nord will breed with ash skinned elven niggers

Actually they would because Nord men secretly want a woman shorter than them.

The key ring one.

That is why they folllow Tibers lead and bang Bretons.

Imagine being a race of Elf rape babies

Yeah... you know what happens when a male nord fucks a dunmer female right?
The offspring is a dunmer not only that but a huge tall muscular dunmer.

Legacy of The Dragonborn

The entire series is basically about us tier The Nords
Diversity hire tier Redguard
Human elf tier Bretons
Not all mannish races are impressive tier Cyrods
WE WUZ relevant at one point...seriously tier Dunmer
We are literally in the game tier Bosmer
Bro tier Orcs
Hey everyone needs a bad guy tier Altmer
We are not crafting material tier (tie) Argonians and Khajit

Im bosmer and I bang tall blonde nords all day, stay mad

Breton's look like hobbits, nobody wants to bang that.

Flower Girls + Amorous Adventures + All the warmaidens + CBBE + Anyting else you want to put on top of it

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That would result in more Dunmer though, children take the mother's race.

>nigger elves from a different universe
>jewish ash elves
>god tier

They aren't pure Dungmer though.

You're thinking of the forsworn.They are the hillbilly cousins to the Bretons.

>bang cute Breton girl
>instead of being moderate between your heights and coming out at a respectable 6'0, your son is a weedy elf midget

The elf rape baby race are still pretty powerful.

Redguards are also elves

That smol Breton puss is worth it.

They can probably CHIM a Dragonbreak as well.
Stop reading the fanfics on teslore. They rot your brain.


Hlaalu maybe. The velothi migration left Summerset because the Aldmer were literally to degenerate and decedent

imagine being a race of elf rape babies in a universe where race is a discrete value assigned entirely based on the mother, being raped so hard that reality had to create a new race to contain all your rape mutts.

If the kid is gonna look like a Breton shouldn't they take your Nord traits of being tall and strong with flowing blonde hair?

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The Altmer were the tradionalists who kicked the Chimer out for worshiping Daedra.

>wander the desert for le promised land
>swarthy and disgusting
>live in mud huts
>not jews

What have they actually accomplished?

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They ran the Empire the Nords carved out...into the ground.

>no true Scottsman

Literally nothing. Imperials are failures and cowards. Can't stop the Mythic Dawn from slaying the Septim bloodline, can't even stop the fagmeri dominion from taking your territories and capital. The blades especially are failures losing to something 500 Nord Companions and Ysgramor sent packing underground with no magic and no city.

nords finna dab on chimperials

having cool aesthetics

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I hope. Shitthesda better have the Dragonborn raining absolute hell on the knife ears by teaching the Nords the way of the Voice again.

I would literally cum if the next game confirms stormcloak victory

knowing bethesda it will end as a stalemate or not adressed at all.

Got anymore art like this?

Nothing really. Reman was cool, everyone else they've "accomplished" was due to massive amounts of aid from other parties.

Yoooo what body mod is that?

Can they really be called Imperials if there is no more Empire?

According to every source I've seen, the Argonians crawled back to their shitty swamp after conquering up to the borders of Telvanni and Redoran land, therefore meaning that the Dunmer control all of Morrowind again.

There is no Tamriel Empire, but there is the Cyrodiil Empire.

Shape Atlas for Men.

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>but there is the Cyrodiil Empire.
Courtesy of Tiber.

>literally just Cyrodiil


imperials on suicide watch

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They always referred to Cyrodiil as being an Empire.

The moot is about to be called.
The Falmer emerge enmasse and lay waste to Skyrim.
The greybeards free from Paarths corruption realize the Falmer are particularly susceptible to the voice lead a counter attack and puts down the Falmer threat once and for all
Realizing they have been misusing Kynes gift they reopen the College of the Voice.
The Nord people turn their eyes towards Sumerset.

It is barely a loose alliance at this point.

>argonians literally took morrowind again

>Nordicism failed in real life so let me try it on Yea Forums

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Courtesy of Alessia actually. Tiber brought about the Tamriel Empire.

You can call a soda bottle a rocket ship. Doesn't mean you are going to the moon.

ESO playerbase race tiers:

german and american minmaxerfags (one-directional metafags) who kick anyone in group dungeon runs without 15K HP and perfect DPS, also literal market kikes who sell items on the market at exagerated prices, kicks anyone who seem to lag

UK/Irish/German/Netherlands stoners and casual punks in general, others opposite to this are minmaxerfags from Germany or US

furries and ERPfags in general

WoW veterans crying over past issues like getting kicked before Wrathstone patch, usually cry about lag

literal Fengrush subscribers

Portuguese, Spanish and Brazillian playerbase in a nutshell: "We Wuz Yokudanz n' Shiet". Also edgelords spamming Steel Tornado or Snipe

casualfags who play less than 10 hours and cry on the reviews "m-muh Skyrim experience! this has nothing to do with Skyrim!" after realising they can't be walking swiss-knives at every stat and skill like in they cherished maingame. others opposite to this are russian players who randomly help people on World Bosses or randomly invite people to trade guilds

European ERPfags, American trannies and SJWs in general

ERPfags and scalies in general. also selfsustainfags

Crown Store whales and ESOPlusFags. also australians who fell into the community myth that ESO Plus or playing on consoles would reduce lag

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Someone give me a rundown on the Nedic people.

>casualfags who play less than 10 hours and cry on the reviews "m-muh Skyrim experience! this has nothing to do with Skyrim!" after realising they can't be walking swiss-knives at every stat and skill like in they cherished maingame
Fucking this!

And more: they even want the game to be played offline, like this absolute cuck

There are Nords and then some became sorta Nords.
Then the Eyelids raped some of the sort of Nords so hard they broke the laws of nature and Bretons were made.

It would be better as a single player game.


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>takes the combined effort of no less than THREE massive empires to take them down

>Single Player

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There there

Yes ESO would be better as a single player game.That is how most people play it anyway.

They took advantage of the oblivion crisis it won't happen again with house redoran in charge of security

Well to be fair the Nords have fought 4 groups of Mer.
Three no longer exist. The fourth is circling the drain.

thinking about buying it on ps4 and playing it over summer for like 2 months
is it worth it?

>so asshurt about whipepo he literally cannot keep real life out of a videogame discussion
yikes user

2 month is a stretch but get it on sale if you can.

so he's kinda like... disliking WoW for being different from WC3

Wow so cool lol can you do any magic like the mers or fight like redguards? No? Oh what about speech? No? Any cool innate abilities or resistances? Just frost? Pass.

>nooo don’t make fun of my LARPing both in and out of video games

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Considering 3rd Era Nords beat the shit out of Redguards and Bretons to reclaim lands from the Skyrim Conquests I'd say they have a fair shot.

translation: LARPing is all we have


Nords start with 20 speech and are better than Redguards at two-handed, light armor and smithing. Magic is also learnable as shown by the Skaal shaman holding a huge magical barrier over the village.

Stay rekt

>Phoneposting tripfag

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Nords pretty much exist to put the Mer back in their place.

How is stating in-universe facts larping? Thanks for having the courtesy of using a tripcode though, easier to filter.

Still shittier than the other races. Orc is better than Nord at two handed. Smithing is also best done by mers, but Skyrim throws the nords a bit of a bone canonically. Hey at least you have that buddy.

if you're not used to play 1st or 3rd person with cursor aim and/or MMORPGS with your controller, I recommend buying for PC instead

you wrecked nobody, friend. you embarrassed yourself with your first post and you continue to do so with each reply
I dab on you, faggot

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Because it doesn’t change the fact as a character to play they are weak and shit.

Also lmao run away little nord. Don’t come back.

Shalidor was a Nord and quite adept at Magic.
Tiber talked the Tribunal into trading a giant robot for the right to keep slaves.

So yes even though a Nord prefers a straight up fight if of a mind he will be the equal of anyone at any skill set.
This isn't actually a Nord only thing it applies to every race. An Altmer could be a top tier Knight or thief as well.

>That is how most people play it anyway.
>never landed a single foot on pledge dungeons nor trials
>never went to Cyrodiil campaigns

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Frost resistance is easily one of the best built in racial abilities in Skyrim it's the majority element used in the country

Canonically Nords are a joke all across Tamriel.

tell that to the dwarves, faggot

The dwemer killed themselves but you can keep pretending it was all you, nordikins

You are correct. I lasted about three weeks before the grind got to me.
That and the crafting material started piling up but hey if you subscribe to this B2P game we can help you with that.

At least if it is single player they will stop trying to jew me out of every schekel.

Kinda accurate, before Wrathstone's patch minmaxers usually kicked anyone who was Breton for having worse racial passives compared to others.

>kicks the collective asses of the most technologically advanced race back underground
>conquers the entire known world
>(((thalmor))) so asshurt about their power and the ascendance of Talos to godhood that they have to literally unmake reality
yeah, sounds like a joke 2 me

I don't actually hate the Dunmer, I just drew this up because I wanted to shitpost as a Nord. Still, Dunmer fucked themselves in many ways and I think the Khajiits and the Argonians are literal trash, because of furfaggotry and scalefaggotry.

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>still nothing to show for it


TES VI will have microtransactions out the ass every Bethesda game has them now and it'll only get worse years down the road

Yeah I can hear the Falmer and Ayelids laughing from here.
Hell they tried to take on the Dwemer and Dungmer at the same time. They didn't win but weakened the Dwemer enough for the dungmer to get brave enough to backstab them leading to them going bye bye. It also started the chain of events that led the dungmer to shoot themselves in the foot and up with their homeland being a smoking crater.

So even when the Nords lose they win. There are anons that actually think the AD is going to survive pissing off the Nords.

Find a flaw.

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There there

second time you posted that, you got nothing

Reminder to all Yea Forums anons: Zenimax plays a big role in how fucked up Bugsthesda games are now.

>At least if it is single player they will stop trying to jew me out of every schekel.
actually no, and you can see this at Bethesda's new single player game: Wolfenstein: Young Blood

I distribute up to 2 crafting skills per character, you can keep equipment crafting materials on the bank and avoid the consumable ones like alchemy, provisioning and the essences from enchanting, keep the gear sets on each character's inventory or better on the 30 slot chest that you'll eventually receive for your house

Nothing begets nothing my poor LARP oriented friend

Why would I need consoling?My favorite race is kicking ass.
If you want to find someone who needs consoling find a dunmer fan. They turned into a dumpster fire quick.They could probably use a hug.

They're almost a single entity at this point Bethesda is no longer just a studio among others but the big all around publisher that's involved with every zenimax game

Considering it started with oblivion with horse armor, and no Bethesda wasn't forced to do it by Zenimax.

yeah, you have nothing and will get nothing else from me with your shit bait. and while you're at it, go back to r/eddit

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Yes ESO showed them you could fleece sheep without mercy which led to the shitshow 76.

>German Empire

I think it was Skyrim when it introduced paid mods, ESO didn't have the extra bank space on ESO plus by that time yet

>forgets about Skyrim Steam Workshop paid mods
>forgets about Oblivion having a paid DLC that only feautures an armored horse

Can we all agree that this is the single greatest Elder Scrolls track?

>OP's profile name
jesus christ

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no wonder why I don't find nords in cyrodiil

This is the hottest track in Elder Scrolls

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that guy is the most whinny manchild streamer in any MMO possible, he even cynically grabs about a player from his enemy faction for exclusivelly repairing walls of the keeps while that player is actually being an absolute unit


>sucks at combat
>supports keeps in PVP without breaking a sweat
this needs a VIRGIN METAKEK vs CHAD WALL BUILDER drawing

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It had a 200 dollar house (180 unfurnished ) though.They are merciless.

>ctrl + F

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just get the 71K gold house in Malabal Tor and it's more than enough

Wow, ESO fags finally gave in and now chugging Colonel's secret sauce. Fuck off with your fanfiction and take WoWniggers with you.

My expectations for Bethesda are below Kickstarter scam levels. Will they ever get their shit together again?

They are like abused spouses defending their abusers

Immersive Armor and Weapons
a really good ENB of your choice

>spends 200 bucks on cosmetic garbage

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