Boomers of Yea Forums, what games are you enjoying?
No one under 25 in this thread please.
Boomers of Yea Forums, what games are you enjoying?
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Party Zoomers in The Houuuuse toniiiiight!
Thief 2
Dragon Quest 11 mostly
2001 babies ww@
Doom. The switch port isn’t the best, but I like the portability.
It's okay in co-op
I'm 24 years old and I'm posting this thread
Space, the final sandbox.
Taking a break from maxing out achievements in Unavowed, picking up Choice of Robots again and achievement hunting there.
Both are a way to pass some time I guess until I'm back in the mood for some real gaming.
Lobotomy Corporation. I'm 25 in a few days so fuck you I count
shitposting to make people upset and some ESO
If at 25 you think you're old you're just a boring manchild that has nothing but age as character trait
Finished Diablo recently, now onto Diablo II.
Never played the first until now, but have played Diablo II almost 20 years ago.
DOOM, really fun reboot of the Classic FPS franchise, definitely gonna get Doom Eternal when it releases
Oxygen Not Included
FF 14
Grim Dawn.
Final Fantasy X and smash bros.
Still a square enix fan after all these years.
Planned on getting around to this after finishing Bloodstained. How are you enjoying the game?
EDF dragon's crown and Iratus
Been playing through the Capcom Beat-em-up Bundle on steam. Almost done with it. It's okay. Not great. You really need a friend to enjoy it to the fullest.
>no one under 25
I'm a based zoomber and I've been playing F-Zero GX and Arcane Dimension recently and I plan on playing Minecraft later.
I have unironic nostalgia for Minecraft and Modern Warfare 2
I am the beginning and the end, old man.
>25, just made the cutoff
Playing a lot of DMC5 and KH3 (Critical). LoL now and then with friends. Thinking of getting NieR Automata. Procrastinating on finishing all Into the Breach achievements.
Crusader Kings 2 and Slay the Spire recently
34, trying to force myself to enjoy dark souls right now, can see why some people like it but its not something i would consider fun to play
Currently playing Yakuza 0 and Smash
No one under 30 you mean.
I am 29 and I am a millenial, and the people that was born six years before are still millenials.
That said, i've been playing metro exodus, void bastards, chrono trigger and minecraft with friends. Not the best of games, but they are good to pass the time.
Master of Magic
Super Smash Bros. 64
Dragon quest builders 2
I'm not usually a fan of minecraft nor its spinoffs but with the dragon quest skin it's really comfy for me
33 year old here.
Gonna get home from work and distress with Earth Defense Force 5 and then play some FF14.
I'm considering La Mulana. Is it worth it?
Been playing Ninja Gaiden Black and Metal Slug 3
Ion Mai-..Fury
VR bullshit
I wouldn't blame you if you got a guide, but otherwise yes.
Starcraft: Mass Recall.
It's a complete remake of the original Starcraft + Broodwar campaigns in the Starcraft 2 engine.
>Why play that when we have Starcraft: Remastered
Because it's not simply taking SC1 maps and porting it to SC2. It's above and beyond that. The amount of details and other little extra features that go into this is absolutely amazing. It could have been a solid retail product - but you can play it now, for free. Even with the free starter version of SC2. Have been going through the episodes the past week.
Just beat Doom 1 on switch, going to grab 2 tonight and play a bunch of it too. It's been a while since I last played these and they're cheap so can't complain.
I've been playing AoE2 vs AI with my mate lately, we're both shit but we've been gradually improving. We finally managed to beat moderate AI and are now in that awkward "hard too hard, normal too easy" period.
200% yes. Try and play without a guide if possible, a lot of the appeal is in working shit out and piecing together the clues. Platforming is a bit clunky so executing a list of instructions from a guide/walkthrough might not be too fun for you. The puzzles are unmatched though, so damn fun.
Would a 25 year old be a zoomer or a millennial? That's gotta be right on the border.
Yes. You need a certain level of autism to really enjoy it though, but I'd say its one of the best metroidvanias. Note there is a guide on steam that gives increasingly spoilery hints, which can kind of work like a changing difficulty setting depending on how stuck you get. If you're a pussy, I mean.
AssCreed, Teamfight Tactics and Pokemon Let's Go. Honestly, getting older has turned me ultra casual and I only care if a game is "fun". The boomer in me plays Xenosaga every week though
35, MHGU. Gonna start DBFZ today, I know the fad is already over but I want to see what it's all about.
39 year old here. Recently finished Sekiro. It was ok, but I prefer BB/DaS over it. I also just beat Bloodstained, which was way too easy. Best gun + diamond bullets + pirate hat + invert to ceiling makes killing all enemies and bosses to simple and I found very little use in 80% of the shards. Been trying to get into Underrail but for some reason I'm just not digging it. Also went thru a recent string of indie games (Oxygen Not Included, Binding of Isaac, Slay the Spire). I've been considering replaying Ultima 5-7 next.
Crusader Kings II
Greatest game of all time.
If you can remember 9/11 you're a boomer. If you have no conscious memory of it you're a zoomer.
>turning 29 next month
>got my first and only girlfriend late december
>we're still going strong and growing closer together
>already plans of growing old together
>I've been playing co-op games with her and I feel like a little boy again, but also feeling like a real man for the first time in my life
Sorry if this sounds like bragging, but I'm just so happy and I want to tell there is always hope.
29, replaying Underrail since the dlc came out and Fire Emblem 3H I guess, that one isn't really grabbing me yet. Had a game of Field of Glory Empires going but its been a week since I touched that one.
Doom 1 and Quake
I'm 20. :))
I'm 30 and I don't find easy games fun. They just bore me.
Currently playing MGSV.
I don't think I've ever had this much fun playing an MGS game before, and I've played the whole series to death mind you. There's barely any plot as far as I've gotten but purely from a gameplay perspective this game and GZ are pretty much everything I ever wanted from a modern MGS game. And I don't even have 10% completion yet despite playing for about a week. Yea Forums always talks such bad things about this game, I hope they only meant the plot, desu I don't really care where the plot of the series is going at this point, and I gotta admit the tutorial level was awful.
On a general level I'm catching up on the PS3 catalog since I never had one during its time nor any newer console. I'm pleasantly surprised with some fun games like the aforementioned MGSV, Demon's Souls and the Batman games. The graphics on these games are so good too, improving them further than this seems like overkill.
Enjoyed playing Yoshi's crafted world with my son.
Better late than never, congrats user
thanks anons i-i don't want to be a pussy
I'm 40 (I'm asking about La Mulana and posted Master of Magic as the game I was currently playing)
I don't necessarily need a game to be hard, but it should have some sort of challenge and not waste my time with bullshit. I liked JRPGs a lot when I was a kid but other than FF4 Free Enterprise basically cannot play them anymore because they're so bogged down with cutscenes and walking simulation. I can't even go back to Playstation era JRPGs like FF7 and Xenogears.
Most people agree MGSV has the best mechanics of the series, despite having virtually no plot and just a small set of recycled missions that make up the game. It's all sandbox, no structure, and that's a damn shame. Just imagine an MGS1/2/3 style scenario and energy in the fox engine, it could have been incredible.
>booting up Darkwood after Yea Forums shilled it so much
If I don't get spooked, I will get so mad you don't even know
RO: Darkest Hour. Funny a 10+ year game is better than any battlefield/cod/any other FPS of our current year. Last recent game I truly enjoyed is Remake 2.
36 and I'm concerned that I'm not enjoying anything at the moment. If Classic doesn't do it for me (I played it way too much back in 2005), then I'll feel a bit lost. Why did SFV and WOW BFA have to suck so much.
All the good fightan is on fightcade
Or Steam (SF4).
Been playing XIV lately, enjoyed the story content and at least one separate quest there had a rather profound impact on me.
Running Diablo 2 modded with Path of Diablo installed, playing my 300% MF necro farming Hell pits. Thinking about trying Sacred 2 again with a mod that increases the maximum amount of enemies and improved ragdolling so I can have some fun with the Inquisitor and his skill that pulls the enemies together black hole style and then explodes them based on the amount that hit each other.
Project Cars 2 VR on Steam with Oculus Rift. I think VR is the biggest thing since moving from 2d to 3d after playing this. Having the proportions of the world be exact creates a sensation of speed that wasn't possible before on a monitor.
wow always sucked you only enjoyed it because it was a new experience and then you only played it because of your guild
Age of Empires 2.
are there more portraits of doomguy? god mode? hamburger face?
For anybody here who's played Dragon Quest 11, what would you rate it out of 10?
>36 and I'm concerned that I'm not enjoying anything at the moment.
33 here and in a similar boat. All I want in life is to have another good Battlefield game and sadly I don't think that's ever going to happen.
In a somewhat different vein, I played the Ghost Recon: Breakpoint closed test over the weekend and that actually seemed pretty alright, less identical to every other Ubi game than I expected and not just Wildlands 2, more like kind of a halfway point between that and a Far Cry game. Seems like it might at least be good enough to put 50+ hours into, which is pretty decent by today's standards.
Playing Titan Quest Anniversary Edition at the moment. Although I'm bored with my games atm and looking for something else to play.
is rimworld fun for a boomer?
DQ 11
Darkest Dungeon
Going back to play:
A shitty SNES game called Secret of the Stars
Arino play games when I don't feel like it
27 here, just got a PSP with a 32gb memory stick.
Shit's gonna last me for a few months.
I'm 24 and 364 days old. Can I join?
Still pissed that mine burned out on me. Was my favorite way to play PS1 games and Earthbound
transport fever
7 days to die
swat 4
call of chernobyl
F.E.A.R. in vorpx
space engineers
I just finished Xenoblade 2. I was a little iffy on it in the beginning but the characters hooked me and I'm so glad I picked it up again. After 100+ hours its hard to say goodbye to that world though. Post-game depression is a bitch.
im 25!
Haven't been playing much else except dota 2. Trying to get into underrail and pathfinder but failing to find them interesting.
Trying to get 112% completion on hollow knight (currently at 110)
Recently (last week) successfully got into anime and binge watched 2 shows, berserk and steins gate. Gonna watch more once my ear recovers from the pain the binge watch caused (body not working as good as it used to in my younger days).
Anyway what are you playing?
Tomb Raider 1
FFXIV most recently
Honestly I only enjoy management type games and sims nowadays. I’m so fucking sick of fighting shit and killing dragons and zombies or whatever
I'm playing a game that I wrote. It gives me more joy to develop and debug a game and then run it to test new ideas than to play somebody else's game.
only as long as you don't expect dwarf fortress level of complexity
>just turned 25
guess I'm a boomer now.
I currently play: RE2 with a friend (taking turns), just started Syberia the other day and really dig it (and the early late 90s/early 2000s nostalgia it comes with)
and most boomer of em all is probably SL that I started playing again for autistic reasons (after not touching it for nearly a decade).
I really miss couch/offline coop gaming with friends, playing RE2 together almost felt like the old days.
godspeed user
I've played legend of heroes trails in the sky trilogy and I loved it from start to the end
It has been years since the last time I felt this way toward a game.
we trapped another one roastiebros. now time to make him sign and legal contract and steal half his shit!
I'm playing the shit out of octopath travelers. Reminds me of the good old snes jrpg times
>I really miss couch/offline coop gaming with friends
This is why I picked up a switch, the online is shit but it's got a ton of great couch co-op games. Recently it's been Smash, Mario Maker 2, and Mario Kart. Also a lot of indies (One Strike, Towerfall, Overcooked 2, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle, etc.). When it's just one other person Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle has a good co-op mode.
Today is my 25th birthday. Am I welcome?
Technically. Happy birthday.
Just finished Detroit: Become Human
Also playing more MonHun: World in preparation for Iceborne
Dark Souls 3 mostly, a bit of Elite Dangerous, getting back into it after half a year off, and Brigador just got a few new campaign missions to play so I'm getting at that soon.
Just Streets of Rogue my dude.
About to start up Anarchy reigns.
>The graphics on these games are so good too, improving them further than this seems like overkill.
I totally agree and I don't get why they're pushing graphics further these days.
Sooo… Since when did being 28 make me a boomer? What even IS a "boomer" these days?
It's quantifiable, unlike fun, so they can force progress.
New games? Magicat and Mario Maker 2 I guess.
Lately it's been Hitman 2 and Forza Horizon 4.
Turned an WRX into an S1 rally beast, now trying to figure out what car to turn into an S2 rally car.
28 and im playing the new FE three houses, its a friend and waifu simulator. Something i cant have IRL atleast i can have virtually
I'm 22 and I'm playing KOF 2002 when I'm supposed to be working
Rogal is fucking bullshit and I just reset the game when I get to him
>What even IS a "boomer" these days?
Someone who is going to get euthanized when they are used up and too old to work.
That doesn't narrow it down at all.
Learn G. Legit the only fun character on that trash.
If you like playing brazilians and idiots, sure
You're always going to be 20 years behind everyone on those servers, unless you stomp some noobs
I might just make like a fightcade discoard or something becuase relying on the lobby to get a good match is torture
Cs go
I still enjoy destroying zoomer faggots
Playing nu-DOOM in short sessions. There's nothing more relaxing than shooting demons in the face.
Just finished mowing the yard honestly.
Playing minecraft for the first time at 28. Not finding the appeal, friend's server is just flat and full of retarded memes she and her friends made in creative mode.
Just bought Iratus Lord of the Dead on a whim though. Gonna play it when its done downloading in a few hours...
Why does everything feel like a waste of time? Even working this week has just felt pointless.
>Even working this week has just felt pointless.
...has it ever not felt pointless to you?
Kenshi, it's pretty fun if infuriatingly broken.
Hitman 2 and Guacamalee 2
Recently started playing witcher 3 on my ps4 pro. Damn such games only come out once a decade, I have not yet finished it but it's already awesome.
play kof 95 or 96 if you want to be a real boomer
It's because you're unsatisfied my man, get a nice wife
>Modern Warfare 2
>nostalgia for the game that permanently ruined online multiplayer forever by killing server browsers and forcing DLC on PC
I hate you.
So someone born in 1992 is a baby boomer?
Playing this *Crack open a Monster* no as good as the original
No a boomer. Not a baby boomer
Just don't fall in love.
Boomers and Zoomers don't exist.
Unironically EA Battlefront 2, Heroes vs Villains.
Hero of Might and Magic 3
Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of boomer and zoomer. I know this: if there are boomers, then I am no less a boomer, and being thus, the boomer is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I boom, I zoom, and am content.
Boomers and Zoomers don't exist.
I'm officially declaring that a man is judged not by the time he was born, but by his personality. A man is judged not by a his childhood, but by his current interests.
Remember: Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus would be classified as millennials.
Its a meaningless endeavor these days. Sadly, the modern industry doesn't want to focus on fun or try new things.
Rimworld, Prey 2017, and Underrail expansion
Hitting 30 in couple of months, sill enjoy vidya but genres clearly shifted. Currently playing a way out
maybe a little bit out of topic:
Whats the average period of time before a game after release is "finished?" you knw, all dlc, all patches ect. I dont want to buy half finished game anymore, really annoyiing
mgs 5. Stuck on a mission 26. Not because I get killed, but because it always turns into massacre, for some reason cant ghost it and high rank it. Great game though.
Botw and Mario odyssey - amazing games. Literally feel like a kid when I play them.
Want to buy sekiro, but doubt I'll have patience and time for it.
>World of Warships
>Kingdom Come
>Nu Man's Sky
>Crash Bandicoot Remaster
Thinking about reinstalling Gothic 2 for comfy feeling though.
Kenshi, i haven't touched any other game in weeks and still no plans to quit it any time soon.
28. Been playing a lot of Ni No Kuni 2, even though it's not a particularly fun or good game. I think I just really like games that are glorified loading bar simulators.
Modded Skyrim w lewd scenes
29. Playing Squad, EDF 5, and Hitman 2(new), alongside a slew of indie games (thief simulator, regions of ruin, battle brothers, pulsar, sunless skies, a bunch others as well.)
Looking for something new though. Can really put my finger on what I want to play, which is the main issue with finding something fresh. Any recs of good games yall have been playing would be appreciated.
Into the Breach
My heart says that the best kinds of games are the ones that have a strong narrative bent; games that are more than just pressing buttons and leave you with a lasting impact with the stories they tell, the characters you meet and the worlds you explore. I would tell you that a linear, cinematic, story-driven game that you play through in like eight hours but then keep thinking about long after you're done with it is the best kind of game. For the record, I love linear games far more than I love open world games because the former is always better paced and always has better level design.
But I sometimes gravitate towards games that are nigh-immoral to play. I was addicted to Destiny for three years and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links for one year, and those games just have you playing the same shit over and over again. It's psychological manipulation and it just feels so good and I know that it's wrong to spend my time playing games like that (I am thinking of playing Warframe now) when there are so many games I haven't started yet that give me something lasting, you know. I am fully aware that reading The Book of Sorrows was a more memorable experience than actually playing Destiny (and before you start, fuck Halo), yet all I do is play Quake mods instead of something like Nier or Fragile Dreams. I wasn't like this 10 years ago. I can't even bring myself to play horror games, and that's my favorite genre.
The other is fighting games. I will never get tired of those.
Fuck dude, have these threads always existed? Or am I seeing more of these since turning 25?
I don't wanna grow old.
>He hasn't played the over 40s only expansion
Beat Nethack for the first time in my life a few weeks ago, now I'm just playing Dominions 5.
I'm working right now but when i get home I am going to buy Graveyard Keeper and give it a try, found out about it while looking for games like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley.
Prey (the good one)
Now that's an accomplishment. I don't know if i've ever made it past Medusa in Nethack.
>Now that's an accomplishment
Valkyrie is so damn strong if you make sure to not die to dumb shit that I wish it were.
I'm enjoying sex with your mom.
Im 21
But wait who is that guy in the pic? Is that from the new cod?
Haha I'm 18 and in your thread what are you old fucks gonna do about it! I'm still in high school and have my whole life ahead of me and I'm having lots of teenage sex! I love halo 3 I think it was great
I'm working on Baba is You.
gonna pay for supermodel hookers and tell you how it's all going to fall apart and you'll be like me one day
But Prey 2006 was boring repetitive garbage.
33 here.
Crusader Kings 2 all day every day. Closing in on 1800 hours.
rain world
amid evil
ion fury
vox machinae is the only multiplayer one i'm playing, it's a big improvement over mechwarrior online
Never I'm gonna be young and cool forever!
29 here. Currently playing
I also started Alpha Protocol but it feels pretty shitty so I think I might drop it.
off by 2 years
DQ Builders 2 right now.
get out underage
5 games at once? Fuck that must take some talent. Do you have octopuses testacles and a stick tied to your nose to operate your 5 keyboards?
Well, I've been playing BotW on and off for about 6 months now. Bloodborne I've been chipping away at for even longer. The others I just started, and I'm really enjoying them. I'm in no rush to complete any of these.
It's fine if I'm 21 but my first game was DOOM 95 when I was 2 years old?
Still do a trilogy play-through once a year.
Started hollow knight last night
Its good but fuck all the people calling it the best plataformer ever, its not even the best decent indy plataformer, shovel knight is way better
Must be hard to find time with your girlfriend always nagging you
Im 26 not a boomer
Neverwinter Nights
Its good but if you play JRPGs you need to enable hard monsters mode because its boringly easy on normal. This can only be done when you first create your save file so if you want to check those features out you have to remember not to miss it. If you like dq, 11 is a solid enjoyable addition to the franchise
SMT: Nocturne
I'm about to start Morrowind for the first time.
That Cthulhu is really cute!
Civ 6 Alexander domination play thru
Wachenroden on Saturn
GTA 5 and RD2 fuckin around
Been playing PREY 2017 it's pretty good, it's basically system shock 3.
I'm about 3 hours in it mooncrash, it's pretty legit.
And on sale currently
I don't have time to play games because I have an actual career. No, I'm not talking about 9-17 stacking boxes at the oil factory - a REAL job.
Challenging and fun, lots of tools and skills to take on the variety of combat encounters.
Haha y-yeah, it must be
imagine being 25+ and still larping on a korean arts and crafts forum
>I also started Alpha Protocol but it feels pretty shitty so I think I might drop it.
It gets pretty good honestly. It's super weird and janky in the best way, and the branching story is great. Just stick with it for a little while and itll pick up. Just embrace being a dollar store Bond.
Im currently a top 300 yoshimitsu on soul cali 6, wanna hit b rank atleast
Havent ever played mmos before but i got into phantasy star online on a gamecube hack server last year for a few months, it was fun, i tried elder scrolls online and did most of the morrowind content but dropped it cause elder scrolls combat isnt made for multiplayer, tried tera but got turned off by the gross mismatched modelling and artstyles, and now im playing final fantasy 14 and am really really enjoying it. I gotta decide whether i wanna get into it hardcore or pick up wow classic with friends when it comes out
I only play fighting games now, mostly Tekken.
Every other genre has moved away from what I enjoyed about gaming when I first got into it as a hobby.
So far bloodstained is my game of the year
Really looking forward for ion maiden
> The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
> Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
> Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
> Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
> Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)
are you an retarded
Congrats on the b-day, user.
>I also started Alpha Protocol but it feels pretty shitty so I think I might drop it.
Don't let the graphics and stiff animations fool you. It's an okay game underneath.
Get the MGE for it and enjoy. Go in without expectation.
You stack barrels not boxes you boot retard. Being a welfare queen is not a REAL career, theres not even a war on anymore. Enjoy being a slick sleeve wannabe your whole career.
no why cant things just be normal again
No. Fuck off.
Generations don't exist. It's an artificial construct made by some autists who felt the need to divide people even more than they already are.
>farming achievement to complete all campaign missions with all loadouts
>they've added three more missions
You are disgusting.
that sounds like dirty millennial talk
Recently beat Youngblood.
Graphics were good, enemy variety was decent, and there was a good sense of progression.
The final boss was actually really good and leveraged the mechanics quite well.
The problem is the mechanics used through the rest of the game were obnoxious.
>you have line armor, let me swap to my line gun
>oh your buddy has box armor, let me swap to my box gun.
I felt like i was swapping my guns as much as I was shooting.
playins some BOTW yet again. I love it and I don't know why
its not a very good game objectively (side quests are shit) but its max comfy. Can't help but replay the main game every few months. I feel like this is what elder scrolls games should have been if not for being a completely buggy piece of shit. open world with some fun collecting, camps of enemies to take down (not just 1-2), get rid of randomized caves and just put like 100 nice sized ones throughout the world
I also enjoy far cry but my problem is its too bro-guy realistic. Ubishit should consider making a more fantasy version with magic and cool weapons and shit
>Deponia Trilogy
I hate this stupid game, but I will finish it because I'm in a point n click phase.
I finished Fran Bow (Good) and Kathy Rain (Starts good, falls in the last chapter). Next I'll play Thimbleweed Park.
Exact opposite opinion, I think BotW is fantastic but only good for one playthrough. I spent 120 hours manically playing it without a guide, finding 117 dungeons (had to look up 3), maxing out my equipment upgrades, exploring every nook and cranny of the map, but once I finished it was done for good. There's nothing new to find or do. It's over, and it was beautiful.
I respect your opinion though and hope you have a great evening,
Currently super into Pinball FX3 on the Switch. I only have the two free tables but I've racked up 20 hours.
Seriously thinking about building one of the multi monitor PC pinball rigs.
I come here every so often to see what the new trendy retarded shit that kids are playing these days is all about
Eve Online
I played this for a while, it was hard as fuck when I did. Good shit user
I'm 22, fuck boomers
What didn't you like about deponia?
29 next week here
>Fallout 1
>Stardew Valley
I'll probably buy Fire Emblem for my birthday, or something like that
user wtf I'm 20 and you're making me feel old
Back to the topic playing morrowind rn and am gonna move on to daggerfall unity when I'm done
I've been playing a lot of Dragons Dogma. It's a mess but it's charming and fun. I've also been going and getting my hole wrecked in MK11 every now and again.
I don't game anymore. I just watch video game streams and post on Yea Forums.
Sell it to me as if you were being paid to shill.
what's that hairdryer for
Diet soda is the funniest part of this picture
Second greatest game of all time
I have close to 400 games that I've bought on Steam over the years, but I've been only playing Free to Play games lately.
Fistful of Frags and Brawlhalla.
Just end me already.
I'm scared
I'm gonna be a boomer in a year
Use the customer service support center to remove redundant games from your account. It's liberating.
I really dislike Rufus. I know that's kinda the point, but they did a way too good work making him unlikable.
Also, the solutions to some puzzles are way too illogical/obscure.
nice purse faggot
Fuck off underage
I'm jumping between Kotor, Duke Nukem 3D, and the new fire emblem.
I've been re-watching Star Trek so I've been considering going back to Star Trek Online as well.
>tfw no good Star Trek games
>Fistful of Frags
That's my motherfucking jam my dude.
Duke 3D helped get me through some shitty times. Fucking college.
Escape from Tarkov mostly, not much else can really draw my attention. Looking forward to The Outer Worlds though.
Mercenaries 2
You really are a boomer jesus
The normal difficulty setting is purposefully harder than regular Starcraft. Easy difficulty is basically regular Starcraft level. The reason is all the modern quality of life benefits you get due to it being in SC2, the biggest being the ability to select mass amounts of units and the path finding.
Im playing Turok right now, it actually inspired me to start a youtube channel. I never thought Id be doing this but I love it, its very relaxing and it helps me with my PTSD.
At first it was hard putting the videos on youtube. Im pretty cringey but I love the game im playing... Time will tell if others like it or not.
FF XIV because I've lost control of my life.
Mount and Blade Warband, Saints Row 2, and some 2d porn games
dead space
Uhh right now? Postal 2, Warframe, and some TF2 occasionally