I miss hidari bros.....
I miss hidari bros
I like the art and character models in Three Houses.
It's the environment that looks like ps2 shit.
All of it looks like shit, it's the ugliest game in the series after Shadow Dragon and New Mystery.
I think everything but the eyes on the 3H stuff is passable, and that ruins the art style for me. The eyes look like dead fish-eye glass replicas put in corpses. Not saying the game is bad though, just the art.
Dude have you even seen some of the animations
Literally the only good thing about Echos
>like the art and character models in Three Houses.
Its fucking A. It has a modern design but the characters all still have a classic-FE charme to them.
Can't say the same for the overdesigned DW7 style trash that was Awakening's and Fates' design
Is this overdesigned?
Or this?
Nah man this is SOUL
Get some tastes
I have the sudden urge to play castlevania now
Kozaki draws better females and I hate the lifeless colors of echoes.
Witness true SOUL
ugly face and terrible colors
>better females
>lifeless colors
W-who is this masked warrior?
3H would've been my most liked FE ever if they kept Hidari.
Camilllas design is just bad. All Echoes females look so much better
>but the characters all still have a classic-FE charme to them.
No they fucking don't.
Alright I just gotta say Camilla’s hair is much better
Sorry FEkeks, he's ours now
Great artwork, terrible fucking gameplay. Why they would stay so faithful to the original game and not improve on any of those awful maps is beyond me and I can only imagine it was laziness.
At least it has my wife though.
Echoes had the best art and mechanics, why can't we just get more of it?