>there are still people who don't know that the Harvest Moon series has been renamed to Story of Seasons and that any game that is called Harvest Moon is a fake Harvest Moon game made by Natsume trying to trick uninformed gamers and cash in on brand recognition even though they don't have the developers anymore and they suck.
There are still people who don't know that the Harvest Moon series has been renamed to Story of Seasons and that any...
It doesn't matter when SoS also sucks.
It doesn't, hahaha! That's the joke of it all! IT'S GREAT! AHAHAHAHA!
Any reason I should play this rather than Stardew or Rune Factory?
Well if you're playing Rune Factory that's actually another one of the real Harvest Moon games so you're fine.
the first Story Of Seasons was really underwhelming, did they make it better in subsequent games?
Trio is better than SoS.
Aaaand... that's the only other one they've made, huh? Is this franchise dead?
Story of Seasons and Trio of Towns have soul unlike SDV.
Which game lets me fuck nonhumans?
There's a Doraemon spinoff that already released in Japan that's coming west in a few months and a remake of Friends of Mineral Town that's releasing in Japan in October with a later western release.
That would be Rune Factory, you can even fuck a plant in 4.
Wow, what a crazy question. I wonder what the answer is, just for curiosity lmao
None of them then? I guess I will stick with Rune Factory then.
Hopefully 5 shows us the good stuff.
BTN, FoMT, DS, DS Cute, HoLV, AnB, ToT, AP, and 3oT. I think that covers them.
Gods, witches, mermaids, kappa, kitsune, sentient mascot suits.
>ching chong ho lee fuk wii 2 loe wego ndow bang ding ow nip nong ting tong
What do any of those mean?
>Rune Factory 5 was announced
The dream is real
They're acronyms for the series' game titles.
Back to Nature
Friends of Mineral Town
DS Cute
Hero of Leaf Valley
A New Beginning
Tree of Tranquility
Animal Parade
Trio of Towns.
I couldn't get into Trio of Towns.
I don't like the farm setup, I don't like the empty-as-fuck themepark designs of the towns, I don't like most of the character designs, and the first month is SO FUCKING BORING HOLY SHIT DO I REALLY NEED A MONTH LONG TUTORIAL?
Off the top of my head, Back to Nature, Friends of Mineral Town, DS, DS Cute, Hero of Leaf Valley, A New Beginning, Tree of Tranquility, Animal Parade, Trio of Towns. I'm impressed I did that considering I've never played any of them.
Thank you.
Yes I was confused till I realized harvest Moon is dead and it died on the DS long ago.
Huh? DS had the most Harvest Moon games of any console by an enormous margin.
>There are still people who don't know that there hasn't been a good Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons game after Friends of Mineral Town in 2003
I don’t give a fuck,at least not until SOS is ported to pc. Not gonna bother using shitty emu to play it.
This fucking tutorial is cancer.
>start playing
>got bored because of tutorial
>repeat again after some time
When has a Harvest Moon game ever been ported to PC? Just play it on your 3DS.
I bought the first story of seasons when it came out but never played it because of it's performance issues. years later I hacked my 3DS and downloaded the sequel, trio of towns but never got around to play it. I heard the performance issues are fixed. worth a try? it's just farming like regular old HMs, right? that's ok but I like rune factory's additions more
Not that user, but other than DS and maybe SI, the DS games were bad.
>We say jackshit of it during the stream
If it wasn't coming out in a year I'd be mad
Awful start but one of the better HMs after that
And DS was nothing more than a buggy mess of a copy/paste job of FoMT.
Natsume has already ported theirs to pc and planning to port back to nature too. Also we already got Portia and stardew for that hm itch. Not gonna bother getting a 3ds just for yet another hm.
Wow, Ronnie makes surprisingly well-informed comics.
do you need to hook up with people in the Rune Factory games or can you be a bachelour?
You have to get married to finish the story in 2 and 3, but you don't have to marry in 1 or 4.
What about Frontier and Tides of Destiny?
would you recommend 4 for a newbie?
Yes, Rune Factory 3 and 4 are the best in the series, you don't have to play all of them if you don't want to. I'd say just play 4 on 3DS or wait for the switch version, then play 5 next year.
Is it true that every second HM/SoS game is just an enhanced version of the previous game but with more stuff and so that there's no point to playing the first one? Like I remember someone saying Animal Parade is that game for Tree of Tranquility.
The performance issues are fixed, yes. It runs much smoother and you aren't hitting 10FPS just running through screens. The characters are generally better and there's more stuff to do.
>it's just farming like regular old HMs, right?
Kind of. It's a bit more like the later Rune Factory games where they just throw so much stuff at you that you don't have time to run around and complete it all, so it's deciding what you want to focus on. I've been able to consistently take care of all my crops within the first half of the day, then it's running around talking/gifting and doing requests for the rest of the day.
In that sense, I wouldn't call it quite like the old ones. Most of the old ones had you devote most of your time to just one or two specific tasks, from what I remember. But it's still pretty decent, especially if it isn't costing you anything to try it out.
But what says is a bit true. It takes one in-game year for all the towns to unlock, and you'll be forced to build bridges and spend all your time mining in the first town only for the first half a year because the others aren't opened yet.
I'm pretty sure you don't need to marry in either of those games either. I think you can't even marry in Tides until after finishing the main story.
Oath in Felghana is the most accessible Harvest Moon game for a normie, it has voice acting so they pay more attention.
Not true. AP is a lot like an enhanced/reimagined ToT because it has the same cast and similar mechanics, but the story and town are different. Personally, I think AP is better and ToT is skippable but, but it's not a direct replacement of ToT.
There isn't a single game in the series that I consider a straight-up replacement for any other, even between the actual remakes like BTN/FoMT and StH/HoLV. Between those two sets, each game has something unique to offer.
Meant for I don't know how that quote was dropped.
>every second HM/SoS game is just an enhanced version of the previous game but with more stuff
Not quite. This was more true when the series was on multiple systems, since it jumped around a lot and you saw ports with different names. Once the games settled down on the Wii/DS and later, though, there were few ports and enhanced versions.
The original SNES game is unique, as far as I know, and wasn't ported anywhere. The Game Boy/GB Color games were also pretty much there own thing, or were stripped down enough to not really be the same.
Harvest Moon 64 (N64), Back to Nature (PS1), Friends of Mineral Town (GBA), More Friends of Mineral Town (GBA), and Boy & Girl (PSP) are all the same game, basically. The two GBA games are just a boy and girl version of the game, with More being the girl version.
Save the Homeland (PS2) is, I believe, the same game as Hero of Leaf Valley (PSP) except that Hero has a bunch of extra stuff. Like marriage.
A Wonderful Life (GC) and Another Wonderful Life (GC) are the same, just with the first being a boy and the second being a girl.
Magical Melody (GC/Wii) is, as far as I know, unique. Note that it's the first game you can select boy or girl from the start, as opposed to buying a separate version for that.
Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon DS Cute are the same game, too. Again, boy/girl difference for these.
As far as I know, all the rest of the games are unique. So that's all the Wii games and all the DS games (minus DS/DS Cute) along with the 3DS games. All of the Rune Factory games are unique as well.
>Harvest Moon 64 (N64), Back to Nature (PS1), Friends of Mineral Town (GBA), More Friends of Mineral Town (GBA), and Boy & Girl (PSP) are all the same game, basically.
64 and Back to Nature are completely different games, the latter just reuses character designs and names. The GBA games are a demake of BTN and Boy & Girl is a straight port.
>Save the Homeland (PS2) is, I believe, the same game as Hero of Leaf Valley (PSP)
While these are much closer than 64 and BtN, they're still very different. You can say Hero of Leaf Valley is more of a reimagining than a remake.
ToT has a lot of waiting around in general, its my only real gripe with the game aside from resource gathering
Thanks for all the detailed clarification. The only place I heard it was from a random post here on Yea Forums and I hadn't ever heard anyone else say it so I figured it might be some bullshit somebody made up. I don't think he was talking about the ports and remakes either because he specified the new games and seemed to think the Trio of Towns DLC was the first time that they didn't do it and instead just made the enhancements into DLC, or something like that. But I guess this means for the most part I can check out whichever ones interest me without worrying I'm playing an inferior version.
Yeah, most of the similar versions have to do with the boy/girl divide. A lot of the earlier games just had a guy protagonist and so they made a different version later with a girl protagonist who can date the guys in town. It's the same game otherwise. Those are really easy to tell apart; they basically have the same name with a slight difference.
Back to Nature/Boy & Girl, and Save the Homeland/Hero of Leaf Valley, are the only real "remakes" you want to be aware of.
That makes sense. Seems like it's pretty much just common sense. Although, I was just looking up Magical Melody out of curiosity and I found out that the Wii version cut out the female protagonist option for some reason? I don't see anything about any other differences besides motion controls so I find it really strange that they would do that, normally I'd expect the newer version to have more content.
Yeah the Magical Melody Wii version was a really weird case and nobody really knows what happened there. PAL regions never got the GameCube version but were promised a Wii version, which ended up being severely cut for seemingly no reason at all, and with tacked on motion controls.