Reminder that if you are okay with White Phosphorus in the new Call of Duty you're supporting literal war crimes

Reminder that if you are okay with White Phosphorus in the new Call of Duty you're supporting literal war crimes.

Enjoying nukes is still okay though, those are still allowed, it's just the white phosphorus.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nukes vaporize you in an instant, white phosphorus melt you alive.

Who dis?

>why is this game about warfare and death violent?

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>literal who Twitter screenshot thread


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Let's see what you say once they change the game because of that tweet.


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If they change it, it'll be worth a thread. Right now, it's not worth a thread.


What are the chances this is Activiosn falseflagging?

You can play as an 8 year old girl in the new CoD AND it shows a cinematic of you taken into ER when you die?
Wow, games sure have come a long way.

>he cares about CoD

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>twitter screencaps
Didnt read lol

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War crimes are a meme. Its war do whatever is neccessary to win.

hoes mad

hoes mad

>intrusive thot
pretty much

They did this shit like 7 years ago and can I say all this graphic detail about the new CoD actually has me interested in the game

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No, but soldiers from both sides can rape you. It's a powerful message.

Ri ra rollan

yeet nice

White Phosphorus was already a killstreak in Black Ops 1 you idiots.
In fact I'm pretty sure that was the inspiration for the White Phosphorus scene in Spec Ops the Line.

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Came here to post that, thank you user.

People say it as a meme, but liberals of today are really no different from conservative christians of the past. Only difference are the justifications. Instead of being sinful, blasphemous and turning people into killers/satanists it's sexist, racist and turning people into killers/rapists.

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Now we're talkin'

Wasn't it Napalm?

let's see you not being triggered whiny degenerate incel first

i only allow cuties to be my waifus

Hey, drones kill people too, and COD has had them from as early as 3 kills.

Yeah, but now it's declared rape.

All the other weapons are still fine and dandy though.

I'm not exactly sure, but I think this is antisemitic.

>10 kiloton nuke
What is this, the 1930's?

I swear if I don't get a loli to fap to I'll jump off a roof

>It doesn't matter that both are deadly, and that nuclear weapons destroy square miles, irradiating survivors and ruining genetic legacies for decades or more, white phosphorus is MORE PERSONAL

Stop posting

Reminder: you're a faggot
Reminder: COD games suck
Reminder: but so does OP

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Guns kill people. Many games feature excessive use of guns to kill other people.
Just let that sink for a minute.

Nothing of value would be lost.

That person's bio:
>My name's Alice, I'm Twitter's favourite transsexual Muslim.
are these people actually real or parodies? I don't use twitter

No fucking way. Modern Warfare was always known for its shock levels, and they know that all the coverage just hyped up the game. Omitting it this time would be a massive loss of customers.

t. knows absolutely nothing about nuclear weapons

>my waifu isn't on it
no thanks, unless I get 00 in which case I'd pick pick related.

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>White Phosphorus
Nukes that can instantly vaporize 100,00 people, are not worst than white phosphorus? wtf?

...unless you weren't close enough to blast radius.
Then you will spend your last days in agony, wishing for someone to end your suffering.


based user saving this thread

What about the monuments and months of media parroting about it?

They're real. Only in real life you can ignore their internet identity points and tell them to fuck off.

I don't remember CoD having any controversy outside of No Russian.

Fukken rollan


Finally someone put this shit to words. Fuck the retards who preemptively get triggered over something that MIGHT happen.

They tried to startup controversy with that moment in MW3 where car blows up and kid dies.
Tried, but it didn't go anywhere since it was so fucking stupid.

it's gonna be nuke 2.0

... That's it?

The nuke scene in MW:1 wasn't as controversial, but it was shocking.
In 3 there was that level where a little girl and her family are killed in a gas attack

>Reminder that if you are okay with White Phosphorus in the new Call of Duty you're supporting literal war crimes.
sounds good to me, geneva convention is for faggots

I would guess the fallout causes drift and immediate climate change.

What about bullets?
By the way if you are actively on the lookout for shit like this from literal whos on twitter, then you can't complain about the platform faggot.

Funny how no one complains when killing people in their sleep.

>I would guess the fallout causes drift and immediate climate change.
How? Even Tzar-bomba could do it

It's only 10 kilotons. That's nothing. The Hiroshima bomb had something like 16 kilotons or so. "Modern" thermonuclear bombs have a yield in the megaton range.

>why is this game trying to normalize Israel's war crimes?



"13. To this war of every man against every man, this also is consequent; that nothing can be unjust. The notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice have there no place. Where there is no common power, there is no law: where no law, no injustice."

When a nuke goes off near a body of water it changes the temperature of the existing habitats for a couple years.

I swear I don't get this buzzword. People could just fuck off

Nuke survivors exist and it isn't pretty

>Trying to make political statements about a fucking multiplayer mode where people spend 10 minutes killing each over and respawning when they die

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Welp. Who did I get?

By what mechanism does it accomplish this?

Can I get a 37?


Zoomer's don't know...:
Today I will remind them.

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Some of the laws are thermodynamic and some of the laws are biological.

>raghead opinions

>white phosphorus bad!
Cool it with the anti-semitism.

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Any cute and funny girl please.

Didn't Tzar explode on the water at North Pole?


Who even is this?

I dunno, I'm just speculating from what we know about nukes. I didn't play CoD, nor do I have any intention to.

rollin this shit



go shill your twitter shit somewhere else bitch

Generic weebshit #129443

Doesn't really answer my question

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so you have no idea what you're saying

Yes it does.

I'm not going to persecute you for being defensive about my ignorance. That's a little bit too retarded for me. Either I'm stupid or not, but don't give me an excuse to violate you.

a Twatter twit, who believes that if she screams, louder and harder than everyone else, things will change..

They won't

verbose retort

anyway, the reason they stay hot is the same reason why it gets hot underground; nuclear decay. Basically the nuclear reaction from the bomb is still going off and generating heat. Since mass and heat are not conserved, it ain't thermodynamic.

You know what is thermodynamic? The thick steamy shit I took on your mother's chest last night.


yea but those lefties

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That scene was but a mere shadow of its predecessors. Definitively just a cutscene with little relation to the events witnessed by the player character. No Russian was notable because you were in control of the character and were pressured into shooting civilians. How could they fuck up so badly?

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Jesus Christ; I know it's my autism flaring up, but can y'all stop using snowflake incorrectly?

no, snowflake is the new literally

motherfucker do you even radiation? read about Chernobyl victims you dense idiot, those people literally liquefied to death (slowly, over weeks) because of radiation.

Did anyone ever tell them that taking a knee is a gesture of submission?

>flames appeared when doctors attempted to scrape away the dead tissue
Fake and gay.

Not it wasn’t limp dick. It was napalm

Nuke and NPP meltdown isn't the same thing you dense tool

did you guys know nukes are a real thing too?

A nuclear attack will do the same shit idiot, Hiroshima survivors had the same thing happen to them, it just wasn't as documentedas well as Chernobyl was since they literally had no idea what the fuck was happening and thought it was a contagious disease. And the point is even if they are somewhat different, both melt you alive, and I'd argue radiation sickness is worse.

whats the deal with all these images that were saved in 2013 being posted? I feel like that timestamp is super prevalent for some reason

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What am I looking at here

Fried rice

Black phosphorus is worse

I like how no one said anything when spec ops the line did it but God forbid cod do the same thing

Something having to do with expansion? I imagine the radiation effects the lifeforms in the general area somehow. Possibly changing their core temperatures or leaving only particular species alive within certain ranges and leading to a heating or cooling effect to the area

>says ground zero
>what am I looking at?
It's the before, and aftermath of 9/11, you idiot.

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fucking WHITE phosphorus

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Of course.

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Wait, is she selling nudes?

This too... although half-life has had weird studies, some stuff mutates and outright dies while other species just go on without so much as a defect.

Everything kills people. Can't have games with water because somebody drowned. White phosphorus is a terrible way to die, for sure. But maybe have an issue with the real world armies that use it, and not a game dev just using a subdued representation of the stuff.

>Can't have games with water because somebody drowned.
t. Boomer
Hydration is the most important thing in life. Drink more water.

Who gives a fuck, really? Twitter is made of complaints about everything in the world. This is irrelevant.

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Hey why was this deleted while the offtopic twitter thread is left up? If you hate your job and are so bad at it, just give it to me. I'll do a waaaay better job.

That ain't a thot

Based lazy fag. Just let them run rampant! That's the way!

>Implying bitching on Yea Forums is "doing something"
>Implying that additional attention doesn't make things worse
You're not taking a stand. You're not doing anything, you stupid nigger. You're crying on an image board over something that hasn't happened yet and giving these people an additional platform.

Where's 99 m8?

Brown people deserve to be bombed


Its the main reason god put them on this Earth.

What sort of mental illness do these kinda posters suffer from?

>Hi! My name's Alice, I'm Twitter's favourite transsexual Muslim communist

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By this logic if you're ok with the US military in video games you're also supporting whatever war crimes they've committed. If that's the route that people are willing to go down and be consistent with that's great, or alternatively they could just not give a fuck.

can we go back to 2008?


But getting shot with rifle rounds is such a fun time right

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nukes aren't real
prove me wrong

Well that's it then. videogames are cancelled!

you cant really. because as soon as you breathe in to say “fuck off”, ten people will have instagram live open to frame you as le ebil cis nazi whiteboi getting mad at queers for no reason

I don't know how twitter works. Is she quoting CoD's account or the other way around?

>It's mental illness to want the board to be run properly
I get it this is le epic shitpost board but some of us are better than that.


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Attached: Nuke.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

Attached: Cow vs. Underground nuclear test.webm (1000x562, 2.88M)


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>megaton range
try multiple hundred megatons.
modern nukes are strong enough to level an entire country.

Attached: nuke b&w.webm (1280x720, 895K)

This. People from D.C. deserve to die.

crummy pail of water?

Attached: Nuke test navy.webm (998x562, 2.9M)

Before and after of Hiroshima following the bomb drop.

Attached: Nuke test.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>modern nukes are strong enough to level an entire country.
Maybe some smallass unrecognized slavic country the size of a decent city. Nukes are nowhere near as powerful as you're insinuating, which is why the usual plan in case of nuclear war is to fire hundreds of them at major population centers,

Attached: nuke usa.webm (480x360, 2.92M)

Attached: Nuke castle bravo.webm (1024x576, 2.93M)

Wasnt this Bikni Atoll?

Did it died?

Attached: Nuke easy.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

Meant to reply to

Attached: Nuke Ivy Mike.webm (1040x584, 2.94M)

Yes, fun fact after the nuke goes off in the bottom right of the water column you can see the 25,000 ton battleship USS Arkansas being flung into the air.

Attached: Nuke depth charge.webm (1200x676, 2.84M)

Attached: nuke Operation Hardtack Nutmeg.webm (960x720, 2.83M)

Attached: nuke Operation Teapot - Turk 28141.webm (960x720, 2.56M)

So if I support using Willy Petes on gooks in RS2 we're all good?

by far the best nuke video out there.

Attached: nuke cannon.webm (640x360, 2.7M)

That's only from the initial blast. Anyone who fears nukes for their explosive potential is a cumbrained anti-nuclear cultist. The major threath lies in the radiation and the blast kicking up dust particles that can travel miles upon miles. The blast itself will also cause the wind to be more harsh and kick up EVERYTHING that's now a fucking death particle.

Something on fire on the yellow? Water supply and upper atmosphere heavily irradiated. Metal piece flies off into the distance? Practically a small nuke in terms of background radiation. Dust? fuck you humans breathe death.

Attached: nuke in china.webm (710x400, 2.84M)

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Attached: Tsar Bomba.webm (640x360, 1.25M)

>Tim Curry was wasted on RA3


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Getting shot with a rifle tends to be either "you're dead" or "it'll suck but you'll make it and eventually make a semblance of recovery"


>Severe radiation poisoning
>Liquefy to death in immense agony over weeks

>White phosphorus
>Die over hours in indescribable agony

I'd rather have the bullet to the brain, thanks

They're pussies and I don't give a shit about it being in the game, but pretending it isn't way worse of a way to go than being shot is fucking stupid.

They'll give you a medal for getting shot, but not one for getting nuked. Really makes you think, huh?

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You are like 30 years late on this cunt

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fucking horses lol

Air to air nuclear rocket.

Attached: Air-2 Genie Test.webm (582x360, 2.74M)

Fucking love this one

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What about Thermite OP? Am I still allowed to enjoy the big booms of thermite in video games, or have the thought police outlawed that one too?

yea why not just add rape while you're at it

even war has rules you cucks

Thermite doesn't create big booms.

>if I take it out of the video game, that guarantees it will never happen again!

Attached: no more ass n titties.png (750x1500, 56K)

show me the civs in cod mp
if they aren't around you can use wp all you want

6/10 you got some good baits

Yes goys don't complain until its too late to complain because thats been working well so far

wait, weren't there like a shitload of WWII games that used white phosphorus?

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>an 8-year-old girl being shot is one thing
>an 8-year-old girl being blown up is one thing
>an 8-year-old girl being napalm'd is one thing
>an 8-year-old girl being bayonetted is one thing

War is a hell of a drug

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No they didn't you dumb retard. Hiroshima survivors had third degree burns because nuclear weapons cause a heatwave that travels for dozens of miles in all directions burning everything to a crisp. The actual radiation released is relatively minor, nothing like the stuff that makes your skin melt off like in reactor accidents.

>Literal who twitter thread
Jannies do your job.

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Im sick of video games not being able to take risks because of our generation of pussies who want to be coddled from all things bad.

> only two day s oyarchdrones

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Not with that attitude it doesn't. get yourself a shit load of thermite.

Look, the zoomer thinks there's COD fans in Yea Forums

I thought so for sure too but look it up. I think we're both confusing another game that had white phosphorus killstreaks
I think he might be thinking of Homefront

Attached: homefront white phos.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

I hope the kid is hot, I'm gonna imagine the phospherus is cum while jerking off to her

I like the way you think.
brb shaving my aluminum bat with a rusty razor.

It's essentially censorship once removed.

(Supposed) Problem: Showing content A allows content A to become common. It becomes 'normalized'.

Solution: Prevent content from being shown, whether by appeals or threats of punishment.

They can't say 'Don't show this' without being called out, so it's shifted to "Don't normalize this".

>7 years ago
Try 13

Attached: MV5BNjE3OTRmMGQtY2Y1NS00Nzk4LWJkMWUtNGZkM2RlN2M0NzliXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjE3Nzg3MjY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,70 (707x1000, 128K)

Its possible, white phosphorous ignites on contact with air. some could have been safely embedded in the girls tissues

Israel is our ally you SJW fuck.

I think some people just sit around looking for shit to sound progressive over lol.
>oh shit there is white phosphorus in the new call of duty, its finally my time to tweet baby!

I see nothing wrong with the tweet. She is just using this as an opportunity to expose
>war crimes

white phosphorous is on the level of flamethrowers. There is an argument to using it because its incredibly effective at what it does, but people generally tend to dislike the thought of it. Its banned for use as a weapon, but its utility as a smoke screen makes it still employed, which means it inevitably becomes a weapon anyway.

>Its banned for use as a weapon

Wouldn't the philosophy of pulling your punches in a war scenario lead to the whole thing being dragged out over a longer period of time and just lead to more suffering regardless?

No, im right. Incendiary weapons are banned, weapons which might incidentally have an incendiary effect are not banned. White phosphorous is used to create smoke screens, its incendiary effect is simply an incidental byproduct. If it were deployed in a way as to use it as an incendiary weapon it would be in violation of various international treaties and conventions. Not that the US cares about those.

I should mention white phosphorous is also toxic, enough that it could be weaponized as a chemical weapon along this line. If it were done so; deployed as a chemical weapon, it would be in breach various treaties and conventions as well, however again, as it is merely intended to be used to create smoke screens it is not. The intended use is important when looking at these things.

All in all its a really nice substance. Its not that dangerous to handle, but it ignites on contact with the air so you don't need to worry about any special ignition mechanisms. It makes smoke, it burns, its toxic, it has all these properties that might make it militarily useful and logistically appealing for any number of applications.

You can make it at home too :^)

Not necessarily, the goal is to avoid excess suffering and collateral damage. I know it sounds stupid but you're supposed to kill a guy not cause him to die slowly and in agony while letting the battlefield be habitable in the future, which is the thought behind banning certain types of weapons. It's the difference between trying to knock someone out and gutting them and watching them bleed out

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Literally who
Kill yourself OP

William Tecumseh Sherman, is that you?

This doesn't mean what you think it means.

oh shit

Make Atlanta into a pile of burning tinder again sir, or just make Los Angeles into the firestorm that it's shaping up to be.

Wily Pete doesn't give a fuck.

Incendiary weapons are not banned. Here is the relevant section of the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons:

> 2. It is prohibited in all circumstances to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapons.
> 3. It is further prohibited to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by means of incendiary weapons other than air-delivered incendiary weapons, except when such military objective is clearly separated from the concentration of civilians and all feasible precautions are taken with a view to limiting the incendiary effects to the military objective and to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects.
> 4. It is prohibited to make forests or other kinds of plant cover the object of attack by incendiary weapons except when such natural elements are used to cover, conceal or camouflage combatants or other military objectives, or are themselves military objectives.


you mean we are israel's ally

I'm actually kinda looking forward to the new MW. And I hate CoD.

> Remember, no Stacy.

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So why can’t it be used in a VIDEO GAME that’s literally about killing everything in sight?

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>Zoomer's don't know about Spec Ops
>A game that came out 1 year after Gears 3 and the same year as CO:BO2

I hate the fact that there's people actually mad about this, but I would love it for Call of Duty to be screwed by SJW.
Imagine, the game that is the lowest common denominator, completely fucked by SJW. This would either
>Turn everybody into a SJW
>Get everybody to turn against the SJW
Jesus, we are so close to the end, fellas

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either way we stand together against the horde