Fix TF2 in 5 words or less
Fix TF2 in 5 words or less
Other urls found in this thread:
Ban all of the Tradefags
Remove lootboxes, trading and microtransactions.
More support from the developers
remove all cosmetics right now
give it more attention valve
ban ledditors
only hat soldier stash
Lets go back to 2007
Remove everyone except for engy
Revert to before mann-conomy update
revert your eternal reward nerf
Less balanced, more fun weapons
Undo Meet Your Match now
Competitive only delete friendly faggots
Fucking this, I don't understand their choices. They spent probably millions on artifact trying to chase a meme while a game that has stayed on the top played of steam for close to 12 years now gets 0 attention. It's like they actively hate it.
resurrect 2010 party van server
just let it die
remove cosmetics
Team Fortress Three In Development
Pre-Mannconomy 2010 build port
revert the "additional items" patch
Alright maggots!
-What year did you first play TF2?
-How many hours do you have?
-Most played class?
-Least played class?
-Favorite gamemode?
just let it die, please
Make Team Fortress 3
fuck bitches get money
Update the fucking game often
>2,900 Hours logged
>All the Holiday Events
t-take me back to 2010 ;_;
go back in time lol
Cease all random item drops
>What year did you first play TF2?
>How many hours do you have?
4,500 hours
>Most played class?
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
more gats, less hats
Meet Your Match never happens.
Immediately cease all competitive everything
And the fun fact is that Artifact is dead
Remove Trading and Steam Market.
Community servers; nerf demo/soldier
>most played class
>least played class
>favorite gamemode
>-What year did you first play TF2?
>-How many hours do you have?
2055 (took a two year break)
>-Most played class?
>-Least played class?
>-Favorite gamemode?
Randomizer Arena is fun, but I could never get into the vanilla version.
It was an adrenaline rush being the last one alive and killing the rest of the enemies, but I guess I'd have to play CS:S (because fuck CSGO) if I want to experience something similar
Male porn models (official)
more weapons, hats, and maps.
1170 (stopped playing for a bit)
Toss up between Pyro and Demo
>450 hours on Sniper
>14 hours on Pyro
Remove spy buff heavy
bring back old soda popper
>around 1200, idk
>Soldier, fuck 'em tryhards
>CTF for comfy time, KOTH for competetive pr-plays
Phlog oomphs immediately on full
Make all characters anime girls
Steam says 840, didn't play from 2010 till 2017
-What year did you first play TF2?
2008 on console, 2010 on pc
-How many hours do you have?
In total arround 4000-5000
-Most played class?
Pyro and Demoman
-Least played class?
Scout but Im playing fuckload of Scout nowdays
-Favorite gamemode?
Payload, unofficial TF2WARE and Fortwars
Pyro (but I rarely use him nowadays)
>-What year did you first play TF2?
2007, beta. Back when hydro was the most popular map and demo had 6 pipes
>-How many hours do you have?
Supposedly 1500 but Steam didn't start tracking played time til 2009, so probably 2500
>-Most played class?
>-Least played class?
>-Favorite gamemode?
Roll back to December 2008
>started playing in 2003
scratch that, I got slightly more on sniper actually
Battle Royale Game Mode
TFC totally counts.
you have to buy it
Then count me as 1998 because I accidentally played the Quake TF mod one time
Team Fortress 2 Battle Royale
Remove matchmaking. filler five words
Bring back Quickplay, delete Matchmaking
reverse all nerfs, remove matchmaking
>What year did you first play TF2?
Hire Date: Saturday, September 22, 2007 (21:20:00) GMT
>How many hours do you have?
around 900 hours
>Most played class?
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
I love me some Dustbowl but the answer to this question has to be Payload
and ban the redditor furries who join in
Remove Items, Pay to Play
Remove random crits, buff spy
>Roll back to December 2008
> Anonymous 07/30/19(Tue)22:21:05 No.472323017
Well it's been mentioned that employees in Valve can work on what they want so that actually might be the case.
Turn game into Dating Sim
>cheater kills me
>taunts me afterwards like i'd get mad
Port TF2 to Source 2
taunting after kills is just done out of habit for most people
if it does make people mad, good, if not, whatever maybe they laughed from it
>2007 on Orange Box (360)
>1,312 hours on PC
>Engineer, shifted to Medic main
>CTF / Payload
Take me back FUCK
>soldier (but im trying to learn rocket jumping)
It's been fun but I wish that I played back when it was more active.
Paid Vanilla Client
>this next test is impossible
How vanilla are we talking here, though?
Is it just taking the normal game and removing cosmetics and unlock weapons, or are we doing shit like 6 grenades in the launcher, Engineer having to destroy buildings every time he needs to move, and not having 90% of the maps?
I wish my friends didn't quit
I wish community servers were still a thing
I wish OW's bullshit didn't bleed into the game
I wish trading wasn't so predominant
I wish they didn't update the game only to add le epic meme workshop cosmetics
I wish Valve cared
Put rocket jump waltz on and pour one for the only online game that was ever fun
Keeping the maps and the QoL changes like the stuff you stated but removing the cosmetics and unlock weapons. Also returning the graphics to how they were at launch instead of the shittier models we have now.
3rd worlders get own servers
Just make TF3.
5 minutes no kill = ban
I played TFC if that counts, pre-ordered the orange box and played it pretty much from the start.
Pull the trigger, piglet
make it fun again
let the community do everything (cause they got good ideas)
Heavy Weapons Dude in Smash
remove matchmaking
revert graphical changes
There we go, you can even keep your hats.
heavy or medic too lazy to check
player destruction the ultimate tryhard gamemode
The graphical changes were a result of adding in the hundreds of hats into the game. Gotta remove the hats if you want the game to look good again.
Seriously? is there a story on this?
How would a TF3 even look? What things would it do differently?
>1232 hours
New characters and aesthetic.
Rework some classes entirely to be better fit/balanced to a arena shooter genre (Let's be honest, as fun as many classes are some like Spy and Pyro are just poorly thought out messes).
>add more classes
>make RJing do no self damage (this makes it noob friendly)
>add a quickscoping sniper
>add an assault rifle class
>add a semi auto battle rifle class
>add a burst mode battle rifle class
>maybe add more RJing classes
>add a skiing class
>female classes (waifus)
>king of the hill
When you start at valve you get a manual and then you choose what you do. Gabe doesn't care what you do as long as it is something. That's mainly why nothing is finished. People only leave valve if they are retarded or quit.
No more hats or loadouts
release the last comic
-Payload for sure
Sounds like valve needs a team scramble
Get rid of the crates
ults for every Team Fortress Hero
>implying hours played matter after polycount update
Most current players have at least a thousand idle hours. Playtime is meaningless in today's tf2
Crash the trade market.
100% unusual rate as standard.
900 hours
Also in other news I think valve is simply making the unusuals from their fiasco just dirty and only tradeable out of sheer laziness.
>Medic or Pyro
no microtransaction shit
ban furfags
>-What year did you first play TF2?
>-How many hours do you have?
7k original steam account, 2k in my current account made in 2010.
>-Most played class?
Demoman. Salt for spamming "winbombs" never stopped being funny to me.
>-Least played class?
Spy. Fuck Spy.
>-Favorite gamemode?
Payload Race. Favorite map is Freight though.
How do I get an engineer bf?
2010 (was like a few weeks/a month from getting buds since I used to be stupid and have a mac)
Like 1,900
Probably medic or spy
Depends on the map, but usually Koth or payload.
Roll back to pre-Mannconomy
lurk math building at your local university.
be Miss Pauling
>What year did you first play TF2?
2014 I think, don't really remember
>How many hours do you have?
>Most played class?
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
Free Unusuals for all players
>What year did you first play TF2?
2008 because I got the Orange Box for Christmas but didn't get to TF2 until the new year had started
>How many hours do you have?
Over 6000 but a lot of that is idling or me not bothering to close the game as it runs in the background
>Most played class?
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
I hope one of us lands a fucking job in valve and starts working on TF2
>Playload all talk enable
-What year did you first play TF2?
-How many hours do you have?
-Most played class?
Probably Spy.
-Least played class?
Soldier. He's boring as fuck.
-Favorite gamemode?
remove random crits
rework spy
Stop being lazy, make TF3.
2011 post Uber update
Just a few short on a whole 3k
Scout, he's the go-to for a lot of tf2 community gamemodes
Demo, I can't hit pills
Favorite is Dustbowl. Yea I'm aware it's not a gamemode
remove all cosmetic items.
Nice Baron Samedi look
ban reddit niggers faggots women
emphasize entertainment, kill try hards
>Pyro (2nd being Demo)
2009 orange box on xbox
2533 hours
Medieval mode
You just banned Demoman, then
cancel artifact, focus on TF2
Why are engie mains so full of themselves
Remove Unusuals and Stranges
>-What year did you first play TF2?
2010. Started on PS3 and bought it on PC once I learned of the updates.
>-How many hours do you have?
>-Most played class?
I think Demo, but my favorite is Heavy
>-Least played class?
Either Sniper or Scout
>-Favorite gamemode?
Can't go wrong with Payload
Thanks, bro. I was more going for Dr. Facilier, but seeing aw how he's clearly based on Baron Samedi, I guess it all works out
Engi but Medic and Scout playtimes are almost identical
Depends on my mood but usually Attack/Defense
usually pyro mains in my experience
I don't hold it against them though, with pyro being the ugly stepchild of a class
You'll never catch me, yeti wrangler!
Bring back my favorite server.
remove matchmaking
Basically there is no management at Valve. Not in the traditional sense, anyway. You're basically told 'do whatever, hopefully it'll make money'
So, people work on pointless cosmetics that will sell. The Community Market makes them bank, so no one sees any point in doing actual, you know, work.
I just watched the last video of this faggot where he just delete the unusual he unboxed for testing the glitch and then said shit like this
>I wont get my Cheaters Lament 2.0
Are all pro tf2 players so fucking cucked
New developer, new engine.
Source games are so fucking tacky, they always look like indie piece of shit damos with bare minimum anything.
I used to feel that way a long time ago. Then they actually did it for a while, and we all found out how bad things could really be. It's better this way.
Give jetpack its own slot
The bad matches were because of matchmaking and the GC, not the lack of autobalance.
double random crit chance
Revert to a 2009 version
Team fortress 3 next year
>Frags on the other side
5* niggy
>3976 hours
I've accidentally reset my hours at least twice so I don't have accurate numbers for every class played
More weapons, but not reskins
just remove pyro and heavy
5000+ counting xbox 360 + time played before steam got hour tracking
Payload and CTF
Just came here to say that this man is extremely based. That is all.
>Whenever it became F2P (was poorfag)
>Payload Race
When I was young I only played tardass W+M1 pyro and dumped hours in achievement farming servers, but nowadays I just fill and try my best
>-What year did you first play TF2?
When it went f2p. I have no shame.
>-How many hours do you have?
>-Most played class?
Demonstration man
>-Least played class?
>-Favorite gamemode?
5cp always and forever
>Hire Date: Sunday, February 10, 2008 (11:01:20) GMT
A bit earlier than that, though, because I played on 360 for a while before getting it on pc.
>3170 hours
I also haven't played basically at all over the past half decade and even then basically all of that time was built up before f2p happened.
>Demoman, probably.
Hard to say because I reset my statistics at some point.
Because who even plays that boring as shit class.
It was really sad to check the server browser the other day and find only 5 or 6 servers that had a koth map up, and none of them were populated.
This whole debacle was a fun trip down memory lane. I really wish I had old tf2 back.
unusual effects*
No items. No match making.
Ding ding ding
No, fuck off, autobalance in matchmaking is dogshit, every single time I play with my two friends, one of us without fail will get fucking autobalanced and it's impossible for us to get back on our original team without ending the match completely. Fuck that.
Eliminate tftubers specifically sound Smith Pyro Joe and uncle dane
>Official: Payload Race, Unofficial: Jailbreak
A hard reset.
>around 2011-2012
>1600h (1,348h on my brother account where i play for 4 years and my current account 252h)
Crashing this economy, no survivors
5600 hours
time travel back to 2007
no more hats or furies
>2007: valve releases 3 games at once
>2019: "introducing... The Crate Depression!" (updated the localization files)
Destructible and interactive environments. Each class can interact with the map in different ways. Perhaps some buildable defenses? Deployable ziplines? Some random environmental effects that players would have to adjust to (wind picks up and alters course of projectiles, storms can start and mask the sound of players flanking) Maybe weak 3rd team NPC enemies that both teams have to deal with.
over 3300
Soldier ( I know I'm a giant fag)
Probably Attack/Defense, but thats tied with KOTH
Now it is Bubble Bobble.
For like 6 months there everyone was coming out with a TCG and it seemed like TCGs were gonna be the next big thing.
Then all the interest kinda leveled out instead of exploding.
It's easy to look back and claim Artifact was never gonna work, but they genuinely tried to add something new to the TCG format and if things had been a little different the game would have massive.
On top of that, I don't think anybody could have predicted TF2 would remain so popular for so long, I quit playing in like 2011 after years of good times with my friends. Back when I quit people thought the game was dead because they kept adding more and more goofy weapons, but here we are 8 years later.
Hard mode: Nothing involving the removal of cosmetic items/trading
That shit makes Valve a lot of money; one whale gives them at least as much money as 50 people buying a $20 copy of the game (apparently the price before 2011)
>before 2010 valve: make lot's of great game
that redefine their genra
>after 2010 valve: pls gibe us money
Reverse bonk and sandman nerd
Do nothing but teleport bread
Give the phlog airblast
rollback to christmas 2010
make ubersaw give less uber
some time after the orange box happened, dont remember what year exactly but it was pre-2011 for sure
>most played class
soldier like everyone else
medic which is shocking considering i kick ass as medic (at least when compared to your average pub medic)
whatever cp_powerhouse is, it kicks the shit out of every other mode in terms of fun
>tfw several hour long stalemates and both teams trying to do different tactics so the game can just end already
~1100 (probably a few hundred were idling from way back in the day but at least 700-800 of that is actual playtime)
I don't know since I wiped that at least a few times for one reason or another, but almost assuredly scout
same deal but probably spy
solid game stacked under shit
>can’t remember
God why did valve have to become too rich
no cosmetics
rebalance underused or useless weapons
Give the 4th cosmetics slot.
revert to 07
>tank the game's already horrible performance even more
No cosmetics, competitive and tradefags
New gamemodes, maps, weapons, buffs.
stop balancing weapons around competetive
Option for no cosmetics clientside
>the free vanilla standalone got zero attention and died
>this idiot thinks a paid version of it will do better
Fix Valve’s operations in general
Give Spy items to Scout
Vanilla servers.
TF2 is at its most fun when the item servers go down and everyone has to use stock loadouts.
nerf sniper buff the steak
Headshots mini-crit unless fully charged
Make all cosmetics equally available
You know you used to be able to switch back?
you should ask for that instead of removing autobalance.
Make official gay porn comics
Replace matchmaking with server list
Must build a time machine.
Forcibly uninstall from everyone's computers
>like 5k
>used to be soldier but now is pyro with a jetpack
>spy with 3h
Like 2007
1729 hours but I played on ps3 before moving to steam
Probably medic
Capture the flag
i went to check and i was 3021hrs like anyone cares kek
but user we cant alienate the skillfags, they might take their wallets back to tribes, quake or something else, the only way to resolve this clear issue is to pander to them completely
Yes im still mad they took item sets away, that was the turning point when this game went to shit
non-official server support
del C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/*.*
Heavy's dick in my ass
Why are SFM animations so soulless bros
>2007, started when the game came out
>Soldier and Scout
>CP and CTF
-Attack and Defend
Don't have a main and just play what the team needs.
new engine
>What year did you first play TF2?
2009, on the 360. I got it because I saw the funny trailers and thought it would be some sort of campaign or something, very disappointed when it was just a boring mulitplayer shooter that I had no interest in. Still, Orange Box gave me HL2 and Portal so I didn't complain. I got it on Steam in 2010, and put 40 hours into it over four years until 2014 when a friend asks me to play it with him so we could talk more and stuff, and I just kept playing it and fucking around until I got good at the game, playing with friends was even better. I loved it.
-How many hours do you have?
RIght now I have around 1250 hours. MyM killed my hype for the game and I barely play it as much as I did back in 2014-15.
-Most played class?
Engineer, can always fuck around with Engie. I love building in their intel rooms on CTF.
-Least played class?
Heavy, he was always too slow.
-Favorite gamemode?
I like Payload, but mostly just the maps since they're large and span mulitple sections sometimes.
0,5 hp recovery per second
I'd imagine it would take place in the 1960's retrofuturism version of modern times.
Single Player Campaign
I'm at work, I can't check it right now
is something happening?
Make demoman white
Remove scunt
That would be awful
So how did Valve resolve that Unusual crate issue from the other day?
Have they even done anything yet?
>1214 hours total, 270 in-game (irregular player)
Remove hats, rarity and trades
he's memeing
nothing happened
i enjoy
2007 on xbox, 2009 on pc
2700 on pc, who knows how much on xbox
pyro, main since day one
payload, dodgeball and prophunt are also lots of fun
make another short
>Sudden Death
Hey, Yea Forums.
Yore ugleh!
Can we go back to 2012 please? I stopped caring about this game years ago.
OP is a tremendous faggot
old matchmaking is back, +competitive
>667 (I took a 3-4 year break and my internet is too bad to okay multiplayer constantly)
>control points
Fuck comp, cosmetics. more updates
>Around 2010
>Pyro, easily, I like to spin around autistically and hold M1
>Spy probably
Community / Payload
I only need one
-I haven't played in 4 years, but I remember playing a shitton of ZE or Koth
Remove lime and pink paints
Around 5300
Not sure, probably attack/defend
Anyone have that picture of the buyfag wojak seething over losing his inventory the the happy wojak pleased that he has one unusual?
I saw it a day ago but didn't save it.
Logical decision would be a new cast and more spy stuff set in 80s.
Updated localization files
Hybrid demoknight
Koth, payloads
>What year did you first play TF2?
>How many hours do you have?
>Most played class?
Engineer - almost 300 hours
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
Free unusuals for everyone.
Why do people still post about this game as if it's alive? The game went into a coma when it added micro-transactions and matchmaking pulled the plug. You people are sick necrophiliacs.
because it's a fun game.
why do you people ask such stupid questions?
the game still has an active playerbase and it's still fun
I can't think of a better casual shooter
It's the only shooter I can bear to play these days, so I always end up coming back once in a while.
Please god no
Before I stopped 2k
Scout ( ha ha user's a cunt!)
Medic, which I feel bad for
cp and payload
Revert meet your match update.
Remove matchmaking and sv_pure 1.
Content stream
I think they removed them because of the hats. Makes me wonder why they didn't just remove the hat from the set.
It’s not unusual~
when did team fortress classic take place tho?
item sets were shit. players had no business having better stats because they found the right hat. it's a cargo cult copypasting game mechanics from diablo without understanding why they were made in the first place.
>10 hours
>The one with the payload thing
>sv_pure 1.
Why haven't they put this back on yet?
Razorback, but for headshots
Every class except sniper can equip it
Its called Arena mode
rollback to 2008
Has there been any update about the glitched hats? Or is it still going through ‘Valve time?’
For me, it would be just after the heavy update. You'd get arena mode, blutsauger, sandvich, flaregun and the airburst, basically every positive addition valve ever made to the game, and you'd excise all the trash that's ruined the game.
Reset time, smack Robin Walker.
Reset, buff all but Soldier.
TPBP and based
no trading and ban compfags
Abolish the market, ban traders.
>soon after it went f2p
>almost 6000
>ctf(team deathmatch)
>There is people who wants TF3 to turn into a generic MOBA shooter shit
Give me free hats now
>First Played
2014 on a friend's laptop, got a pc and started playing on my own account in 2017
>Most Played
49.9 hours on Scout
>Least Played
>4.3 hours on Heavy
>Fave Gamemode
Tied between Payload and Medieval
I wish I'd gotten to play the game more in its prime, the absolute lack of fun community servers kills me when they're all Trade, DR, or Idle servers.
remove sniper
>try to shoot demo with flare gun
>shot goes completely wide
>demo says "Good shot, lad!"
why they gotta make fun out of me like that
>post wojack
>post wojack
>greentext wojack post
>screenshot it to show my friends on reddit
most of the people who do that can't aim for shit in my experience
ingame user friendly level design
how about the Yea Forums furfags?
Actual updates for fucks sake
>What year did you first play TF2?
>How many hours do you have?
>Most played class?
Pyro - 800h
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
CTF and TC
>Fix TF2 in 5 words or less
>friendly hoovy in corner
>easy kill i think
>start popping pills on him
>he somehow got close and 1 hit crits me
>"good shot"
>leaves sandvich on my corpse
you dont look good enough.
Most high quality SFMs i watched are soulful as fuck with the biggest example being the winglet
make all cosmetics not tradeable
Just finally shut it down.
Make it fun again
When do you guys think the new update will be released if ever?
Burn it down, start over.
>1550 (fucking pathetic)
>Pyro, mostly from when I first started. Second most played is engie.
>Payload. MvM is second fave.
>implying there'll be a new update
you're going to enjoy your shitty meme hats and free unusuals and you're going to like it
delete competitive
balance around fun
loved it, now burned out.
Cicle maps, bring back 16 vs 16.
yes but dont let the person hit by the sandman be unable to fight back unless its one of the super long range hits
Make it set maybe a decade later, like the 70’s or 80’s, so the stages and weapons look a littttttttle bit more modern, but not much. Have all the same characters, don’t even age them. With a game like TF2, they could get away with the plot hole of the characters not being any older, though I suppose a few years won’t change them. Alter the characters only if it’s absolutely necessary.
MAYBE add a few new playable characters. Three, one per class type. There.
>new cast
Fuck off
Buff black box remove matchmaking
Remove hat and remove furry
just trust me dude
Yeah, imo it was a gimmicky but strong combo, super satisfying to pull of. But you might as well go for meatshots with the scatter if you want high dmg. It was my favourite thing to do in the whole game. Im still sad to this day
Because it is alive? People obviously still play it. You seem like a triggered overcuck.
kino gun
Haven't played since 2015 or so. Tried to pick it back up recently but the feeling just wasn't there anymore
>Breathes on BFB Scout
>Boost gone
Having only 4 shots and double jumps eating some boost was fine, the thought process of nerfing it into the ground still baffles me
Kill people and get hats
don't be ugleh
>Pyro / Spy
This weapon was most balanced in it's original state, prove me wrong.
>buff the crutch
nerf it further
Stop being bad at the game.
As long as game has active playerbase, it's alive. If you want to see an actual dead game then look at Lawbreakers, which has literally 0 players
That is actually a good idea. Fuck snipers and I used to main sniper.
meme word
>Friend of mine asks me if Valve will add a Cheater's Lament for those who didn't abuse the crates
That was pretty sad. Guy still has faith in Valve caring about this game, and believes fhe crates were cheating at all when Valve themselves fucked it up and no one did anything that wasn't allowed by opening them.
All Cosmetics Cost One Dollar
roll back meet your match
And Gun mettle
1. An ACTUAL team of international mercenaries, not 3 Americans, an Anglo, and Europeans.
2. 80's aesthetic and satire
3. 9 classes, but just like TF2 originally intended, you can choose between the two sexes and they'll have the same hitboxes for balance.
4. Basically TF 2.5 in terms of gameplay and mechanics, but that's perfect.
remove f2p and shitty competitive
>you can choose between the two sexes
what's the purpose of this you stupid fucking waifufaggot
Sounds gay.
It's just to add more characters to the mix, you insecure assumptious jackass. I despise waifufags as much as you.
>new characters
>new aesthetic
eat shit overwatch tranny
im voting for these ones. Meet your match was probably a combination of valve both not caring about tf2 and wanting to compete with overwatch culminating in a half assed update that killed quickplay and was the sign of the slow death of tf2.
eeeh, im really 50/50 on that, gun mettle didnt add anything worth a damn, but the additions and balance changes didnt fuck up anything in the game, so theres that.
>remove f2p
the way they monetize the game is really only morally okay if the game is f2p. i would probably have the same hate for tf2 as for overwatch if they would have the same items that you need to buy additionally as if the game was f2p (and overwatch does exactly that)
the way its done now is perfect, it is a great way to experience the game and let you decide if the game is worth supporting (by buying from the market or the mann co store) that will also let you get better experience (if i remember correctly premium will let you trade your tf2 items, increase your drop rate and give you some free hats as souvenirs)
>remove compettitive
this 100%. you cannot meet the standards of the competitive without shitting on the game itself, nerfing everything to the ground.
before meet your match it was perfect, you had all the fun shit to use in pubs and competitive players just banned weapons deemed unbalanced.
Wouldn't they just be the same characters just with swapped models and voice actors who are going to spout the same lines as their counterparts anyways?
>He thinks THIS would be even a quarter as good as the current cast
I get that this is bait or you're just retarded, but there's absolutely no way you could make a team better than the one in TF2
Unless it’s that one woman that voiced every female TF2 character a few years back
Not necessarily the same lines, different quips most likely.
That sounds terrible, then the voices would be dessociative from the characters
Women have no place in a combat zone
Are you actually scared of seeing virtual women in videogames? lmao.
If you have a simple solution to a very complex problem, then it's probably not a good solution.
TF2 is fucked in many ways, performance is in the gutter, cheaters are still rampant, casual still needs changes, competitive needs to be implemented better, networking can be a real problem, etc.
kill traders russians BRs furries
That's not entirely true.
People work mainly on what "needs" attention.
So if CSGO's about to ship an update, developers from the Dota2 and TF2 team might temporarily switch over and help for a few days then return to what they were doing.
You can't just change your "main" development like that.
give everyone free unusuals
remove store again
Update VAC so I don’t run into a cheater 40% of games
>What year did you first play TF2?
2011 before it went F2P
>How many hours do you have?
Scout. But my favorites are Heavy, Sniper and Demoman.
>Least played class?
>Favorite gamemode?
Arena, I really wish Valve would add it to the casual matchmaking list.
Add more hats and maps
>How many hours do you have?
ban furry and pony avatars
Terrible idea
>performance is in the gutter
i really didnt have a problem with this. maybe its just me and that i got used to 30 fps because i had a toaster for a long time
>cheaters are still rampant
theyre not as rampant and you can always votekick them. although if the enemy team doesnt want to kick the cheater in their team you probably dont want to play with them anyway
thats probably the reason why noone is pushing for better anti cheat
>casual still needs changes
100% with this one. MyM was a downgrade of normal quickplay and pretty much inevitably reverted itself to what quickplay was, but worse
>competitive needs to be implemented better
i would suggest just not pandering to competitive at all. both the core userbase and competitive players were fine with weapons just being banned in competitive matches
>networking can be a real problem
yeah, why the fuck cant i just join a person on the go? the way they made the party system is a total shitshow
no random crits, stopwatch timer
Make a WoW Classic version of it.
Everything prior to Mann-conomy.
No cosmetics.
id rather see pony than anime or undertale
i fucking hate anime so god damn much. most "girl" wannabes have eye candy anime avatars and spend all game roleplaying in chat.
market everything you have
We have to go back.
>Remove random crits
Oh hey, its one of those uncle dane drones. What are you doin so far away from reddit little guy? Are you lost?
he's gonna take you back to the past.
>-What year did you first play TF2?
>-How many hours do you have?
>-Most played class?
sniper. i reset my stats once so my hours on each class are way lower but sniper is still my most played
>-Least played class?
>-Favorite gamemode?
-What year did you first play TF2?
-How many hours do you have?
just over 6000
-Most played class?
-Least played class?
-Favorite gamemode?
I haven't played in months though.
>probably 2009 (somewhere when f2p started, since i remember mann vs machine was a hype moment for me and it was like 2 years after i started playing)
>exactly 1560
>demoman and pyro
>i think scout or heavy
>all the classics like payload and A/D
go back to classic
>i really didn't have a problem with this
most people do
>you can always votekick them
not when they're queued with other cheaters and retards decide to only press F1 to kick idles
Valve have been teasing us with VacNET, it needs to come out NOW
>i would suggest just not pandering to competitive at all
sadly i don't see any other way tf2 will gain in popularity and get a steady influx of new players, we don't need to balance weapons for them let alone turn casual into casual 6v6 (that idea is pure garbage)
and for networking, i was more talking about lag compensation, interpolation etc
>uncle dane was the first to call out random crits
you ok retard?
My main practiclaly never profits from random crits, it'd be a net gain for me.
>First year
>Most played class
Tie with Sniper and Soldier (exclusively in rocketjump servers, I never play soldier in casual)
>Least played class
>Favorite gamemode
>sadly i don't see any other way tf2 will gain in popularity and get a steady influx of new players
now please answer, how did you get into the game? someone invited you? saw the meet the team or expiration date videos? comics? orange box?
you see, i really dont think competitive is a part of the game and never will. The reason is people really stay for the characters and the charm they create along with solid gameplay mechanics.
nobody really cares about competitive until theyre actually good enough to participate in it, which will just be natural for them to look for some competitive matches organised by third parties on their own merit.
maybe theres some kind of fascination with games having supported esport departments, but i dont see it. Just improve the game with more weapons, maps, taunts and cosmetics.
TF2 already has a steady fanbase thats just ready to come out as soon as the game gets updated.
I was a fool, I repeat, A FOOL, thinking the unusual glitch and the crate depression will kill the game for good, since the game is still on stable 50k-60k players and at the time of the update there was 90k players (a huge amount compared for the last year).
This meme i made for that day will always remind me of that fact now.
wont even bother changing the filename, you can go check the fireden and see how much of a retard i was when i posted it before.
delete the game
so boomers can go raise families
>left one
Why and how is she less appealing then demoman.
Like holy shit was the point making her look ugly.
turn it down for good
Buff spy
i can do it with 2(three) words
ur ugleh
>first year
dunno I deleted my badge
What did they do to huntsman and flare gun why did they screw up their projectile range so much. I used to sniff peoples light out in an instant but now I can't even hit soldiers
this, they are the biggest problem in TF2 right now they are the jews.
i really dont have a problem if you do trading to get more stuff in game or recoup the losses ( like mann up) but if you are trading to live off of it you have gone too much.
i think the crate depression will let people know you dont make the game pay your fucking bills
10th class is now Sneed