Why did people dislike Marie? What's wrong with her?

Why did people dislike Marie? What's wrong with her?

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Coping by only playing the inferior PS2 version.


Literally everything.
Terrible design, obnoxious personality, pointless addition to the story.
There isn't a single thing that is right with her.

>seething so hard over this dork you play an inferior version of a game

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Marie is hot. She should have been part of P4D.

I wanna CUM in her HAT.

forced to read her pomes but i blame mostly margaret beacuse the bitch wont stop droping them.

Happened in a thread like this a long time ago.

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There were Marie figures? I gotta search this up.


There's only one I know about, but yeah.

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>4 Winston's

The terebi is cute. So are the snail and the vampire. High tier tastes user.

I dunno, maybe the guy who did the thing will appear in the thread later to answer, he did find one a while back.

Let's see,

A random female inserted into the game for no reason at all, she has an obnoxious design that doesn't fit into the Velvet Room at all, she has cringy dialogue and horrific poems that you have to sit through whenever you want to just fuse some demons, all the other characters automatically love her and always ask if they want to hang out whenever you talk to them, you HAVE to go down her route if you want to play the new dungeon, and she's heavily implied to be the canon romance since she has Izanami, and in the awful P4G animation she is the romance and she beats the team.

I can't wait for Kasumi in P5R to be even worse than her.

>I can't wait for Kasumi in P5R to be even worse than her.
I can't wait either. Marie really grew on me.

>Vita exclusive


Imagine being so awful that people will completely ignore how hot you are and hate every fiber of your being.


Terribly written and also being the single most important character in the story but having nothing to do with it because that would require changing the game from the PS2 version.

Anime onlis
Tell me I can buy this on Amazon, I've got store credit that I'm not gonna spend anywhere else.

Terrible personality.
I do like her design though

bumping, i'm too lazy and i also don't want my amazon history to be fucked forever if i search pls help

Yeah, it's available on Amazon, at least as far as I remember.

can you give me a link or am I just gonna have to pray my amazon auto detect isn't forever tainted by this

What about the doujins?

I wanna this nerd

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Seething redditors thought she was a mary sue when the real Persona's Lightning at the time was in plain sight.

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>Everyone in this thread complaining about a shit character in a game full of shit characters

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Nobody knows because nobody actually owns a Vita

What's the original version? Because I can't believe they'd go this retarded with localization

Obnoxious bitch, as hot as she is.

>as hot as she is.
Is it the hat?

Despite the fact that she's hot and I'd totally fuck her, the over the top, borderline parody tsundere shit and her terrible poems make her pretty unlikable. The anime being a gigantic Marie circlejerk didn't help either. At least she had really good dungeon music.

Fuck off Louis

I don't know about most of the shit she says, but the "Fsteak" line is a near 100% literal translation that just so happened to actually work in English because of a meme.

The same reason people are going to like Kasumi and it fucking bothers me.

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top tier material, better than the 'ntr' shit

Is she insane?

people have nostalgia for persona 4 and its terrible characters/writing/gameplay so they pretend marie is any different.

golden came out 4 years later. a lot of people "grew up" in that time.

She's so fucking hot though

I don't dislike Marie, just the bullshit dungeon she runs off and hides in.

Without explaining, her dungeon is actually one of the best if not the best dungeon in nu-Persona as of yet. On mechanics that dungeon is probably in SMT levels, but fair and without bloat.

Shit taste.

She looks like her pussy must smell horrible.

wait so the reason people dislike Marie is shit taste and the reason they like Kasumi is shit taste?


I disagree sir. One mechanic just ruins the whole thing for me. Kind of like Codename S.T.E.A.M.

Literally a Marie Sue

What was wrong with CN S.T.E.A.M?

I'd smash but her inclusion into the story was pointless and she had the worst dungeon

I want to mate with Marie with her hat on.

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But only after I cum in it. Then she can wear it again.

Movement and attacks run off the same, small steam resource. I think I got stuck on a level about a third to half way through the game. I love everything else about the game, but that made me stop playing.

but you'll ruin her hat and hair...

>asking to be spoonfed
Do you want her or not.

So... your complaint is that you can't into resource management? Play on easy you casual.

I like it because at that point in the game you expect to be able to do what you do with every dungeon, but it introduces a curve ball with resource management, and item drops become way more frequent. Suddenly items and accessories become important, and you can't just rely on Daidara's weapons either. Don't forget that most of the stuff picked up there are unique and disappear once finished.

Wth, she had the best dungeon. The only one that at least resembles a challenge.