Be honest, is Persona 5 in your top 50 games?

Be honest, is Persona 5 in your top 50 games?

Attached: Persona 5.jpg (800x994, 129K)

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Probably not

My memory is shot so I couldn't even tell you my top ten.

Not even top 100

i've never made a top 50 list, but it would probably be in there.


I dont even remember some part of the game and i play it twice .

Top 500 probably

No, it barely makes my Top 100.


If it is, it's only because of my small reference pools. But I doubt it. It's definitely not the worst JRPG I've played, though, none of the Persona games are.

This, Persona 5 was horrible. If every Persona was remastered using Persona 5's engine, it would be the worst in the series by far

Top 5

Post your top 10's

Top 4 yes

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Yeah because I can't even name 50 video games that I've played
Seriously though I'd put it in my top 5 regardless.

Not them but
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Devil Survivor
>Chrono Trigger
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Mega Man X4
P5 is still good, though.

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Oh wait, forgot one more.
>Metal Gear Rising

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It's unironically in my top 10

Yeah probably

kirby super star ultra
smash melee
persona 2
live a live
chocobo's dungeon 2
soul hackers
digimon story: cyber sleuth
marble blast ultra
trails in the sky sc

>Be honest, is Persona 5 in your top 50 games?
it's cool

no, I don't even like it

Ocarina of Time
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Cross
Digital Devil Saga 2
Chrono Trigger
Metroid Prime
Super Metroid
Trails in the Sky FC

Nope. It was pretty boring experience.

Pîc related + Okami.

Will probably replace Kingdoms Hearts 3 with Borderlands 3 when it comes out on September if it ends up being as good as it looks.

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Replace Shitcher, Gothic & RDR2 with a Zelda, Resident Evil & Mario game

>Will probably replace Kingdoms Hearts 3 with Borderlands 3

holy fucking shit tastes. Replacing ANYTHING with Memelands is stupid

Don't like Zelda or Mario games at all. I like REmake 1 (was in my top 10 for a while) but I don't like anything else that much

Dino Crisis > Resident Evil

Havent played it

Probably would land around #30-#40 for me.

P4G would be about #10-#20


It definitely lost some points with me after I got past the Akechi bad ending.
>try to cooperate with Sae
>confrim that those people worked with me
>she's suddenly satisfied and leaves
>get bad ending

>refuse to cooperate with her
>say they aren't my teammates
>suddenly she finds it hard to believe only high schoolers could have been involved and decides to ask a multitude of questions

This genuinely annoyed me, you basically tell her who your accomplices are anyways throughout the recollection of your memories. Its just so immersion breaking to have her thought process suddenly change because the devs wanted to go "Look guys! We threw in another bad ending! We gotta have one for each game! don't you love this!?".
I don't know if P1 or 2 had anything like this, but of the nu-persona games, the only one with a bad ending that actually works is P3, because the plot is consistent. If you kill Ryoji, you delay Nyx's coming by a month or two, forget everything and die in ignorance when Nyx comes, if you don't, then Nyx comes sooner, and you have full knowledge of the impending doom, by decide to fight against it.
Here in P5 if you tell the truth to Sae, suddenly she's convinced that a couple of high schoolers pulled off all of this alone, but if you lie to her, then she doesn't believe there's any way only high schoolers were involved. Its stupid how they change her though process for no real reason other than to shoehorn in a bad ending.
At least it isn't as bad as P4's bad endings, but the inconsistency still pisses me off.

Hell no, it's incredibly boring and cumbersome to play
Neither of the previous nu-Persona titles interrupted the flow of the game as bad with constant railroading and 30 minute long vn cutscenes as 5 did, definitely the wrong direction for the series imo, though seeing as it sold like hot cakes thanks to the ironic weeb crowd I don't have much hope for them correcting the course in the future

I mean, Borderlands 2 is my favorite FPS game and Borderlands 3 looks to be a massive improvement in almost every área, so I doubt it's not going to make the list

I doubt it. I liked it well enough, but it falls apart the second you get past the the flimsy premise of the game. The optional exposition dump from Futaba afterward is just embarrassing. If you have to explain something so people can't stop poking holes in it, then it's not clever or intuitive.

The game allows you to get way too strong way too soon. It ultimately removes any difficulty obstacle the game has to offer. The options you have to waste your free time are simply there to pad out the numbers because 80% of them are complete wastes of time.

Having said that it has the best presentation of all the persona games, some of the best music, and the absolute best voice acting by far (Japanese audio).

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>Neither of the previous nu-Persona titles interrupted the flow of the game as bad with constant railroading and 30 minute long vn cutscenes as 5 did
that's literally the only reason to play this shit over mainline


ya, top 20 for sure

What is?

I haven't even played 50 videogames

interrupting the flow of the game with railroading and vn cutscenes

Visual Novels aren't games, so no.


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And I argue that 3 and 4 balanced it out better, too much is too much


Good lord, user, play more games.

Name some. I probably already played them, but shot away.

P5 is pretty made me realise that nice character designs and UI contribute very little to holding my attention in a JRPG. I really wanted to love it, but I just got bored as fuck.

Any game that treats the player with an IQ above 50 would be a good start.

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Bottom 50? Probably.

Super Star Ultra
Super Mario Odyssey
Smash Ultimate
Wonderful 101
Persona 5
Hollow Knight
RE 4
Kirby Planet Robobot
The N'sane Trilogy

Came to post this.

If you got nothing you could just say so.

I recently beat "Return of the Obra Dinn" a day ago. Kinda fun, but the story and characters were trash and it was really short. If you got any subjections feel free to try, but like I said, I probably beat them already.

you need to be older than 18 to post here

Smash is underage repellent.

Only a zoomer would say that

No, it's at the bottom of the 200 games I've played in my lifetime.

Persona 4 Golden, however, is at the very top.

Spoken like a true incel.

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Except 5's writing is so terrible all those suddenly become a huge negative.

K, edgy fag. P4 fans actually like life and let the sunshine in. Edgy p5 fans are dumb, illiterate and tasteless. They also commit suicide by the hundreds.

Duh. One of the best JRPGs ever. I usually get worn out by turn based battles like halfway through but not with Persona 5. It was so entertaining almost the whole way through.

This but replace 5 with 3.

persona 3's rpg gameplay sucks balls though

>P4 fans actually like life and let the sunshine in
You mean the small ray of light from your bedroom window? P5 actually deals with realistic themes, the world isn't a gay anime harem fantasy.

The only RPGs I can think of that would crack my top 50 are TWEWY and Ys Oath in Felghana. Maybe Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen.

Why is it always Sonyfags who spam wojaks & console war threads?

>Persona 3, 2006
Hitting an enemy who is resistant to an element punishes you
Missing punishes you
Can infuse weapons with Personas
Can tackle Tartarus as you please, provided you get to the top by Jan 31st

>Persona 5, 2016
Hitting an enemy who is resistant to an element has no repercussions
Same with missing
Weapon infusions is seemingly absent
Game railroads you into completing each dungeon in an arbitrary time limit, so that the plot can continue

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>but sony
I play on PC. Keep on seething manchild

>Can tackle Tartarus as you please
>gets tired after 3 encounters

>Absolutely braindead "combat", a virtual simulation of those shaped blocks and holes learning toys for babies and toddlers
>Atrocious writing
>Relationship system that only factors into interactions within that relationship system and maybe 3 "events" where you can unlock a choice of cutscenes if you have enough good boy points. Otherwise you interact with people the exact same whether they're your BFF or an acquaintance
>Relationship system is incredibly shallow anyways, your role is to sit there and make vaguely affirming comments while your "friend" sorts their own shit out despite what you say, with the exception of a romance/platonic split in the female ones
>Nonsense story that doesn't really resolve any of the themes it brings up
>Convenient amnesia twist, the most bullshit cop out in writing. That coupled with the fact that it apparently takes a detective genius to wonder if there's anything fishy about everyone tangentially involved in a bunch of similar cases suddenly forming a social circle

This game is just a social sim for people who don't want to admit they're the kind of people who play social sims, every single individual aspect of this game is shit bar one, a turd of a game with a stylish wrapping.

2/10 regret getting as far as I did, regret watching the anime for the rest of it.

Nah. I mean it was stylish but lacked substance.

>Dragon Quest V
>Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
>Rune Factory 4
>Panzer Dragoon Saga
>Ys I & II Chronicles
>Persona 4 Golden
>The World Ends With You
>Dragon Force
>Dark Cloud 2
>Skies of Arcadia

>all of this TWEWY
You guys are alright.

Monster Hunter 4U
Viewtiful Joe 1&2
Super Mario World
Pokemon BW2
Demon's Souls
Chrono Trigger
Xenoblade 1
DB Tenkaichi 3

just play portable bro

who tf has a top 50 games?

Ao no Kiseki
Utawarerumono Futari no Hakuoro
Persona 4
Kingdom Hearts II FM
Breath of Fire IV
Spyro Year of the Dragon
Crash Team Racing
New Atelier Rorona
Final Fantasy XII
Lufia II

virgins lol

Fallout 2
Hotline Miami
God Hand
Resident Evil Remake
Super Metroid
Kentucky Route Zero
Dark Souls
Shadow Warrior

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>I like REmake 1 (was in my top 10 for a while) but I don't like anything else that much
Not even the second game?

It's good but I've played a lot of games

Top 50? No top 100? Sure

No particular order

Mount & Blade: Warband
Viking Conquest
Mount and Blade: Warband
Mountain Blade: Warband
Mount and Blade
Mountain Blade
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest
Modded Mount & Blade

>marin karin: the movie: the combat system
>can't even choose which skills you want to inherit during fusion, have to keep cancelling over and over again until you get good rng
>tartarus is just mystery dungeon without any of the difficulty
p3fags really do love to spew out bullshit and hope nobody's played their game.

Yup, I'm thinking this post is based.

comparing tartarus to mystery dungeon is an insult to mystery dungeon

I wouldn't put a glorified VN anywhere near my 10, let alone top 50 or whatever. Shit gameplay. Shit "writing" that only pleb tier tastes can appreciate. Though, the UI and overall presentation are fucking amazing. Add in a waifu sim and weebs lap it up. Gross.

>Ms. Pac Man
>Pokémon Crystal
>7th Dragon 2020
>Super Mario Bros 2
>Super Mario Bros 3
>Guilty Gear XX
>Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
>Mega Man 2
>Mega Man Battle Network 2 (through 6)
>Bonus: Riviera the Promised Land

Ranking Mega Man games is hard. They're all fucking great except Mega Man 11.

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i liked it alot, would be better if shitkechi wasnt a thing

Imagine being a fucking snitch piece of shit.

Yes in fact it’s my number 1 game

Most people here can’t even list their top 100 games because either they haven’t played that many games or they don’t like video games. You’re bullshitting if persona isn’t in your top 50.

>You’re bullshitting if persona isn’t in your top 50.
Or, you know, they've played better games. It's not that hard to cross 100 games let alone 50 mind you.

Please go ahead and list your top 100 games I want to see you prove it and see how shit your taste is.

>The gameplay is pure shi-

Attached: P5-AOA.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

P5 and P3 are the only decent Persona games

>muh 2
Boring typical dour SMT shit with no challenge until the very end.

P1 is mostly the same as 2 except even more boring.

4 is absolute dog shit and may be the worst Megaten game in general.

Do we even have enough characters for that? Granted I could just post my current backlog, the console ones should have at least 100.

You haven’t completed your backlog, post your top 100 games you have completed in ranked order. I want to see you try.

It doesn't even matter if you tell her for sure or not, she's already 90% sure its theme, hell I'm pretty sure you practically tell her outright that Makoto joined the thieves back in the Kaneshiro part of the recollection. And she becomes an ally to you immediately afterwards anyways.

I was really confused when I couldn't even snitch on Akechi and my only options were to say, nope, never met him, that's impossible.

I liked the original, didn't like the Remake that released the year, missed my tank controls and more A/B route differences.

That being said it's not on the same level of REmake 1, not even close.

Only a zoomer would use a wojack

>the worst Megaten game in general.

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Sure a Playstation Console

I've played thousands of games according to my online list from different genres and P5 isn't even close to my top 100.

Yeah definitely it’s not my favorite atlus(devil survivor and persona 3 are way better)game buts it better than most shit
Based and Sam pilled
People still call persona a VN

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He posted literal toddler games, but smash is the one that triggers you?

Raidou is cool enough to save the game and also dx2 and persona 1 exist

Definitely not. It's one of the most repetitive and boring rpgs I've played.

>You haven’t completed your backlog
And? Doesn't mean I haven't been through 100.
This is a fairly new one I've been keeping so it doesn't have games before the ps3. Unfortunately I lost my old one with my old PC.

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How the fuck are there people who like kh3 more than 2 that is some smooth brain shit

>missed my tank controls
why? why would anyone miss those?
>That being said it's not on the same level of REmake 1, not even close.
sure buddy

>thinks backlog = top 100 finished games
>backlog is like 8 games
So I was right

Better gameplay, better graphics, better worlds, better character interactions, Terranort court + mostly everything in Keyblade Graveyard was cool, albeit a bit rushed.

We will see how it holds up when Re:mind comes out. If it's a Final Mix deal then it will remain there.

Gave you my reasons, you don't have to buy it if you don't want. Point is, I didn't like it, period.

I don't think I have the energy to make a top 50 list

>That being said it's not on the same level of REmake 1, not even close.
But he's right.

>backlog is like 8 games
Are you an idiot or can't you read?

Dude, he's been through at least 107 games.
Its right there at the top.

I had an amazing time with it, so probably.

>backlog = games finished

It's a checklist and I tick them off as I finish them you idiot. There's another portion of the list with another 85 games give or take and the total there doesn't include the games on systems prior unless they had a port later on.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that people can play more than 100 games?

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imagine being this retarded

>hasn’t finished 100 games
Please stop embarrassing yourself

its in my top 10
futaba best girl

You know, you could have just said you didn't open the first screenshot instead of making a fool of yourself.

You could have just posted your top 100 games instead of posting a backlog

Dunno, its a good game but propably not even in my top50 Jrpg only list

Haru is my waifu. Am I based?

> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Mother 3
> 3. Final Fantasy VI
> 4. Super Mario Galaxy
> 5. Metroid Prime
> 6. Shadow of the Colossus
> 7. Chrono Trigger
> 8. Super Metroid
> 9. NieR: Automata
> 10. Majora's Mask
> 11. Bioshock
> 12. Resident Evil 4
> 13. Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 14. Resident Evil (Remake)
> 15. The Wind Waker
> 16. Portal
> 17. Valkyrie Profile
> 18. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 19. Final Fantasy IX
> 20. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 21. Knights of The Old Republic
> 22. A Link To The Past
> 23. Fatal Frame 2
> 24. Beyond Good & Evil
> 25. Okami
> 26. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 27. Silent Hill 2
> 28. Metal Gear Solid
> 29. EarthBound
> 30. Final Fantasy VII
> 31. Symphony Of the Night
> 32. Super Mario 64
> 33. Red Dead Redemption
> 34. Super Mario Bros 3
> 35. Perfect Dark
> 36. Bioshock Infinite
> 37. Vagrant Story
> 38. Super Mario World
> 39. Persona 2 IS
> 39. Warioware Twisted
> 40. Mass Effect 2
> 41. DKC2: Diddy's Kong Quest
> 42. Final Fantasy X
> 43. The World Ends With You
> 44. Pokemon Platinum
> 45. Warioware: Mega Microgame$!
> 46. Breath of the Wild
> 47. Half-Life 2
> 48. Super Mario Odyssey
> 49. Paper Mario TTYD
> 50. Virtue's Last Reward

You have great fucking taste

Ao Kiseki
zero Kiseki
KI uprising
Sky 2
Sky 3
Sky 1
Mountain Blade

you also have really good taste

yuck, you can practically smell the redditness emanating from that list.

NieR: Automata is too high, also Mass Effect 2 should be replaced with ME1

What does "Reddit taste" even mean?

>Futari no Hakuoro
When does this get good

Maybe. Never bothered to make a top 50. Or even care enough to come up with a top 5

Except the point I was trying to make had nothing to do with top 100s but playing 100 games when you made the false statement that no one has.

Tell me user, why do you believe no one can play that many games? Is it because you haven't?

p4 is the least "megaten" megaten game because of all the moe slice-of-life shit, but it's still a much better game than garbage like p3, ronde or giten.

Just so you know playing that many games gives him a top 100 regardless because he has 100 games he can rank.

Liking persona

I didn't like Persona 3 very much, so I never even bothered with 5

What didn't you like about P3? I'll tell you if they fixed it.

I really hated the turn based combat.

In general or what?

Liking popular games instead of niche garbage

having bioshock AND bioshock infinite in your list, for starters.

More or less in general. Combat was basically just flipping through menus and reading text boxes. I don't find that enjoyable.

Then they didn't fix that, if anything it's worse because you control your other party members now.

Honestly, yea. I have hadn't this much fun with a game in a long time. As soon as I beat it I played it two more times back to back. I just really love how stylish and fun it is. I hope the Vita emulator gets finished soon so I can finally play through P4G, but until then I'll just finish P3FES.

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In no particular order:
Kingdom Hearts 2 FM
Grandia 2
Fire Emblem: Sacred Sword
Paper Mario
Zelda: Alttp
Project Zero 2
MegaMan X5 (this ain't a typo)
Dragon Quest VIII

It would be if this faggot didn't screw up my playthrough by disappearing.

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He's a politician.