Tax write offs, problem solved. Are zoomers that stupid?

Tax write offs, problem solved. Are zoomers that stupid?

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Maybe just pay your dues?

What possible right offs could he have?

>Win a tournament that was very hard to win against many skilled players
>All of the earning now belong to the government because of a corrupt system
Fuck off bootlickers

Normally no but now we'll get to see one have an autistic meltdown over taxes, never pay them, and end up in tax jail at age 18.

Isn't he a child?

yes, a child who has income, which is taxed

his parents would be responsible for managing his wealth.

Wait, HALF of his money prize will go away in taxes? 50% rate?! In my country is 28.5% rate.

Based IRS

>it's an "underage faggots who don't understand economy" episode

Prize money is taxed in the US effectively the same way as money won from the lottery or a sweepstakes. It's not exactly 50%, but it's close.

>All of the earning now belong to the government
No, just a portion of them. You enjoyed the luxuries of taxation for years, I don't think it's unfair.

Then his parents would have the 1.5 million in taxes.

that's how you get Gary Coleman and Macaulay Culkin

>Prizes and lottery is taxed.
What the fuck?


Haha well that’s Uncle Sam for you sonny, thanks to you paying your fair share of taxes we will be able to finally complete that undocumented Immigrant refugee center!

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>earn money through your own effort, with zero input from the government
>somehow owe the government a fat portion of the earnings

Statist cucks will defend this.

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>No, just a portion of them.
more like half of it

well, yeah. Why wouldn't it?

You'd rather have no defence and capitulate to North Korea?

You definitely showed them kiddos with your greentext showing you know LITERALLY no more than the people you are attempting to make fun of.

>was very hard
Aww, how cute, the little boy is learning how the world works. That's adorable.

Meh, young people vote for higher taxes, you don't get to complain about it

Because the government had nothing to do with that prize?

>Able to earn money because the Government created an environment that allows you to make money and not live in a third world wasteland
>Not getting a portion of your earnings

pretty unfair seeing as grossly rich people tend to pay fucking nothing in taxes.

Prize money should be taxed if you make a career out of what you won.

Which is a portion of them, good job

I'd rather build a bunker and stock up on guns to defend myself using the money the government has stolen from me over the years.

For gambling in many countries the winnings is not taxed, rather the initial stake is.
So millions pay tax on the lottery tickets and the winner gets the prize tax free.

What would happen if you could choose where the tax you pay goes to?

Elderly care, road repair, city cleanup, military etc.

Attached: IMG_8202.jpg (575x323, 46K)

All income, in any form, is taxed.

ok big guy

But they also pay taxes, user. How is it unfair they also enjoy the luxuries of taxation?
Should only the middle class enjoy the benefits? That's retarded

A. it's know and B. you ended your sentence with a preposition, so you're not in any way, shape, or form allowed to criticize what I actually got correct. Now, go mooch off the government some more, you filthy NEET.

amazing how this kid managed to live his whole life never using government built roads, government funded schools, never using the internet (created by the US military)

He drove into the stadium on roads and infrastructure not paid for by him or built by him. Do you want to start having to pay to walk the sidewalk user? Because thats why taxes exist. I dont doubt the percentage might be fucked up but I sure support taxing him for it.

I need muh roads so i'm gonna keep paying taxes

> You enjoyed the luxuries of taxation for years
how do you know that hes israeli?

so it seems to me like it'd be the same amount, just taxed pre winnings and not post winnings,

Maybe you shouldn't believe everything Twitter and your commie friends say.
Rich people pay such an insane amount of taxes they resort to avoiding them (like non rich people also do), even if they dodges most taxes they'd probably still given more to the system than you'll give in your lifetime.

>government created an environment that allowed you to make money

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Could have fooled me. Since we are trillions in debt and most of that would be dealt with in the grossly rich payed appropriate taxes.

Call George Washington, I'll pay the taxes to him.

>But they also pay taxes, user.

Like what? 20%

50%? Federal taxes on gambling only go up to 24%. That's nuts.

But 50% rate is insane.

Not like they couldn't afford it or anything.
Every time they avoid it they only cause issues for the country.

The infrastructure to get there; roads, bridge etc. The power grid to supply power to be able to compete etc.

>makes more than you
>has a family
>owes a home
>pays taxes
Yeah, I'm thinking no, sweaty.

Informal diction

these sheltered kids never worked a proper job. they don't know shit about taxes mate

His estate called. They said they're sending some guys over. Oh and make sure to play Simon Says right too.

I dunno, I'm not a tax expert user.
It seems like you're arguing a completely different thing at this point, you're not even denying they pay taxes. So are you... agreeing with me?

actually it was no, you read his reply so fast you forgot to actually pay attention you fucking retard.

Children pay taxes too. His parents are going to get fucked if they're as retarded as you.

>guy who's bigger then you and has more guns then you runs up to you steals all your money

>with zero input from the government
You make your own roads, electricity, education, and infrastructure to support all that? Well, fuck dude

>win skilled competition
>its skilled therefore not a lottery
>still have to pay the american lottery tax
>paying the govornment for a prize
Ahhh american capitalism. Not even here in canada do we have to pay taxes on winnings

You don't have a choice whether or not to use some shitty service a government provides. Paying for private roads is fine if you're actively using them.

Imagine there's a pizza delivery guy at your door.
>Hello, here's your pizza, that'll be $14.99 plus tip
>I didn't order any pizza
>I insist, take your pizza and pay for it
>Okay, if you don't accept the pizza and pay for it, my heavily armed associates sitting in the van will kidnap you and steal a LOT more than the price of the pizza

Does that seem okay to you?

That's what happens when you make a lot of money fast.

Try 0% since they avoid taxes at all cost by doing shit that that writes off taxes like donating to charities that they pretty much run and keep the money.
Fucking the head of Amazon is so fucking rich he could solve world hunger and still be the richest person on the planet. I think he avoided taxes for the last couple year

roads are a public good, whilst pizza is a private good, so your comparison is moot

>lottery is taxed in america

Lol this fucker thinks a gun will keep him safe.

I bet that bump stock will keep a drone away easy.

>50% tax
>still not universal healthcare
L fucking MAO

Amerilards are the most cucked individuals by their government in the world.

This is what happens when the poor scream about the 1%. The biggest incomes get taxed at the highest rate. If that kid won $500 and had no other income he'd keep all the money

What is "Government Cheese"

dumbfuck retards who don't pay taxes deserve jail for life
rot in a cell until you die

Income tax, dingus.

In the US, the tax bracket for $250k and above is 36.9%

t. person who can't offend people in public without being jailed or own guns

actually amazing that some literal retard on Yea Forums likens himself self-sufficient enough to live entirely off of some privately funded 20 acre lot of land indefinitely if only the nasty gubment didnt take less than 20% of his minuscule salary

and people refuse to admit 12 year old don't post there

something that doesn't exist anymore?

I think if you earn over 1 million, you have to pay 50% of your earnings to the government. Since winning a tournament techically counts as earnings...

"This is precisely the type of English up with which I cannot put!" - Winston Churchill

Can't you write some of that off by having write that to a business/llc?

>waste all this time and money on shit like this
>china just hacks us and takes years of work with them
Cringe & Incel Anime pilled

he has enough money to hire an accountant

The US government buying all unsold dairy products from farmers and giving them away in the form a various programs.

you will end up homeless when the IRS check your accounts, hope your mom still has a basement for you.

Shut the fuck up and pay your taxes. I pay less taxes than you and I don't give a shit about you. You exist to serve me. Deal with it.

It's because the rich avoid paying taxes like it's the plague.

>You don't have a choice whether or not to use some shitty service a government provides.
Um, you do? You're not forced to live in any country that's not terrible, user.

Right. it was replaced with debit cards used to buy shoes instead of food for your kids.

Brilliant move by the government, allowing those tax dollars to be spent wisely

Yeh, but the tax wouldn't fall all on one person.

Yep, part of growing up is accepting the fact that a big black government-issue dildo in your ass for the rest of your life is a-ok.
God bless 'Murrica.

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It's this. They've actually changed it so that the 36.9-37% begins at 501k now.

I don't see what this has to do with roads

there would be multiple ways for him to break even, but the thing is you have to do that BEFORE you file your taxes or you're buttfucked for the year

Are you complaining about anything in particular or are you just busy moving goalposts

the government set up the prize?
the government collected the prize money?

37 percent

For your viewing pleasure, the United States Federal Income Tax Brackets.

>Gub'ment is bad because I sed so
Very compelling

The government, who can't do literally anything right, doesn't deserve my money. THere's a main road behind my house with a pothole the size of a stop sign that hasn't been fixed in over 5 years. If they can't maintain basic utilities like roads and feeding the starving, why should I give them the money to waste?

>You dont have choice
You do actually
>Imagine theres a pizza guy
Learn private vs public
>Does that seem ok?
Yes, if you dont like where you live, leave dumbass

Can you name one function private companies can't perform better than a government?

I'd argue it was a lottery because Fortnite is RNG garbage.

write off what exactly? please do tell what a brainlet like you thinks this kid is going to be able to write off in taxes?
>in b4 tendies and mountain dew

Now this is bait. Well done.

any public good

Veeeeery compelling

move to another country
like in capitalism, where you would patronize the best business, patronize the best country

Some cities try that but the problem is the feel good departments like social services and the fire department get overfunded while the less known but necessary departments aren’t getting money. The citizens don’t know what actually needs funding.

you're literally using the internet, which was invented by the government

such as?

>public good

Brought to you by PRIVATE companies after being paid for by a government.

are you underage? how is this a shock to you? is this why young zoomers and such are crazy over socialism because they don't realize they'd pay for it in insanely high taxes once they start working or win some money, etc?

>Roads, education and electricity are "bait"
So you're actually retarded, how fascinating.

You shouldn't. Leave the country and enjoy Japan you weeb fuck

I went to the same high school as this kid, apparently he’s based as fuck

>I'm not 12 are OLD and DUMB like DAD
o boy, we got the real deal there

>what are parks
>what are schools
In those cases they aren't public then, I suppose, but that just shows the flaws of public goods

That's a very good starting point for a libertarian society.

Sorry, but I don't see any arguments.

My problem with taxes is how the IRS will go to the ends of the Earth to claim the $100 from the little guy's paycheck, yet when it comes to giant corporations and billionaires who avoid paying or use loopholes, they get off scot free and sometimes even get forgiven or subsidies. Makes it feel like the feudal system.

Are you dumb?

If everyone could choose? Niggers would starve for starters. Military wouldn't get a great budget, either. Everyone would pawn off fixing "muh roads" to someone else so that would end up with no funding. I dunno, we'd probably have better schools.

Private roads exist
Private schools exist
Privately owned electric companies exist
All of which provide a better quality service than government built/run services

national defense, policing, roads, lighthouses etc etc

Schools aren't public good, public parks which all the community can enjoy are good things

justice nigger

This isn't true. We all pay the same percentage, the only difference is that they have more overall money.

>Who gon pay? Mah babies need food to eat.

Taxes are so fucking stupid

>live life impoverished
>everything fucking sucks BECAUSE of boomers and the boomer government
>suffer through hell worrying about money during the best years of your life and finally "make it," finally become wealthy
>"give us our fair share" - Government

Shit pisses me off. The Government does nothing to deserve my money.


How else is the government supposed to afford the bombs it uses to blow up kids?

That isn't true. Patreon, Twitch, etc. is non-taxable. You can sit on your ass at your parents house raking in money without ever having to pay a dime to the system because its basically the equivalency of people giving money to a homeless person playing guitar on the side of the street.

taxation is theft

I wish the government enslaved faggots like you and fortnite players and sent them to gulags tbqh

If you ever think taxes suck, just ask yourself how you would govern and organize a large group of people who need a lot of shit and want you to take care of it. Now that's the principles of taxing, the actual implementation has problems like everything else people do.

>Private roads exist
>Private schools exist
>Privately owned electric companies exist
And even more public facilities exist.
>All of which provide a better quality service than government built/run services
And most regular people can't afford that, which is why the public sector exists.
Glad I could educate you.

It's okay you lil memer, you don't make any money to tax lol

>win a tournament
>lose money
hahahahahahaha eat shit zoomer

t. posting on America's internet with America's electricity and America's phone lines

The difference is the little guy isn't going to call in a legal team and start a year long legal battle over $100

move to Somalia fag. If you're even middle class in America you could afford a fortress and a small contingent of guards and you can live out your ancap fantasies

You fucking retard, do you realize there's a tax code for people who make money like that? Lol it's still income you fucking zoomer holy shit

this isn't true at all, there are not only different tax brackets there are tons of different categories of income or capital gains which determine different tax rates owed and then you have things like mandatory holding times or automatic penalties on top of taxes.

>paying taxes
Fuck off my country exists solely because we didn't like certain taxes, fuck off.

When Americans finally realize that they are the ones that are actually in control and decide they want to revolt the Government/Military can't do shit otherwise its gonna cause another mass Civil War or be seen as a Dictatorship and the rest of the world will get involved.

Civilians need to actually realize they can actually make huge changes if they got off their asses and did something about it. What's the Government gonna do if everyone stops paying taxes? Throw everyone in Prison? Get real.

I don't see the problem he still has 1.5mil to use still.

Taxation is theft.

It is very much so taxable and you should be reporting that income to the IRS. What do you think the thot audit was?

didn't you like have a war or something to not have to deal with this shit? at what point did US become this big of a joke?

>how you would govern and organize a large group of people who need a lot of shit and want you to take care of it

They either take care of their shit themselves or they die. Simple as that. No leeches allowed.

>That isn't true. Patreon, Twitch, etc. is non-taxable.
That is completely and utterly untrue. In fact, if you make enough money doing practically anything you have to report your income.

I find it hard to believe that there's a 50% tax on that. I'd think it would be between 40% and 30%.

yeah anons lets bring about the age of megacorporations
who needs countries anyway

>Patreon, Twitch, etc. is non-taxable.
holy shit you are dumb. actually all of that is taxable it's just most idiots think they can get away without paying the taxes that they owe

who the fuck wants to own guns aside from sub 50 iq rednecks with tiny dicks

If you're white you're fucked.

I pay for those things voluntarily, doing business with companies. I can opt out at any time.

The war was being taxed by another sovereign government.

yeah he has enough money to live in luxury for the rest of his life, I don't see the problem

thats only for stuff like this
if we was making 6k a month he wouldn't be taxed 3k

But then we wont have anything to bitch about online if they disappeared.

$3M grand prize
~35% federal taxes
depending on his state he could owe another ~8-12% in state taxes
It's not that outrageous.

I don't get this kind of thing. You do the same thing with prices, show the exc tax price on labels and pay a higher price when you get to the till. Why does anyone think it's a good idea to display a value different to the amount actually changing hands?

wear blackface

Honestly with the billions in debt they have I doubt they would even give a fuck, all that matters is they control the police and military.

so when are you going start taxing churches?

You're mindlessly, irredeemably stupid.

1913 with passage of the federal reserve act and income tax acts

Yes, why would merchants want to show you a smaller number than what you'll have to pay when they're trying to get you to buy something?

Taxes will never stop being a fancy term for theft. I'm no commie but taxes have always been a fucking con and they always will be. The system is debt-based and the fed prints money infinitely for infinite loans to make infinite debt. There is no reason for taxes.

bitch about corporations of course

that is no where near enough money to live in 'luxury' for the rest of his life

>Why does anyone think it's a good idea to display a value different to the amount actually changing hands?
Because most functional adults know what sales tax is and can make simple mathematical equations in their heads

That is not why the Revolutionary War happened.

We revolted because we were poorly represented within the Government and dealings. Colonies were actually taxed less than Britain. People in Britain paid 26 shillings per year, American Colonies paid 1 in New England. King George III didn't want the Colonies represented within the Parliament, which had he done so even a little, he could have prevented the entire war and revolt. Which is ironic because a century prior King Charles I was beheaded for this very reason.

And its all run so bad that your better off killing yourself

The reason for this is because different items are taxed differently. So making labels is obnoxious

what's the benefit of owning guns, again?

Obviously you're no Commie. They're all for high taxes. The word you're looking for is Libertarian. Which is almost just as bad but for completely different reasons.

>taxed half your earnings
>step outside and get shot by police
>hospital takes your other half
>illegal steals what little left you have
so much for making america great again

Taxation is theft period

>he has a million and a half dollars just lying around

If you aren't born rich you aren't allowed to just get rich, that's how America works.

You make damn sure the Proles don't get any money unless it's part of your own investment.

>That isn't true. Patreon, Twitch, etc. is non-taxable
yes it is, at least now it is
to register to patreon as a creator you literally have to complete a form for it

try asking your beloved 50 iq niggers you cuck

You really do not knoe how huge a million is. It's insignificant if you're the retard who blows their money on luxury cars and summer homes on the coast of California

it's always pretty funny when leftists bitch about Trump's tariffs when the Federal Gov before the fed reserve and income tax was largely funded by just tariffs on foreign goods. it's almost like these people like being a tax debt slave or something

Originally it was so civilians had a right to revolt if needed. But there are a lot of stupid laws anymore. Some places you can't have sex with your socks on (not enforced of course) but the point stands. Guns should be regulated, but you also have stuff just as stupid in the UK, such as knives being banned.

At the end of the day, dangerous people are going to find a way to injure and kill regardless of the weapon, guns are just an easier method to it and too easily accessed in America (which is the problem).

Chruches almost always provide more charity for their local community dollar for dollar than anything the government can provide. The government has an incentive to promote charity because it makes its job easier; hence why charitable donations are 100% tax deductible. Taxing a church would basically just be taking money away from the poor. And, even if this weren't the case, the first amendment basically makes passing any sort of laws about churches very difficult.

>these replies
the west is doomed. what are the hidden gems of countries I can run to while there is still time?

Assuming the average annualised return on the S&P 500 of 10%, he could live on 150,000 a year

>yes it is, at least now it is
It literally always was. There's never a time it wasn't taxable.

sorry bud you are a moron. my net worth is over a million and it's not enough money for me a middle aged guy to live out the rest of my life in luxury let alone a 16 year old kid.

Because schools have a limited number of spots in them, thus be rivaled? What would that make them then, common good?

i don't think the norwegian kid that won the duo got taxed that hard and he's from muh socialist europe.

Being able to use them for hunting or self-defense.
Why do you care?

Nowhere. The EU is a mess. Balkans are constantly bitching with Serbia. The Slavs are the Slavs. Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, are well them. Japan is failing economically. Australia is a slow decline, and North America is failing.

We're getting to a point in history where things are gonna start changing drastically.

>Guns should be regulated

Attached: 1776 pilled.png (705x706, 48K)

If you give me 1 million dollars I can turn that into 70K a year for the rest of my life.

quasi-public or merit

Gee it's almost like he's from a different country with different taxes or something

you think that bud but again it's not as black and white as it is in your zoomer mind.

>S&P 500
Good fucking luck.

> I think he avoided taxes for the last couple year
lol the sole reason amazon exists is because it didnt pay taxes during the crisis that killed Sears.
All thanks to its jewish owner and creditor(funny stories about bezos not wanting to take loans and the jew taking them anyways lmao).
It's all centrally steered pretty much

I don't get why it's okay to tax a person, but not a religion. If taxing a church is imposing on religious freedom, how is taxing a person not imposing on their personal freedom?

that's literally the average return on it for the past 100 years

There is a difference between regulating someone's 9mm and regulating their M-16.

uh yeah

The funny part is that if you win a million you pay more and taxes than people who make a billion. America is fucked from top to bottom and they've gotten so used to corporate cock that they just openly spread their cheeks at this point while denouncing even attempting to revive social mobility as communism.

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it's just zoomer economics bro they know everything.

>We're getting to a point in history where things are gonna start changing drastically.
There's gonna be another war, won't it?

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niggers with guns are the problem

Because people are stupid and haven't declared themselves as a Religion.

but how can freedom america have more taxes than socialist europe?

Generally big winnings from lottery and gambling are not included in your calculated taxable income because that would absolutely gimp your finances for the upcoming year.

Right, it's usually taxed immediately and taken out before you get the money

Everything is taxed. The government here is a big faggot about taxes both at the state and federal government.

So much shit is taxed that they get back like .80 for every dollar spent once it goes through all its paces. This is also extremely ironic because the nation was basically started on a revolution about bullshit taxes.

>somehow having the urge or necessity of offending somebody in public
why? for what purpose?

I'll take not ruining my life with bills if a medical issue happens over owning guns to be honest

>hunting or self-defense
most countries in the world allow people to own hunting guns legally and you wouldn't face much of a problem if you used it for self-defense the only difference with USA is that it's not as easy and cheap to have the permit to own a gun AND the money for it

>snoys confusing federal government with state government

In all likelihood we'll have one by 2050 for sure, whether a world war or a civil war in the US (which will cause destabilization across the world economy), especially with UK's departure of the EU and France going at it with the EU as well as of late.

History is a cycle, it repeats itself, resets slightly, and continues on. Remember America for all intents and purposes is an Empire, just not in name, all Empires fall.

>still gets $1.5 million for what was essentially one work day
Cry more, dipshits. If you don't like it then move elsewhere.

Doubt there's going to be any wars besides the usual middle eastern shit shows until the resource wars in 40ish years.

>I don't know what taxes are used for

So is the EU, and China is trying to build one.

It's not okay to tax a person. Ordinary people just don't have as good lobbyists as churches, so when the 16th amendment was passed it wasn't shot down.

that's completely false bud it must be reported but the federal government demands taxes be taken up front because in the past so many people failed to pay them and many states now do this for their portion as well. you still have to include it in your end of year filings it's just they take taxes up front when paying out

not them but this has been the longest period of "peace" we've ever had so it's a little overdue at the very least and tension is definitely building between multiple countries.

The people who make a billion dollars don't actually make a billion dollars. Their actual income is far lower, they just have high wealth.

>essentially one work day

Completely ignoring the fact that he practiced for 8+ hours a day for several years, earning NOTHING during that time and it wasn't a guarantee he was going to walk home with that money, he had to earn it

>win a million
>make a billion
Anyone can just 'win' a million dollars. It's all luck and chance. Not everyone can make a billion, that requires effort, a thing that most people (you included) lack.

Attached: wat.png (241x198, 12K)

Why is it so hard to just hammer onto people's heads that they need to be informed of their civil rights god damn it.

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Hes already admitted hes not gonna pay and fight it.
Probably will win since they have no grounds

>I was that kid

Because Americans are retarded and have been lied too.

Good job triggering the burgers, user.
Yeah some Yuro countries don't tax gambling income.


lol ok mom

Even without stocks, he can buy a nice, 150,000 to 200,000 condo or house, depending on if he wants to live in the city or suburbs. He can pay it in full. Assuming his property taxes and utilities cost him about 1000$ a month combined (a VERY high estimate for most of the USA for a house at that price point, only the west coast or New York would actually be this expensive, south california and hawaii would be more expensive than this however) that means his yearly cost to live would be 12,000$. 1 million can provide you with 20,000$ a year for 50 years. Which means he has another 8000$ a year to spend on whatever the fuck he wants, if he wants it to last him 50 years.

I made a stupid indie xbox live arcade game back on the 360 and it sold 500,000 copies. I made it in like 6 months, and sold it for like 10$. I made about 5$ per sale, and ended up with 2.5 million dollars. Now, half of that went to Taxes, but my remaining money bought me a nice house in Florida, and I pay like 600$ a month in property taxes and utilities. I spend about 300$ a month for food. I never have to work, I don't have to do shit, I can spend 1000$ a month on whatever I want and live A-ok. I put out some other small games from time to time, never work hard on them, just stupid bullshit, and I've doubled my savings- I can live over 100 years off of this life style literally never having to work. My own place, all bills paid, good internet, money to buy games every month and build/upgrade my PC when I need to. It's the best.

The EU sort of is, Britain is still more of an Empire due to territories than the EU is, especially with how much control over it that Germany has, even then the EU will never control all of Europe, getting its hands on the East is trial enough. Especially former USSR/Russia Territorities and Albania/Kosovo. Albania had an extremely high chance in 1990 to be the 51st US State and was denied largely due to Communist Leadership at the time, and Kosovo houses America's greatest military base outside of the US, both of which have extreme and heavy American influences.

EU will never be a true Empire until it manages to capture the rest of Europe, same with China and Asia (which is never going to happen), not without force overall.

Regardless, 2040-2050 is gonna be an upheaval on the way the world is, it'll probably stagnate for 10-20 years afterwards and then things will slowly start building themselves back up (think the 1960-70s at this point).

he gets to live in a country that enables him to play video games for a living. the reason that country is that good is because of taxation

childeren fuck off

>There's never a time it wasn't taxable.
there was an argument that patronage, especially art patronage, isn't actually taxable but I think it was more of a historical EU thing


>Implying almost all billionaires aren't trust fund kids who would have to go out of their way to fail
>you should be punished for lucking out of poverty instead of being born into wealth
>yes business daddy, your effort is so good, so much better than me. please give me the cock while I read another business book from Barnes & Noble and dream about being you.
God you're pathetic.

>I made a stupid indie xbox live arcade game back on the 360 and it sold 500,000 copies. I made it in like 6 months, and sold it for like 10$. I made about 5$ per sale, and ended up with 2.5 million dollars. Now, half of that went to Taxes, but my remaining money bought me a nice house in Florida, and I pay like 600$ a month in property taxes and utilities. I spend about 300$ a month for food. I never have to work, I don't have to do shit, I can spend 1000$ a month on whatever I want and live A-ok. I put out some other small games from time to time, never work hard on them, just stupid bullshit, and I've doubled my savings- I can live over 100 years off of this life style literally never having to work. My own place, all bills paid, good internet, money to buy games every month and build/upgrade my PC when I need to. It's the best.

user you can't just tell us this without saying what the game was

I wonder, will it be explosive or gradual? Surely neither party wants to literally destroy the world.

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>150,000 for a condo in a city
Lad, houses in backwater states in the country are 120-150k these days, let alone cities.

>I made a stupid indie xbox live arcade game back on the 360 and it sold 500,000 copies.
what game?

>that requires effort
this is bait

Rich people pay 70% of the total tax in the US. Without them, you'd all be living in squalor. I dunno what it is about Americans to hate their rich people like so.

That's why you open a trust fund in Panama.

I'm on disability and my mom does all my taxes and handles my money for me. Plus I am set to inherit literal millions once some boomer in my family dies because I'm the only one it can go to. Fuck it feels good to sit inside jerk off and play vidya all day while still making enough to cover bills and then some for gamer purchases.

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>You enjoyed the luxuries of taxation for years
I have yet to use any luxuries of the government that I am not forced to.
>Those shitty roads that are never fixed and waiting several hours at the DMV are luxuries

at least it paid for my higher education and health care, not sure what american taxes go to though.

He's not going to say because he's bullshitting you.

>the government just outright takes half your winnings

This is why I'm Libertarian.

>Without them, you'd all be living in squalor.
lol okay

Because billionaire companies makes the irish triple flip carpado twist and pays just a few millions in taxes every year while the poor pays 50% of their income.

>Atlanta and places spend 100k painting a crosswalk rainbow colors for a bunch of fags that will deteriorate within a week and look like shit
>children can use chalk and do it for like $10 in a day

ww4 sticks and stones ect.

At best, it will be a conventional war so as to not instill the public with fear

Why shouldn't he pay taxes on that? He made 3,000,000 for one day of play. I think if regular people have to pay a portion of their paycheck cash prizes can be taxed as well.

Except unlike Coleman, Culkin's parents didn't completely screw him and he's still set for life financially.

>millions once some boomer in my family dies because I'm the only one it can go to.

Be careful user people can just give away all their money to charity before they die it might fuck your plans.

Source? No author, no date, no paper title, twitter meme format text as the top of an image

It goes into politicians and corporate pockets.

>I have yet to use any luxuries of the government that I am not forced to.
Oh so you do use the luxuries like roads, education and electricity. So what are you complaining about?

I was more pointing to the Chinese subjugation of the African continent, a strangely unspoken process that past attempts by Europeans still get hammered today.

Super Meat Boy.

There's nobody to blame but yourself, nigger. Stop demanding gibs for a change.

>america's interest
you mean the isp he's paying to shitpost
>america's electricity
you mean the nuclear or coal plant that is owned by a private company producing him with energy in return for money
same shit with phone lines the only thing the government does is suck up money for welfare and gibs and israel

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i wonder why...

I thought the same thing, on their death bed they donated it all to charity for cat homes just to spite the rest of the family as "I worked for this, I will spend it since it doesn't go with me in death."

Man, if you think about it, humanity has come a long fucking way.
Long or not long enough?

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Fix your high score system nigger it's broken and everyone told you but you refuse to listen.

is this you

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Without the rich funding their military, the rest of the world would have already glassed America.

Very few XBLA sold that amount. Most barely sold more than 10,000 at most, with the few remaining being big hits that sold close to a million.

My bet is this is his game, its one of the few that sold close to the 500,000 mark without getting close to a million.

I also think it is the only one that fits the "made it in a few months" claim.

Africa isn't going to benefit anybody at this stage of the race. Sure there are tons of resources there, but there is too much instability and issues for it to go swimmingly for whoever tries to subjugate. Even China has problems in trying to do so compared to how Europe ran over them.

That game only cost a $1, not $10 like he said.

should have just killed them all

>Uh yeah the government provides electricity and phone lines but it SUCKS bro
But they provide and maintain them, that was the point

he just won 3million the other day

>get money
>get taxed
Yes, that's generally how it works unless you're working under the table or engaged in criminal enterprise.
Everything in life is taxed and then your death is taxed, too; thanks, Government.

>Tax the rich!

Honestly I'm not worried. Actually I didn't even wanna know about it in the first place. It's weird to think about that at some point in the future I could just suddenly be rich, but I'm not holding out hope that it will happen. It's more of a "That would be nice if it did actually happen" kinda thing.

The rest of my life fuckin rules though, ever since I got disability I have been able to put that money towards making myself an even better person, and vidya.

Kek, I'd do this just to spite you

I don't know why you'd lie on Yea Forums. Maybe for the (you)s?

>the blood sucking jews who run government actually run a good clean organization that does good because I win free contrarian points for pretending this is the case

Then we'd likely still be in constant war fighting over who owns what land and resources, more so than how we are these days. Africa ironically does one thing well and its keep the rest of the world from inherently trying to kill themselves over resources. If we had enslaved or killed all the Africans, then we'd see blood diamonds like never before.

it's also a case of getting incredibly lucky it is not an easily duplicated feat. which is why this scrub probably will only ever have one 'hit' game to his name and fade away into obscurity. also that game he claims had a co creator so not sure how this guy claims he got all the money from it.

>Plus I am set to inherit literal millions once some boomer in my family dies because I'm the only one it can go to.
There should be no reason he can't give it to your mom

no, there really isn't.

you're just ignorant, like everyone else who tries to impose regulation on firearms. your only knowledge of guns comes from media.

>what is inheritance tax

>still made more money in a day than the millennial manchildren on Yea Forums will make in a lifetime
back to work wagies shlomo's yacht isn't going to pay for itself

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>Gub'ment is bad because I sed so
Veeeery compelling

Well I'm glad for you user, but just be weary, rich people do not like handouts, especially on their death beds. When my immediate family dies I'll get quite a bit, probably not millions (that side of the family are cunts that stay to themselves), but I'll get a decent sum to survive until I'm settled for a few years, but even then it's best to focus on saving and investing what you have just in case.

Especially with how anal they are about disability anymore (hell my mother can't get it despite being very clearly incapable of working), just because they don't want to keep paying people to do nothing.

what taxes if you're on disability with no other income you should have none. disability is non earned non taxable income unless you hit a certain taxable income threshold and then even your disability is taxable. also if your disability is SSI once you inherit money you'll have to kiss it and your insurance good bye as you'll likely then fail the asset test but at least you'd have millions

my parents are assholes so it wouldn't surprise me

Yes because an assault rifle and a 9mm are the exact same gun that anybody should be able to pick up and buy.

Man imagine Ted Bundy had an M-16 over a 9mm, yep, didn't need to regulate that military grade weapon at all.

you'd be surprised how many people think they're going to get a large inheritance and then end up with almost nothing or like 10-20K. it happens all the time

>y-you just want some of business daddies money. you don't take the cock because you're jealous
Kek, bootlickers are like Boy band Stans. I get it, you're an NPC who when told that the world was fair by your retarded mother believed her without question and just like your mother you'll take cock because society told you that was your place. Pathetic. This isn't about welfare, it's about social mobility. Something that elites killed to guarantee their snot nosed brats would never have viable competition.

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>tax is not included in the price so we can tax you later
What is the main advantage of this system over including the tax right away other that allowing the government to fuck you over later?

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There is clearly something wrong when America went from God Bless Us and our beautiful country to constant strife and hatred of their Government.

The point is the percentage of money taken, which many feel is egregious, especially in a country that barely provides anything back in return and blows through money like a heroin addict on corrupt contracts and stupid wars nobody asked for. Not many were taking issue with the concept of taxation itself, I'm sure you knew that already but you thought you had a hot snarky comment lined up if you played just dumb enough not to get it.

it's regulated by law. businesses have to display the sale price as the taxes are going to the government anyway not the business. it's a bit fucked up but that's why

every time, Yea Forums. It's not even about vidya this time either.


>implying that's a good thing

hating the government is the original American pastime

we can change the world around us in amazing ways but humans are the same. always tied to our base instincts. the graffiti people have found from old civilizations looks like post from Yea Forums made today.

yes it's called multiculturalism

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>provide and maintain a power system that is considered third world along with it's internet
really doing well with those taxes

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my dad donates up to 40% of income to charities when his daughter has POTS, PCOS, and a malformed heart valve

>provide and maintain a power system that is considered third world
Source? That's a pretty big claim. Sounds like you might just be obsessed

taxes have always been contentious in the U.S. I mean our government likes to gloss over our history but even after we were formed Washington mustered a federal army to quell a fucking rebellion over whiskey taxes as farmers were pissed and didn't want to pay.

>kid is good at a video game
>kid becomes millionaire because he is good at a fucking VIDEO GAME

who gives a fuck? I hope he gets robbed and beaten to death by a pack of feral shitskins

Oh no, he only has 1.5 mil. What ever will he do. Won't somebody please think of the million dollar prize winners? How are they expected to buy flagrant luxuries that bring them no happiness with only 1.5 million? What is he expected to do? Put it in a savings account and accrue interest? Taxes are unjust, don't tread on me!

Tbh it is not something I am planning my life around. Infact I probably should not have mentioned it in the first place.
Also I should mention I am Canadian and idk if taxes and disability work different here but basically I get 1200 a month and am allowed to earn another 10k? a year if I can. Basically if I got a job right now I could keep my disability as long as I don't earn over a certain threshold but I think I still have to pay taxes on that income. Again my mom handles all my money issues so I am totally stupid to all of this. All I know is that I can game all I want because a Doctor said so.

Have you tried reporting it to someone?
Are you absolutely sure it is a publicly maintained road?
I'm not doubting you, but unless you've been talking to city council and DoT for 5 years you are exaggerating the scope of the issue or living in an area with people who think similar to you and pay for lower taxes, therefore there is less budget for things like that.

nice try CIA

>to quell a fucking rebellion over whiskey taxes as farmers were pissed and didn't want to pay
This is somewhat true, but we mostly went to war because we were being taxed without representation in Parliament.


>You enjoyed the luxuries of taxation for years
In some countries yes but defiantly not in America.

and how are politicians supposed to be rich if they can't tax for everything?
Why don't you ask about the absolute state of america's internet speeds next?

Because it's a culmination of thousands of hours of training

>Sensationalist articles from ~5 years ago
Veeeeery compelling. I think you are just obsessed.

I'd rather have healthcare free at point of service than a few guns, and this comes from someone who likes guns.

I'm sending my best man to present you your (you)

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I'm talking about the whiskey rebellion which was almost 15 years after the war of independence when President Washington raised an army to crush farmers and force a distilled spirits tax on our nation

So why not put the price and taxes all in one? Why I have to bother with playing taxes later if I can pay them the moment I buy something? Sounds convoluted for no reason other that trying to fuck with people

>Being hugely reductive again

>he argues about grammar and a Himalayan ketchup making forum

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there is nothing better about private roads, the vast majority of private roads are not really maintained in any way at all.

Only the government would have funded the interstate highway system, imagine some billionaire having them built instead without any sort of government input, ends up charging everyone massive tolls to use his roads and get around the country.

Those are more of a necessity than luxuries and you really have to compare to really bad place to consider that as a luxuries.

If you're a person with a working brain you should understand what sales taxes are and how they work. I understood this stuff at 10 years old, how is it baffling? It's simple math

wow. an actual retard

>3 others within the current year or last
>ackchyually you posted one article from a few years ago you're just obsessed

>Those are more of a necessity than luxuries and you really have to compare to really bad place to consider that as a luxuries.
Ok, so the government provides necessities. That actually helps my argument more, thanks.

The free market would figure out an efficient solution. My guess would be that, in the absence of government, there would be way more airports for long range travel.

>tfw when tax is 5%

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>Openly acknowledging that most of these articles are outdated

I have no problem with him being taxed, but why 50%? Do burgers really pay 50% for their income as tax?

>he thinks the whisky rebellion wasn't a false flag to give the federal government an excuse to make an army during peace time

My old man tried to teach me about tax donations and write offs when i was a kid, but it literally went over my head
He told me recently in TLDR, that the more shit you give away while claiming its worth a ton, the IRS gives you 1.5 to 2.0 of what it's worth (appraised) as a tax credit
Sorta right?

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What, sales tax? Federal tax? There's dozens of different kinds of taxes.
>I'm too dumb to read the thread first

No. The median people pay (after deductions and credits) about 10% of their income in taxes. There are still property taxes and sales taxes, but those are a bit more opt in, so most people don't mind them. The high end earners in high tax states though? Yes, they do pay high taxes.

It´s the same here when gambing/lotery/similar stuff


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>Rich people should pay 90% taxes
>What the fuck my e-celeb got taxed for big winnings?!?! UNFAIR
It's almost like these people can't even fathom functioning under their own rules

>tfw you live in a country with freedom of speech, can legally own a gun, age of consent is 14, and if you win millions in a tournament the government takes 0 dollars from your winnings

Feels good to be latino.

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Can't wait until Hiro rangebans Latin America.

>He told me recently in TLDR, that the more shit you give away while claiming its worth a ton, the IRS gives you 1.5 to 2.0 of what it's worth (appraised) as a tax credit
Yeah, pretty much, except I've never heard of donations being worth more than the item.

No, just multimillion dollar winners. Lowest bracket is 10% and highest is 37%.

>give me a source from this exact month and day or else it's outdated
if only the rest of america cared about outdated shit this much

Let me get this straight. multiculturalism the thing that
>made the Europeans Superior to all the other cultures who were too busy beating each other up with sticks to conquer the world.
Is the problem. You're saying that in.
>Modern English, a language made up of almost 8 different languages from 8 very different cultures.
>In a posting code made from Arabic numerals, probably the only thing you know how to count in.
>On a machine with parts made in china.
>On a board inspired by japanese culture.
>in a first world country that has yet to need a holocaust
Are you actually retarded? Multiculturalism has always been a foundation of a super power from Rome to the US and I can't believe you could live in a world where WW2 and the collapse of European empires happened and go
>"You know what, out of all the things that came from it, I want to be Uganda or the failed 12 year state of Nazi Germany. because book say multiculturalism bad."
Fucking neck yourself you apex brainlet.

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Taxation is theft

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Prize money isn't considered the same as income.

Yeah, i'm not gonna read 300+ replies. Got a problem with that?
I see, thanks.

>>still not universal healthcare
Fuck Mexicans tho. I don't want them to get my healthcare.

pay your fucking taxes, no reason i should have to support a fat fucking sperg like you

Not nearly as outdated as your sources, user. Keep seething about America.

It depends. You can deduct charitable donations, and you can claim values, but if the numbers get too high you could trigger a red flag and get audited. The first time it happens they'll just make you pay any value they think you scammed them out of plus some interest, but if it happens again that's where the criminal charges start. Considering the standard deduction was changed to 24k last year, almost no one outside of super high earners, or people with uncommon setups (working from home) will be itemizing deductions, and thus worrying about donations.

>>tfw you live in a country with freedom of speech, can legally own a gun, age of consent is 14, and if you win millions in a tournament the cartel controlled government takes 0 dollars from your winnings

This. The government is literally oppressing gamers right now and yet no one is batting an eye.

>food analogy
Fucking hell, this board.

well if you are a brainlet the store could advertise both a sale price and price after taxes for each item but it would add to their cost of business and do almost nothing for them except help brainlets

I work in a law office, we had some dumbass get audited for this stuff recently.

literally, everything is deductible if you word it right when you're self-employed.

>luxuries like roads, education and electricity

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honestly it made sense to tax goods going to the colonies since they had to be shipped across the fucking ocean, Royal British Navy has to put more effort in protecting ships in the west. placing the taxes on all shipping itself would stifle the trade that everyone is benefiting from.

>cartel control government

You're thinking colombia or mexico, but nope, those are shitholes

>tfw cartels probably exist in my country but they are barely noticeable and people doesn't have to walk the streets in fear

Feels good to be top tier latino and not retarded tier latino

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I never implied that fren. it was literally both and it's incredible how glossed over and forgotten our history makes it out to be. it was actually a much worse situation then what our modern history books, etc try to paint it as

War is too expensive, so it won't happen in our lifetime, and even if one does happen, it'll be more along the lines of the Cold War, but with even more drones.

Isn't he 16? How does a 16 year old owe $1,500,000 in taxes? I don't even think 16 year olds pay their own taxes. What the fuck?

You'd better hope they don't audit you. I know for a fact that the government is cracking down on self-employed decuctables for this very reason.

multi culturalism between various ethno european groups who are at root the same people is not the same as mixing whites, blacks, asians, etc

Yeah they're in the middle of repairing that road. That's how taxes work, sweety.

Im sure you have taken medicine into your body at some point yeah? There are government agencies that make sure your drugs are safe to ingest. From the food you eat to the water you drink

Unless you're in the top 10% of earners in the country, chances are anything you can deduct won't be better than just the standard deduction without hitting red flag numbers.

Do you even stop to think how fucking stupid it would be if people under 18 weren't taxed for game winnings?
The collusion in competitions would be fucking insane

Sixteen year olds pay taxes; anyone who makes legal income does.

>You're thinking of Mexico or other Mexico
Face facts paco, from Mexico to Argentina. From Brazil to Chile, every corner and crevice of latin america is run by cartels or despots who in turn own their own thug-corp

>All of the earning
Its half of those earnings. Its stil a 13 year old kid with 1,5 million.

Because if he didn't have to pay taxes i guarantee there'd be an entire system in play to pedal out 16 year old "pros" who still live with their parents well after multiple 1st place prizes

Tell me what cartel controls Panama.

multiculturalism works only when the cultures are not shit
there is literally nothing good to extract from black american culture for example


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