What went wrong with twitch?
What went wrong with twitch?
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What kind of woman streams her breastfeeding for millions of soibois to watch
Oh yeah get yer tits out hen
one who knows exactly what she's doing
Uhh nope lol. Milkies are not cool unless im having it.
""twitch"" """"""""""""streamer"""""""""""""""
>what? pumping and bottle feeding? no, gotta feed my kid the traditional way ;^)
>high quality camera
>good lighting
She knows exactly what she's doing.
>with some arguing that breastfeeding constitutes "sexual" content".
She could've at least used a cover or something, but we all know why she didn't.
Because there's nothing to be ashamed of or warrant covering?
Twitch bans streamer indefinitely because of "having too many subs" and only streaming once a week.
It’s objectively the best for the child, though I agree these stupid bitches could pause the stream for 15 minutes to go breastfeed.
t. father of two small children
If you are going to breast feed your fucking child. Leave the fucking room. Your home has more rooms than the one you stream from.
wait a second.... where are the video games?
>independent contractors
what the fuck. youre an e-beggar, an e-busker.
How quickly can you beat it to an 11 second VIDEO? That's the GAME.
It should so I can see her tits for free
>video games
Twitch has moved past video games years ago man
Play stupid games, get stupid rewards. This is what twatch has to deal with now, since they incentivize begging.
She should be hanged because this isn't a matter of convenience. She is turning breast feeding her child into a means of making money by trying to monetize the fact there are freaks on the internet that will get off to her breast feeding on stream.
Betas. They're the root of most evil.
>bo-hoo it's so hard for a single mother to step outside or turn the camera away/off for five minutes
Fuck off.
I think that as long as it isnt the main focus of the stream it should be fine.
>inconsistent work hours, unreliable pay, and lack of healthcare
because it's not supposed to be a fucking job unless you make it one
Are these morons saying streamers should be payed a salary with benefits?
>females are whores
I really wish there was some kind of mark or tag for things that are intended to be blatant...
She really likes being watched while doing nasty stuff.
>using a toddler as an object in your e-thottery
absolutely disgusting
the next generation is going to be even more fucked up than zoomers
Doesn't this bitch "work" on her house?, she can literally pause the stream and feed the kid, she doesn't have to show her tits online.
Direct breast feeding instead of pumping is actually better for the child. Babies backwash some of their saliva into the breast. There are lymph nodes in the mammary glands that produce antibodies for any pathogens in the saliva, which are then immediately pumped into the milk. Before the age of three months babies basically have no b cells themselves so this is how they get their antibodies.
>covers up her tit with the baby's head when it stops suckling
as long as there's no tit shown there's no problem
also god I wish that were me
Didn't know that, actually interesting. Thanks, faggot.
why do americans do this? do they get off of this?
>single mothers
would an office let you pull out a tit and breastfeed a baby on a business video call?
>Babies backwash some of their saliva into the breast.
I'm sorry what? can you please provide a citation for that because that sounds really bizarre.
she'd be a whore if that kid was black
I'd totally fuck her and gladly look at her tits desu
wouldn't give her money, but would happily watch her lactate
whats the big deal? shes a cam whore, and twitch is a cam whore site
I don't have anything against breastfeeding but this is exposing your kid for money from fetishists ,doesn't seem right.
That kid doesn't seem to mind, and neither would you, if you weren't homosexual.
she's her own boss
can you apply the standards of the corporate working world to everything?
Lmao this is top tier thottery
thank you very much.
how do you run a business from a twitch account that never streams?
cant blame them for being suspicious
How low will thots go to make a buck on twitch?
How fucked up are you, breast feeding your child while you know people are jerking off to it. I know it is a fetish, but actually sexualizing you feeding your child is fucked up.
No, twitch is her boss.
twitch/advertisers are the boss
>kid doesn't seem to mind,
No shit, the kid doesn't realize his Mom is a literal whore and that the pic being taken was used as porn by thousands of dudes online.
Well the faggot who got banned deserved it. He used twitch so he could avoid getting taxed for the money he made. Too bad he got unbanned
This retarded bitch , says the word "like" 6 times under 10 seconds. That low.
I mean it is kinda logical
people who subbed to him don't care about his stream, apparently it offers some perks on his store or whatever, I don't remember, it makes no sense, just use patreon or whatever for that
he likely just wanted to profit off people's twitch prime subscriptions or some shit
in a freelance labor market where views are king not corporate values
you can watch all sorts of fucked up shit on youtube that gets away with it because its educational
Who cares. Money will make that kid happier. I grew up poor I would know.
Executing orbiters and incels would stop this.
The point of breastfeeding in public is that the baby needs food and there's no private place you can go in to remedy this. The solution to not breastfeeding in a public stream is turning off the fucking stream for 20 minutes.
>using children for your attention whoring e-thottery
i swear to god
i wish ISIS or taliban or alqaida or whatever took over the world so these women will be put back where they belong
Visible nipple was shown.
The kid is a toddler , he has no idea of money or income you dumb sad fuck. Can you find more excuses ?
You can get one of those cover thingies moms use when they breastfeed in public. She did this purely for views and clicks.
Pretty cheap to use your child for that.
You mean executing niggers and jews.
if I was a hot mother, I wouldn't care
He has no concept of being involved in fetish shit. He will know what it's like to grow up with good food clothes etc. Money matters more than most other shit.
>What went wrong with twitch?
Money. Twitch is there to make money
>not in control of their time
>not in control of their camera content
Do journalists actually believe twichfags have some sort of reality TV cameraman in their houses or something?
what if someone had to take a piss so they just whipped their dick out and pissed into a bottle on stream?
This topic is a waste of bandwidth. Fuck off.
Twitch loses its shit when there's a reference to a black person. Let's not invite more scummy behavior with breastfeeding.
Also this will inevitably lead to barely legal women gamers having kids so they can show titties on the interwebz. FUCK THAT.
Like all things in life as soon as women get involved it's ruined.
you're acting like she's fucking the baby
she's literally performing the most basic and nurturing mammal function
Jesus would probably not care if he walked by some lady breastfeeding and would probably not wince at childbirth.
it is the pervert eye which is vulgar in this case, not the female act here which is pure and natural.
Why didn't she just turn off the stream or walk to another room to breastfeed? If you wanna show your tits just go to chaturbate or some other degenerate cam site. This really shouldn't have "sparked" any "discussion" in the first place
You can clearly see her nipple for a good 2 seconds. There is no good reason for her to feed her child during this stream. She is not in a situation that would not permit her to step off camera to feed her child.
>complaining about breatfeeding when they allow this creatura on twitch
>cover thingies
She actually mentions this in the article, the reason she doesn't use it is because "the baby just throws it off" or something to that effect. It's a shitty deflection and you're 100% correct that she knew what she was getting into when she started breastfeeding on stream.
We don't. This thot did it for clicks. Then shitaku made an argument out of it for clicks. Now some faggot OP reposted the argument for (You)s. What you are looking at is nothing at all made into something for very little reason.
As far as they can go. It's funny, they already cruise through life on easy mode yet they still want to make it even easier to whore themselves out.
Reminds me of a buddy of mines wife who would just plop her J cup breast out to feed their daughter. He would always looked ashamed when she did it. His wife saw no problem with it.
Being involved in "fetish" shit as you said is ten times worse and no money isn't everything in life , actually it's the least important thing in the long run but having none would make you think otherwise.
I can tell he's hideous, but the twitch screen grab makes it look shopped
Shit I'm learning stuff today.
using the toilet isn't sexual either so let's get a good 4x zoom lens and proper lightning in the bathroom
I really hate how retards support female twitch streamers when there are so many hard working camwhores out there
No it's not. Money matters a fuckton. If you can't be happy with money you're just a retard. Now that I have even a moderate amount of money my life is easy and happy. If I had a great deal it would just be better.
>Streaming with kids
>Even having kids
People with kids are so fucking annoying
Unironically yes, that's why she wants to stream it.
She's going to be a fucking millionaire doing this
Until he's 10 or so and other kids start sharing pictures of his thot mom when she was younger and he's standing right there next to her. And since he's little more than accessory to mommy, she'll ignore the bullying until he kills himself then post about how hurt she is the lost the most important thing in her life and she hates to do it but she could really use help giving her little angel the funeral he deserves. Then post's a link to her Patreon with a promises of in mourning black lingerie to donators over $500.
moral outrage over breastfeeding is beyond stupid
she's in her home and people are voluntarily choosing to watch
breastfeeding is definitely non-roastie, non-degenerate behavior that should be encouraged
>being a parent on twitch isnt easy
The nerve of these people
>baby clearly trying to get away
jesus. poor thing.
The kind of woman who is trying to turn the outrage mob to her side to get money.
you don't even need to turn off your stream and lose viewers. just tilt your camera or step out of frame. can someone explain what the debate is?
This is a good video game.
Allowing IRL and just chatting on platform dedicated to games then killing your actual IRL streaming platform was a mistake
>haha your mom breastfed you!
This bitch does ASMR and I remember seeing her instagram having a picture of her breastfeeding on there. They know it's causing an issue but refuse to acknowledge it because apparently doing it is empowering and brave.
Are you happily married ? Do you have any kids or a group of long term friends from your childhood around you , to socialise and see them as often as possible ? I doubt it , money is a commodity and sooner or later you will realise how meaningless it actually is if you don't have all the above and to hit the final never everyone knows that in life you cannot have it all. So chew on that for a bit.
Twitch has always been pro-thots, I don't get the outrage. Also yes - she's OBVIOUSLY doing it on purpose. Just pause the stream, feed your baby and continue streaming holy shit. It's not Auschtwitch, you can take a fucking break.
Do you want to watch me take a shit too?
That's not the point. If the stream was supposed to be some kind of political statement, then by all means feed the child. Its quite obvious that she exploited her child in a desperate attempt to get subs and buzz for her stream.
if she must do it on stream at least move the camera up so nobody can see it. failure to do this is just solidifying the fact that she's a purposeful thot.
There isn't one. Kotaku is baiting people into making one for them and it hasn't happened yet.
No, because if we're going to treat it like any other occupation then you obviously can't breastfeed at work.
the idiotic outrage of prudes like the ones ITT is what emboldens them and makes it "brave"
it can be left totally uncommented on
You can get banned for a depiction of hitler?
9 times out of 10 the rich kid is the cool kid. He'll be the one bullying other kids into suicide most likely. Good for him.
Not married yet, but otherwise every aspect of my life is happy. Some of my friends are from childhood, but I don't know why you specified that. My best friends are from my university days. The odds of you not growing into a different person from you childhood friends is small.
>Person needs to eat
>They pause the stream
>Person needs to take a leak
>They pause the stream
>Person needs to feed their kid, using a tit or otherwise
I fucking hate outrage culture.
>brown nips
This. What if you have to take a shit or piss? Gotta stream that to?
>Babies backwash some of their saliva into the breast.
why are americans so weird with breastfeeding?
This is why Twitch shouldn't have ever let not-vidya take root.
Now it's a fucking peep show for breast feeding.
What the fuck is wrong with people.
I jerked off to a video of your mom breastfeeding you. I showed all my friends your mom's tits. When your mom comes to pick you up I get a hard on. Do you think if I spent the night your mom would let me suck that titty? Tell her I'll bring a camera if that makes her more comfortable.
How is what he does any different than streamers that let you into their discord for subbing?
What does titty milk taste like?
I specified it because we are social beings and what matter the most for us is to be accepted by the people around us , hence the long term friends/friendships. Capitalism braindwashed most of the world but I have know literal millionaires that are more miserable then the average gym teacher who barely brings any bread at home. Life is all about connections , family and friends and everything else comes dead last , especially money. These are the things that you realise as you grow older.
Nobody is denying that she's a whore
What the hell kind of name is "Margaux"? Poor kid doesn't stand a chance.
>shoves the baby's head back into her tit when it moves away
god i wish i were that baby
Why are people like this allowed to have children?
She's a woman so obviously she deserves the entire fucking planet in exchange for sitting on her fucking ass all day.
>countless millions of women and men actually believe this
It's a french name
Yes and that's why I specified you have to be a retard to be unhappy with money. That shit is all easy. Not being able to afford your bills is not. Again I'm fine now but growing up poor sucked.
Man, it's like justin.tv never left
what kind of fucking email is that? was it written by a 12 year old or ESL?
I'm sure if it were allowed thots would do that on-stream too.
Yep, that's hoe females think. They deserve all the world for doing nothing but what they want. They all think of themselves as little princesses or divine goddesses.
Like watered down almond milk.
>"dude you're weird it's not like my mom is going to fuck you or want anything to do with you"
>"teacher this kid is harassing me and telling me all his sexual fantasies about my mom!"
>teacher: "what the hell? go to the principal you evil wackjob kid"
>child psychologist: "now it's normal to fantasize, but you should learn to be respectful of others"
>"I'm sorry, my son won't behave like this again"
Should have had parents who weren't failures. Imagine your entire blood line through the ages culminating in your shit hole family and their genetics
You ever read a post and you know that person is a shrieking leftist?
My mom's just dumb. She had an amazing job in the city but wanted to raise me in the country surrounded by dumb hicks for some reason. Went from a top 10% earner to bottom 10 or so.
Lol Heather has 4 kids she’s a model and does weird asmr shit all the time she needs exposure so whatever works I guess
*wife's son
God I wish people wanted to see me use the restroom
leftists hate beautiful white people giving birth and caring for their kids
feminazi woman would find breastfeeding vulgar and look more like Hilary
You can tell that that baby is going to be put up for adoption or chucked into a foster home one she can't get any views from it
what a filthy slut
Someone's never been to public school
send her a clip of some user masturbating to her breast feeding stream and I bet she'll stop.
someone bought into the child animal society of public school way too hard instead of keeping his head straight
breastfeeding is obviously not fucking immoral. she's making nudity available where the expectation is no nudity. just make sure nudity isn't visible so anyone who doesn't want to see nudity isn't unintentionally exposed to it. it's done out of consideration for others.
>with a promises of in mourning black lingerie to donators over $500.
i want to laugh but i know this will happen in our timeline
I work with babies, they have shit attention spans once they're old enough to move their bodies around. The fact that she put the baby back on the tit and he immediately got back to work indicates that at the very least, it was actually time for him to eat.
Very likely the baby was just interested in the fact that mom was talking to someone and got distracted.
>don't mind breastfeeding but just want women to be modest about it and not be fucking attention whores
its fine for a mother to breastfeed, making a spectacle of it sexualizes the act
plus she clearly did it so fast because shes trying (badly) to hide her nipple
it's trannies who would ree at this because they're unnatural freaks and this woman is performing her prime biological directive
Those the fucks not have any morality? Brestfeeding to the public to get subs and views? What kind of fucked up world do we live in now?
spectacle requires spectators
breastfeeding is normal
giving her an ego trip over it, whether by wanting to burn her on the stake or give her a medal of honor, isn't
19th century beggar women would often perform street sideshow acts with their starving kids
>shes trying (badly) to hide her nipple
That's what's kind of crazy or telling to me. So many people are saying she could have paused the stream to do this she could have gotten a cover, she could have timed the stream during the day when he's not usually hungry, she could have had a bottle prepared just in case.
SHE COULD HAVE JUST TURNED AROUND. She could have turned body away from the camera and done this and carried on with her stream and her conversation.
TOS is no nudity. Not nudity allowed based on intent.
Who the fuck even watches these streams?
I seriously can't imagine the average guy who likes twitch whore streamers
That child is a censor bar with a pulse. She knows what she's doing.
Twitch is pretty much a matriarchy now. I've seen guys get banned for changing shirts on stream while a woman gets paid thousands to paint her naked body on stream. Now this.
zoomers, betas, idiots, kotaku journalists
caring in the slightest about this is a red flag that you're a fucking retard
All Women are Whores.
Except my mother.
and Alinity is still not banned lmao
they're not even pretending to hide it
Sounds better than breastfeeding in public for e-fame. We need to go back.
Have you never been or around a child? Especially in public school nothing that simple is going to make them stop, and rumors of his mother being an internet whore for money are going to follow him until high school.
But user, females are sooooooo oppressed :^)
she's doing it just to get beta bucks. women are horrible people and titty streamers are even worse
You can breastfeed on stream, you just can't show your breasts while breastfeeding, which is what she's really trying to do. If you want that kind of freedom, even while not being associated with porn, there are places for that. Twitch isn't one and never will be.
I think a bunch of minecraft streamers should run around in Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot skins.
>other streamers
>hey guys i'm sick so no cam today
>i NEED to feed my child on camera, there is no other option
I wish those people would just own it and say they do shit like that for attention
she just showed her nips.
is she banned?
My assumption was it's a parental block loophole site.
>I just hit puberty
>I'm interested in naked girls
>My parents block pornsites
>My parents check my history
>My youth pastor had a talk with them about Instagram and Twitter thots
>I'll just go on Twitch to watch games get my mind off these budding desires
>IRL section, what's this
The rules are pretty objectively even. No nipple. Brestfeeding is an outlier but it is always an outlier and doesn't actually matter because 99.999999% of moms prefer to brestfeed in private like a normal human being.
The women also seem more "accessible" since they're on a non-adult website talking to their donators.
>people falling for kotaku's bait
Apply yourselves
>man on stream
>"I need to eat something be off stream give me a 5 minute break"
>woman on stream
everything about twitch seems like it was made for and by retards. Glad someone else pointed out how bad the grammar is in that email though
>Then post's a link to her Patreon with a promises of in mourning black lingerie to donators over $500.
mass murder is ok
just not racist mass murder
>values with Democrats
personally, I got no problem with breastfeeding in public (covering up a little helps too), but
I don't care about breastfeeding in public but streaming it online just makes it seem like she's using the kid to fuel her exhibitionism fetish.
Put an overlay up, jesus fuck. Most male streamers won't even eat on cam, is this a female thing?
Yes attention whoring is mostly a female thing.
>is whoring and whoring for attention a female thing
Gee user, take a guess.
soon we will have diaper changing and twitch will be the one stop shop for all your cunny needs
calling it
I am going to suck tits on twitch and sue Jeff Bezos for discrimination
>independent contractor
remember when lets plays were a hobby? explain to me again why we shouldn't find something better than capitalism again
I masturbate to Kobayashi-san in koikatsu
Why couldn't she turn away from the camera, or just go slightly off camera?
>she's in her home and people are voluntarily choosing to watch
she's clearly exploiting her kid for views and bits
There are standard when being a broadcaster to the public, especially ones not on the clock. She could easily leave the room or put up an overlay but she doesn't do any of it. Sure retards will go 'yay titty' but it really should make her look bad for doing this.
>Bitch too dumb to go off cam to breastfeed
>OMG does this violate TOS
>Even tho hoes are already doing softcore shit
Twitch is cancer, it has always been cancer and will always be cancer.
It is run by cancer for cancer attracting cancer audiences.
If you showed Twitch to a doctor, he would most likely recommend surgery or amputation to remove that tumor on the web.
Stop being a paranoid cunt. People don't act like that.
give it a couple years and some country will pass legislation mandating that
Private company
>Being this out of touch with reality
This will never happen in a public school, I go to a private school and sometimes it's hard for this to even happen most of the time because the parent is sometimes influencial in some way.
Now imagine it happening in a public school where teachers are barely paid.
Come the fuck on, use your head here.
True, she wouldn't even accept a tip afterward
You don’t hide it, but you don’t fucking stream it either.
what if you show men getting their nipples licked?
I just dont get it
If you're gonna breastfeed just put a comfy/ light blanket over the exposed breast/baby. Is not that hard and a common practice in many countries.
honestly, im on the side that they should allow it
Hopefully this slipperyslopes to women demanding to be topless on twitch
I'm convinced you've never seen a child in your life.
why is breastfeeding necessary at all? a bottle of milk works fine that's how i got it as a baby
Pretty sure they'd be banned
That wouldn’t get her viewers or publicity though
Until he gets old enough to be self aware and his peers start bullying him for his mom being a whore
>He thinks twitch allows men to show skin at all
It's haram.
I want you to do one about this
He's right, people don't act like that.
>rumors would follow hikin to high school
That shit never happens. A teacher tells them to cut that shit out or get punished would make them stop REALLY damn fast.
Surely there must be more than this.
>twtich.tv was created for the explict purpose of seperating video games from justin.tv
>Twitch becomes Justin.tv anyway
Fuck you, Bezos.
how about get off the computer and care for your kid
>stopping bullying ever
The animation in this video is great but I think the video needs a much better song.
This isn't even interesting by radio hard rock standards.
You almost had me, but this one was a little too on the nose. Better luck next time!
>nothing to be ashamed of
>or warrant covering
>turn off camera
>pull out tit
>feed baby
better yet, stream on chaturbate with full lactation pandering for more profit
Okay, but can we all agree that public displays of nudity for comfort or convenience aren't ideal? I know it's a real heavy cross to bear, but please don't air your balls out in public.
Now THIS is bait
guess they should ban the gdq account
holy shit they're complaining about inconsistent pay and a lack of healthcare?? its not even a real job! good lord there's some serious entitlement issues with streamers.
Depends if she makes Twitch a good amount of money or not.
If she does, she'll get a simple slap on the wrist.
If she doesn't she's getting banned for at the very least 30 days.
Will twitch have the balls to stay with their no milkies rules and just tell her to take a break from streaming to hundred or thousang horny teenagers?
t. Boomer
There is also no reason to be ashamed of pissing, farting and shitting, but people still do it in privacy.
I can't believe you even bothered typing that out
>teachers able to do anything about bullying
To be fair, the lyrics are still fitting to the situation of how Youtubers and Twitch Thots are exploiting themselves and people around them in order to get views and money with stuff like "break my neck in HD", etc and comparing it to a freak circus. The song might not be the best, but I chose it because it fits this situation, because I do not know a single sane woman (except for a few crazy ones I've burned bridges with) who are willing to breastfeed in front of an audience. Breastfeeding in a public area is one thing because you are carrying your baby with you and you can't do it anywhere else, but downright doing it when you have the choice to pause the stream to take care of your baby is fucking insane and deplorable.
Dilate paranoid cunts
>whores her breastfeeding for twitch views
>whores herself out for donations
Can one get any more roastie?
You're lying.
It's not even that you're misinformed. You are flat out lying or you were home-schooled.
I transferred through nine different schools both public and private (due to parents work) and I saw this kind of shit happen in almost all schools even so-called "prestigious" schools.
Rumors are the absolute toxin of most Schools, even liberal/SJW schools have that shit because those kids will keep screeching bullshit about how that kind of stuff is toxic but will participate in it regardless whilst those with some kind of unlucky appearance or backstory will be competitively driven out. Even Chads got to experience this at times (especially in private schools).
The truth is that schools are the ultimate hierarchy centres where hierarchy, rumours and drama are the entertainment for bored kids.Because it thinks it makes them tough
And the truth is sometimes the teachers literally can't do anything because the parents are influential and paying a lot of money to the school.
>Ruining the power of one word responses for a weak insult
Pics? Preferably without the daughter.
You can just turn the camera off temporarily Goddamn.
No one was making you watch it
Reminder that white women, and the conquest of seeking out white women, are the cause of everything bad on this planet.
Everything bad and negative, you can basically trace back to the (in)direct cause of the white woman.
I don't wanna be that dude but you sound bitter and a little autismal. I suggest listening to better music, looking inward and not outward and eventually go out and meet someone nice.
Because honestly if you don't know a single sane woman in your life it dosen't mean they got a problem it means you do.
>There are people actually defending this woman
Jesus christ how big of an orbiter or deluded WOKEfag do you have to be to defend this shit?
Hahahaha, were you fucking homeschooled? This isn’t how the real world works.
burn twitch to the ground
salt the ashes
Not him and don't mean to be that dude but you should get a 12th grade education in reading comprehension first before making a post.
His actual business is making "setups" for iRacing which apparently attracts a lot of rich racing sim autists. He basically gives them free access to his setups with their Twitch sub. Bascially using his iRacing clout to boost his Twitch channel, but apparently Twitch takes issue with that.
Know what will make that kid happier in the long run than money and material objects? Being able to respect his parent(s). My mom and dad were never rich, but they made an honest living and never compromised themselves or their principles to do it. They set a good example of work ethic and determination and self respect. I'm glad I have the ability to look my mom in the eye and know she wasn't some pathetic slut who whored herself out for a quick buck and actually worked her ass off pursuing real goals like a decent person.
If I had access to millions I wouldn't care if my mom was sucking dick to earn it.
Eh, I'm just glad she's properly feeding her baby and not falling for the formula scam. In fact, I'd encourage this trend for exactly that reason.
where are the video games
You say that like Yea Forums doesn't have its own population of orbiting incels and sjw women ready to pounce at a moments notice.
She wouldn't even have to cover the kid with a blanket, just set a schedule in front of the camera or tilt it up/out of frame of the tittays.
...Did you seriously misread my post that hard or did I seriously miswrite it that hard?
Allow me to reiterate
I meant to say that I know plenty of Woman who would not only refuse but be absolutely embarrassed at the idea of breastfeeding in front of a camera.
That was my point.
My point was that the woman doing this breastfeeding stuff isn't "tackling a social issue" she is literally breaking the rules.
On a free-for-all website or on a more lax website this wouldn't be a problem (for me at least).
But this is a site that bans men and unattractive/non-popular/non-influential women for the most dumbest shit.
This is where my problem lies.
Quit attempting to psychoanalyse me and look at problems where there aren't . I know plenty of women and I've made a fair assessment on the fact that I don't consider all women to be "thots" or whatever (indeed, most of the ones I make company with are quite intelligent and I've debated with a few over social and historical issues), I just believe that like some men, there are indeed many people that exploit, and in this case these women use their bodies instead of scamming through other means. And I'll call out both times that this happens especially on a site like Twitch where bans can occur for the most bullshit reasons.
If you STILL don't understand this, then I suggest you look more inwards and think more about other perspectives instead of staying in a single-minded perspective.
Thanks for actually reading my post unlike that guy.
Being topless is already against the rules, of course breastfeeding isn't okay.
another speed reader bites the dust
Its just a boob and a baby sucking it. In that situation, its not sexual at all. The only people who are upset are either faking their outrage or literally retarded , which is 100% of Yea Forums so I guess its reasonable for you idiots to be upset about this.
Until you constantly get called the son of a whore and shunned from society due to rumor mills. Good luck being the equivalent of Chris Brown's son.
You know back in the day we called streamers camwhores.
Chris Brown's son will have a better life than anyone in this thread.
maybe he's just not an amerimutt
>unironically using the children as an excuse to being an absolute degenerate thot
So did the King of Random guy actually die or not?
>In that situation its not sexual
In the situation where I fucking spread my ass cheeks and squat over the toilet bowl to drop a shit it's not sexual either
>being this retarded
nobody is complaining about breastfeeding you dumb faggot, its about pimped out whore using loop hole in rules to stream softcore porn to underage kids on video game platform
baby's gotta eat, and momma's need to get that paycheck to keep paying the rent, if you deny her the chance to feed her baby you're opressing all women in the world who are just keeping their spawns healthy.
Sure bud if you only think materials good and monetary gain will forever lead to fulfillment. Good on you.
fuckinggg ayyyyy
>the planet will literally be inhospitable within the next few decades but people are still spending their money on stupid donations instead of building emergency shelters
wtf bros...
>implying they wouldn't accidentally nuke the planet into orbit by invading area 51
The future is now
she's a sneaky whore isn't she?
what are you talking about? the climate change? or the ol crisis? or nuclear fallout? or something else
The rest of it is easy. Just don't be a fucking weirdo and people will like you.
I understand all that but taking your shirt off on a Twitch livestream is against the ToS.
It's not allowed for any reason at all.
>"teacher this kid is harassing me and telling me all his sexual fantasies about my mom!"
>now the bullying increases because he's a crybaby and a mommy's boy
>also he gets beat up for being a snitch
I'm killing myself by the end of the week so I don't care dumb boomer
You were bullied so badly you developed shit taste and now spam DBZ images?
It went from just 'hey here's a way to show what you're doing on your computer to other people' to being a corporate locked down hellhole of advertising friendly nonsense.
Mate most of that kid's life growing up will be him getting called "the son of a whore" that kid will literally have the inability to form relationships or lasting friendships because of it or have anyone actually approach him due to the rumor mill. This is me speaking from personal experience mind you.
Is this a prank? because this is a big lol
yeah, she defo needs a ban. but knowing twitch, they won't do shit
Literally all women are whores.
It doesn't even happen in the private schools I went to. If you were the marked kid, you were fucked because it's easier for the school to deal with one fucked up kid and maybe throw them out rather than lose the income of throwing out five or so people harassing them.
Yes, everyone knows that. It's their nature.
There is nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public.
How is that different than the streaming of some guy riding a bike?
Didn't you know? This is social justice at its peak.
Nope. I did get bullied initially in early Middle School, but after the first year everyone grew to be okay with me.
Ironically, there was one kid that tried to bully me, but he was hated by everyone and was a notorious Malaysian "nice guy" who attempted to cuck me, but let's just say things didn't end well for him.
It doesn't change the fact that even if things got better for me because I developed social skills and figured out how to make good comebacks and actually be amicable, it still doesn't change the fact I saw the "rule of hierarchy" in almost every single school. And despite the fact I managed to avoid it after the first 2-3 years of bullying, I still witnessed other kids have it and therefore came to the conclusion that this hierarchy exists in every school no matter how rich that school is.
And I have yet to be proven wrong on that fact.
I listened in to almost every single drama and conflict that was going on and still noticed that it was drama on small things like "oh this kid's mom is a whore because she got big tits and stuff"
And yeah sure, some kids did get reported, fair game.
But then some kids would turn on the kid that did the reporting, or alternatively if the kids weren't that cruel, the parent might complain and shit hits the fan quite quickly
>If you were the marked kid, you were fucked because it's easier for the school to deal with one fucked up kid and maybe throw them out rather than lose the income of throwing out five or so people harassing them
Well that's my point you see. Again, I was only the "marked kid" for the first few years before I actually managed to figure out how to get on everyone's good side and manage to avoid drama by not revealing too many details about myself
The inherent point is, for the "unlucky ones" it wouldn't go too well for them. I avoided it through sheer luck and diplomacy.
The best way I can compare a school hierarchy is like that to a medieval royal court (without the murders).
She's on IRL, not everything you put on twitch has to be a video game. IRL, social eating, etc.
You're either autistic or retarded if you think my gripe is about breastfeeding in public. Red my post again and come back to me. Better yet get an education then come back to me.
There's nothing wrong with a man being topless in public but that's also against Twitch ToS.
>Jesus christ how big of an orbiter or deluded WOKEfag
Once again, you prefer to think people are disingenuous/have hidden agenda rather than consider people might simply disagree with you.
Breast feeding is normal. It's no more weird than someone streaming eating their meal. Sure some people might get off out of it, but is there anything in this world that would not induce that?
What the fuck is the excuse for this? When you're in public, outside of your own home and have to breastfeed, then it's different. Just move away from the camera, you dumb fucking bitch. Twitch is gonna ruin their image even more if they let this shit slide.
if you care about breastfeeding YOU ARE GAY!! but
>unclear rules (some not all)
>arbitrary enforcement
>abysmal support
are all huge problems that i sincerely doubt the imbeciles who work at twitch will ever resolve
So can I stream myself taking a massive shit?
fertility is both powerful and sexy
why arent more gamers having sex??
>Could easily tilt the camera, cover the child with a blanket or cover the screen,
I don't mind public breastfeeding and shit, because I understand that the child could be a pain in the ass and the only cure is titty milk, but atleast most women have the decency to cover their child.
I don't see why they wouldn't ban him for that. I'm not sure how Twitch works, but if they pay for subs or whatever, sounds like a way to scam it.
Taking a shit is NATURAL and I should be able to stream it.
>You're either autistic or retarded if you think my gripe is about breastfeeding in public.
If you have no gripe about that, then there is no reason to have grips about this video.
I have read you post. and what difference does it have with someone getting sub for steaming what they eat?
like gaming, it became mainstream, meaning people use it to seek attention and cause controversy rather than enjoy it for what it is
I wonder how many twitch subs will I get if I start showing myself pissing in the bathroom
that is usually not something that is okay to do in public.
>Just move away from the camera, you dumb fucking bitch.
Why should it bother you for her to stream it more than streaming any other public activities.
as long as twitch gets their cut, they dont give a fuck what women do on there.
Because you're using your child as a tool to get views? Are you fucking retarded? Not only that showing off your lingerie to people who give you enough donations? Or the fact that you are pretty much showing your tits to a community known to have fetishists that get off on this stuff?
>nazi racist
how? they only killed white people. they even let shitskins join their rank.
Why? It's natural and everyone does it. No need not to do it.
Sure let me record a video of my self breastfeeding and bathing her on pornhub its a completely normal thing and its will feed my kid too!
Absolute fucking retard.
bruh have even used twitch? it is more restrictive than youtube
I don't want to waste my life supporting a woman and her child, I rather play games and masturbate than work for somene else and maybe sometimes get sex.
>Because you're using your child as a tool to get views?
And that's different from any stream including kids how?
> Or the fact that you are pretty much showing your tits to a community known to have fetishists that get off on this stuff?
What isn't a fetish?
Why can't she walk away from the camera for five minutes to do her thing?
Why would you donate money to a worthless whore who is already carrying somebody else's seed?
>It's natural and everyone does it.
Not in public.
>on pornhub
Twitch, believe it or not, is not a porn website.
>And that's different from any stream including kids how?
You assume like I don't have a problem with that shit. Its like child actors and their scandals all over again. That is an abhorrent act, this is basically a honey boo boo debacle all over again.
This entire situation is stupid. The internet is dead and ruined. Normalfags killed the internet. RIP anons. It's over.
>Not in public.
Says who? Sounds like oppression to me.
So I can stream on twitch me bathing with my little girl? Sweet. I just need a towel and we're set.
Women don't get to determine what is sexually inappropriate to men.
Twitch could easily fix that to forbid anyone below 18 to appear on stream to avoid Child exploitation.
>Not in public.
Literally people in india and other third and 2nd world countries shit in public what are you fucking racist?
literally me
No it fucking doesn't, you stupid millennial.
Forced controversy. Streamers take breaks all the time. Also, there is a zero percent chance anyone got mad about this. There's no debate, only attention.
mfw Americans are triggered by public breastfeeding near me
Peeing and pooping has always been done in restrooms
>So I can stream on twitch me bathing with my little girl?
bathroom are not public.
you are not very good at making analogies, are you?
So we're just seeing her with her bare tits and that's ok. How is twitch not going to be a pron site again? Your solutions are stupid.
India is literally running an add campaign to encourage their people to use restrooms instead of designed streets. Not a good example.
Nigga, not being breastfed is embarrassing, wtf is wrong with americans??
>it's another "the most degenerate nation on Earth pretend to be offended by sexuality" episode
Who says pools aren't public? Ever heard of a public pool?
>Peeing and pooping has always been done in restrooms
No, not really. You are just ok with one arbitrary moral obligation but not with another. People might call that being a giant hypocrite.
in public I could argue no there isn't anything wrong but on video and live video at that you could always just store some milk to bottle feed a kid but doing it online is more than fishy
I work for Amazon at their corporate HQ. Twitch is basically a stealth attempt to steal YouTube's streaming video market. They're so focused on growth that they flat out will not enforce any rules there because they just want viewers. They only make exceptions when someone criticizes the platform (because they don't want any public discourse whatsoever about how poorly moderated it is) or is someone does something they dislike politically because that's the only thing Amazon's execs care about more than money and market domination (politics, that is).
I have shit to do, so I won't be posting again in this thread, nor will I be reading replies. Just know that working for the big internet corporations SUCKS. It's a terrible job. Everyone I've talked to at Google hates it there as well. And the companies are EVIL. If you thought the oil industry or Wall Street was corrupt/evil, they have NOTHING on the internet/tech giants.
Neither is whipping your tit out and breast feeding uncovered. Most women don't do this in public.
>ok, we're shooting a family friendly comedy
>but you need to suck the titties of a model during one of the scenes
How do you respond?
Sounds like government oppression to me.
I really hope it gets allowed and Twitch thots begin to use dolls to simulate breastfeeding!
I'd rather do street performances WITH my kids rather than USE my kids for money fucking zoomer.
Streamer showing their tits is a different matter.
>Your solutions are stupid.
My solution was about child exploitation and if the result is just a lady showing some tits with no kids, then it's working, but apparently, your issue seemed to be more about tits than kids.
Well, some women do. Apparently a (highly criminal) childbirth activity is traumatic enough that women get kinda deranged afterwards.
Doubt it. Money talks, the popular kids at my school were always the richest kids.
You'd rather do the same thing these whores do on Twitch, but on the street?
Same thing with the whole internet, it got more accessible to normies
holy fuck I love it when libtard agendas bites them in the face
>sex is an abomination
>feeding your child is unnatural and disgusting
>intense, graphic violence is totally fine though and perfectly natural
the US is literally a backwards nation
>Well, some women do
This is usually not something that is okay to do in public sorry.
I would give give her a cockfeed if you know what I mean
Pools are not meant to be peed or pooped in.
>one arbitrary moral obligation
there are very substantial sanitary reasons. for it.
there is nothing arbitrary, if it's okay to do it in public, then it's okay to stream. It's quite simple and you picking up example of things that are not okay to do publicly is not helping your case.
What does this have to do with video games?
>breastfeeding is not okay in public
Why are Amerimutts like this?
>Neither is whipping your tit out and breast feeding uncovered.
Actually, yes it is something normal to do in public.
It is okay to do it in public.
no they shouldn't because it's pretty clear no one subs to the gdq account during off season and even if they did gdq still has 20000 thousand people in chat when they do stream
this shit ONLY happens because modern day males are the thirstiest bunch of pathetic individuals to exist. if there was no money in it for the women then NO ONE would do it, especially on twitch. i say let them continue, let them suck money from thirsty incels until they might one day wake the fuck up and realize how pathetic they are (unlikely). it's not like twitch has even been good for a while now.
Most people don't have biological urges to murder people, user.
The point is that the determination of what "is okay to do it in public" is arbitrary and based upon what other people thought before us and before them and so on. Again, you are ok with X but not ok with Y simply "because it is so".
>your issue seemed to be more about tits than kids
how did you come to that conclusion after my literal rants about child actors, using kids and breastfeeding to garner views? you must be actually illiterate since or moving goalposts since you say that and somehow understood where my intentions are with . Man if you are trying to make me angry with your stupidity you've succeeded.
This, the holocaust was literally white genocide.
if you use prime twitch pays for every sub twitch pays the streaming an amount if this guy is just exploiting the free prime sub to get paid by twitch then he was rightfully banned
>shaming people for something that they are literally programmed to do more than killing, which we are not
No. Bare breast feeding in public is not socially acceptable or common. I know it's different coming from a nation where the government says you can fuck kids if your religion allows it, but we live in a civilized country, anons.
>Go to SFW site
>NSFW content
>wymyn are QUEENS and should be allowed to whip out their tits and breastfeed ANYWHERE it's only natural
>except on our platform
That's the point. I live in a country where the completely natural thing that's vital to our species' existence is vilified in its media, but violence is glorified. It's everywhere. Parents will let their kids watch streams of people shooting each other to death for hours on end in a video game, but someone breastfeeds their kid and there's outrage.
>bullying him for his mom being a whore
are they gay
Next will be mothers streaming themselves giving their children a bath. Naked little girls for thousands of viewers.
Being a mother is hard!
>No. Bare breast feeding in public is not socially acceptable or common. I know it's different coming from a nation where the government says you can fuck kids if your religion allows it, but we live in a civilized country, anons.
>Parents don't want their children exposed to graphic material about things they'll naturally want to do but have no problem with them seeing unrealistic depictions of things most people never consider in reality
Wonder why?
>gets getting blown off is SFW
>half a boob showing is NSFW
>Violence is glorified
Welcome to tens of thousands of years of humanity you dope.
Giving women rights was a mistake
>how did you come to that conclusion after my literal rants about child actors
Well, because, has pointed out, my solution actually remove the streaming of babies, but you call the solution stupid because>So we're just seeing her with her bare tits
Meaning YOU moved the goal post from use of kids in stream to seeing tits.
Don't blame on illiteracy your own inconsistency.
>things that don't happen outside of tv
Just wait till they start streaming their kids playing in a pool and zooming in on the mother's and child's asses. TOTALLY ACCEPTABLY NORMAL BY SOCIETY GUYS ONLY BIGOTS IMPEDE SOCIAL PROGRESS!
>feeding a child is porn now
Cool logic burgerland.
There's nothing uncivilised about public breastfeeding. America is perverse in this regard. You got gaslighted by the Jewish media into accepting the most disgusting porn, but you still shriek like 19th century Calvinist prigs when a woman has her breast exposed in a non-sexual context for a non-sexual purpose (breastfeeding).
pic related: a painting from Renaissance era Florence, a society much more civilised than America ever will be.
I really hope you are actually baiting and not genuinely this dense.
or even giving birth
it's only natural
women cum from being raped everything they do is in hopes of being raped
seeYou are the one who moved the issue from being about streaming kid to it being about showing kids, not me.
Next time, maybe don't call stupid a solution that actually address your issue (ie, not showing kids any more)
women go from being the most sexyest to the nastiest things after they have babies.
>things never considered in reality
This is America we are talking about.
Are you implying twitch streamers aren't live?
it is it's using a filter to make his acne/scarring pop out more
She could simply just be modest about it, you know?
>The point is that the determination of what "is okay to do it in public" is arbitrary
You are not making a very good point seeing that peei
>No. Bare breast feeding in public is not socially acceptable or common.
yes, it is.
God, I hope so.
>Pretending that everywhere else in the world women flop their tits out and let their children go to town on them
Then why is this being discussed on Yea Forums - Video Games?
This but unironically
I thought Yea Forums was supposed to be cute and funny, where did all the electionniggers suddenly come from??
doesn't look like this woman is in public
She knows exactly what she's doing, you dummy
>yes, it is.
simply not factual
Whites need to go extinct no other race does this shit
>Kill babies in the womb
>Castrate a child because it played with the wrong toy once
>Use your breastfeeding for internet fame
Nukes. We need nukes. These are animals are they need to be genocided.
Why is a generation of autistic, virginal, porn addicted degenerate weirdos with stupid edgy teenage haircuts in their 30s larping with 50s puritan values?
>The point is that the determination of what "is okay to do it in public" is arbitrary
you are not doing a very good point, seeing that peeing an pooping are almost universally not considered okay to be done in public.
>Again, you are ok with X but not ok with Y simply "because it is so".
Not because I say so. breast feeding in public is okay. Peeing in public isn't. I am not the one who made that up. and the peeing and pooping is not arbitrary but mostly based on sanitary reason. you have failed to make any point.
>let their children go to town on them
imagine having your brain so messed up by porn that you describe breastfeeding as "going to town on them"
>Pic related
By this logic, that means thanks to this twitch stream this is common in america.
You know she's the one who made a big deal about it. Twitch didn't even ban her, they only took down her clip. She could've just accepted that it's wrong but she decided to be retarded.
>like like like totally like you know like like
Fucking hell
"its ok when we do it"
But it's not wrong.
There is nothing to be modest about.
A bathroom is not a public place.
Yeah, the others simply kill each other and commit incest.
Allow it, it’ll bring in more money
>seeing that peeing an pooping are almost universally not considered okay to be done in public.
Its a natural process that most cultures of the world have nothing wrong with seeing in public? Just like public bath houses.
who doesn't turn off their camera?
Yes it is. You hear a few moron complain the same way old people complain about kids playing outside and that's it.
She just took off her top because she is hot, it's not sexual at all.
It's just peak Amerimuttness.
They are addicted to interracial cuckoldry, to drugs, to alcohol, their crime is 3rd world tier, but lets focus on shaming a girl for feeding her baby.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was just a consequence of millennials hating the idea of having babies and those who have them because they are a generation of anti-white, self hating subhumans.
>messed up by porn
Shitting and pissing is 100% natural. That doesn't mean I want to see you taking a dump on stream.
the american education everyone
Nah you're still still stupid, you've essentially removed a problem by installing another problem. You remove the kid great. What now? She's still going to attempt to garner NSFW content on a SFW site. Sure you get rid of one of the problems but you've now just propped another one up in its place. just because my main concern is the child doesn't mean that you defending her makes you any more right. How about you propose a solution that isn't full of shit like:
>banning camwhoring all together
>being unbiased towards sexual content on the site
>not using your child as a tool for views regardless of their age
>Its a natural process that most cultures of the world have nothing wrong with seeing in public?
Most people in the world have somethign wrong about, most precisely the smell, that they prefer away from public place. the reason indian use designated street is precisely they don't want any other reason to be in those street.
The way she did it in the clip is sufficiently modest. If she exposed more of her breast than was necessary, or if she rubbed her breast for no reason, or did anything vaguely sexual – that would have been immodest.
Except we have a concept of what's disgusting.
One is literally secreting waste, a residue that our bodies didn't want to absorb.
The other is feeding a baby.
>women in gaming
I have literally never seen this in Europe, and I have never seen this in Asia.
So would women feel comfortable having men watch them breast feed. Obviously not, why? because breastfeeding is inherently sexual in the company of adult men.
>Yes it is
You can keep screaming things that are wrong, but they'll still be wrong, user.
It doesn't matter if you're correct or not. Twitch isn't a public venue and they have a code of conduct that prohibits both male and female nudity.
also see breastfeeding in public is okay, peeing in public isn't
Money. That shit cranks out fat fucking stacks like no tomorrow, especially since it's on a(n at least relatively) "socially acceptable" and "work friendly" site.
Every millennial who uses this buzzword deserves a bullet in the head.
They are always SJWs and Americans.
It isn't, stop talking shit you fucking retard
>Shitting and pissing is 100% natural.
You are bad at equivalence. It's not that it is natural, it's that it's okay to do in public.
Peeing and pooping isn't. Again, you fail.
>peeing in public isn't
Yes it is.
Of course you wouldn't see a baby "go to town" on a tit anywhere, based ESL-nigger
>Peeing and pooping isn't
It's perfectly acceptable.
Why was it allowed in the first place? I get that jewtube has a policy which protects "educational" content and all those breastfeed fetish channels use them as a loophole, but I can not remember twitch ever claiming to be educational in any way.
>by installing another problem
I haven't installed anything.
>She's still going to attempt to garner NSFW content on a SFW site.
So once again, it seems you issues wans't really about the kids and that you were lying about it, but about her showing her tits. You are not very honest, user.
>but you've now just propped another one up in its place
I haven't, the tits were always there. Not that ti it really an issue, Twitch already has a ban against male and female tits.
Streaming yourself breastfeeding is not modest. The male streamers I have watched always ate off stream. She could've taken a break to do it but no, she wants that sweet sweet addictive attention.
It's purely attention whoring
>stream self breastfeeding
>have tons of viewers talking about it and looking at your tits
>if they start shit claim oppression and misogyny
Literally a win/win for an attention whore.
twitch was made for this stuff instead
t. Vihaan Acharya
It isn't. Especially because of the smell and hygienic issues.
Yes, it is. baby hungry, you feed the baby. that has always been done.
France has public urinals. Therefore I can stream myself pissing.
I fucking love titties. I wish I could kiss some.
>It isn't
it is
women are so punchable
Not in public. It smell and is unhygienic.
>tits equals anus
american puritans everyone
but it's ok because it's natural
Because fuck you that's why
That's wrong, sorry. It's publicly acceptable.
>France has public urinals.
Most country have public toilet, they are still constituted of enclosure so that other may not be exposed to the view/smell. You keep failing at making a point.
Based Chinese girls.
Masturbation is natural I should be able to jerk off in public
You are so right user, I should beat dick over Twitch stream because i'm in my home and people can just voluntarily choose to watch. Lmao why are you so smart and no one can see that i'll never know user.
>because it's natural
Not the argument.
It isn't. Even public restroom are enclosure to allow privacy.
>breastfeeding in public is okay
>It's purely attention whoring
Of course it's attention whoring. All streaming is attention whoring. The point is whether there's anything wrong in what she did, not whether she did it for attention. Those twitch whores or get up shake their asses about or show their cleavage whenever they get a donation are acting in a sexual way and should be banned. This woman is not acting in a sexual way and should not be banned. She's actually done us all a favour by pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. Women who show no nudity but act in a highly sexual manner roam free on twitch; but this woman who shows partial nudity in a non-sexual manner is banned? Stupid and hypocritical.
no problem, as long as they allow dads to feed delicious daddy milk to their daughters too
sheltered incel detected
Nope I can stream myself pissing.
>, I should beat dick over Twitch stream
you don't masturbate in public. So you do'nt stream it.
Do you even know what ESL means?
>breastfeeding in public is ok because it's natural
Isn't that the argument?
You are aware that it's actually concealing the private bits, right? You are still not making a point.
So basically, ITT americans pretending to be offended over this shit unrelated to videogames all while renewing their BLACKED platinum accounts.
How can I be an incel if I fucked your mom last night?
Put a bullet through your own brain. Immediately.
So I can stream myself pissing if I don't show my penis. It's natural.
I can confirm you no one us them.
Wow, someone who has sense on Yea Forums.
I hate women
Why are you so obsessed with interracial cuck porn?
Maybe I do, just because you have a small dick doesn't mean I can't masturbate in public. It is a natural body function just like breast feeding.
i just cant believe people spend their time "debating" this worthless bullshit. wah i cant breastfeed on a video game streaming website
It's Americans the ones who instantly type "BLACKED" when they see or think of a white woman, not to mention the ones spamming interracial propaganda and cuck porn everywhere.
True puritans.
Nigga, how does no one get this.
Women feed on public transport if there is NO OTHER CHOICE. The kid is screaming like a little fag because its hungry and to shut it up you plop a tit in its mouth, because flopping out your tit in that moment is a minor inconvenience to others compared to the screaming plague you are forced to drag along for whatever reason. Doing it on purpose every time you are outside is simply annoying for the sake of being annoying.
This bitch obviously does it for the clicks otherwise she would shut her fucking stream down for a few minutes, all the orbiter fags in her channel would certainly understand if she just delivered an excuse like: "need to suck my boyfriends dick" or shit like that.
Yes you, you're the one projecting like a fucking movie theater.
>Isn't that the argument?
No, it isn't.
the argument was that if it's okay to do something in public, then it's okay to stream it. To that many moron thought they were clever bringing up things that aren't okay to do in public and failed to make a point.
get a real job
That's literally it, the twitch prime thing, it's to steal cash from twitch basically without streaming, which prevents them from being able to run their mandatory ads (which only retards wtihout adblock see)
Whatever you say, Amerimutt.
honestly I wouldn't mind if twitch just went up in flames and died but I'm sure that something more retarded and cancerous would take it's place
>It's natural.
That has never been the argument, you know?
and you don't pee in public. The same video there literally mention people in France get fined for doing so.
>I really don't want to see this woman feeding her child with her tits on twitch
Nigger you have mental health issues.
>being offended by feeding a baby
It's just Americans and their inherent hatred towards anything to do with having a family, and their inherent anti-natalism.
I'm so fucking lost here like what's her thing? Is her channel's dedicated to moms or some shit? I haven't payed attention to twitch for 7 years
Public restroom. Check mate atheist heathen.
>Women feed on public transport if there is NO OTHER CHOICE.
Wrong. they breast fed if the baby is hungry. that's the only requirement.
>This bitch obviously does it for the clicks otherwise she would shut her fucking stream down for a few minutes
Again, if it's okay to do it in public, there is zero reason to be offended by it.
Yes, it's ironic that you talk about this when Americans form the majority of the cucks in the world.
>woman does thing
>people rush to defend her even if it's the most retarded transparent thing imaginable
Every time.
It's a real job, now.
>We restrict content that involves nudity or is sexual in nature, and are committed to ensuring that Twitch is not used for sexual exploitation or violence. To provide more clarity around these policies and how we review reports of such content or activity, we’ve provided additional details to complement our Community Guidelines in the sections below.
>While we understand that some nudity or sexual content might be intended for educational, scientific, artistic, newsworthy, or academic purposes, we restrict this content due to the diversity in age and cultural backgrounds of our global community. We may, in limited educational and artistic contexts, make pre-approved exceptions to these policies. Going forward, Twitch will continue working on ways to safely support nudity and sexual content in these particular contexts.
>Nudity and Attire
>Streaming is a public activity, therefore we recommend creators wear attire that is appropriate public attire for a given context, intent, or activity. For game streams, most at home streams, and profile/channel imagery, we recommend attire appropriate for public settings, such as what you would wear on a public street, or to a mall or restaurant. For example, for a fitness stream, or an IRL stream from a location such as a public beach, attire appropriate to those public contexts is recommended, such as workout clothes or a swimsuit, respectively. As noted in the section above, attire is just one factor of many that we consider when evaluating reports for potential sexual conduct.
>Attire intended to be sexually suggestive and nudity are prohibited. Attire (or lack of attire) intended to be sexually suggestive includes undergarments, intimate apparel, or exposing/focusing on male or female genitals, buttocks, or nipples.
> (or lack of attire)
Why the fuck are you idiots talking about anything other than this?
It's a clear fucking violation of the community guidelines. Anyone else would be banned.
>incels are now offended by a tit used to feed a baby
get me off this ride
Public restroom are enclosed. So no.
Woman do a normal thing
People complain about it because they feel offended
Every time.
It has nothing to do with women, men have been banned on Twitch for having their nipples out.
>Getting (((married)))
>Having (((kids)))
>In a day and age where everything almost unaffordable
>implying it's the incels who are offended by tits
>by tits of all things
they are right there donating millions to see some tiddy, you fool
I remember watching a youtube streamer who abandoned her previous channel when she joined a group, then she quit that group and went back to her original channel and it still had subs in chat with badges over a year's old
lmao twitch is such a shitty corrupt site, if you're buddies with admins you can do whatever you want and get away with it but if not then you're literally treated as trash, on youtube at least as long as you follow the rules you won't be bothered
>violence, sex, drugs and anti-whiteness are okay
>but brestfeeding is bad
Ahhh, America.