Don’t mind me

Don’t mind me.
I’m just here ruining all your gaming forums, communites and guilds!

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah but now I can erp with anyone so it's a net gain

discord breeds to many cliques

those were all ruined before discord was even a thing

Literally just the next teamspeak ruining everything the same way.

Not if you make servers right you literal douche


Teamspeak wasn’t even close to the breeding ground of degenerates that Discord is.
Discord is full of children and adults trying to erp with those children.

All those were already dead by the time this thing came about

Chances are, the community was shit to begin with.

I fail to see how discord does anything to affect your experience of the internet.

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>an app suddenly ruins a community
Sounds like the community was always shit and the app just helped show it

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Have you considered the problem is the community not the chat program?

Or was it?

Discord is for lonely losers and trannies.

that's more to do with the increased popularity of the internet.

Did you respond to the wrong person

*comes into your community*

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>have a community that hangs out in mumble
>for like 5 years everything goes swimmingly
>some cracks start to appear, with some members becoming increasingly woke
>no longer one channel to hang out, instead different cliques hang out in different channels
>discord comes out
>woke people start pushing for everyone to move to discord
>non-wokes disagree
>start seeing the woke people less and less
>eventually they all fuck off to discord

I love discord, it is a nice containment zone for undesirables, degenerates and riffraff

*gets erp pussy*
See ya virgins

Time to face the farts, Yea Forums.

//b a s e d//

have (real) sex

This kills the tranny.

I never liked teamspeak or anything like that
Skype was and is pretty shit but it felt more normal and like a phone service for pals

Game voice chat was cancer anyways. Yeah, it was charming in a way, but whether it be through Xbox live parties, teamspeak, Skype, or discord, people were going to find a way to gain control over conversations and who they want to hear. Discord didn't do anything that some other app wasn't going to do. Also, the cliques and degeneracy it creates comes from the users themselves, Discord just gave them the platform.

>always prefered typing in online game chats instead of using voice chat because I can type quite fast enough
>never really used anything for communication

Dilate retard

That's just because you're fucking stupid don't worry about it it would go over your head

>join small gaming community server
>it's nice
>server slowly degrades into a personal blog for everybody in the server

as someone tech literate i can't use discord just because everyone calling their rooms a "server" bothers me

literally shaking

Discord is chink spyware that has embedded itself as "gamer" shit
Dont use it

>kills forums
>kills MMO trash guilds
>saves discontinued multiplayer games
>gives me amazing tools to enjoy coop games and share memes with my friends
>helps me to find clients for freelance work
Discord is absolutely based.

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a discord server goes to shit once someone makes a vent channel

I don't usually complain about trannies but it was always them who would constantly send me invites to this program.

What is it saying?

But there's so many cute gayboys in there, I like it :3

Forums died a long time before Discord, user.

I was on Ubi forums starting in 1999. I was one of the first 500 members of Roosterteeth. I have been here since 2003.

Trust me, forums died a long time before Discord became popular.

>People drop what's outdated when something new and better comes along
Woa no way

Nod to the rhythm
a minimal dance

>How to spot a zoomer

Don't use discord, in what way does it fuck up game communities

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It allows members of said communities to interact with each other so everything instantly goes to shit since humans are niggers.

>as an autist


Have sex boomer

People eventually stop using it to organize/play games and instead use it to vent, complain and generally blog post about their lives. Add to that cliques always form like in high school.


You can just ERP here. Haven't you seen all the replies telling people to "have sex"? They want you to ERP with them.

Well in theory an app could ruin a community by favoring the cancerous elements who otherwise would have remained quiet and in the background.

>takes up 20+ variations for the server emotes

Attached: sad_frog.jpg (800x450, 27K)

A lot of generals go to shit once they have an offical "discord" because the discord users (namefags) bring their drama from the discord to the general itself. Although this isn't nessecarily discord's fault, it's namefags being namefags.

it was inferred, and everyone could see that
the way you felt the urge to point that out is an even more suspect mannerism

No, he's right. The only communities discord ruin are /vg/ generals because the whole point is that you're anonymous so discord servers there are fucking retarded.
But discord itself does not ruin communities.

>lets me play my favorite dead fighting games with other people
>lets me talk to and meet up with cute femboys

what's the problem again?

Sounds like a typical forum from the pre-facebook internet

Sadly, jannies crack down on lewdposting, they want people to just talk about politics and console wars instead.


>tfw I’m so shit that not even discord groups will talk to me.

how to have a successful discord server, coming from the admin of a 2.5 year old r9k server:

1. ban all trannies immediately

there you go, have fun and enjoy everything discord has to offer with 95% of the problems removed

>join public server
>its bad

If Discord was enough to kill my community then it wasn't a good community, fuck off. It's just Ventrilo + IRC.

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>r9k server

that's cringe, bro

I'm part of 2 smallish game communities where there's 0 drama and there are that I know 2 trannies in one and another tranny in the other. They're all great people.

Gaming forums were dead long before discord.

Normal game forums are pretty dead because everyone just discusses stuff in a big discord group or reddit

My own main server actually uses the #venting channel as a honey-pot, people inevitably sperg out or let their most undesirable traits show there and bleed into the rest of the server and if they sperg out hard enough they get banned.

>make it easier than ever to have your own server and you can ban people you don't like easily
Yeah sure killed my guild

>It's just Ventrilo
Och spelar lite DotA?

People who play games are inherently degenerates.

I wanted to reply but I my post count isn't high enough yet.

Fight game stuff all hiding in discords is fucking stupid, otherwise I have no problems with it.
Its like upgraded IRC

The Discord personality is basically furry ERP and political "correctness". And once communities move to Discord, the community grows but slowly assimilates into the Discord personality if the mod team isn't competent or trigger happy.

Basically if a Discord server is left unkempt, regardless of the topic it just turns into a mildly more compressed hentai booru.

My friend is friends with an Instagram pornstar/ professional e thot, and he invited me to her discord for shits and giggles, and it was by far the cringiest community of beta orbiters I've seen.
Not even joking mods were given the "cuck" role and you can ascend the cuck hierarchy by giving her donations, and she'll even @ you for your generous sevice.
All the chats were ironic memers and depressed people who talked about weird porn and erp'd with each other, the thot rarely even replyed, and when she did it was with a shirty meme or a canned response to one of her cucks who @ her in an ironic way to mask there desperation.
I broke character one time and jokingly called the server a bunch of cucks since they were okay with that being called that by there queen, then got banned for "toxic slurs and bullying the community figures"
Overall I would recommend if you're in one of these pathetic servers is to get out, but call everyone a cuck before you do.

Jesus this picture is unsettling.

And the whole bus clapped, right?

the whole bus usually claps whenever somebody goes on about trannies or how they owned some tranny cuck in a public e-space

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These avant-garde memes are becoming horrifying.
It's a gif and it's even worse.

based retard

I don't really understand you but sure

That's baically discord in a nutshell.

All these horrible communities existed before and the only thing that changed is Discord shines a spotlight on them, Yea Forums likes to pretend "large public chatrooms are ALWAYS terrible" hasn't been netiquette since the mid-late 90s

the one thing I cant handle is communities using Discord to share mods and community information.

>hey nice mod, where's you get it
>its in the discord bro
>have to infinite scroll up though the mod channel to find the mod he's talking about

Discord hasn't ruined anything. If you think your community was ruined by Discord, the reality is that it was never a good community to begin with.

Just use the search function.

Discord is definitely retarded in that front, forums were way better for handling things like that.

There's still a place for forums, as much as these mega companies want to make sure they stay dead. The Newgrounds forums are still lively. I mean, in what world does it make sense to have a
>content creation subreddit (where reddit bans you if you upload too much original content in order to push you to purchase ad space)
>content creation discord
Doesn't make sense. Plus, you get all the weight of a real time chat room where no one especially thinks out what they say.

Fucking this

If you don't want to be in retarded tranny discord servers, just leave. Or if they have some kind of important information to do with vidya but you can't stand the people, just mute the server and only go there when you have to lurk.

But hosting mods or using it as an index on discord is fucking cancer.

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[New anything under the sun]
>Make sure to join our discord and become overly personal with strangers right away!
Hard pass. I use discord and keep it pretty private.

*ctrl - f*

Blaming discord for ruining communities is like blaming guns for shootings
People are to blame, not the tool.

Good in some instances, bad on open public platforms. Especially on Yea Forums but I still believe reddit discords breed the worst kinds of people

I think discord's problem is just that there's too many rules. Oh you wanna advertise your guild? Pffft you need AT LEAST 10 people. Right but how am I supposed to find 10 people if everyone uses discord and the only good place to advertise your guild is the fucking guild server. Forums were better for that. Fewer rules, fewer restrictions. Discord's problem are all the retarded admins and mods, not discord itself

Talk with other people online and have what your talking about public so other people can join in.
Talk with other people online and have what your talking about public so other people can join in.

Yeah man communities are ruined

Every single one of you seething virgins unironically needs to have sex and stop caring so much about discord

>united states, the country where owning a gun is legal, is the place with most school shootings
the absolute state of amerimutts

>Complaining about the effects of discord as a social media platform while pretending Yea Forums isn't also a shitty social media platform

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It literally is the people though. Are you suggesting that every single person on earth is a willing killer, and that they only need a gun to go commit a mass shooting? If I handed you a gun, would you go and start shooting people? You have a sick view of humanity.

So how many sandnigger dicks are you taking right now?

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post her instagram fag

Are Discorders basically the Jews of the internet?


Let's just ignore the fact that America has a hellish and stressful school system where the staff aren't allowed to do anything about bullying

Yea Forums is anonymous and open
forums are indexed by google so you can find content with a search
discord is full of cliques and often invite only and not indexed by google so nothing is discoverable

My country has strict gun laws and never had a school shooter and only one serial killer :)

Any good servers?

I ask you again: Are you suggesting that every single person on earth is a willing killer, and that they only need a gun to go commit a mass shooting?

>I broke character one time
um, how long were you part of the community, user?

I think it's pretty comfy. It's faster than forums, just as useful and has less mod faggotry than the usual forum. I also haven't seen any ERPing. It seems to me people are simply realizing the communities they like are garbage shit for degenerates.

>actually using servers with voice chat

None of you europoors are even worth a bullet anymore. Let me know when you ban trucks.

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discord is good for meeting dumb sissy faggots to pump and dump

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It's not Discord that ruins them but the human desire for convenience and following the path of least resistance, ignoring future ramifications. It's not Discord that is shutting down forums and abandoning them, but people that no longer wish to use them as they care only for themselves and their needs.

an episodic flash game ended this sunday and the whole tranny discord when crazy because it was revealed that the protagonist is transexual lmao

speaking of pump and dump, any good /biz/ discords?

What's wrong with school shootings?

Just DM your friends and make fun of people behind their backs like you're supposed to

The people who write the changelogs for discord should have their hands broken because even a drooling retard could write up a better changelog without trying to be a funny "gamer"

it's just evil

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You can't google the result, it's just that simple. If you want to find out something, you need to join a Discord, deal with the clique and the channel that contains the information you need might be hidden too, especially if information is for "privileged users" only. It's a step down in free sharing of information, be it patches, mods or guides on something.

how else would i distribute all this loli porn?!

>Trust me, forums died a long time before Discord became popular.

I remember still browsing forums back in like 06/07. They were definitely dead by the time Discord turned up.

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The search function in Discord is the best one I've used in a messenger
Helps me find shit I posted like 2 years ago one-off

I'm not talking about gun laws because I'm not even from America, I'm saying you're autistic. No mentally-normal person makes fun of someone with WAAAH WAAAH

complaining about discord killing forums is like complaining about television killing radio

I literally have 0 issues with discord when it's not used as a replacement for in-game chat. Like general talking with your guild in an MMOs, why should the guild chat be fucking dead and force you to use their discord? That is literally going out of your way to chat.

dis wuns based an redpiled so its ok

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if you're looking for a mod and its hosted on a forum, you can search for it on google
if you're looking for a mod and its hosted in discord, its inaccessible by searching google

>IRC but with emoticons and avatars
>somehow that causes massive whiny anger from antisocial cunts
I still don't see the issue

>if you're looking for a mod and its hosted in discord, its inaccessible by searching google
This is such a retardedly specific situation and it has nothing to do with the actual discord program

Forums really died out around 2009 or so. Around the time big social media sites took over. Everyone switched to Facebook, Skype and Reddit.

It's moreso that it's popular and as a result of that popularity a lot of spheres-of-influence that normally probably wouldn't use Mumble/Ventrilo/IRC are using it, so autists that don't want to hear about it are forced to.


>can't have more than 12 people in a voice channel
>ruining guilds

>Muh BBS ruining communities
>Muh IRC ruining communities
>Muh Forum boards ruining communities
>Muh game specific boards ruining communities
>Muh Mumble/TeamSpeak/Ventrillo ruining communities
>Muh Game integrated chat systems ruining communities
>Muh Skype ruining communities
>Muh Discord ruining communities

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the undiscovered of information in discord a situation that comes up a lot in many of the game communities I'm in. another common situation is people will only post fighting techs in discord, making them unavailable to anyone outside of that discord. I dont care if people want to do realtime chat and voice. Just please store your mods somewhere outside of discord so people can find them.

So basically, it is hated for the same dumb reasons as reddit, UI and layout topics aside.

That’s not Yea Forums

>what is msn
>what is irc
>what is icq
>what is skype
go play in traffic, zoomer

Kinda, yeah. There's crossover where some people don't want it because the other thing is a household name, so it becomes an easy scapegoat as far as Yea Forums is concerned.

I will never understand how you all have such a problem with Discord. I literally use it every day over in game chat with my friends plus there are tons of different communities for literally any game you can think of plus porn discords. I literally get most of my porn from Discord these days since Yea Forums is so full of traps and tribute threads.

Maybe try joining some communities that aren't shit? Or maybe stop being a shit person?

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Channels that aren't managed by retards usually have locked channel with all the necessary info or links.

you are a fucking twitch emote spamming faggot
discord is cancer, and Yea Forums is a safe space to hate on normie shit. Go to a different website you tourist parasite.

Discord autism is just Forum autism for zoomers. Mod drama, shitty emotes, power-users looking for attention, the works. The more things change the more things stay the same.
though Discord is probably worse due to the sheer number of normalfags using the internet these days

It's impossible to have a /vg/ general without Discord-clique shitting it up.


When you list it that way, you can actually see the descent into normalfagottry. One platform at a time, step by step.

why do people pay so much money for emotes? its patheitc

>i'm just trying to dispense my redpill you fucking normie cuck

>I will never understand
Have you even tried?

>He didn't MSN with other Yea Forumsirgins
Oh you sweet sumemr children
Take me back. I don't want to live in this decade anymore

It's the same problem modernizing and reaching a wider audience, there is no downward descent.

>Why should a platform with a history of messages and the ability to link to things replace the tiny box in game that goes away after I log out >:((((

Seriously though, rampant weebfaggotry of late 2000s imageboards is the reason we have so many trannies and faggots right now.

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He probably tried and came to the conclusion the issue most people have with Discord is a non-issue, or blaming the program for the users

each iteration is just a more streamlined approach at the same goal
I promise you if IRC could have integrated voice chat in the early 00's, it'd have been done

How could you state the first half of the sentence, and then without irony state the second half of the sentence?


>I’m just here ruining all your gaming forums, communites and guilds!

how do you use Discord and play games at the same time?
You play windowed? Yikes.

"Downward descent" implies the problem is getting worse which it is not. It has not gotten any worse from the first moment an online community was subverted up to now, the only thing that's changed is how often the average user is a part of a community and ergo how often they notice it.

op is referring to faggots like you

If you are fine with alienating your new guild members and purposely creating cliques, then go ahead.

Huhhhh, so wouldn't you know it. Barrier of entry is actually important for ensuring the quality of communities. The more you streamline, the more normalfags join in, the more enthusiasts become marginalized, until they inevitably reach a level of irrelevance.

Why are there so many goddamned trannies now? These shits seemingly infest every single community.

Yea Forums conflates "attention whores" in general with "trannies" and you're taking in so many memes you lay an imagined problem over a real one.

>muh seekrit klub

bull crap
The larger problem is less the service's existence, but the staff and the state of the internet in the current day. It has gotten worse; different reasons tho.

Except the newer iterations are more scrupulous than their predecessors
IRC is easier to access than Discord channels
AOL chatrooms let literally anyone in, and it opened up the floodgates to CP, Drug trade, and the dawn of trolls/stalkers
Hell, it's easier for anyone to shitpost on Yea Forums that it is on Plebbit

Imagine trying to pretend to be friends with people on the internet. Not even be friendly, but like constantly verbally fellate each other.

The internet was way better when it was largely anonymous. Then for about 10 years, 2006-2016, adults weren't anonymous and kids were. Now, everyone's name is on everything trying to grow their faggot ePeen brand and spheres of influence.

Plus if you use discord you are literally giving money to fucking disgusting furfags who probably want to fuck kids too. Fuck you and die.

Everyone I've met in person who actively uses discord is the most pathetic fucking piece of fat ugly shit imaginable with zero charisma or social redeeming factors, but they post LE MEME and circlejerk each other so everybody is friends :3

I never post on v but this one fucking thread pissed me off. I hate discord and i hate all of you fucking shiteating cunts defending it. Get fucking cancer. Dare i say seethe and dilate.

Loud minority. Yea Forums also makes up shit and thinks literally everyone that disagrees with them as a tranny. It's the new reddit/9gag/neogaf/resetera.

But when you reach a wider audience, more desirables join in.
The people who would take part in IRC then, are the same people who would take part in IRC now. Meaning that they are just that dedicated to their hobby. Only normalfags needed their tools communication dumbed down for them. Or made to fit their sensibilities.

Wasn't Discord that killed the comm I'm apart of. It's this mentally ill faggot that somehow got to be server owner for a while and he preyed on a lot of people and got them into xiv. That right there was the cancer killing my comm. Fucking gay ass mmo faggotry. Now they act like it's a cult and most fucked off to their own little cancer containment server. Thank god.

We've had over 20 people in vc several times. Honestly, though, it is NOT worth it.

A community can put its own barrier of entries too. If the community doesn't, their problem.

Part of barrier to entry is what people are familiar with. Eg.) Everyone uses Windows because it's familiar. And Discord is right up the whole standard modern social media style.

And tossing this out there. His point is so well documented, there's a Wikipedia article on it.

>Except the newer iterations are more scrupulous than their predecessors
Dude, no. Discord is revolutionary in terms of ease of use for online communication. Discord is like the first iphone, and IRC is like DOS.

Ease of use was never about "Openness." If that were the case, then everyone would flock to linux. But no, Windows is the most popular platform, because it's simplified enough for people to handle without knowing anything.

discord really has made everything fucking boring

How is Discord dumbed down in comparison to previous chat utilities? Often the same rules apply that if you don't know how to use something, forward ports, or some other technical malarkey there was a guide in a relevant spot or one that could be Googled. Discord isn't really any less of a complicated program than Skype which itself wasn't much less of a complicated program than MSN or Yahoo which weren't much less complicated than IRC clients before them. End-user useability has always been a priority on programs because nobody enjoys something being obtuse for its own sake.

As far as normalfags' sensibilities Discord only really does that with the "hey gamers" log-in screen stuff.

>Dude, no
Dude, yes, you fucking moron.

>Go to
>Enter chatroom with pedophiles
It was literally that easy, but of course you weren't alive yet so you wouldn't know.

I get off to how mad you all are. Just pure seething tears of rage oohhhhhh yeaaahhhhh get mad please reply to me do it you dumb mother fuckers OHHHH baby yeah

The only thing I can think of Discord simplified is chat invites. One click and presto, your account now has that server in the sidebar.
And it was already pretty simple in IRC. Just not fully automated

>ease of use for online communication
if you have the proper channels yes, but just like in IRC, if you have no idea where to go and no one to invite you, you're in a lame duck app/site with 0 means of connection

I talk way too much about this garbage social media platform, to be honest.
You had to host your own stuff with IRC. With Discord, everything goes to the mega company. That way they can sell your data through """analytics""" that want to know what you had for lunch. It is like IRC, and for the most part beats it in features, I'll give you that.

Seething and jelous of us huh? Don't reply cuck

Shit up disnigger

remember, you can get any discord server shut down immediately if you report racism, sexism, transphobia or shota/loli posts

>How is Discord dumbed down in comparison to previous chat utilities?
I'm not saying it's dumbed down in capabilities. I'm saying it's dumbed down in usability. This is something a lot of more technically minded individuals don't understand. Because you naturally just sift through rules and protocols as easy as you breathe. While everyone else sees a bunch of commands and codes and gets overwhelmed and quits. Older platforms were clunky. Trying to connect, trying to find people, even something as small as managing your username was a small hassle. The UI made it hard to find options, and was ugly to look at, with a poor layout.
Discord came and changed all that nonsense.

>End-user useability has always been a priority on programs
And Discord blows everyone else the fuck out in that respect. Discord makes IRC look like Bubsy 3D in comparison.

While forums are more like vaults of information ,that can last for decades. Discord is just an endless river of info-diarrhea. To post something valuable there is just a waste. Who knows what many interesting things drowned there.

user, I’m sorry I’m the one that has to tell you this... but it’s not 2003 anymore.

In addition to that, these social networks have a super moderation. What this dude just said

yeah, I wish more people in my country died because of shitty laws :(

Discord is not bad. You just have to find the right servers.

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yeah, just make some dummy account, make some naughty posts while no one is looking, then report yourself with a second account
boom server down

Maybe stop joining servers with trannies in them. My server has none of these issues you faggots moan about with 150 people in it.

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It goes to shit the second there is more than one text channel, more than one voice channel and roles of any kind besides perhaps moderator. If the role is named anything other than moderator, it's fucked.

Is it easier to find a bf on discord?

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I'm 33. We had the internet around 96-ish. We had AOL for a short time, but I don't remember the chat from that. But I do remember going on Yahoo chat, and shitposting hard. I was such a little shit. I would pretend to be a girl and get people to "cyber" with me in private messages. But I wouldn't actually do it. I would give them a few lines to see if I could deceive them, and then spam whatever dumb catch phrase I thought was funny back then.

All considered, that time is still a greater barrier of entry. My parents didn't understand chat rooms very well. or at least pretended not to understand it. My friends never talked about going on chatrooms them. They didn't see the point in it. They sought person to person communication. Phone, hanging out and the like. The communities were much smaller online. One friend of mine made a gaming site with cheat code on like geocities or something, and thought he was hot shit.

I just don't get how you could compare that time to the behemoth that is discord.

Yea. Ive been on irc and discord and the latter crowd is all zoomer retards compared to educated folk on irc.

IRC is garbage dated protocol.

>if you have no idea where to go and no one to invite you
That's impossible today. Because every gaming personality wants you to join their discord. So even if you have zero friends, you can always enter some celeb's hangout, and network that way. And it's EASY too. You just click a link, and you're connected.

Jesus, you're desperate.

I'm still on it and uninstalled discord. Its good because it keeps retards out. Everyone you speak to is a serious person not a meme spouting 19 year old.

>just network bro
>just give the e-celeb a firm handshake and ask for a discord invite


mah boy and I still hanging out on xfire

Link servers pls, I left all of mine

Why is it always Tomoko posters? Is this just one guy?

Dude, just look at a fucking youtube video description.

>Is this just one guy?

Damn I used to play grid with my xfire friend back in 2010. Was in a xfire grid clan too. We were really good at drifting.

Correction, it's 276.
The fact that some of you keep ending up in rat infested servers says more about you than it does discord.

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It's always the same guy, yeah.

Reddit’s favorite gaming platform

I love how easy it is to trigger retards these days

Yea Forums‘s discord server is full of australian trannies

Wait, is still Cebruz? He's behaving much differently from when I remembered him

unironically this

Yes, I'll be your discord bf!!!

Forum culture died as a whole when social media took over. Music forums like KTT are the only forums that still are around today, and even then their relevance is gradually fading the past 3-4 years.


Special snowflakes wanting to be the most special in their neet incel communities so they try to change their sex so people notice and respect them

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Tfw there isn't one (1) transvestite in my Discord server


>Not having a pin archive channel

That's your fault.

We had one until he posted vore and I bullied him out. Didn't even mean to since I would have just kicked them if I really wanted them gone. Fucking degenerate.

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>more, better options for communicating ruins games

They were flawed before.

finding a tranny in a discord server is like finding the bad roommate in an apartment
if you don't know who it is, then its you

I miss irc. I checked a year or so back and all my old channels were dead though

I do a shitton of erp, but basically, Discord is too cluttered to properly find people. It's good for staying connected, but even the servers for things are a mess. Just use F-List.

Nah user, it is you who are ruining the forums, communities and guilds.

my face when doujinstyle migrated to discord

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To be fair, forums are a little more permanent and promote long term discussion which for niche topics can often be the only method of discussion.

Let's say I wanted to talk about Disgaea, specifically Disgaea 4, and specifically about skill animations.

In a forum I got to the Disgaea forum or maybe a NIS forum, go to the board for Disgaea 4 specifically, I make a thread with a title that clearly defines the discussion and that thread is visible for days/weeks/months and I could be continuing to see discussion on that very specific subject from people for ages.

In Discord I go to the NIS server, go to the chat for Disgaea and then I ask peoples opinions and hope that whoever happens to post the next 10 messages in that chat happens to want to discuss it. Because once it goes off the immediate screen, nobody is gonna scroll up and reread it. Only immediate discussion is viable, long form group discussion about overly specific subjects is near impossible on Discord.

If any community gets destroyed by Discord it was shit to begin with. It's literally just a platform for people to chat on, get friends you loser.

>Run by furfags
>trap fags (pic related)
>literal spyware

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You see, if state gives its citizens the liberty to own lethal weapons. It implies next: -if I, the State, start going crazy or go against my people, you can shoot me, Senpai. Equal responsibility and trust in both.

Any fellow cub/shota lovers here?

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No. Shota is like, fourth worst kink in existence.

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you don't even know what shota is
I bet you think it involves mature women
fucking normalfags...

To all the tranies that have been trying to justify why discord is any good. For your own sakes I hope you faggots don’t believe your own shit that you are peddling.
You honest to goodness can’t deny that discord fucked over modern communities by having every fucking thing be run through discord.
There are so many times developers of games, mod makers, community managers, etc only communicate on discord leaving so much info in the void where most people will no longer have access to it.

Shota is literal cancer thats ruins 99% of possibly good doujins. Cubfags are the biggest degenerates and actually deserve to be gassed.

>make discord server for a gaming community I liked playing with
>server is now SJW reign
>dont want to be an asshole enough to delete the server or ban them
Fuck this shit
I dont want to be rude or mean but god I hate those people
All my friends are being shat on by them too, they cant joke about anything anymore
I might just transfer ownership and leave

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How the fuck else would you refer to a sexual infatuation, motherfucker?

This is the problem with discord, nothing will ever be maintained or searchable; it's an endless stream of short meaningless conversations

You brought this upon yourself. If you're willing to associate with people who would prefer discord to irc then you're a part of the problem. Use your fucking brain next time.


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The porn is nice tho

>discord brings discord

I know we don't use the same app then because I use to chat and organize gaming events with some cool people. Where are you fuckers going that it's shite?

Discords are only as good or as bad as the people in it.
One discord I was in was the most fun I've had socialising and shitposting since the days where /r9k/ was about original posts.

If you consistently find yourself in shitty discords, maybe you should stop being a part of shitty communities.

>then I ask peoples opinions and hope that whoever happens to post the next 10 messages in that chat happens to want to discuss it.
just repost it you weirdo autist

It's also the exact issue with old vs modern Yea Forums. Classic Yea Forums could have threads for days or even weeks and in fact, it was even the norm. Modern Yea Forums has everything going by so fast that long form discussion is impossible and the places that do have it (/vg/) are circlejerky due to their nature.

is cub just another word for shota or is it a furry thing

>I might just transfer ownership and leave
do it you will feel much better, I had the same problem. Anyone worth keeping will probably swap to IRC or mumble

it's for shota furshit

maximum irony

its furry equivalent to CP

>euro once again can't understand that guns grant the ultimate freedom
the sheer amount of firearms owned and circulated by civilians guarantees protection from tyranny
The american government cannot possibly win a civil war against its own people

It's a furry thing, user brought up the cub stuff because it was a controversy on discord a while ago. Discord banned a lot of loli/shota content but left up cub porn a lot of discord staff are furries

>tfw use both irc and discord

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That too, and /vg/ threads that are slower are now required to have autists constantly bump threads to keep them from dying if there's not a post every 30 minutes from the sea of gacha generals. There's no incentive to make a quality post since your thread will be dead and gone in a day or two at most.

this desu
discord fucking sucks and I wish I could stop using it

>The pinnacle of data central on matchups, combos, and other things
>threads are dead with some of the final post being “sup brah, just join the character discord”
>Discord is chat and not a recollection of data

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That doesn't work.
When peeps posted in forums, any type of generic post could come up in any standard search engine. Discord's search doesn't even allow to search for what the file name or extension is, so if it's just an upload with no text, it doesn't find it.

The only problem ith Discord is that it is literally being used to fuel the Chinese AI/ML NLP battery. You guys are literally funding the destruction of the western world.

I am truly terrified of what their AI system has learned after going through all that furry tranny erp lingo.

You guys are just going to the wrong damn discords. Discord is meant as a support application for gaming groups and it's fine for that. It works well for guilds, that's exactly what it's designed for. It works well for private/clan owned game servers, because it combines voice chat and server announcments etc. into one easy place. It works fine for centralizing chat etc. with a group of real-life friends that you play games with.

What it doesn't work well for is replacing normal forums. "Social" discords are cancer. Anime discords are cancer. Any discord that has any connection with Yea Forums at all is an apocalyptic death plague and if you're willing to have anything to do with them you're a goddamn newfag who doesn't understand Yea Forums at all and should go the fuck back to wherever you crawled out of.

Discord isn't Chinese though. It's run by a people far more sinister... jews

He was only orbiting her ironically though haha.

A server I was in banned me from specific channels for shitposting too much.
>tfw they couldn't ban me because I was one of the most active users
>tfw I left on my own

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I use discord to talk to people individually, and that's all I will ever use it for. Servers are cancer, and if you pay for nudes then you need to re-evaluate your pathetic cuck life

I unironically would like to talk with people on discord with my mic while partying up with them in a game. Sadly the only MMO I play right now is FF XIV, and I'm afraid if I join a voice group it'll be like trannies and lewd anons. I really should get into more MMO's I guess, but a lot of them don't appeal to me. I got bored of WoW and I don't play Splatoon, Minecraft, Rocket League, LoL, DotA, Fortnite, PUBG, etc.

>tfw all the discord servers I'm in are small and filled with regular, mentally stable dudes
What the fuck kind of servers do you retards join

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i was on the dev team for two of /vp/'s retarded-ass pokemon fangames, and each of the two servers was cancer for a different reason. the first one was full of nothing but political shitflinging and sjw mods, and the second one was just everyone spouting a bunch of dumbass inside jokes that you would have to be 5 or retarded to laugh at. Honestly at this point I fucking hate pokemon because /vp/ left such a bad taste in my mouth

Wow it's almost like you guys could've used any fucking chat software for this, including fucking browser addons like cryptocat, for user ERP, rather than something that tracks every single thing you fucking say

>mfw spending a half hour trying to navigate the bullshit fuckery that is their discord
>mfw trying to search for an album
>mfw the site was just easier in every way imaginable

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how do we get rid of the discord tranny menace bros?

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Have a real life gay battle royale.

Why are you people so obsessed with a minority that makes up a percent of the world at most?

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Say hello to the truck of peace for me, cuck

Because they won't shut the fuck up about themselves.

get mohammed's cock out of your ass and tell mohammed to get your cock off the keyboard

Why is their reddit page’s name so long goddamn long. I assume it’s just them being histrionic faggots.
Also, that woman was totally being sarcastic to him, but he was too autistic to pick up on it.
Fucking degenerates, man.

Seriously, what fucking discords do you guys join? Every discord I've ever joined was completely fine.

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>youtuber I've enjoyed since before youtube uploads new video
>discord in description
>join it
>literal unironic tranny admin posting his woes in the general with an actual trans channel on the side

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>go to a transgender subreddit
>take screenshot
how about you get an actual screenshot of a "discord tranny" so your shitposting actually holds some weight

>mfw these fucks attempt to do a anime girl voice
I dont mind trannies so long as they're fucking chill. But the moment they do a shrill voice that's when I automatically know they're going to be a pain in the ass

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>easy to use low latency program for voice chat/text chat/picture chat
>even supports webms
>Nobody forces you to use X particular server and you can even make your own servers

You literally choose what servers you want to be part of, if anything you only have yourself to blame for having shit taste. Might as well blame Facebook for your lack of friends

time will take care of them

Seriously, how stupid is everyone that makes this kind of post in threads like this defending discord?
Everyone else understood that this wasnt about any individual server but discord as a whole making forums and communities worse overall.
Are they just paid shills or are they just that dense?

Get with the times, boomer, chats are way more efficient than forums. Literally better Skype

I agree, wojak posters ruin fucking everything.

That’s because the people that complain about Discord are complete retards. They think for some reason a chat client is something new even though IRC and AIM and Skype and literally hundreds of others have existed before this and fufilled the exact same purpose. Discord bad though because kids use it :)

Meh, Twitter is way more harmful on the whole.

This but unironically.
That said I am only on discords for the following games:
>Mechwarrior 3
>Total Annihilation / TA: Escalation mod
>Descent I / II / "DXX Rebirth"
>Tribes (various, but Ascend private servers since Hi-Rez fucked us all)
>Dark Reign
>Battlezone / Battlezone II
>CNC Net (command and conquer multiplayer games for 1, 2, 3, RA1, RA2, RA3)

>Various newer AFPS that don't have active IRC (Warsow, Reflex, Xonotic, etc)

Nothing. OP just hasn't found a good server yet and is being a faggot. Not gonna pretend I've never seen a shitty forum dominated by autism before.

t. still using teamspeak/mumble/vent/etc

Who gives a shit about the meta of discord

>Skype was and is pretty shit but it felt more normal and like a phone service for pals
was ok until microsoft bought them and ruined it

This is the most reddit shit I have ever seen. Nu/ironic-weeb culture was a mistake.

>>helps me to find clients for freelance work
what, you draw furry porn?

used to post on the ecapist in 2008/2009
all shit now

overlay, probably.
it's really bad.

>Make server
>Ban every single person with an anime, manga, or furry profile picture
>enjoy a happy server filled with cool people

True, every day I get more and more assblasted with Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general. You just know discord groups became 1000 times more popular than whatever faggotry people used before since virtually all threads here now come from ebin trolling groups. This place feels like a single entity samefagging on 99% of the posts now.

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Sounds like a homo server to me, fag.

Everyone knows homo shitposters are all ironic weebs, just look at the april 1st surrender threads last year

Next level bait, honestly 8.6/10
>Steven Universe Avatar
>Steven Universe MGS (reddit tier game) crossover
>Long stupid fucking names, "Lv. (Egg)"
>Ironic weeb shit
>Weeb shit in general
>Blushing trap avatars
>"Normie" as reaction
>only 3

Most importantly: Phoneposting.

than steam, yes.

>I was such a little shit. I would pretend to be a girl and get people to "cyber" with me in private messages. But I wouldn't actually do it. I would give them a few lines to see if I could deceive them, and then spam whatever dumb catch phrase I thought was funny back then.

Oh I almost forgot
>wojak and pepe avatars

>Just use F-List.
>not using fetlife
typical discord user .jpg

Now you know what kind of person the average poster here is like.
How stupid are people to think that discord does anything new that wasn't done before with the only difference is that it being A LOT more polished than shitty counter intuitive programs that were popular before it like teamspeak and ventrilo.

I would seriously love to have someone explain how discord ''ruins communities'' when it's just a platform used to create private communication channels

>In Discord I go to the NIS server, go to the chat for Disgaea and then I ask peoples opinions and hope that whoever happens to post the next 10 messages in that chat happens to want to discuss it. Because once it goes off the immediate screen, nobody is gonna scroll up and reread it. Only immediate discussion is viable, long form group discussion about overly specific subjects is near impossible on Discord.
This is my biggest problem with shitcord, or shitcord/reddit replacing forums and stuff.
And then when you have someone who actually WILL scroll back for days and days of content, or search for things, it's impossible for them to really respond to it without having a new channel just for late-stuff or something, because it's not immediate.

>they post LE MEME and circlejerk each other so everybody is friends :3
Hate this fucking shit.
We have a """quirky""" female IRL that some idiot invited to the survey while she was at one of our parties. Now she just spams our discord with the stupidest shit imaginable. I had to make three containment channels for her memes, anime pics, and girly quotes shit. You know, those just, white text on a blurred background things.

FWIW I did ban her but then two of the whiteknights kinda got triggered and it was gonna break up the band. So whatever.

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40% will get rid of themselves

Too many fucking websites rely on Discord for information and downloads now. God, I fucking hate it. There's a game I download a shitton of mods for, but it's obscure and everything is relegated to their shitty discord. The discord search function finds half of what you input, but also include loads of garbage. It's awful.

*ahem* D I L A T E

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I wonder if the people there are doing well. It's been a long time since I left.

>the only difference
This is a key difference. This is a major, game-changing difference.

First of all, it has a mobile app. People who are just consolefaggots and join on their phone can be on voicechat. That means you have an audience of not just PC users, but console/mobile users as well. This can increase numbers tenfold if not higher.

Secondly, even within the PC subsect of gaming/gamers, who are sociable enough to be interested in something like this, the barrier of entry is so fucking low, that literally everyone can get on a discord. If you have a browser you can log in.
If you can click "install" and log in, it all "just works"

While this sounds good in theory, what it really leads to is more people that you'd rather not play with, let alone know even fucking exist, joining your servers.

So how do you find the bf servers?

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Man, I feel like Discord is such a zoomer thing. I've never used it, if a game's community depends entirely on it, it probably means the community was never that good in the first place.

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I just use this to ask out and flirt gamer girls.

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Same. Not even in other peoples discord I'm in.

>I might just transfer ownership and leave
Just nuke it like I nuked mine. Some of those retards probably had to get hospitalised once they got up and realised their precious server was no more

Interestingly enough, this has had the opposite effect for a server I administrate, noticeably improving some people's moods and helping the server overall. Our vent channel goes slowly and constructive discussion is strongly encouraged. It's less of a "dump your worries senselessly" and more of a "if able and interested, please help me".

>cave in and join a discord server
>it's full of people posting Yea Forums memes

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>While this sounds good in theory, what it really leads to is more people that you'd rather not play with, let alone know even fucking exist, joining your servers.

This is true if only the servers which you create were automatically listed as public and anyone can join, most discord communities are private and only invite people that they want to invite, how is it being easily accessible and convenient to use a flaw? just dont invite people that you dont want to deal with and don't join discord servers you don't want to associate with, how is this fucking hard that's like saying people you don't like can easily call your phone number or vice versa.

I haven't used discord in months, it's great

i liek discord

>forums dying
Thank God, alway found them annoying and retarded.
>check out my 5 gorillion posts and 50 different medals + my level
Fuck right off with that gay shit, atleast now at most the trannies and faggots only got a different colored name and it's much easier to find "communities" for games instead of searching for some obscure forum

>youtuber with less than 1.000 subs
>average 100-200 views on each video
Don't forget to join my discord! ;)

Discord is meant to be used with friends you know only. Using it for any other purpose is pure retardation.

kys retards and stop joining random Yea Forums servers full of trannies

ding ding ding

>25 servers
>all good
>all but VRC are invite only

I'm a noob to discord, but recently joined a server because I play a game where it's beneficial to have a place outside of the game to coordinate shit. Now this is my only discord channel, if I wanted to join another one (NSFW), how can I hide this from my fellow discord users? Nobody needs to know the degenerate shit I'm into

Yeah man I just use IRC like a real gamer

>start server
>invite none of you

I'm on a roll already.

Fuck you I like Discord.

Pick the right communities you fucking faggots. Stop hanging out with underage retards. It's one of the best communicative tools for gaming and a great place to find new friends. I've had zero issues with it so far.

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>not just creating a dm group with your closest friends and just joining servers related to the games youre playing solely for dev updates

This but 100% unironically. Every imageboard-based discord I've been in was a shitshow -- especially Yea Forums ones.

I find that faggots from this website are the most argumentative niggers on the planet. You can bring up any topic and someone will try to spur it into a debate.

>You can bring up any topic and someone will try to spur it into a debate
no you cant

I disagree xD see what I did there!?!? I did like the thing he said but ironicly im so random and clever :3

no one can see your servers unless they share a mutual server with you, in which case you can either be degenerate together or agree to not reveal each other. also discord folders are now a thing, all your nsfw servers can be stored into that folder and tucked away.

good for you. it truly is a piece of shit. I tried it out for about half a year and only made bad experiences. It doesn't even anything to do with zoomers even though they make up the majority.
the people that use it as their everyday chat platform are just simply awful and a waste of your time

Have you tried not hanging out with wortless posters?
Or maybe it is merely that your yourself are worthless?

I just want an eu boy to talk to all day and play videogames with and watch anime


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Why the fuck do people use this shit as social media, for me and everyone I know it's just an easy viop program.

>ruining all your gaming forums
name one

ironic reddit is still reddit

Discord was far from the first to do that though.
Discord is straight up a 1:1 copy-paste of programs before it like Slack and that obscure one that started with the letter Q (forget the name).
Only reason Slack didnt get used more is people didnt know what it was, outside of a couple of obscure gaming groups and some Eve Online clans.

>worthless posters
that alone tells me how retarded you are. thanks for staying in the containment zone


>not just having your own private discord with your usual 2~5 close RL friends you always play vidya, post memes with or hang out with.
never gunna make it

>Only reason Slack didnt get used more is people didnt know what it was
Also because Slack made you register a domain, had a limit on domain users unless you signed up for one of the paid tiers, and it didn't have an instant invite function to quickly add strangers to your domain. It was also marketed to businesses and startups rather than gamers.

Starcraft eceleb is my guess

You nailed it bruh. But that single entity is simply a bot.

Nope, an ex-Newgrounds guy.

The best part about Discord’s is watching the group you’re in fall a part

The discord group is made and everyone are good friends with each other but then after a few months or a year it becomes apparent the cracks are starting to show
People start talking shit behind each other’s back and eventually people just outright disrespect each other on a daily bases. And it won’t matter if you didn’t deserve it because if you didn’t accumulate a lot of friends then you’re always the bad guy
New discord’s for shittalking are made because this just always happens, just know this when going into a discord. If you ask about it then you’re just gonna get lies
Eventually the discord falls a part and a new one has to be made to start this shit over again

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Better not be that sellout traitor EgoRaptor.

It literally killed /shmupg/ on /vg/.
Very sad.

Oney? He does have massive faggot friends.

That's the /erp/ discord isn't it? Never been in there but as far as the thread goes its been a long time for me too.