You do remember his name?

You do remember his name?

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Keith David

Yeah, Alcatraz. Oh wait that was the player, who also turns out to be him in the end. Man fuck all this bullshit




crysis 1 was the best crysis game and the stories from crysis 2 and 3 were fucking terrible.

I agree

Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Heats Flamesman

Alkatraz died but his consciences was inside the suit, pc was some marine who was so fucked up the suit barely held him alive
by the end of the game the marine dies and the suit rebuilds Alkatraz inside it using the marine's body as a host
quite fucked up if you ask me

alcatraz is the marine, prophets consciousness is the one in the suit.
alcatraz is dying when prophet puts him in the suit, and the suit repairs the body and overwrites the remants of alcatraz with prophet.

Nah man the Suit overwrites his personality with that of Prophet.
Prophet or rather the Suit that plays Prophet just steals his body because Alcatraz was most likely not dead enough to not be useless.
Alcatraz his mind was useless to the suit tough because he had no idea how to operate the damn thing.

>crysis 1 was the best crysis game
maybe so, but it wasnt really good either.

Crysis 2 was a fine story, if they didn't fuck it up with 3.

yeah, fuck, I mixed up Prophet with Alkatraz
stealing a body is still a fucking asshole move if you ask me


2 was a fine story
it was less than good story and slightly more than boiler plate.
it retconned most of the first game for no discernable reason and did not make a whole lot of sense on its own either.
all in all, above average EA quality.

Nah that was not the asshole move, the Suit did what it was programmed to do and that was to adapt and fight the alien menace.
The real asshole move was to just forget that Alcatraz even existed and to just assume that the Suit that is just impersonating Prophet is therefore Prophet himself and no one else.
Also all the people who knew about the body never tried to stich Alcatraz his body back together which could have been possible but I guess he is not Prophet so fuck that guy am I right?
He deserved to rot inside the suit and become nothing more than a flesh puppet right?
And I hope that Alcatraz is truly dead or else is that some fucked up shit.