Cyberpunk 2077

Why does this game trigger Yea Forums so much? It looks really good, especially for an AAA title.

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It triggers me because it's yet more open world trash. CDPR has fallen. The Witcher 2 is the last good game they'll ever make.

The Witcher 3 was their best game yet you mongoloid. Stop living in your fantasy world.

assuming any game in that shit universe is any good

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t. seething BBlet

literally only 3 types of characters in the whole universe
peasant - "oy fuck cunt, we got some problems in tha fuckin village eh cunt"
female - super attractive stand-ins that just always wanna fuck geralt
everyone else - undeveloped retards who exist to make geralt look cooler

someone explain to me why people think the story in these games is good?

>It looks really good, especially for an AAA title.
what exactly about this looks good to you?
to me it looks like generic indutry trash and a culmination of western video game design philosophy. to be more precise it looks like a tryhard rip-off of other, much more successful generic AAA brands and IPs from Bethesda/Rockstar/Ubisoft
I see a mish-mash of Watch_Dogs+GTAV+Fallout. Everything about it screams generic lowest common denominator to pander to the broadest possible shit eating normies of annual AAA trash.

Nothing of the original promised premise when this was announced by CDPR in 2012 has survived at this point. It's mass produced liquid dog feces instead of being a game for turbo autistic cyberpunk loving nerds.
CDPR's betrayal and sellout of their original vision, integrity and principles is quite appaling actually.

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They haven't broken any promise they've made in regards to Cyberpunk.

>AAA title
of course goyim, of course. very nice post

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yes they have. every single one from their initial announcement.

are you implying its not AAA?

post them

triple AAA game is concept to get people hyped for a game, when thats not what matters. what matters is the content that the game offers,the mechanics, the story, what unique concepts to they bring to the table?, does it have replay ability? tell how many games went under the title of triple AAA games in the past decade and minus the games that were simply all bark and no bite and youll understand why such a label is passed around so frequently. its because it get retards to buy, and hell even pre-order it like me, without looking into the details or reviews.
tl;dr triple AAA titles is just a jewish trick and you fell for it as intended goyim, good job

there are only 2 opinions you can have on an upcoming game;
interested or non-interested
getting worked up over a game that isn't out is retarded and so is pre-purchasing

have sex incel freak

Because the genre is going to be mainstream when it enjoyed being a niche one for 30 years. It happens every so often and I hate it when it happens every so often, but the culture changes I suppose.

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Looks like fucking trash gta 5 clone except low quality.

but i just did user
with your mother

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>bro I love the cyberpunk genre
>b-because it has shiny blinky lights and uh.. nvm lets talk about something else. Ever tried soilent? Its delicious!

Because speculation. Wait for it to come out.

shut the hell up retarded incel


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flop of the decade

dont you think calling me retarded is an indirect insult to your mother user?

your the retard incel have sex freak

you are still gonna play it, cuz no matter how "bad" it is, it will be better than whatever game you support :)

>better than elden ring

The player character in their demo was both (1) a woman and (2) not white, so /vpol/ took a steaming anger shit in their collective diapers.

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>elden ring

>especially for an AAA title

>first real rpg by FROM
>characters by GRRM
>soulslike gameplay
It will be much more kino than trannypunk 2077

Sure I'll play it. I won't buy it though.

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Same user in 2012
>Witcher 2 triggers me because it's yet more linear consolized trash. CDPR has fallen. The Witcher 1 is the last good game they'll ever make

>first real rpg by FROM
This isn't true.

>characters by GRRM
This isn't true either.

I wonder if you realize you're a racist, and you're just as horrible as the people you pretend are the "bad guys"

based retard bro

What else with grrm write then faggot? And by real rpg i mean where NPCs talk to you.
cdtrannyr shills out in force today i see.

>>characters by GRRM
dead on arrival

but you wont get to play the multiplayer :)

>What else with grrm write then
>the dude cant even write his books, thinks he will write for the japs
lmfao, i knew soulfags were retarded but this is a new level of delusion

He has a history of writing kino characters incel

>What else with grrm write then faggot?
He wrote the mythology of the ER setting that happened long before the actual game takes place. Characters, lore and plot are handled by Miyzaki.

>And by real rpg i mean where NPCs talk to you
NPCs talked to you in Dark Souls too. When Miyazaki said they're going back to their RPG roots he just meant they're going back to their Souls formula because in that segment he was directly comparing the game to Sekiro which is a full on action game.

No need to be so obnoxious ESL-kun.

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>can't even finish his fucking books
>5 characters out of 1000s are worth a fuck
>all the good characters are going to get shafted in favour of Jon and Dany anyways

>going back to souls
STILL better than feministpunk 2077

Yeah, I agree. You're still being a faggot though.

i think we all know who the real retard is user.
why dont you just back to Yea Forums. for your sake

>s-sstill b-better
....ahaha... hahaha..... hahaha........ha

damn you are a moran, go back to /pol/ incel sex freak

have sex

My gripes can be summarized as: they took a game with a list of promises and vision to wind up creating a "bigger Borderlands".

no u

I just want to be a robot cowboy

>buying a game marketed as a story heavy single player RPG just for a half-assed moneygrubbing multiplayer feature that they're going to shit out and shove into it six months after the release

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you really have no better insult huh?

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Because they're inceloids with tiny dicks that live through their white haired scarred edgy womanizing self-insert.

i thought its a half-assed fps gta borderlands fallout? wtf

>instead of being a game for turbo autistic cyber punk loving nerds.
What is the incentive to do that? You know how shit gets made right?

It's a half-assed Far Cry that they're frankensteining into a half-assed Borderlands mid development.

It's not Fallout since Fallout had factions.

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then why play it? dont you have better things to do? or better games to play? you cant pirate your time back sweetie

>then why play it
Because it's the first futuristic open world game in many many moons

>being a timeless wagecuck
lmaoing @ ur lief

just be honest, it looks better than any other game in the future in every single way, you can shit on a ferrari, but its still a ferrari, no amount of shitting will change it, it didnt change witcher 3 and it wont change cyberpunk, have fun playing GOTY, no matter how much you hate it it wont stop being that

>it looks better
Literally? No. It's just not going to be another andromeda. And the fact that's it's free at release is great.

Thronebreaker > 2 > 3 > 1


>RPG by people who have never made a =n RPG
>characters by hack, but he didn't even write them
>shit gameplay
What here is kino exactly?

then why play it? if its so bad? i havent played a single game that came out in 2019, cuz they all look bad to me. i dont play shit games, then why do u play shit games? you know why? cuz it looks great and it will play great, stop lying to yourself

People get triggered only when their expectations turn out to be wrong. People expected cyberpunk, but got GTA. People expected an RPG, but got a shooter with stats.

Yea Forums is always triggered

I fixed it, /v

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>then why play it
It's worth a look, I nearly pirated andromeda but decided against it.

Nah, I'm not an hypocrite. I enjoyed the good times while they lasted. And now they're over.

It got popular, so Yea Forums being contrarians now have to hate it.

Because people on Yea Forums are contrarian faggots who will complain about everything and everyone.

isn't this concept art? what a shitty artist

Its even worse, its a prerendered screenshot that is used for promotion.

with some shitty filter to make it look drawn

Pretty sure it's 90% Latin American posters too broke to actually buy the game.
Source: /int/

It's DRM free so it'll be piratable day one

Oh no! A work in progress game has missing graphical effects! TORtanic!

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For once I think it's not the shitskins.

>work in progress game
that means it'll look even worse retard

Most overhyped game since watch dogs, just watch it flop and fail hard just like flop dogs

nobody asked

Is that Christopher Walken?

>if you don’t preorder things like me you’re triggered

Lmao ok cuck

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My soul did.

Difference being that Ubisoft is a terrible publisher/developer, CDPR isn't.