Mfw realize i have no games to play because there is a drought on Ps4

>mfw realize i have no games to play because there is a drought on Ps4

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Other urls found in this thread:

>buying sony

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it doesn't matter, bro
sony sold 100M PS4s so they won
also PSN is making them tons of money and that's a good thing
nobody cares if there are no games to play. in fact, that means more time to do console wars on the internet! based sony knows what we gamers enjoy the most

Thats why I bought my ps4 late into its life cycle, to wait for the libray to build up. the most fun I had was dmc5, but I still enjoyed spider-man, Bloodborne, and red dead 2. Thinking of getting god of war next

kill yourself you false flagging nintenbroter


Obseşşion ~~ by Sony Playstation

so mad

>this thread

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imma buy a switch



but there's a new fifa every year



You know games don't dematerialize after their release year, right?

i like how sonigs insult the switch for being a port machine but PS4 is just a multiplat station

Iceborne is happening in a month, just be patient

>brings up Nintendo out of nowhere
Rent fucking free.

They hated you because you spoke the truth

Playstation 4 is also Portstaion. Literally every good game was proted to Ps4 from Ps3.
Om the other hand we dont even have so much exclusives released in the last 2 years i mean its pretty pathetic compared to wwhat P3 delivered

>as if this isn't a salty Ningoydo fans post to try and COPE

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Hnng oh god I'm gonna cum! Yes yes YES!! God I love my switch.

Memes aside, the switch has plenty of issues and nintendo isn't addressing them. If it weren't for the games they're realasing next year, I'd chuck my switch in the trash. The idea of taking your games with you is useful though.

Rent free

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say it with me
>b-but nintendo

>The idea of taking your games with you is useful though
Is this post from 1989?

you don't see Sony fans making posts pretending to be Ningoydo owners COPE some more bud or SEETHE with RAGE at owning a children's console

My guy, my dude...
cool it with the soi

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>one selling point of the PS3 is free online
>PS3 owners laugh at 360 owners and non stop memes on Yea Forums
>Sony makes it $60 a year with the PS4
>b-b-but it's ok when Sony does it!!!!! Let me lube up my ass

and then nintentards do the same thing and they still have the balls to insult them for doing the exact same thing they did years prior
fuck consolefags

Fuck you

>There is a drought on Ps4

To have a drought there must first have had a flow

Well there’s a large psn sale going on right now why don’t you head on over and take a look instead of opening your fucking pie hole


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Hey, This guy posted one to me yesterday, He would not stop posting wojaks, he simply couldn't cope. He is not a well person.






Lol a drought? You fucking idiots dont know what a drought is. Imagine owning a switch for the last 2 or 3 yrs however long its been out and only owning smash because everything else is weeb shit, ports, or rehashed games from the 90's. AND i still have to wait til next year for animal crossing. fucking degenarate console

one hundred million sales

and the library is total shit unless you're a pleb

I actually have a decent backlog going now. I still need to finish Sekiro and Persona 5, then Detroit Become Human, after that it's probably gonna be some Onimusha Warlords. For multiplayer stuff, I'd say Dead by Daylight and Tekken 7 is a lot of fun as well. There's a huge sale going on right now on the store, you should check it out tons of stuff super cheap right now.

Boutta dab on these incels, hold me sonybros

>Death Stranding
>TLoU 2
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Blood & Truth
>Concrete Genie
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
>Aegis Rim (Japan)
>Nioh 2 (Maybe)

>TLoU 2
>Ghost of Tushima
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
>Project Sakura Wars
>FF7 Remake
>Persona 5 R

Seethe, cope and go dilate *360 away but not before saging*

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It's better than Pii U 2: No games edition

Pfffffttttt ahahahaha. Nice Joke user. The bizarro Yea Forums thread is 3 doors down


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Imagine owning an Xbox 1. Your cling to fame this gen is that MS is buying studios and hiring talent who want to expand their CV, so maybe next gen they will get some games. The waiting game is mask for a real drought.

>also PSN is making them tons of money and that's a good thing
>nobody cares if there are no games to play.
oh wow I didnt think of it like that but ironically those huge sales are just a way of coping.

The problem is.. everyone owns a pc. And the only thing xbox had was halo. Now halo is on the pc so theres no reason to own an xbox

>TloU 2
>Appears in 2019 and 2020

And what are all the other games LOOOOOL fucking Visual Novels

Those are all good games though. I'm sorry you have such shit taste. If you didn't like the type of games that would be on the console then you shouldn't have gotten it you retard.

Most of these aren’t even exclusives

Dragon quest builders 2 just came out though?

You don't need to buy that shit. It won't be as good as the first one, and we have Days Gone now.

One hundred mill?
More like dilating still lmao faaag!

That also applies to other consoles. Drought might not be a convincing argument at all considering I haven't run out of games to play and my backlog is still quite big.
I guess some of these chucklefucks have to find some way to astroturf.

unironically true
its gotten so bad Im actually replaying skyrim

Switch has literally more exclusives and more games compared to the Ps4 in the same timeframe you retarded monglod
The Ps4 had :
>Infamous Second Son

In the first 30 months!!

Switch has:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ulimate
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Ace Tennis
>Mario Maker 2
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
>Xenoblade Chronicles

But getting games is what's the anomaly on ps4, while the norm is one or two movies in-between huge sessions of nothing. No reason to be shocked.

>60 post
>36 ips
>These posts
I'm a total PC but there is some kind of discord faggotry clearly occuring ITT.

Ghost of Tsushima is like literally the only fucking thing coming out.

Guess there's always replaying through Bloodborne. Again.

Are you pretending you picked "only good games" or just straight up trying to lie to make sony look bad?

your switch list is literally every game Switch has for it that isn't third party shovel ware trash.


Lol here have a list
Sony had literally nothing in the first 2 1/2 years except Bloodborne.
Or Sonybros say Knack is a good game now LMAO

Attached: 17326473572.png (680x985, 30K)

Thank you for proving my point.

Which ones

>Coping this badly

You're right. No Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, etc.

Knack and Killzone Shadowfall are in the same cell, making it appear as if they're one title and showing the blatant misrepresentation of data on the very first line. Upcoming Nintendo shit already in cells, grayed out for convenience but is still listed to inflate data.

>TLoU 2 twice
>indie & weebshit
>timed exclusives
>literally all that's left is Medievil and Ghost of Tsushima

weren't all exclusives hyped and announced before 2, 3 years or so? I have a feeling the PS5 launch will be boring as fuck

nice PC games

t-this... this is a joke right...?
nobody can be this fucking retarded... right...?

Sourceless cope

>being poor
I seriously hope everyone ITT is a third world hue monkey because then it'd actually make sense why you could only choose one. If you're actually from the first world, kill yourself.

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>not being an idort
Been playing Yakuza Kiwami on PS4 and a bunch of games that I bought on the Xbox Summer sale. I would be playing the Switch but had to send the joycon to get repaired because Nintendo's hardware is fucking trash

>Mario odyssey- gets boring very fast
>splatoon 2- dead game
>arms- LOL nice 2 dollar bargain bin game
>Fire emblem and xeno- weeb shit who cares
>mario rabbids- who plays this?

How did Nintendo do it bros? 2019 is pure kino. (If you own the only relevant console, that is.)

Attached: ItFeelsSoGood.jpg (650x630, 309K)

1 0 0 M I L L I O N

100 million flies can't be wrong!

do it. I didn't get my PS4 until April/May this year and have loved catching up with this gen's library on the cheap. I got God of War for like $15 and loved it

i know that reaction image!
upvoted good sir!

>how are you holding up during this nintendo drought bros?

>Gravity Rush 2
>Ps4 released between 2013 and 2016

Last Guardian is true it was released in the last month of 2016 so thats a good for you.
Doesnt change the fact that the 3 first years were absolutly emberassing for Ps4

>mfw this year has literally more good exclusive games that Sony had in the first 3 years


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>Only exclusive game
>Literally port

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>Hold up OP, imma let you finish, but the PS4 just shipped 100 MILLION UNITS worldwide!! WORLDWIDE


>Nintendo had to jump the 9th Generation 3 years early ya'll. That's the power of Playstation ya'll

>Give it up one mo' time 100 MILLION units

Attached: 1523157181.jpg (800x450, 35K)

>snoy is an annoying nigger


Remember Yea Forumsintendogaf bragged about third party ditching PlayStation 4. 1B games sales since 2013.

>not having a PS4 as your primary game platform and playing everything on it

switched from PC when I realized that on ps4 I can just leach on all my friends' game libraries and ps+ without restrictions.

ps4's selling point is that it has everything worthwhile in one place
pc is still missing console games like RDR2 and KH3
xbone is missing shittons of games only on ps4+pc like nioh, yakuza0,1, ffxiv
switch is missing 90% of the current gen games
and all of them are missing ps4only games like yakuza2-6, gravity rush, sotc, last guardian, persona5, gow, bloodborne etc.

the only worthwhile games it is missing are the good switch exclusives

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Yeah your underage ass definitely came from Yea Forums. Inb4
>muh Yea Forums is underage
True, but if Yea Forums is full of 16 year olds, Yea Forums is full of literally 12 year olds. The nigger worship on that board is unreal.

>this post

Attached: giphy (4).gif (413x243, 2.89M)

dragon quest builders 2 is fun

>still supporting snoy after rampant censorship

>Caring about low budget literally who porn trash


Isn't there a drought on every system this time of year

Not Nintendo

the ps5 is co-ming i wouldn't expect much of significance

For them it's all year.

Based retard

This is why I hope Xbox gets it's shit together next year.

Competition is what gives us great games.

This year has been absolutely abysmal for gaming because why the fuck should Sony try anymore? they're king.


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why doesn't nintendork or xbone have their own version of:
god of war
ratchet and clank
days gone

sony truly cares about its gamers

you mean like the rotting cadaver that is Ninfago line up - the same old recycled shit, gen after gen after gen.. oh but don't you worry Ninfaggo's, I hear Pucnh-Out is one of your "free" rental games on that so called "online service"

COPE, SEETHE, do the world and gamers everywhere a favor and be an Hero to us all..

Then explain why the ps2 did so well

But there's literally tons of games to play. I'm confused.

Imagine listing all that garbage on the Shitch side.
Pathetic. There is so much double standards, its hilarious.


Nintendo has had 2 droughts, you fucking retard. And even then, most of their games are shit between long stretches that are indie shovelware tier.

It’s was a cheap DVD player. Same reason why PS3 ended up selling well was because it’s a cheap blu-ray player.

>It's okay when sony does it

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because they make games no half assed movies

That's not what I was asking. That user or you said that the ps4 doing so well was why this generation was so shit. That obviously wasnt the case for the ps2 and its library.

DVD players were cheaper literally the same year the PS2 released.

Not him, but who the fuck cares about these games? Are you an incel?

Haha, yes fellow sonybro, nintendo has no games!

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Population boom from third world shitskins who only play FIFA and GTA

Nobody cares about shitty porn visual novel trash, have sex.

user this are movie games, good luck

This thread is great

The PS4 is more expensive than the Switch though. That and the attach rate is massive, more than every release of FIFA and GTA combined per household.

So what do you mean exactly?

I'm playing Shadowbringers right now. The highest rated PS4 game on metacritic this year.

you first

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retarded post.


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Most of those games on that list are multi-plats that are better played on a PS or Xbox. You might be retarded.
>the Switch has the absolute worst versions of all these games!!
oh ok then. Cool I guess.

I don't like the playstation 4's library...

I think it has targeted me specifically and my favorite genre's and tried to subvert them so as to show off an impurity in my preference.

PS4 is cheaper you moron. Just stop.

Nice. Can it be played on Xbox or the Switch?

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it is right?

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>tfw I got banned for posting this originally because it made a janny mad
warms my cockles
I have not owned a Nintendo product since the Gaycube. FUCK SONY

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Kill yourself

>playing multiplats on anything other than PC
While I "might" be retarded, you certainly are.

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>>the Switch has the absolute worst versions of all these games!!
This is absolutely true, most switch games run and look like shit.

Don't you have a match of fifa and cod to play?

wut. now you're shilling for PC when you just posted a picture extolling the virtues of multi-plat Switch games?? Dafuq? Actual retard confirmed. Yikes.

why even bother trying to talk to them about this? Sonybros literally can't see.

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There is not one PS4 owner suffering from lack of games

Nintendies however...

Not the Pro, no.


Imagine buying a CONSOLE to play MULTIPLATS that you could play on PC

>Switchfag baiting

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Exactly, even the Switch exclusive "library" is dog shit and many games look and run like shit. Emulation will be the best way to play the 3 worthwhile Switch games.

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goddamn, SNOYs are literal sub-humans. Please have a glass of pic attached

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PS4 has a great library, lots of remasterd masterpieces and current gen exclusives, when you combine with PS5 enhanced backwards compatibility, and PS5 will probably be the greatest platform of all time, as Pee See falls off a cliff and gets even less games

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100 million+ people did

not natively but it can be streamed to those devices.

>optional product you can purchase
>straight up censorship and virtue signaling

>not owning a gaming pc and a switch
What are you, fucking stupid?

>omg its the year before the next ps5, drought!!!!
Game of the year 2018: God of War (PS4 exclusive)
Game of the year 2019: Death Stranding (PS4 exclusive)
Game of the year 2020: Final Fantasy 7 (PS4 exclusive)

>Death Stranding

>no comment on his retardation
>resorts to vague insults

I'm gonna just end this before I get any of your brain damage on me. Good luck with your Gameboy Switch and all it's super good multi-plats lol

>Switch fanboys pretending to not be walking abortions

>Travis Strikes Again
>Darius Collection
>DoAX3 Scarlet (uncensored)
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Mario Maker 2
>Ultimate Alliance 3
>Fire Emblem 3 Houses
>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
>Link's Awakening Remake

>Animal Crossing New Horizons
>No More Heroes III
>Rune Factory 5
>Trials of Mana
>Bayonetta 3
>Prime 4
>Panzer Dragoon Remake
>BotW 2

Attached: 1544369609124.png (1200x800, 688K)

Already coping i see, good idea.

Better than any Switch game this year, its all anime shovelware.

Read the comment chain you unbelievable underrage newfag

>shovelware literally who games
big yikes

>I literally only have a PC
>implying I would ever own a locked, shitty, PC
nice try, SNOYs. You';ll break 30 FPS next year, maybe. LOL

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Nice MODeration

Unfortunate for them

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>this level of cope

it's almost just sad at this point

Yeah, sorry: No epic stories about lesbians being black n shiet.

>>Travis Strikes Again
On PS4
>>Darius Collection
>>DoAX3 Scarlet (uncensored)
>>Yoshi's Crafted World
Remedial dogshit
>>Mario Maker 2
DLC content port
>>Ultimate Alliance 3
>>Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Worst rated Fire Emblem in the last 8 years
>>Astral Chain
Might be okay, but Plat produces a lot of shovelware
>>Daemon X Machina
Shit and runs like shit.
>>Link's Awakening Remake
Shit demake

>God of Bore
>Walking Simulator
Also, IMAGINE paying 60 dollars for the FIRST PART of A 22 YEAR OLD GAME. But wait! Theres more!!!! On top of that, you'll be paying count em:


nice, trying to spin the censorship. Enjoy woke moviegames, you literal faggot

>the 3 first years were absolutly emberassing for Ps4
As they were for the Switch.

>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
game for children
>Snipperclips Plus
game for children/casuals
>Xenoblade Chronicles

These are mostly shit games and Panzer Dragoon is coming to PS4

If DoAX3 Scarlet counts as a port then so does P5R.

You've been frothing from the mouth for seven years, Nintranny.

>most of those are multiplats
>except all those that aren't
Ok retard.

>that "1" candle
>babies first handheld

Death Stranding Kojima exclusive coming out in 2 months. Sony bros eating good this year

>imagine hating FUN this much


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Shitposting aside, I haven’t touched my PS4 since January. That might be due to games running like shit on my OG PS4. I might be getting DQ Builders 2, but that isn’t exclusive. This gap has been something else.
I’m an idort btw.

>"I only own a PC"
>Multiple posts shitting on PC gaming
>Multiple posts defending Nintendo
>Always shitposting about Sony

Who are you trying to fool, Shitchlet.

Attached: chrome_2019-07-30_17-19-56.png (561x777, 141K)

Nothing wrong with 2 girls kissing, are you a faggot?

what, in the name of fuck, did he mean by this? I can feel my IQ dropping just reading these comments. Wew lad.

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Name a larger group of degenerates than Switch fans. They are all retarded, ugly losers.

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>Also, IMAGINE paying 60 dollars for the FIRST PART of A 22 YEAR OLD GAME.
He's not talking about another Zelda game remake.

>Nothing to play before Death Stranding
>Nothing to play after Death stranding
Only retarded console warriors faggots pretends the drought isn't real

Attached: image.jpg (863x431, 51K)

Good game.
>>Death Stranding
>>TLoU 2
Woke movie.
>>Catherine Full Body
>>Days Gone
Le Zambies!
>>Arc of Alchemist
>>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>>Granblue Fantasy Relink
Who cares?
>>Granblue Fantasy Versus
No, really: Who plays that?
Literal who.
>>Blood & Truth
Literal who.
>>Concrete Genie
Literal who.
>>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
More cringy than the most weeb JRPGs on Switch.
>>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Coming to PC anyway.
>>Aegis Rim (Japan)
Whatever that is.
>>Nioh 2 (Maybe)
Coming to PC anyway.

Maybe you should actually look up the games, dumbfuck.

>A literal shovelware gacha game is the same as an actual game with tons of added content
And its on the PC retard.

He's a nintendo fanboy, aka incel

Just like the NES.

Attached: 1542368811924.jpg (499x825, 236K)

Scarlet is not the gacha one.
>Tons of added content.
It's a port just like Catherine FB.
Enjoy your censorship.

Astral Chain looks decent, the rest is meh, Mario Maker don't count , it's the successor to Mario Paint, a creation tool

>>>Death Stranding
>>>TLoU 2
last of Us has better gunplay than Splatoon


You could play Fifa 19 while you wait for Fifa 20.

>Sonybros still shilling Labo for free

Attached: Soynyger reaction to PS4 games.gif (726x400, 7K)

>It's a port just like Catherine FB.
No it isnt. And its not even censored.
Only trash anime shit games get censored, perfect for your shit tastes.

>didn't attend E3
>still won

Control in August, Concrete Genie and MediEvil in October.

LMAO no, nintendo won its 4th straight

Just get a 4K monitor and a 2080ti, every game feels brand new when played in 4K

Attached: 7-10-2019_12-46-42_AM-npnn0cma.jpg (3840x2160, 2.13M)

Look at all the mad nyggers ITT

>LMAO no, nintendo won its 4th straight
Wew, delusional

Sony always wins.

>180 dollars = 60 dollars
user I-...

Wew, cope

>dont bother showing up to prevent embarrassing yourself because you have nothing to show
Um, b-based?

Wew, dilate.


Attached: 1561799908989.png (656x356, 20K)

I'm not buying shit games just to pretend there is something to play.

Cope seethe dilate tick tock cuck you mad

>New Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Says E3 2014 Will Have "The Best Lineup In A Long Time"
>Microsoft to have 'the greatest games lineup in Xbox history' at E3
>Xbox head Phil Spencer: E3 2016 could be 'one our of most special years ever'
>Xbox in 2017: Phil Spencer promises 'more exclusive games' than in 2016
>Xbox One games news: E3 2018 will be Microsoft's 'BIGGEST Xbox show ever'
>Phil Spencer is going big for E3 2019, teases unannounced games and xCloud progress

100 million+ people are fucking idiots
Including me

Than you should avoid the Shitch.

t. Shitch owner.

>Concrete Genie
Who the FUCK is naming these games?

>fraction of a game
>goty 2020

Attached: 1372095383737.jpg (405x412, 52K)

Nintrannies are fuming again.

pic of your switch with timestamp?

Why? For buying the best platform for the price point with the largest library?

>no PS5 exclusives whatsoever

I just want to pop in this thread and say to all you subhuman Yea Forumsedditors to stay in your containment board and don't cross contaminate the rest of the site.
Thank yuo.

Attached: 1562919005005.jpg (564x589, 90K)

One. Hundred. Million.

Oldie but goodie.

Enjoy ugly faggot tranny.

Attached: Switch fanboys are retarded cunts.png (1376x777, 655K)

You have to be 18 to post here

>Switched from PC
A toaster is not a PC
>"Free" games on a played account vs pirate everything on PC
That's how I know your a fanboy

PC+Switch all the way, I'll maybe buy a PS4 for cheap when PS5 comes out to play Death Stranding, that If it doesn't get ported like another holy grail of movie games for Sonybros, Beyond Two Souls

>largest library
Bloodborne, Persona 5 and Gravity Rush 2 isn't what I'd call the "largest library"

Cope tranny soi cuck onions dilate have sex


Is anybody unironically a Sony fan? I’m a “fan” as in I like getting games early and playing some of the exclusives and making fun of BING BING WAHOO shitters is always histerical.

But I genuinely wish Nintendo would just get with the times. I don’t like Sony, I don’t like their policies, their censorship, or their massacre of good game studios and non-movie games.

Does anybody besides the most uninformed normie redditfag truly and sincerely like Sony?

>lol who cares about games, our snoy overloads are making bank off us

I don't think you know what a timestamp is. Hint: take a pic right now, with a timestamp.

They're all perpetual man-children who got duped into thinking a handheld was actually a console. We're not dealing with the brightest group here.

What 3rd world shithole does this even?

Its the proper name for it.

>Games dont count unless I SPECIFICALLY like them and say they count

Seems just objectivity is a foreign thing to you.

>mfw shitch owner have fun playing fire emblem while sonychad are coping from the game drought

Attached: image.jpg (347x487, 53K)

This kinda beats the whole purpose of a timestamp if it's not recent.

You just posted cringe bro

Underage is the proper name for you.

>I genuinely wish Nintendo would just get with the times
So you want them to go super LGBT and make movie games on an underpowered, restrictive PC?

Why retake a thing I already took? So you can seethe more?

>he mocks reddit, yet uses reddit spacing to voice his faggy opinions

Just cancerous fanboy huehues and jajas. Nobody can actually unironically like uncharted and god of war enough to celebrate sony

Sure. I mean, that's why you're in this thread.

If we're going objectively then PC wins largest library, no contest

>beats in sales
>lol sales dont matter
>beats in scores
>lol scores dont matter
>beats in goty awards
>lol goty doesnt matter

Why is that? That's within this month.

No, Shitch is just a good name for a shit console with a shit library.

So you would rather buy something that's an overpriced tablet that runs like shit, makes most games look like shit, has shit features, shit controls, joystick drifting, and a library of ports and rehashes?

Why not just buy a PC?

How old are you?

It doesnt matter if it was yesterday. Anybody can dig up a timestamp post and claim it as their own. If it was recent, that's as close to proof as there is. I'll believe you though user.

God of War was game of the year 2018, sold like crazy, and received universal praise. I'm not sure what you mean.

>literal all PC posts
>looking up archive posts
LITERALLY assblasted beyond human comprehension. My PC does 2k at 144 fps, which is 120 more than you'll ever have. Deal with it, SNOY.

25 Shitch boy.

the games are fun, that's something snoy and microshit have forgotten
graphics mean nothing if i'm not enjoying myself

Yeah most people would rather do that than buy a $3000 "rig"

If you own a PC theres literally no reason to own a ps4.

That's not something to be proud of. 25 and you still do console wars?

Did you reply to the wrong post?

>switch fans trying to make us forget LABO even happened

oh no you don't. I see what you're trying to do. You own a handheld made for 6 year olds and you're in this thread arguing with people. Take a real hard look at yourself.

tell me, how mad are you right now on a scale of 1-10. 20? 30? My PC isn't even top of the line, but it's still better than 5 of your tranny parade machines combined.

Attached: pc.jpg (640x577, 181K)

meanwhile, PC has 50 years (and 50 platforms) worth of library to offer.
Literally, hundreds of all-time classics from everywhere.

Look at this Nincel pretending to use PC as a barrier. Fuck off. PC users dont give a shit about you, Nincel.

can you even type through those angry ass tears?

Fun is subjective. A monkey can have fun playing with shit, and I'm beginning to think people like you are of a similar clique.

You sound mentally ill.

You're here, aren't you?
What about the Shitch makes you upset?

>A monkey can have fun playing with shit,
100M monkey agree with this.

unrelated, but still pissed

You can only say this as a PChad

>Labo bad
>Toio and Wonderbook good
Is this rent free or obsession

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (540x438, 32K)

>and you're in this thread arguing with people
Interesting enough the IP count didn't go up when you made this post. What's up with that buddy?

Now, this is your brain on snoy. You become a drone for a giant corporation, believing they care about you.

Implying the ps4 gets games

>haha PC btfo shitch!
>"PC is better than PS4 too"
>d-doesn't count!

>he's making fun of us SWITCH BROS!!
>he's probably mentally ill

Whatever helps you COPE I guess

Attached: download.jpg (727x617, 113K)

it was on sale for pretty cheap right when mining prices were coming down. Maybe AMD will give me something to shoot for, but I doubt it. The Supers aren't worth dropping the money on right now and the TI isn't enough of an upgrade.

Can't win 'em all, and I did say it wasn't top of the line.


Attached: 1556703939494m.jpg (740x1024, 56K)

>suckers are buying Labo, while executives are buying Lambo
like plottery

Attached: 1562517092953.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Yes, and everyone has a PC
PS4 is for serious gamers

Forget the 'probably'.

Lol. We actually have backlogs and we even replay games because it's been so long since we beat most of our games that going back to them is fun. We aren't stuck playing Smash for a year.

>PS4 is for serious gamers
PS4 is for normalfags and casuals who buy and play sports "games"

post your specs. I can't wait to see this

Did you think posting that pic was some sort of dank mic drop or something? Lol

Toio and Wonderbook my friend

Werent people playing Mario maker 2 last month? And then Ultimate Alliance 3 last week? And then fire emblem right now? what were you playing? Bloodborne again? LMAOO

>No Ape Escape 4

>PS4 is for serious gamers

Attached: Laughing human torch.jpg (1024x512, 53K)

>100 MILLION PS4's

>13 million Wii U's

It's not a console war. It's a massacre.

Switch is only competing with itself. There are no 9th Gen consoles besides Switch. But you wait until next year. OOOOOH boy, the ass pounding is about to continue right where it left off. Get ready, because here comes the pain.

Attached: DootDoot.gif (320x180, 1.77M)

Look at all these direct to video movies.

Attached: C2A9GXy.jpg (283x287, 13K)



i was just ranting on Nvidia cheakskating a bus bandwidth, for fuck's sake

>the IP count didn't go up
>what's up with that buddy?

wut the fuc.....

Attached: 1512877964121.png (802x523, 783K)

What does the PS5 even have going for it?
Only reason the PS4 was successful is because its main competition shot themselves in the chest


If the ps4 was such a behemoth like you believe it would have "massacred" the switch too

Where were you when the Ps4 surpassed 100 MILLION sales? It's honestly insane how Sony continues to DOMINATE this generation.

Attached: 1563565251827.png (500x460, 298K)

So am i the only one who buys every sony and nintendo console because i enjoy the first party releases from both companies but shitpost both sides because it’s fun?

Its allegedly backwards compatible with the ps4. The console with no games.

I know. They're fucking jews but there's no other option. I'm hoping AMD does to GPUs what they did to the CPUs last year, but it's not looking like it.

Competition is unironically good and I'd like to not be stuck with Nvidia/Intel next build.


Lmao switch is a handheld released only because the Wiiu was going to bankrupt the company
Switch is the result of a massacre, that is still being massacred by PS4, with the death blows coming from PS5

Not to mention Nintendo bowed out of the console market forever.

nintendoomed since 1982

>Wiiu was going to bankrupt the company
Good job exposing yourself as a clueless retard. WiiU didn't even lose any money in the end. Nintendo is ridiculously good with its money and even back at at the WiiU was at its worst it still had enough money and assets to run at a deficit for 40 fucking years.

>switch isn't a console

Let me guess. Switch owner?

Thoughts on this Yea Forums?
> Yea Forums's top 50 favorite games of all time (2019)
> 1. Ocarina of Time (1998) (N64)
> 2. Castlevania SOTN (1997) (PS1)
> 3. Super Mario 64 (1996) (N64)
> 4. Super Mario World (1990) (SNES)
> 5. Chrono Trigger (1994) (SNES)
> 6. Metal Gear Solid 3 (2004) (PS2)
> 7. A Link To The Past (1991) (SNES)
> 8. Metal Gear Solid (1998) (PS1)
> 9. Shadow of the Colossus (2005) (PS2)
> 10. Final Fantasy VI (1994) (SNES)
> 11. Resident Evil 4 (2005) (GCN)
> 12. Super Mario Galaxy (2007) (Wii)
> 13. EarthBound (1994) (SNES)
> 14. Metal Gear Solid 2 (2001) (PS2)
> 15. Breath of the Wild (2017) (Switch)
> 16. Donkey Kong Country 2 (1995) (SNES)
> 17. Super Metroid (1994) (SNES)
> 18. Majora's Mask (2000) (N64)
> 19. Mother 3 (2006) (GBA)
> 20. Final Fantasy VII (1997) (PS1)
> 21. Silent Hill 2 (2001) (PS2)
> 22. Super Mario Bros 3 (1988) (NES)
> 23. Dark Souls (2011) (PS3)
> 24. SMT: Nocturne (2003) (PS2)
> 25. Portal (2007) (PC)
> 26. Donkey Kong Country (1994) (SNES)
> 27. Final Fantasy IX (2000) (PS1)
> 28. Metroid Prime (2002) (GameCube)
> 29. Pokemon HG/SS (2009) (NDS)
> 30. NieR: Automata (2017) (PS4)
> 31. Final Fantasy X (2001) (PS2)
> 32. Persona 5 (2017) (PS4)
> 33. Final Fantasy IV (2007) (NDS)
> 34. Paper Mario TTYD (2004) (GameCube)
> 35. System Shock 2 (1999) (PC)
> 36. Half-Life (1998) (PC)
> 37. Pokemon R/B/Y (1998) (GBC)
> 38. Okami (2006) (PS2)
> 39. Super Smash Bros Ultimate (2018) (Switch)
> 40. Resident Evil 2 (1998) (PS1)
> 41. Resident Evil 2 (2019) (PS4)
> 42. Persona 4 Golden (2012) (PS: Vita)
> 43. Devil May Cry 3 (2005) (PS2)
> 44. Mega Man 2 (1988) (NES)
> 45. Link's Awakening DX (1998) (GBC)
> 46. Street Fighter II (1992) (SNES)
> 47. Deus Ex (2000) (PC)
> 48. Fallout New Vegas (2010) (PC)
> 49. Doom (1993) (PC)
> 50. The Wind Waker (2003) (GameCube)

Pic is a bit outdated since the Ps4 is at 100 million now but you get the message

Attached: 1563751459565.png (193x232, 27K)

Only thing wrong with this list is the large amount of MGS games in it.

>it doesn't matter

The absolute state of Sonyfags

Attached: 1549113592976.png (604x675, 587K)

Castlevaniafags need to be punched in the dick, Super Metroid is superior in every way

Pretty sure the first 5 minutes of RDR2 has more content than the whole Switch library put together rofl


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To be fair, it's the best game of the decade.

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>cant afford and xbone


Attached: 97.png (1080x1522, 957K)

I own a PS4 and and an Xbox One X

This reads like it was made by some dumb boomer that doesn't know how to move on from the past.

The amount of seething Snoyqueers ITT.

Attached: 1552718307227.jpg (560x375, 127K)

Well yeah that's what happens when you DDoS anybody that tries to criticise the game.


Meanwhile what? Still has a lower metascore than RDR2, tranny.

Attached: Screenshot_20190710-001858_Chrome.jpg (1080x957, 281K)


its a handheld console


That's actually innaccurate, this is the real list

Attached: MetaCritic.png (708x592, 44K)

>being this delusional

RDR2 has the highest metascore of the generation, get over it.

Attached: 1564426477957.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

Cope, critic scores mean nothing if user scores aren't just as high

>based 99 OoT

I guarantee you more people have PS4s than PCs with decent specs, since you're all about muh exclusive gamer club.

the only exclusive games I've enjoyed on the PS4 are Bloodborne, SotC and Persona 5
Red Dead 2, nu-Doom and RE2 also, but none are exclusive
and one of those exclusives is a remake, the other can be played on the PS3/emulated

don't care for Spider-Man, God of War, Horizon or any other movie game, overall the console has been hugely disappointing, luckily I wasn't the one that bought it
making the switch to PC for next-gen, only just barely looking forward to Tsushima exclusive-wise now

Attached: 1564418846436.jpg (2048x1546, 187K)

>he thinks the Switch is a console
>he thinks this actually strengthens his argument

oh sweaty... you poor thing.

Surely RDR2 won a GOTY then...right?

I feel your pain OP. My PS4 was complete fucking waste of money. I haven't even turned the fucking thing since last October. Not only has been nothing to play on it, I absolutely hate the fucking noise - sounds like a vacuum cleaner.

I'm going to sell my PS4 and use the money to help buy all the amazing looking Switch games coming out over the next few weeks and months.

Attached: 20190730_231602-1.jpg (2236x2236, 1.85M)

>>he thinks the Switch is a console
It's literally a gaming console. How are you so confused right now?

Nope, it lost GOTY to God of War, meaning God of War is better than the game with the best metascore of the generation. Pretty impressive how the Ps4 got games THIS good. It's also getting the definitive version of the best RPG of all time later this year.

Attached: Screenshot_20190725-000939_Chrome.jpg (1080x1005, 405K)

Based. Welcome to the Switch Team.

Nigga what?

>I'm going to sell my PS4 and use the money to help buy all the amazing looking Switch games coming out over the next few weeks and months.

Hope you have deep pockets, the Switch lineup from now until Christmas looks insane.

Red dead as well. It's on Xbox

>but none [of those] are exclusive

learn to read

>God of War
>that 94 metacritic

Attached: absolut_vomit_by_thejacobskid-d21qcw5.jpg (600x681, 176K)

>Nintendo should have 2 chances to win a generation
>r-right? That's fair.

And they say the Nintendo bonus isn't real. Btw, the Switch is losing to the PS4, there are more PS4's out there than Switches, so I don't know what your point even is.

Didn't see the space. Thought it was all in one sentence with the other exclusives . Sorry and carry on.

Is it possible for a person to be more based? Based.

>Btw, the Switch is losing to the PS4, there are more PS4's out there than Switches
Isnt the switch slaughtering the ps4 in weekly sales? And wasnt the ps4 released 4 years earlier? Is it really a mystery as to why theres more ps4s out there than switches?

>being this obsessed with console wars
Are you a huehue or jaja?

This can't be happening..

Attached: 100 million.jpg (1080x581, 90K)

>we might not have games
>but at least we have 100 million consoles sold wooo yeah

>the Switch lineup from now until Christmas looks insane.
How? The only somewhat interesting game I can find is Astral Chain.


Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>How? The only somewhat interesting game I can find is Astral Chain.
Its almost like people have different opinions on what they like and dislike.


there's Luigi's Mansion 3, I guess

>The only somewhat interesting game I can find is Astral Chain.
Good thing nobody cares about your opinion

Obvious samefag

Can you fucking name anything then?

>he said, while posting in a thread 300 posts deep of nothing but console flame wars

Are Switch owners all this retarded? My god you're dense.

Snoyboys are especially rabid those last few days, what happened?

I'm glad that hurt your feelings enough to assume such a thing. Won't bother giving you a screencap either. Guess you'll have to take my word (;

Link Awakening, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion, Astral Chain, That robot name i forget the name of.

All that + Dragon quest builder last week and 3 houses 3 day ago.

Fake. Everybody knows the Switch has already outsold the Xbone sales by a long shot.

Pretend I put Nier in the S rank

Attached: my-image (3).png (618x467, 225K)

Nintendo had an E3 this year. Maybe start there?

Dad of Boi 2 is taking too long to come out and they are afraid they'll have to sell their PS4 Pros to get a PS5 just to play it

seethe & cope

Attached: 1549490744493.jpg (2648x3772, 1009K)

What country south of the United States are you from?

You didn't hear? You're just in time to celebrate then. PS4 has officially shipped 100 MILLION units! Of course, these are numbers from the end of June, so by now it's probably sold well over 100 Mil. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but this is a monumental achievement. Consoles have been made for the past 40 years, and only a handful have reached that elusive 100 MILLION number. And the best part? The generation isn't even over!!! We have a few more YEARS of PS4's being sold. It just may hit one of the best selling consoles of all time. It truly is a special time right now to be a PS4 owner. This should start the 9th gen PS5 off with a bang!!

Attached: 1512518466768.jpg (525x482, 42K)

Nintendo as destroyed the PS4 this whole year.
97 again

There's no need to be upset, Snoyim, Ps4 had it's time in the sun

Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, the Definitive edition of Dragon Quest 11, Luigis Mansion 3, pokemon (if you enjoy shit) Fire emblem was really good. So was Mario maker 2. Ultimate alliance 3 was fun but nothing amazing. Ultimately, the switch is having a really good year unlike its competitors.

No E3 and a massive drought is killing them. Good thing I have a PS4 and a Switch


All these Nintendo exclusives coming out are really getting to them

How can anybody suck a corporation's dick this hard?

>Link Awakening
Fucking worse than the original
>Luigi's Mansion
I don't play CUHRAZY bingshit
>That robot game i forget the name of
Better mech games on PS4 and PC
>Dragon quest builder
It's Minecraft but shit
Recommend a game that ISN'T a fucking joke


150 million.

not just E3 but also no Gamescom, TGS or even PS Experience either

Look at all those shitty opinions

No games

I fucking love video games.

Attached: 4theplayers.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

>sour grapes

Stand in the corner and sulk by yourself.

Cringe redpilled based Snoy have sex Nintendo bing tranny seethe. Based based discord dilate incel frogposter reddit wahoo seethe cringe, redpilled wojak. Tranny have sex, seethe cringe based have sex redpilled? Dilate incel seethe cringe tranny bing wojak reddit. Cringe resetera twitter incel, tranny based, dilate seethe have sex based snoy. Reddit discord bing resetera based cringe, redpilled have sex based Snoy bing Snoy Nintendo tranny wahoo. Have sex.

Attached: 867CF191-D312-4858-BB97-F814D0E819C0.png (348x312, 175K)

>sour grapes

Attached: nintendo-1.png (250x385, 10K)

They're the apple fans of gaming. Games never matter to them, just that little PS emblem.


This simply post will slaughter the Nintenigger for years to come.

But I'm not interested in the 50th fucking rehash of casual shit like Mario and Pokemon. I could play something original and interesting on the PS4 like Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima.

Woah, you got btfo instantly. How come?

>I could play something original and interesting on the PS4 like Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima.
Both also being rehashes under a different ip.

>he's resorting to lifetime sold units
>Nintendo has been selling consoles since 1983
>Sony since 1994

Now this is the kind of cope I wait for. Unbelievable. The depths they go to.

Attached: 145622562.jpg (1200x650, 100K)

Not really. They don't care about console sales.

Take out the handhelds, bitch.

How the fuck does Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima rehash ANYTHING?
Cope with it.
Nintendoomed isn't fucking happening no matter how much you asshurt losers wish for it.

Death stranding and ghost of tsushima literally look like every other Sony first party game. Basically what said.

>Death Stranding
going to be shit and we both know it
>TLoU 2
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
*see previous*
>Blood & Truth
>Concrete Genie
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
actually doesnt look that bad desu
>Aegis Rim (Japan)
>Nioh 2 (Maybe)

>TLoU 2
YIKES! (again)
>Ghost of Tushima
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
>Project Sakura Wars
>FF7 Remake
>Persona 5 R

>Sony's closing in despite decades of advantage
I'm sure you were trying to make the exact opposite point of what you're saying right now, but good job nonetheless


>Tfw sold my PS4 for a Switch
was worth it desu, all I had on the PS4 was the TPP

The best part is the gap has only spread. Nintendo put out over 100 million units than sony in the 7th gen, and 8th gen 3DS/Switch/WiiU is at 125 million with no sing of switch slowing down, and Sony's entering the last phase of the PS4 and PS4/Vita only totaled 112 million.

This isn't even counting SNES and NES classic lol

See you in a decade then, I'm sure you will pretend that aren't a seething autist then :)


Why do I get the feeling you've never played fire emblem in your life



Attached: 1540567075243.jpg (216x276, 57K)

>he is now ACTUALLY trying to say the NES and SNES mini should count

You literally can't make this shit up. Throw in the towel dude. You look a fool. These are the Switch fans folks. Empty headed.

>>Sony's closing in

bought to play xenoverse 2. replayed me some forces and i genuinely like that game. its good. later on i might play some dragon quest builders 2. i got so many games. love it

>Nintendo 700+ millions


>>he is now ACTUALLY trying to say the NES and SNES mini should count
No I didn't. I literally said i didn't count them


Attached: 1543088449019.jpg (1280x960, 76K)

Because they all follow realism doesn't make them the fucking same. That's as stupid as saying all live action movies are the same because they're live action. On the other hand everything on the Switch is blurry rainbow colored vomit that looks like it was made for children with ADHD.

keep dilating

Attached: 1564054916877.jpg (1024x768, 122K)

I mean, the first two seconds of Judgement probably has more content than the entirety of Mario Odyssey.

Daily Reminder: The Sony Playstation wouldn't exist if Nintendo hadn't unethically welched on a business deal with Sony to make a CD add on for the Super Nintendo. Had Sony conducted proper business, we would never have got a Sony Playstation.

So remember, the ass raping that Nintendo is currently receiving at the hands of Sony is completely, and entirely, their fault, and their fault alone. They created a monster. GG Nintendo. GG. LOOOL

Attached: 3dr4fggfhf56664534.gif (360x203, 801K)

Arguments too hard for Snoyim

>Because they all follow realism
Found the problem

>Sony sells 100m
>still no Indiana Jones world

Attached: Still no Indiana Jones world.gif (245x210, 1.84M)

Why are Nintendobois such subhumans?

Attached: 1514221720295.png (636x614, 529K)

Friendly reminder that Sony also went to Sega after Nintendo and Sega turned them down too. Really just shows how unappealing they really are.

>OP Right now

Wait what, they don't?

Attached: TSTBaQ7.jpg (1462x2046, 121K)

Why? What's wrong with wanting to play a game that doesn't look like dogshit?

I walked into this thread, and there's blood all over my shoes. What happened in here? Why is there a yellow man smiling and looking down at me covered in blood? Wait... is that the corpses of Nintendo fans on the ground? Wtf?

Massive cope

>Because they all follow realism doesn't make them the fucking same
You're right but the problem is that they share gameplay elements and even things right down to the camera angles.

Because the gameplay is literally always dogshit. Name 1 (ONE) game with realistic graphics that's actually good. I'll wait.

>Sega has been out of the console business for 2 decades
>Sony just sold 100 MILLION of their consoles

Dude... what is wrong with you. Why do you keep digging the pit deeper? You're standing in it digging down. Stop. Are you retarded? Lol

Attached: 165738.png (532x366, 45K)

>100m sonys sold
>can't find a single picture of a Sony owner
Guess it really was shipped and not sold lol

>What's wrong with wanting to play a game that doesn't look like dogshit?
Nothing, but you're playing games that look like trash..

>reading comprehension

RDR 2 is the game of the generation with gorgeous realistic graphics.
Nobody gives a shit you contrarian faggot

If only sales were an indicator of quality lol

facts don't care about your emotions sweaty. You cope lol


Monster Hunter World.

>RDR 2 is the game of the generation with gorgeous realistic graphics.
This is a real opinion...jesus christ

>reading comprehension

Please say sike and tell me you're not this retarded. Seriously, stop playing with me. Say sike.

Attached: 1528763424426.jpg (640x898, 224K)

>RDR 2 is the game of the generation
>not even GOTY

>1 0 0 M I L L I O N

No u

And? Every game shares something with another.

>He's still falling for the RDR2 meme after everyone moved on a month after it came out

Sorry tendies but no and you know it. A person can buy a PS4 and never touch any exclusives and still have hundreds of games to play, while if you do the same with the Switch, you'll end up with a 300$ paperweight.

>make a new canadian account
>activate the ps now trial
>make that account primary
if you can stream then you can play plenty of last gen games and there are some good downloadable games too, been playing those during these last weeks

Attached: 1554425547759.png (700x615, 82K)

Imagine paying for a console to play inferior multiplats on that you could play on pc. At least Nintendo actually has exclusives..

>At least Nintendo actually has exclusives.
Name one.

Sonyfags BTFO.

>massive fanfic response about business ethics and assraping because someone posted a list of numbers
>n-no the numbers are emotions and my emotions are facts!
Calm down Sharpiro, you're not looking good right now


Are you twelve years old?

>Name one Nintendo Exclusive

lmfao is this child for real?



Attached: Roach seething.png (800x1011, 420K)

Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Smash Ultimate, Mario Maker 2, Fire Emblem Three Houses

So you can't

honestly user, this is coming from a Sonyfag and a weeb

not feeling it. I love Yakuza tho, so I hope it changes my mind. will get it on sale.
>Death Stranding
way too much noise over cinematics. I really hope the gameplay surprises me but it's looking like The Last Guardian all over again
>TLoU 2
seriously user
if Sony wants to do it right they'll have to keep it as faithful to the PS1 original as possible. Medievil Resurrection on PSP was also a reboot yet it sucked ass.
>Catherine Full Body
okay, but it's still a PS3 game with an expansion.
>Days Gone
you shouldn't be parading this game around as some kind of accomplishment
>Arc of Alchemist
low budget Idea Factory stuff. I enjoy Neptunia, but I don't hold my breath for other stuff trhey produce
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
not looking good so far, I hope they show more and change my mind.
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
it better have a load of single player stuff, I don't see it becoming a FGC darling
this is just E3 fodder to look good but no one will actually play it
>Blood & Truth
shit nigga not VR stop it
>Concrete Genie
no user stop
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
noice, but not exclusive
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
okay, not a big fan due to all the grinding, but okay
>Aegis Rim (Japan)
I want to like it, but the combat is looking too weird. maybe it's the moonrunes but I'm not getting how it works. Odin Sphere, Dragon's Crown and Muramasa looked a lot simpler
>Nioh 2 (Maybe)
loved the first, not exclusive tho

>TLoU 2
>Ghost of Tushima
we'll see. I really doubt it will be as good as Sekiro tho
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
not gonna bother if it's MP-focused
>Project Sakura Wars
looking forward, but I'm concerned over Commiefornia's meddling
>FF7 Remake
definitely gonna get it, not exclusive tho
>Persona 5 R
like Catherine. great vidya, but it's a PS3 game getting an expansion. not worth all that attention.

i suggest 9MM to your mouth

It's a hot new game, you buy the peripherics at a gun shop and then await further order.

>All of those non-games
The absoule state of tendies jesus christ.



no fucking way sonyfags are in a state like this I call false flag

Non-drone here. The games actually worth buying for the Switch are
That's pretty much all I can think of. Astral Chain might be pretty nice, FE isn't looking very good. The Switch is like a little bonus if you have the money. It has some nice game, but I would never ever recommend it as your main console. It just doesn't have enough good games for that.



>as opposed to Red Dead 2 and Death Stranding

What is a non game user? Is it when a game is presented to you and absolutely btfo your little brain, so you shut it out ?

All but two of those outsold bloodborne's lifetime sales in literal months lmaooo

Lol obsessed

FE is one of the best of the series, unless you are literally too retarded to enjoy a game for the gameplay and not the shiny graphics

Three Houses is unironically a top tier fire emblem game. You should give it a try user. easily the best game since the gba era

Yeah and Candy Crush outsold all of your games I guess that makes it objectively the greatest game of all time, right?

The graphics aren't just bad, they're absolutely fucking horrendous.
>the gameplay
From what I've seen, most of it is a life sim like Persona except most of the characters are boring one dimensional anime tropes. I doubt the story is good either, that fucking webm of Dimitri killing guards and smiling just made me cringe hard. If the whole game is this generic and edgy, I don't feel like buying it.

Where'z your 100 million squad at? Surely you're not abandoning them are you?

No, it's a shit game, same as bloodborne.

>as opposed to Red Dead 2 and Death Stranding
Did i mention any of that. Also DS isn't even out, wait at least a few months to shit on it.
Are you honestly going to pretend any of those is a game at all? What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo fans really? This is a level of delusion that shouldn't be possible.
Wow COD and FIFA best games ever confirmed thanks user.

haha yeah and PS4 outsold the other consoles I guess that makes it objectively the greatest console of all time lmaooo you actually did this to yourself lmaoooo

Your loss mate.

And you are wrong, it's fine, please simply stop talking shit if you don't know better

>Wow COD and FIFA
Nice PC ports

God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
Uncharted 4
Uncharted the lost Legacy
Killzone 4
Death Stranding
Ghost of tsushima
Gran Turismo
Rachet and Clank
Last of Us Remastered
Last of Us 2
The Last Guardian
Shadow of the Colossus

Oh and Nintendo outsold playstation i guess Sony is shit lmao. Jesus snoyponies have absolute shit tier mental capacity

This is cringe. Do you know that I couldn't name 20 Switch games and then post a little description about them if you paid me? For a guy that claims not to like any of them, you sure do know a lot about them. This is like restraining order levels of obsession.

The game just doesn't look good at all. Generic characters, some of the worst graphics ever and the gameplay isn't anything new either. Can you even defend the scene where Dimitri kills guards while making that edgy cringeworthy smile?
>haha I'm such a psychopath I'm smiling while killing people absolutely brutal
Fucking cringeworthy

I'm currently playing bloodborne for the first time. Having a blast.

>he thinks it's a made up fanfic

I mean, what's even the point of arguing with someone this delusional.

popular thing bad. Yawn. You guys are worse than reddit

You seem mad

Someone tell me what's the point of a Switch when its games run better on PC

>if you know about the stuff you're talking about, you're obsessed
ayy I bet you'd be calling out any inconsistencies if I didn't know my stuff
keep obsessing about criticism user. defend them more and maybe they'll ship you a free game

>all these movies

Attached: Laughing matthew broderick.jpg (682x600, 225K)

Literally the only point of getting a Switch is SSBU, MM2 and Splatoon 2

PC is an always will be the big brained choice. It does everything.

>Someone tell me what's the point of the PS4 when its games run better on PC

Why do you retards have console wars like you can only like one platform? Do you really take your allegiance for a hunk of plastic that seriously? If you don't own all three then it's because you're poor. Not because of your values. Stop being gay.

>appeal to ignorance fallacy
That's new

So bloodborne and....?

Yeah, haha

Why would anyone want to buy a Switch, may as well throw your money in the trash at this point.

Nope. Just watching man-children bicker over name brands. When are we going to start throwing fits over Spork vs spoon?

Hello, just an exclusive passing by. Nintendo stinks

Attached: ghf.png (282x179, 8K)


If those are 'movies' than Nintendo games are children's coloring books.

>The Walkman
>In a comparison about video games console sales
I guess Microsoft won with all their Windows sales then

Attached: [Laughs Externally].gif (290x189, 2.9M)

I agree it's not as good as the ps4 or xbox but it's definitely better than Nintendo's last two consoles and breath of the wild is pretty damn fun. That being said it's pretty much the only game I would want a switch for and at that I'd probably be better off putting together a pc that can run the cemu version.


candy crush doesn't sell, it's F2P

I mean if you compare it that way, Nintendo sells 19444444 consoles per year, Sony sells 21012000 consoles per year

>O N E H U N D R E D M I L L I O N

>like you can only like one platform?
you're missing the point
some people could afford all 3 but they'd rather invest all the money in games for just 1 console
people already buy consoles for the sake of convenience anyway, they don't want to be bothered by having to juggle 3 accounts and jump from one to another all the time

>the Candy Crush console system

no seriously, what did he mean by this


one hundred million??? woah.

this even happens on PC
some people want everything on Steam and complain over having to load up GoG, Uplay, Origin and Epic Launcher