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I am a boring unlikable person and I'm a lolicon on top of that

I live with my parents

Video games

Just find your own Misaki, bro

I've never actually put effort into getting a girlfriend because I was always shy and then I realized that relationships are just temporary expeditions of happiness that eventually make your life worse anyway because all the people around me were unhappy by the time they were in college.

Also women don't actually love people and are terrible romantics, find me a poem that was written by a woman for the love of a man, because there is none.

Because I have a wife.

Because I'm still hung up on my ex

Didn’t these threads got banned?

Because I'm not a dyke

Because i want you

KISS me!

Why aren't you drowning in a sea of gfs at any given moment, user?

>crap job
>broke all the time
>health problems
>no friends
>no car
>suicidal thoughts
Atleast I have the driver license

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Because I'm not a girl.

Honestly I want to, but everytime I hang in my social circles, I hear about how fucking shitty it will all turn out in the end. Several divorces, single moms and so on. Maybe I should just get some eastern farmer wife and learn to love her instead of picking a modern 2019 women, since I do want a family wife that does all that 80s stuff, cooking meals and taking care of the home instead of browsing instagram 24/7.

I dunno, or just stay alone till robot AI:

Because I'm not a lesbian.

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Cars are for niggers, get a bicycle.


Cause girls dont like me, but u like me right rin?

Cause I have a bf

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Literally the shittiest "art" lmao.

I fear intimacy

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All songs are poems, you fucking idiot.

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I already do! You should meet her OP-Chan!

>health problems
You are doing this to yourself

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Lyrics are the least relevant part of music.

When will you incels have sex already?

dont have time and all that fapping to waifus makes me tired

This post reeks of cope (and estrogen)

I have a boyfriend

There are no women around me who could keep up with me intellectually

Oh you're a confirmed autist, carry on.

Because I have literally nothing to live for, which makes me boring

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I'm scared of people.

Too much labor for too little return.

I'm an awkward retard and would rather just masturbate to Rin upskirts

>be me
>finnish chonky boi at 6'4
>underwhealming arms but angry looking legs
>a small neckbeard now and then, but unlike others, i shave
>family has small yacht because baltic sea and finland
>lets refer the yacht as 'the kyrpä vessel'

>be cruising off the coast
>grab binoculars
>scanning for them titties
>dont see anything because looking at a wall
>put binoculars away
>go to the top deck
>dad driving the yacht
>i say that im hungry
>dad says to flame up the grill while he docks to your parking spot on the port
>"ok daddyfag"
>arrive at dock
>making a fucking beautiful beef
>look around
>notice that the kyrpä vessel is the largest boat on the docks
>getting looks from the streets
>notice that a group of chicks is approaching
>anti gold digger instincts take over
>chicks are playing loud music
>hear them talking
>"fuck theyre new yorkers"


Have you just tried being yourself?

I have a few girls I'm seeing but nothing concrete.
I also want to fuck my neighbour

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I had one until she left me for this dude that she knew for 7 years
I loved her until she started to cheat on me behind my back
3 years of my life wasted on that whore
Hopefully her and her boyfriend will kill themselves soon

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I don't find people interesting anymore.


Because i am the girlfriend

Because that would be illegal.


I actually just got a fiancé

>moved around schools so often that I never got to really bond with anyone even though I've lived in the same ten-mile stretch the entire time
>probably boring
>no degree
>no job
>no car, can't drive
>no money
>live with my parents (even if I had a job none of the places around here are affordable)
>everyone I meet and fool around with online ends up already having a partner that they're just e-cheating on (even the guys)
>girl who I've loved for almost a decade broke up with her boyfriend last year only to immediately fall for an abusive cunt, apparently swayed by traits and habits that I myself have, and now she's cutting me out of her life because I kept warning her that this guy was trouble
>now I'm suffering from anxiety attacks and worse self-confidence issues than before
>gaining weight due to stress over the past several months
>don't want to open myself up again because I'm just going to get used, abused, and then thrown away again

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Yes and it's gotten me nowhere


i don't need one as i have my King

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Yes, please continue.

I did try to have one once, it was online. Maybe it had to do with it being online and me being a young asshole that took everything for granted, but I'd rather not willingly put anyone else through the crap I put her through all those years ago.

I had a gf, and then she completely 100% ghosted me. Why would I ever open myself up to anyone ever again?

I'm an ugly, boring, retarded lanklet

And the sad thing is that guy is just like me
He isn't a chad

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Dude just take a shower lol

Last one came on too strongly and freaked me out. We barely started going out, don't put the emotional strain of already being in a committed relationship on me yet, sheesh.

Just rape a kid
Problem solved

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Im socially shy, care more about staying home and doing what I want instead of going to retarded parties, on top of not really wanting a relationship anyway
My hobbies dont attract women, and even the ones that do are incredibly hard to find like minded girls in.
Im also introverted and a blatant coward when it comes to flirting.

I haven't talked to a girl my age since I was 12.

pls be my gf
we can play vidya and watch anime together
I promise I won't judge you no matter what

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Moved a lot in my life, didn't keep contact with anyone
Made me autistic with people and now I'm a 28 years kissless virgin. I fucked a guy when i was 12 but that doesn't count

The correct term is pedophile.

I had one for 9 years. Now I just sleep with random tinder thots. I get to do all the things I couldn't do with a gf. I'm much happier. The only thing I miss is the money. I was financially better off living with someone.

Oh god what does it feel like to have a gf

Post story

I have erectile dysfunction that is resistant to even Viagra. I accept my curse as an eternal loner. I got fucked near literally every way.

I love you!
Please beat me up and spit on me Rin!

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lol do you wear a little police hat as you patrol Yea Forums and blow a whistle before you respond to posts

Hi, me


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It's like having a bag of salty coins and sand-milk walking around your house

I am only interested in little girls

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>just be a boring autistic person, that'll sure work out!

5 inch penis

Because I'm banned from Tinder for making fake accounts.

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As a woman, I would never date anyone who plays video games.

no money
living with parents
dont go out partying

I have no personality nor will to live. Been burned too many times already.

>there's always going to be a stronger, taller, better-looking man

there's no point in even trying.

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I had one, she left me, I can't find anyone good enough who could replace her.

I'm gay B)

Simply put? I'm shy.

i wish every one of you would get banned for replying to this shitty garbage thread that gets made every single day by the same person

A Rei is fine too

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It's not much, just kid shit
Some dude from my class brought a porn book on a school trip and there was some gay shit in it.
So we sucked and fucked each other