Good night, sweet prince

Good night, sweet prince.

Attached: Pantheon_0.jpg (613x460, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Reworked champions are always better than the base character, lore wise, gameplay wise and aesthetically wise

Prove me wrong faggots

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fortunately they're very clearly making him 500% stronger. unfortunately, they gave him a face, which decreases his value to 0 for me.

the only reason reworked champions work at first is because riot overloads them with stats. hell some of then even have mechanics REMOVED from their kits. when they get tuned down to reasonable numbers, they become worse than the originals

>the only reason reworked champions work at first is because riot overloads them with stats. hell some of then even have mechanics REMOVED from their kits. when they get tuned down to reasonable numbers, they become worse than the originals
It's funny to me that you think this considering pretty much every reworked champion goes from non existent to being staple high elo picks or just being in and out of the meta at worse.

You can't tell me with a straight face pre-rework Gangplank, Urgot. Galeo or Aatrox are better than their current iterations.

He a muslim now

The only semi-contradiction I can see is Ryze, but nobody plays ryze

again, at first they do because their numbers are just too high, but no one picks any of the champs you mention. of course people will pick champs that do too much damage. that doesnt mean theyre better.

These guys get it

Only whildren get mad when their shitty unusable and boring champions get reworked into something new and unique and fun to play

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greeks were muslim

Nigga he retained his W E and R and any kind of design was better than his pizza feet 2002 WC3 model

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>no mobility in a game that's 100% about mobility making him the easiest gank top lane, has 0 winning matchups in current meta
>no built in defensive stats or mechanics at all
>has a heal that will never activate because ever time the enemy sees the windup on his q they'll dash 6 times and activate a shield
they need to fucking give this guy a break.

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Morde got gutted despite Darius having a better WR than him

He's never getting any buffs

never. riot hates bruisers

Hopefully he's a mordekaiser and not a galio

Why not just make another one though?

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Went from a cool Gargoyle to some shitty medieval pacific rim capeshit kaiju.

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>but no one picks any of the champs you mention
So a champion rework is a failure if they have periods of being good or decent is worse than just flatout never being picked whatsoever?

Christ the only champions I can think of who received a decent amount of play before being reworked were Ryze and Sivir. Everyone else was just niche garbage shit that only one tricks played.

Your new description makes him sound cool

You are not proving me wrong, Galio is better than ever

Darius will always be in a "He's OK" spot. The only thing I wish they would do is revert is Q but keep the heal.

That's right, so was Hannibal Barca, Cleopatra, Beethoven and Bill Clinton.

His visual design is ok, the issue was his kit

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>Gangplank is good
>Sivir is good
>Irelia is good
>Akali is good
>Galio is good
>Sion is good
>Ryze is good
>Gragas is good
>Xin is good

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Finally he got a visual update that he deserved

Haven't played this shit in almost 5 years. What did they do? Are they going to turn him into a black transgender muslim antifa jester?

no theyre a failure because theyre not funner to play than the originals. their pick rate drops down to the same.

Until the average player skill rises to a point where even bronze shitters can handle playing against Darius, he will forever be gimped. The sole reason he got reworked the first time is because he had been nerfed into irrelevancy due to simply being a character built around punishing bad play. He is still a character that punishes bad play, he just now has more weaknesses than before, so it's no wonder that he struggles in higher skill brackets.

The statistics don't back up your claims. Kayle for example is played double the times she used to get played. And the infamous reworks like Akali, Irelia and Aatrox see way too much play. GP too. The only ones that I think don't see much play are Yorick, Urgot and WW and even then they see more play than before the rework and there is not much to do about it because non-humanoid champions tend to be way less popular.

Why don't you guys just play dota? It seems you don't actually care about how good or improved the champion's kit is, only the fact that they lost their extremely simplistic kits.

If you want this style of play where overall game knowledge and macro play is more important than playing the game at a single unit level then unironically switch to Dota.

They need to just give Darius a freaking Axe Flail or something. I feel like he's too slow to set up.

>New Q
>It's more cracks like a whip has a random chance to crit on minions and causes bleed on other Champions
>W (Similar to Decimate) Releasing the Axe Head unleashes a chain that will spin on his hand and will do increasing true damage and still heals from it
>E (Old W combined with E) Pulls enemies in and tear at their vital points causing slow and Penetrates Armor

Noxian Guillotine would more or less the same.

I like League, none of my friends play Dota 2, and it's almost impossible to get a match when starting. I had 30 min queues and the two games I got had multiple leavers in them.

I used to play the original DotA(nothing serious I just played it along most popular WC3 mods) but when I left high school I just never found anyone to play with so I moved to League

>Playing the Valve jew


>Why don't you guys just play dota?

Nigga why the fuck would anyone play Dota in 2k19? The game is solely for people who already were playing the original mod. It's impossible to start now.

>Playing the Tencent jew
Wow, you're really making a strong case for yourself here.

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>mommy it's too hard to get into everyone who's good at dota is an old man whose been playing for years even though the average pro age is like 22

just using excuses because you have zoomer attention span who can't adapt or try anything new without getting pissed off. oh well, dota has exactly the type of gameplay you want but you're too stupid to grasp any of the simple differences from league. so keep playing the game you hate so much.

>Wait 20 minutes in Queue
>Get matched with non english speakers
>Everyone leaves the second they start doing bad
>Repeat until you memorize all the mechanics, abilities and items in the game while also getting to the MMR everyone is playing to maybe have fun

Or I could just queue up in less than 5 minutes for a League game, or in less than a minute for a TFT match, or even better, play any game I feel at the time

>anything new
There's nothing new about dota2.

>Wait 20 minutes for queue

>Get matched with non english speakers
>implying anyone communicates in league for anything besides "report my teammate" or "gg ez retards"

>Everyone leaves the second they start doing bad
Then they get stuck in a queue hell where they have to win 3 all random games. So if you make someone rage you waste fucking hours of their time. Good system.
>>Repeat until you memorize all the mechanics, abilities and items in the game while also getting to the MMR everyone is playing to maybe have fun
Exactly. You could've just said you're too lazy, unwilling, and lack the actual mental fortitude to learn a new game with any depth. That would've been the acceptable answer here.

Heroes of the Storm is better than both. It actually feels great because the entire map is more accessible, you use certain monsters to help out during the battle, and it's not restricted to lanes, there's always something happening on whatever side of the lane that requires team work.

There's really no item system and it's primarily based on buff + evolved attacks. Butcher is the best character in the game.

>old game good new game bad
>i miss league when it was just baby mode dota 2
what do you want then, faggot?

You forgot Napoleon

Pre-Rework Aatrox and Galio were better than their current iterations. Galio doesn't get enough play to be on OP.GG, Aatrox had to be rereworked like fucking twice now and is missing everything from the original kit.

Literally Lee Sin

that wouldn't even be that over the top. he's a lane bully who literally can't even do that, and even if you win lane he doesn't scale, so what the fuck?

rip AP Pantheon I guess.

It's just bonkers to me that people have trouble handling "he does a big hit if you get 5 bleed stacks on you" but they're okay with all the other retarded shit in this game that's way easier to pull off.

lmao just build
BOTH Black Cleaver and Trinity.
No downside.
Black Cleaver first, Trinity second.

Aatrox had to be reworked the first time because he was trash and the second time was because he was too strong. And even now, he's still good. Don't act like winrates in solo queue matter, meta champions always have low winrates because shitters see what's good in pro play, try to first time them in ranked, and get shit on.

Also I'm pretty certain pre-rework Aatrox did not get a single pick in pro play since he released before his rework. He was that garbage.

>he went from "cool gargoyle" to "huge medieval kaiju"

You're so wrong that you can't even bring yourself to sound right

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I'm glad the autistic league hate is starting to die down on this board. The blatant nostalgia for shit like old shit-ass champions was nauseating.

From cool demon with lifetrade and resurrect as defining features to fucking edgy riven

from shitty flying ugly virgin with useless kit to fucking golden giant chad... with useless kit

Varus, he gay now, thanks sjw agenda.

They ruined him thematically and gameplay wise. Being a niche situational pick in le esports isn’t allowed. META OR DIE.

Urgot was a major step down. His play style was reduced to walking in circles and his lore is just Dark Knight Bane.

all 3 of those characters were improved.



>Being a niche situational pick in le esports isn’t allowed
That's what he is now though? Before he was just a bad champion with a cancerous lane phase only one tricks played.

>Good Reworks:


>Bad Reworks (Unnecessary, no respect for the character, didn't understand the point, personally upset me, too strong in pro play useless for everyone else)
Kayle (?) (Literally never seen her or anything about her so it must have been shit.)

>Kill yourself
Mass class reworks barring like two.

pistachios aren't nuts

>Good Reworks:

>Bad Reworks

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they are putting changes in pbe today if i recall correctly, the idea of a champion ascending during the game is dope.
Other wise good list.

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>pantheon and urgot
>not good
i'll give you kayle and aatrox

>pantheon and urgot

lore niggers have to be gassed
read any book and fuck off

I will miss his va and old nasus

Yeah, they're JUST good.

The fuck did you expected with Urgot? I like the rework, what's wrong? Is it the lore? Is it the shutgun knees? Is the visuals or the anarchy personality?

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Old swain saw fringe use in pro-games. He was fine.

No he didn't.

Not really.

Old swain was better I tried new swain just feels like shit

>all these tards crying about the urgot rework of all things
he's gotten probably the best rework out of all champs, what the actual fuck? you're really gonna sit there and pretend that you liked his ult "hurr i swap you" ult, which wasn't thematic at all, more than drilling someone and then fucking grinding them up in your guts? are you kidding me?

Old Urgot players are autistic faggots who liked corrosive charge->acid hunter autistic button mashing gameplay

I swear UoL used old swain as a counter of Dr mundo, now i found this old game of the promotional tournament that made UoL enter LCS. Dam, how time passes

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I left this game like 4 years ago because riot kept insisting on giving every single character like 2 or 3 insane mobility skills. Is that still the case?

Also did they fire the artists who would explicitly make the female characters ugly just because? I remember some earthbender character who's design had turned out to be "too cute" so he literally gave her like an inhuman, red tumblr nose

I really like new Swain. Feels really nice when you can land a big combo and zoom in with your ult while phase rush is procced. Haven't played in ages though.

You literally couldn't be more wrong

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>is that still the case
Yes. And the game's lowest point has always been its shitty female character design, no matter how many horny fucks disagree with me.

He's actually my favorite rework but I still put him in the list of bad reworks because they genuinely did fuck up badly. Should have just made the reworked version Darkwill and make a Swain that actually has anything at fucking all to do with Swain. Hell even then Swain is full of elements that are iconic to him while nu-Swain I constantly forget that he has a magic arm. When you'd doing something like this you have to look at what people see when they look at the character:
>Horrible crow monster form
All gone and replaced with nothing.

Still one of my favorite characters and I genuinely like his style, but it's an insult to Swain.

Yeah that's true, new Swain is nothing like old Swain apart from the name pretty much. They could've at least given him a classic skin. I think my favorite rework over all is Warwick, and my least favorite Gangplank.

Let's see the last reworks and new champions from the last 4 years
>Quiyana 2 Dashes
>Kayle rework 0 dashes
>Mordekaiser 0 dashes
>Yuumi 1 dash, but laso intargetable
>Sylas 2 dashes
>Neeko 0 dash but invisibility
>Nunu rework 0 dashes
>Pyke, 1 dash and invisibility
>Akali rework 3 dashes and invisibility
>Aatrox rework 1 dash (old one)
>Irelia 1 dash (old one)
>Kai'sa 1 dash and invisibility
>Zoe 0 dashes
>Swain rework 0 dashes
>Evelynn rework 1 dash
>Ornn 1 dash
>Urgot rework 1 dash
>Galio rework 1 dash
>Kayn 1 dash and wall walking
>Rakan 2 dashes
>Xayah 0 dashes
>Warwick 1 dash
>Camille 1 dash
>Ivern 1 dash
>Kled 1 dash(Can be two if it hits an enemy)
>Yorick rework 0 dashes
>Ryze rework 0 dashes
>Taric rework 0 dashes
>Taliyah 0 dashes
>Aurelion Sol 1 dash? (Can't be used in combat)
>Jhin 0 dashes
>Shen rework 1 dash (old one)

From 31 new kits since 2015, 20 have dashes.

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Who is irelia?
Who is Leblanc?
Who is jax (before Dodge)
Who is swain?
Who is malzahar?
Who is sion ?
Ever rework makes them shittier

Fuck you, I love no Swain

I forgot to add Vladimir. So many of the characters I like get fucking ruined.

His passive is no more.

Karma got ruined.

She was a AP nuke and sleeper OP


R E M O V E D.

Ok will do
>mordekaiser: removed one of the most unique and fun ults because riot can’t code pets
>Akali, the literal definition of an AIDS champion
All absolutely niggerlicious and unbalancable ”Le outplay” champions that are entirely reliant on whether or not the player playing them fucks up. There is no playing against them because you literally cannot force mistakes, while their entire kit is designed around forcing mistakes from you and punishing them in basically unavoidable ways with no resource costs to stop them from spamming.

As long as they don't touch my husband, it's okay.

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not league but literally every reworked champ in hots is less fun


>mordekaiser: removed one of the most unique and fun ults because riot can’t code pets
> one of the most unique and fun ults
You fucking retarded? Also Yorick's pets work just fine. They removed it because it was bad and uninteresting.

Depends on your criteria. He was definitely fun to play for me, but then again I enjoy some of the melee champions with strong autoattacks like Tryndamere and Irelia.

Riot has been doing a fantastic job with these reworks for the most part. Aatrox is my only point of contestion since they kinda missed his core design and just made a new champion out of him. He seems pretty ok now that they changed his E to one charge. Hashinshin actually had a decent opinion on the whole thing.

Hoping Riot gets the macro-objective and teamfight gameplay right over the next season(s) since those are the areas LoL seems to be the most flawed. Watching pro players farm for 20 minutes without doing any major plays in fear of losing the game if something goes wrong (shows you that snowballing and gold influence is still too harsh in league) makes me fall asleep whilst watching the stream at times.

I noticed both Yea Forums and especially /vg/'s lol general are far too harsh and autistic when it comes to their opinions on this game (or any game for that matter).

League of Legends is probably one of the better long-term developed games. It went from an ugly ass DotA clone to the leading moba and esports game.
I think it's very rare to see how much money the company is reinvesting into their game and its pro scene. Not sure how it all balances out, since the current professional games are not that popular and fun to watch, but the game is definitely fun to play and reasonably bugless. The visuals have come a long way, just look at Qiyanas animations for example, the work put into them is mindboggling. Their business model is also fairly reasonable, I just dislike the recent IP gain changes, you really don't get as much as IP as you did back in the day overall. The client is definitely shit, can't deny that - thank god they're working on it.

>yeah, people sure like to play all those reworked champions like -...
Face it user, reworking them kills what made people like them to begin with.

The game just isn't fun to play anymore, private server LoL is much better

Did they delete pantheon and make a new character with the same name now?

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Why the fuck did they ruin Ruthless Pantheon? Why would he have ammunition when he uses a spear/shield? Why give him such a shitty ugly helmet?

Tbh i prefer new Swain. Champion feels way better to play now

Reworks are almost always shit that completely butcher the character, and then replace them with a new character that plays nothing like the old one and has a completely different personality. Might as well just be a new champion.

>make new champ
>delete old one
>"lol no its the same but better take off ur nostalgiagoggles haha"
How can anyone defend this?


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Oh yeah I can't wait for them to give him
>mandatory skillshot with weird targeting that was unnecessary
>extra steps in his kit for """flavor""" when optimally he could just fucking smack his opponent
>shirtless design with one lopsided pauldron on his shoulder because "muh asymmetry"
>new voice actor where every line is him acting like a cocky dick, being "deep," or banting with other champs, the last of which will get buried and unused after the first patch
Only good thing to come from every rework universally is the art and shitty skins getting updated to not be abject trash

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