What are your biggest hopes for Smash Ver. 4.00?

I want new alternate costumes available to buy with in game money via a shop. No micro transactions.

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Pretty much what you said

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Based as fuck

I just wanna see the data mine desu

fucking this.
or even unlockable assist trophies

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What is there to datamine? Bits and pieces of upcoming DLC characters?

>They announce tourney mode
>Great? This is a potential return of Yea Forumskends without a clusterfuck of arenas and waiting lines.
>Let me go on Yea Forums to see how hype dudes are for 4.0
>5 generic rosterfaggotry threads as per usual

I just want Yea Forums to shut the fuck up about the roster already and just PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!
I swear to God rosterfags don't even play the stupid game. I know Yea Forumskends are ruined by discordfags on average, but rosterfaggotry is just the discordfag drama without anyone playing the game.

Pretty much

Maybe something in there, I can hope/assume

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Don't get your hopes up, there's about a 0% chance we'll get new alts

Let me dream. I want Ocarina of Time Link so badly.

Wouldn’t surprise me too much, that’s how we got info on stage builder initially if I recall.

Even though the tourney mode doesn't seem to include custom tourneys, only nintendo-made.
Don't get your hopes up, they've really started cracking down on dataminable content. The Joker and Brave data was completely stripped out from 2.0.0 once it was made public, and outside of a few spirits here and there, there's not been anything of worth for the last handful of patches.

More echo fighters.

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Hey. what the FUCK is that blue M&M doing there. GET THAT MOTHER FUCKER OUT OF THERE

At least my expectations are realistic for this patch

If not, oh well. I guess I can wait

Gooigi and Funky would be kino.

I want Lara

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New alts and a fuckin boss replay mode.

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Would she play like ice climbers? How would the horse work.

Horse is her final smash user.

Add in the missing spirits already, damn it!

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>no proto man
although gooigi and funky kong are really based picks

Attached: Proto Man.png (900x1350, 675K)

I’ll make more images later, though for now those were the ones that came to mind first.

In fact I’ll probably use that exact image for Proto Man in the next collage

this, give me Big Boss or Raiden

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thanks bro
also had an idea for ms pac-man if she was an echo
>her grab animation would be based around dig dug's pump instead of galaga

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I was actually gonna do Liquid in the next image if that’s fine

That sounds really cool actually, mind if I use it?

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i won't mind