Why do pirates think stealing the hard work of others is okay?

Why do pirates think stealing the hard work of others is okay?

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because i dont value the tranny devs that made the games, so I'll pirate your shit and probably not even finish it and drag it over to my external HDD for it to sit there for years

Deal with it nigger

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Anybody who tries to work in or profits from videogames is a pathetic loser that deserves to be preyed upon and taken advantage of, that's why I pirate, so I can make sure söyncels can't be succesful

A pirate started this thread because half the fun of pirating is telling people who don’t pirate that you do.
The other half is getting games for free.

Do not respond to this thread. It’s what they want. They will reply to this post because they don’t want people to realize it’s what they want

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the thing is, if i'm pirating something i don't give a shit

And what of the games not made by tranny devs?

they don't

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I'd like to see these comics pulled out in court

Nobody cares about the law though. Moral philosophy is the only leverage you have because antipiracy laws are straight up unenforceable.

Because it's funny to watch people like you get assmad over something you can never control, OP. Also piracy was a term invented by the industry to make it seem like file sharing is as bad as rape, murder, and pillaging. What it's actually called is FILE SHARING but that's okay because this post will get ignored by you moralfags anyways who aren't REALLY here to talk about "file sharing" you're just here to whine about how your billion dollar corporation deserves my money for some reason

Pirates lack a sense of ethics.

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Someone post the "Don't even think about painting it red."

It took time money effort food water and a place to stay, not to mention talent and years of polish to make the game you are stealing.

That, is why I pay for games now.

You cant steal a digital copy. Stealing means that you take something from someone and he doesnt have it anymore. Pirating games is like not paying in public transport but not stealing.

Another reason everybody hates zoomers. You don't do what's right because it's right, you only care if it's something that can get you in trouble. I don't steal the efforts of others and it has nothing to do with laws or them being enforced. Grow up already.

Because I can
Try to stop me

>i want to play good old nintendo games
>we don't make those anymore
>oh, but i reall want
>you can buy this rehashed version overpriced and play a couple we have if you pay even more
>yeah no thanks *proceeds to download emulatrors

Because I can.

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For one I'm 30. Two, I do what's right, just because big daddy gubment started labeling sharing "theft" after the music industry bought a scotus case doesn't mean it will ever be morally wrong.

Because the hard workers lazy bosses are already stealing the profits

>Oh this game looks good
>thank you
>can i try it, to see if it works properly, if I like the mechanics? (a.k.a good old Demos we received for free with gaming magazines and sites)
>but then why would i buy it if i'm not sure how it plays?
>you have to trust us
>yeah, no thanks *pirate the game

I buy games with cute anime girls and pirate everything else

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I stopped buying games when they started charging 60 bucks for something that can be consumed in less than half a day. Rather go to the movies and get the same amount of entertainment time for a lot less money.

But then, movies these days are also shit.

If it's good pay for it bot almost nothing is worth it nowadays, last game I bought that was worth it was Nier

polite sage but felt like leaving a "based" in reply to this

Grow up and waste my hard earned cash on something that can be obtained for free? You're an idiot.

>bad guy was actually the good guy all along
I love this trope

imagine if all game developers decided you're right and stopped making games althogether, you would only play with your ass in the end

Because they steal my money through tax refunds without paying any taxes themselves anyway. Why should i give them more money? They can go fuck themselves.
Also if you pay money for things you can get for free you're an absolute fucking idiot.

If I copy a bike who owns it?
If there's a part I need to something and I 3D print it, am I doing something illegal?
If I draw fanart of something, is it no longer my art?

Not saying pirating is OK, just saying that you're fucking retarded.

god i missed shitty drawn Yea Forums comics shit is hilarious

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That's the idea. Kill the gaming industry because I only play indie games that are only made because the developer wants to make them.

But I literally would never have bought the game otherwise, user. Just let me pirate. Fuck.

imagine if every gaming related manufacturer and publisher died. sounds great I wish it would really happen

Yeah but wojaks get more responses, so personally drawn comics aren't feasible in this economy.

pretty much, and thats the problem

videogames nowadays have become more like a service rather than a good (mostly if you play with digital copies only)

by making copies you avoid paying for that service, and that translate into a loss for the game developers

Its really not hard to understand, every time a person plays a pirated copy, means game developers have one less buyer (because like in the image, most people that pirate wont ever buy the product at the end)

try to mantain a bussiness where you offer a service and people decide to use it without paying for it and then lets see if you still defend piracy

you are the living proof people on Yea Forums dont play games and are just oldfarts that come to talk shit about them, wishing they would have never existed

>try to mantain a bussiness where you offer a service and people decide to use it without paying for it and then lets see if you still defend piracy
>What is using someone else’s internet or cable provider without paying for the service yourself

I play games, just not greedy triple A bullshit.

Shit my bad I read that wrong. Yeah I’ll still defend it because it means I’m doing something wrong and I’d need to change

>being this stupid

and people then wonder why we have so many people living out of wellfare

>why we have so many people living out of wellfare
Because free money? You dummy?

exacty, lazy fucks not wanting to do anything and still recieve free things

thats pirates for you

>live in a world where you can multiply items out of thin air
>still try to charge premium for said items
Maybe you should just up your business strategy?

Is it a coincidence that the games that are the most pirated make the most money?

That piracy has never killed a game and has only helped it? Jew devs are delusional if those pirated copies would ever be sales.

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And it’s only going to get worse with games as a service.

go play minecraft till your dick falls off then, fag


it is already happening this stupid thread is about that


I'd steal your life if I could, faggot.

Good. Games as a service are absolute cancer, even the MMO subscription bullshit

Oh shit we’ve got a necromancer here

>Pirate day 1
>2 Years later buy it for 80% off and support the industry
>Essentually get the game 80% off day 1

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Did this with prey. Feels goodman

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reminder that post people already participate in this form of "theft"
it's called buying white brand products

the cost of items is higher because they spent a fuckload of money on making that product what it is, then some company just steps in "oh hey that's a nice product, I'll start making it" and sells it for half the price, a lot of people will buy the white brand product & think they're doing nothing wrong

Should've made if KFC, what with there already being a bike and all.

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Stealing being a bad thing is ingrained in human instinct, even 2 year olds will try to keep their toys to themselves, and have to be forced to share.

Piracy on the other hand is the natural state of how people interact with software.
Before copy protection became big, me and my friends would all copy each other's games and not even have the possibility of it being immoral in any way come to mind, and that's not a unique case. "its a copy" isn't some justification, its the default way of thinking you keep until you read some redditor's dumb post guilt-tripping you for having it.

What are you talking about, most wojak and pepe threads nowadays die with less than 50 posts.

>devs can make as many copies to sell each copy
literally ok to pirate this wwy
How is this moral,,,,

if a maid takes her employer's jewelery from the dresser is that theft? yes. if a maid flips through her employer's cook book and memorizes the meatloaf recipe is that theft? no. intellectual property isn't real.

Games sell for 80% off because people pirated them and their sales were poor, meaning they're trying to scrape as much money as they can off their failed investment. Piracy does hurt lool

What even is going on here?

Actually nevermind i figured it out. I thought it was tv screens of a game unreleased or something.

Piracy not affecting sales is only correct because normies are scared and think pirating is dangerous. If they found out it's actually safe then they'd obviously just pirate because no one actually gives a shit about supporting people thousands of times richer than them.

because i can get away with it.

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Why so much corporate dick sucking in this thread? Fix your business practices then maybe I'll actually buy your games you greedy micro transaction ridden feces

Fuck modern developers, they don't deserve my money with a few exceptions excluded. If I could hurt them more I would.

>if you don't play AAA you only play Minecraft
child. btw I have enough video games to last my entire life if I only play good stuff released before 2006, it's not like there's some sort of video games shortage that makes the continued production of mediocre games necessary or desirable

t. Brainlet
What is survivor bias?
Did you know that because you posted that 0iq response, an earthquake happened that killed millions? Go on ps3 store btw, everything is full price despite pc being able to emulate all it's games.

>a lot of people will buy the white brand product & think they're doing nothing wrong
I seriously hope you aren't trying to imply that buying white label is immoral

Nigga stole my bike.

evil pirate nigger doesn't know grammar, surprise surprise

>Fix your business practices then maybe I'll actually buy your games you greedy micro transaction ridden feces
They don't need to because by the time the current tiktok/fartnite generation grows up and starts voting with their wallets (which doesn't mean they'd have to start pirating, even, there are plenty of free games and vidya isn't the only interesting thing in existence, even) le industry would've groomed the next batch of preadolescent retards. They only differ from actual paedophiles in that they fuck with their intelligence, moral values and common sense instead of genitals.

if you think piracy is immoral, then yes it is.
For example take those coffee pad or coffee capsules & the machines that use them. A ton of money must have gone into research & development for those, so that even if they're cheap to produce, they need to pay that off by taking a cut off sales
Other companies now simply take that research & make a copy of the established product and since they don't need that cut for research & development they can sell it at a cheaper price while still profiting more

It also goes to a lesser extent for foods, such as cookies. Know all those oreo ripoffs, those are cheaper because it was already made before them, so all they had to do was copy it, they had no expenses other than the materials to make the cookies with & the machines to put them together

The enlightened agnostics version

What is phone posting autocorrect!? Jeez such low iq too...as expected from sheep that can't deduce anything.

>What is phone posting autocorrect!?
Something ESL spics use as an excuse even when it obviously doesn't apply here?

oh, you're just doing a big brain thing in defense of piracy. well, good. I thought you were unironically coming down on both at the same time

Piracy isn’t a lost sale. They were never going to buy it, no matter what people trying to justify it say.
The only solution is to be a dev that people will actually want to support. CDPR took this attitude for the Witcher after 2, and it clearly didn’t hurt their bottom line.

You are a turbo sperg

Fuck devs lol

even if it is a lost sale its still not wrong. You don't own potential sales any more than you own the air and water.

So you're just defending literal theft?

Then can you explain it to me then?

Theft isn't wrong because of lost sales, brainlet. It's wrong because your denying someone access to their own property.

Wow, them's fighting words, mate.

while I do support piracy, I'm not particularly defending it with that post
I'm just saying you gotta take em both, either both are bad or both are

if you say "piracy is bad because people worked hard on that and if you want to make use of their work you have to buy it", then white brand products fall under that as well
if you say "I pay for the material, digital media costs nothing for extra products, and as such piracy is not immoral" white brand products fall under that too, you do not care about the work put into something that got it to that point and instead you simply spend your money where you want

sales were poor because they charged $60 dollars for something that costs them 0 to distribute. There's no reason a game should cost more than $20 other than greed.

Sharing resources among your peer group is the natural state of things. It's one of the basic principals of human psychology. It doesn't matter if it's food, shelter, software, toys, labor, or any thing else that can be shared. It's one of the most basic things we can do to be included into a group that we want to be included into.

you likely don't consider it immoral because you're not the one losing something.
in the example of your toy, you don't want to share it because you would lose your toy
If you could duplicate your toy and give the duplicate to a friend, you'd see no issue with that as well

Theme park photos you're supposed to buy

inb4 that stupid inflation website
the makers of the game knew inflation existed, it's not something new, they thought long ahead about the future and it should always be $20.

Twitch streamers aren't going to pay for themselves, you know.

people make video games without any profit motives all the time.

A copy of a game is a licence for you to own your copy of the game. If someone wants to share that licence with other people then I don't see how that violates anything except a bunch of rules made by lawyers.

only thing wrong with it is the lost sale fallacy

My point stands

No game should cost over $38.37. They currently retail for 60 and some are pushing 80 and EA is pushing 130

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>magic bike cloning technology exists
>retard bike-shop owner is trying to sell bikes that can be made out of thin air for free

>No game should cost over $38.37
they knew what they meant, fuck face. they made a god damn video game, you haven't.

the only way that this comic would make a tiny bit of sense is if the shop owner custom made his bike and built it from scratch in a world where people can magically make copies of anything.

I can barely stay invested in games anymore.

I'm not paying for something that I'm going to drop after an hour or two.

Not just that but if he invented the concept of a bike.

Based, short and concise

>bro my friend group is literally anyone on the planet and they can share it limitlessly it's just sharing dude

No one loses anything when software is copied and distributed. People pay money on principle to compensate those whose work they enjoy. It's why you can have thousands coming in to you on patreon for doing virtually nothing. You cannot deny that reality and at the same time argue that videogame copyright infringement is somehow harmful or causes "lost sales".

This would be a good analogy for todays AAA games if the bike had no wheels and had shit smeared all over the seat

see it can be considered immoral as people spent a lot of work so that the product could come to be
you do not pay for the product itself, as it can be reproduced for free, however you pay for the work done for it

when you buy medicine, you don't pay for the materials, as usually they're very cheap. you pay for the research that went into that and other medicines. It's why medicine for very rare illnesses is so expensive, it's because it's very hard to make back the money on the research

I have made a game, it's an indie classic that doesn't go over $20

Also 30, I'm just not a moralfag like you. Wrong or right, I simply do not care.

>people making shitty games with only cash on mind are good people that deserve your money
i wonder who could be behind this post

because that's what jesus would do

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What dolt would try to sell bikes in a world where any average joe can clone them from nothing for free

Because Tim Sweeney already paid for it


>the bike is still there for him to sell
>implying video games are sold in limited quantities

All the people who took the time and made the effort have already been paid at the point at which I am pirating, it's nothing lost to them

>walk into store
>see something cool
>study it
>make it yourself
>storeowner sees that you made your own and demands you pay him
nah fuck you dude that's not reasonable at all

>make it yourself
Uh oh, bullshit alarm is going off.

I'll feel bad for the pirate when he finds out he cloned a bike possessed by jimminy crickets ghost.

>i just photocopy my books
>problem authors? :^)

Hooollly shit, imagine performing mental gymnastics to justify your piracy instead of just admitting you're an asshole?

I'm not going to pretend I didn't just pirate Tetris Effect, but let's be honest with ourselves. It's not about principle, it's not about sending message, we're cheap.

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they used to be zoomer

>want play transformers devastation
>no way to get a new copy

>want play transformers devastation
user I'm sure there were better games to make this scenario with

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Post the sharingan version

Anyone else think ESL Anons are super cute?

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>you're an asshole
Why are you trying to make a character judgement? I'm not a dickhead, but I consider my interests to be above those of a massive corporation who will not be affected anyway.

i prefer real life because i think heavy accents with poor english is cute

I don't even buy digital copies you dumb faggot. Way to contribute to the conversation

Me too, something about it is so endearing. Both online and in person it just makes my heart melt.

>one of the best action games in years is not a good example
>best transformers game our there is not a good example

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I don't care

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theme parks take those photos of you when you're on the ride to try and sell them to you
person recording the video is just trying to get them for free to avoid the scam
employee is trying to block and the phone, then goes to shut off the photos

Stay mad moralnig

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Name ONE (1) game who actually flopped and caused its developers to go bankrupt because of piracy.


an interesting case is sins of a solar empire were like "piracy don't affect sales fags!" then a few months later go "actually please don't pirate our game"

He said bankrupcy, not faggotry.

Reminder that piratefags are still absolutely SEETHING that they cant get their greasy hands on this gem of a game

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>Google "games with more copies pirated than sold"
>Know I'll get the "proov they was gonna buy it"
I mean, I'd assume we're all adults here and can use our superbrains to figure that if someone was pirating it they were interested in the game


Dame yo

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imagine giving a fuck enough about your minwage job to make your self look like a fool for it.

>we're cheap

Exactly. I'm not going to waste money on something that I'm most likely going to hate or get bored with after an hour.

This especially applies to movies.

some people just really hate getting hassled by their superior instead of the alternate rout of getting hassled and going "okay ill try better next time :^)"

Can you name 5(FIVE) games that have actually suffered due to piracy? Including actual sales, actual copies pirated, and actual lost sales? People have been arguing about piracy for years now and it's still going on and literally nothing's changed. It has no real impact

How do you even get the pirated metric?

Do you pay your dick before you fap?

I'm going to assume it's the amount of time the game is torrented on torrent sites?
Obviously it's more than just that, but trying to determine who can self crack wouldn't be feasible and honestly if all the pirates could self crack no one would even say a word about it, but most can't and pretend they're "Simply copying the game" when they can't even crack the shit themselves and rely on someone else to do it like a cuck

holy shit imagine giving that much of a shit at your job

if i had to it'd probably be in better condition

I wonder how many of these self righteous redditors would support these arguments if you changed the good in question. For example if we introduced universal healthcare but in doing so the government would negotiate a lower price with drug makers and the researchers, their companies, and their shareholders would collectively make less money would you be up in arms about it? Would you be insisting that we have a duty as consumers to pay more?the free market should dictate price, piracy is just another avenue to create pressure to lower prices this is good for consumers full stop. Corporations are already in such a more powerful position than the consumer with respect to leverage via their growing size and monopolistic control over the market that if you were to eliminate piracy you have no idea the kind of price gouging we’d be experiencing.
Remember when CDs used to cost 20 bucks? They’d probably cost like 40-45 bucks right now if piracy didn’t exist and they increased in cost in line with other consumer goods.

nah this one doesn't make any sense, most dipshits who buy games can barely work their computer let alone pirate shit.

Why is a library okay, but piracy not?
Why is a used game store okay, but piracy not?
Why is showing a movie that you purchased to your friends okay, but piracy not?

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...until someone tells them how to do it because they feel like being an industry crusader, just like in the comic, even discussing it alone educates retarded kids on how to do it

>imagine not bullshitting the story and caring what the manager at minimum wage jobs think

Did you actually read that report?
Reads just like anything the EU does, like some retarded boomer with no idea what he's talking about wrote it
"We found free to play games are most affected by piracy"
"If there is a paywall people will buy it"
The dumbest shit I've ever read

The problem is that a video game is a structure of electrons, a physical formation of electrons and even if it is easy to replicate that doesn't mean it isn't stealing it if I own that alignement.
When I align the silicon atoms in a disk to run in a certain patter, I OWN that pattern in the entire universe. You are not allowed to manipulate the atoms into that pattern in any way unless I allow you to, in the same way any intellectual property works. Just because you didn't take that one specific materialized version doesn't mean you have the right to take my pattern. Patterns and material objects both exist and if I own a pattern, you do not have the right to use the pattern in any way without my permission.

Government gave shekels to the library to buy books

>Patterns and material objects both exist and if I own a pattern, you do not have the right to use the pattern in any way without my permission.
People like you are why lawyers are universally hated.

So governments determine morality?

Uhhh, yeah
You'll realize this as you get older.

Wew lad.
Might I recommend living in North Korea, then?

govt subsiding libraries and the free access to information isn't morally sound to you?

I don't think he was implying that it's a good thing.

He was just stating that it's true.

ITT: Corporate apologists and sheeps

No, and neither is piracy.
But saying that something is moral because it is legal is moronic.

If it isn't good, then it isn't moral.

And by no I meant "no it isn't immoral", which is to say yes it's fine.

I wish I was still this idealistic, while I agree governments don't decide human morals and shit you'll come to notice a lot of rules and rights and wrongs are hingent on if the government can get their cut from it

>If it isn't good, then it isn't moral

Right. Governments often aren't very moral.

then explain that to people who defend the border concentration camps

Non citizens don't get constitutional rights.

>border concentration camps

Shut the fuck up, kike.

How am I being idealistic, you retard? I asked you if you thought governments determine morality. You said "yes", which is idiotic.

Have you read the reply chain? The question is whether or not governments determine morality. Dipshit over here said they do.

>I asked you if you thought governments determine morality. You said "yes", which is idiotic.
Realistic is the word you're looking for.
Idealistic is what you are

What does that have to do with piracy?

>pirate thread
>all just muh sales bait
>no laughing pirates.gif
>no pirates life.webm
>no pirates of the Caribbean screencaps
>no theme music
>no Yea Forums the musical
>no yar har fiddle dee dee
>no penis ninja
>no links, no trackers, no megas

bunch o land lovers ya al are

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You have no idea what the word "moral" means, do you?

apprently the constitution says rights are alienable?

morals and how laws determine them

>Actually trying to make the argument that everyone is protected by the constitution

What do you think that word means?

>Dipshit over here said they do

He's not wrong, though. Those in power determine morality.

That's why we're witnessing (((a society))) where sex changes for 5 year olds is socially acceptable.

What do you think public morals are based off of retard

Zadvydas v. Davis

You just want to talk about American polilitics, kill yourself.

So no, you have no idea what the word "moral" implies.

Don't worry, I don't pirate chinese bugman games, don't even play them.

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>Case that determines the U.S. can't waste money housing illegals for more than 6 months proves they have rights to plunder the country at their whim
Weird flex but okay

The question that was first asked was why are libraries ok and piracy isn't, trying to find a double standard. I'm saying that the difference is is that there is no monetary profit motive for the govt like there would be for game devs. Nothing is mentioned about the govt's morals in all this.

>Kid who literally can't accept the fact that the government herds people's thoughts on pretty much everything starts sperging out.
Literally just live for like 10 more years dude

constitution was built around landowners and slave owners

>PSO:BB servers
Yea I'm good.

>content generation sees repetitive mass-produced trash valued over less popular works of love
And that's why I pirate

I know what is moral and what is wrong.

Unfortunately, the government doesn't. They don't give a fuck, and they have the ultimate say.

>not wanting to do anything and still recieve free things
Why the fuck would you not want this?

Why do game companies think they being entitled to other peoples' money by default is okay?

Personally not being able to earn your keep makes me feel like a piece of trash living on someone else's back.
I am strong, people live off of my back and by extension that makes me better than them

proves illegals are covered by certain constitutional rights most notable due process

Alright, enjoy your 9-5 before you have to train your indian replacement
I'll be doing shit I enjoy and living off your taxes

Or the government simply wants an expedited process so they don't have to house and feed illegals because indefinite detainment isn't feasible???

>I am strong, people live off of my back and by extension that makes me better than them
>I needlessly torture myself with work I do alone and that makes me better than them

I don't work a job I can be easily replaced at.
I'm on top of the productivity leaderboard and the bottom 50% would be worried about getting canned way before the thought even begins to cross my mind

>that are only made because the developer wants to make them.
Bullshit, every indie developer dreams of making a hit and making enough money for game dev to be their full time job, unless they're releasing freeware

The role of the man is sacrifice.
Notice how in the nuclear family the man has the ballbusting job and the woman has a part time job and cooks and cleans, which takes maybe an hour and a half of free time a day, even less on some?
If you are a man and you're living a decadent lifestyle more often than not you're just some bum no one would care for if they dropped dead.
Your mom isn't going to buy you a coffin, she's gonna have you cremated.
Tick tock

>""the government""
holy fuck did you skip civics?

Nice non argument, Javier.

thank you based piracy

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>all this pain and suffering and sacrifice will mean something, someday.

Self improvement and reliance cuck, when the day of rope occurs you will not be able to stop me from breaking down your door and strangling you into unconsciousness and waking you only for a noose to be wrapped around your neck

>I don't care about the company so it's not immoral
You're a dickhead because you pretend you're morally justified to pirate. Quit pretending there's any meaning to piracy beyond being cheap. That's all was saying.

>muh day of the rope
your no different from niggers chimping out. Stay in your slave mindset

I'm not making a moral argument either way; I just pirate so long as it suits me and doesn't make me feel guilty. But if you really think that not paying for a game from a company worth tens of billions of dollars makes me a bad person then you're just a consumerist retard.

>Calls others slaves
>Needs money from daddy
We all know you can't live without me, but I, can live without you.

I'm not the one sacrificing myself for some authority, bootlicker

>For some authority
Does being a NEET impair reading skills as well?

K. I'll play video games on your dime. Works for me

I'll take "thing that will never happen" for $200

Did you just suggest to someone to voluntarily continue living in this shithole of a dystopia for ten fucking more years?

>unironically hating kids

kids are great and fill places with life and joy that you can't even explain. The real problem is that a lot of women are shit, don't know shit, can't do shit, and have shit morals. Even then you can overcome that if you have a decent family and don't live in a shit state

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>I'm on top of the productivity leaderboard
damn son you worked so hard for some boss or higher authority you forgot what you posted.

Because people love the bike metaphor, lemme add to it:
>buy bike
>go to use bike, suddenly the bike must update
>suddenly I'm told I can't have more than two gears unless I pay extra, despite having them on the bike
>go to raise the seat a little, am told that I have to pay to do that
>start pedaling, suddenly the breaks are put on to slow me down
>am told that I have to pay for bikeTM premium to go that fast
>suddenly the bike stops working, saying I must pay to use the bike longer
>walk my bike home as I see red-painted pirate bikes speeding by

I'm not saying that makes you a bad person, I'm saying it's not a moral gray area. People can do dick things without becoming complete dicks.
I'm not going to bother asking exactly what you typically pirate because you'd have no way of proving it one way or another, but it's rarely the giant corporations anti-piratefags care about, it's everyone below them. There's no official cutoff point where it becomes acceptable to pirate, it just makes less of a difference as you go up.

>doesn't support tranny devs
>only game he ever bought was from a tranny dev



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>imagine not just shooting up your workplace

>you're not entitled to owning the game you bought
>but we're entitled to the sale of it
The absolute fucking state of buycucks. Weep me a fucking river you fucking pussies. Oh the poor, poor corporations, and their poor, poor army of lawyers, and corporate lobbies working day and night to find and create every possible legal loop hool to fuck the customer as hard as possible.

Based pirate wins again

More bike edits please.

Which one of these came first?

Attached: 1523823720222.png (551x1735, 125K)

idk how the fuck to pirate but i want to, what websites do i go on to make sure i dont get viruses?
im sorry in advance fags

Attached: stupid baby.jpg (600x522, 24K)

You guys are idiots, it takes time and money to develop the bike; money lost by the product owner when you just copy and run away with it.

More like two before they realize how much of a faggot they are and end it


If this was possible no one would have to work and no one would go hungry. We would be gods

>b-but work is meaningful and sacrifice is a virtue


Who are you quoting?

this user
Also can you stay, /jp/?

holy shit i love piracy now!

You have to stop being underage, faggot.

it must be difficult being retarded


why are you playing games made by tranny devs in the first place?

man so based he even copied the price tag

>plus tax
Why do you Americans do this? One time when I was on holiday I brought exact change to buy something and there was a cute girl on at the till and I kept telling her she had the price wrong and I think she thought I was retarded.

this. I don't need to justify anything to you, OP. Eat shit.

So you mean we could kill off bloated publishers that abuse developers and churn out shit games and only have left over the hobbyists who create art out of a genuine desire to create and share their vision with others?

Prey? More like don't pay!

Nigger he copied the original design from someone else. He didn't invent the bicycle.

He can copy his own bikes at any time.

Inflation isn't real it's an idea thought up by a Jew

>wait how much is it
>*takes out phone*

m8y you've gotta be fucking illiterate to think that moral questions boil down to "human instinct." That's like Jordan Peterson tier fucktarded. I support pirates, you are just an idiot.

When I made the comic, which was many years ago, the latest meme on Yea Forums was a stock photo of a man knocking on the door with your pizza, charging you for it plus tip.

Same reason stores price everything at X.99
Makes people spend more than they otherwise would.

>Do job
>company invents robot that can do your job for free
>perfectly fine

>make product
>someone copies your product
>whoa thats illegal!

Attached: yW8zMvT[1].jpg (340x424, 33K)

And then denuvo
>I'll shoot anyone that tries to buy my game.

thepiratebay(d0t)0rg always do magnet, always check for a skull, only download things with high seeds


Jesus was a pirate

Attached: jesus.jpg (922x656, 70K)