>switch can't handle triple a gam-
Switch can't handle triple a gam-
Other urls found in this thread:
>Outer Worlds
>AAA game
Okay cool but why
Just how fucking desperate is Obsidian for money
So it must not be, this is a massive red flag.
Pick one
Not at all seeing they got literally bought out by Microsoft
he's got blue eyes though, what brand of mutt is this
That just makes this even more confusing
The brand that won the eye genetic lottery.
This shit is going to be so terrible that I can't imagine there's anyone who actually expects Outer Worlds to be good anymore. The Epic exclusivity was a big enough red flag the devs have no faith in this piece of shit, but a Switch port? Switch is where awful devs go to try to get sales because there's so much lower shitty indie dev oversaturation on the Switch than other platforms (at the moment)
A game that looks 10 year old is fitting for the Switch
>tfw back when I was a kid, I didn't trust anyone with brown eyes where you couldn't differentiate the iris from the pupil
>mfw I still kind of feel this way
Any hope I had for Outer Worlds is gone. Unless this article is saying they'll have some shit spin-off of the game.
if the actual full game runs on switch it will be devoid of technology and depth, so what's the fucking point
>played new vegas on the PS3
It will be just like old times
>First Pillars
>Now this
Is this Microsoft whispering in their ear telling them they'll make some dosh on the Switch?
MS just missed it, take-two is publishing this
This, the game was in development before microsoft got obsidian.
I'd honestly rather New Vegas get ported because it'll at least run better then TOW will.
For some reason i thought it was some sort of self-publishing deal and Microsoft were coming in helping this happen. I must have missed the whole Take-Two thing, so, yeah, this is a bizarre port.
Doom surprise release now, Fallout tomorrow? Bethesda has been supporting the Switch consistently, I wouldn't rule it out
Why are you saying its gonna run badly?
Is there any other Obsidian game on the switch that run like shit to be able to confirm that?
>The Epic exclusivity was a big enough red flag the devs have no faith in this piece of shit
You're legit retarded and have no idea the fuck you're talking about.
>take two is the publisher for outer worlds
>games have shown to actually not sell poorly on the epic store, in fact sales have been solid despite the loud minority being upset (the same people that think them boycotting CoD or w/e means it won't sell well, even though it sells like crazy)
>outer worlds uses unreal engine 4, meaning if the publisher (take two) puts it on the epic store epic only takes a 12% cut and 5% royalty fee gets taken from epic
>if epic further incentivized take two with a payment for a timed exclusivity, that's even more appealing for take two
In the eyes of take two, this is a no brainer deal. It's that good.
But can he dance?
Literally the only game that genuinely cannot be ported to switch no matter how you optimize it is Ace Combat 7.
And the devs actually wish they could.
>somehow a company putting all their trust in a single videogame going as far as buying exclusive rights of distribution , its a red flag
user, you dont know anything
shut up
okay but why you seething?
kill yourself chink
>why make the game available for more people
maybe so that more people can play it?
Because Obsidian are the only western guys still making RPGs but don't have the budget, expertise or manpower to make it AAA. I want nothing more from Obsidian than a full blown cut scene heavy, story driven and character focused AAA RPG.
Oh great, another unfinished game
You have shits for brains and you got told. Cry more, you big baby.
>different companies release all their games on all platforms
>Obsidian announces its gonna release a single game in another platform no one knew about
It's not, Outer World was already being made as a multiplat before MS bought them
This game always looked okay. But the character models? Yikes.
AA is still a completely fine market segment, hopefully it means that maybe they actually have to try to make it good to make any money unlike AAA
Switch can. Just barely. and they look like shit.
See Wolfenstein, doom, and witcher 3
*at 368p/22 fps
>Yea Forums hates obsidian now that it’s on the nintendo
oi you monkeys are a right joke
don't forget the Yea Forumsedditors who hate them for teaming up with epic
>Implying that having a AAA budget is an indication of quality.
What if I dislike them because they make boring games?
> in fact sales have been solid
No, total sales have been god awful and way under estimates.
that's your prerogative
A normal person that thinks a dev makes boring games just ignores their releases and avoids discussing their games. If you think they just make boring games, then why are you in a thread about one of their games?
>games have shown to actually not sell poorly on the epic store, in fact sales have been solid
Has it not been confirmed that Epic's deal consiste of buying tons of copies? SNK straight up told to the world a PC digital distribution platform offered to buy hundreds of thousands of copies of Samurai Shodown in advance for timed exclusivity.
I don't care, i want an Obsidian game that isn't coming apart at the seams with animations that look like they were made by an algorithm 10 years ago and voiced by 5 dudes speaking 100 characters. I want the whole hog. Rendered intro cinematics and throughout the game, fully body animated cut scenes and dialogue, i want fucking Jennifer Hale and Steve Blum.
are you retarded?
kys chink
The amount of man babies in this thread. Who cares if it is released on switch?
Yeah SNK telling them to fuck off was a confirmation of what their exclusivity actually is. Fuckin' hilarious that Epic was told to fuck off because SNK thought it would sell more copies on other platforms than they were offering to buy in-advance
precisely noone. it will bomb even worse than deadfire
People who care about the game you cockgobbler
Fucking chinks I swear
>multiplat before the microsoft buyout
>"damage" was already done
>stunning 144p @ 20fps 25fps for pal
A=at least you can play it on the go right? You DO leave your house right?
I am optimistic about this, and now I get to consider actually buying it instead of just never buying it because I refuse to install Chinese spyware.
>was sad this game releases right before weekend at work
>it's now portable